"L " PLEA Discredited by History and by Present Day Facts. MONOPOLY'S "LAST DITCH." Hon. John De Witt Warner of New York Writes on tlio Tariff Issue In This Campaign Wages Higher Be cause of Labor's Intelligence and Country's Resources. According to the Iteimblicnn re form, the "true jirlucliilo of protec tion" requires "mich duties ax -will Miud the difference between thu rout of production at homo nml abroad, to gether with a reasonable proBt to American Industries." The addition of "a reasonable profit" Is new In tho history of tariff discussion and Inde fensible from any standpoint. If -i protected American Industry In pm on a perfectly oven footing with foreign competitors by equalization of tho costs of production through tariff du ties it certainly can find no just basis for any further demand. Let us consider for a moment the claim that protective duties are needed to equalize the costs of production. This term Is generally understood to refer chicily to "labor cost." It Is said that without "protection" our labor will be reduced to the level of under paid I'micI'TU labor. The pretexts for the establishment of our high ti'.riff were the greater costs of production caused by the civil war Internal revenue taxes and the insulli clent supply of labor left after the rais ing of Immense armies. These pretexts tuning been snatched from the em ployer by the abolition of the internal revenue taies except those on spirits, by the disbanding of the armies and the introduction of foreign laborers on an enormous scale, Uitf protected Inter ests have rallied about the lalior cost of production, not because of the Inher ent strength of this p-osition, bnt be cnuse It Is their last ttlteh. There Is reason to suspect that It Is because they have felt more find more the shal lowness of this fortification, that they have now attempted to eh out their defense with the falsi? and awkward breastworks of "rtasonabl profits." The argument femidert on TTfferenees In labor cost has no basis of faet to support It. The allegations on which it is based are slmpiy not true. The q;!' -lion In not as to the dally wage of the American laborer as compared with foreign rates of wages, but as to the labor cost In a Rlen pmrtnet, and there Is udmlttedly no considerable "protected" Industry la which tho etll dency of our labor and th enterprise of our Inventors har not reduced the labor cost well below that in any om peting foreign lndnstry. Alexander Hamilton, the fin apostle "protectlom" at Amtvtaa. M noth ing of higher weajss r "Masdard of Mvlng" as a baufts f a pr imt pro tective pettsy. rTla pna wa merely lor a temporary anantai aapftal lor the purpee f aatalrrattac otif de velopment aloag Mtnaal tmm. Ha ex flalned that t nmwM Irtffher vages then paid In Aaxrtaa, tally hi agriculture, wM b s waMmd 'with Kuropaa wnpm by haaiaUtron f the best and riapest ktr from European faatarton. n va aqaied tlmt nnmerua faaMrats wW bmJbd It possible to utlllo tie warm mt women and young childre mere n leuty than was powtfW hi aerrhtaKaae. Later, In like aaan!, Haatry (lay asked for a Urlff la tb latarat. aot of Jhbor, hut of Biaaatfafrtag mytoyors He pointed out faat Ingeanrfy fn the instruction of mahlrxirj and adroit ness In Its us, tonather with large natural stores of raw matwrluls, utore than counterbataBjd th lower wages f labor In Ur4 BrltBBB, "hf they rcul if existed." After capital had thns had Its "tem porary Inducement" the Vnited States in lMii aliaudoued the theory of "pro tection," reducing duties toward u revenue basis, uud iu IK most of tho remaining "protection" was removed. The high tarUt of the ciril war, adopted chiefly to ullow the manufac turers if the country to get back from the people at lare such taxes us the former had been compelled by tho In ternal revenue system to pay for the support of the government, was accom panied by anotiiar measure about which little was said the contract la bor law'of lSOk lender thu guidance f Mr. Sherman In tb senate and .Mr. Morrill in the honse this labor law. demanded by th inanufartarcra, was put through. It provided for ollklul advertisement thrunghout Europe for hi borers to com to th Thilted States aud gave assistant t American em ployers contracting for laborers abroad lor the express pnrpose of reducing wages hero, so that the veteraaa of our armies returning at th kie ef the war found their Jobs gon and were forced to compete with contract labor. This brief historical outline shows that tho "higher wages" argument as the basis of the demand for tariff du ties is merely a aflert bought laid hold of as a drowning man snatches at a straw because wothlng els Is left. Poos "protee tk" rahe wages? A already noted, wages ar not high hero when nmontit and quality of prod uct are take into aceeuat lt.it the real question K Why ar menrr wssoa high here? Tn ITT! AtVnrn Ptaitli. no:;n!r fie dif ference in i!iny wnrrns betweu Hilt lfh :itv1 .V'lcrlraa werkmoo. (miii1iii(! that "plenty or pand land and liberty to manage thuir awn affslrs In their own way soemvd be lUe twn grtnt onuses of the prosperity f all no" countries. Tvcrr elenl'-t." said he, "has more land than ho can possibly cultivate. lie Is, therefore, eager to secure laborers from all quarters and to reward them with the rnr t liberal wages." Alexander Hamilton noted the sinnc fact and explained It hi the same way. while Clay, reasoning on the same Hues, argued that, though wages might fall on account of the imortatlon of foreign lstlor, yet "the extent and fer tility of our lands const Hut e an ade quate security against an excess In manufactures and also against oppres sion on the part of capitalists toward the laboring portions of the communi ty" in othr words, that our unpro tected Industries would always be a protection to labor ngulust the oppres sion of protected capital. In lato ywtrt wages liar advaaed uioco rapidly In Oreat ItrlUIn than In the United States, and tha same was true In Cermany until her tariff legis lation of recent years. This renult, co incident with extremely high and In creasing "protection" In America, mig gesfs one of the open secrets of the general advance In wages. Another Is angjested by tho fact that the con stantly Improving physical and mental condition of tho world's worklngmi-n lias maila their hands and beads more eftlclcnt In production and themselvc: more plucky to insist upon an equita ble share. In thirt country, about the only one whose Inhabitants havo never n.- a wlx)l( been hungry, whose chil dren Imve nover as a whole beet wretchod and whoso women have nev r as a whole mink under unwomanly lalxir. the result tho greatest prosper! ty since tho sun shone upon Eden b due to our free soil and the blesslng of Provldeniv. neither of which wnitei for or came through tho custom house. J OHM IE WITT WAHXliU. TARIFF SUPPORTS THE TRUST Cleveland's Secretary of the Interior Speaks on Paramount Issue. It U Utecto.NH for I'ltpl'OtfClUUltlVM of the Ilcpethlionu p.-Mly to iLooture ho tiiity tu tniNta whilo they waluuin the protective tariff. The protutlvei tariff which they mauls aud which Micy umort malua and Kapiiorla the trusrt. The trusts, with their tarLa" protected mouoiHily, coutrul lb raw materials aud thcrcftiro UoJd at their mercy the manufacturer uu wil as oiisuuiersi. ImliTuluiil Kitwrpal hi artiliclally ciiei lted, aud tkn rauuable ehancea of the average tuaa are U wtroyed. Kor a hng time aa effort haa been made to deceive the l:Uxrir with the claim that a protective tariff waa In tended to protect hW wauatt agiiut foreign pauper lalsr. WtUi the ooin blnatiou of jirotivted luduittrles de stroying competition among taploy-eH-s, with no rostrtctloil agaiiwt iuier labor coming to tnke tha laboror's Job, with Inflated stock and bond Utfue ab sorbing the prolKs from lueraawed prlcea thought alHiut by the tarta. thi.s argument hns fulled. At lMt th Re publican party iflthetcallr aduiita that Wie high tariff U W give aots t those who held the watered Gteok f (he tariff areeted aruta. The lieuoooratlc party a4 aty tep efit3 the financial tatcawwt at the feoplo on thU quetka, but at aapre ataita the laoral aide. It hi laoaally wrong t permit ome olaaa t tax aa iier dasa. It la Daarally mi( far a aVw to deatro dntneatio coaapetrkioa k the alfl of law which cut oa fbr mgn coiii(etttloB and thea t charge earreaslve jarhea for canatoHtla s aeoesary to commerce, t aadaaarial aursulta and evea t daily Hrhig. The tow may make at legal. It oaanot make It rrcht. Governor Ifoke Smith f Georgia hi Letter to New Turk Watd. ScaVvng tan Acrostic. Fake Prosperity. The sleid trust denies th.it it will (lend $J,mn,tuii In tvsigeM before clei Hon, chicily Iu Olilo. Indiniiu, llllnoisl ml West Virginia, for the purpose of clvlng work to KlO.dDH Idle men whoso employment is not Justified hy triule renditions. Hut the 'llniincial man" of the New York Journal of Commerce snys that this story "comes from n source that is always Interest itig uud often rh;ht." It Is pointed out Hint II' this should result in keeping the lilu'h best possible "invest ment," which Is: not a wild gitex fhil the trust a; fi.'!" ui.'Miy lii:i a r i-lt i-f l!te an. I Ir-iti. I'l i'r)irl!uiotis vv s In lew me !' ( '. f the fV"ti i i tiie imp:-, c 11'! rtioi s..k lilii.'.lcr-' i eli i tlon ir ispi flty Always !F IHH ilk De Mar in niihidelphia liecord. Death ot Mrs. Martha (iaddls. Another good woman Rone. A bout nix months uko thin khk! womun wuh attucktMl with that awful diM'iiW' (cancer) ttiat dsn slain ho muny of the human race. 8ho dleil Octiiticr IS. Her Milti.T iiiK was treat, hut huTiug tliat Kid uncoin plainiiiK UisHsttion, not once ilid shu develop that fretful Hpirit thut ts so coinmon in such coses. I Imve known her all uiy life uml 1 want losuy mimetlilnK of th life sliu lived. As she was submissive tu (irsl's will tu her last sickness aud dwith, uud daily liu. nvery day and every hour she lurried with her that noble Christian spirit, and. not one went from tier after holding cotiversu ion, thnt was uot tieucnt ed. If she louud thcr wivi a shadow in your life or tu trouble, she was nut like to muuy of us shun it, but she would lift the curtain, aud the light would shine In as she showed her noble Christian spirit iu that way she showed In many oilier ways, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, admiuisterlui; t ) the wants of any, who she thought needful.. Never a child went from her door empty handed. She loved children and for miles she was known auioiut-t them as (irandma (iaitilis. The writer will never lowt the lu-t hand clasp when she said she uas wait. iiiK for the summons to meet her up yonder. 1 want lo say tn the children and Krand chlla u, weep not for her who died, having lived s gissi Christian woman. Take hvr life Into your homes aud hearts aud live by the example she letl for you. A friend, CYNTHIA UUYAL.S , Why Colds are Dangerous. Hecaaw yon luive coutraeteit ordinary colds and recovered troiu tlieui without treatment of any kind, ilo uot or a moment imagine that colds are .not dangerous. Kvry one knows that pneamouiu and chrome catarrh have their origin m a coin mi 01 cold. Cunuuuiptiou in not caused liy a oold but lli cold urcpare the Hysteni for I'uu reecption nml development of the xerius ikat would nut oilier wiso havo found long ment. It i the Kline with nil infectious ills ease. Diphihcria, scirlul fever, rueaiile ami whooping pjmgli are much more likely t be coutractoil wteii Uic cliild lia a oolil. You will ee ru tliis that more real dan ger lurk in a cold than in any ollir of th vonimoo ailments. TIih on.iet ami ipiickent way to cur a cold is to Uko Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy. Tho timny reuiarkahle cureK i(fectel by thi preparation have made it a alaple article of trade over a largo p.irt of hhe world for Kale hy all druggists. Japan Das arranged to build in her own yards two battleship of 28,- 000 tons each. A ltu tu I'. Idcrly People. Most elderly people liuve some kidney or bladder disorder that is both painful ami ilaageross. Foley's Kidney lteineiiy has proven a Usui tu many elilvny people an it limuluV the urinary organs, corrects ir regul. rities and tones up the. whole system. Commence taking Foley' Kidney Ueniedy at euce and lie vigorous. Ashelioro Drug t'o. Chile should be avoided by emi grant, warns the British Gonaul Utueral. Haved Ills Hoy's I. He. "My three year old Ixiy was badly consu putt, had a high fever ami was iu an awful condition, I gave him two ilobos of Foley's Orino Laxative and the next morning the fever was one and he was entirely well. Foley's Oriao Laxative saved his life." A Wolkasti, Casiiuer, Wis, Askehoro Druu Co. " China is buying British Columbia. lumber from Harried Man In Trouble. A married man who permits Bny member of the family to take anything except Foley's Honey nad Tar. for coughs, colds and lung rouble, i guilty of nigicct. Nothing else is as good fur all pulmonary trouble. The genuine Foley's Honey uud Tar contains uo opiates an" is in a yellow package. Anlie boro Drug Co. A Card. This Is to certify that all druggists ar antsoriaed to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or celd. It stops the cough, heal the lunos and prevents serious results from a cold. Cares la grippe cough and prevents pneu monia and consumption. Contains no opiates The fireauiue is in a relloiv pack age, Uefuse sulwtitut. Ashelioro Drug New Zealand is a good market for timber ami lumber. The w-)iolesouie, harmless green leaves and tender stems of a Iiiiil; healing mountain ous Blirtih, give to I r. slump's Coiili lie tuedy ils curative iroperiies. Tickling or dry lironcliial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective Cough meili citie, lr. Slioop assures mutliers tliat they ran with safety give it to even very young hnlicri. No opium, no cliloviform ubsulute ly noiliing harsh or liaruilti!. It ciiltus the distressing rough, and licals the seiisiiivo ineiiibruiics. Acci pt no other. I'emaud lr. .Slump's. Sold hy Aslieboru Drug Co. We Sell on the positive guarantee that if it does not give sat isfaction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. . We ask all those who are run-down, nervous, debili- tated, aged or weak, and pvprtr riprsnn siifiVrinrr from ' y r 1 stubborn colds, hanging-on coughs, bronchitis or incipi ent consumption to try Vin&l with this understanding. ASHEBORO DRUG CO. NEW FURNITURE There are three principal at tributes to be considered when purchasing furniture: Style, Durability, Comfort. We believe when you have seen our new Fall line of suits, rock ers, etc., you will agree that they possess all these combined Bed room suits from $15.00 to $G0 00- Handsome oak and ma hogany rockers, $1.75 to $8.50- Large stock of Fall Bed Cloth ing, including yarn and cotton blankets, pillows and mattresses. Also select stock of window cur tains and shades, and carpets and mattings. See our stock, Get our prices. O. R. FOX, Asheboro. BBSJB '-iWlitqWfyjWgas ! 100 FINE; PIGS! On hand. Order Before They . Are Picked Over Jno. A. Young, Owner. HOSiCry Underwear Hosiery Underwear We have a full line of the fa- mous "I'lack Cat" Hosiorv for Men, Women, Misses and Chil dren- They are strong, fast col- ors and wear longer than any ..flmr Our line of Winter'ndervcar j is complete. We hav all sizes in several Knules. We can lit ; you and your purse. ! We have just received an.ith lot of heavy Winter Shoes. Tin y wear long and give comfort, t-'. e them. j Asheboro Asht'hori). N.fc;r,liir lent AshtLoro. N. Carolinj. Power Wood Sav. Prompt Service secured hy cr.lling OTIS W. RICH, Phone 113. Asheboro. i ii'-.QiiriiS & tiJ-'jc), t i,-.:..v... anj t ot.oi rfS-NW.C LITADI'i 3 COMI'ANIES Black Cat ) Hosiery GATE CITX A achool that enaliles youn men and uomeii to make their own way in the world Prepares its ruinates for colleen and the duties of business life. Mmrtest, cheapest, and easiest way 1 1 achieve success. 'Trained heaiH, nkillod hands, un; always in demand." Scholarships Sold Without Limit. Positions Guaranteed to Graduates. Scholarships May Ba Transferred. Students enter any time. No vacation. D.iy and nilit school the year 'round. All Branches Taught Successfully by Mail. I'KXM VN'SH IP is a lea liu,; sp-cialtv. ':)t!iin m ire important to the hitsi ueis peri-o . Tiiulii hy mail Send for samples. hookkeejiinf;, Siiorthainl , Typewriting, I'ciunansliiii, Teleirraphy, Comiiiereial Law and Civil Sl.rvic, t,weli,i- with all literary hruiidies tauirlit iiy exiierienced experts. Wiito tod ly for eaialoitue anil furtli- r particulars, t) Gate City Business College, Greensboro, N. C. W. II. Price, A. B., Principal. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. mm mm. o 1 .ll.is.irni - I -- TT&L In every line, WOODRUFF is m a class by itself, embodying every improvement known in mechanics which makes one machine supe rior to another in durability, convenience, economy and speed of operation. Write us for prices on th Test Machinery on mrth. Don't consider any other makes until you investigate ours. SHINGLE MILLS, LATH MILLS, DRAG SAWS, HAY PRESSES, STALK CUTTERS. WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO., Winder.Ga. Capital Stock $30,000.00 RALEIGH, N.C. f CHARLOTTE, N. C. Pullen Building. Piedmont Ins. Bldg. THKSK SCHOOLS (JIVK (lie world tM In modern KuKtiifs, Filuration. Oldiwt Bu1ivea Colli de in Nurili t'ltr.ilmii. 1'"MIhiii KunmnKvil, t.nrkra liy wrivKii contract. No vacation IthlivtiluHl instruction. We !" fc acli B.Kik kccpl ik, Shnrthuriil, riiuiaiilni, tiv limit. Bind for Home stwlv rales Write Uxlay fur our l tnlc .,'ui-. ifliM Kii'l Httfh KinlorsciiicntK. They are reo. AildreKS KING'S BVSIa ES COLLEGE, K&lelgrt. Ja. C. or Charlotte. M. C POSBTDOIK1 CONTRACT given, backed by $300,000.00 capital and 1 8 years' SUCCESS DRAUGHONS'sCOLLEGES 28 Colleges in 1 6 StfKUes. Indorsed by business men. No vacation I FIRM RV UAH l'kle,bortcnmplctiiifrcimrsa. For "Catalogue H." on Hiroa i fcunnn Ml mniu hanMtrfnshIp, I Law, Letter Writinff, EiiL'Hsai--Jfiiiir, llln traiuitf, cu, jMuacj back il uoi tSTisliea alter I "resident. Vraugbon a 1'racticai JJunou txileyai L . . . , , , . , . , ... KaleiRh. Columbia, Knoxvillc, Jacksonville or Nashville. We teach l Telnrnphy at Washington. P. C, and Atlanta, (ia. - ! -sr, r.TTTT vfmu'iH "urn i Ccncrc'j- S:"' .'jrd la lach and t A . "I c. : ; ?: I; A U A i ..- 1i s. r 7 ..v MACHINERY SECURED or Money Back Study or Cataknrue P." on ttcivdinr Colieire phone, call on, or aridrwa Jno. K. Iiratorom, tit' mi v?ry Cue .!: Sclve t!:is Pt!?7.!c H.WSOW "rrtimi.E REWARD IK VOIt CAMNOT IJO IT TV RE FREE t L,l., ILLINOIS ASHEBORO, N. C.