MEfl THAT ARE POISON, Yeans; Men aa Beys Rc. this Am Uct ISMB frag lb (Wri tten fry The Courier.) "You imoke thirty cigarette a daj?" "Ye on the average." "You doo't blame tbem for your roLdowrj copdition?" "Not in the least,I blame my bard work." The physician shook his head. He emiled in a vexed way. Then he took a leech out of a glass jar. "Let me show you something" he said. Bare your arm." The cigarette fiend bared his pale arm, and the other laid the lean, black leech upon it. The leech fell to work busily, Its body began lo ewelr. Then, all of a sudden, a kind of shudder couvnlsed it, and it fell to the floor dead. That is what your blood did to that leech," said the physician. He took up the little corpse between finger and thumb. "Look at it" he said. "'Quite Utad, you see. You poi.-oned it." "1 guess it wasn't :v healthy leech in the liivt pluoe," siid the cigarette smoker Milieu! v. 'Wasn't healthy, el.? Well, we'll try uiMin." Ainl the physician chipped two leeches on the young man's (hin aim. "If they both die," s;iid the piti ent. "I'll off or, at lenst I'll cu J iown in v daily allowance of thirty to ton.'' Even as he spoke the smaller leech shivered and dropped on his knee, dead, and a moment later the larger one f"ll beside It. "That is ghastly." said the young man. "I uni worse than the pesti lence to these leeches." "It is the empyreumatic oil in your blood." said the medical man. "All cigeratte l'enus have it." "Smoke reasonably and this will disapptar, and you will be no longer deadly to the leech. Furthermore, your appetite will return, yon will sleep better, and your muddy color will clear up. It is not hard work, but hard smoking, that has brought these tioubles down on you." "Doc," said the young man, re garding the three dead leeches thoughtfully, "I half believe you're right." A faithful Friend. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy since it wis first introduced lo the public in 1872, and have never found one instance where a cure was not speedily effected by its use. 1 have been a commercial traveler for eighteen years, and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H A Nichols of Oakland, Ind. Ter. When a man hs need a remedy for thirty-five years he knows its value and ia competent to speak of it. For sale by Standard Drug Co., Ashe boro, N. C, and W. A. Underwood, Ran dleman, N. C. Mea.tfo.aery Mews. The MoDtfittmerian. Aftef an Htfiesa of several weeks Mr. Willie Hogan of Okeewemee died last Friday morning of typhoid fever. He was about 35 years old and is survived by his wife and one did. The Normal School of Music reg ularly held daring the summer at Jackson Springs nnder the manage ment of Mr. A. M. Black will begin there on July 27 conducted by Prof. W. H. Ruebush, of Dayton, Va. Tnition Full Normal Course $2.00 children under 12 years of age $1.00. Family Tickets. There will be a reunion of all the old soldiers of Moore, Lee, Montgom ery and Richmond counties at Jack ton Springs on Saturday August the 15. Dinner will be furnished free by the good people of Jackson Spring and community and good speaking will also be furnished and a royal good time is in wait. Bids are open far two public school bouses to be built during Aug ust, One to be is District No. 1 TJwharrie township and the other in District No. 5 Uwharrie township. Specifications on file in the office of count? superintendent. Cared Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A. 8. Nusbaum, Bateeville Indiana, writes: "last year 1 suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that it interfered with my baeiness. I had many of the symptoms of hay fever, and a doctor s prescription did not reach my case, and I took aeveral medicines which seemid only to aggravate it. For'unately I insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley s Honey and Tar with tUe same suc cess. ' Asheboro Drug Co. Most people have too much of one thing and too little of another. When you have tried everything yo ever heard of for that bad case of' dyspepsia with out receiving any or very little reiielf, and have about made up your mind that TOUr case is a hopelees one, don't give up Thrre is a remedy for just such chronic cases, one that has been prepared especially for canes of Indigestion and Stomach trouble that failed to yield to otbr treatment. It is Bainey's Compound. The proscription was written by a Washington, D. C. stomach epetitlit and will relieve that soreness in the stomach and overcome catHrrhal or mucous condit ions of the stomach and intestines very quick ly. As a last resort give Barney's Com pound a trial Asheboro Drug Co. No, Cordelia, kissing isn't always what it is smacked up to be. - . f Bspabllca Pabllelty. ' i Thet is to be Publicity of cath paign contributions and expenses, law or so law. William Nelson Cromwell Harriman's lawyer has fix edit. Taft, the candidate, says so and laughs: Sherman will say, me too. Hitchcock looks wise and smiles. George Runney Sheldon declares: "I have alway been in favor of pub licit;." tV e know it must be all true for after Mr. Taft had ordered and the committee had elected Hitchcock for Cha:rman, and Sheldon for Treas urer, Mr. Taft and the committee seemed rather doubtful how Mr. Sheldon, the banker of 2 Wall Street, New York, would be regard ed by the voters, so the following certificate of character and promise of publicity was given out officially. "Mr. Sheldon is selected on the recommendation of Cornelius N. Blias. He is president of the Union League Club; of New York, and was the Treasurer of the Republican State Committee during the cam paign of Mr. Hughes for Governor of New York, and reudered a com plete statenieut uud'-r the Publicity law of that State of the receipts and expenditures of the campaign. "This was one of the reasons that induced his selection as the biw of New York regarding publicity will apply to his action us treasurer of the National Committee." What the other "reasons"' were that induced candidate Taft and the committee to select Mr. Sheldon las treasurer of the Republican Nation al Committee can be judged when we inspect the list of Trusts aud Corporations of which, according to the "Directory of Directors" he is actively conn?ced with. Mr. Sheldon is director in the fol lowing trusts and corporations: American Locomotive Company. Americau Locomotive Automo bile Company, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Cincinnati Northern Railroad Company, Detroit Edison Company, Electrica. Securities Corporation, Laclede Gaslight Company. Locomotive and Machine Com pany of Montreal (limited. J Locomotive Security Company, Metropolitan Trust Company, Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company. Milwaukee Light, Heat, and Traction Company, National Copper Bank, New Jersey Terminal, Dock and Improvement Company, North American Company, Republic Steel & lrou Conpany of New Jersey, Rogers Locomotive Woi ks, St. Lonis Transit Company, Union Bag and Paper Company of New Jersey. Union Electric Light and Power Company, . r - " ' Union Electric 'UghC Het and Power Company of St. Lonis. That candidate Taft dotes on Publicity as a matter of policy is, of course, natural, that Hitchcock will publish every evening what be has received and expended is doubtful, but that Sheldon will not rest any night daring the campaign until he han given to the newspapers just how mucn Rockefeller, Morgan, Harri man and the other malefactors ot great wealth, and the Trusts and Corporation magnates have paid and the amount and to whom he has distributed the boodle is certain for does he not say "he is and always has been in favor of publicity." Chronic Diarrhoea Believed. Mr. Edward E. Henry, with the United States Express Co., Chicago, writes, "Our General superintendent. Mr tjuick, banded me a bottle 61 Chamberlain's Colic, Culera and Diarrhoei Remedy some time ago to check an attac' of the old chronic diarrhoea. I have used St since that time and cured many on Our trains who have been sick. I am an old soldier who served with Ruther ford B. Hayes and William llcKinley four years in the 23rd Ohio Regiment, and have no ailment except chronic diarrhoea, which this remedy stops at once, "For sale by Standard Drug Co; Afheboro N, C. and W. A. Underwood, Randleman N. C. Most things will come your way if you go after them. Diarrhoea Cared. "My father has far yeara been troubled with diarrhoea, and trU-d every means poasi ble to effect a cure, without avail,' , writes John H. Zirkle of Philippi. W. Vh "He aw Chamberlain's Colic, C holers and Diar rhoea Remedy advertised in the Philippi Republican and decided to try it. The re sult is one bottle cured bim and he haa not suffered with the disease for eighteen months. Before taking this remedy he was a constant sufferer. He is now sound and well, and although sixty years o'd, can do as much work as a young man. Sold by Stand rd Drug Co., Asheboro N. O. and W. A. Un derwiiod, Randleman, N. C. Occasionally a man makes a bad break. Mr. E L. Marks, who conducts a general merchandise business at Pope, Va, write: I had chills last June and got down in very bad shape. My system was completely run down that I was scarcely alile to attend to any work. I took 3 bottles of Rydale s Tonic and felt like a new mil before I had tioixlied taking it. It did me more good than anything I ever found and my health was good all last summer. Asheboro Drug Co. Plain Talks on Fertilizers Increasing and Safeguarding the Wheat-Crop The use of com mercial fertilizers on t'.e vh. crcr is year ly b c c o m i p. g more gencrz! proof enough that it pays, and pays well. Too many fanners, however, use fertilizers without (U;e regard for the special needs cf their soils. Often they buy the cheapest grades. Or they use very small quantities. That such unscientific use of fertili zers ha? ; roved prcnlalvi i idi- 31 . . , cwtes v it l W.:.J tr,rv.;-.naj3T.;v.'. L... .,,.'j . r cya it urea more c.uufuliy a.,.l ir.tcl'J. gently. The best way to learn just what fertilizers will pay you best is to make com parative tests LATEST on a fcjjpLuswaa small scale with your W?ffijm soils then use a i"' AT the request of many friends The Courier has decided t make a Campaign rate until November 15th, next, for 25 cents each; or a club of five campaign subscribers for $1.00. To anyone sending us a club of 20 Campaign subscribers at 20 cents a piece we will send free a Sanford & Bennett Commercial Pen, worth $3.00. Stamps taken. Thk Courier is edited by Wm. C. Hammer and much spaee will be devoted to Democratic campaign literature, and the editorial columns will be filled with discussions of the livest issues of the campaign. Please send in your subscription today. If you wish we will send you Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal, paign for only 50 cents. Attention, Asthma Sufieren! Foley' Hooey aud Tar will give immediate relief to asthma sufferers and has cured many cases that bad refused to yield to other treatment. Foley's Honey and Tar is the best remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung trouble. Contains no harmful drugs Asheboro Drug Co. The delivery of Londou's milk requires 4,500 horses. A Boon to Elderly People. Most elderly people have some kidney or bladder disoider, that is both painful ui.d dangeious. Foley's Kidney Remedy has proven a boon tc many elderly people as it stimulates the urinary organs, corrects ir regularities and tones up the whole system. Commence taking; Feley s Kidney Remedy ml once and be vigorous Asheboro Drug Co, England loses 00,000 persons every year by immigration. When you see the name Rydale in an ad vertisement or on a remedy it is a sure sign that the rtmedy advertised is compounded from the prescription of a specialist A Specialist ib ft Certain disease knows more about, and is better fitted to treat that dis ease than anyone else, and that is the reason why the Rydale Remedies never fail to re lieve and so ofien cure the troubles for which they are recommended. Rydale's Stomach Tablets, for Indigestion and Dyspepsia; Ry dale's Liver Tablets for Liver and Bowels; Rydale's Tonic, for a system builder and sure cure for Chills and Malaria; and Ry dale's Cough Elixir, for ail ordinary Coughs and bronchial troubles, are four prescrip tions of the best specialists and will do all that medicinj can do. Asbel'oro 1'rug Lo Cold cash warms a marble heart bat the effect ia only temporary. No one s immune from kidney trouble, so just reinernber that Foley's Kidney Remedy will stop the irregularities aud cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not be yond the reach of medicine. Asheboro Drug Co. Swapping compliments is a good deal like sn apping green goods. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Foley's Orino Laxntive cures chronic constipation by stimula'ing tlie liver and liowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Foley's Oriuo Laxative docs not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take liefuse bubntitutes, Asheboro Drug Co. sufficient amount and you will undoubtedly increase not only the average yields, but your profits as well. Write to the Virginia-Carolina Chem ical Company for its new Year Book or Al manac, a costly 130 page book, written by government and private experts. It shows how and why you can in crease your crops three or four fold by following mod- cm agricul tural methods. A postal to W any of the Com- pany s offices given below will brinsr a copy by mail free of charge. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Richmnr.H, Va. Purham. N. C. N ortolk, V a. Charleston, S. C. Columhh, S. C. lijUini'ire, Md. Sjv.innah, Gl. Moi-.tRomery, Ala. Memphis. Tenn. bhreveport. La. OFFER! The Asheboro Gourxbr and the both weeklies, during the (Cam Address THE COURIER, Asheboro, N. C. Trinity Park School First-Class Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Accepted for entia'ice to leading Southern Colleges Best equipped preparatory School in the South Faculty of ten officers and teach er". Campus of seventy fiv seres. Library containing thirty thousand volumes. Well equip- sl gymnasium. High stand ards and modern methods of in struction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Expenses exceedingly moderate. Seven years of phenomenal success. H. M. NORTH, Headmaster. Durham. N. (,. Heart Strength Heart Btrsnfto. or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Btmnath, or Marve Wcknsss nothing dots. Pos lUrelr. not one weak heart In a hundrad ia. to It sell, actually diseased. It Is almost always a bidden tin? little nsrre that naUr is all at tault This obscure nerve the Oudlae, or Heart Narrs dimply needs, and most, have, mora newer, mors stability, mors controlling, mora 'governing strancth. Without that the Heart must continue to tail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these euu em trolling nerve. This clearly explains why. as a medicine. Sr. Snoop's Restorative has In the past done so much lor weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Hhoop Srstsouf ht the cause of all this painful, palpitating, sufloomt lnfl heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative this popular prescription is alone directed to theas weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; iOtrangthens; It offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong di gestion, strengthen these 'jiarrm re-establish them aa needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative ASHEBORO DRUG CO. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or hltnldf r trouble that is m t lie- vond t'te reah of medicine. No medicine can do more. AsLeboro Drug Co. MA -WE TEACH- orvey aJring Cj)n the ethods Farm That is why "THE FARM MONEY MAKER" has thousands of its subscribers in the South. That prosperous section is now awake to its enormous possibilities. Every farmer, fruit grower or live stock man in the Great South should be a reader of Farm Money Maker. We are making a special offer to farmers in the Southern states. Cut out this advertisement and send it to us with 25 cents (just one half our regular price) and we will send you Farm Money Maker for one year, or mail us 50 cents and you will receive it for 3 years. Do it today. Address FARM MONEY MAKER, Cincinnati, Ohio. r m l----'v.i..-i' .... v ..TPS "'e akn handle J. 1. "imii Wagons, Johnston Harvesting Machine rv, Moncrs, .Stoves, Ranges. Will Sii.lis all kinds of Hardware. Lewis-Winslow Hardware Company. INCORPORATED Capital Stock RALEIGH. N. C. Pullen uilding. j THESE SCHOOL? GIVE the world's best in modern Business Education. Oldest Business. College iu North Curoliuii. Position Kuurantetii, lwcked by a written contract. No vacation. Individual instruction. We also eh Book-keeping, Shorthand. Penmanship, by mail. Send lor Home Study rates Write tod lor our Catalogue, Otters nnrt Hittb Endorsements. They an ree. Address vinr'C nticisrcc rm i rr.r SITIOR CONTRACT given, backed by $300,000.00 capital aad 1 yeara' SUCCESS DRAUGH0rj'S:"uT,VC0LLEGES 2t Colleges in 1 6 States. Indorsed by business men. No vacation ICltSJ 11V Uill Bookkeeping, Short kUMifl HI MAIL hand. Penmanship, Law, Letter Writing, Knglisn, Drawing, Illus trating, ate. alone back 11 sot aatieacd alter Raleigh, Columbia, Knoxville, Jacksonville or Nashville. We teach Telgraphy at Washington. D. C, and Atlanta, Ga. Afteiffiori'Saw Mill Men ! We will buy your oak and poplar lumber log-run and contract with you for your cut for the next year, and pay cash for the same. Write us or call on us at our office. D. M. Pollock Lumber Co., 35 N. C. Savings Bank ti Trust Company Building. High Point, North Carolina. FII1E CROQUET SET FREE ! SUCCESSFUL FARMING, THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NOMAL Si INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Maintained by the State for the Education of the Women of AT. Carolina, Four regular courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses offered in Teacher Training, Music, Manual Arts and Domestic Science and in the Commercial Depart ment. Free Tuition to those who agree to teach in the sc hools of North Carolina. Board, laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including use of textbooks, $170.00 a year. For free tuition students, $125.00 a year. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. The capacity of the dormitories is limited. Fall session begins September 15, 1908. For catalogue and other information address J. I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best, g $30,000.00 f CHARLOTTE, N. C. Piedmont Ins.l Id g. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Haleiftrt. N. C or Chart N.C SECURED or Money Back completingamree. ForCatakufoe H."oe HMM Study er Catalogue P.n on attending- CoUsg phone, call on, or address J so. P. Dnicoitoj. President Craug boa's Practical Buaiaesa -."tqtI Aa Eltrtnt Croauit Sit Frti to Every Boy, Ctrl,! nan or Laay.wna wmo us ai unco. This beautiful erequet set Is I made ot good inaterutl and will I last a nre time. . i Each set contains 8 balls, veryl Bleelv finished (elected haacuea.l large stakes well finished, large! galvanised Iron wickeu. mallets i painted one band, put up la aoodslne bee Croquet is certainly a splendid I nnc it is like baseball vouneveil get tired ot It Every persoe. oni secure this full sue oroquets absolutely free. Just send your name and address while they last. A Creeaetgept 7. iea HoIsm, lwj