Aunt Annie" Writes About Her IllrtU day. "There' no dew left on the daisies and clover. There's u rain left in Heaven I've said my "seveu times" over :id ivr, Seven time j one are seven." There was a time when this verse of .lean Ingelow's would apply to me, but this little mile stone is past and forg itteu long ago, and now I am neither seven times six, n t aevea times seveu, but have to take a medi um ground, or multiply the inside terms, I have lieen sick for the last three or four week, but sick or well, time moves on, and our birthdays come and go. I never forget it when I am at home, but I glide over it sometimes when I am among strangers, simply to avoid discussion, because no one would ever think me as old as I am,- and I do not care to argue the point. Well as I said my birthday has come and gone. One more twsalieth of November is num bered with my forty-six others As I .aid in the beginning I hud not b-en well for some time and I gtiets my friends thought they would cheer uie up some, so in came the presents. First on tbb list is that dear old book David oppernVld, and I am now reviewing old acquaints ms with 'Tegolty," and "little Emily," for while I 'am getting older, they stay jast the same. Then some one gave me "Sesame and Lilies," and the binding is just as pretty as it can be, nod the bunch of Sesame on the outside looks just as natural, for we all know what Sesame is, and what a delightfal odor. Well they say variety Is the spire of life, now I will mix somotliluiF more substantia! along with my literary presents, .lust as the shades of evening were gathering i.n old friend came with something white ami flulTy, holding in her hand, and amid my thanks and appreciation 1 was informed tha' it was a "Ely away" bow, well 1 have it yet. and it sha'l never l!v away from me, fc r it is pretty u m I will look mighty nice. Next on the programme was anothir Ely away. " b..t this was a bird, a partridge, presented to me by one of Triui'y's tuijjCiy Nimrods. and 1 did appreciate the silm. Elver f t w -i.i it would .1... t uwavs ' Then cone and fr giant fragrant giuvi The last pr. Ciofd in f r I in tlie way i f i es wen- as sfl as the "K-ots! This dear oil hud dtrie. and f r wLit an, so f 'ml of these "llv ell. : if jusl pi, ,'f Mori la or rfced Ir. I he li. it was a:; uluiu. and if r Sel.tilii'Mil i mgrls have I'i'iiis was rut to the l.ea 'i sid- m I, ,, Me Bal- Irure and C irpi-uter. Will I appreciate :h sweet old p 'ems with I.ejj'h I. !idow.i I.i! r.vy I.mVi written UD lie !!y !-u! I wi.. k . liiemoriani J my ltur fn ;t a a preen tals and r. w.tii IB." pr I b. lievv ! um ti'.r.'ug'l u ta I scarcely ever had a pr. sent . n dav U'fois. 1 guesH it was hers Inrth 1 w.. posing us a sick person, it will pay me to be sn k every I'Hiii of V .ember, for tie- kind words pre'ty presents, etc, made tne think j more kindly of this old world, and that, "Weather good or weather bad dpemls on how we take it." With many thanks to my dear friends for their kind thoughts to me 1 will bid thein all ailiew and be thankful that things are no ' wosser with me than what they are," as the old woman said in her prayer, aud may I live to see another "seveu limes" , and whan all tha sevens are ended, and the book closed, may there be "No im v n j of the bar, when I put out to sea " Truly, "Aint Asmk." t'tld Wittd las. If you have liydale'a Cougii Elixir in the house when a raid wave is comitw, voti need no fear attacks of Bronchitis, 1'ueiiinouia (loughs, Colds, etc. Kvdale's Cough Elixi taken when attack begins never falls t cheek the progress ot the diseaie. It is equally surcensfiil in chronic rases of throat and lung diseases. Guaranteed by Standard Drug Co., AshelHiro, -V C. Ramseur Items. Mr and Mrs N F Marsh and child, of Asheboro, were visitors in town last week. Mrs Vedearis asd children, of Suuimer field, spent some time with Mr and Mrs W i Smith las week. T'te Dii Amusement Company gave very creditable entertainments at the Aca demy last Friday aud Saturday nights. Rev J E Woosley and 1 E Craven left h st Monday for Asheviile to attend Confer ence. Messrs Dixon A Jones' ave recently in tailed beautilul gasoline, lamps u their places ef b i-ieess Ramseur stores and factories w ill close for Thanksgiving. J E Cole, of Liberty, spent Saturday and Sunday in town with his daughter, Mi,,s Sarah Cole. Mr and Mrs '.leu Hodgin moved into the house vacated by A V Williams last Satur day. The young ladies will give an entertain ment at the Academy Thursday -night. A most delightful evening is anticipated. How to Get Strong, P.J, Dally, of 1217 W. Congress St., Chicago, tells of a way to heroins strong He says: "My mother, who is old and ws. yery feed V, is le iviiig so much t,e'ii from Electric Bitter.-, that- I feel it's mv duty to tell those who need a tonic aud strengthening medictne auout it In mv mother's case a marked gain in flesh has rs suited, irsrunia has been overoome, and , aha is steadily growing stronger. Elec'rir Bitten uuicklv retrodv stomach, bver ant' kidney ooiopUinta. Sold under guarantee ; tana am wrug store, ooo. II 1Kb Point K, f. I). No. 1 Items. Miss Htaluh lleau spent Sunday in ( I ireuslioro in company with Claud Swig get. W L Kivitt and S I. Kidd went lo ilreeuslioro la.t week on a business trip. Cicero Holton, sou of Ed Holton, got his arm painfully crushed last week and is at the point of death at the Junior Order 11 w pital at High 1'oiut. Misses Lula Hillings and Hattic Kidd sptut Sunday eveuiug with Miss Saline Kivett. Oscar, son of J l lladdon, is very ill a' his horns w ith typhoid fever l)r D S Stantou bought the Jesler farm tor if I Oiil). The protracted meeting, which has been in progress at Welch's school house has clnsjd. lira Alex Harvis, who has been on the sick list, is slowly improving Jar ties er, of Wiuttou Salem, was a visitor at Mr Kid I s Saturday. Elder W Tillman ti led his lsst appoint ment at flirkory Chapel Satarday night. S l Cox, of lireensboro, preached there Sunday, lllss Aiuic is miking a Tine record at her school at I'nion H ill. Ernest Kidd and wife visited Mr Kidd's Sunday. The committeemen, of I'nion High School, have decided to erect a new building this winter. Mrs A J I. nek, aud sou Earl, visited at lir Kiyett's Sundav. Miss l.iiie Witcher has b'en visitiig her eister. Mrs Hester of Jamestown II llayden has neatly completed ths phone line. Aiuick is arranging for a Christmas tree at I'uioii tiiil. fired Items. .1 W Stee.l, f Meeils, was in Hoore county ne ilav last week ou business. Peter Hnivey toil sister, Nancy J Spivey, isited John K-nnedy's Suuday night. Miss J dm Spivey visited parsuts, Mr nl M's.lolin Spivey Sstunl.iy logi.t. I'ani.d MrKeill is on the sick list. John il. Knie.of Hi-oe. attended preach ;j a! Wt .ion Sun lay . I 'liar i ')Rvis visited W E Kennedy one W l idia.ns ,e d.y la-t week. Ast r Craven i- all suii'ti, a boy at h iddii-g a nice as moved to the !Vnj i H '' I'uuiap IS I housa. Harris I.Vddit.g tins Brown place. S I. IWown is all smiles, its a girl. Mrs A'.-x iUll, ,f B.scoe, visited Iwr parents, Mr ad M s Judson Davis, Sun day. I (r Kennedy snd s hi St .ke, are attend ing court at Utleigh this week. Aslu liero K. T. 1. . I Items. Miss Angel, l( (iiulford College, preached an ex "elleut set nun at Bethel last Sunday, A large crowd attended the service. Zell Brown has gone South on business Charlie Bray shot himself through the foot last wek while resting the munle of his gun on the top ef his foot. John Ingold will move from ths Ingold place to the Blair p ace this week Miss Ellis Brown will have for Kinies ville next Saturday, where she will spend a part of the winter. lie d the pain formula on a box of Fin I'ain Tablet. Then ask your-Doctorif thera it a tietter one. I'ain means rongesiion blood pressure somewhere. Dr. Shoop's I'ink I'ain Tablets check head pains, womau 'v psiuH, pain auvwbere. Try one and see! i'O for 25c. Sold by Asheboro Drug Co. Cllmai Notes. Work w ill begin on a new church at this place at once Dennis Kennedy has accepted a pasitiu is Section Foreman at Pleasant Garden. J C Underwood has the largest locus tree in his plaee that is in this section. It mess ires 10 fe-t aiound They Take the kiaksOaU "I hava used Dr. Kiua New Life Pills lor in ii v vears, with increasing satisfaction lUevtaks the kink nut of st.'niaeli, liver iud howaJs, withoit fus or friction," s S'.l! Hrnwn, f PitistieM, Vt Guaranteed ati, factory at Standard Drug Stsre. kanoy Items. Tho -chool at Trogdon is doing Sue work with Viiss Mr. lie Lawrence as teacher. t In unday November rtth, Cr W Owen died of pueuiniali. He leaves a wif , t daught srs i-nd one sou, Iiesides a host of relatives and friends. Ths bereaved family have th sympathy of the community. Churl in Cagle spent a few days this week in the neighborhood buntisg Foley's Honey and Tar clears the air pas sag-s. stops the irriution in the th oat, soothes the inflamed m mbranes, and the n ost obstinate cough disappears. Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, net the cold is expend I rem t he system Kefuse any but the gesuine in ths yelloi package. Asheboro Drug Co. Every minister has his favorite by n n and every other man has his favorite her. Bees laxative Cough Sympalways Wings puck is?nei(v coughs, cold, hoarseness, whooping cough in I all bronchial and throat troii'iV U.'ithera especially reoommtcid it tor cuiMreii. riMsant to tas. gebtlv laxa live. Adiehorn Drug Co., and W. A. Un derwood, KHonleman. G How to Mike Christ mas Presents Fr Both Sexes Hatpin Cush ion N t tilt b fk . Suit Cast Set For a Man. The hatpin cuthlea shown Is a.a4e ef fompfldotir ribbons and al lace. It la tied In the center with baby ribbon. The needlebook la also a dainty little trinket, easily made, and appreciated either by mea or wemen. The design ahowa Is conventional primrose pattern worked In rlbbens. For the man who travels aothlng will be more appreciated than what la call ftunauLS ESrCea. Oar .piece of cotton wacMinf. Oae yard ef Drrade. nUea. Yard aad half ieaammm U Quarter jratJ aafeta mk. Two yards baby ribbea. Ukxvvt rmio. ed a suit 'Hse set S ninny people nse the suit ense. but have never been able to overcome the dlHrnlty of keeping the shoes mid brushes from nibbing up against their clean linen. There are three different nrticlcs In this set, all of which are made ef coartc linen. The rc-cplm-lo for shirts la In the ahape of a large envelope, the edges bound with brnld. nnd should be large enough to cotituln two shirts. I . bag for collar Is mnfle from the satue nnitcrial. Thi' bottem Is circular and made from pasteboard. A good idea is to sew to this a atrip of imste board ubotlt two Inches deep. These should be covered with the linen be fore Iwlug fastened together. The up per part of bag ehotild !e full and gathered wit! n drawing string. This: protects the collars from crushing as well ast keeps them clean. The third article In the set Is a plain Uneu bag lined with oiled silk. This is Intended for sponges and protects the contents of the suit case from the moisture of this toilet necessity after It hits been tired. The hairbrush can be put In this bag If no sponge is used. The monogram can be embroidered ou the outside. To make a .(dumber role for baby take two aud a half yards of plain allkoline, three bolts of No. 1 riblnjn. one skein of Shetland floss and one bat of fine cotton. Divide the allkoline Into two equal parts, place In a frame aud put In sUTERaLS eeqcoeb. Quarter yard of plain taffeta nlL Qjait yard d brocaxle aalu FaW esabaaklefy sSo. Tw yetda of half mck iUmbV HBHDLnnoo. layers ef eortoo betwee. ream for tyinj. Tie the ribbons all la tray bows. Thread the needle with the Shetland floss, using I double. Brine the needle cp from tho bottom, then flown attain, taking a stitch through one of the bows. Tie the yarn on the wrong aide with three or four extra needlea tied in the knot to make small tnft. Coutlmie the knotting In this man ner. beginning- with two and a hnlf Inches from the edges, making the tufts four Incbea apart. Turn In the edges all around and buttonhole close ly with the yarn used singly. Crochet a row of shells around the qnllt, each shell of five double crochet fastened with a single crochet nnd placed close enough together to make the work lie flat and fulled at the cor ners. . On the right side. Just Inside the buttonholing, make row of feather stitching with the yarn. This makes a light, dainty cover for the baby. It Is very pretty of blue allkoline tied with white ribbons or of white sllkollnc tied with pink and blue. Safety Pin Holder. As a gift to young mothers' to accom pany the baby basket safety pin bold aaake eful presents. Notes From Martha. P S Shaw is impioving slowly. The school at Bombay is progressing nicely nnder the suauageaient of Prof Ham' ilton. J R Morris will soon have his new resi dence completed. It adda much to tho ap pearance of our little towa. L C Elliott recently purchased the farm of Everett Kearas. Jodia Harrison, of Lilac, will move to ths Elliott farm. Holton A Co have located their saw mill on the land ol A O Cranford. Loftin A Bros have their mill on the laad of J S Reams. Miss Sallie Morris is spending a few weeks with her grandparents at Asheboro. Tonie Johnson, of Sol, ia spending a few days with ths family of N V K earns, of thi place. Miss Nora Tucker is spending a few days at lenton. Coolsprlng Items. , Hardin's School near here began last week with Wistor Rouih, of Gray's Chapel, as teachsr. Prof E C Hsmilton, of Greensboro, spent a few days at W M Ronth's last week. Mrs Linda Foust visited her daughter, Mrs liufus Neece, near Providence, last Saturduy and Sunday, Rev ane Mrs D A Vuncannca spent last Sunday at Dorace McDanisIs, near New Salem. Jefferson I.inelierry, ef Kildee, visited at W II McDaniel's last Suaday. The new telephone line running from Gray's Chapel to th Booth Mills near Kso mi Falls, will t in operation in a few davs. Ilriamrthr lractrtramla. The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many valuable ingredients of ro'eys Kidney Kemecly, llexainetliyletiHtetrainiiie is recognized by medical text hoi ks aud authorities ae a uric ncid solvent at d antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidnry Remedy as nvon as you notice ny irregularities, nnd moid u terioiis tnai.idy. Ashelsiro Drug Co. They don't need an incubtttor to hatch eoiiej'iracips. If you nim-r from cns;iiition and liver trouble Eolev's Orino laxative will cure yi u permanently by stimulating the diges- ! live organs so they will act naturally I Foley's Urino Laxative does not gripe, is I nleasant to take and von do not have to take 1, natives coutitiuallv after taking Oiiun Whv continue to be the slave of i iil and tablets. Drug Co. One year's work of a man's brain nmy be ruiued by his tongue in u few stcoiuU. Dr. Shooo's Health Coffee is cseated from pure accheil grains, mat, nuts etc -i real cottee in it. Fine ill tlavor is "ime in a minute" No or 39 minutes U-dio boiling. Free. Ashelsiro Drug Co. eTT I will attend at County Home, Back Flint Hill, Back Thomas Arnold s, Trinity township Tuesday afternoon, November, 24th.. Trinity Trinity township, Gienola, New Edgar, New Level Cross New Widow ChamnesV, Providence township, Friday afternoon, November 27th. Naomi Store Randleman, Saturday forenoon, Nov .-mber 28th. G. W. Elliott & Co.'s, Randleman, Saturday afternooon, November 28th. Worthville Randleman townshiD Central Falls Franklinville township, Cedar Falls, Franklinville township, Grays Chapel, Franklinville township, Liberty, Liberty township, Staley Columbia township, York & Frazier's store, --- -Columbia township, Kamseur Columbia township, Friday, December 4tn- Franklinville Franklinville township, Saturday forenoon, December 5th. Moffitt, Coleridge township Thursday forenoon, December 17th. Thomas Hinshaw's, Coleridpe township, Thursday afternoon, December 17th- Coleridge, Coleridge to u nship, Friday, December 18th. Cheekf, Peasant Urove township, Saturday forenoon, December 19th. W. D. Maner's Stre Pleasant Grove township Saturday afternoon, D cember 19th- Baldwin's Store, Brower township Monday forenoon, December 21st. Tysor's store, Brower township, Monday afternoon, December 21st. Yows Mill Richland township, -- Tuesday forenoon, December 22d. Seagrove, Richland township, Tuesday afternoon, December 22d. MichfielJ, Richland township Wednesday forenoon, December 23d. Ulah, --Cedar Groe township, - Wednesday afternoon, December 23d. S. A. Cox's store, Union township 2... Mo.iday. Janiary 4th, 1901). Elijah Shaw's store Union township, Tuesday forenoon. January 5th. G. E. Carter's store, New Hope township, - Tuesday afternoon, Jai.uary 5tn. New Hope Academy New Hope township Wednesday forenoon, January 6th- Martha, - New Hope township Wednesday afternoon, January 6th- Farmers, Concord township, -- Thursday forenoon, January 7th. Allen Nance's store, Concord township, Thursday afternoon, January 7th- Noah Skeen's Tabernacle township; Friday forenoon, January 8th. A. W. Fuller's store, Tabernable township Friday afternoon, January 8th. S. E. Allen's store Grant township, Monday afternoon, January 10th. Kemps Mills; Grant township Tuebday forenoon, January 11th. Widow Kinney's, Cedar Grove township, Wednesday, January 12th, The taxpayers are requested to meet me without fail on this round as the taxes are now past due, and 1 must collect them in order to meet the state taxes as well as the others All persons liable to privilege taxes should settle same at once. This November 16th, 1908. Mt. Ollvett Items. Diel: Oa the 2 let day of November, at the home of her nephew, I. 0 Sugg, Mrs Elizalwth McKoy, in her 8"ith year. The re mains were interred at Mt Olivet Suudy afteraoon. A large number of relatives and friends were present. It is with keen regret that we part wi n our pastor, Rev V E Edwards. He is an excelleat gentleman, a good preacher, and he and his wife have woe the love of all. (.'apt Siler ia preparing aa interesting Thanksgiving program, which will be ren- lered by the pupil. Thursday. Beu Brown celebrate his bsrthday Sun day, entertaining a large number of rela tives and friends. A Sare-Hnoag-a Kworksr J. C, Goodwin, of Reidsvil'e, N. C says: Hueklen's Arnica Salve ia a sure enough kniK-ker for ulcers, A bad onecsme on my leg last sammer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds. Not even a scar remained." Guaranteed for piles, a ts, burns etc, 25c. at Standard Dmg Store. Raiph Items. Elmer Rich and family, of Asheluro, were welcome visitors at A 0 Cox's Sunday . Miss Alta Hrowa visited Miss Rodtuia Cox Sunday evening. Clifford King spent Sunday evening at A C Cox's. Miss Martitia Cox and sister, Misa Louie, spent Ssaday at Ralph. Mrs Roslla Moos spent a few days last wisk in Ashe'ioro with her sister, Mrs TM Allen. liaster Gsriet Allen, of Vshi hero, spent Saturday and Sunday with his giardma, Mrs Wincy Cox. Miss Kate Winningham and Miss EfTie Brown and Walter Cox visited at R D Low dermilk's Saaday. To those aillicted with kidney ind bladder trouble, backache, rheumatism, l'inemes fur tin Kidntvs burg relief in the tirst dose tlmidred. of people t' day testify to their remarkalile healing and tonic properties 30 days' trial $ I 0(1. They purify the blood. Ashelsiro I'rug to., and , A. I iiderwonl, lutndleman. After a man's goodness roaches a cerUun point he begins to take an occasional day I'lr. It is delieiously palatable, agrees with the w,akest stomach, Coiiiains the most scothing, healing, Htrengthening aud curntive ele ments. Makes you well and happy Mollis ter's RiM-ky .Mountain Tea. 3.r cents, Tea or Tablets. AsheUiro Drug Co. All the world's in debt, and we're the payers of it. Constipation, indigestion, drive away appetite and make yon weak and sick Mol lis! r's Rocky Mountain lea restores the appetite, drives away disease, builds up thi systeui. ,Vi cents, Tea or Tablets, Ashe Ixh o I'rug Co. s&L l ' ai.k V--- the following times collection of Taxes for Creek township Creek township, Market township lhursday forenoon, November 2bth. Market township, - Thursday afternoon, November 26th. Market township, Friday forenoon, November 27th. S. L. HAY WORTH, ' Sheriff of Randolph County. Quick Sales Store. I have just opened a new line of Notions, Shoes, Hosiery, Gents Furnishings and Groceries in the old J. L. Norman stand. Am re ceiving additional eoods daily. J have adopted the watch-word, "Small Margin and Quick Sales.'' All I ask is an opportunity to show you and quote you prices. Our shoes for men and ladies are bought for service and comfort. Our line of Hat f- : Come and be convinced. Avent Raleigh, N.C. " a 17,01 T. H. SKEEN, Asheboro, N. C. MOT1CB. Haln qualifled as administratrix of RrV sons havin. claims aKali'ist the itate J uVdet ceased to present them to the unitenlxneil. daly msj. or this iiotiee will b riea.let m bar ot their Mtncrj All rou, i,w ii.k Ero" queatwt to make lis.nedisie ymeiit ThUNov.inh. ,m' A'4''.Adm,. 6Q YPI9a tf EXPERIENCE ft Tradc Marks Dcsisns CopvmoHT it Anvowe M1rff a slieteh and (loserlptles ma qtiliklr rum ...,,,. fras whslhsr so Invmitian M lirohsnlT stviiliilte. .rnmanlf. tloni.iriHIBe.,i,ll,eMilnl. HJNUtOOK an HstaiB) cut fre. Oldest In e,-f r new nM Patents t'sieuM luon throuuh Muss a Co. rsearM fvtdl nottte, wlOieut croiryo. Ml aha Scientific Uiilcatte A tlMHlsnmelv tOnstrsted wsahlf. I.swest olr eulnNvil it ssv i.s.Ildu J. srs.O. SVrnn. U a yvw. fonr nioutlu, L 6vW b all aeodealers. Mtti uti, fltrtt. WtsMnctea, B. a Power Wood Saw. Prompt Service ; secured by calling: OTIS W. RICH, Phone 113. Asheboro. N. C. Will ke sou hand wood fr healer, vs'ae ptaesatent yail In tomh, WUC ealtver teadr tor as. and places for the 1908: Monday afternoon, November 23d. luesday forenoon, November U4th. Wednesday, November 25th. Mondav forenoon. November 30th. Monday afternoon, November 30th. Tuesday forenoon, December 1st. Tuesday afternoon, December 1st. Wednesday, December na. Thursday forenoon, December 3rd. Thursday afternoon, December 3rd. - a. MsWSBldB-4,4rU wjbStiiiltoaiss-

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