THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. Lesson' X. First Quarter, For March 8, 1908. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of tha Lesion, John vi, 22-51. Memory Verses, 32, 33 Golden Text, John vi, 35 Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Copyright, 1907, by American Press Association. Tbe bread of life, tbe water of life, be river of life, tbe fountain of life, are all suggestive of Him who Is tbe life and whom it Is our privilege to receive, to eat, to drink, to live by and to let Him live in us. He does tbe giving and we the receiving and pass ing on. He asks us to believe, re ceive, appropriate and then yield fully that He may through us communicate Himself to others. Tbe multitudes whom He bad taught and healed and fed, not finding Him where He bad fed them the previous day, sought Him till they found Him at Capernaum. Then He said: "Ye seek Me because ye did eat and were filled; labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which ndureth unto everlasting life, which tbe Son of Man shall give unto you. For Him hath God the Father sealed" verse 27). In tbe remainder of this chapter note tbe mention of everlast ing or eternal life in verses 40, 47, 54, S8. Then as to bread from heaven, bread of God, bread of life, living bread, see verses 32, 33, 35, 41, 48, 60, SI. Comparing verses 40, 47, 51 and others. It Is plain that eating His ifiesb and drinking His blood is equiva lent to believing In Him or receiving Elm. In other words, the great and only work required of the sinner is to receive Iliin who came down from Leaven and gave Himself for us. He Is the corn of wheat which fell into the ground to die that It might bring forth much fruit (xll, 24), the bread corn bruised (Isa. xxviil. 2S1, the true unleavened bread on which alone the soul can feed, the gift of God tbe Fa ther to whosoever will receive Him. Another definition of believing or re ceiving Is "Coming unto Ilini" (verses 85, 37, 44, 45, 05) Compare Matt xl. ; 28, and contrast John v, 40. That He : country is growing greater, grander iSrta-fJfV-,tbe sl,ft f Goa e,e vers?s 7-' unci richer under the Republican 32, 33, 01. mid compare Rom. vi, 23; i i- . , . uju V,.. II Cor. is. 15. That this life Includes 1 Plicj of protection.' What he wants the resurrection of the body see verses ' 13 work: 6 e!uly work' w,lh enouSh 39, 40, 44. 54. Kut having noted all money in his envelope on pay-day these and more, how shall we grasp i to settle the necessary bills for the or appropriate it all? . j support and education of his family, What can be more simple than for i mul at the same time have something hungry man to receive and eat that k-ft to lav awav to provide against which is set before him and then In : 0(j !lge sjJkness. -Look around some w-ay express his gratitude? But, you auJ S(e wbat a Tt?ry BumlI t,el b. that does not set it forth Wretch- - f , , , P i ' i , ' ed and miserable and poor and blind ' 5' 5 Pf? , "3 and naked, the whole head sick anj bk to uo more than plod along, with the whole heart faint, only wounds '.lUk' ,,tK' and n0-Provision for tlu' and bruises and putrlfylng sores from iiuun head to foot; unclean ami clothed with , If President Roosevelt had carried filthy rags (Rev. Ill, 17; Isa. 1. 5, G; ; out the reforms that Gov. Dong Ixlv, C), these are some of Ills own ;as stands for the lot of the working vorcls which describe our condition . ; m;iu woulj h.lTe brt.n VaSt)y improv. What does He effer to such? All that (j J 1 a king can offer, and that King th : ' Creator of nil thlugs In heaven and oi. earth. He came down from heaven ; and became one of us, sin excepted; He became a poor man, earning a llv- j Ing by working at a trade; lie taught i us how to live so as to please God ; always and in all things. But we are i sinners, and God is holy, so lie, bav- : lng no sin of His own. became a sacrl- : fice for our sins, bearing them In His j own body, suffering In our stead, dy- j lag the Just for the unjust He rose , from the dead and Is alive forever 1 more, bavins nil power iu heaven and ! earth, and He will fill this earth whh , Eds glory and cast out every evil thlug and reiga forever. How can a sinner ! such as has been described ever be I anything to such as He Is? He cams I Mf$lt jrr,;,iarit. that enuld be .piirklv to save such and to share with them cured by Foley's' Kidney Remedy. Coin all His glory. When any one sees his jmenee taking it at the iirst sign of fdanger. guilt and helplessness and from the . Ashelioro l'rug Co. i rrhn in th, nia i, to Jesus as the dying Israelite did up-; on the brazen serpent, then the Father of whom Jesus told in Luke sv runs to meet him and welcomes him just as He Is In all bis filthy rags, and quick ly there Is tbe goodly raiment, tbe fat ted calf and all tbe welcome of the Father's heart and home, with not a word of upbraiding. That to one pic ture. Others tell us of feasts prepared, all things ready, even garments to wear, and pressing invitations to all to come and eat and drink abundantly. Forgiveness of Bins, life eternal, names written In heaven, frail and mortal fcodles made Immortal, all the glory which tbe Father has given to Christ bestowed freely upon us, and yet the toor blinded sinner will not believe it to be true, but stands off saying: "How can I get it? What must I do?" Is It not fearfully manifest that tbe god of this world hatb blinded the- minds of tiiem which believe notj lest tbe light of tbe glorlou3 gospel 4' Christ, who Is the Image of God, shosltHihme onto them? (II Cor. iv. 4.) Borne ask, "Weil, if 1 come, bow can I ever holfl Tbiul of-asktag, Will He wjjx iproS Bie' fenlvattait (or me at the com of fljs? owu, Jiftf ctlhliavV to love me fcftH ciaeJurmett !r ileal the answer In Romtil,. "He who jpnred not H!b Jw,o Son. but delivered Him tip for all, bojiv shall Hd ,ot, with Him a,!so,J .freely; give things V ' '" -s ' " It. i-' If we hai;e -truly ieeeWed Him,. let oa vermor bf ' ttianifui to1 Blm ,for life eternal ' resurrection body, a Utingdom and plory air tbe HcTiei of tUa grace aid floryj and n HwMll tiere in hnmillarJon; Hved hr the Father so Ifet'-u lS bCitafllrilLirf ni 1op nfitrrifrw rr---- The Courier an4 Progressive farmer You cannot do without Tbe Cou rier and you ought to have the Pro gressive Farmer, yon can get both for the price of one. We will send any person not now taking the Courier or Progressive Farmer both papers for one year for $1.00 paid in advance. If you are now a sub scriber for JThe Courier and will pay up and pay one full yer in ad vance and send us three new sub scribers for both The Courier and Progressive Farmer for one year and three dollars we will send you the Progressive Farmer for one year free. New subscribers in sending remittance, fill out and clip the following and oblige: To The Courier. Asheboro, N,C. I am not a subscriber to The Cou-ier and the Progressive Farmer. I inclose $1.00 for which please send both The Courier and Pro gressive Farmer for one year to Name P. O. State. It coaxes back that well feeling, healthy look, puts the sap of life in your system, protects you from disease. Hollister's incky Mountain Tea has no equal as a spring tonic for the whole family. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Douglas And KeosevelU While President Roosevelt is try. ing to And out about the matter of wages and workingmeu it might be well for him to take count el of that wise and patriotic Democrat Hon. William L. Douglas, who just before he was elejted governor of of Massachusetts in 1904 said: "I believe the day is at hand when the workingman can no long er be deluded by the crilof (protection. Of what possible interest that the TliDiisaniN IVrish. Tho.i aiuls perish every year fross pon u resulting from a tolil. Foley's iiul Tar cures the most olwtinute .Highs ami eipels the eohl from IUUtl Huuev h. vu'ir svMeui and presents consumption and I'li'Miui'inia. It has cureil iiiidt cases of iacipient consumption.. AshaWiro Drug Co. The latest news drink is called, 'the his stiek'', and it is said not to be a soft drink either. A I. He At stake. Vuur life may he at suku when yon noiiee iiiiy sign of kiiinev or bladder trouble as K..;..i.. . . .i:....... '., l ..i..,.o . A republican Congress without 8canuai couiu naraiy oe exprcieu and this time the lobbyists for the Holland Submarine boats are to b: invejtigated. Turn the rascals out, Foley's Orino Laxative is sold under a positive guarantee to cure constipation nick heaJ.whe, stomach trauhle. Or any form of ludiuestion. If it fails, the manu facturers refund your money. What more can aDy one do. Ashelioro Brag Co LEGAL NOTICES. LAND SALE. By virtue of anorderof the Superior Court of KanuoJpn county in tne special proceeding en titled ' ranees Stewart vs. Ezeklel Stewart, et ai. I will on the anil day of March, IUOn, et U o'clock, n, at tne eourtnouse noor in Asheboro, N. C. sell to the hlgheat bidder for cash at public auction the following described real estate: Ad joining the laudsof fi. M. Allred and others and hounded as follows: Beginning al a white oak, cor.icr of lot No. 8, thence east on the line of lot No. 2, .30 chains to a pine, corner of lot No. , thenee north on the line of lot No, 1 to a KpanUh oak. corner of lot No. 1. thence west 11 chains on the original line Ui the original corner nine. theme north on the original line 15 chains to a small post oak, the original corner, thence went on inid line 15 chaius to a dogwood, corner of lot !9t. 8. thence south to the beginning, containing IDri acres more or less, being lot No. 4 of the dl vMonot the land of the Stewart heirs, excepting xs acres nereioiore aoiu w nenry rvuuaras, (now owned by Wni. Newsome) and tl acres raid to J. M. Lutbef, all subject to the dower of Frances p-ewanio sain lanas. J, A. epcaoe, com This Feb.JS.llW. , . v. " DIisSOLUTlON NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing between C. O. KcAibJer and Wm. C. Hammer, doing busi ness as the Asheboro Courier, has been this day mutually dfswilvod, the ald C. C. McAllster having snM nut-Ms Interest In said partnemhlp to the said Wm. C. Hammer, who becomes the sole proprietor and soecossnr to the partnership heretofnexisttn(? 1 All oltllgattonsof said part, pershipate aNiim-dytkesald Wm. C. Hammer in1 alf debts dne trtd rjannetabla are to be naid a tim, shfeaaJiM!. C.-WMrt JIng no longer pirrtliei win, iop,npe-T rrrpnnm mo ttu muf VI TlilR reb. 41. lt, Slguol Wituai M. HooTer. MORTGAGE SALE. cinda Bailey on iheiiuUiday of March, 181U, by Williamson Cranford and Caroline Cranford, his wife, wnieh mortgagi deed wan duly transferred and assigned for value received by the said Lu einda Bailey on December 80. 1U01, to M. C. Cranfonl, the said mortgage deed being recorded in tne Register's omce oi iiviaoipn uoumy iu Book 101, page 146. etc., we shall sell at publis auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Randolnh Countv.on Mon day March 9, A. D. 1UUS, tha following dweribed real estate: Lying aud being In the County of Randolph and known aud designated as follaws: Begin ning at a rock comer at the road, running thence North to a pine corner on Haunders' line; thence West along Saunders' line to m white oak In A. C. Orifhu's line; thence South with Grif fin's line to a stake at Hopkins' fence south of the road thence East with the public road lo the LUCINDA BAILEY Michael, Mortgagee, M. C. CKANKORD, Assignee oi Mortgagee. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having ntiulitled as executors according to law of the last will and testament of 8. W. Wall, de ceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate iyraent. All persons holding claims against saiu estate are notified to tile them with the undersigned. duly verified, on or befoie the 10th uay of Fab. 1KUH, or tins notice win ue pieaeco. in oaroi tueir recovery. This Feb. ant. 190S. 8. F. and J. T. WALL, Executors. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator with the will annexed of 8arah Bailey, deceased, this Is to notify all persons Indebted to said estate All persons bald ing claims against sam estate are nereoy notinen to present them to the undersigned, duly verifi ed, on or before the lAth day of February. WO. or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of tbelr recovery. This Feb. tl, 10M E. P. HAYES, Aiiur. C. T. A. NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR COC RT. RANDOLPH CO. Letha K. Smith, ) vs. ) KOTICK. Calvin Smith, L. Ella Smith aud Henry Rains. ) The defendant. L. Ella Smith, will take notice that an action entitled as above has baen aota meueed lu the Superior Court ol Randolph County, North Carolina, for the recovery aud for the possession of a certain tract of land situ ated in saiu county and state. In which tract the suld dcfcu4uut claims an interest, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of tho Su erir ( ourt of said county to tie held on the -ccoiid Monday after the first Monday lu March, IUUH. at the court house of said eountv In Ashe- Isiro, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint In suid n-tion, or the plsiutiir will apply to the court for the relief duuiauaed iu said county. This the Htli day of Jan.. r.WH. w.o. HAMMOND. Clerk Siiierior Court. NORTH CAROLINA. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. RANDOLPH CO. Henry L. Huusickcr. ) vs. ) NOTICE. Daniel Dillon, Rotiert ;mi- Ion et al. ) The defendants. Dsuiel Dillon. Rolicrt Dillon. Kdward Dtliiin, Frances Dillon aud other un known heirs-nt law of Miirv Dillon, deceased. Annie Medd and Henry .Me 1d will take notice that an action entitled as ali'tve has lieen com menced in the sUierior Court of Randolph Co. N. C, to foreclise a niortcai.'e deed on u certain trnet of land situated in Asheboro and Cedar (irovu Towuhi. in said county, in which said tract of hind the aid defendants have itn Inter, est; and the suid defendants will further take notice that they are required to ni)'ur at the next tern: of the Sujierior Court of said county, to be held on ther, Monday iu March. l'.iuS. nt the court houe of said county in Ashelioro. N. C.aud answer or lemur to the complaint in said action, or the i-luititiil will apply to the court fur thexeiicl deiniiii.ted in :iid complaint. This the Nth duv of Jan.. t!Hv W. C. HAMMOND. ; Clerk .msM ior Court. NuTICK! MILTON I. BA1RD vs. Kliznlieth fori and linsliaud, A. Ki.rd, Msrv A. Julian and husliaud, Julian, M.irtiliu Lackny and husl.aiid, Laekuy, the uu- kunwu heir-at-law of Wm. Dillee. deceased, auy.iiuknon u heirs at law of ,l,,hu liillee, dec1, and the unknown heirs-at-law- oi George Saute d.'rs, ileceascd. The defendants above named will tuke notice that an action entitled as alsive has U-cu com menced in the superior Couilof Randolph Coun t. to s-rfect the title to a certain pureel of land situate in Asheboro Township in snid county, and to deluir the said defendants from any in lerest therein and the suid defendants will fur ther take notice that Iney ate required to appear at the next term of the SuhtIit Court of said county in be held on the third .Monday in March r.ius, at the court house of said county, iu Ashe Isiro. N.C., unit answer or demur In the com plaint in supl action or the plaintiff will nppiv to lie' court for the relief demanded In suid cori pleillt. W. J. HAMMl.ND, Clerk suis'ior Court. Ihis the 1st day of Feb.. lwis. LAND SALE. By virtue of nil order of the Suie'.n- ''ourt of Randolph County in the scclnl proceediag en titled K. P. lhu, s. ailinr , etal, vs Rohy Bnllcy, st al. I will, on the .Htli dav ol March. J'.nw, tit I-.J o'clock M.nt the courthouse disirof Randolph county, in Ashelsini. N. C., sell to the higln-t bidder f ..r ca-h m public auction, Hie following described real claie tn-n it: 1st Tract. Adjoining the lands ot John H. Connor. Lizzie Connor und others. Beginning at a stone on the eift side of the public road, thence cast 'i poles to a red oak. thence south 10 1-3 iiles to n stone, thence West 4i poles ui a stone in the public mad, thence along said road to the Is'giuuiiig, containing two acres, more or less, See Hisik IU3, page 1S, Regisk'r's oltlce, Randolph county. in Tract. Adjoining the lands oi J. H. Con nor and others. Beginning at a stone near S. K. Conner's barn and running east eight chains to a stone in an old Held, thenee south six chains and S5 links to a suine In the Kayeltcvllle mail, thence north alsiut re! degrees west along suld road one chain to a stone, thenee west 8 chains to a stone in tVimmodore Connor's line, thenee north with said line 3 chains and links to a take in the Fayetteville road, thence west along said road 4 chains to a stake in said road, thence north i chains and .V) links to the liegiiiuing,con taining 4 acres more or less. Sec- Book 106, pave -Jti8, Keglner's omce. Randolph county. 3rd Tract. Adjoining the lands of the Central Falls Co., and others. Beginning at C. M. Kulcn corner In the Central Falls Co. line, thence north along the company line 8 mds and 10 links to a stone, John Bailey's corner, thence west rods to a stone, Elizabeth Connor's corner, thence south 8 rods and ! links to a stone, Elizabeth Connor's hue. thence east S3 rods along C. M. Kulen's line to the beginning, containing 1 8-4 acres more or less. J. A. SPENCE, Comr. This Feb. iH.lUOS. LAND SALE. By virtue of an orderof the Superior Court of Randolph county In the special proceeding en titled H. U. Kennedy, admr., C. T A., vs Ge-rtre Fnizler, etal, I will on the 8'trt dny of March, 1110H, ai the courthouse door of Randolph county. In Ashelmro, N. C at Vi o'clock. M. sell to tke hlghestJiidder for cash at public suction, the fol lowing Bescrlbed rettlotnic: Adjoining the lands of Ed. Bobbins, V. E. Davis and others. Begin ning at alstone, the northeast corner of Addison Frazler'S land on the west side of public road, running thence west Kit) rods mid U feet to a stone, thence down Beard Branch 4i rods and 7 feet to a gum tree, thence east 1 44 rods and 1818 feet to a stone on the west side ot the public road thence up the public road M6 mds aud 10 feet to the beginning corner, containing Ml 5-8 acres more ot less, the same being a atrip nit' the north side of Adddlsnn Frailer' s land. Said land sold subject to the dower right ol Dora Frazeivwidow This Feb. SH, lfloS. J. A. SPENCE, Com. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Jehn T. Bailey, oeceased, according to law. Ibis la to notify all persons indebted to aaid estate to make iuimedate payment, Al) persona holding claims against said estate most file tiiem before the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 1 5th day of February, 1804, ot this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Tnia Feb. , 1008. S. , HAYES, Admr. STOP AT THE New Princess HOTEL WHEN AT ATLANTIC CITY " 1 I South Carolina Are., S00 feet from Beach The Princess Hotel Is newly furnish ed throUKimut with rare taste, and pos sesses all modern requisites lor conven ience aud comfort of the guests, (iolf privileges and privileges of the Atlantic City Yacht Club extended to the guests. American ant European Plan. A BOOKLET will be gladly furnished upon application. Rates. Running from S1I.M to $Jt.M per week aeinrding to location of the rooniM. For further Information address CROW ELL St COLLIER, THE PRINCESS HOTEL, Atlantic City, N.J. THE WORLDS 6REATESTSEWIN6 MACHINE LIGHT RUNNING If yon wnnt clthera Vlhrnf IngShnttle, Rotary fchuttle or a Single Thread Owls ijttih Bcvrlug Machine write to THE NEW HOME 8EWIN0 MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Maaa. Blany sewlnir machines are mnde to sell regardleM of quality, but the e Home is made la wear. Our guaranty never runs ouL Sold by authorised dealer only. FOR SALS DY Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing tho mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "A pleasant to the taarta as Maple Sugar" Children Like It F BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try DeWltk Kldnoj and Btaddsr Pi!!i-Sure and Safi HEALTH INSUMNCB mttntxnltil sjaralfcj CHICAGO, ILUN019. cAHca aoojSao. Founded isss PromM and liberal daim baumenta have n?av Conlinenlal Pelieles Mala: Policies of posilhT protection for al! rtaks at lowest prices r Ci t Au kinds ctean- jlily ing and press- Pressing rsSZi st-t wraps cleaned At in and pressed. Work called for And also delivered. A Satisfaction guar- jTY. w. ASHEBORO, N.C. BelOt Dr. S. A. HENLEY. Phyafcfan - and Surgaon, ASHEBORO OlSoa over Spoon A Redding' a tor andard Drug Cos - . aat This is what the Semi-Weekly Journal proposes to ?ive. Send in the missing word and take the prize. .With every yearly subscription from the Semi-Weekly Journal you are entitled to two trials at the missing word. A sen tence has been selected from a well known and widely read work of fiction. From this sentence a word has been drop ped, leaving a gap. This word is English and not a proper name, and can be found in any ordinary dictionery. . Here is the sentence: "They can't get anything but now sir. Everything else is gone." What is the word ? For full particulars of the contest write the SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, SPECIAL SALE -OF : C LOTHING : We have atout $2 000 worth of odds and ends in Men's and Boys' Clothing that we want to convert into cash during the next 10 days and to do so we are offering Unexcelled Values at and Below Cot. Anything on our bargain counters can be purchased for cosi, anu a great deal for less than cost. We are offering Some $10 Suits for $5. Some $8 Suits for $4. Some $6 Suits for S3. Some $5 Suits for $2.50 We mean what we say. If you do not find bargains here we will pay you for the time it takes to come and look. Morris-Scarboro-Moffltt Co. WE orvey MAI V asking Oia the i . Jlethods F arm 'That is why "THE FARM MONEY MAKER" has thousands of its subscribers in the South. That prosperous sectbi is now awake to its enormous possibilities. Every farmer, fruit grower or live stock man in the Great South should be a reader of Farm Money We are'makinir ft snprinl nffpr Cut out this advertisement and send it to us with 25 cents (just one half our regular price) and we will send you Farm Money Maker fer one year, or mail us 50 cents and you will receive it for 3 years, s Do it today. Address FARM MONEY MAKER, Cincinnati, Ohio. DTDOM. CONTRACT given, backed by $300,000.00 capital and 1 8 years' SUCCESS DRAUCHOH'S'COLLECES 28 Colleges in 1 8 State. Indorsed by business men. No vacation LEAEH BYMAILSLmr.:.11.0. uw, waiter writing', Knffiinn, unwmg. Illus trating, ate Money back 11 not satiaiied alter Raleigh. Columbia, KnoxTitU, Jacksonville or Nashville. We teach Telgraphy at Washington. D. C, and Atlanta, Qa. Advertise For One Word - Atlanta, Georgia. TEACH - tn fnrmora in fVio CrmfVtavn DlnfAn SECURED or TOoney Back ciminlet'ne coarao. For "Catalogue B." on Bom Study or 'Catalogue P." on attendtnlr College, nhona, can on, or addreaa Jno. F. Dracqhon, President Draugbon'a Practical Busineaa Coliega Maker. i da If so, yon no doubt received free, one of these bnttonafrau the S. C exhibit, riven yon by tbe N. H. Blitch Oo.. tha largest Vesptable and Plant firm combined in tha worid. , Wa will be triad to have yourorden for cabbage and rardea plasUofall kinds, raised In tha open air. Special express rales. Prices as follow,: 1, COO to 3,000 m 11.50 pr 1,000: SJM0 to 10,000 st 31.25 per 1.000; over 10 000 st J1.00 per IftOO, t. o. b. Tprw. ofllM HiMi, 8. C. WfnsrsalMoynt, auk, good all bfln'S4s sbortAf. b1 sir, prompt iMpmenU. lit m4s porehaMd from Ui. mott nllsblB mniM tnia lo rf po. Wo hmn Mrm Mrl, or Urte ,rp ikflolo. th u.ndarioe nwfoMion and flat Totes nrWUa, ot oV Uoaisats. SsDdsUicdi. N.H. BUTCH C0.,Muett,8.0. 0 and Prosper