REMINISCENCE S RAMSEUR KEWS. Fiddlers' Convention to Be Held Ac cept Asheboro's Checkers' Challenge. Robt. Ledman, of Ramseur, R F D No 2. had the misfortune Inst week to lose by fire his dwelling house and contents. Miss Corday Olive, of the faculty of Ram eeur Graded School, has been confined to her room for several days with grip. Mr and Mrs E B Leonard went to Greens boro last week. Kirby Wright, of Greensboro, visited friends in this vicinity recently. Mr and Mrs 0 T Leonard, of Greensboro, visited friends in Rauiseur and Franklin ville this week A good number of our people attended the Fiddlers' Convention at Franklinville last Staurday night anil the occasion was a very enjoyable one indeed. We were somewhat surprised to see that Asheboro challenges the checker players of thecouuty in a contest and particularly Ramseur. We are reliably informed that Asheboro has been iu the minority upon the last several occasions when their players met. We will 1 delighted to give them an opportunity to redeem their valor at any time. W M Stevenson, of Raudleman, will chant at the Fiddlers' Convention here on the 14th nf March. This is a great treat for those who may lie so fortunate as to hear him He is iu his 78th year but a total abstainatice of intoxicants and tobacco in ail its forms has given him a wundeiful constitution and a most remarkable memory Everything points to this convention as being one of the big gest occasions iu the history of Ramseur. ' Let everybody turn out and keep a worthy cause, the Woman's betterment Associa tion. Ilomliay Items. Misses Xunuie and Carrie Stowe sient ; last Satuid .y night with MUm-s Iora and Ella Ilarnson. Talton Cox, of Virginia , is visiting rela tives in this community. Master Edgar Morris had the misfortune j to fail and hurt his leg very badly last Satur day evening. X I. 'raiiford and wife, of Winston Salem, accompanied by Mr and Mrs I! C Click, sxnt last week with Mt Crauford's parents Mr and Mrs M B Cranford. Jones Snyder and family, of 1 teuton, visit ed nt the home of T W Ingrain Saturday and Sunday. Hymn Ingram made a business trip near Cox last week. Th.- young people of this lace t r.jr.yi d an apron party, given at the home of Mr and llrs .lame M..rm last Saturday night, in honor of Misses Ella and Tula Morris, who have been visaing here for the past few weeks. I die dollar iu g'dd van awarded to the young mm who did the best sewing. The prize va- won by Chisholm Hisher. Grady Wooley pn sontnl the gold dollar. .VI report a line time. !outli l-'raiiklint Hie New. Mrs li II lilaek is much improved. C E ib'iis.Hi and fniiuiy visited at Iter James W.bsN r's Saturday and Sunday. Mr and Mrs V II Wrenn vi-i'c I Mr and Mis. A B Mill.' Sunday. Miss M.iitio Black spent Satun'sy night arJ Smiilay in the ci'y. G 1' Wurgess s,:, I Mi-s Myrtle sp-.,t Sun day aflern..ti iili Mis A G Murd.n-k (i II l'.ilters ,i , v!i.i has roe ntly been in the easier ; put cf t!.e stale, ieport some fine 1' X chases whiN' there. Master K.iriy MolUf. and bro'l.ev,'er Krnest. of Kamy, went Saturday and Sun day with M 11 Wrei.u. E'eiel-er V.-i . t'epel-ie. was hi the coniuiunity la-t Mr Cars.,,, Yen . of Purl, am, has m -ved to his fa'lx i-M'nin r. eenily. V 11 V. p- n has ,,,,,, y np ii, .1 his louse. l-'air ;i'on- Items. The Si in I;i v Sell, ol is progressing nic-ly Mr and M s V J M Mavis yisin-.l a Allen's Sunday. c i: Miss (';;,,,., v.-u vi. i'ed nt M j i Craven's Sun lav. A "inroe (.. i i,t'einle,l til at Ilicliory 1 If ve l.i-k I'ritlay. Then- 'ill 1,R a s-ei:ine a Friday i,Ur!,t. Mis4 I 1, lie So vin viite.l pe'.iing- unit-'! Fair Gr-.iv, M Ann r.nrke Su.ulay. Am,-,,,;; those vvlio visited Miss Xor'a P.ivis Snn lay were Miss Maud Cox, Lutlier Cox. ami linral Allen. Miss Dessi" Craven visited Miss Ilatlie Dixon in Ramsnnr Sunday. st Tail drove will close March 28th. Steed Notes. C L S eed and family visit, d friends at Candoi last Saturday and Sunday. Mr and Mrs Daniel Dunlftp visited their daughter, Mrs till Williamson, Saturday. The school will close atMt Zion next Fii da). Mr Riley Cooper has returned to Carthage where he is employed in a saw mill. Mr S Allen, of Kemp's Mills, visited R It Aumanthis week. Mr and Mrs U D Bean were in town on business Tuesday. Mr J J Hall is on the sick list. Gray's Chapel Items. We appreciate the sunshine and warmer weather after having had so much rain and cold. Geo W Tuh went to Oreenaboro last week with a load of chickens and epgs. George Kichardsoa has recently purchas ed a new organ The old Cool Spring M E Church is being repaired. Miss Lin Nixon closed her school last Saturday with a playday and ciasa spelling. By REV. V. H. WOOD, Article Written for The Courier. Mt. Shepherd Methodist Church. In starting on our excursion down through the valley of Caraway de scribed in my first number, let me ask 'my readers, to rendezvous with me t Mt. bnepherd Uhmch, that we may take in the situation round about there, and formulate such pre liminaries as may be thought neces sary to a successful prosecution of our journey, iiere, on tne crest or a brown, gravelly hill stands the old church. When the church was or ganized, or the house built, 1 have at hand no data by which to determ ine; but certainly more than seventy years ago. ine nouse was ouiit ol large pine logs hewn on two sides, the bark being taken off the other two sides. Many of the logs being crooked resulted in leaving a great KKV. F. II. m hi v cracks in the walls. 1 he vc-.'f'H Jy. , ..5,s A , , jr t, r I ; j building sat east und west, with one ing t!:er , be appointed an a cotii door in the south side. The pulpit j mil tee to canvass the congregation was in the wesc end, with a eimill i for funds for that purpose Misses window in its rear the only window ' Jane Keentns and Laura Wood. On in the house. The seats were made j Sunday nf the protracted meeting ,,f slabs without any buck to thm. they m:tde their report to the preach There was no stove in th house or j er, and turned over to him the a'iy other provision fo.1 the comfort ' m ney they had raise I, tied up in a of the worshipers. The sue cf the I little white a-tiouuring, all told, building, I should any, was about ! to thirty ceti.i. The preacher held tweuty by thiity feet. The present j up that little rag, with contents, be clnuvh sccupits, I think, t!i" identi fore that large audience, and of all cal spot of the original. This I tli ridicule and biting sarcasm that church ii insenarablv as.sooia'ed with my earliest religious experiences and sentinieuts. litre it "was my tather and mother lirst cttrticd me up to the house .f Hod, a".d tliHie olemnly had ii;e cottgecrated to 1 i i J service by Holy ISnptism. j sh"iirs or Mrs. feumuel L'ojtraue. And, while I had no ratio .'tl con- Sue had "power with God, and pre pti n of the m.'if.'iiig of that ser-, vailed." vi,-e at the time, vet whl'e I staad i here tit the end of tiem iv ihr ters of a cintury, I wintiot recall any one act in t he life of father and nut. :er, w hich lias s!;ed such a hal lowed iilluence ov, r 11 , whole life .1 t li:s one, i!, side other it. linen': il ft'tii'iiv-s, Star Item S, vpral of cur )v diets' I onvi nii 11 u report a nice li M ss He, tin alier teat-hie;; a s-n-i Mrs R M llrnton, pie 1 led the I'i!-i-'ii,!;,y r.i'lit, Ua,U vi:l. I Is. Ill ilei Mrs .1 !. S-.aart. Mis (' i: Stnait, , f W !iy N.,t. is - 'h -.,V:.)t ,1 fev ,i.os in Star this o, i v,-,'irg rela tives. J li Ingram, of Sanford, was in the of ( lie week. L Williamson, who was repor'ed a lew weeks ago 11s haviig frver.diid S ,ndny 111 irninij. The interment took place at K i-e Momlay ufiernoon. Kaiiuy ItcBi. Misses- Estelle ad Bert.a 3 i; s;i t,t last Saturday nifiht with Blanche and Kvelyn Mjfliit. Miss Roxie Owen visited her bister Mrs riiillips a few days recently. The social at V D MolEtt's last Sstunlay evening was very much enjoy d by all pres ent. Charlie Glover and .Miss Candace Baldwii visited in Montgomery last week. The school at Trogdon will close Friday March 13tb, with a social at night. Messrs Early and Ernest Moffitt attended the Fiddlers' Convention at Franklinville Feb 29th. Ether Notes. O M Ileary, of Asheboro, has peen spend ing a few days with relative here. Shetiff McKensie, of Troy, Miss Delah Heary and Miss Dentzia Yow were gueata ol Mr and Mrs W L Auroan last Monday. Hi9 Dmizi Yw, f Eiher, gave a sing iog party last Saturday night in honor of O M Ilenry, of Asheboro. New line of dress goo'ds and notions The new spring fads being opened at the Asheboro Dep. rtmen Store. FROM CARAWAY. It. 1)., Trinity. N'. C. No. 9. the membership of this church was made up largely of the Rushes, the Coltranes, the Pierces, fie Briles, the Uregsons, the Harrises, the Keeranses and the Woods. Julius Gregson and William Wood were the class leaders; and well do I re call this day, many of the sonrs and rejoicings of those services." The preachers of those days who left the most vivid impressions on my mind and heart were Alsey Tucker, Frank lin Harris, John W. Fennison, J. T. StClair, (who baptised nie) and J. D. Luusden, all of whom have long aine passed to their reward. Here I attended my first Sunday School. Two Incidents. First: Rev. J. D. Lunsden was the first preacher who agitated the subject of Foreign Missions in this section. A munth or two before he WOOD, I). I). was sroiiisr to hold a protracted meet 1 have ever heard anv conrejratio ge , 1 have uever heard any 10 sur- p.tss it. Sijcoud: One of the vivid and ituting impressions ot those times, were the prayers find triumphant And what might seem a singular i coincidence, wi, that when I took loh!o,of Utndolph circuit iu th : winter of ISSti, the lirst duty which j I was r,.tl!-d to do, was to bury that 1 g)d woit-ati at, Kbenezer church, j wheie, her (I awaits the resurrec- ' tioil l:f I he jllnt. laruirr Items. T 1.,'issiier, ,,f Farmer Instiiute, l.AS p, liuse I a r,vf Koliler and Cainnliell- j 1'iano. It will be used ill the Institute dur 11, .1 I:, .1119 1 iat! ,), Sj.rin term. near Troy, j w ,,.,v(, ,,riBi,;,lt; 1,0 u,it,r tll(, is speml J ,.m,.,u i;,,f st Lassiter. Lucy ii-tt-Cli'Tor! visit-i il ! id H le Morris. I imiiiT, who i-i in .chool here, I folks last Sundav. I 'ain-r ui ,v ' o, our new merchants, ara j hers no with a now line of goods and re I po -t rushing lusiiiss. I'ncie Vv'iluy Lollin is cn bis mail route Uijjoi this week. Mr H u ll e, representing the Barbee Mar hln Works, js in our community this week. Mrs. II t 'ran ford is critically ill. We wish hue H speedy recovery. Dr C C Hubbard and family arrived iu our iiitle villugs last Friday evening and are now living ,a their new home. We welcome them to our community. Farmer awead nine played their first game of ball last Friday evening. The score stood 115 to 0 in favor of the second team. The boys will very likely play out the eecond gama Saturday evening, March 7th, on th Farmer diamond. Ed Macon and Miaa Helena Morris made a flying trip to Asheboro last Monday. .There will be an Old Fiddler' Convention at Farmer Saturday night, March 7th. - All who expect to enter the coatest wi 1 please meet at the Institute Saturday evening at 1 o'clock. Everybody i cordially invited. Admission 15 and 25 eta. Notice f Sale ef Public fickool Preperty On the 88th day of Match, at Hhe o'clock p. m. I will sU at public auction, or private sale, the old Oak Grove School House and site near Las iu r The sale will take place at the old Uak Omve Public ScAool House in New Rone town ship. Terms of sal cash. The site contains tnree ana oue-nan acres, a ayxxi aeed can ms'te for tbe protsirty. For reoord of titles Hook 73. pkc ax ia (he offloe ol the Regieter ol Ls-ent ot tuutooipn eonuiy. By erder ot the Board of Kducatlon of Bar dolnh county. K.'J. COLT RANK, Clerk. FRANKLINVILLE GLEANINGS. Successful Fiddlers' Convention Short Lacal Items. Rev and Mrs J E VYooaley ami daughter spent Sunday and Sunday night In town with friends and .Mr Weoaley filled the pulpit at the M E Church Sunday morning uwl at night. He gave us two very forcible and Instructive sermons. T J Free, of Asheboro, was iu our city one day lost week. Bertie Lineberry, colored, daughter of Bank Lineberry, died Wednesday ami win burled at whady Grove cemetery Thu reday . Mrs Juinoa Jordan aud daughter. Miss Fred, left last week for Cartilage to spend some time with Mrs Jo: dan's daughter, Mrs W K Free. The second quarterly conference of the H E Church of Franklinville, aud Ruaiaeur charge will be held at this place the second Sunday and Monday ot this month. The Fiddlers' Convention at the Academy Sat urday night was quite a suecox. The Auditor ium was ailed to over flowing with people from this place and community, our sister towns and several from a distant. The largest number at tiddlers and other musicians that many of our people have aver seen In one place were present and throughout the entire performance, which lasted till oearlv midnight, tliey were listened toby the large audience who seemed to be very much delighted witli the entertainment. The rceipts amounted to over one huud red dollars and after paying expenses there was a nice sum left for the Franklinvtlle Riverside Baud. Prizes were rewarded as follows; Mr Cousin, ol Trinity, won capital prize for first lead riddle; John Bray, of Central Falls, second on first lead; B Foray, Franklinville, lirst on second lead; Mike Wrltthtsell, of Kamtcur R F 1), second on second lead- D Johnson, of Liberty, won banjo prize, Mr Koulli, of Mlllboro, special .on banjo. Shorty Harrow and dipt Ben Pilkeiitnti, special on harp aud Henry Smith, of Mtlluorn, Booby. The Late J. . Pugh. Anntliei Randolph hero of the lost cau-e. none to his loin.-, long lioine. ami no soldiers to tire a faiewvll thot over tlic grave when our hero we burled. Feb. 17tli at li o'clock, in Ihe beautiful eruw yiuJ at liruv's CIiiiikI, wius luid (to mingle with Its mother canli) tiie body of Cujitalu J. W. Pui:h, auutlier of those noble aud brave men who gave four of the best jears of their life to the lost cause. 'S,uire l'uuh as he was bettei known, joincl the Confederate army as a vol 11 n teer at the Ix ginnlnK of Hie wur, and remuuieil liKhtini; to the last until wounded Just at the close of tile war. Rette.; a very ipiiet aud UI111 KuuiiK man. very little Is known of his army life, tU4 a Kieut many of Mis company have already crossed the river ami iroue U the Ureal Beyond. He was promoted to corKral and then to lirst lieutenant. He nas in caiman, I of liis company for 1'J months and iitsuit the close of the war w as promoted to that K,sitU,n. He was wounned and lay for several montlis iu the hospital at Richmond lifter the wan was over. Soon altici the clese of the w ar he joined the MethiMlist caurcli iu (fray's Chapel and was one of its must faitlitul members until his death, a period of over 42 years. in the cluireh and neighborhood of (iray's Chapel, he will l,e missed, for lie wu ever readj and willing to heli and assist by hisijood. sound advice and in other ways, those iu trouble and need. He was a kind and nooj neii;lits,r. a gissl eitizeii, a iniiri.-trate for a number of y;rs, a true aud staunch lleiuoeiat all his life. Thus mother koo1 Christian man li cone to h! I011K lioiue - a Kood inaa In cery sense of the word, aud a noble and heroic Omlodcruto t d dier. We sluill meet but w e st all mint him--Tliere will be ono mole vacant chair. A KKIF.Xn. Jackson ( reek Items. The Kide Clark Saw M,iH Co is moving their sw mill from near W II Yates to near ! C Hi. Ike's this week. They have cut a line lot of lumber. Mrs Louisa Y.ue visited her son Flunk G.ili'.iuie, of Tahen.a, le township Us; Fri day and S. til ula v. Mrs Sai:i- Lie'ry visivd Mrs Wiles Knife ami Mrs Hanson, 1,'i !ce last Friday. .Messrs Oscar Pierce Marvin I'ieree, 1J Hunt and It C Hoover utleieled Davi.lson coart Ust week. Noah VcD twell and family a-n led Dav idson e mil Mrs M"l).nveli wits an aunt of the Fields chil l which was abused at l'hoaia.viile by Mr and Mrs Shoaf The Sunday nt Ml Tabor is pro-' pressing i.icely mnler th leidershij) l Benny Nanc. Lr.iver meeting every 1st and 3rd Sunday, 1'ieaehiii every lib Sun day. Cool Spring Items. We r r, inoih lii g the church at this p!aeJ,v putting in ne rafters, new roof, and a iding ten feet to the leng'h of (he church There will be praehie; here very .'ltd Sunday by the itt'r. The rhisinc; exercisi s of the scbcul at t, ray s t. Impel Acadetny was belli lust sat" unlay. Misst-s Mamie Walker, Kess e David, Rear rice Fount and Mr Clyde Ailred win the spelling and map prizes. E O Hamilton, of Greensboro, visited ia the ei.mmonity :ast week. Ennie ltouth of Ashebor-", Ssent last Sat urday night and Sunday at John Walker's, Mrs Uauda Parker aud dang iter, f Uaw River, are spending a lew days at Messrs Fraak Jones' and Geurgo Hardin'. The New Poat Office Ruling. The Third As3isUnt rottninster General recently delivered an address before an association of newspaper men and reiterated bis intention to gtrictlj eofoice his order to discon tinue expire subscriptions and sample copies after April 1st. This beir.g true, it becomes highly impor tant for ng to collect delinquent subscriptions during the monih of March. In order to accommodate our subscribers there will be found elsewhere in this issue the most advantageous and most faverable premium propositions ever offered by a newspaper. We are making thf sJoffeis in order that we may make the most possible out of oui opportunities during the month of March. We prefer to use these premium instead of sending out col lectors, and we ask our friends to send in their remittances without delay. HOW HE HAS ME A SUCCESS L. T. CiSbper Tells Chicago Repoftet: Why He Accomplishes So MuchT No ma In recent years has been trior successful in restoring human health than h. T. Cooper. During his stay in Chicago, and while he was meeting thousands ot people dally, he gave the following reason for the re markable demand for his medicine to a reporter: Mr. Cooper said: "My New Discov ery is successful because it corrects the stomach. My theory is that few can be sick if the digestive apparatus is working properly. It naturally fol lows that few can be well with a poor digestion. "I know from experience that most of the tired, half-sick people that are so common now-a-daya have half-sick stomachs. Put the stomach in shape, and nature does the rest The result Is general good health. My medicine does this. That is why fifty thousand people here in Chicago are using it who never heard of me until a month ago." Among the fifty thousand mentioned by Mr. Cooper who used his medicine in Chicago is Mrs. Hilda Pflueger, liv ing at 1203 Alnslle Avenue. This is the statement she makes concerning tier experience with the medicine: pi have bees slcfe (or sU years with THE FIDDLERS V CONVENTION. Successfully Mvt l-'rlday Mylit Award ed Contestants. Th- Old Time Fiddltrs' Conven tion held in the Academy at Eilier, oa the night of the 28th, wastt sue ass 111 ev ry resjicct. When the cuit.tiusi were drawn stoout 8 o'clock and that toul sttrrint; piece, "Missi.--aippi Sawyer" was being play, d as, u grand 01 hett ral 11 umber, the audi ence felt lh t--, it was good to be theie. Aswesutand listened to the old time uietotiirs ouch as Leather Brteches," "Yellow Corn." una 'Diving Bells," our minds rihVted back to the days of log ago, when We first 1 arned these melodies. . Fiauk Comer was called on fur a speech of wclciun.', which he greeted the tiddler with and welcome.! the Viet crowd who weie anxiously wait il g to hear the music. I' lie contest w.ts vt ry ii'terestit g. lit st Kiddle Flank iloiff.-m, uf IVov $;".((). tecoiid best Fiddle J"hn Sim mons, of Al reds $2.50. I'.tvt H.iuj . Iw.y Juhtisoii, if Soi-$2."0. IS.'St S,fittUt O.-aily Miller, of AatiHlinri iBv.n.l. All who pi riici pared in U.e pn - grit'ii werett.-c Tiieil 1 liberal atp':i! se 11. J all tint ti'i'iusi ivis Mr. A. L. liusaev, ot fetar, wts a contestant and his liddlin was g mil. 1 he tMiliing ot A.J. riest.eH, of Asonry, wis veiv Himisinsr and the mdietii.T went wild When he i.!ae! Moilie Tut .he Kit le Un". A nice sum was realized which will go to waul painting the Acad etnv. Save a 1 7U.OO !Hrc When a Veteri nary fulled ti Cure II "While herviog as an oflie-r the sU'Hosahiii Montezuma, which curried horse, and mules to South Afr.cV' writes Mr.(G. 11. H. Won,;, .,f Si....,f.. Ill .I 1 Sure Culio Cure u id on the hor.' and iievir saw a case 1 f colic i.iuve too much for ir. e nan norsts on it,,;,:,; for over a luo.n.h. so that we had ?IH)d ODDOrlllllHV II: lt. til.- 1 .lv thoroughly. The vetet it.urv usrd S l-.utti V L'i.i 1 merit, also, for sot e tli inl.Jeis ; pramr,i;.d the hors were land - d 111 a iy tine cou.litinu. "I know of atiotirer case Ik re in Sparta, III.. wher- Moan's Sure Colic Cur sived a 1T0 mate after the veterinary Lad failed tu cure her." Eggs From Whites! White Holland Turkevs $2.00 nor - T . dozen, $15 per 100. White Flv- month Kock8 and Sihule Comb White Leghorns, 75c. per 15, and JS3.50 ner 100. OnUn f,ir TnrU.I rp V . '""V iio buuuiu oe untue eativ, as IDS ..... lAicrut mc ouj'iij. Pekiu Ducks $1 per dozen, Q. W. MOSS, Guiney, Va. HEAVY C rA!?v Groceries Wc are offerins: large 'ine of heary and fancy groceries at low prices in an effort to acquaint the people in this section with our store We cordially invite the people of this section to visit our store and when in Asheboro to make it their headquarters. J. C. HANNER, Cash Grocer. Phone 117. stomach trouble. I was always hun gry, but did not dare to eat much, as I had severe pains in my stomach, and also through my body, I could not sleep at night and was very restless. I was also very nervous, and would have severe headaches. I was consti pated, and always felt bloated after eating. "I had tried many remedies, but could secure no relief, until one day I noticed in the newspapers what won derful results Cooper's medicines were accomplishing in Chicago. I decided to try them, and Bhortly after com mencing the treatment I began to feel better. I did not have those severe pains in my stomach, and I could sleep at night; my appetite improved, and I can now eat well. I am feeling like a new woman. "I am very thankful to Mr. Cooper for what his remedies have done for me. They have restored me to good health, and I would advise any one) who suffers as I did to try them." , We sell the Cooper medicines. They) are easily the most celebrated prepa rations ever Introduced in this coun try, .growing la popularity dally. The Ashboro Drug Co. The 'Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailimr in this sountry most dangerous lieeattseso decep tive. .Mriiiysiulilen ileut'is are caused 1 iy it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart fr'.ihire or njMiplexy are often the of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toadvance 1 1 1 u 1. i i 11 e v-poi son t.l h;.sl' will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or lite kidneys themselves break down ami waste nw.'.y cell by cell. hhulder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained miiekest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. f you are feci inj badly you can inae 110 mistake by takinj; lr.' Kilmer's .Swamp-Root, the t;reat kidney, liver liinrbluider remedy.. It cor.wts inability to lio'.-.l urine and scaldini; pain in ri. sin.; it, and over comes that l'.titile:r an', tieeer sity of being compelled to ; 01., 11 llin'i'.li the day, and to get up i;ta::y times durinj; the nii;ht. The iniid I the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Knot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take aud is sold by till dni-r'sts in liny-cent and one-doilar size boitles. You may have a sample bottle of this wotnU-rfv.l new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent five bv mail. Address, l)r. Kil mer S: Co., l'ir'hamtT:, N. V. W hen v.nlim; lrientign reading '"is generous o:7er :u this paper, lion't make any mistake, hut remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swatnti-lJoot, and the address, llinjlir.imon, N. Y., oil every bottle. FRESH ' FISH rii AND OYSTERS Best quality of Fish and i 0'terS alwaVS 0:1 nana. i PhoilC Your Ol'dei's and have then, liv'cd at 0P.CO Of Call :lT .ln.J . : 1 1 1 Cl'.ITV 11 I l 1 1 1 lilli Of h:avv and I'ancv s.!n)eries. hi 11 ein ;i ; W . M. tiU UlVljK, J 4 t j ' Depot Street. ' i. ! liKIMUr 1 F T1IF. t'OSDlTIOX OF - Tho n-f. i-r-n-.. ' ' ""'""'i I At hfimseur, 111 the State Df Ixorth -,nroliiet. at. the chise of business Feb. 14, 11U.8. KISOt'ItCKS. un- ilUeouuts eriirail-s, utisceuroil SS,9U8.Q1 . Hiiukiiiu Hniihwi, (urniturc, rixnins j Il' lllllllll lotlll 1 1'iic Inim Bunk .ml Bankers J Cn-h IN-nw 3, 'Ji'ifl.OS 4. (110.4 'l,M ". wioo . Kilvi-p ...liii. Iii,-liiill,,fr an n,i,... .v.,n ciirrcncy I,09S,53 National tmnli notes an J other U. 8. notes S,61l.0 Toul siaa.w LIABILITIES. ' Cnpitul tock 12,000.00 ' L nnn kkki pnmix, lew curiviit ezpenae. 1 i)esir8 ninWH't tncneek M .BS0.15 1S.6H0.4J Cashier's Cheeks oulslaliiliim. Twtnl Ttl SI.866.M State nf North Carolina, County of Randolph, Shi outieni isoruijaroiiua,iouiiVOl Randolph, bbl I, R. I. 8rnlth. Cashier of the ahove.iiainArf hank do solemnly awuar that the nbove statement 11 true 10 ine best 01 my knowieOire and belie! R. 1. SMITH Caahier. 1 Correct Attest: ' W. H W ATKINS I. r. CRAVEN H. B. CARTER Olrertom. 1' 1 Suhvrlljet and sworn to befow me this ssKi day of Feb , HUM ' L F. CRAVEN Notary Public. Direr tors. H ii'f P. P. P. JJppman'i Great Remedy. supr-rtor to all KnrsaparilU-, U r the cut at ncroiuiain itsworM lorm: Goitre. Hip Diaeane. swelled Seek, Running Holes and Sores In th lima,- b Riireaun Tiuuniii( cure. 'ir Miw Ma, Havanran, Ov. says she .1 waa mfleriinr all the torture 01 a terrible oaaeol aemfula, and 110 relief could be ohtuiiied until f)': P. P. P., I.ippmaim Givat Remedv, was tried; II the result was a ec.mplete cure. L Sold by all Irugglsta. . 1 1 1 1 7

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