.EMPLOYES TO SUPERINTEND ENT. Sapt. Crven and Foremen ofthe Colum bia Mrg. Co. Remembered Other Kamseur New. One of the prettiest incidents f the Christmaa eeason waa the preaentatiou to I T Craven the genial and popular auperin tendeut of the Colombia Manufacturing Uot ton Mill, a very handsome rocker, by the mployees and a beautiful silver (Gillette) safety razor by the seperintendent and ship ping clerk. Mn Marvin Fulton visited her parents aeai Belew'e Creek Xmas. Mr and Mrs J D Leonard have the pro found sympathy of i ur people in the death oftbeir infant daughter Jaa 1st. It was laid to rest in the cemetery at 3edar Falls The members of the Baptist Sunday School presented their worthy and efficient Superintendent, M E Johnaou, an elegant watch fob, the presentation speech being made by J A Martin and very feelingly re spou ed to by Mr Johnson. John Woosley, of Uui ford College, spem the holidays at home. C B Craven has moved to his farm Dear llulTulo Ford. Adolpiius Yow, of V hy Not, visited hi mother at John Black's the past week. Dr and Mrs liobt Graham, of I.umlwrton, are the guests of Sir and Mrs A li Coving ton. Miss Anuie Black, of the llijli I'o.nt (irad- d School after sp-mling the ' oliiLiya at home, returned to her work Monday. Ths Moore, of the Southern Express Co, nanL n feuninv-j with friends here last week Mia Ora fott returned to Sliiloh las Sum! .y to resume her ilaties as teacher after upending Xmas at hoine. The Methodist Sunday School raised a purse of $13 50 for the Italian BulTerers. E W atkins is attending a meeting of the Furniture Dealers' Association at Grand Kapids W 11 Watkius Jr went to Kayetteville Saturday, wi ere Mrs Watkins has been vis iting for some time. Mrs Hugh I'arks Jr was in town Monday. Simple Hemeily for Lagrippe. Hacking lugrippe coughs that may develop into pneumonia over night ore quickly cured by ley's Uoney and i ar. The) sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and a dangerous condition is quickly averted. Take en!y Foley's Honey and Tar in the ytllow package, Asheboro Drug Co. Caraway News. Miss Cora Redding was a guest of Beatrice and Maliel bulla last week. Miss Martha Hed ing, one of Caraway's teucai-rs, spent Cbriituias ut Iwnie. Mis Annie rit-. cd spent the holidays at home. Mr and Mrs Buscont Osborne visited Les ter Davis Monday. Mr and Mrs Sam Lanier spent Christmas with their son here. Miss Addie Llill, of Tri-ity, is visitiig Miss Mama- Steed. Mr and MrsStanly Redding visited their sons at Asheboro Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Miss I.ula Davis lias returned froai New York where she has been since last fall 1 here is no case on record of a cough, or lagripj-e developing into pneumonia alter Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken, as it cures the .most obstinate deep Mated (cn!ig!s and celds. Why take anything , sise. 1 Asheboro Drug Co. bin in l-'rankllnvllle. The school opened Monday morning mid indications point to a most prosperous term An important meeting ofthe Odd Fellowi will be held at the Masonic Mall Saturday night at which time the new officers will be Installed. Miss Lillie Fentress returned to the State Normal Monday after visiting relatives here for a few days. MissGrace Parsons, of Cotioord, wa.i a guest in the home of Kev Jumes Jordan last week. O E Stuart and J II Burrow were in Ashi - boro Monday. Mr and Mrs C II Wei'cli spent Sunday at the home ot G H Cox. Mrs L Hackney, of 1 Imrlotte, is visiting relatives hers this week. Rokblns-Jarrell A beautiful heme wedding took place at the home of Mr aad Mrs John F Jarrell at Caraway, on Dec 23 when their daughter, Gertrude Claire, became the bride of Allen Rabbins. The bride waa attired in a beau tiful gown of blue messaline silk with trim minus of valtnciennea lace and ribbon. The groom wore the conventional bhek. After the ceremony, which took place at five o'clock, a bounteous dinner was served . The tablea groaned beneath the burden of Christmas edibles. About fifty guests ware present. The bride is the beautiful and attractive daughter of John F Jarrell, who is the popular postmaster at Caraway She ta I talented musician and her charming person ality has endear' d her to a large circle of friends. The groom is a successful lumber man and farmer and is recognized aa a young man of sterling worth and business quail fications. The number of beautiful and useful pres ents received attested the popularity of these two young people. After a delightful evening spent in music and conversation, the guests reluctantly do parted at a late hour, leaving many good wishes for future happiness of the newly wedded couple. On l hristnias day a dinner was given in their honor at the home of the groom on Caraway. A Keligious Author's Statement. For several years I was atllicted with kidney trouble and last winter 1 wan sud denly stricken with a severe pain in my kill nevs and was conlined to lied eiglit davs till able to get up without assistance My uriae contained a thick white sediment aad I passed same frequently day and night. I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Kemady aad the pain gradually abated and ti ally Ceased and lur urine oeoaine aorinal. 1 cli-ei fully recommend Foley's Kidney Rem eu'y. Asheboro Pr ig Co. Haln Dots. J II Burkhead anil wife, of Fairburn, Georgia, retnrned home last Monday after visiting relatives and friends for abc live weeks here DocKrv Smith, of this place, and Miss Minnie Coggin, of Chandler, were married last Sunday by FM Cook, Esq. Miss Emma Taylor is at h t father's Madi s n Taylor's after staying with her grand father, W C Taylor, for abeut a year. The school at Hickory Station is progress ing nicely under the management of Mrs EllaThornburg. C H Cranford, of I'inson, has moved tr Baia. Cicero Coggin and Miss Ida Cline, daugh ter of William Cliue, were married Christ s eve. Clete Koonts and family, of Lexington are visiting in our community. Mrs Robert Davis, of Mexico, is having a feed barn erected on her firm uear here. Besides 00 large cups from each 25c package of Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, I now put in a S.jc. clever silvered fto-Drip Coffeo Strainer Coupon Look for it! The satisfaction ot Health (xmee is, liesides. most perfect. Made only fr. in pure toasted cereals, malt, nuts, etc. Sold by Asheboro Drug CO. Millboro Items. Misses Gertrude 1'ugli and 'Johnsie Al lriilge returned Friday from a lew day visit to Climax. Mrs .1 T Hayes visited her father, W W McDaniel of Gray's Chapel, last week. Mrs Cicero Redding spent last Saturday and Sunday at R W l'ugh's. Master Ernest Ellis and litlle sister, Nel lie, spent a few days last week at I H Pugh'i on Asheboro, U F D No 1. Mr and Mrs U C Hiushaw and Mr am Mrs W M Julian, of Millboro, R F D, visit ed at J G Julian's Sunday. Mr and MrsGurney Snider returned Sun day from a trip to Montgomery Co. Misses Lena and Ila Brown sjient la week at G reensboro. Bethany Sunday School elected officers last Sui day for this year and expect to run the school all the winter. 'has Martin's family of Greensboro, visit ed J S Julian's last work. Many little lives lrtve lieen saved by Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds, croup imd whooping cough. Ilia the oulv sale reireily for infants and childrea as it contains no opiates or other narcotie drugs, and children like Foley's Honey and I'ar. Careful mothers keep a bottle in the bouse. Befuse substitutes. Asheljorn Drug Ce. Notice. Notice is hereby give the that Uomd ef Aldermen will make ap plication to Legislature for the pi ivl It ps of holding an election l vote fit',000 for tb Street lmprove nuut land. T. 0. Bowdph. Mavor. P ailleuiau, Ju 5 1909. Watched Fifteen Year. Ft filteen years I liuve watched the ik lift of Huck leu's Arnica Salve; and ii h.is nevtr failed to cure any sore, boil, ulc oi I. urn to which it was applied It has s d usoiany a doctor bill," says A F H J- -f East 'Vilton, Maine. 25c ai Siuu..i i Dmg Co. Llerber. fiua.sell, of Gulf, u Tie .TU htT mother, Mrs. Freeman. ' you will take. Foley's Orine Ijixativ the bowels become regular you wil .five to lake puigatives constantly, fl y's Orin't Luative positively, cm-i ii ic ron-aipuiion and sluggish liver ant to take A-JieJioie Drag Co. You would not delay taking Foley's Kid uey Remedy at the first sig ef kidney bladder trouble if yea realized that i.eg'e might result in Bright' disease or di lietes. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects ii regularities and cures all kidney and bladder disorders. Asheboro Drug Co BUSINESS BULDERS John "What kind of tea do you like est?" Priscilla "Go-tees, some. I Rocky Mountain Tea bet." Johu "Why Holhster s Kocky Mountain lea best Priscilla--'It speaks for itself, Johu Makes lovely complexions ) Asheboro Drug Co WANTED To learn aay information to whit has takes the saw mill belonging James Sheara. near Bess's Mill, in th eouatv. Any one knowing waft has takea this mill wuhout lrf or license will do a kimli.r-s l.v writine us. MAMMEit'A Sl'ENCE, Asheboro, N. U SALESMEN WANTED Iotas- after interest in Randolph and adjacent counties Salary or Comminsioa Address THE HAR VfcY OIL CO., Cleveland. 0 WAN I ED .Reliable snergetie man to 11 In brii sling oils, greases aud paints KandDlph aud siaceni. cosntiea. balarv oinmission. STETaON OIL CO, (ieve- Hud, Ohio. Yours very trulv, STETSON OIL 'CO- WASTED One white tenant and rn ! rt teiiint uiea who will work know how rni mini an I w teat, or ri'ii'oa. A Merry Christmas Catberlna;. j It was my good fortune to be invited to take Christmas dinner at the hospitable home of Mrs. W. N. Elder, (who is by the wsy) the Lady Bountiful of her community; sod whether it be Christmas liaie or say other time esatters sunshine, and speaks words of pesos; mingling her tears with those that weep, and laughing with those tbst rejoice. The Elder family alone constitute a good dinner party, though all could not be under the old roof this year, but I have no doubt but that their minds wandered back on Christmas day to the home in Kaadolph. . Mrs. Reynolds and husband, of Arohdalei ith their three bright littl" children were hand, making merry and thoroughly en joying themselves. Mr. Gaitber Elder and his young wife, whs left her home in far California to be his blessing and comfort, for we hope many years to come. Mr. Julian Elder, who is traveling rouad over the country is the interest of some nd of life or fire insurance company, and ght here we will say. is a very fine looking young man. W bea last but not least, was Mr Jeffrey Elder, the youngest brother of the family, who has been attending medical lectures in Richmond Virginia, if nothing happens by next Christmas he will be a full fledged M. D. I believe Mr. John El ler is in basiness in New York, and Mr. Lane Elder is also in busiaess aud was not able to be on hand, but no doubt many a thmught was wafted to lem by father aad mother. Mrs. Cuss Ming, of Maud, was missed from the le. The last and youi.pest daughter, Mis .etna, did the honors oi the occasion, anil ived around as a bright ray ef sunshine ittering joy and g'a loess wherever she ent. I can't legin to de-crile the Christui is nner, several couises assailed us. lliere wsre uisues l knew very nine aioui, sau i aud so on, 1 stuck to old friends with wli.nn I was b-tter acquainted, and with whom 1 had measured arms before; and cauie out victorious. These new fangled things whic h em to be reposing upon mossy banks I 1st Ion for various ri asons. The cake eh the beautiful cakel -fruit cuke, variegated cake, gold- cake, etc, an I lastly that crowning pieoe of culinary art the mince pie. loan Kaudolpns own di-h, persimmon pndding. We wound sp this delightful repast willi olTee, that would have ssited the fancy of our own dear Dr. Closs and toyed wiih the grapes from Sunny Spain, etc, and the Christmas dinner at the Elder home w.s over. Mr. Elder, or as the people generally say Squire Elder, favored us with so-ne of his elightful old roundelays upon the violin, d without aay seeming effort upoi los part made us all thoroughly at home, with is old time southern hospitality, (which is fast passing awayl Mind Your Business! If vou don't nohody will. It is your usiness to keep out of all ibe tmublo vou can and you can and will keep out of liver and lowel trouble if you take lr. Kings New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, milaria an 1 jaundice out of your system. c. at standard Urug uo. Gray's Chapel Mews. -Mr snd Mrs W M Routh spent lbs holi days with Mrs Bomb's parents near Rose- boro. L P Mc Masters went to Asheboro last Wednesday on business. Work has began on the new church here. Miss Ethel Brown, who is teaching school here, spent the holidays with her parents near Brown. Messrs Wilkinson and Foster are about ready to start their saw mill jast east of here. Kenneth Gray, who is teaching at Bethel, in Grant Township, spent Xmas at his home sear here. Lame Shoulder. This is a common form of muscular rhen matism. No internal treatment is needed. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely twice a d y and a quick core is certain. This liniment has proven especially valuable for musoular and chronic rheutustism, and is sure to give quick relief Chamberlain's Liniment is also most excellent for sprains end bruises. Price, 25 rents; large size SO cents. For sale hy all Druggists. Subscriptions Paid. W H Griffin. John P Davis, K D Mc Masters, J A Shirley, N C Hayes, A W Tip- pett Arthm hlliaou, ri n Bme. M C Free, G M Whitehead, W A Grimes, Mrs Rebecca Dicks, Mr E C Parks, Joha L Allen, Mrs J 0 Ashworth. S I. Sp oil Dsvid Hobs, W T l.omex. Mrs A t'uris, MrsN Snyder, Don gan Foster, Mrs M J Lnwdermilk, J H Ellis, J M Kivett, Duncan Dove. J T Gamer, U T Brown, G II Coruelison, U B Lambeth. A Box Party at Frankllnville. A box party will te given at frauklintille Academy Saturday sight January 9th, for the benefit of the Baraca Class . The ener getic ladies of our town have been invited to prepare boxes for the occasion wbicn will be sold to the highest bidder. A large crowd, aad a good time is expected. Croup positively stopped ia 20 minutes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will surely prove this truth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup 50c. Sold by Asheboro Drug DISSOLUTION NOTICE. By mutual consent the co-partnership of Hammer & Spence, attorneys at law, has been dissolved and each member of the firm. Wm. C. Hammer and J. A Spence will con tinue practice in Randolph County. This January 6th, 1909. m. C. Eammeb, J. A. Spence. HEALTH inOURANCE The nun who Insures hU lift t wise for bis family. The man who Insure his healtlt Is wiM both for his family and himself. You may Insure health by guard ing it. It Is worth guarding. At tho first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and manU tests Itself in Innumerable ways TAKE. TiitfsPills And save your health. IS YOUR MONEY r r 1.. V ? Tin- tender leaves i.f a harnilss lung lieaimir mountainous shrub, pive to Dr. "hoop's 1 oujri Remedy its marvelous cur ative proierties. Tijht, ticklisg, or dis tressinu roughs, quicKly yield to the Jieal iu, smithing action of this splendid pres cription Dr. Shoop's Coujih Remedy And it is so snfeand good for children, as well. Containing no opium, cM'Toform, or other harmful driit;s, mothers should in safety nlways demand Dr. Shoop's. If nlher remedies are Hered, tell them No! Hi' your own jude! Sold by Asheboro Drug Co. It yon have s couch, or a headache, or a pain of any kind, i." to Hmpson'a. Not unless you have it in some good band. We have thia kind of a bank. . We pay you 4 per cent, interest and interest is added Jau ary, April, July and October (four times a year). Security to depos itors, - - -' Six Hundred Thousand Dollars THE BANK OF SOUTH GREENSBORO Branch of American Exchange Bank. E. P. WHARTON, CAPITAL. E. L. SIDES President. $300.000.e0. Cashier. Rheumatism. M F Ballautyne, of Ballantynet MeDonnuirh'a on Kounilrv.Savaunak.iia.. tavs that he Ims mlterert for years from Kheumatii-x:. and count e no relict irum any souree but H H e, which ureil hint entirely. He extols the uronerties of P P P on every occasion. P P P Is the irreate-t known cure for Rheuma. Hun-it eradicates the disease out of the ij.-lem PP P. Liiiman'H Uroat Rcmulv. enreji Suit Rheum, with its itch aud buruiiiK, scald Head, Tetfc-r, etc. P P P. Cures Boils, Pimples, am', nil emntluns due to the blood. P P P cures Kkeumatixra and nil pains In the ilea, back aud shoulders, kneav. Iilna. wrists ami joints. PPP runs Blond Poison In all Its various stages. Old Ulcers, Mores ami Kidm v rtomnlulnt". P P P cures Caiarih. Kczema. Krv-lnels. am! all kia aud blood diseases, and li -rcun.1 Pub.. oniug. ror raie hy All HniKRists, W WfV 1 ur M chHe f or 'lyERYTOWT 1 A $1.00 Pair of Scissors FREE to Courier Subscribers. rtrABJtmMXTBamviai I CERTIFICATE V ZsVtMf"MAM9. Jl I ACCOMPAMES EACH PAUl y 3 M' iS' V 0FTHESE5HEAHS J . jgg:; ; , -fff. . r.4 i SUPPLIED AN0 GUARANTCEO IV Hamilton &lver Co. i Factory B Muncie,Imo. J To any new svbscriber we will give a pair of Bciseors with a years subscription at $1.25. 2. To any old subscriber paying a year in advance at $1.25 we will give a pair of scissors. 3. To anyone who has paid a year in advance, bring us a new caeh subscriber and get a pair. The above offers will give all a chance. Get busy and get a pair of scissors while they may be .secur ed on these easy terms. These scissors are 8 inches long full nickel plated, with slf sharpening patent tension spring and guaranteed for five years. Our own guarantee as well as the manufacturer's guarantee goes with every pair. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY! " Aldiess X. Cio Tks Coarier. i .a-i.

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