FINE BRYAHOUTLODK iHis Election Forecasted by Shrewd Observers. STEEL TRUST HELPING TAFT. Carnegie Contribution to Republican Campaign Fund Inspired by Hops of Future Favora Hearst Charge Against Demooratie Candidate Re futed by Publio Reoerda. By WILLIS J. ABBOT. The national eamijaijfu In vlrnwln to a close. Only u faw days remain dur ing which tlio UUculou of tlio merits cf the two i-auoUtlatiM can In' priwoutej to the people. Of course 1 am a parti san, iiiul I btilurre that Mr. I!ry;ui Is the man who shoulj bo applaiuleil niul approved ly tho vutors of the coun try. Fun hermore, I believe that he wi:i he e!.s led. To hesin with, four of i::e h,.sl i:i Vt'stifMtor and lhe 1 1 n ; ar;i'.:ui one-) ul'li !!io I vtr.o. ;.!: v : i. :i::I COI.l:ni:. e :;!..! will !! !.. V, ; .'I ; iT-: vf (!. I-:..! Si:i!..s !,:: . !:. .! : ' ... la!' : - :;!: -i . f . : .;.:,' T!: . : . . . ::. M:-. It label- :. but has i:,: !,-t I ::.e vot. it wv::;s to be cnrlout i !,: : l:i:-or -eo; have always bceii v. !:: to mm c.:t r:u!ni Blasi.i io ::.eet lug, but C:J turn Ut cMiiu.-iaf.kcn") to bin suiU'ort on election O.iy. TtiW year tliero have been no :roat iwet!r.s. ?o f;ir as 1 know, tlier liava Uien no toreliHht prooe.-iloiin. LaiiJ or red fim. IVr hu.s tLe clmue from tlia W.W enthu bIjisiii of to tlia more eautioua . inethmis if lOoei niuy mem Hucetnts. The TruMta In the Campaign. It waa w Ith lutcroat thsit iviIe c4- Berveil ttiat Ar.ilrew CrneKin of tin ' teel trust lia.1 onutrrbutod S'.' to the Itetiutiltrnn eanibalsn fund. Tlw : Btory win not altogether ofll.'Uil. cause tl Ut utli-an until 41111 com r. Iviaocr.-.0 natb-jial cotn!:iUie. ul not i'nu:lM to maVe TUblie tl.rf ei.r.trilnitlous to 1; fuuj prler to c.,.--iiou. I cV-n't kaow wtnMle r the st.ieisM'.t w?w sw-i-uratu or u. Vet liobi tiy en doubt that It UaA a cvrtntu atnowut of platMtbillty. Mr. Canvlo ha.1 nerer ffillM to b a pMieroun coiiirtlitiior Re;uWlrui camiaij(n lIuU. lie la lu f.vt. la not In n:uiK. tlM luvj of tha !tee4 truM. and tho eta! trtwt doea rore buHlHi! !Wtlh the Fnltivl Staten goTeniraeit than o:!'.er t;ianuf!wtur1aj organ ization In the couutry. It bullU our battleshiis ami shethe theiu with armor ilate. It furnUhe tha stnu'tunil Bteol for tho i;reat fiMW-ral buIUliiiffs that we am uow erictiuj; lu Washing ton and lu oUht clticw of thn Uulmi. Next to ttiu bauklns lnti-rest It prob ably Is closkT to Mm tintiotial govern ment thaa any other eorxioralion ir Interest In the country. And It Ut a curious fiiot that hiU other trusts have been attacked by thu lbMisevclt admlulstrntliKi. whllu Standard oil has ibeen yyhile rallroiuU have been denouneeil, while tlw tobacoo trust has sulTcrcil, tlio atcel tmst ha inevcr reeeiTi ,1 a word of criticism from the ThoiMlorn IliMweTelt adminis tration. Ir aioue h;i.s pone free. And bo when v? hoar i,f a m.ikio contribu tion from Cariltvie to til" Uel'llbllejll cnnii:iin fii:;.l. retorted tu t l:i a I'em ocratie iu".'- :nier, but i'i a llei u'eiieaii paper, wu v M.iier iieoiit ii. Ami when we read further that th.- sie-1 tnu-t has oir of t:s own eoiL-rs Ooo.i on t(, 1 us.-l t:i t!.e last weeks of the ca -n.' !i by IV- Kepublieau na tional -o;i:i:.i;t.e wo .juit w..:..:er!!i!r. We i . -.' e f .- H a- V:.!t eil S . i'M t'-e . re::b.-t asset t!..: ' - r i. ' i ; -es-i-. u re . .'i r t !::. . -i; i- the : ' .. .:' i. ch! f .- . :..-.. .: -ir:... ; . ate! .. i . . : t y la ' : ! i pie,!;".".. , ' a , ,' 'I : ,' :' (.. 1. tb::' . ' .':- ::.-.' : ! .! tni :!;' i ' i ' . : i :' I' or i'i Is W " trP.tri futal !' the Iiat'iy n:ie-. Tic- ::c:i;---i .s w!-;i ', , ,.,'. tic ;.,:;i:-.;o v.v ::,vc l-,. ' i. - : nir.ilavit of f.i.--:i ... -.v.i ,., f t: mid ti ''j' fl'i.V Hot i. : -t. i . r, effect tln-.t :'r. fry'.; ii ni ;':. . ,; ecrlUJ a Oil, u of iv..i-ir "who enmo to sec him on n nriiu r ii: rolvtug the tariff ns "puhlle bepsars." The time was at the moment of the dlseuKkm of the Wilson tariff hill, a Mil which was Intended to reduce the price of ecrjthlnrf that the arerapo vorkii4mmn had to buy. whether it wa th clothe he wore on hU In k or the lumber he mlfht need for the roiiKi ruction of his cottajce. Mr. Hearst has nlwnrs been t'lcrtxIUixly skillful In fettle affidavit. Sometimes It litis been very diflult to dlneover the men who mad! the nllldarlLs. Mutt of them by a curious col.'ieliUnoe seamed to haT dWl before the sSldavlis wer made puMlc. Hut In this particular Insianc h does not seem worth while to qnratjou the uCltlavlt. but rather to put forth what Mr. llryau said i u I lie floor of the house of repr-iv-.tat Ivoa on thW w.hject. What he said there Is a matter of public record and ap pear In the (Vrcrosslotial Ilcconl. I quote purt of It : "Mr. f'lKtlrman, the laborimr i:icn of tills oomitry. the pn-ducers of our na tion' wealth, do not ask for bencv.. !;' e. They have been paraded In f. rc ye:i us pi'llc who live by tin iisont cf MCneKtly else; they I'.tvo 1-eon ,.t I e fore yen its a ( !:is demand lv.r stai't lii'!; :'"! nU!-niiT. I t r .'II '.'lljl !:.m::y !t !:.! ti.t see-i !!,"- 1 ' " :;: a!"v rr tlM 1 l" o".e to f i-l: a chrfi-fte. TSe Guts of New Yorfc. What al-out New York? We have an ,al'soluiiy tiLiiexl party there. We I.avo bo W;us which dlvUle i!ie ei-s. W !..ic a cati.'.U'.atJ f'-r j-'W eruur, Inks Stuyyeaaat t'huulii', who is known tlj-iruRhout tha state as a izvhlI Tutu fetter aiul who In un lorul to lUe uliolial U-ket ao nuy uiun ly any pol:iy could b. We have a eluilrutavn of tha PaauocraUc natlouru cio:itik.iaw fruui New York who h:ix been dvviHlutf tuuek ot hU arrer ' tioa to tkat sxaxa. It would appetr that ail airaa polat U tha miocc.- of , the ta-tet lu New York stat. aiul If It shall be QccaMfal tbera It wtU be ciMifoi throughout tha natVis. Such reehel Cascoa its ttwe forgery of tho OeTeiarnl latter liaTa hurt tliv IbfilUk au imrty thuru more than any wliora el I.i ihu country. And. by tho way. hiw alow tha RopuMicnn ceee a::J tiu Republican i.llileiri:iu art la a,-'now'.e'lLi t!t that letfH' wr.s a forsory: When It I'Ut out every Re;ubilcau uawspaier In the I'tiHed Staiea iiutad It la dotall. Thw ItetivWkraa autional cotrmUtte hna t my cawalii ktiowbjxlga lsaueal ,rilii.ili cerOea at this forged document und h:at oo recalled any of them. It very wall for tha paper which tlrst pti It fortfc t rla ttw New York dl frk-t attorney the) TWlica to prort ' tha fiiraycy threa week i before thy ele-xl. Jto douht Mr. Jeromn wli; pet Tory tmay aftar elm tloo U over, but en tha meauilma it la proper nn.l : fasr to aay that tha letur wni never ! wr!ai by OroTer C4Hand, and ; whUa we rarjDot charge that Itst put ! llcatWat by Republican uewstpef wi I dona kaowtag'T wa caa a.aert thnt they mtfht at leeut ((Ire ap-c to ii . IrH)er tlenunclatKm of tu falatty. THe Candidates Together. Mr. P.rran and Mr. Tuft met In Chi car) at a thoroughly twinpartlewn din nif and tk to at audience that wise liTiltted only by tha atae e.f t!e hull The cet sel-a ws tha annual bampne ( f tha "U1- ago Aoelatloej of I'orn mer- The mib.'v-t of tha twn nie-h-es was aot.polttU al and chiefly bear'.n'j nr'on a jxilley which Mr. Iinoser!r hlmaelf has heeu most etrnr In pres l!:f - ian:edy, tho coti.TTlu; of our rit-ur-I remr.-ea. N'olaaly iV r-.-ii-Tr-c!t!;er Taft or r.rynn would ivtei'l-m for t f:ioi ;e-it t!n thor-nih ir-1 fwl lowhl i which showed n tJioy ?et wfidin ft f"W f.-t he ..eikr' t:l'U. f elci it1ir lit 1 X,,i,i w'l-.j !! I 'le"!. ei f ir n ' ; - IT v ! ; e. T- tv el ri f - "i tW.1i. " ' ; .. .'! ci tliat 1' ! irj -.f io Hk "ctii t!i.t Tifer rxiw ':t f r wlio.j is be "in? inxjylc or Uip f.m : rhUn.: THE INFLUENCE OF A PIANO IN THE HOME. There In net ft mu.ic-loving person anywhere whotlocs not realize Che itplif time itiflui-nre tfint & piano exera in the home. An.l yet it is sur-1-risiti how many families t tieif are whit, time iKunram-e of the rsj terrai on which they can obtain this itranitct of home itilruiuent. are ilcnyiiiK tlionisclvo the alvnntut:f that s lie . .!. piano efti'm. Hv HellniK pi.tthw a hun.lriHl at a time, umler their rluli syMcni, l.u Men ,v Hun s thy smthem Mimic H.)iie, are t-nu t 1 to m11 their $m New Scale Piano .for $js: , rcilui'iion of $11.1. A club mnnU'rs hH) uu-nihera. Kaeh piano t tloiivoretl immetliiilely npplirulion for clutoin'tn licrsliip is Sivrptiil. uuimut having to wait for thecninpli'tioii of llio e'nh, Piiymcnt t an ! in.i.le in t ment).. If the ln u.t .e the ! piano Ik pal'l for. aM nirth. r i'i';;. !. lhe I'ialie n l:l.uinllk' nenlhlT lu.nio i IlllK pia Ni K I II I'iHul.lS A KAM'OI .I'M I'i Wuei n Nijth M.SJer, Cicero Ntfiiii. 1 vs. JNiiTim aemc oah JUftieeauil Iius'.ap. J astiee, 1 lie ,1efeDau- sho.- naTnl will take nmlce tlist an ai tiou ent:tiet m alie has tieen nienrej in the u.rlor tvnin of Kanan!ih I'oimty to sell real ees" nf thr partli-. hf.. iltuateil in KruTMemv town.tnp. in seel Cmiiity (or parltttini, enj lt; a.1 rlefemtaule will fur. j tuke nollrc tnsl theT si PiHjiilre.1 in Siar at the nffxe of ike t:ierk snrieiioi Conrt for heu- ! i!-i!h ltumji. ea the Hth dT of Niieinlr, 1 lne at the I'uurl Hmiir in Ashehom. North I an- ! Una. aii.1 auroer or ileiiiiir o the comilaul In ; -n1 net.iin. or the plsi!Lt:ff wiil apply to tie j ciii:rt for II. e relief r.'uian.leit In mtla complaint. 1 1.1a tke today uf ouk ter, im I w . HAMyoNl'. flcrk euierior I'otirt for Han. lull a i . i K,l, ,.c,,,,,l!,a..M . J - I I I : IM- thcTth.l.rof.vt.t.r,l.. II fl JT,? i Jl I , - wwfii KiTiie. ' r in , Jutm-m.ler. and ) gf LVV "rXl.T . NOW IS THE TIME j To buy i McCormick or Deerinj? j Mowing Machine at a low tiiiref We have on hand a ood j stock of hem and will dispose of them reasonably. i any other haidware that you may want. Come to see us. V'e are just beginning to receive our Fall Fertilizers. McCrary - Redding Hardware Company. W al-e lianillc J. 1. Kimvu Waflona, Johnston HnrTp-litifj M.tchinery, alewerM, Sieve, Hniijree, Mill Hiipplitw, all kitiils of nanUara. Lewis-VVinslow Hardware Company. SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR STATIONERY TO THE COURIER T. ken SMuafwar SW.mW A Hook Ssoro in i t'. free. Wm. iUw. ' a.kpMi. TW knwl l .rj M c J: THE MANM.l-TUm8 Dost M8 A. j ! i Eye A Cnra I'or Hg C'lielera. Hog Cholera or Swine Plague a it is sometimes called is ft highly coutagious disorder. When a bog shows anj symptoms of this disease, he 6hould be isolated at once and the pen fumigated in order to sue the other hogs if jHiesi-ble- Mix one pait Sloan's Liniment with two parts milk in a bottle and give every sick hog a Ublespoonf ul of this mixture night and morning for three Juts. Sloan's Liniment a powerful antiivptin, kills the di-1 ease germs, smiths all inllammation j and nets as a tonic to the animal. A. J. McCarthy of Idafille, InJ., ; 8nvs: "My hogs had hog cholera: three days before we got Sloan's Liniment, which was reoouimended j to tne by a neighbor who wag using, it with success. I have used it now for thief diiTs find my hogs are al- j most well. One hog died before I; cut the Liniment, but I have not lost aiiv Since" j Mf.'ti. W. lUlsbouoh (,f IVru, I Jin!., write.-: "I had font pigs that were coughing and were not lining! well. 1 gave I hem .-'onie n.' Moan's Litiiin i.t niul tl'ev oil better a1 ViK r.o,',,n .1 f- J.IGHT RUrlsM-'iG Ifmn want el there Vthrmtlnt '" IV a TVitary bhutlleor asinxle Threnil ' .JiuKl Hewing Machine w THE UIW HBBBE ttWINS MACHINE COMPART OranQC, Maaiav. Manr rwmE mi. hinri r- mn lr In .1! TtMiem aualiir, 1 i.t I lie Sew Hume ii uu..o te wraa llnr giiaraiilr ni-ver rum nut Sold by svutiiorixwl deulrra nly. . X SAL BY HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best. Jl lhr r Q rlu r.l. Io. lUi ..d Jmnsmi y your home." s.v.m..'w.Ih Wrta. Lw catalos a . ! r C(K, ii-Ti . ..Tree. Lai , Su, Atlasta, Ga 1 Women's troubles very often occur regularly at a certain time every month. Be cause this ma have been so all your life, Is no reason vhy It should continue. Mcny thousands cf women, vho had previously suffered from troubles similar to yours, duo to disorder of the womanly organs, have found welcome relief or cure In that wcnderful'y successful medicine for women. v F 1 me Mrs. LeoU Forte, cf Tolodo, II., irrltes: "I am well plsssod vlth th results of using Cardul. I have token three bottles aad am bow perfectly well, free from pain and have gained 25 pounds In weight llTiTTE MIZ A I CTTHCn) WrK. KvUv fur fri w of ni.. M-poire l''rill Book fur Wooien. If yoo need AteJIrsI Ad II Kl I C U J A LC 1 rCK v" ci'". nei m, il rrnv H ee .ret is siin sealed envelope. AUress Vessels falute OnrSenater. Senator Overman visited Wil mington Friday, to speak on the issues of the campaign. In recog nition of his services to the Hrt at Wilmington during the last session of congress evrry vessel in the har bor was gayly decorated and lkj a salute it) utiism from the rwer front at noon. After spending ten days in Vake jail without bond awaiting the re sult of knife won m s inllie'ed on K. U. BarbtH", prominent business ma.i of lialeigh, J. K. Underwood, of Zebulon, has been released nmler $v!,UOtl bond by Chief Justice Walter i rk, on writ of ha r heats, corpus. lUrbeo is now regarded out of dan ger from the wouuds. The cutting ore out ot a uarrel over the price of real estate I'. irhee was soiling at Zfbiilon. I'ndi rwiiod is 58 years iilil and is wortii about T.lHui. Isaac T. Korn, (hi ears ol !, a brothori.f Detuocfaiic -noli late f r VilV-IVfSiiieli , tiled al I$lg Stotle ( lap, 'u., Monday. .7 IHW VJlt.Ult.Ci Since Absolute cure for Croup, Pneumonia, and Colds of all kinds. Quick relief for Hums, Bruises, Stings, and all Inllammation. A box in your house is as good as a doctor. One box will convince you of its value. 25c, 50c and $1 .00 at your drug store or by.mail. Vi:k's Family Remedies fPriakiy A ah, rk -Kixw rosrrm cum or Wejisakias eademe P. T. T. as a vpUm U Mktaastns, aa4 yraaertbe It with (tms lies fr the emrsa ef all wawas s4 stains ef Prkmary. l.soneaty a4 Tnilny arpUilia, S.rpkUltte Kaa ii at as. Boretalous Cloare a4 Boras, OlisSalas wiuss, TttissisMsss, KlaV ta aid Ojonio Kaasa Uat CATARRH 151 SCROFULA harsn iih t allrwuswsst.Caawih.eVlnl Irlaaaasa. Beassaa, Chreale Vessalel Ceaislaiaw. Mssuilal Poises. SsWas. I inUkss.ete, ee r. I. f . U l sowerfBltasss a4 aa sweenaDa apptttaar, kolUUeT wp the aystesa rafUy. If yoa ass weak aad lash la, sa.1 (sal badly try . . , aa4 H-OEyiTvOATOSrvil SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. GOOD 15 Cents For 30 days we will take this advertisement fur 15 cent when cut out and broujrht to us in pay ment for Thacher's Lifer Rejru later, Thacher's Liver nd I'.mxkI Syrup. 10 cents cash And this ad payi for a 25 pac!-;are Ke'-i-lator-tliere i: nunc 'n-.ter. Standard Drug Conipar:y. of IjldtM Advhmry Dnpt., 1 he ( h.:h.airs Medicine WOOD SAWING MACHINE Will saw your winter's supply of wood any length any time Phone Oo. 43, Prices, 40c. and 50c a cord. WILSON & BBITTAIN. Ashehoro, N. C. Cough Cautioa Neve. aorttlroly nevnr poison your lun(p If jrya onh Ten troin a sinipls cold only joushonld elwsyshee.UiKioi.lin, and ease the irritated bron. olilal nla. Pon t blinillr snpprs It wlthT suiLMtTirig poison. It's straage bow wim thinel flnally come about. For twenty yrara br. shcoo ba eonsuuitly wamml peeplenotto tttkernutb Bililures or (tnvrrlptious conutlnlim oplim. ( Jiloroform. or similar poison. And nuw a lltOe lat tboimh tiusr'ss lays "Put it on the IsbsL If poisons am in your Couch Mixture." GnoSI VwyoKl 1 1 HnreafterforthlSTery reason mm hers, ami others, shoulil luUton haying I ir. Hump's tiwigh Cure. No poi.-ou marks on Dr. Hioop'a lalmls end none in the medicine, else it nnutby law be on the label. And It's not only safe, but It Is Mhl to be by those thnt know It test.a truly r ninrkahle rough remely. Take no chance tiisn partieularly with your children. IntUton hartntT br. rihoop'sO'iiithCure. Compare carefully 55 br. fhoop paekage with othurs and note Vt difference. No iilin marks therel You cafi always bo ou tbe safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Coegh Cure ft i' IV v . i LflObVIV.1 j Vaccination. Co.. Greensboro, N. IF23 IF25 nf Tfci. 3 i air w i ELI BwSX mm rwasvestasa.) au forms akd btaaxs or. I,, wttt re as as iA aad atrsn(tli. Waste of eaartrsatd all diseases resalttag froia erart&iraf the eTwtesn are oared by I Ue asset P.t.T. Laaisewhsse syesssaearariolsonedaBa I whose blood is ia aa Imf areoondltiondoe naastraal lrregaiaritlM are poculiarrl I baaatosd by tha wonderful toolo an4 IsasW alias rsit yroperttaa of P. P. W Prloxlf Asa.PelssBeM aaAJnamlnsi. oU hv all saB4sta, FV. LIrPMAN Savannah. Ga. FOR te.. Chn-nees. Teas. Cariei 1 Ls'-'TVri- 1 "iKim's:

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