RAILROADS PROSPERING. Show a Healthy Increase In Earnings In Geergla at Well aa la North Carolina. Despite the panic, -ailroads made Money in Georgia as well aa in North Carolina' The net earnings of the fouf largest railroads in Georgia how a healthy increase during the period of depression. U. S. Judge Speer has sent on order enjoining the railroads from increasing their freight rates in Georgia. The four largest railroads ia Georgia have become richer by put tine down wa?es of their emnlores. using the financial depression of last fall and winter as an excuse. It de velops that the n?t earnings of the Southern Railwaj, the Central of Georgia Kailroau, the Ueorgia Kail road and Banking Company and the Western and Atlant'c, show substan tial increases over the net earnings for the corresponding periods of the previous year. And the net increases are shown, despite the alleged drastic anti-railroad legislation and passenger rate reductions. The additional wealth has been accumulited during the yery time the railroads themselves have been howling calamity, and telling the people that good govern, meut ami fair play were about to visit wreck and rui'i upon all their properties. The additional wealth has been ac cumulated by the railroads while they have been crying "hard times" to cut the salaries of their salaried men and to triug poverty to the door of their employes by reducing wages. i'ause Little Surprise. The people of Georgia are gratifi ed because the true facts should have an important bearing upon the pres ent move of railroads to increase the inter-state rates on b:ead stuffs, etc. The net earnings of the railroads, it is argued, furnish substantial reas ons why the proposed increases are not justified, aud it is believed they will have much to do with prevent ing the extortion. (alniu Xet l.arulus. The net earuingsof the Southern railway f?r the month of April 1908 show an increase of $339,000 over the net earnings for the correspond ing month of 1907. The net earnings of the Southern for the mouth of May, this year, as compared with the same month of the previous year, show an inscrease of $90,000. The Georgia railroad, the old re Hable Georgia railroad, whose passeng er rates were reduced to 2 1-3 cents per mile, netted a substantial in crease for the months of January, Februury, March and April of 1908, as compared with the same four months of 1907. To be more exact, the Did Reliable Georgia, during this period, earned $7,750 more. Aud the Western and Atlantic railroad, the state property, operated by the Nashville, Chattanooga aud St. Louis railroad, a Milton Smith property, earned for the period ex tending" from July, 1907, to May 1908, inclusive, $41,432.45 more than for the same period of the pre. yious year. The Western and At lantic is a 3-cent road- in the two cent passeug.T class. Little wonder that Western and Atlantic abandoned a proposed cut in its employes' salaries rather than make a detailed showing of its earn ings to the railroad commission. The Central railroad, onepf the leaders of the calamity chorus, net ted $55,180.15 more for the year eoverel by the panic than for the previous year. Have a Care tor the Heast of Burden. Nothing ii more important to farmers aud wagoners during this season of hot weather than the prop er care or their team. It is an easy matter to over-drive or over-work a horse now. Teams should hare plenty of water and should not be left to stand in the sun. They are better moving along at work than standing still in the blisteribg sun. All horses and mules that work hard through days like these, whether to plow, wagon or buggy, should have water after supper. One who has not tried it will be surprised to see how, much water a horse will drink at night after he has finished his supper. The ideal plan is to let horses and mules have access to water all through the night, but where that is not practi cable they ouh" ti te led to water about 9 o'clock. It takes only a short while to do it, and the time is well paid for in the comfort of the animals. Scotland Neck Common wealth. Gnr follies give the doctors a efaance to make experiments at our npense. On application of ManZaa1 File Remedy, tor all forms of Piles, soothes, reduces in- iammation. soreness and itihing Price 50c 6ta ran teed. Sold by Asheboro Drag Co., andW. A. Underwood, Raadleman. Most women appear to think that "Tu better to have been loved and bossed" than never to have been inarried at all. JULIAN HARRIS SUCCEEDS FATHER AS EDITOR OF MAGAZINE v Ui -t tv - y 'f IxV V "' J Is I - '? JULIAN HARRIS Who Succeeds His Father, Joel Chandler Hnrrls. Editor of Uncle Retnos't The Home Mugiuine Julian Harris, son of Joel ChnmlliT Harris, succeeds his father ns editor of Uncle UemiVs Tiik Hume Mauazine. retaining also his original position as gen eral manager. Don H. Marquis, who has already made a national reputation through his editorials, poems and short stories, is to continue as associate editor of the Magazine. From his childhood, Julian Harris had been the comrade of his father, and he was the organizing spirit of the Maga zine. When 17 years of age, the younger Harris became a reporter for the At lanta Herald. A year later he became onnccted with the' Atlanta Conatitution. and when -20 years of age he went to Chi cago and liecame assistant Sunday editor Of the Time-lleratJ. lit returned to When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves gel weak, then thes organs always fail. Dou't drug the Stomach nor stimulate the Heart or Kidnevs. That is simply a make-shift, llet a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Ue morative. The UestoratiTe is prepared ex pressly for these weak inside nerres, Str'ngthen these nerves, build theui up with lr, ishoop's ltestorative tab ets or liquid and sen how quickly help will come. Sold by Ashelioro 1'rug Co. No man was ever so bald that a woman couldn't make him blush by telling him what a pretty color his hair must have been. Chills, Fever and Malaria sufferers can now obtain Wood' Liver Medicine in liquid form. Regulates the liver, kidneys and bladder, relieves liilliousuess, sick headache, constipation, fatigue and weakness. It's tonic ellect on the entire system is felt with the first dose. I'leasant to take. Clears the complexion "quickly $1.00 bottle contains '2 1 -2 times the quantity of the 50c siae. Sold by Asheh-ro I'rog Co., and W. A, I ndcrwood, Hantlleman. 'Tis best for a man to be square, but a woman is more lucky to be round. Pain anywhere stopped in 10 minutes sure ith one of Dr. snoop s 1 ink I am 1 ablets The formula is on the 2.1-rent boi. Ask your Doctor or Druggist al)ut this formula! Mops womanly pains, headache, pains any where. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis. for free trial to prove value of his Headache, or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by Asheboro Drug; Co. When a woman no loneer ques tions her husband's judgment she is a widow. Bees Laxative Cough Syrtip for young and old is prompt relief for coughs, croup, hoarseness, whooping cough. Gently laxa tive Guaranteed. Sold by Asheboro Drua Co , and W, A. Underwood, lihndleman. One touch of a highball makes the whole world spin. Pineules for the Kidneys, 30 days' trial $1.00, Guaranteed. Pineu'es act directly on theXidneys and bring relief in the first dose to backache, weak hack, lame back, rheumatic pains, kidney and Madder trou ble. They purify the blood aad invigorate the entire system. Sold by Asheboro Drug Co., and W, A. Underwood, Randleman. The average man waetes a lot of sympathy on himself. Angnst time, tells on the nerves. But that spirit less, no ambition feeling can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known by druggists everywhere aa Dr. Shoop's Reatorative. Within 48 hours after beginning to use the Restorative, improve ment will be noticed. Of coarse, fall health will not immediately return. The gain, however, will surely follow. And best of all, yon will realize and feel your strength and ambition as it is returning. Outside influences depress first the "inside aeives" then the stomach. Heart, and Kidneys will usually fail. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see how quicklv health will be yowrs again. Sold by Aabeboio Drag Co. Atlanta to become night editor of the Ctintilut ion when 21 years of nge, and two years later was promoted to the man aging editorship of that paper a distinc tion probably unprecedented for a man of liis years In the history of Southern journalism. He is the author of a play soon to be staged by Nixon & Zimmer man, and has written a number of short stories, descriptive articles and essays. He is his father's literary executor, and not only are "I'ncle HeiuusV lust writ ings in his possession, but through his col laboration with his father on two impor tant unpublished works which will be given to the public during the year and his intimate acquaintance with the pur noses and ideals of his father, he is emi nently fitted to carry out the cherished plans of tlie founder of the Magazine. In Mrmortani. "Blesseil arc the dead which die in the Lord from heme forth; yea. salth the spirit, that they may rest (nan their labors; and their works do follow them." Rev, 14:13 After a few days sicklies. Miss Annie Ieun Itpiwd awuv to U' with Jesus. Annie was the lauKhter of Troy and Sarah lVsn, formerly of Kaudlcmau, N. i: now ol Proximity, N. C. Hhe ;is born May S, lsss, mid died July 33, 190, aijed SO years, i mouths and tH days. She was I W only a few days. She was taken to St. Leo's HKitjil and an operation for cancer of the stomat h was performed, but it seemed that Ood had a better hoina for her than this world, and ok her to Ueaveu. Annie was a member of Mt. Lebanoi Method ist Proteataut Church, of Kandleinau. was faith ful in attending chnrch and lived a pure aud potless life. While living here in Proximity only about 3 years, she wou the unccttous ot all who knew her; was kind, arlectiouate, and the jiet of the home, but, "By fuith we can discover That our warfare'll soon be over, And we'll shortly hall each other. On lair Heaven's happy shore." While Annie will be Radlr missed by lovel ones and her many friends, we "mourn not as those that have no hope." Earthly loss is Heavenly Kaiu. ONH WHO LOVKIi HBR. Operation for Piles will not lie necessary if you use ManZaii Pile Remedy, guaran teed. Price TiOc. Sold by Asheboro Drag Co., and W. A. I nderwooil, itaudleman. Oftea The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Wort Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only nrinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood Uiat is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, vou can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because aa soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other oreans to health. A trial will convince anrone. If you are sick you can make no mis take bv first doctoring vour kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realiaed. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits try all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. Vou may have a sample bottle a wuis-Boo. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake. but remember the name, bwamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the aa dress, Bingnamton, N. Y., on every bottle. OR GREAT PREMI H 0FFE R Our Rural Route and Town Cub Were r Before JEuualled aad Sfev r Wl Be. Ever? Daner stands at the Terr head of its class. In this Club is a paper for each and etery depart. ment of any ana an iarin nomes. Any one reading all of them for one year will not only make but'save hundreds of dollais. Thousands do, why not you? Look! Look! The Asheboro Courier, weekly, price $1.10 to 12 pages. Farm News Spring6ed, O., monthly, price 25c., 24 to 30 pages. The Apple Specialist, Quincy, Ill monthly price 50c, 24 to 32 piges. Spare Moments, Monthly, price 50c, 28 to 40 pages. Dressmaking at Home, monthly, price $1 . 40 to 60 pages. Three Months' subscription to Cos mopolitan Magazine, N. Y., price 45c, 150 to 200 pages. Americau Farmer, price 50c, 10 to 20 pages. Dallas, Texas Weekly Farmer, price $1.,12 to 16 pages. .Eleven Great Papers, Four Week lies, Seven Monthlies. Their re- gnlar price is $6.60. This Club is sold to you for only $2.00. No offer of any kind, no matter where would be such a bargain as this. Think of it. More than 400 pages ef valuable reading matter each month. This is the onlv clubbing offer that we are how making to our sub scribers, except that we are sending Spare Moments, Mothers Magazine and Dressmaking at Home for 25 cents extra to every person who pays as mu3h as $1.00 ou subscrip tion. Wearealao sending to those paying up their subscription and as much as $1.00 in udvauce provided it is requested when remittance is made the American Farmer and the Southern Agriculturist frae for oue year. These club offers are subject to withdrawal without notice, as we only have a limited number of sub- scrptions and cannot guarantee how long the proposition will be kept open. WHY SO WEAK. kidney Troubles May be Mapping Tour Lite Away. Anliebnro People Have 1earned Tnla FarU When a healthy man or woman begins to ruu down without appar ent cause, becomes weak, languid, depressed, suffers backache, head ache, dizEy spells and urinary dis orders, look to the kidneys for the cause of it 11. Keep the kidneys well and they will keep you well. Doan's Kidneys Pills cure sick kid neys and keep them well. Here is Asheboro testimony to prove it. Mrs. o. 11. Hale, living on bah. bury St., Asheboro N. l., says: "For some months I suffered from backache aid pains across my loins. A" times 1 was unable to get about and was entirely devoid of ambition. Netvousness and frequent headaches increased my suffering and I was unable to obtain relief until 1 pro cured Doan's Kidney Pills at the standard Drug Co. I he use of one box relieved the pains in my back, strengthened mt kidneys and im proved my health. 1 shall continue using Doan's Kidney Pills, feeling confidant of a permanent cure. ror sale by all dealers, rrice 50 cents, roster-Mil burn Co., Buffilo, New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the namo Doan'i acd tike no other. Kheamatlsm. . V. Bullantyne. of Rnllantyne & Volxm- oiub's foundry, havuuuah. (ia nays ho fluttered Kir years irora Kiieuuiniiin. aud couia get no ivltcl from auy source imt r. r. p wnicn cureu him entirely. He extols the p.Tiperties of P.P. P. on every occasion. -dJJl t r. Y. P. la tne greatest Known cure lor Kneu inuliMii; It eradicates the iliaease out of tile sys tem quickly ana forever. P. P. P., Llppman's (ireat Remedy, cures Halt Kticuui. with lui itch and buniiiitf. Scald Mead, Tetter, efel. P. P.P. Curei BoiU, Pimples, aul all erup tion due to tne mood. P. P. P. cures Rheumatism and all rains in tne ides, hack aud nbouldcra, knees., hips, wrist ml jnintn. P. P. P. curei Mood Poison la all its various sUiki's, Old ulcers. Mores and Kidney Com plaint. aud all skin aud bluod diseasex. and Mercurial PolnouliiK. Par Bale by All Druggist. 20,000 Telegraph Operators NEEDED Young Men Prepare Your selves for Good Positions On account ot too new A hour law naased by cntifrrtw in the interest of telegraphers, and also od account ol so many new railroads being built and old lines extended, am unusual demand for operators hu been created. Cunaervatlve exti mates have placed the number of additional operators mat wmi oe required during tne ne ton months at amirNXlmaMv n 000. YOUNG MEN NOW 1H YOtIR OPPOBTUNITYI Enroll In our Bchonl NOW aad in only four to six months we will have you qualified lor splendid positions. Telegraph Operators receive from S90.00 upwards. Our school has been established twenty yean, ila equipment is lierfect, instruc tion thorough and practical, poxUloua poslilvelr guaranteed our graduates. Board In Newnan is very cheap, the town la healthful aud the people are oordlal. Two Main Line Railroad Wires run Into our School rooms. No other school In the United Htatea has such up-to-date and practical facilities for the benefit of Its students. Write at onoe lor free, aeaenpuve literature. Southern School of Telegraphy, Newnan, Georgia. The man who kisses a woman at the first opportunity is a speculator, and the man who waits any longer is a freak. One of the best formulas known for exer nal use can be made by a combination of Kerosieoe Oil, Spirits Turpentine Onjjnum, Ether and Ammonia When these different oils are made into an emulsion it is the most penetrating of all liniments. Elliott's Emul sified Oil Linimeut is made from the alxye formula and is put up in half pint bottles in yellow package and sells for 25 ct. a bottle. Sold under guarantee. Asheboro Drug Co. A woman doesnt really "live" un til she is married; and after that she sometimes doesn't want to live. If you'd lie duliled a handsome girl. Anil win a handsome Knight, The secret here I do impart. Take Hollister It.H-ky Mountain at night. Aslieboro Drug Co. Who Will be President? This is Presidential year, and every man must read to keep posted on politics. The Courier-Journal Henry Watterson, Editor) Is a Democratic Newspaper, but it prints the news as it develops. One dollar a year is the price of the Weekly Courier-Journal But you can get that paper and The Courier Asheboro, N. C.) BOTH ONE YEAR FOR S1.50 Or we will send both The Asheboro Courier And The Weekly Courier- Journal For the Campaign forjlonly 50 Cents If you will give or send your order to this paper NOT to the Courier-Journal The Courier, Ahheboro, N. C. An Elegant BssebalS Outfit like this FREE to Every Boy Who Writes Us at Once. Roy, thlc on I fit U m dandy mtm piece In nit: A WffWrn L-unue Bail Catber' Mitt. made from good jaiion oil t i leatiitr, well padded, the dimI U firm! brueed, well padded oln and forehead protection; party i.or,ool lte feljMe; ftrlder'e tnitl, tint quit My oi i i an imtner, rn-HTiiy panota pattn; As bnltleS's ineh wlue with double nrup nlctel-niU-d ouckU'. ih-y tiai is manefroru tbtj very Oiitt V'.a'tty necornl grt'wih ouirrt f rein h and in HS -pt'iii) lon, lWry diaco of ibis outfit Ik made from 'Ha lAKt n o.t.Tlal. Evrry btiycana cure ti-l r;it 11 fthftrtliiLely free. H nd n rtmr uameand addreu x:i.r they are a M gone. Do it Mow. addroi SUCCESSFUL nmM. Box . Des Mcines. ia EXECUTOR'S NOT1CK. RarlriR qualiflrd as eierutot of the last will and testament of AlioiColtrane, deceased, notloe is hereby (riven that all persons owing said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons holding claims against said estate should present them, duly verified, to the imiW. signed on or before the loth day of July, liOB, or una uuuw wm ue pieauea in oar oi ineir re covery. This the Sth day of July, IMS. E. E. SPENCER, Executor of ALICE COL. TRANS. FREE! SewinG MACHINES Several easy-running, all over ball-bearing sewing machines. The recently improved WILL C. FREE Machines are the best. Call and see lhem. Also get prices on our com plete line of House Furnishings including Shadi s, Bedding, Pic tures, Rockers, Chairs, Tables, etc. We will s.tve yon money. O. R. FOX, Asheboro. PIGS ! I have a fine lot of pigs ready to ship. More than fifty to select from. J always j ship best pigs in the I lot. Order at once and s get choice. Jno. A. Young, Owner. IICH GRADE (HOP-HUD UC1T IUNX1XS SEWIKS MACHINE pww). ik. - - a..iiiuLu. anrar offend. By owr dbwet seiUnc ptan. w swgaaUil sal stg aad art' prop ta. Tnia . a laaealna ia equal to lay uaualty aoM by nta lor aau.oak la mbatantiauy mada of best material, and ia quipped vita Of Utaat fan. 'tis Ml I 1 ""t o d"-lf cbduwi, drawers aad full set of at. l.j. it xatoaad la nrj 7 Mbrftrto,. w win r. (uad risir muDoy. WarUMlarrwtMwiaBehlaaMP trlbvtera la : Soalh, aad Nk, pnsapt alpia i. far xwplah, aualuo amtai Ina aa n illiaaVsl MALSDY. SHIPP & CO. V Atlanta, Ca. HUEYuioTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For cougha, colda, throat and lung troubles. No opiatea. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine) FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR ia ia a Yellow package. Refuaeaubatitute. Prepared only by Foley aV Company, Chicago. ASHEBORO DRUG CO. Handsome, New WALL PAPER Just teceiveJ the handseinest line of tarn plea of wall paper ever shown the trade in this section. The highest class papers anil the greatest variety of patterns to be found and at g eatly reduced prices Call and aee them before purchasing. All inquiries ,y letter will be promptly answered. Ycsjk im mediate needs supplied from stock on band. M. HAMMOND, Aalielwro, K. C. rrlt CoYHKMTa Ac. Anvoossendlna a nkelrh and description may quickly aacsrtatn onr opmtiHi free whalhar ao InT.ntlon la pnihahly patenlahla. Ciratnonlca. Unnsatrletlf rnnadeiiMal. HANDBOOK on PatmU sant rraa. (HdMt agmiry for Mmniif patenia. Patanu t taken tbrouch Maun A CoTnoalve tfecuu wu, ll hout chnrta, In the Scientific Jlttieric:m A handsomely flhistrated weekly. L.mat els. eulation of any ananltflo fiumaL Terms. M a (aYi:aiur a?0"" ,L Bo'J batl nawsdealera. MM S Co""-n Kew York araaok OOoa, t W BU Waablnstoo. D. C. $12.85 V MISS... ! PLY, ali444 60 YEARS'

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