I ELOQUENT SPEECH. J Sena tor Z.V. Ung Py Tribute to Ho. Lee 8. Oferaaam. Below we publish the speech of Senator Z. V. Lon?, of Iredell County, in seconding the nomua tion of Hon. Lee S. Overman before the Joint Caucus of the General As sembly. Mr. Long is one of the best talkers of the yonng men the State: Mr. Chairman, and Gentlemen of the Joint Demociatic Caucus: I arise with no hope, Mr. Chair man and gentlemen of the caucus, of paying the heart felt and deserv ing tribute due the distinguished servant with whom we meet to do homage to-night, but rather to voice in some measure the sentiment of a great section of North Carolina and to express their appreciation and gratitude to our preseut matchless Senator for a faith well kept aud u dtity well performed. I congratulate North Carolina at this hour, I congratulate her for the peace that smiled like an angel of light upon her happy and prosper ous people; for tbi spotless, uusul. lied reputaii m of her public ser vants, while othdr states bive be?n pnt to shame under the penetrating light of a quickened conscieice and enlightened public opinion, the honor aud uanifc of North Carolina Ins 8hiued iike a polished diamond. I congratulate her for the pro l and exba'tet! position which this great common weal t now occupied in the shimmering galaxy of Ameri can States. All, Mr. Chairman, the glorious fruit.ige of Democratic administration in North Carolina. Six years ago, Mr, Chairman ami Senators, the Demociatic p.irty oh ae as one of her staadjrd beare rs t.ie Hou Lee S. Overman and when he raised ili'tt staudard titers wad blot ted out forever the last slimy trail of fusion sin, disgrace and rum fiom the fair la -e uf North Carolina. I ' read m legend of a stranger who i suddenly arrived in a sttaue land, and upon being abked by i e natives who he was, tt-e reply came: ! m a yart of all I have met." This man, Mr. Chairman, is a part of all North Citroliua. In him is rell cled all the shining virtues of our gieac petple, worthy of her past, equal to her preseut, prophetic of her future, the fulfillment of all our hopes, the realization of all our dreams of statesmanship. Whether it be the sturdy, determined, industrious manhood who make the broad plaius of the East blossom like the rse, or whether it be yonder brave moun taineer who dwells amid his granite walled home, made so beautiful by the hand of Qod, their interest, their all is equally dear to him. What greater tribute could be paid, when after six years service in the fore front of the battle, we meet to renew his commission and in doing so we but record the people's will. But unanimous, Mr. Chairman, aB it is let ns not forget what honor we give, what power we bestow. I do not share the belief of some in this hour of defeat, that our piinciples have been abandoned, our ueals vau -ished from the hearts of the people, the eternal principles and high deals upon which this governmental fabric rests, but never before did our coun try so imperatively call fr me. As oar civilization grows aod intensi fies, the character of our public men must become broader, firmer and more determined. There is a revo lution in the minds and hearts. tf the American people, great questions are forging themselves to the surface of the great ocean of public opinion and clamoring for Bolution; questions upon the solution of which depends 01 r domes nc Happiness, our civil freedom, and. I believe. Mr. Chair man and Senators, that out of this conflict our republic will finally arise as it has ever done, stronger and grander than ever before, that the people will stand forth with clearer conceptions of citizenship, higher deals of oivil government, a desperate desire for a better condi tion and a daring determination to reach it. In this happy consumma tion North Carolina can no more gloriously contribute her part than to send back to the highest council of the nation, the greatest form on earth, that charming oratoi, that splendi thinker, her favored son, the Hon. Lee S. Overman of Rowan Gountjjr. A Democrat who thinks ith and for the people. A Democrat who not only thinks but who knows that ' in this hour of peril we cannot fiee ourselves from the evils which en viron us by flying to others that we know rot of, but who knows and . dares maintain that this is a consti tutional 'ovemment, and in the historic language of the immortal Jackson "By the eternal, the con- , stitution must bd preserved." Learned in state-craft like Jeffer son, his teacher, brave and fearless in battle like Jackson, with a heart broad and sympathetic and as true to the hopes and asperatioos of the plain common people as the immor tal Vance. In the name of Western North Carolina, in the name of the splen did Democracy of Iredell County, the people among whom he began life's service, I second the nomina tion of the Hon. Lee S. Overman. CAN'T BE SEPARATED. Seaae Ashebsre People Have learned How U Get RU of Moth. Backache and kidney ache arc twin brothers. You can't separate them. And you can't get rid of tke back ache until you cure the kidnty ache. If the kidneys are well and stroig, the rest of the system is pretty sure to be in vigorous health. Doan's Kidney Pills make strong healthy kidneys. Mrs. M. A. Hill, Main St., . Ran dlenuu, N. C, says: 'I used D an'a Kidney;Pills and can conscientious ly say that they did more goad than any remedy I had previously takeu. My kidneys were in a disordered c -u-dition and caused me to suffer severe ly from dull pains across the sni tll of my back, accompanied by head aches. I heard so much aboiu Doa.i's Kidney Pills tiiat I procured a oox and commenced uoi ig them as directed. Pliey uelped nic a once and I am cuiuinuiug to take tiieui, uriog conliieut tajt a further use will liet a complete cure. 1 ad viae others suffering i.i a Miiuil r m timer to gire Djju's Kidney i'wls a in 1 i'or tale by all dealers, i'rice 50 'em Fos.er-Milouru Co., Buffalo, M .-v York, so e agents for the Unit cu rfl'ai'es. It'einember taa uame D-uu's arnl Uke ao other. TRANSFER OF GOLD MINE. Tiir tola field Mine is Sold to a t'np til ls t ut Xi w York. The property of the Iota Mining Company, situated in Montgomery county, aoont two miles from 0;iii- oor, w is transferred yesterday by the receiver M. L. Jones to a Mr. Fleming, of N;w York, the cosidei- at.ou being $50,001). The purchaser is understood to be a practical min iu(j expert and it is sunl, ou what appears to be good authority, that he will spend a ve y considerable sum in developing the property which has produced over $350,00 in free gold quartz since its disooveiy in 1901. Cure Sweeney aud Ke moved a Spavin. Dr. Sloan's Liniment and Vori nary Remedies are well known all over the county. They have saved the lives of many valuable horses are a permanent institution in thou sands of stables. Mr. G. T. Robeits of Resaca, Ga., R. F. D. No. I, Box 43, writes: "I have used yonr Liniment ou a horse for Sweeney aud effected a thorough cure. I also removed a spavin on a mule. This spavin a as large as aguiaea egg. 1 regard Slean's Liniment as the most pene trating and effective Liniment I have ever known." Mr. 11. M. Gibbs, of Larence, Kans., R. F. D. No. 3, writes: Your Liniment is the best thai I have, ever used. I had a mare with an abscess on her neck aud ose 50o. bottle of Sloan's Liniment en tirely cured her. I keep it around all the time for galls and small swellings aud for everything about t-e stock." Dr. Sloan will send his Treatise on the Horse free to any horseman. Address Dr. JEarl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., Station A. Mr. Varuer la ltalelfib. Mr. Yarner was among those in the inaugural exercises. The many friends he has made in Rileigh re gret that he it no more with them, but expect to welcome him from time to time. In speaking of the new administration, Mr. Varner said that be wished for it all the success that would make North Carolina grander and greater. Said he: 'Whether in office or out of office I am of the straight Demo cratic sect and I want to do all in my power to increase the strength of the cause of Democracy. Mr Varner is the editoi of lhe Lexing ton Dispatch and wil 1 devote his time to that paper and to interests he has in the real estate busines News & Observer. A Night Hlder'a Raid. The worst night riders are calomel, proton oil or aloes pills. They raid vour hed t- rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. Kiag's New Life Tills They never distress or in onnveainnce, but always cleanse the system, curiua tjolds, ueaaacba, (Jonstipaiion, Mal aria, 25o. at Standard Drag Co. You caunot convince the other fellow until you convince yourself. The healing soothing, refreshing action of Holliator's Rocky Mountain Tea cleanses and regulates the bjweis, tones ana purines the otomach, increases nerve force, Vlalo. noli toona ,m wall Tea or Tablet, 35 cents, Ashebiro Drug Co. It is the tlrngu that are whieier ed that make the greatest noise. Mailing More Money Out of Cotton Crops is merely a question of using enough of the right kind of fertilizers. Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are the right kind. The cotton plant cannot feed on barren land. Study your soil. Find out what it lacks. Then apply the necessary fertilization and the results will surprise you. See what Mr. W. C. Hays of Smith Station, Ala., did. He says: "I planted about 30 acres of some 'gray sandy land' that had been in cultivation for over 20 years, and used 300 pounds of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers per acre, and I expect to gather 30 balet from thm SO aeras." This is why we say it is the right kind. We have hundreds of letters like this, and even stronger, in praise of Virginia Carolina Fertilizer for cotton. Get a copy of the new 1909 Virginia-Carolina Farmers' ear Book from your fertilizer dealer, or write our nearest sales office and a copy will be sent you free. It contains pictures of the capitols of all the Southern States. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Sales Officei Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Columbia, 8. C. Atlanta, Oa. Savannah, Oa. Memphis, Teas, Utc 100,000 Years Ago. , . . . , , . . . NmuMimk W foiiiiainncavHinSwitzer-l,;,,,.,,,, IiiikI I i ini-ii, v in- ivr I i" i.i u vi- in ;iin, when IjIi? t" notii'i! .:.iii;,er from wild Ih'iiiiK. ! -ci:iv to. iIiii.h!, us Klionn by A V'. I'iiMwr, ot A 'rXdiidrr, Mn , i lrisfv hiu, fii.iuiv ili-i,rtr. 'il' it hud nul iicon for l'i Ki;x Si w Woven,-, v ! ifli r.'ii'f-rl m-. 1 i-inml inn iiuvr iivt.,1," he tvi iiw. ' i:IVoi i' u ..p 1 will fiom -cw- lui'i; ir.'iulilc m i! -tuliinirn runoli " To rii'-e So i l.iiii-, I i I I , nbujioMti "uii);h-i, ii 'I prrvi in l'i rum iiii ill- t'e t rt uu-ilir.un- on e.r;li oOo i-.kiI I!K ti- :ani.Hi.l by iSii.i;.mI Uiug Co 't'rui! b iM fie- Exerii'iicc piuviiu ;eaoiie(j ituiim. rUll'.ri! Turtiii'cd On a ll ic. ''Kor ii'ii ymr 1 CvMi ! i n't riiln a li without bi'iii4 in luri.n i hum piles " wrii"-. It. S. Na;i r, nf I'.iis'--. Ky., h u u.l ilnclors in tl otli-T rtineiiiiM fuilni, Jiurk leu'a Ainiti Milv.1 cuieit me ' lufiniiiilo for 1'ilex, liiirno, .-vsiltli. Cuts, Boil, Fever-Mn-s, Ei-ztMiiH, -alt lil.euui, t'urLH. Hoc. liurtiaolHi il by .Stau'larii L)ru Co. AH i" ii were inn u fne of intjutn bruui'ed mill tqual to uiiv aiuount of foolidhueos. Atlvire to Mothern: Uou't let your el il ilren wanio away. Keep tliein strong anil he ilthy ilnring the winter with Ilollister's Hocy MiHiutttin Tea. It is the greale-it itiiiic fur cliildien. Pure and haruile h, does the greatest good. 3i)c, Tea or Tab ions. ABhelnjro ug Co. A bud workman may be able to make good promise. Mli Laxative for Batsy Free TVi rliilH nf tnrl.iv is the narent of the future, and whether it grows up healthy and strong, or puny and weak, depends upon the intelligence of its parents, for most children are born ;fn Vi uinrlH henlthv. hut thousands become future weaklings between birtn ana tnc age oi ten, wnen me parents are still in greatest control. The prime cause of troubls Is In the stomach. A baby that is digesting- its food seldom cries ana always iooks cneer- ful; the l:tue c-nna wnose si.uin;icn is .i ,,i0,,a .....I nAiipr whines: the gTOwlng child learns weil at school and is eager tor run ll its neaa crenr nn stomach Hiiht, and that means if It has no constipation. The best and safest way to cure any Irregularity of tha stomach and bowels in children is oy me use Syrup Peppln. This is a liquid laxative Wonderful In Its effect as Mrs. John W. k i i 1 . . "i ...... U M a 1 i J. n..u Ti.i,,m,. in urn numerous others can tesury wno pivo children with extraordinary results. cordlnK to the lze you want, and even one 6U-ceni Dome wm u u. J""""""" amount of good in a family. It can be slven to any member of the family In i, .,.. BA. oiAmoiih ln,1if.ptlOn. coniipi.iuii, 1 ovv... ... . , torpid liver, dyspepsia, heartburn, Headache ana similar uwraun m It never frriiies or bttshjioi u. .v"'ri tablets, anils and powders, which shou d not be given to children, women or old '"if'you have a child or other member of the family who needs, but has never uped this grand laxative tonic, send your name and address to the doctor and a free trial bottle will be sent to your home. In this way you can find out what it will do wtthmtt neraonal exoense. If there is anything aoout your ailment that you don't understand, or if you want any medical advice, writs to the doctor, and he will answer you fully. There Is no charge for this service. Th. ort,1ren Is Dr. W. B. II i-i.,l.l.all Kill) fV,l,1,f.n KMrr J Montlcel'lo, 111. STANDARD DRUG CO. In Ashcboro, on North St. during; court week, the best place in the county to sell PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS for CASH, at Turner's Cash House. See htm when you hare anything to sell. Jas. T. Turner. ( h P.uytr FOUND Sales 0 faces Durham, N.C. Charleston, S. C. Baltimore, Mi, Columbus, G(u Montgomery, Ala. Shrevcport, La. There in no (uiiiinn, nothing whatever h!iin or wr; t nin! in frevrutics. J hese K,-.d Cure Tali Us art an by n.agio A I' w uonrt, and your thrratmiiijj Ciilu is broken. Ciiiidylike. in taste, i're liiicx p i ii.-c tiir rlnlilicu- and tnry break I he fevei-islntHM., ulttitys. And leit of all i-t the .cnui'iny, A iutye- box 4S I'rfrven i'i-.'h 25 cenS. Ask your tlrntist. He I.iioas! hill by j!.(i'ioro Pmn Co. I f H'n fii'iiiot whip it matt any other wty vou m,,j ilalrer liiiu. ftauv lulls livc-i h,-iv9 hern wived by i-'iili.-jr'n 11 iirv anrt i'.ir, lor roughs, coitU, IT" Ui kiid l"'Uiiii4 c.nij;.'!. ll 'B the ii.ii" -i.lt i-emt-i!)- for ii'hintn nml uhii'lren a it ... i n -. no tjiuii'i in- oi'in I- imruotic drugs, .it roi men ,isc ! tm y h Honey i.iu lar. i art In I innilniM a b.illiu in thu hnum). luiUBB bllllnlliU to. Al.ebor.) Drug Co. Many ; (ncis mi ilow uf. iuiiguue !B Uuiatril iij'lfd by fit idcil. If you will talivi FolryV Urino Laiative mail the Uitvels ln-o air regular you will -tot have in (Hue iiirgatirttti coristaiitiy, an i'oUy's UrinD I.ix.iiivo pusitivvly cure rhiouir. coiiBtipuliou and i-luggiiih iivcr l ltttellllt to lit 1.0 AflicUiro Drug Co. A himrifiil of might is better than i suckIuI "I riht. Croup loHinvely tti .jipid in i'O minutes, .illi l'r. iStioop's l.roup HtnnrJ, . Due tent done will bu- ly pr this trutii. No i-tHiiitinfr, no tiiniivs. A hrtfr and pleasing -yrup--.i0r. oold by Aheuoro Drng IF YOU FEEL UPSET There it) something in our slock of Drgs and Medicines to pnt vou on your, feet aguin. For evcrv ailment ot the Iiuiuhii body there iH it cure. Even mental depression can be dispelled. Many of our excellent tonica rt lieve bruin fap und drive away the blues. Whatever one expects to tiud in a well-stocked drug store is here, and much besiiles that the ordinary store des not keep. Inquire of The Standard Drug Co., Asheboro, N. C. T!. pert-on' inatimj the liii'lirsl verfi);e i t aritlimx tic mid orauimir will lie ei'til ed to a ditcoun' nf 2.i per Cent,; tlif next 2ft per cent : the Mil 1(1 per ctnl ,on conimercial sliort hand arliolarsMn. Thcr Entrance Examination Jan. 2d, 1908. This is our regular semi annual competitive exam ination ai d is open to any pereou who wisheo to lake it. No charge ia made to applicants. Petle Standard School of Commerce and Lny'ish. Greensboro, N. C. 7 pot inking examination will 1 H lie cliai-ji"' ("It Wes Ap. I 1 (.ly'tarly f r in'o'n a'ton. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OP SALE. North Carolina ) Kuminlpn Co. ) By virtue of the power verted In me by an or der f the clerk of the Superior Court of Ran dolph Comity, North Carolina, In a special pro ceeding entitled W. A. Klmiwe, etui th. Hattie Founds, et al, I will, on Tu.day the as th day of Jnuu'rr. loot, at the courthouse door In Aahe bnra, Kandelph County, mil to the higkeat bid dertbe following deaoribed tract of land, fc wit: Bglnningata Red Oak, Isaac Allred's comer aud running North 14 roda to a While Oak, thence Went M rods to a Mounlaia Cek in Iac Allred's line, thence North 62 rodx to a Black Hum, thence Bast 74 rods to a stake, thence South M rods M a Bpanlxb Oak, th.aoe West to the beginning;, containing 80 acres, more or lew, and kuowa as the A. T. Pounds' lands. Terms; Oiie-th'.rd eaiih, the remaining two-thirds on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving bond ai:d approved security therefor, aud the title re served till the further order of the court. This lilst day of December, 1008. R. C. KELLY, Comr. MORTGAGE 8ALE. By virtue of the power of sale con Mined In two mortgage needs, one executed Oct. itU, 1908, by J. H. M-trrlK and wife, Mat lie L. Mnrria. to Q. V. York and M. L. York, and recorded In Bjok 107, piKt-hoJ, KvKi.ter'H olllve of Kantlnlph county, an dthf other executed by J. B. MoitIk and wife, Muttie L. Mnri iB, to U. W. York and wife, M . B. York, ou the 4)tn day ol October, R03, and re eortled in Hook loT, paKe 3 IK, Kek'fl' otttce of Kut.iliilph countv, autl IxitliolMiid atirtt(aihe duly transferred fn. v due to C K tlurili, we will, on the Hth dayol February, IWi9, sell to thehlgh. e-t hiildor for rash at public aut-tion attheeourt houve door In Han tolpM county at 12 o'clock. It. tuv following des riU'd tiacutof land, k.-wit: lt Tract. BciriiiiiiiiK atu naie l"t, H B Tea KiieV corner; them-e ea-"t (I chains and 83 links to a stone, thence wiuth in chains and 50 linkB to a KUitie pile: thence eant 10 chant, and 112 links to a stone In T P Andrew's line, tlx-nce north 4u chHitm to a stone, tlii-ni c- west about (IS '.inks to a stoin', thence iniulh 8 chains und Ml links to a stone, thence west 4 chnitiB and M links to a tttoiie, thence titirtli 3 chains bud N links to a stone, thenre north 1.1 chains to a white oak, them e south 2.1c i.uins and M) links to the beifiti iniii!, coutaiiiiiiv: rc acres more or loss. 2nd Tract. HciriniitUK at a stone. John Pike's corner in T V Auilreh' 1 ne, tlience north 40 chains 1 1 a stone, thence went 13 chains and (18 links ro a stone, tliencx south 40 chains to a stone hi T K Antliews' line, theure rust 18 cnaitts and Hs hnks Ui ihe Ix-KinniiiK, conlaiuiiig t7 acres more or less. The balance left after payini? the aforesaid ni'irlKintes will be applied to a morlR iBi' deed ex. ututc.t tier. 1, 1!14. by. I B. Moiris and wife, M. L M.iiris. to Kitu? McMiisturs and duly traiiHlerred N.C K Curtis, mil niorlea-.ru Mux r. tvinled in hok IIV, pane ISO. Itt-risu-Cs office, of Kandoipb county, J W YOKK, M ft York. G K YdKK, M L YllKK, This Dec , 190. MortunKees. C RiHUt l ls, AsKiguee. LAND SALE l!y virlue nf h i onl -r of su e granted by Hie tupei ior iNnirt 'if linnilolph t 'ounly en tun poliiioit oi y -ten Noah Snider, et al, iiK.iin.-t -bailie Nouli Jester, ot al, I nliall sell at lli caiit tiouie door in Af.heboro at 12 o'clock M. on tlie 8ili ilay of February, l'JOH, tlto following real estate, to-wii: A tract of lantl in Provitleiice township, in said county etiigiialed an follows, adjoining the lan'is ot L.nuier nncr, i nriaiopner rieiue aud oilier. Isianded as follows: Hpiriniiinff at a black oak and running South 15 chains and ill) links to a Htone iu the original line, tlience Kant 30 chains and 50 links to a stone, tirtis corner, thence North 15 chains and SO links to a stone, Si'er'a corner, thence West 31! chains and fit) links to the begin, ninui, crntaininu 50 1-2 acres more or lesa. TERMS:--0tie third cash, the remaining two thirds on a credit of six months, the nurchaser nmnn bond and approved secu ily iherofor, and the title reserved till the li.rther order of the court. This the 2!tb day of December, 1908. J. K McKmciir, (.Commissioner. NORTU CAROLINA, RANDOLPH COUNTV, J B OVTRN, et al, Ti. UENKT OWBN, etal. The defendnnts. Hcnrv Owen, Hannah 1 Cox, ZWOm. Will Owen. M K Owen, CCOwaa J A Owen autl Gertunle tiwen, will take ai.tice that au action entitled as above turn hern oont-nn-iitted in the Superior Court of Kundoiph eoua tv to sell laud describe ! in the petition for ivl ainouir tenant. In com. nun. in which Inndr sanl deit'udants claim an interest aud said taads tv inn situate in said couiiiy ami State, aud the suld detentlants will further take n li tkat thiiT are rt-qture"! lo HpiK-ar Ix'fore tho i'l'-rk of the 8U(.lor Court of said county at hia ntBae in the courthotiM at AluUiro. N. C. mi tlie t4th dav ol J.uuarT. lHOU, and answer or demur to the Of II tion m said action or the pluinufT. apply to the soar) for the rtrilef tlemaile4 in said pottttoa. Vf . C. HAMMONia. ThU MM 4ay of Bee. IMS, Clk Hupej-ior eaurt MUK l li AGt hALh). Bt virtue of the powers contained lu a aiort ciiKU deed executed by A. C. Yates to Louisa V.itesiin theiMth day of April A. D. 10O7. I will sell lo the lilKliest bidder for '.-ash at public aue tion at the court house door in A-heboro, Ran dolph county, on the Hth day of Feb. I90, at 1U o'clock M. tlie followinB descrllted real art Isle : the said mortiniKe deed beiiifr recorded In Ike Ki'Kisier's omce ot said county In Book iirr sure I.'jii and the property tnerein described aa Ml lows: Ueiclunlne at a nine In Thever'a lino, thane North by said lineM cha-ns and M links k a stake, tlience Kast 88 chains and 15 links to a black oak, theure South on l.arkln Hearne't Uae IU chains to a dogwood thenre West irosslag Cellar Kim Creek 14 t-bulns autl 8 links loa Mtir wood, theure Kouth oil Silaa Hemes' line IS chains and 40 links lo a Spanish oak In John Johnson's line, thenre Win ou Jackson's old line Dchains und 611 links to Johnson corner, thence North 10 chains and 90 lint-to a stake ia Clement Arnold's old line, tlience West !3 teams and 3 links to the ben'miine. AlSn another tract uiljolnlne the nliore roa tuiniiiB R0 acres more or Ium, beclMiiing al a hi ck oak, hence North Thayer 1 line hi chains to a pine, thenre Ku.-t on Ileum's line IK chnias to a stiku, ihriicc South on N.iuee line 16 chains to a stake, thence West, Nance's litis lo tlie bt'KiniiitiK. Bolli tracts cout ii ing iu all 110 acres. sale it made to satisfy and forecloss said mortirace, TbisJau.T, l'J09. I.OCISA YATI. Mortnaitee. NORTH CsROLINA KANUoLPMCd. )lNTHKSUrEKIORCOUR Naomi I mly, ) vs. ) NOTICE. Charles ciy. ) fetidimt will i rilur take notice that he Is re quired toajinearat tho next term of the Superior court oi said county, to do neia on me n-eoua Moo. lav after the tlrst Monday in Hart-h liiou, at the c mrt hou-eof said county In Ahelioni, N. C and answer or demur to the comptiini iu saio action, or the plalntifl will npplv to the court for th-relief dtmandedln said complaint. This the 31st day ol December. MOH. W.C. HAMMOND. Clerk Suiierior Court. DISSOLUTION NOTIC Bt mntual consent Ihe co-partnership of Hammer & Spenco, atiorneva at law, has been disHolverl and each iniiilx-r of tlie fiim. Win, ('. Hammi-r nntl J. A Npanei" will con tinuo rHcttne in Kandolrib. Countv. Ti.is JuuiiHiy O1I1, 19(1!) ' 111. C IUUMER, J. A. Rl'MiCE. for sale. Not pnrticnlar about location. Wish to hear from owner only who nM aell direct to buver. Give price, description and state when possesion can be had. Address. I Oarbyihlra, Desk a 04 Rochester, N. T. Sifri7in WaalUiaaVW ' : 'X. Freak, Rallabl. m LA taaraalaaO tartaas 1 KreryOardaneraaA I PlaulrrahoiiMteatUia aniMirlor merltoor Onr T. J Northera Grown RMtlk . . mmm,m spEciatL orr . I FOR lO CENTS p J w will aand poatpwid our fa3- FAMOUS COLLECTION 1 ka. eo lj Tm,u .... ana i fkf. r. 1U lllSllnCMn.kli . . tt. . Write totlsyl Frad M ornti to Mv fmj rmtmm ui Sarhinc n4 rtci tlM sho. "ranwiMS IJoIUcImib," to Krtlur with Atir N.w .ntt ln.tni-tl0 Oanl.n iivlim. a tlltKAT MOKXUKKN NEKI CO. ICS7 Hum HU Kockford, Illinola . Ma Men's and Boys' Clothing. A suit that will suit any age and form can be found in our complete line, A well selected line of stouts, slims, sin gle and double breast ed suits, any color you want. A large range of blacks from $10.00 TO $25.00 It's easy buying a suit here. Come and look at our line. W.J.MILLER Asheboro. N. C. S. BRYANT, N. N. NEWLIM President. Vice-Prea, J. H. COLE, Cashier. The BANK of RANDLEMAN Randleman, N. C. CAPITAL, $12.00. SURPLUS, $6,0. Six Years Successful Banking:. Interest Accounts and Commercial Ac counts Solicited on Fuiorahle Terms. Very truly, J. H. COLE, Cashier. 0 K COX, President. ff I ARM FIELD, T-PMa) W J AKM KIEL I), Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, Capital and Surplus, $30,000.60 Total Assets, oTer $200,000.06 With ample awcta, exwrteutte and proteetioa we aolidt loa bimiueaa oi the banking public and leel safe In saying we are prepared and willing to extend to our cuittoniurii every facility and ao aoiainoUaUou eonualent with aale linking, DIRCCTOR.SI w. J. Arrafleld. T. J. Reeding' Dr. T. T.. Asborr, T. H. Keddlng, Beuj. M.iOItt, Hugh Par W. F. Redding, A. If. Katiltin. B. M. ArmfteM 0. J. On. O. K Cox. P. H. Horrts, D. B. Muonry, C. C. UeAlitler, W. P. Wood. ood's Medicine (In liquid form, pleasant to take) For Chills, Fsvsr and Malaria Headache, Biliousneaa, Constipation anA all other symptoms of deranged Lives quickly overcome. A tonic to the entire system, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Blood The 1 mottle contains nearly 2H times the i tt of the 50c aire. Pre pars only uy w FISECIE MEDICINE CO.. CJilCAfiQ. ILL ASHEBORO DRUG CO. DR. D. K. LOOKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. HMtK-l 'n.tofl p. m ii o. tu. to, 5 p. m OVKK ftltf BANK P. H. MORRIS. J, D. ROSS. MORRIS & ROSS. FIRE INSURANCE AND B0NDIN8, REPRESENTING LEAOINt COMPANIES ASHEBORO, N. C.

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