STALEY R. F. D. ITEMS. Dwelling and Contents BurnedOther Interesting Note. On Thursday of last week the dwelling bouse of Jackson York was burned. The contents of the house was consumed also. On Sunday 21st, at about 2 o'clock, the stock barn of -T T Kivett was burned. lie succeeded in removing bU mules, horse, and cattle, but a large quantity of feed was burned. The origin of the fire has not yet been learned. Miss I.acy Ashwortb has junt closod a successful term of school at Cedar Grove. The school at Shsdy Grove closed on ac count of scarlet fever. The members of Mt Heaaant Baptist Church called Rev G W Harmon, of Ore Hill, to serve them as pasto.- the remaindei of the year D W Williams has Bold his farm to William Tard. W M Wright recently moved into his new home. Iles9rs Elder and Lineborry have moved their saw mill from near Trovidence to near Maley. John Patterson has bought fiom J A Pat terson, the mill on Sandy Creek, known as the Wrightsell mill, and will take charge the first of March. At Liberty. The Bazaar given in the Trodon Hall Monday night by til" PliilatUca Chios of tlie M 1' Church, was gieatly enjoyed by all Although the night was aomwhat disagree able, the attoud noe was good. Misses Fan nie Cameron and iluttie Ashlmrn sold candy in tho Japanese booih. which was very at tractive. The young ladies weie dressed in Japanese roxtuiii.'s anil tlie boom itecorut ing-t were eliii lly Japanese fashions. Tin Gvi BV fortune teller. Miss Swanna Pickett was kept very buy in the t-nt The Coloni; 1 pirls served cream nl caKe. mis pan alluding strictly to W asiiinuton s I'lrtuday, with decorations of red, white ond blue. Tho Township .Sunday School Convention, which should have been held on the tilth Sunday in January, was held last Sunday at Bethany. The usual business was transact ed, after which henson Kinirev, K W Pickett, and lioy lieii.el were electt-d, respectively for President, Vice President and fecretaiy for the ensuing year. Dr Lncy r'oust has been very ill with ap pendicitis. He was taken to St Leo, where he un erwent an operation Mondac. Among the visiiors we have noticed, Mrs Dennis Lane, from Ramseur, visiting Mrs W T Smith; Mr and Mrs T A Moffitt, visiting Mrs R E Patterson ; Miss Jes.-b Worable has also been with Mrs Ernest Crutchliold at Mrs 'league's for several days. Master Owen, from Randleman, is with his grand jarents, Mr and Mrs W B Owen. Surprise Party. To The Asheboro Courier: On Sunday morning Feb 14th, H A Un derwood went to his father's home, Samuel Underwood, near Asheboro, and asked bin U take a walk with him. They had not gone far before they met Robert Plummer, of Asheboro and his wife and daughter, so Mr Plummer joined in with item. When they returned, to the sarprise of the ' father, he found a table well furnished with food things to eat it being his 87th birthday. We found him in his usual health and able to enjoy the surprise. Three of his child ren were preseat, Mary M Millikan, f Sophia, and hasband, A W Millikan and their children; Gurney Millikan and wife, Nannie Cbalkley Millikan Emery Millikan and Dora Millikan, Henry A Underwood and familv. of Asheboro; Darnel Under wood, shelly Uoderwood, Orthow Uader wood and Cora E Underwood, the veung est daughter of Samuel Underwood and living a borne with him and ner motner, Angelina Underwcod Others present were Robert Flumawr. of Asheboro, aid family, Thomas Bonkemeyer and family. Allen joyed the day. An Attendant. Fair View News. A J Culler, of this place, visited home folks at High Point Sunday, G W Bill, of Trinity, has accepted a position here as dairyman . i Ed Millikan is spending part of this week at Elizabeth City attending a meeting of the Jr 0 U A M. Mr Brokaw is spending a short while at bis place here. J J Marley will move his family to Flint Hill soon. Charlie Gray is recovering from an attask of lacriope. Mr and Mrs Jesse Elder spent Saturday night in Arcbdale, visiting relatives. Miss Florence Strange, of Lexington, is Tieiting her cousin. Miss Bessie Crouse. Joshua Bedgecock. of Bigh Point, spent Saturday and Sunday at J H Millikan's. Messrs I ewis Millikan and Irvia Crouse spent Sunday at Thomasville James Little baa purchased two wolves and expects some fine sport when hi turns them h ose. Henry Younts, of Fullers mill, visited Jason Crouse Sunday evening. Mr Williams, of Wallhury College, was a visitor here Saturday and Sunday. Nancy Gray, a maiden lady, who lived near Mt Vernon Church, died last Thursday. She was 77 years of age. Death was due to old age. Ralph Iteaif. The school at Browers Chapel, taught by Mibs Maie Ridge, of Asheboro, will close lnuisday. Miss fudge has taught a suc cessful school Miss Id Cox and sister. Miss Kodema spent Sunday evening with Mrs Roella Mcea. kiss Lessie Sluder visited Mies Florence McPherson recently Messrs Koscee Miller and Will Hughes, of Asheboro, were at A C C x's Sunday evening Messrs Homer and Windon Allen, Fred Styrea. and Suland Smith, of Asheboro, Ad' lni Scott, f t Ralph, were at E H Cox's Con lay evening. Matter Garret Allen, of Asheboro. has wen spen ing a few days with his grpnd aaoiber. Mrs Wjney C,x Master Eh-oy Cox and AstorLuck visited Garret All. n Sunday. Beautiful Heme Weddlnsr. On last Thursday evening Feb 18th, a nomber of friends and relatives gathered at the home of M" and Mrs Y H Cox, at Pre '' to witness the maninge of their daegtit r, Miss Norva, to Rev Wui Ashley, of Greens boro. It was a quiet home wedding. J C Brown J P, p f i'nvd the ceremony Tw tri le wss beautifully attired in brown aud white. The groom wore tbe rrgulation blank. After the cerem'iny the partf retired to the dining room where they louud a beuntay ful feast spread for the cohesion. A Rare Opportuity ! is here offered to the Sick and Suffering of our Community Read, Reflect and Act carefully Ihonughly accordingly Visiting Specialists From the Cleveland Institute of Medicine and Surgery Legally Chartered and Incorporated CLEVELAND, OHIO; Will pay their first visit to Asheboro, N. C, And will be at the Central Hotel Friday, March 5, Tell your sick friends One Desk.y Only 9 A.M. to 7:30 P.M., FREE This Inatltute. composed of a group rcaularlv araduated nnyeiclans and sur gcons, licensed, legally; chartered and In corporated under the laws of Ohio, sends at Its own expense, that eminent med ical specialists in order to introduce the latest methods and newest discoveries In Siedlcine and surgery, such as, the system ef treatment under the X-Ray, Violet Bav. Flnsen Ray, Hydro-Therapy, and Electricity in all Its forms, etc., to give to those who call on the above date, con sultation, examination, a diagnosis, and dvlce absolutely free of charge. These men will giv you the benefit of their skill and medical knowledge. Thtre Is in this case no experimenting. or guess work at your expense. You will be told whether you can be cured or not. if your case Is curable they will put you under treatment Immediately; if Incurable, they will give you such advice as may prolong your life. Their treatment always gives quick relief, and ultimately posi tively cures. Being prepared to cops with each individual case, the human system thoroly cleansed of the disease In a natural and direct manner, and Improve ment is noticed and felt at ence. Even worse cases, some that have been given up as hopeless by the local physi cians, are treated without any Inconve nience to the patient or the pursuing ef his or her dally occupation. If you are Improving under your Family physician, do not come and take up th'rfr valuable time, as they must absolutely refuse to treat any one who Is under the care of the local physician. They wish, besides, to give each visitor plenty of tlm and their undivided attention, but they can not listen to long stories not pertaining to your trouble. They have dls carded the old methods and remedies used for ages by the medical world, and which It would be folly and useless to de pend upon any longer, foe they are not known te cure, as thousands die depend Ing on them for relief. The following list of dseases only are taken for treatment: Diseases of the Ner vous system, Hesrt, Stomach, Liver, Kid neys, Lungs, Catarrh (Purulent or dry), consumption In the first stages. Epilepsy, fits, or falling sickness, deafness, diseases of Women, tumor, Pseudo-Cancers, piles, those of a chronic nature only. They treat deafness by an entirely new method, and hearing In many cases Is restored at the Office In a few minutes. Catarrh In all its varied forms, Ilka other diseases If once taken .Vjnder treatment. Is cured perms nently to remain so and never to return. It matters not whom you have seen or with whom you have treated, do not fall to call, as a visit and examination will cost you nothing, and may restore you to health, er even save and at toast prolong your life, aa thousands of persons will testify by authentic and unassailable tea tlmonlals from all parts of the Country. If you suspect Kidney trouble, bring two-ounce bottle of your urine, voided In the last twenty-four hours, for chemical and microscopical analysis or examination REMEMBER. The Free offer Is given during this visit only and will not be re peated. Persons commencing treatment upon their future visits will be required to pay. All those whose cases are taken for treatment, medicines and remedies wll be given them right after the exam ination, or any other work that 4thelr cases may call for will be done right there. This Is not i C. O. O. scheme or other catchy snare or trick. Whatever your experience may have been with oth ers, this Firm conducts Its business upon a Legitimate and business ethical and professional manner. Do not let your pov erty Interfere with your chances of re covery, as all persons rich er poor, Irre spective of your position In life will be given courteous treatment. Whensoever, or by whom wanted, a positive guarantee to cufd will be given else no caaa Is tak en. Thoe having complicated diseases of long standing, who have failed to get well ana consequently Become discour aged, are partlcula-ly and especially In vited to come. Testimonials of those com pletely cured after a course of treatment has been given them. Is the reward ex ted, wanted and looked forward to by t.ils "Firm of Physicians." The Doctors can only be seen at the Ho tel Parlors. No calls are sought or re- sponded to, unless by special arrangement with the local physicians for consultation only, in which case a fee of $10.00 Is de manded and Insisted upon. Local physl clans who desire consultation for their patients will be accommodated at the Hotel during business hours free of Hiarne. , Office Hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. OON'T FORGET THE DATE. Friday, March 5. JUDGMENT Did you ever hear anything but praise for Vick.s Croup and lPneumoiiia Salve? It ia the best- 'It's wrrth $25 to $50 and often more to any family. 25, 50 and SI. All drcgaisa. S - Ball Teasa Ba.tertataaaemt. At an early date, the members of Tbe Asheboro Base Ba'l Team will give a rol licking, fide-splitting concert at thn New Town Hall. Tbe entertainment will be on a high moral plane.but full of mirth provoking hits local and otherwise. The boys need new uniforms, bate .gloves and niits. There is no money in their treas "hey give our people unbounded enter tainment ana ai version oy ineir mm exuiui tions of ball playing, during tbe season, at heavy expense of time and money, witDout a penny of remuneration t ' themselves, and t i i due them that our pi-oj la stand by them aud assist them lilierally in their efforts to pro perly outfit themselves for the coming sen- Better and more interesting exhibitions will be given this season by the team than ever before, as tbe management is preparing a regular schedule with other team fur games each week during the summer and early fall. Further notices will appear in regard to the entertainment Plculc On Pilot Mountain. Shiloh Sunday School will have a picnic at l ilot Mountain Saturday, April .M, IWi'J. Dr C 0 llu'lbard ami w:fe, of rarmi-r, ill lie nr-'seutainl address the audience. also Hon E ij ill Muffin, of Asheboro, (Prei. of (.'o. Conventi. n) has an iavi ation to present an in ke and address ou the ocii- lou. A cordial invilnti"n is extended to all ouie and let u enj-iv U.e duy lonetlur and ry to help advance the work of the Mauler. t'ltUf. r. M. WtUUUl, upt MoCitt, N. C. t-Vb I.-., l'JOU. Pitbull Items. Messrs S A tVx, K N" Luck and J I) W'l leb have inst'iie.d tu'ephones Mrs li N' I.nrk is on ili cick list. Mis T W Auiiiuii visitrd Mrs C M Keirn Sunduv eveni.ig Mrs T M Keanis visited Aira Will Mitness Siiuidav ii'!;'it 1 huildi'its Aumuu visii.hI Mauley " ll.i.ims Mindav 'Veil li c. lrS I rJauroek and nine sod, v :v le, visited lier sister, Mrs Muu-rva Kenrns, oi v day last week. Itamsear Items. Mm I.nvina Allridsre. of Cedar Fall", visited net duuvhtvr, Mrs, Hard ' Allied, the past two weeks. Mrs Harnrr. o( star, came up lastweez lo visit her eoulu. M'j a K .ponu-on. iiisn Kuli Hnves. one of Handleman's most charm un and popular youtiK laiietcarnedovn Saturday te viait the MIm-k Slack. Work on t he larire addition to tne Kainseii furniture factory bCKins this week. This l.u tory hen completed. Kill lie a credit sedan donor tn nnr town and couutv. Miss Annie Black has re'urned to her work iu the ftrurieil Schools of HI lib Point. Ili.nOnt Scott, of Fnuoh. accompanied or ner friend, Miss Daisy Monitt. spent Saturday aim Eundav wltn ner parents nere. W T Foashee leit Monday for a trip to Greens horn. Elnn Coileee aud oilier Dolnta. Prof 0 V WoosTev. of Aklieboro. spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in town. Miss joule ana i h wyue were nappni married os the 17th Inst. Rev J W Caldcr r- lotming tbe Interesting-ceremony, A Due ron and a beautllul daughter curae the home of Heal Brady respectively last week Mrs Campbell, ol Wlnntou saiera. is srenaiug the week witn ner son, wm tampoeu. Farmer Notes. Rev Mr Ware attended the Circuit Quarteily meeting at Concord church, preaching two ex cellent sermons, one on Saturday morniiif. and again at 11 o'clock on Sunday. Mr Ware la the new presiding-eioer on tne ureennooro .tiiwict, and the people were quite favorably impressed with his executive acuity, as wen as nia ureacn inc. several newpnonee were put in si ranner last week. 8W Kearns, atvs elt Kcarn, ana MraT H Fuller have a lihoue at their home. and Kearney Plummer one at the Roller Mills Two or three new telephone lines to connect with tne oentral omee here are wing laaaea, and It is nrobable will b built soon. Kim Anuie jonnooa, wno is teacninR in Lex ington, spent Sunday with relatives In this vicinity. There is a brand new boy at the home ot Madi son Hammond and another at Marvin Kearns'. Tha musical riven bv the Faraier Cornet Band about a week aao was entered by a fair sired audience. The proceeds amounted to a little more than Of teea dollars. Mrs Dm a Lewis, ol Asheboro. visited la tbe community Saturday and Sunday. NOT1CK. LAND SALE. Bv virtue of an order of the Superior Court of ttaoaoipa UHirry, norm irouna, m epeciai Proceedings entitled rtallie K. Oeltrane bv her next friend Jacob Coltrune v . Jcs Col rane and Nathan Cjltrane, I will sell at public auction lo iha highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Atheborw. S. C on Monday, the 82nd day of March WO", at U o'clock M the following de- termed real etate, wnira is hiu lor pertmoni bain lanaa lying ana Doing in tne t,-ounty oi Kanooipn.Nortn Carolina, adjoining tne lanns ol Madisoa Kirkmun, tne Mm Holder pla Roddr: Swalm. aud 1 orn Divlnuev and othen: south 41 degrees west Is chains snd W links to a white tltnt, uieuoe seutn m aegrec east H chains and W links tn a bunch of ash bushes in tbe eadow: thi n je south U degrees w.t H7 chains aud Tullaks toastakeln thcoiicinal ,lne: thence south w enalna aud ou uuits to a black gum, Kirkmao's corner, thence east 8si chaiua v s stone, i u the eat side of the pad In J. Stane'e line, thenr. south t chains to a itoue, thence east an cnains ana i- nnit tea mine, wienie north IS chains and Si links to astute In Curtis corner, thence west U chal is to a none, theuce north 7 chains and 60 lirks to a po-toak, theuce west to the becoming, uniitalntug ijuu acres more or lees exiei4 about W acres swld. rl of said lands to Kam ieTiuuey and about si acres sold to Rod dv 8walm. inis is valuable lanus ootn tor tne timoer thereou aud for farming aud trueklna business. It lies close to tbe west side of the town ol Liber ty, If. C. nis tne ruin asyoi r eoniary, iuoi, ELIJAH MnKFITT, Commiaslonor. North Carolina, Run-) dolth Co. ) Bailie Smith and hua ) band A. n.builtu 1 elals, ) NOT1CK. Beile Hussey and husband George Husoey, Will Vuneunnon, et al. The deieialaut Will Vuncanno will take uotlce that an action e titled as above hu been comnienreil In the 8u periorCourtof Riuidnlph County to sell real es tate situate in Cedar (.rove luwie-hiu. Kiiudol County. North Ca oilna, or partition among the tenants In commou. and that said Oefnd ant will take notice that he is required to appear ueiore vue Picric 01 tne nuperior tuurt oi said county at his olll.-c In Aliebon, N.C., on tne nrst day ol March, iwy, audansweror deuiu tn the petition In said uroce tPuz. or the Pol it 'o lets will apply to the Court ior the relief de ma ide in the said petiimu. T .Is menli day of Jan.. 1909. W. C. HAMMOND, Clerk Superior Court. The BANK, of RANDLEMAN Randleman, N. C. Capital and Profits $18,W. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Depoaita. S. BRYANT, N. N. NEWUN President. Vlce-Pres, J. H. COLE, Caaltler. THIS GREAT REMEDY IS RECOMMENDED FOB Acute and Chronic Diseases of the Kidney, Liver, Bladder or Urinary Organs and Acute, Clurouic Rheumatism, Uric acid, lumbago or gout, PREVENTS BRIGHT' S DISEASE Dissolves and expels Gravel or Gall Stones. It heals and removes irritation, Inflamma tion, Ulceration or Catarrh of the Bladder. The Test That Tells. Dothan. Ala.. Jan 21. 1909. Dr Kilmer & Co.. Kinehamton. N V. Gentlemen: About one year ago two of my ciii'dreu sullered liadly from weak kid neys and dia!)t s; thir urine was very bad and they would have severe spells of diz ziness, snd were all ran down in health. I was just about discouraged. I tried eeveral niedies and finally a doctor, but tbev did it seem to improve. I knew of a friend ho was takini? Swnuin Hoot for kidnev rouble with good results, and I decided lo t some for tUe children. I noticed there as some improvement after thev had taken wo large bottles, ami coi. turned to eive it ) them until they had taken, a half dozen lotilns and were well on the road to recov- y. 1 think Swanip.Root lias done more r my children than any other medicinH I tv. tried Mid I recommend it to one hav ig children who snlfered as mine did. 1( W. UN - EN BY, City Clerk, Dothan, Ala. A Georgia Wcman. Sparks, Cia., Jan 11. 1909, Dr. Kilmer & (io., Binxhainton, N. Y. Gentlemen:--.Ninie time auo 1 was troub led with kidney trouble; had snvere pains in liack and tti'.s. Was treated by a physi cian, but wilhotit any benefit I noticed some Swamp Hoot advertising and resolved to give it a trial. After taking four bot ties I was completely cured. Have not Buffered any pain at all since and can re commend Swamp Hoot to anyone suffering trom kidney trouble. suicerely. MKS. E. V STEVENS. Baptist Minister. Brinsoa, Ga Jan. 20. 1800. Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghatnton , N. Y. Gentlemen : Some time ago I suffered severely with pain in my back and hips. Uy back pained me and I felt miserable. A friend recommended Swamp- Root, I obtained and took the content of two bottles when I felt relief. My back has not troubled me since and I can thoroughly recommena swamp-Koot to anyone suffer ing from ki nev troubles, as I find it afford ed me great relief. xonrs very truly, BET. E. T. DAWSON. Results After Using. Boston, Ga Jan. 13. 1909. Dr. Kilmer A Co. Binghamton, N. Y. Uentletnen: borne time ago I was troubled with kidney trouble.. I thought for some time I was suffering with Diabetes. I bad severe pains in my bacc and hips. A friend recommended Swamp-Root and I de cided to give it a trial. I obtained a bottle treat a druggist and after taking a few Qoees, felt relieved. After taking several bottles the pain was entirely gone and I have not suffered the slightest sioce. I jan- oot he too enthusiastic in my praise of this wonderful medicine and it oivs me irreat pleasure to give my testimonial in regard to lis menas. - J B.EOUNTREE, Former Mayor and Member Legislature We have sold Mr. Ronntree Swamp-Root and have also sold it in a number of cases for kidney trouble and always with perfect ausiaciion. 3- C. Adams ft Son. ll F YOU NEED A MEDICINE YOU SHOULD HAVE THE BEST. Swamn-Root is not recommended fer the day and get ap many times during the night, have siu uti 1 1 o. irrituiio.i in 'ping or Swamp-Root will be found just the remedy you need. Don't Be Misled For example, When you r , ' e. ; k- j- ' uu;iug aouieuiiug eise in 11a place, every time be succeeds in selling you a worthless substitute he mikes mire prnfit, but you are humbugged at the eipenaejof your health. NOTE. Every reader of The Courier who has not tried Swamp Root, the Gieat Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, may address - Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y and receive a sample bottle free by mail. At all A Sworn Certificate off 'Get the Habit' We are creatures of habit Many "Get the habit" of going to the btandard Drug Ce. every day. "Get the Habit" It Grows "Get the Habit" of being served by us and you will "Get the habit'.' of being satisfied. We carry only pure drugs, the best in toilet articles, corres podence paper, perfumes, tooth brushes, etc.; etc ' Standard Drug Company, Asheboro, N. C. The Value of a Remedy Is Proven by its Cures. Els-wood. Ala., Pec. 14. 1908 Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biughamtoa, N. Y. Dear Sirs: -I have derived such ffreat benefit from the use of) i.i ronicdy, Swuiup Root, that I believe it to be most important for the public to knorf iu woitii. t or tue past tea years I have been the most miser able of mea. Did t Vn"w whit the trouble was but had to urinate very frequent ly Loth day and night; was all puffed up generally. Could not bleep uioru limn a couple of hours at a time, t u gt eatiy Jin trnesad after eating a meal pd ttis nliont worn oat I had tried n"nrle evrvthinu I could aee advertiaed aud hear ol. wnhout i Dr K!lrrtor'3 Ukoroas Is On th out helwig me toany .0nt. uuut fi-ady slde wrapper of every bottl.. in Or'oher last at Kipan, Wis., I purchased a one Hol'nr Hctt'p of wsmn, Rnot nnd com mencHd taking it according to directions and ' 1 followed that with another bottle and ex perienced such great relief and benefit from same that I purchased five dollars worth at Uuntsville, Ala., and continued its use and am now taking it, lut in smaller doses and twice a day in place of four times a day and believe that by the time present supply is used up I will be entirely well. I am feel ing better now than for ten years past. Can eat and sleep first-clans, in fact I am feeling so good that I cannot resist telling you about it. Voa are at liberty to publish this testimonial should you wish. Very respectfti'ly, TIKH STALLARD, V. S. A., Retired, Box 7. It. R. No t, Elkaood, Ala A Clergyman. New IloaHs, L-i., Jan. 22, 1909. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinchaiuton. N. Y. Dear Sirs: I write today to the public that your Swamp Root cure'd me of kidney trouble. I was almost past gninK; Imving spasmodic p Us with n l.Uneys tht were breaki'-.K (i.iwn my cm tuuti.'i The best medi'ia! aid ua em Iti.ed and thy pro noimcd my tmuhle as rilboli iu tin kidneys, but were unable t.i do mo any permanent good. I took four b .ttles of Swamp-Root and lie came a writ man. This was six years ago and I have had no trace of the trouble. Yours for suffering men, REV. J. R. TAYLOR, Pastor Baptist Church, New Roads, La. Mail Carrier's Experience. Bl untville, Tenn. I have been a rural letter carrier for over five years. Some two years ago I was taken with severe pains in my back. I used medicine from my family physician for sever al mauths without any benefit. A friend, Mr. J. D. Nelson, advued me to try your Swamp-Root, but I bad no faith in it. I continued to grow worse and at last decided to try this remedy and bought of Long Bios, a fifty-cent bottle which gave me great re lief. I then bought two one-dollar bottles, which I can truthfully say have completely cured me. Had it not been for Swamp Ret. I would have been compelled to quit the rural free delivery service. I advise all mnil rsariers who get pains in their back that owaotp-Root wilf cure them. I was so bad that verv often .my wife would hove to help me to arise. M. B. HENDRICISON, Rural Letter Carrier, Ronle No. 2. A Contractor. Donslsonville, Ga., Jm. 20, 1909. Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamtoa, N. Y. Gentl-mea: About four years ago I suffered from kidney trouble and rheuma tism in my hips. The pain 'croea my bask became so severe that I cooid hardly straighten op sad could not walk without dragging my feet. I would urinate fre quently and would have to rise two or three times daring the night, causing me to suffer from loss of sleep. Aad with the pain I was all ran down and began to lose fl sh. I saw Swamp Root advertised and bought one bottle to try it. After taking it I Felt better and eould sveep alright at night. I continued to take it ontil I bad taken four large bottles. I was entirely free from any pain in the back and began to . gain in weight I alwaya recommend Swamp-Root to my friends as I think the cure in my case remarkable Yours very tn ly. M H. HICKSON, Donaldsonville, Ga. Every snail bnnjs maay unsolicited testimonials from people from al over the United States and foreign lands, expressing- fceartfelt gratiivJ for what L-r. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot has done for them. Do not Utnyone sell von s me othe- medicine to take the place of Swamp-Koot if you J- you jvill be disappointed insist on Retting: what you ask for no other rucdidne as gtod as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. evervtainar. kit if v,m '-nr.. Li.!. n. ax for Dr KUtaar's Swaiup-Reot, the Great dealers in 50c. and $1.00 sizes Purity With Every Dottle 8ee Inside Wrapper. New Goods Coming In DAILY We can now show vou the test line of General Merchandise" we have ever carried. . Just a few of out close prices listed dowht Plaids 5c per yard, former price 7c J 000 yards Calico at 5c per yd Sheetings 5c per yard. We can giv you Coffee for awhile yet at the old price of 8c. aad 12 l-2c per pound. We want your Chickens and Eggs. Highest market price erven at all times. Come and tee us. Wc are pleased to show you our goods at any time. w ALLRED & GARRETT. CLIMAX, N. C VP.. KILMER Beneficial in Severe Cases. Edgefield. Tenn. Dr Kilmer & Co., BinM'uauiiou, V. Gentleman: I hardly know how to ex press my appreciation for the good your Swamp-Cn-it has done me. I had been greatly troubled with my kidneys, and with pain in the back; also with what the doctors termed inflammation of the neck of the blad der Sometimes my back would get in auch eh.ipe that I was almoet helpless. I had tried several doctors and medicines to no good effect, and fina'ly I noticed in some paper where Dr. Kilmer proposed to send a sample bottle of his kidney medicine. Swamp-Root, free by mail. I sent at once and received promptly a sample bottle. After taking it 1 found it ditl me good. I the purchased two bottles from our mer chant, Mr. W. J E izor. After taking the medicine I felt like u new num. and ech day rode live mi leH to teach school. You are at libeity to ue loiter or refer anyone In me, as I will iiIwi vh he glatl to tell them what a wonderful remedy this Swainn-RiM t is, Mr. Jiiuii-k lrens of Snun- ilerHvitle, Tumi . i tal.iuu it with good re sults. Verv truly vour.. D. A. MONTGOMERY. MomW Teuiiesst" l.eislature, Rural Route No, - I. Kdgelicld, Tenn. Results It Has Proved. Dothan. Ala., Jan 21, 1909. Dr. Kilmer Co., liinghainton, N. Y. Dear Sirs: Hava been suffering more or lees from kidaey trouble for the last five years aud was indnced to try your Swamp Root. Am happy to say or give you testi monial that it has on red tun I am a traveling salesman for Messrs Colgate & Co., New York, and am always traveling on the road. Drinking the different waters affected my kidneys. Yours respectfully, SAMUEL WOLF. A Prominent Mason Jackson, Tean. According to my experience, I do not con sider there is anything to equal Swamp- . Root for kidney affection. Twice ii relieved me when I was com pletely helpless The last time I waa traveling in Texaa, when my kidneys became affected, and for ten days I suffered excruciating pains, ac companied with severe chills Several years previous, having been relieved of a similar attack, I naturally sought relief as before front Sraamp-Root ' After suing four of the large size boUJei, I was completely restored and went oa my wavrejoioing and praising Swamp-Boot. This waa three years ago and I have had a indication of a return of the affliction. J. C. SMITH. Jr., S3 Mason. Fully Satisfied. Wayoross, Ga.. Jan. 5, 1909. Dr Kilamer A Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. D ar Sirs: Daring last October I saffsr--d from my kidneys. I eonsalted my physician, who prescribed! for me, bot bis treatment did not benefit ate. After reading seme Swamp-Root literature, 1 decided to give it a trial. After taking s few doses, I felt somewhat relieved and af ter two one dollar bottles had been taken, I had no pain and was completely cured. I have not had the slightest pain in my back or hira since. From my ewn expeneaoe, I can cheerfully recommend Swamp Root te any cae suffering from kidney trouble. Yours verv truly, SIMON MARTIN, Mr. Martin conducts a carting and transfer bcai ess w. mu. ,,nKL . k!:,i . -r. a : heart disturbance due to kidney trouble. Kidnev, Liverasd Bladder Remedy, don't HARNESS! HARNESS! Having opened a first class har ness, making and repair shop in Asheboro on INorth Mreet, just north of the Postoffice, I solicit your patronage. A targe stock of Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Blankets, Robes, Whips, Collars, Etc, The shop is attended by an ex pert harness maker who will do all repairing on hort notice. See us at once if you want any thing in the harness line. S. E. RIGHTS. ASHEBORO, N. CAROLINA The best way to balance an ac count la tojfjuare it.