It's Cheaper-None Better! Policies Written From $100 Up to $10,000 B"P A USJL You are not able to pay fora large policy, or do not wish to do so, why should you pay twice as much for your insurance? The North State Mutual Life Jnsurance Co. Will sell you a policy of $100.00 $200.03 $2?0.03 $$0100 $400.00 $00.00 or $70.00 at a very small advance over the regulai rates proportionately for a large policy.- These policies all share in the profits of the Company which in the final settlement will put them on an equal basil with large policies. Ether Items. j We have been silent quite awhile, hut we are Dot dead, neither are we asleep, but we are having a "swell" time with the mumps. MrT W Vuncannon is very ill with pneumonia. Mrs Eliza Moffitt, of Asheboro, viaited Mrs Calvin Moffitt this week, who is quite aick with rheumatism. Mrs E K, of Asbury, spent Sat urday and Sunday at the home of Mr C T Boroughs. Miss Cora Anderson, Our assistant teach er, was called home on account of the death of her mother, Mrs Dr Anderson, of Denton. Mr Elsie Freeman has taken charge o tbepoatoffije at this place. Misses Pearl Auman and Myrtie Stout apeat Saturkay and Sunday at the homo of Mr C T Boroughs. School here is progressing nicely. At tendance is very good. The boys snd girls of the schaol have organized a debating so ciety for every Friday afternoon, which proves helpful and interesting. Mack Freeman is all smiles its a boy. Steed Items. Sickness is all around us now and the cold wavi; has caused some very serious relapses Mr Ira Freeman attended the JarucB Presnell Hair Saturday. Mr J H Williamson, our R F D carrier from Steeds, greets his patrons with a smile now. He has u girl at his place. Henry Hancock will sell his household property Wednesday week. The school is i.'i'tting along very well but the attendance is nouiewliat small on ac count of sickness. Robert Freeman eems to think more of the school tt Piegah than he dees his Own lore. Cool Spring Items. Mrs Jesse Pogh wei t to Greensbo o last llonday and returned Tuesday. Mrs J T Hayes, of Millhoro, and little sons Vaster Gumie Moody, Reggie and Dewey pent last Tuesday in the community. Rev W F Ashburn, of Liberty spent last Friday night at A B Wslker's. Rev Usury, of Gieensboro, one of our M E preachers, baa purchased a tract of . Jaisd near Linebeiry elation, and will build a residence and locate there in the near ' fatare. AGES. Both male and female are insurable at ages nearest birthday, 2 to 60 both inclusive BENEFITS. Full benefits from date of issue. VALUES. Loan values beginning at end of 2nd year, Cash, Paid-up and Extended kvalues at end of 3rd year. The North State Mutual Life Ins. Co., Of Kinston, North Carolina. J. W. GRAINGER, CLEASEN H. SMITH, J. H. HERNDON, President. Actuary. Supt of Agencies. JNO. M. HAMMER, brAce ASHEBORO, N. C. Office next door to Bank of Randolph. Poplar Ridge Ileus. Harris Skeen and Miss Lillie Jones were happily married Jan 28, at John Hoover's. There was a large crowd at the public de bate last Thursday night All those present reported a nica time. We hope they will be able to have another one before long Sbuby Morris, of near Hopewell, and Miss Maggie Parker, of High Point, were married Jan 20. Miss Dora Aleiander. of Farmer, spent last week with home folka. We are sorry to note that Felix Bpence does not improve fioui an attack of pneu monia. Walter Parker and Miaaee Lillie Pearoa and Oliva Uoflitt attended the public debate last Thursday night at Poplar Ridge Mrs Sarah Moffitt, of near Hopewell, spsnt a part of last week visiting her daughter, Mrs Daisy Sumner. Carl Frazier is improving from hia ill ness. Emmett CrOwson returned to Summer field last Monday after a short stay here. Mlchiield News. Martin Presnell, of River Junction, Fin, is visiting his brother, M J Preanell, and utw relatives in this community. Lark in Presnell entered school at Why Not Mouduv. Giiriiry Frye, of Ulan, spent Saturday night with his aUt-r, Mrs Arlie King. Mis Maggie Trogilou, of Cannon, Bptut Satnrd y night at Noah King's. Miss Uowa Stone, of Why Not, spent Sat urday and Sun'lny with the Misses Preitnell. Miss Susanna Presnell spent some time last wek with Mrs G W Cole, of Brown. EriieHt Bean spent Saturday night in this community. Mr ami Mrs John Mo Lend and childien visited here recently. Ashebnrn, R. K. L. So. I Items. Mrs Cynthia Blair has returned from Salisbury, where she has spont the most of the winter with her daughter, Mm R L Ma-h.ih-y. M"hne Henley sx-nt last Suuday at home with lii parents Inif ld, who has b-en sick for several weeks, is improving. Ulsud I.ig'M visited Mebane Henley San d..y.'.'.- - , ... Cox I tews. The school at l'iney Grove is progress! ag nicely under the management of Miu Blanche Chrisco J F Jones is critically ill Messrs J F Cameron, J F Delk and Wyatt Qallimore killed three fine porkera Saturday, the three weighing 99 lbs. Messrs Sam Delk and Japp Surratt, of Cox, have been on the Yadkin River wild goose hunting. They returned Sunday and report poor luck. Wesley Hanner, ol Cid, was a welcome visitor at J F Cameron's bunday evening. Mr and Mrs W H Varuer and family via ited Mrs Varner's relatives near Chapel Hili Saturday and Sunday. Mr and Mrs J W Arnold viaited at J F ! Delk's' ne nigUt last week. C Cam ron, of Farmer, spent Sunday with home f. Iks. Miss Mary Pierce, who has been very sick for the last few days, is improving. Mrs Tom Laaghtin is seriously ill. M N Morgan and J B Delk spent one day last week with P L Childress. Sam Laughlia and R J Pierce went to Farmer Saulrday night to join the Junior Lodge. Miss Alma Delk spent one night last week lh Miss Blanche Chrisco -Htv I' A I'lyler will preach ai Piney Giove the third Sunday eveniug at S o'cock. Trinity Mutes and Personals. On la-t Thnraduy aflernoou Oghuiu f-poneei mid vliaa Letlia Elder were mar ried at the home of Mood Wel'tom 'I hoy renin. u,. home and bade the home folks C wd ly, leaving on the night tr-in for Danville, Va.. where Mr Spencer holds a poaition with the Southern Railway Miss Elder is the youngest daughter of W N Elder and is known and loved by a number i f friends here who wish much happiuess for this young couple. The entertainment on Fii lay night was quite a success sud enj yed hy a large au dience. ''The Old New Hnmp-uSir Jlouy'.' has been repeated twice and eaol time tt seems better than b- fore "apt Far Kin made a visit to Pleaaan Garden last week. Ess Rrddick visited bis rother at Julian last Tuesday. Mr Kirby returned from (lieenshoro last Saturday and reports Mrs Kirby doing well after an rtpeiratioii lor appendicitis. Mrs Heitman epent last wetk with ber daughter Mis Terry, of High I'uiuU . , OTHER BENEFITS. Each policy contains the valuable To tal Disability and Non-lapsing Clauses. In the Ordinary Department. The Return Loan Policy furnishes in surance at cost. Loan values are available beginning with the second year and an nually thereafter. BUSINESS BULDERS FOR REST-One 6 room bouse. ' Apply to W C HAMMER, Ss LOST Ladies double case Gold Watch with b'ack fob and sterling silver pin at tached, f Finder return to this office and re c. ive liberal reward. WANTED. Resp nsible man with horse and buggy in each community, salary f 5.00 to $10 X) per day, to take orders fr m own e rs of Farms, Orchards and borne Gardens, A splendid opportunity for farmers' sons. It! wn fnlit trm ftKrl ttAwifir mdnkin. iMnd maae a business connection which wili become more profitable each year. Add P U Box 128, Youngs Island, S. C. WASIED-We want a representative for work which dsn be done n this locality. Can use mle or part time. Fay acemdina to prion snd ability. Address, Farm News, Springfield. NOTICE OF HALE. North Carolina ) kuudolph Co., ) By virtue o( tlie power vested ill me by an or der of the Clem of fie Superior Court of Ran dolph Couuty, North Carolina, in a special pro cisting entitled W. A. Klmure. et at v. Hattle Founds, et al. i will, on Monday th 8th day of March, ltKid, at rhe courthouse doorln Ashe- 1) iro. Kaudftliih County, ut li o'clock. sell bi the hiifheat bidder thu following de-eribed tract of isnu, town; Beirinnlnx at s Red Oak. Isaac Atlrei corner aud ruiiniinr North It rods to a Wiitto nun. Wene west M i-l to u M iBntmn l.ak In I a te Ailrcd'a line, thence North fti rods to a B;mk Gum, liioiice lvutT4 rods toastuke. thence iviuth ft!i nsls lo a rtiaiiish Oak, tu nutt Wi-i to the healnniiiK. cont.iiiiict! i!H acre, more or la. and laiowii tl.c A. T. Hounds' land. Terma:'jru" otsh tlie-r inuiinnir tw.t-third on a crfilt oJ six months, the purchaser kIvIiii! bond ut.d apunived necunty tiu-refor, nn t tne titia re wrvedlill the further order ifthecourt. . ThisSvtb day of J.nna'S JDOK K. C. KELLY, Comr. North (forollna. Ran-) ooipnco. ) Sal I iu Smith and him-) baud A. H. Smith ) 1 etali. ) NOTICE. - vs. i Itpile Hnsspr and hus'hainl Oeorge Bam;, f'lilVuacauuonv Wiiltum Vuncauuon et al. Thi iehUHlahia will Vuncannon and Willi m Vun&tuuon will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Bu rior Court of Randolph Conntv to tell real es tate aituaUi in Cedar Urove Township, Kandolpb County, North Carolina, orimrtitioii amona the t"imnbslu common, and to exclude the wtiii de leudaiik wtillain V .ncanuou irora anjr Interest whicti beciaiui. theruiu, and tha said defend anat will lake notice they are required to aiitKar before the Clerk of the Hitpenor Court of iid county at hi ottice In Ashubora, N.C .on the first day of March, 1BU0, an 1 ausweror demur to the petition la aaid proce 'linn, or th.j petitioner-will apply to lie Court fur the relief de manded in the taid petition. This the t9h dar of Jan., 1809. m,C. HAM MONO, Clerk Superior Court. Some Alcohol Questions Is alcohol a tonic? ' No! Does it make the blood pure?' No! a Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Is Ayers Sarsapariila a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure? Yes! Does it strengthen the nerves? Yes! Is it the only Sarsapariila entirely free from doctor about this non-alcoholic medicine. If he approves, your Confidence Will be Complete. J.C.AterCo., Lowell, Mass. Dull boyil Dull girls I Dull men 1 Dull women 1 Heavy-headed I Downhearted 1 AB very often due to constipation I Yet the cure it so eaav. Ayer't PlIU. Ask your doctor. T7 T fkersey Frasnklinville, Dealers In All Kinds Rough and Di eased LUMBER Poors, Sash, Blinds and all Kinds of Building Material , m': J 1 CROUP Hp I ri 11 i- The Greatest Since Absolute cure for Croup, Pneumonia, and Colds of all kinds. Quick relief for Burns, Bruises,. Stings, and ail Inflammation. A box in your house is as good as a doctor. One box will convince you of its value. 5 25c, 50c and $1 .00 at your drug store or by mail. ti&h Vick's Fami'tv Remedies 'rTrniiii i alcohol? Yes! Ask yout iDros.. North Cakrolina, Medical Discovery Vaccination. Co, Greensboro. N. C ; 1 nil