PRICES OF COTTON Under Democratic and Republican Ad- ministrations ! BRYAN TO "7THE FARMERS Cotton Averaged i a Cent a Pound Higher During Cleveland's Entire Term Than Under McKinley's Entire Term. What Will It Co To Under the Roose- i velt Panic? i a Tin- lU'i'Ut.lic.x 1 put the w hole co ot niin-i In iniparti.ill truth i-f hiUny in i the relation i lull.; ttOIUI tlJ Ol'll tilllCS :itiil this in, esli-ili-' -wonderful, n I -1 tin t'cmoi-ratic rt It has been ul.iui.l is nut denied, t li . i mr history -.iu t!" mult 1' Ut cut::. :i:t ,e! 1 l it the lUO in 1 w. II i-stn- lit'lit-.l tint i'i -mulling under lit tiu'.ion. F;irtu !! iiii.i l- ,i. to . the ' t-11...,- Mot nan: : f cotton t Ill ! ; . I .i sturm-smut'- ' . s'u try in .i Hum in estimate th iii'iit'iiii; nil il iidiiiinisti I !i:ml tiiti - hrumiiiR v ;tn!:ea;:on on t J.iU tin- liirihcbl prk. est was T h -1 1. t Will tltUS III- ScCli . h -.l its lowest irl. i-i 1 s:t.s ami 1S''J of .' ! isti.u.on. T.ikinir tin mi; the administrat 1 mill Mi'KiiiU'y. w-i Mar lvi.:. tin- first I s c ; ' i I'll t s per iolltll. -M . K 1 1 1 s .ulniini.-ru-'d l".-lil touts i !' 1 the so. mill I .uitniiiistr.uion. c III' II cKaih i r i ... u ti 's a. In. tloll llV. ml. Tin tiluiinist; T T . 1 1 a ltd. ' Th i ituinist I tills ! Nt'l Inl ine t levt nri!"i'. el'.lch i- l : - '.. . 'llul llie-t )l-n .s should Ic .Hi I . i nsiiloioil hi Iho liyht ol l!'o I. Ill Ha' pi a ol lot tun (-.iiiiiiit pos.iliit In. ailoiioil l.v a proteinic tariff, a- t tic price i lived in the markets, ol the world, while iho lost ol in'oilui inn coitou has been ci lUI'SCly iucicused hi I la- CMIi'liiills of it high land and :lio ml. In i m's or larili-eriuuil ami iioosiiolt-iiioioiu-il trusts. h I'-;,, y J ' TTic iif;"..r. s Wo: hi t ii .M r In-.!., st , t . s ti Ills, ill.t'illu; tin Just before this issue was put to press an inquiry was wired Hon. Josephus. Daniels, National Commit teeman from North Carolina, and Chairman of Publicity Bureau of National Committee, who has been at Democratic Headquarters in New YorK for the last tea days. Mr. Daniels, from that vantage ground of ob servation and intimate Knowledge, wired: "Predict that Bryan will carry New YorK, Indiana and Ohio, and enough other States to give him the majority in the Electoral College. The attempt to buy and intimidate this year will not succeed. Threat of hard times cannot be effective after Republican panic, and.the attempt of the trusts to buy the election can not succeed again. . Tho Republican sueukcr trying practice the same deception the laboring man. It ln'thc 'fuinL?!! imskei" now. Tho spell hin.i..,'. .rH f big crops nnd high prlcos. and aik that the Republican partv bo itlv,.n credit for it. Does tho "Republican aurty hold the cloud In tu hands" K it scatter the rains in duo season? I ocs it lurnwti the gunshliie and th fertile Boil? It is acrileKe for theia liepubllcan loaders to acclaim a credit that belong to a bo erous heuvenl Father. Is Hepublkan legislation responsible for the price of farm brodui-tM"? i raiiadu farm product!) are as high, ana more is no , liepuiiiiciiu party In Canudu. In Kngland farm tirodu..iu are as hlRli, and they have neither a Republican party nor a liigli tariff tin-re. What bus the Republican parte dm.. for the benefit of tliu farmer? Not onn thiiiK. Hut it has permitted the farmer to be afflicted by "known abuses'' that nave grown up under Republican vnlo -the abuses that tho Rcpubllcun lcua rs refused to remedy. The farmer has suffered from tlm extortion of the trusts: he 1ms suffer. ed from the burden of high tariff; bo has sufcred from the Insecurity of his deposits, and he Bhares in the evil! that follow from the growing estrange, metit between labor and capital. V.x travngiitiee in Federal appropriations lessens his Income and he finds him self unnecessarily taxed to support a colonial policy in tho Orient. Th farmers believe In the rule of tho people, and this has been prevent ed by the Republican lead'.-rs; tho farmers believe In the e'ecyon of Sen ators by popular vote: and this prop osition V.UB defouteil in tho Republi can convention; the farmers believo in honest elections, as well as in honest government, and they know that tho Republican convention rejected tho publicity plank. Mr. Taft underesti mates the intelligence of the farmers of the West, when he asks them to accept tho Republican record of the last eleven years as evidence of the willingness of tho Republican party to do justlco to thoso who till tho soil. Tin- Republican party In North ( urollnii lias no more ol character In It In 1U0S, under the leadership of Spencer Adaiiei tlian It luid in 1MIS when "tin- raM" cxteiiiiallnif Judge'' was. delivering stump sK.-elicss from tho lieniii. The uddltiixi of Charles t ronoli Toms ami Iredell M cares bus not percvptlbly iiu-rcascil tlio general average 'Tuft the moon wlilcli reflects tlm light of the lltxtM'velt Sun." John sharpc WllllnniH. I i hilt- ia 1 I : i t i . 1 third wai-i BRYAN ADVANCE AGE OF PROSPERITY Remedies Which the Demo cratic Party Offers to the Restoration of Confidence and Quietude and aa Even, Equitable Prosperity. The Roosevelt Panic Measures Republican Failure ei. a' rod To liai- pi'uspi t.-i t the .li posttor 'tin in to;e their in- Mai r.-.'-t'ire it Tho Kcpn not promise prot- III.- I r ti pr. i. l it i- alisolnioh peril . I lie ' .1 us , I,, tin e 'e now in the r w In. li nut- , ra tii- party .vill in uts hi that ! . and iv the th.-ir if wi i e mu :T. TI exto: l. ailei - .':,.- ! -la- li i it- III. L.iiiU Haw il K.-pii! mil it ha- i n miiM of a depression In m il i iiii.Iuii.iis I nnii-li in, enetise. .Vi tilii nil i-oiitlition- are i-.-spoiisible Hi tl.e present liM-ini--- il ostral ii in an' tie iso aililieial i-onilil ion- orii oa il in lU pulilii an pi.ln ies. he Ini in -s failures for the iiiiu' months i ui n- oil September ;to ere 1 1. 'J I J i . i ii i n 1 1. c. ami the liahililies anioinil I lo S 7!l, It iiieiint that il ie a els are worth, in fuel, the miitnt at which I hey arc plaocit. Ill-re will still In- a li of S.lti.tMin.onn . lo ai i mint for. Has tt'i iio'liiloiis loss i oni. - at a lime when crops are reasonably him.iI and uheii iiaiuie has not withheld l.i i lnmnt. it KHiies when Iho Ki mlili i ails are in l omplele control. I hey liue a I'resiih'iil whom they enlome In their platform, a Semite eoMipleo U in the hands of the Republican .avli anil a Kcpuhlieail House ol l;i H , -en. lathes (loniiniiliil by a ilc-pom speaker. Wc can assume. I liereimv. that they have done eorilinm tin j could di consistent i y nuili-r lln ir poli eirs to prcMMU a panic, ami ot tin punic is here. Il eiine. too. when e liuo a tarill so ln;li thai imh Hie Republirans.iii onii-e uneiiii.M all to It imincdiatelv. ami Mr. lalt bus veiiinrial the opinion that the re vision will iirolwiblv Is1 ilowuwai'd Miat does, il pronil-e to do for Hie proleelion of the public? What poll ies ha it that look to a restoration of prosperil y ? '.V member of th.- l;nish -uiiiiiet said rwently in a spc-eh that the pons of cotton -noils frmn'as'.i';ti had lncreasctl eleven prr . -n t mvi last year, nnd he doL-lared t"" otton exports of the I tut 'il sstnti - had fallen Off foi tv-tivc pi r ( t in the same period. It this is im... how will the prole, t'onlsts explain it ' "Tin? Republican partv cannot r.. caM: from il record, li is important t(l prntoct tin ptlllhc. Is'i uilsr It- poli- Slaiistii mi i j ,i lit I h Imiiu's 4'or.i. iueri m-iu show thai m.iu'c liae in rcasisl l! per cent during the op. ran. ins of tho K. pn!,li, .in lonul'-x aiill la. siattstii-s compiled li the amc aiilli.nil -how that imi; e neiis4's have inereasod in the same 'hue fin H -ni no per n-ui, N,i wouili r I (Iiiiner pail'' wa- but siaioih lill- il before tin- l;.M,--i lt panic Kuoeked he iHiitotn unl ol il. How i an oi: ii IM ii an adiiiiiiisiratiim Dial lias ioil oll l!l per o lit of prosperity lo ctirry l!l per is lit of o .' Some iln the sober si-nso of lln ii o.i- will axiake to tho fai l thai a mil of proli etlon armind Iho i oiiiilry s as . tl . . 1 1 1 ; 1 1 a him k In Anierit .iu lUiiiiifael iirei-s from iiiai kt'1 mvr their ilinlinls ni loroiuii tnuulries as it is igaiiist Ion ian mauiilai Hirers roai h--m t mr maiUets. In be n:v there is in eael lav on cvpiuts. No one oiilil staml for that. Wo all ret-.r.:-il.e Ihc ueces-ii lor luuliim Inn-inn narkels for Hie surplus of our manu al ! ore-. the wall nf piiiiet ;mler which I hi- Iriisls hac oii:ani'il idtls at cicry turii tit the cvpenso n! 'lie niaiinfai lure anil thus Inimlii ai 'lie Aiiierican inaniilai Inn-r In his i I- 'iirts. In ut'l a fair shai t the bn-i- oe in the world'- markets iphie a. clhcrtiiallx as would a ta on i porl-. Mr. rainier: In the priiilm In I imir eolton. the ureal staple clop of he South. miii are at cieri turn lo a protei lie tarill so I it-Ii llial veil the Kepiibh. ails ailinit lln- mnl , 'f rtislou. bill Hie prii-e of your i run I Is lixeil in the market of tho world. here pi-olet Iim inrilY caniiol mi ' ' 1 1 v allii I it. 1 1 :i ii i i you paid iiioui.Ii of tlllilile tn the iriists'.' The Best Hit of the Campaign. Are the Cows to Go Dry for Four Years if Bryan is Elected? The Bryan Scare "Bluff" of One Manufacturer is Called by Another Who Tells Employees of the Intimidator, "Come uver to ny factory ana bet worn it Bryan as Elected." - to pl'eVt !. - a i.- lieptil u' rev .: . e tin ' -.. r.'.luct' tv wins, i- the inter atis that : atinue for tin- biishn-.. V want biisin.-s-r vi ars of i!i.-, i:. If Hi.- liemo. r mM bo an i n 1 1 1 1 . tariff nemarel ami n Ml from pnlitlo. . li.. m. H'.-prosipcritv that It nn .ins th" until ii'nises an no no ii. aec . are r moil fore. .1 to a.l- re ill lili.-ratrly y real 1 1 vision pit t'or-;ri-ss i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . j . 1 1 - i il limit i:i ini so. u v. iil mean I ' tie- U-iml li- i"t ll-Viso till i-o'isam'r ami ' si-tit agitation i.ns lii-.k'.-r. 'l wart litis'. i'. - - t.-t ..a : to '.. .,ns,.tt!eil .- ii i.ver ttirift it;. : . .'tv vii; .li..: i- iln.-tion "Our l!i publii tin liit iid- max be ioliliil. nl that i nn into i a-l' will bo hinioslly t ounteil as oa-t, bin - far t- i-iirryiiig the el. i iion hi Norih l arn- limi is t- eriieil. Ihey had a- well pul their bulbils in Hit rural free dc lixci y Ih." . . Kin hoi. mil reth .m l tirgv agin a smis's-." oetl pa-srn-t i- (ji n - in North olina hae been -n t ompli le.'i, .no tfssful 1 1 ia l il is -hnwii In w urn rc-pnrl- of lailioad nllu ials thai railroad earnings frmn mi.iir lares hae ! Iwen greatly in. r. a-eil miller the low I laic, which are al Hit- sai linn- -tn - i lug lo Ihc people nf the .ate a IniH I dretl thousand dollar- a month. I BRYANTS SEPARATOR SPEECH i In s in .Mi-s .11 ri lppearetl in tile popei a lVnns) U.iiiia n uf.i st Saturday. Mr. Hryan referred tint rcirardlnir a, eturct of cream separators. i.p.-. ! ti at tl a tmoiiii pirati' o iplWII niirnging tl us would k. il as II in Kt tl.ii in morning th CIM II Until xt. tuled p. it that I h i I'eimsy Haiiia man a his cmplnyi s that I if 1 am el. i ted ad. I Innl !! ti inn miik under a I Minn ratio IiIichm ailnonisiration. but if i..y i h . '.ion tho cows art yoim; (.. dry up in Novciulii-r ..- 1 1. -li .itiiiii for fniir ytars. it unl really ho a s.rious i' must be some mistake about this separator business. I"1 in. tiiufncliiriiii; the separator that the Kepubllrun i ti-ti:e. for it has li en iLsitiK a separator thai has !.ei ,tto n iho milk and it has kivih tin- i n am lo the nio Ihe sKlllillleil milk to tile r' Sl of tile ptoplc. That kind v. iil no ioiim't' be used and those who mannfai tnre it I oe"iputioii Horn-, hut for the rest of the people II will . a il.i of ureal l fjoii uiK. of threats fall fl it of their min weiiiht in the - "I'll the dinner pails already but seantitly tilled, if pot to be intimi.lit. il this year. Hii.-iin ss. nn b r thi ns I : "i ii ' ! it':i ii piime. is eotnitiL- mote and mole to view Hi- harbiiiKcr nl i'.o d times and a rt t soiunl and innr. panii-ular ease rttlerr 04 Minn challenged I ..hove the t hri.H 1 miii s a iv ill iii.i mi I .ii tin . r as follows: tel lno. lima, (lelolu r I I. KIIIH. ( hairman Denioi ratio .National oininilte-c, I hl- Noi'inni I'. Murk, uuo, Illinois, hear sir: I haie seen the Ihrctit of Ihc sharpies Separator Com. pany In i lost- down their shops in the cicnl t.f Mr. Ilryau- election. We. lis I he larm'si manufacturers ,,f ircani separator-, in u Inllctl Slates.' will aree. in Iho event or the election of .Mr. lliynii ami the ihtetil of the sli.npes iiiiipiiny beinic put Into cfleci, tt take the men into tun employ. xWv nf the fact I hat the linlshed protluct of the. sled triil Is ihc raw material of a separator factory ami under the lircscnt larllT the steid trust Is permitted lo i har-e u .Ml ht int more, anil line . Italic us .Ml pel coin more than wo could purchase In Ihc worlds market, tin- Sharp's Company luilsl Is talklm; lis sliar. hohlers hi Hit- CnlHil Sillies teel t orporiltlou lullicr Until us separator nuiniiiai Hirer. ., A ItAIKV Sl:f.VU.TOK CO.. Cy . M. Mar-h. lVeldelil. t GUARANTEED BAMS The Democratic Plan for Securing BanK Depositors. A Simple, Practical Method That Will Secure the De- Kositcr, Establish Confide nee, Prevent Panics and eep Money in Circulate n. r tin pared by spent sone the plan i lie has iit fiet-nl iff presents i w ho time llo'A in . .-tiK.lti a-t oi I'l-i setitation I, deposits was I'. Arenihl!. in ' iklahmna. w here t.lleei -s.sful npt ratlon. i n the bene t rations, and mid answers dearly and and ( mt ye can QT A JOB, in ti il. th appli tariff be pi rnia ineitvimr e remedied atnl the sooner more e.isii prat- Il it were nos-ihle in .h-n-..- Heal land bill so emiiiablo in ii- i Hi it it winilil lienelit cicrv America!' : eitii n exactly alike its i ffet t upon one iMiulil eorrcsp.inil cvaiilv to the' ! -in-Ill which iho rather eonlVi'red nit i In -on hv iihinj; ,i, p,.nr,y to Rl, , lo bill without any supper anil then took n luick from him after he had ' -one to sleep. It Us) hcnclits wore ! t oiitei nil villi i-xacf cipinlity ihcn ; then I here would bo no Is'iielils. There i leiSlit of linnil mellitid hr . lancemeiit of the grneral wt-lfar tins enrlchineiit nf a rcliilively small minim- ot Itio pentiie at the i nim iisc of the rest of tin- iwople. ir wc arc lo have pros-pcriiy. wc inu-i iin-e lndeiKMidcntx In Industi-;-. Tho K publican party doc not promise this. n Uio c-ontrarj-. It pledi,-,. Hsclt to n continuation of tli policies under wblch trustH luivo crown anil liitteiied at Uio expense of tlio public. "Tll Democratic party does prom ins to prevent tho creation of private monopolies. To , have prosperity we must have harmonious co-operation btnen labor and capital. The Re. publican party does not promise this. Ott the contrary it promise to cr.n VtPie the policies uliioli tinstraiHiod l.-.bnr ml psnttal, and have mndi-i M t, o; inniii4- acute. The purau . ' ' -! 1Utlf htwa - ' on ii 1 1 . , or . . i ' - liJi , i oiiunlnj) tuilW'-.n tili. "i.'i ; inr inio i nc u-eusury of tiic M1 trtisl which it ban not earned without tak. liiB tt out of the iMM'kct of -.inp one else. It i.s the. very bicuiiulitics ol pMitccuon winch Rive it strcntli. Tlitww who Ret milllwiH more than their Khnro out or It contribiilo l their unequal Rains to keep In power tho party wldch give It to thorn. It. Il any wonder tho Republicans air afraid to let the people know hefot-e tboir luUJota are cat from whom they re get tinjr th money to buy thn elec tion, and hi what amounts they are i . ) S VAfiES 'sz m&:lhS r LIVING - b rvlisf il - siiioKlliteiAtaw x . i' nts simply. forcefully: The Deiiioii atic party in iui plat form proittices a safe. Hound, aimplo ainl cciiiioiiin al melhoil of Kunrautee lnr th'- hank tlepositx of the preat mass of Individual depositor;-; without Mhos.- money the bunking biiHinewi of this counliy could not nurvlve for a sinule day. It l n practicable, fea sible business proposition, the princi ple of which is beltiK applied every dav to almost every plume of busitiomi and commercial life. A co-operative plan bused on common sense, without inns or nu i ssaiv friction, a plan thu.1 litis riveted the intention nnd won the support of thousands ami hundreds of thoiisa-iilu of the brainiest and mot prominent int ti of all parties, and all sections of the country, who rculizv the fact that there is a urowinK de mand for some pracilieal anil effective method, the provisions of which i- ill furnish siciiriiv In t hi; people who fur nish nine-teiittis of the money upon which tlv bunks of tho country Jo l.m sim ss. The lean proposed by Mr. Bryan nnd embraced in the Denver platform Is simple.- sensible, t-uunil. Jt provides for a Riiaraiitee fund to be raised hv a small tax on bunk de-po.-lts. tt I.e ptiid by iho bankH and lulu in the national treasury, and to he used only for iv-imburidiiR the depositor in case a bank should fail or u bank otbeial should squander the depositor's money. That's al! then is in it. It simply proposes to guarantee the depositor' money, nnd if carried into effect it will iio il. Should the individual depositor he protccton'.' W hv n"t'.' And why should Iho banker be the only person itnd the bank the only Institution that de mand the use of the people's money without m eiirityV If the National (lovernmi-nt wants nionev, arid it Ireiiuently iloen. it will ijive to tiic man who furiiiMliea the money I'nlt"d states bonds bearinn interest as Heeurtty. Not even the Kovel'iinielit imkH for the pr-npU-'a money without security. If a railroad company wantM your money it will nlve you intercat hcarinff bonds be cured by a mortRaue on Iha ruilroad. If a cotton mill company wants your money it will Rive you a ninrisawe on its mill. If an individual wants your money ho will- uive you as security a mortii.'iKe mi his home with hV wife's (tlRnntnre nttuehod, and if he don't pay you buck, principal and in-terct-t, the law provides that you may sell the home and apply the proceedM to the payment of the debt. And when you come to' think about it who clso beside the ' individual depositor con nected whh our banking syetcm are not protected or iimircd. , Ask the president of the luiuk If the bank IntiidliiR. tliu turnituru and even ( he plate rIukm w indoiva ure insured, ..lid if be ia n. prudent man he will tell you yew. Ask him if the bank of ficial are retiuirud to furnish security for the fait I Jul performance of their duty -and he will tell jou that each one of them ia required to furnish Kjnd xullieieiit bonds for this pur pose. Nor Is this requirement regard ed us a reilection upon the banker's character or ability. Ask hm if the United 8tat?s government or the State of North Carolina exacts security for the deposits they carry in his ba,nk nnd he will tell you yen. Ask him If he keeps his own life insured and he will most likely tell you ye. And many of them V 111 tell you that thay tarry burglary Insurance and you would naturally conclude that every thuiK and evi rviiotly around that bank was pi. I. 'bit ami insured. Put If von will Mfci, l. I'lvhn furtifuhes the money upon ivh.. u bnnk . do- LitMncfis and innlus , r i.., he will I tell you that niin -leiiths of it is far (nished bv the individual depositors. Then ask him if these indiMdui. de positors art; secured and he will nay n, they uio not Insured; they tit no security or guarantee. Is that fair? Is it the correct prin ciple. Is tt the wisest policy? Mr. llryan says no, tin? Democratic party says no. Every panic that happens every money scare that occurs every frightened dollar that's in hldim--; every uneasy depositor they all, in acclaim that Is loud and groivlin? louder, say that It Is neither a cornet principle or a wise policy. Kvery clearliiR house certificate and every cashier's check that went out upon the financial Hurry a year aso was a warniiiR that neither the principle or the policy is mile, sound or fair. Kvery declaration on the part of Mr. Taft or any of the Republican leaders in favor of postal savings hank or other Rovcrnment method of currency concentration is a wtirninK to busltn s-t men, financiers and thu people every where, that this diseased spot In our financial system must have safe nnd effective treatment, if a steady flow of our currency Into Wall street nnd other money centres is to bo averted. And what's tho matter with the method proposed by the Democratic; party? It is practically the same co-operative principle that the ie sura mre company adopts to enable it to pay the loss sustained by tho buiii itiR of tho bank bulldiiiR. or the death of the bunker whoso life la ins'ureil. It's the same prlnclplu upon which tho State raises a fund for the bud'l Iiir of schools und educatitiR tho ch'l dreii. weak and stronR allko without discrimination. lo away with thn prlnclplu of taxliiR tho stronR lor th" benefit of tho weak and you woud de stroy our system of government, boili Stub- and national. Hut Mr. Taft says it i.s a wild-eat proposition. He did not say that until he Rot close to New York. Out i" Kunsas nnd the Du kolas, where li i-n party has adopted the plan in their bitate platforms, ho said nothiin; about it being; a wild-cut proposition. Out in Oklahumu, where the pjnn U In successful operation and ulniost universally endorsed by his own party and where only onu out of live hui. dn d and twenty- bunks have failed sineti tho jtlau went into operation, h" would not think of saying anytlimu' about it being u wild-cut proposition. If ho did the -first banker he nut would tell him that between the dab s of February 12 and July 25 the indi vidual depoaiUi in tho socurcd banks In Oklahoma Increased moro than (4.000,000 white there was a decrease lu the unsecured banks of moro than a million dollars. This Oklahoma bunk er, whether Democrat or Kc publican, would tell him that between the dates of July 25, and October 'i. or this year. Just 70 days, notwith standing the continuance of tho K' puhlican panic the individual doposit-i hi the piotected banks In Oklahoma, increased over three million eight hun dred thousuud dollars. Theso Okla homa bankers, merchants, coal minors and men or all deaJings would tell luni tout there were no tnijhtciiMd dollars or vn dimes In Oklahoma and that Instead ot the money flowing out of Oklahoma into tho money centers, that It is rapidly flowing into Oklahoma M secure the protection rurnished by a plan which Mr. Taft says when no gets near Washington or New York is a wildoat achemt.. But Mr. Taft and some ol Ma eympatrdiors say that tns plan would Invito Into the bankinP business unreliable, unsafe and wildcat banks and bankers, which is equiva lent to saying that the national ana State adraUUstrations are golnir to have no more sense than to go Into tns business of chartering, legalUlng anJ turning looso UDon the pubho a lot ot wild, unreliable and lrreeponbie Kaiika nil litikaK tr. Taft and ms rartY If they are Kent in P?? might do this, but Mr. WTW party nevr would. his