THE ASHEBORO COURIER ' Aiheboro, N. O Jan. 7, 1909. Local and Perianal. Misa Filth Hanancker spent Sat laj in High Point with friends. Misa Fannie Newby celebrated her twelfth birthday last week. Fox is .the beat man to get your iurnitue from. Mr. aid Mrs. W. H. Glasgow pent Suaday with A. S. Pugh. Simpson's is a good place to pur chase many thiBgs yon need. Call to see him on Depot Street. Miss Oorinna Anman returned to Trinity Monday to take charge of her music class. Miss Berta Tyson spent a few Jays Inst week with Misses Allie and .Arrilla Spoon. Jnnins C. Fox and bride arrived at Randleman where they will make their home Saturday night. Mrs. Jean Rush spent a part of the holidays with her parents, Mr. atod Mrs. 0. 0. Wade, at Troy. The place to get all kinds of pitent medicines is tit W. A. Under woou's. Misses Nellie and Mable Spoon and Lillian Ilunsucker Gieut Sun day in Wortbville. On ChiWtunitJ eve. Mrs. S. L. Hill presented her daughter, Eva, whh a nice piuseur, a Beckwith urau. Miss Lanra Stiinaon returned from Raudleinaa Sunday afternoon, hav ing speLt toe holidays at home. Sam Spencer left Monday for Raleigh to attend the A. & M. Col lege. The Misses Blnir entertained a cumber of friends Saturday evening in honor of Miss Goley, of Graham. Miss Irwin returned Saturday from Charlotti where she spent the holidays with friends. Miss Daisy Crowson went home Saturday where s e will spend a few months. '. Misses Louise BradBhaw and Mary Reynolds, of Greensboro, left Mon day of last week for a visit to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hnssey and Mr. and Mrs. Claude HuBsey, spent a part of last week with relatives ic Cedar Grove township. Misses Lizzie Bunch, Mary Belle Kivett and Annie Moring have re turned to the State Normal after spending the holidays at home. Miss Kathleen Hall, of High Point, who has been spending some time with relatives here, returned to High Point Monday. J. 0. Redding represented the Asheboro Chair Company at a meet ing of the North Carolina Chair Association at Greensboio Friday. Misses Maud and Fannie Hamlin returned yesterday from Asheboro where they spent Christmas with relatives. Telegram. Mrs. J. V. Hunter and children returned Saturday from Charlotte where they visited relatives and friends for several days. Alex Hall killed a hog last week that weighed 535 pounds at 14 months old. It is by far the heaviest reported in this section. Kiss Martha Petty, who has been visiting the family of Dr. Tomlin eon at Archdale during the holidays has returned to Rocky Mt., where sae ib teaming lninegraaea scnoois. Mr. McAlister Carson, of Char lotte, and Mr. Alex. Worth, ot Ashe boro, ae guests at the home of Mr. A. W. McAlister. Greensboro Telegram. - , Miss Flarence Blair attended the marriage of Miss Pennie Ward Daniel to Rev. Roit Flemming, of Streator, 111, at Greensboro last week. Miss Blair presided at the piano during the ceremony. A very popu'ar young couple, Mr. J. W. Farlow and Miss Edna' Far- low were happily united in marriage at Maud W. U., on December 24th, 1908, Unas. W. Bedding, J. P., offi cia ing. SlOO Heward, SlOO. The readers of this mper will he pleased to learn that there Is at leant one drew ted. dlseane that science has been able tocure in all itsatuges, and that is Catarrh. Hall's natarrb Cure la the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being constitutional dis ease, require constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe yx ;m, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength br building np the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in la curative powers that they oiler Oue Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails tocure. fiend for lUlof testimonials Address: F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DruggistH, 76c Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Prof. H. E. Craves, of Statesville, spent a part of last week in towa. B. L. Caviness and Mi Beulah Shields were married in Greensboro last Saaday, says the Telegram. Register of Deeds Boroughs issued 213 marriage licenses during the year 1908. Misses Annie Mori nr. Lizzie Banck aniMarv Bills Kivitt have returned to the State Normal. Miss Margaret Goley, of 6ranm, who has been a guest of Mrs. J. T. Underwood, returned home Sunday. Mrs. S. L. Hill has just retimed from Carthage where she - has been visiting her son, W. II. 11 ill. Henry Beeson, an esteemed citizen of Gleaola, was a guest of relatives here the hrst of. the week. Capt. Richard H. Smith, aged 76 years, died of paralysis at his home in Greensboro on Jan. 4. Miss Angel, of Guilford College, will preach at Bethel church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock." . Miss Pat Lowe is visiting her sister Mrs. Stella Johnson, in Con cord township. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wiles and childre.. of Greensboro, spent Sunday in Asheboro with relatives. Miss May McAlister who has been ill for several days is improv ing. Jacpr Aumap is preparing to o,.en a stock of merchandise iu the old Anmau building on Sostth lavetteville btreet. Gai her Elder son of W. .'. Elder of Triiiitv, was in shehoru lust weetc. Mr. Elc' r is contemplat ing locutiug in Asheboro. Mrs. Jennie Hancock, of Greeus boro, spei t a part of the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. ffra. J. liammer. Miss Sutton organized a Home Mission Society at the M. P. Church Sunday afternoDn with a good membership. . Kerney Hendricks has returned to Leheigh University where he is a member of the faculty of the Civil Engineering Department. Last Thursday night abont 10 o'clock Lindsay Holmes,colored shot and killed a hawk which measured 42 inches from tip to tip. Mrs. W. D. S ted man entertained Tuesday evening in honor of the departure of her son, Sulon, and F. E. Byrd, for Poughkeepsie, New York. Messrs btedman and Byrd left yesterday. W. S. Skeen desires to thank the people for the valuable rendered Sunday night at the lire in protecting his stable property on North street from being destroyed by the flames. SPRING TERM OPENS. Great In ere use In tbe Enrollment With AsheW Graded School Classes. The spring term of the Asheboro Graded Schools opened Monday with an enrollment of 408 which is au increase of 18 over that of the fall term. This increase, however, is in the grades that were not crowd ed during the fall term. There are 26 students of the 9 th grade. KThere has been much talk of ad ding -a tenth grade to the course of study in the schools but the fact that these 408 pupils are iu charge of seven teachers, an average of more than 50 pupils to the teacher, has ugge8ted the advisability of in creasing the faoulty for the present course. It is probable that the board of trustees will concider these improvements. Superintendent 0. V. Woosley A J sires very much the visitation of the school by the parents of the pupils, urging that they do so, thus bung ing the school in closer touch with the home which will greatly a;d iu making the, institution a greater success and of greater benefit to the students. The Trusts Some Too. The regulation of Trusts has been attempted for each meeting of this body for twenty years or less, and always with the same re sult, whether justly or not the busi ness interests have succeeded in making a majority believe that there is no need for such dramatic action as has been attempted. Mention ing the business interests calls to mind the fact that it has been said that that interest dreads a meeting of this body on account of the agita tor, not that it has anything to fear from the sober action of law makers. Death Hear Liberty. Mrs. Mariah Mc Masters, of near Liberty, died December 30th, 1908, at the home of her son, J. F. Mc Mas ers, and was buried at Bethany January 1st. She was 76 years old. "IF ONLY" - has been the regiet of thou sands. After death of the loved one you say "if only I had had a bottle of GOWAN'S PREPARA TION in the - house, I could have saved th- life of the one we loved." Wherever there is Inflama tion, GOWAN'S will cure. External. All dmggests, 25, 50o and $1. Buy to day and save the regr t and if only." CHRISTINE GILES RECITAL. Nest Ljrceaaa Attraction at the Audltsr- lam January 15th The Christine Giles Recital Com pany, appearing at the Graded School Auditorium Friday evening, January 15tn, is composed of three metropolitan artists who nave htea tred and found not waotnr. Miss Giles, who has successfully perfect ed the anusual accomplishment of playing artistic vieun obligates to her own soprano nnmiers; Misa Erelvn Lewis, than whom there a no cleverer exponent of artistic reading ttSM rati? WmKr- J'- 1 f on the platform, and of whom it has been said that "sne is quite like Miss Katbenne Ridgeway"; and. last but noc least, the great Batch- elder, whose work npon the solo flute has made him a reputation iu musical ciides second to none in America. Each artist in this company has had several full seasons upon the concert stage, and it will n doubt be oae of the successes of the pres ent Lyceum season. J. hese clever and versatile artists will preseut an evening's program consisting of soprano solos, with violin and llute o jligatos, violin, dute and piano trios, humorous and dramatic readings with musical ac companiment, aud flute and piccolo solas. Fire Sunday Night. A fire which was dangerously lo cated in the business portion of the town occurred Sunday night when the three stores belonging to J. G. Miller were burned on North street. The buildings were occupied by the blacksmith shop and wagon oi ks of A. M. Presnell, the grocery stores of JS. O. Knssell aud Geo. rarks aad the produce business of J as. T. Tur ner, who recently moved to Ashe boro from Liberty. Nothing was saved from either building, aud there was no insurance. The ag gregate loss is between $1,500 and $3,000. The fire occurred about midnight Fortunately there was no wind and by the presistent efforts of the buck et brigade the names were kept un d r control until danger of its spreading was passed. New Fursiihlag Store. Harris Sachs k Son, of Hickory. have leased the old postoffice build ing on Depot street, and will at an early date open an exclusive cloth' ing and gents' furnishing store in Asheboro. Mr. McCain the owner of the building is having it remodel ed for the new htm. An open plate glass front will be put in aad the floor loweied to the street level giving ample room for display. M ill Light Randleman. The Randolph Power Company has been granted a charter by the secretary of a cate. lue incorpora tors are 11. C. Petty, of South Orange, N. J., W. O. Petty, of Greensboro, and others. The com pauy has already secured a franchise trom tbe town of Randleman to uo an electrical light and power busi uess in that town and it is expected that a plant will be put in opera tion within a few days. Friends Sabbath School. The Sabath School of the Society of friends was organized Sunday with an enrollment c 21 pupils Miss Nannie Ballinger was elected superintendent. Ihe school will meet ia tbe rooms over the Lexiug ton Grocery Co etery Suuday morn ing at 10 o clock. GRAND JURY'S REPORT. Made at tbe December Term, 190S, of Randolph Superior Court. To Hia Honor Benjamin F. Long: We the Grand Jury for the term beg to submit the following report: We have completed the business before our body and have returned all bills submitted to us for actios, and made presentments of all mat ters which are within our knowl. edge. We have examined the Insti tution of the county and the affairs of the county officials, either in a body or by committee. The office of Wm. C. Hammond clerk of the Superior Court, is well' kept. His methods are simple and easily accessible, and we especially commend him for the expene and pains to which he has gone in pro curing a type-writing machine with which to make all of his records, thus making them neat and legible to all. The machine is the person al property of Mr. Hammond. The office of Register of Deeds is found to be in excellent condition, and we highly commend the retir ing Register, Mr. J. P. Boroughs. We would like to see a typewriting machine installed in this office, which would save the county an item in the way of expensive books, aud prove an assistance and conven ience to our citizens. The office of the county Sheriff is kept veil, and we commend Sheriff Huywoith. Llis records are neat and so far as practicable to obtain are accurate. , The ofliee of Count v Superintend. eut of Public Instruction is now in cii-trge of Mr. W, X. Elder, cluir man of ibr Uour.ty Board, in tin- ab.-enei' of rrof. E. J. Coltr.tne, who has been sick for some months past. We believe tiiat Mr. Elder is ad vancing the educational interest in the county. , By committee we examined the office of B. F. Newby, the CouDty Treasurer, aud so far as practicable to obtain,' found his records neatly and accurately kept, and consider ing the heavy expense to which the county is now being put in the erec tion of the new Court house, the fi nancial condition of the county is good. Mr. Newby reports about $5,000.00 on hand, belonging most ly to tbe school fund. We highly recommend tne coun ty Commissioners for their efforts to meet a long felt demand in the erec tion of a modern Uourt House. We visited the new Court House which is now substantially under way of construction, in a body and were im pressed with its beauty and ample. uess. uommoaious omces are pro vided for all the county oSicers, to gether with Grand Jury rooms, pri vate rooms, committee rooms anu an auditorium with a seating capacity of about six hundred. Vaults are built to protect the county records adjoining the offices of the Clerk of tbe Court and Register of deeds, and vaults are alsa being constructed in the basement in which to keep the old records. We recommend that the present wood windows and the door sash in these vaults be replaced by iron frames to prevent any possibility of damage in case of fire. We were informed that the con tracts for all material were let to the lowest bidder, and we examined some of these bids on file in the Reg ister of Deeds office, and saw noth ing irregular nor contrary to Mr. Owens' statement. The work is in charge of Mr. Owen, directly under the order of the County Commis sioners. Tbe County convicts, consisting of one it hite and ten colored men, are now worked in the construction of the Court House. Tbe teams, CDnsisting of nine mules, one having died this week from sickness, ana the wagon and tools are also being used. The convicts are fed at their kitchen erected near the lourt House, and are housed in the county jail at night, ' hey seemed to be well provided for aad stated that they could not complain of their provisions or treatment. We visited the jail and commend the jailor. Mr. Lowe for supplying the prisoners with good wholesome food, which they assured us was satisfactory. The convicts going in and out with muddy shoes and cloth ing is much against the cleanliness of the building. We do not think our present jail is satisfactory to our citizens and we recommend that the County Commissioners do not sus pend their improvements uuul taey have provided a modern jail, and that the cells be especially provided with elevated beds and every sani tary arrangement. There are three white and three colored prisoners in jail all male. One white man has been sick of rheumatism for seven or eight months pat. and totally disabled. The present jail should be repaired 'immediately to tbe ex tent of m iking the cells warmer. Some of the lights are out aud the tbuilding is otherwise open, one pris oner complained of the cold. We visited the County Home by committee and found twenty-one iu mates, ten white females, seven white males and one colored female, and three colored males are blind and one colored female is deaf aud dumb. We nod that sepante houses are piovided for the white and colored inmates, and that they are supplied with good wholesome food. Vegetables are grown on the farm and also some gram, but the faini is not self supporting. There are three cows, four hogs, one horse and wagon and some farming tool the property of the county, and a snail quantity of provisions on nana. .(Necessary provisions are purcnased monthly. We commend the steward, Mr. Delk, for doing hia best under the circumstances and we recommend that the County Com missioners do net cease their im provements nntil our County Hi me is tbe equal of any in the country. We extend our thanks to your Honor and the officers of the Court for courteous considerations re ceived. Respectfully Submitted, J. O. Reddiko, Foreman. New Law Firm The law firm of Hammer & Spence was dissolved by mutual con sent the first of the year before State Senator Spence left for Raleigh. As stated in a card elsewhere iu this is sue of the Courier both Mr. S, aa a and Mr. Hammer will continue to practice in Asheboro. Ar the close of the assembly Senator Spence will retura to Asheboro and open au office and practise alone. Mr. Sj euoe will be iu Asbeboio oc casionally before tbe close of the gein-r-d ussem'ily. Ail pers-ms de siring to communicate with Mr. Spence ii. fori Iih li'ia) leuiru can address him a l lltileig'i, X. C. Mi. Hammer has form -d a ji trt !ii rs:ii) witn Mr. li. C Kelly, who cane li.'ie several months ayo from Dm ham where he completed his ed ucation by graduation in both the literary an1' the law departments ot Trinity College. Mr. Kelly, like Mr. Spence, has many friends both here aud else where aud comes among our people bearing the highest testimonials both as to character aud ability. Renode Ing For Cal'e D. Auman has moved his stock of goods from the Ross building to the old hardware building near the station and is having it remodel ed to accommodate a cafe with Bleep ing apartments on the second floor. The work of remodeling will be complete in a short time. Mies Anuie Lee and J. C. Plum mer, of Hannergville were marrhd on December 29th Thomasvi'.la Times. AFTER THE GRIPPE Tinol Restored This Man's Strength "Several years ago 1 was attacked by a severe case ot grippe, which left me with a hacking cough, soreness In my chest, and bronchitis. I took nearly every kind of cough syrup sold on the market, besides medicine given me by physicians. I received no permanent relief until my druggist asked me -to try Vinol, and after taking three bottles I waa entirely cured, I believe Vinol to be the greatest blessing ever offered to the public, aa It does what Is claimed for It." R. S K. Hicks, Maplesville, Ala. The reason Vinol cures chronic coughs, colds and pulmonary troubles Is because it contains tonio Iron and all the healing and body building ele ments ot cod liver oil but no oil. Vinol Is also unexcelled as a strength builder for old people, delicate children, weak and run-down persons, and after sickness. Vinol is sold in Asoeboro by ASHEBORO DRUG CO. IF YOU FEEL UPSET There is something iu our stock of Drj'gs and Medicines to put you on your feet again. For every ailment of the human body there is a cure. Even mental depression c in lie dis.'e'led. Many of our excellent tonics relieve brain fat; and drive away f,he blues. Whatever one expects to hud iu a well-stocked drug store is here, and much besides that the ordinary store does not keep. , Inquire of The Standard Drug Co., Asheboro, N. C. W. T. Van Brunt, ef New York, who is interested in the proposed interurbau electric car hue bet een High Point Winston -Salem and Greensboro, has secured an extea tion of his franchise for a street railway aud gas plant by the High Point aldermen. Best Stomach Remedy Frco It is an old saying that if the stom ach is sound the whole body is safe, because so much depends upon the proper working of the stomach. Many persons find themselves with a dis order of the stomach which pro duces dyspepsia or a peculiar state of biliousness. If you ouffer from both atomach trouWa and constipation you are en the way to a. very serious disease. From Just such con ditions come appendicitis, rheumatism, skin diseases and similar disorders, be cause the waste matter that should have been dispelled from the system througlr the bowels has found its way Into the blood and vitiated it What is needed at this point Is not simply a violent cathartlac tablet or salt, which usually does mora harm than good, but a gentle laxativet tonic like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which peoDle have been usinar for th.m ailmentB for nearly a quarter of a cen tury. It cured J. C. Lanham. of War rensburg. Mo., of stomach trouble of Ion' standing, also William Voll, of 903 Ellls- aon our Louisville, Ky.. who had tha ouble for fifteen years. However, if you have stomnch trntihl you want to know from personal experi ence what Dr. Caldwell's Byrup Pepsin, will do for you. If so. send your name to the doctor and a free trial bottle will I sent you. You are urged to send fop the free bottle, as the results from it will be the best recommendation of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. Then you will do as over two million people did last year go to your drugfjiat and buv a roRiilar bottla nt 60 cents or $i, according to the siza you prefer. Wc could mention hundred i:nd hundreds of families who are never v. lthnut it. You can never tell when soma member ot the family will need a laxa tive, and t!nn no time rhoulj be lost lUKinR nr. taiuweji 3 tiyrup i'epsln. If there is anything about your ailment that you don't understand, or if you want iv.v m..i-l!.-il nrivl.u. orlta 4j, f y to the cioetor, and he will raPMtir answer you fully. There is VtSvl'i'A 110 charge for this service. F5&S5rf.''2la The address is Dr. W. B. fTfii-i Caldwell. 500 Caldwell bldg., affifW-ial Monticdlo, 111. Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden & Farm. Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every year until we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country is the best of evidence as to the superior qual ity of Wood's Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog and monthly "Crop Special" have done more to encourage diversified farming and profi table market-growing of vegeta ble crops than any other similar publications. If you want the best and most profitable crops, Plant Wood's Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog and monthly "Crop Special," mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Ch&tmas Cooking Made Easu 'PHONE TJS for your little nerds in cooking; for XmaS season. We have a full tine of Heavy and Fanry Gao ceries, Candies, Nuts, Raisins Flavorings,Meat Dressing's, etc- We will buy your Chickens and Eggs. I RICH & MOfFITT, 2 II. P. $55. 4 H. P. $90 Cash with order. Five Year Guarantee. Waterloo Gasoline 5 c..: r Southern Branch GrCCHSboTO N. C. Hammer (Si Kelly, Attorneys; at Law, Asheboro. N. Carolina., 'Phone No. S.

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