i i! p ti IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS. Pon't M Intake the Came af Your Trou bles. An Ash.boro Citizen Knows How to Cure Them. Many people nerer BUBpect their kidneys. If suffering from a lame, weak or aching back they thiuk that it is only a muscular weakness; when urinary trouble seta in they think it will soon correct itself. And it if with all the other symptoms of kid ney disorders. That is just where the danger lies. You must cure these troubles or they may lead to diabetes or Bright's disease. The best remedy to use is Douu's Kid ney Fuis. It cures all ills which are caused by weak or diseased kid neys. Asheboro people testify to permanen : cures. Mrs. Cora Moflitt, living ou Salis burv St., Asheboro, N. C, says: "1 know Doan's Kidney Pills to be a reliable remedy for any disorder of the kidneys. 1 suffered severely from puins in the small of my back, I had dizzy spelles and was greatly troubled wit!) nervousness. I ilnal ly procured a Ikx of Doan's Kidney Pills at the Standard Drug Co., and began taking tin in according to direction. 1 am now fct-lmg much better, my lic.iltli !. gre.it'y improved IMuti S Kidney Pills the by .ill (Iralers. i'l i, ill) ml. I - M iil.uri' :., I'.iilY ilo, , ai'l.- ;U'i I: IS 1.. t II lilt- -r t '.:,;:: 1 o.i.i'.-, una i u credit". for cents. Ne-.V Y I'd St;:K l.Vln, cover (about one cup) into which has been stirred a tablespoon of tapioca , add a half tablespoon of butter, a teaspoon of salt, and a dash of pepper. Place in the oven and bake until a light brown on top, about tweuty minutes. Serve in the same dish. This is a change from the ordinary creamed onions; the Upioca is a d lightful addition. Carrots with Cream Sauce Slice in thin rings and cook in as little water as possible, without burning. Add butter and salt and serve with a rich cream sauce flavored with grated nutmeg. oauce lor runs uou two cups of sugar and one-half cup of water five minutes. Add one cup of thin cranberry juice and let boil again. Thicken with one teaspoon of corn starch. Ck ten minutes. Add one teaspoon each of lemon ei tract and melted butter. Baked Peas Soak one pint of whole dried peas iu cold water all night; the next morning nut on to boil in same water, and us soon t they conn' to a boil, drain; put in covered baking dish (unless vou have a New Englund bean put) with a piece of fat s ilt pork two inches 8Uaiv, and a little pepper. Kike half it d:iy in a hot ovt n and when ready to send to tlie table iht t ile tup wit h bits of InU'n'i'. They an U I'll aS .Vllerie:l!l t "t'Ull'lJ p, ;l; and Car moiv delicioni. Railroad Employees Head Tills. I The above is the headline of a card that the North Carolina Radi cals are sending to all railroad em ployees, embodying a copy of the rellow Servant Act, making rail roads liable for damages for injuries sustained by employees through the negligence of a fellow servant. Af ter printing the law(chapter 56, page 83, Private Laws of 1897), the card goes on to say: " I bis act was passed by the re publican Legislature of 1897, the Legislature much abused by the Democratic press of the State. Through this act the widows and orphans of railroad engineers .and other employees have been paidhun- dreut of thousands of dollars. This is the first and only act alug this line. The circulation of that card makes it proper to relate the facts of his tory in connection with that wise and helpful act. Everybody who kuows anything about the law knows that Statr Treasurer ISenji min U. Laov is the father of that law. In 18Slti and l!t7 the organi zations of railway employees twtran earnest efforts id secure the passage of such a law ii every State. Mr. ! Lac; determined that the North Political Speaker Interrupted. Pablie .pecker, are frequently interrupted by people coughing. This would not hap pen if Folay'a li"ii-jr and Tar were takrni, an it oaraa nuuha aud colds and prevents nneu njonia and conmini tion. TIib genuine con tain no opiatoa and ia in a yellow pxrkage. Uttlaae latitwtnt. AHhehorn Oruff l o. Barred aa euSee, the new collee substitute known to Rrocer'aeTerywhere aa Dr. Snoop's Health Collee will trick e en a collee expert. Not a grain of real collee in it either. Pure healthful toasted Brains, malt, nuts, etc. have been bo cleverly blended aa to give a wonderfally satisfying cnlTee taste and tlavor. And it ia "made in a minute", too! No te diaua 20 to 30 miiiiit boiling. Text it and see. Dr. Slioop created Health Coffee that the people might have a genuine coffee sub stitute, and one that would lie thoroughly satisfying in every possible respect. Sold by Asheboro Ortig Co. You would be able to tell a mn by the company he keeps but often by the company that keeps him on the pay roll. BANKING ! Lame Hack. This ailment is usually cu e malisni of the muscles of the buck, mid is "'ih'klv cured Clmm 'erhiin'a Liniment two a diiy and niuns-iiim the quirts pliculiim. -'"r ah- by nil ill" h! by rheu- small of tin bv Bniihing ir thr-'e times at each Bp-ifftrists. DO YOU ANY? If not, Why not ? Did it ever occur to you that a bank account, even tho' it may be a small one, is the safest way of doing business? Your checks are the best re ceipts for all bills paid, and your funds will be neither lost nor stolen from our vaults. If you are not accustomed to banking just call and talk it over with our cashier, or write us. Bank Liberty Liberty, N. C. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this lountry most dangerous because so decep tive. Many smiiien deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are otien l'.v love the v nil, t'lrned t-. f dlie. and tender wit the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toad vance blood' will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrli ot the bladder, or the kulneys themselves break down and waste away ceil ly ceil. Kladdcr troubles almost always result from a deranijciiieut of tlie kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel im' badlv you can make no mistake bj taking lir. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kiduev, liver am', bladder n me.ly. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passim? it, mid over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compclkd to jio otieii through the day, ami to j;et tip mar.v times ilurini; the ninlit. The: mi'.d !.::! the ctraopiinary I died of Swanit.-Ko.it is f I realized. It stands the lr-ln-l for its wonderful , cures of the ino-i disirc. in' eases. Oat olimi Ley law on -..li" the Lo.;1dl.ti at lite i.t'lt. put that . W i-i. bv Mi H.iiii'ii I imit i ,',1,3. ' 11' I I u .1 f Inll.l Cipe V till.- e.inl Mi i each o: Willi in Salt. 'I etch of .niitv. t t i' II r ; h id :i id in seS and glitll w aliilll Il.r.ilo. ter w i t ! i mil . wi three-u.n te:is ;i a in a moderate ofeii. '.ol.-H ier -.l':i t;'l'ii.u'ii V ix to a bat 11 .'ev.iui.'e about cu; and bake Tile n lit meaU I' l Mil ! d's'iu .; tae w the e"u-..iiiiiliiii lai.i fur sia' :i:.' . w as re.-i.l vi ii!i jr-5 III: s.diool !itithni ;- i, (liiiiford (vnnitv ntiinerous .special l.e it.' the put., '.it-. Ihiol i:i the tax districts. would have lncit if'J.VjiiO iiiiiiilaliV had the m'lie.al iiii;re.-siiiii that " f iriii-r decision iif the Slipieute (l iurt uppli- i,, 1 1,. .-, ,,.,.; ,t ,i;.-i,-;.,t i ,v...- i, add an inde8cr.bal.lu richness ! sustallied hy tlu. Sl,prem'.- co'.ut in ),or , . , ff. . this Fntnklin county ease. Cranlierry Pulls Sift two cupij J of tlour with three leaepuoiHS of bak-1 iug ponder and one-half teaspoon of j Are only luif Alive! salt. Cream the hntter into thu, Beat one until thiuk, add one cup of milk nr cream, tiae sifted Hour misture and one cup of cran berries Fill buttered cujb half full aud fU'ain ene hour. Baked Onions Feel Bit oaedinm sized uions aud boil until tender when pierced with a fork. Drain .and place in a 8 hallow buttered bak ing pan; pou over enough milk to People witii kidney trnnik nre so weak and exhausted tliat tlicy n i!y ball iiTe. tolny'i Kiilixy ltcuiedy nmk- !.i';illliy i i'l nny.4, restoret tint vitaliij, il weak, ie!i chU people re reHturedto Itealih. l!'f je ty lint FoUy't. AhlieUim I uu Co. W. J. Hayes. committed suicide at Wieaton-Saieui Sunday 'y thootitig himself with a pistol. His home was at Whiteville. pat-Sed the a.-, trying to i!t t'ear ! I. I5i-'i. Lai;;,- and : slim! with : 1 1 i tO iV 11 lilll tile iiiie he elands upon. Tlicy are in i ('uiitlid.dc fur i'resiie li ill' l.ep : ; ! !!..! d : i -; t-i w:io ii ) tla:id I f.fnii llpir ' pjurl- ' .vho i Swatnp-Koot is p.i a..al in t.:.u ami 19 ft ' !'d bv' ail i!:-;'::;o-! in l.:t'-i'em and lin'h m in iree 1 - m '.. .0 -..':. .'vii. mrr ,; ' ... 1.;; ': . ;' "'. . V. V. Ilea .A : pi'--ii. a ; . aa. -anTOllS ,.: . r in f'i:- ' ' ' ' ' ' any '','., ' :' I'''- .i . : : 1 tllC :" , "2 A 3k -.. -V-, !a , a. ... : . V., ia. every '.'1 M-'r., nrvl i j ' n .2 - 'f '.a..:, -d Live, : . i; :! '.. i j A t- the entSre j yLaLl U I- ccr,tai:-. nem'-y 2'i time. ; E'S 3 I SfiV-l fe- I f ' i I 8 PAN of th: 5i:c kirf. Piepared li B J 8 U I B fr-d 1 I - - - I the father of the injunction, a-d n caiKlulate fur ' k- I'n-si ieiii who has opjiose't every g o l thing rail way employees have sought to secure tc protect their rights. i. Mil.. ',- i' ,. it. I b',1 '.!" . Asli.I :ii in1 c li, nud Tar ahli bv li a velli.iv PZkEULE k::D;t;!!i CO.. GHICAS3. ILL . ASH LBORO DRUG CO.; .vi.MA- 60 YEARS' wniiiuig makes thej To liuht prize light. If vcm Rri' I'llc uVmwdy wdi liriim relief wild lim lirel I ap;ilif.ttiim (iii,iraiiteei 1'riec TiOe SnM j by' AHtielmio li'-ie, I "... ,e 'A'. A t'lel-r; woud liaiidletiiKi, N. (.. om.-niT i -sT 11 H 1 k El tl : t ii.' i (Tor..f frn.r. nM,.s Mn.'.n I RUDE HlftHRB Designs Copvri.ht. Ac. inTonpieniUiir ktlali nd (l(Tltio mwf il.-ttlT Mfnrutiii enr fipmlnn fr whlhr ma luTwiitlnn la ir'ibi,r.i7 vaifiitAhiA. Oimwenlim llnntrictlycniinii.iiiil. HANCOOOt on Pauui. They love least Unit let nn-n know "K.'.KS '.SJSf ?ffi:;:h,"iSWr5a If f-iiben nalie-rtty and per.'tin'!y wit! reliev,. id.. m-)t obsiiiiale c.li-fsif iuilie"s , lion, omstipiiiiei, Iwl bluixt, Kj.iI liver no miner hnw dxi "landiiu;. Tdal'n what ' llnllisw- R,.v M,HII,I.I ,iill ,1,. I .V cent, Tea or Tablet. AsMioru Drug i their love. IileSwd IS the mail Who haS found 1 ok KMd.k. Tdey k.p yon "H "0 i nllion .I nj nmnlDo l..urnl. Ternn. M. MUNN&Co.i8,fc New York Scientific American. his woik there are so mauv weojle VJ by Al,.lioro n.g Co. .id , ''J Who are OUt of jobs now. " j l""" Hai.diem.n, a . t, The original LAXATIYE cough remedy For cough. eol4. throt and liw trouble. Ko opiate. Mon-alcoholuL Good for .T.rybo4y. SoM ererywhetm Th fnutn rOLCVS HONEY and TAR ia i aY.llowpckf. Refwa.snbatitstMt. rrapr.d nty by P4y 0manyv Ohloogo. ASHEBORO DRUG CO. Dr. S. A. HENLZLY, Physician - and - Su ASHEBORO 'Ifioe over Spoo. & Redilinf'ia' mlarit Drug Co in a tore livl n i r u uwu u Li L2a It can be done at a small cost if you happen to need the services of a specialist in diseases for which the following remedies are prescribed. With th$ exception of Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment, every one of them is Compounded from Prescriptions of some of the best Specialists in the United State? f Each remedy is Compounded Scientifically from the Purest aad Highest Qrade of Ingredients Manufactured and guaranteed to benefit the sufferer money will be returned Rydale's Stomach Tablets for isCgwriort and dyspepsia, are coni pouidtd from the prescription of a man wtoa liaa ado a life-long study of the igtitiva organs. They are not a purely artiEeial L'gestant that relieve only twnpeiarily, but are a combination of tha tat tragi tnown for their tonic abet opoa the Momach and digestive rgaaa. fhey stimulat. the stomach to ido It own work-. 7W abaa, afic and foe Rydale Liver Tablets are made from the prescription of a professor ia an Ohio medical college and are especially rccommeoded where there is a catarrhal condition of the stomach, bile, dnets or bowels. They are the pleasantcst liver medicine on earth to be as effective anj powerful as tlicy are. Tor biliousness and torpid liver (hey tire without ah equal. 50 chocolate coated tablets ia A metal box, 6& Rydale's TONIC is tK acme of perfection in medicine as a nerve and blood tonic, fn coitilno.1 tion ith other very valuable medicin.il aucnts it contains iron, quinine and stryclminc. and t'othiiiK has ever bem discovered yet that would tone and build up a run-down syfem quicker or bitter than this combination of remedies, b'or old people and weak, puny children or anyone with a run-down system it i-i far superior to all other tonics. Guaranteed to cure maLiria. Two aizes, 50c and $1.00. Rydale's Cough Elixir Tlit prescription for Rydale's Couh Elixir was secured in western North Carolina near Asheville, where so many persons villi lung trouble no. It will not and can not enre consumption, but for roughs, colds and bronchial trouble it never fails to benefit or euro. If it docs not you get your ntnncy luck. Two sizes, 25c and 50c Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment is not a prescription of a specialist, but an emulsion of kerosene oil, spirits tur pentine, origanum, ether and ammonia. l!y a machinery process the oil globules are broken up into minute particles and rendered very penetrating, being quickly absorbed. It is as fine a formula for man or beast as medicine can produce. Kvery bottle sold on a guarantee. It is put up in half-pint bottles (yellow package), 25c Barney's COMPOUND is another preparation for stomnl troubles. It i impossible for one remark to cure fill form, of dyspepsia, for to reason that some people have too mot) acid in their stomachs, while other. h not have enough. It is a physical ha IKissihility for th same remedy to o lieve both of thoe conditions. Harney". Compound is especially rC ommended where there is an excess o I acid, and where catarrhal condition I exist. l"or that .oreness of the iomarf I it never fails to relieve. I Two sizes, jo. aud $1 00, EVERY ONE OF THE ABOVE REMEDIES CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW And arc Manufactured and Labeled Under EPSeriai Number 2q& Issued to the Manufacturers by tte Dept. of Chemistry cf the United States If you are sick and lo not know what your trouble, ia go to a gooil doctor at once. II" howowr. you know your truu'ia' to In- 01 c for which tin- ahove lvmedk's are rocomrnonda f$V9 the remedy trial. You will get the best that medicine can produce, and your money Imck ia c.t-o ou im ive n 1" Ui-'M from n's uhj. These Remedies Are Not For Incurable Disevs; at thai Dealers are Authorized to Refund Your Money it Yo Receive No Benefit after taking nny of i'u in ; ."cid:n ; to directions far troubles for which they are recommended SOLD AND GUARANTIED BY STANDARD DRUG COMPANY, ASHEBORO.