The Asheboro Courier Publish T.WTT THura4.y. Wm. C. HAM Ml K, Editor. TIphonMi litorial nd BuKineva OSe . 3 Mechanical Department SO PRICE ONE DOLLAK A YEAR The folumim of The t'eurier are oikmi to all leKUiirmte ailvertiKiutr. Knif rani will im eii 4ii rrqufxt or raiea will be luruLslitMl iiou a'Il aatinii at buMite office. All rommuiurauuLis null befeJ by the rvu Banie of the writer. iubKiTioer wihlnf their a.Mrpw- ehuncpU mut-t Kivu the ahire to whirh the iier has Been KoiiiK, an well b the uew aatirfNi. t'orrehiHiiuleiitH Khimltt mail newi letters hi Huie Ur them reat-h thii oftice by !u. fcl.iy fetmitnic, to inre their m.euniiice in that vwt'k'tt issue. Itniortant hamietiiiiKs, sue Smiths, tires, at'i-Klt-iiis. etc., may be 'photied at ene t ourier s exI'Ue. Thursday, Oct. 39, 1908. For Praildent: WM. I. BRYAN. Fer Vie-Presildent: JOHN W. KERN. THE DUTY OF CITIZENS. GOOD Our government is by political parties, jet many Democrats do not seem to realize the aecessity of turn ing out ou election day because they tbiuk the Democratic party and good government are safe A lack of interest on the part of Democrats might materially change the electioa. There were only three or four Re publican member" of the last general assembly in counties est of balls bury. When we study the history of the two political parties in the government of the State and of the different counties, there cm be no hes.tation as to which party deserves the best at the hands of the people. Take our owi coanty for instance, and everyone who has taken the trouble to investigate knows that the Republicans have never pioperly managed our connty affairs, and un der Democratic rale there has been an honest and economical adminis tiation and every dollar of the peo ple's money has been accounted for. There is no county in the State which can show a better and bright er record as to the managment of the finances than can be shown by t-e Democratic party in Randolph coun- No county in this State has a bet ter board of commissioners; and there is no coanty in the State that has a better ticket than was nominate1 by the Democrats at their last conven tion. In fact, our party has never nominated a better ticket from the first to the last than is presented to the people in this campaign. Take Steve Hayworth, who left bis farm and who has served only one term as sheriff and has made one of the best sheriffs in the State Conld the peopla afford to turn him down to elect a man whose principal accomplishment is that he has a vast amount of money to spend for campaign purposes, and who would not and could not make anything like as good a sheriff as has Mr, Hayworth? And another, Frank Newby, has served oly one term and has made an obliging, faithful nd accommodating, as well as an honest and careful public official Everybody knows that George Murdock is not only one of the best men in the county, but is a man who is capable and competent to fill any public office within the gift of the people . He will make a good successor of that fine Register of Deeds which we now have. No better men can be found any where than our legislative ticket. The biggest effort is being made to defeat them, and the county commis sioners as well as the sheriff. There is nothing more important than the election of a Democratio board of commissioners and members of the general assembly. The good people of Randolph county, regardless of party, could Hot afford to lend to the legislature " the Republican nominees. They kJLJ would not represent the interests of the peoplo of this county. They would vote for measures which would be against the interests of the people, and would help to turn back the tide of good will and good feel ing which exists in the State, and would endeavor to destroy the good effects of our eoustitutional amend meut by placing the election laws in the hands of Republicans who would register at least seventy thous and negroes in North Carolina. Everybody knows what a good record the county commissioners have made. Two of them have beeu re-noniinated, aud ;a new man, Mr W. J. Armfield, who is one of the best business men in the State. There is Mr. Albright for survey or aud Dr! Dennis Fox for coroner good and true men. There is hardly a possibility of it, but should the Republicans ucei dentally be elected, by the indiffer euce of Democrats in lemaiuing at home, we woulu all wake np the morning after the election aud kick ourselves out of bed aud wonder how we could have been so foolish as not to have exerted ourselves iu an ef fort to defeat a partv which has never given us good government wnen it has had the reins of power. As a business investment the best thing to do is to continue the Demo cratic party in power iu this county as well as in the State, In a large county like this there is always danger in reducing the ma jority, or of possibly defeatiug the ticket, if any considerable number of Democrats remain at home thro' indifference, or for any cause fail to to go to the election. It would be a great mistake to turn over the county to a board of commissioners of a partv which. when in power last in the county. never settled witn the sheriff or treasurer for three years, and not theu until forced to do so by the overpowering pressure of public sen timent which demanded it. Let every Democrat not only go to the election, but speak to his neighbor about going, and see to it that every Democrat who has here tofore remained away from the polls goes this year and does his full duty. The best way to do this is to prepare a list of all Democrats and keep check on them as they Tote. Do not let raia or bad weather pre vent a full vote early in the day. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BY DEMOCRATS IN RANDOLPH COUNTY. In this issue of The Courier is published pictures of many of the bridges erected by the Democrats of this county. The list we publish does not include all of the brides for the reason that up to the hoar of going to press we have not received the cuts of the bridges from the en gravers. There are many other bridges in the county not shown in the pictures published in this issue of The Courier, among which are the iron bridge at Buffalo Ford, and the large covered bridges at Island Ford, Central Falls, and at Worthville, all aciosa Deep River and all built within the last few years under JJemocratic rule and two bridges in Providence township, r bridge across Hack Creek at Henley's Mill, the bridge near Trin ity and the bridge across Sandy Creek below Franklinville and the bridge a mile west of Ramseur, all lecently built, ST: not included in the cuts given. There are also a number of smaller bridges and some uncovered bridges not given. lhebndgei at Murney s Mills, Cedar I'alls, Randlemah, Franklin ville and Caraway, on the Salis bury road are older covered bridgt t, all of which except one has been re- paned in recent years, are not in cluded in this list. The names of the bridges will be found under the pictures. The two postmasters at Randle man and at Asheboro, Tige and Milt, both spoke in Tabernacle. Tige wrote up the report for the Central North Carolinian in glow ing terms, in which he aid that Hughes, Burrow and Holton made the speeches of their lives. Milt wrote up the report for the Bulle tin, in which he told of the great speech made by Mendenhall, but his modesty forbade his saying anything about the wonderful speech which he delivered. Winslow says he is rich and h is I plenty of money and that he can fight the editor of this paper, lie , needs racney. ile does not up-; ptar to have any brains, or he would not permit himself to be attacked in the manuer he was without res-.-nting it. For two yc;r he bus remained under a -. itrti which no decent nun iu this imim' ever lived under without nseuti nj it, and he is living under it today aud the only effort, he has made to : escape the consequences of the fear ful predicament into which he has fallen is to turn round and make faces at those who have fastened the charges against him aud fixed h in witn an offence which he can plead the statute of limitations on, vet one which absolutely destroys his i'!iru.t..r if ir im ti'ii. U'iii-n ln I is asked a question relating to his official life he does not answer it, but asks another questioi. which is foreign to the subject and which has no earthly relation or connection with it. Mr. Winslow, since he came back front the Indiau Territory is a woise citizen than he was befoie he left. Before he left he was a mere de baucher of the electorate. After goiug down in defeat he left the county, sore aud out of humor with his Republican associates, aud con demned some of them as se verily as he now condemns Democrats, but since le came eatk from Indian Territory he hat advanced ia the downward conrie- and has signed a certificate to an absolute falsehood about au alleged record in his office -a record which never existed, which never was made, never wat filed and lever was recorded. He declared and certified that it was. Two years ago he attempted to bribe one or two registrars aud prob ably more in the county. Iu other words, tried to buy them to do wrong. He was exposed in this and held up to the scorn of all honest men. since then there has been ne improvement in his condition. The charges contained in the false certi ficate were reiterated in the organ of the party which he and others domi nate and control, only' a few weeks ago. Mr. A. E. Idol ton is not perform ing the duties of the district attor ney now, so far as the public can ascertain, but is leaving that matter to others while he is cavorting around appealing to prejudice rather than to reason. Mr. Ho! ton follow ing the example of his nephew in this county, charges the Democratic party with being the negro party, or words to that amount. Those who hear Mr. A. E. Holton speak this fall express grave fears that he is losing his mind, and it is said that his nephew in this county, who neVer was credited with having original ideas, has taken his cue from his uncle who seems to have lost his discretion as well as 'lis former good seuse and judgment. Mr. Holton made a speech at Ram seur in this county some two weeks ago in which he made a Tain effort to array labor against capital, the result of which was that Democrats were stirred in Columbia township as never before. Mr. lioltou has made similar speeches at Statesville and elsewhere, and in every instance his speeches have the same result because of their manifest unfair ness. Mr. Winslow says that Hayes got him into all this trouble; that he gave Hayes certain facts and that Hayes published a certificate of his, signed. Why did not Winslow have Hayes to stop publishing it and cir dilating it if it Vas a falsehood? Why did he not stop Burrows and English from using it on the stump two years ago if it was false? There is only one answer. Bad as Mr. Hayes is he is not as bad as Winslow, bjcanse Hayes dare not do a thing that Winslow and the other bosses do not agree to, be cause he belongs to them. They own him; they control him; they dominate him. When they take snuff he sneezes; when they com mand he obeys; when they curse he prays; when they say go he goeth. ', An unsigned circular it the latest Method of attack. i t urn- f W J. KO.M SMITH, One ot the Kcniiinntlo Xniiiitu'ps l"i The House of Heiresehtallin JOIN 1' DERATE. Tige Mendenhall. with his usual utter el isiegard for ti uth, says that he has invited the Denmerit's to en gage iu joint debate with him. The editor of this paper will give twenty live plu48 of tob.tcco lor pi oof that Tige has ever done anything but run from Democrats. It is well underslood and has been published tune and again that Republican speakers are iuvitd to divide time with any and every Democratic speaker in Randolph County. There are a number of appointments this week iu various parts of the county, and if Mr. Men denhall is so anxious to meet his oppoueu's let him select any one whose appointments will be found iu this paper, and try his hand ou them and he will not want to meet one again earn iu this county. MR. MURPHY MAKING GOOD. No better political speech has been made in this county than that by Hon. Waller Murphy at Raudle. man. He is one of the State's ablest campaigneis and we regret exceed ingly that we did not get a report of this excellent speech. The mission of a newspaper is to publish the news, but The Courier in the past has avoided publishing many unpleasant things. Were we to publish all the truth which wr know about many people there would be a great stir in this laud and country, but tne time bas some when there mutt be a check to eer. tain things. When public officiate like Tom Winslow, certify to a false. hood and scatter the statements broadcast and never make any at tempt to correct them, it is time that honest men should be warned as to the character of such men so they could be shunned as they were poison. A man who will certify t a falsehood of this kind knowingl would cheat you in a trade. A man ho will lie about politics and certi fy to false records, will lie and certi fy to false laid matters in business. The little stamp lickers who are ruining around should be attending to their official duties. We take the position that no public official should neglect his.duty for no matter which can be avoided. Reasoning on these lin, there is any excuse for the post master of Asheboro and the post master of Randleman leaving their duties to incompetent employees. While the stamp lickers are off attending to ether business than the public duties which they have sworn they would peiform, patrons of the oftice are suffering from nou delivery of the mails. The Federal office holders are more active than ever, the only difference now being the activity of former revenue officers has b?en transferred to postraasters aud the district attorney's office. It is given out by Republicans here that the Asheboro postmaster has a furlough for what? While he was cavorting for Radicalism last week tht patrons of Asheboro office were cooling their heels on the side walks and awaiting the slow process of distribution of the mails. When The Courier tells of tbe bad record of Kepublicans in the State and County the email fry cry and howl about abuse. ( lib i.u.MiuiiriiUiN uibLi. ine Kepublicans told nsin Iqqq -years and vears Republican tbat the illiterate white men would sp in ihSta;e have said that i vote again if the ameudrnent ought t.i i u ,i -m und im-j ws adopted. They have been tell mi . uiits fr.itn n i deuf the St'e. : ing eer since that afterjl908 n0 il ir. Cox a'nl o'-i.-r M!iolic:in cam- , Iterate white man would be permit ; i- t . v.-ur ur suvini: . ,w ot'' Toi8 la6t statement ), i K ,. i, us b ive lu.t ii.vit...i J,,st M fa,s M the statement made . ..,:-...! -Vol., and iVe.t L. "-v thl'ul 1,1 ly00 for the amend- Ills UIM I VrM I el wo iv u'lnili-ll. Htrllllti its are trying t irt'sent it it Act i ire. tii pnrpos" ii- r iiioiii y. Yet i ne Iiepublici n l i kers und p'dU- tM-rvert and tnie f im' 1 1 st. li-gisla-of wii ich was to ;tf mii tl and ta better class t Min-rs from the North and West lomehi ie. For years the colored id ban s arid many of the youutr-in- n have moved to towns, and iior and farm help has been scarce. In obedience to thousands of let ters from farmers and business men i questing the last legislature to e n- e-ouiage immigration of peoples eif Gefiuan, English, Scutch and Irish and Anglo-Saxon origin, the liettt r c'ass of p-ople in the North and West, to come to Notth Carolina, an Act was p-ij-ed permitting the use of CiTtan funds in securing these immigrants, leaving the matter iu the discretion of the administration o.f the Stale government, as we un derstand the law; although nothing has beeu done under this Act and probably never ill be, yet an effort has been made to misrepresent the statute, to leave the impression that it is in violation ot the principles of the Junior Order. This is absolute ly uutiue as will be observed by any thinking man who carefully reads the Act. The purpose of the Act is to secure a high class of farmers aud farm laborers and others to come here aud make their homes itb us and cast their fortunes in this great State where peace and plenty have reigned since the Demo crats have been iestored to power. In the Inst session of Congrees the Republicans voted down a bill which would have etopped the in flux of the low e of foreign im migrants and would have kept from our shores the horde of low cl foreigners. The bill referred to was one introduced by a Democrat and it was prepared by the assistance of a Committee appointed by the Junior Order for that purpsse, and approved by that .Committee as in troduced. Is was supported by the Democrats in Ixmgress. That bill required that all immigrants should have certain educational qualifica tions, and that they should not be of a vicious class. If this had be come a law it would have practical ly removed the objections to foreign immigrants; but it was violently op pose! by thj Kepublicans in (Jon greas and it was defeated by them. All good citleens, whether mem bers of the Junior Order or not, have no objection to good citezens coming to mortn uaroima but tne rea son the Democratic party has op posed immigration from the slums of Europe to this country is because 01 tbe tact that tnat class ot immi grants do not make good citiaens. ELWOOD COX. Five minutes after El wood Cox was nominated for Governor he kill ed what little chance he had. It was creditable to Mr. Cox that he conceived the idea to nominate no one in opposition to Mr. J. Y. Joy ner for State Superintendent of Public Instruction and therebyl lift the great edu cational work of that fine educator aboye the domain of partisan poli tics. The motion which Mr. Coi made was withdrawn by him as soon as opposition as made by the ring and Mr. Adams whispeied in Cox's eirs. So, within five minutes from the time he made the motion, this 8" me Cox who had started out so ell, withdrew the motion at the command of Butler, Adams and company. He then demonstrated that he had no backbone, but that he yielded slavishly to his political promoters. Cox had the chance to show that he had the stuff in him which Gov ernors are made of, but he stumbled and fell at the first command of the bosses. He failed to measure np to the lofty conception which a chief executive should possess. A man who is subservient to any ring, and fawns and falters and surrenders at the behest of party bosses, is unfit for Governor. .Und and (llivj'"auew) nit the negro and hoc the white man. Ne white man will be disfranchized under the amendment at any time, but if Re. publicans were permitted to take charge of the election machinery nicjr wuutu ueiiroy me benelitj of the amendment by permitting illit erate negroes to register. nile there are many good Re- publicans as honest as anybody in the Democratic party, yet the Demo cratio party is distinctly the white man s party, aud it is foolish to say mat democrats would not tn-rmir white men to register and vote. It is a Republican falsehood circuited to deceive the voter. We published' last week some comments on what the panic had done for the lumber men and the relation of tariff to the lum ber business, and showed tnat the lumber men throughout the country should vote for Mr. Bryan. We publish this wpek Mr. Charles Ross' letter again, together with comments on lumber and its rela tion to the tariff. Bhowim? that umber men, mill men and people interested in switch ties and cross ties will vote the Democratic ticket, because they cannot vote to continue the power at Washington which is responsible for the disastrous panic which has extended throughout the country, being wost in congested centres of trade, and brought on as a result of Republicaa legislation. L. D. Mendenhall and other Re publican speakers are telling in the County that they want Democrats to meet them. This is absolutely untrue. You could not pull Mr. Mendenhall with the biggest yoke of oxe-n in Randolph County within five miles of any Democratic speaker. You could play marbles on his coat tail were you to intimato that you were going to discuss with him the acta of the Republican party in this County and State. The Republican newspaper and the Republican politicians are not satisfied with asaults on the editor of this paper through the medium of tne press or by signed articles, but anonymous circulars are being distributed containing charges which are false and scurrilous and malici ous. The charge that Democrats re sorted to dishonest methods in elec tions is simply a mere pretense un der which those who were defeated because of their bad records are try ing to defeat the nominees of a party which has brought the county out ef debt; has a large surplus, has built bridges, improved the roads, and is building a modern fireproof court house with vaults and apartmen ts as required by law. In the face of their bad record in this connty, Republicans are talking about honesty. Honest men, wheth er Democrats or Republicans, will regard this cry as a fake and label it what it really and truly is. . The Democratic candidates are the choice of the people in their primaries, and they should receive the united and cordial support of every voter who believes the people should rule. Roosevelt has failed to help busi ness but has injured business, and the public has no confidence that the election of Lis man Taf t would act as a business tonic. Bear in mind that a vote for Bpence. Redding and Smith is a vote for Lee S. Overman for United States Senator; whereas, a vote for Staun ton, Hughes and Holton is a vote for Spencer Adams or Marion Butler for United States Senator. A desperate effort is being made by the Republicans to capture the legislature, but the peoplo do not want a Republican legislature, enact bad laws tor the State again, nor do they want Adams or Butler in the Senate. . .

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