"1 .4 COMMENCEMENT NOTES. Uterary "address My Pref. iredIe- ofl Chapel Hill. Last week ah" outline of thfe "plans for commencement week w th the Asheboro Graded scbooia was an nounced. Ihrougbout the season the exercises will be full of interest. The entertainment on Monday even ing, April 2Gth, by the pupils of the 5th, 6th and 7th grades will take form of an operetta and will be well worth seeing. Tlie annual sermon on Sunday April 25th will be preaehtd pj Re?. C. A. Wood, pastor of the Asheboro M. E. Church, South. The litera: y address on Tuesday following will be delivered by Prof. M. C. S. Noble, of Chapel Hill. The pupils and the faculty are making elaborate preparation for the close of one of the best year's work in the history i the school. A-dii-uuru i i v. I Mrs. .lohu Infold is very sick. ML-s Jhtt'ie I'tilj left this week for Alaiiiai te con iity where she Lust u pt-cition. ilits Kllie Hio.. i) and Lacy I Thcuibuitf 1 1 1 u r i . t 1 to (.Juilfoul ! CV11. xe Krithiv ;. f : e r b at home frv days. U l;n Hivw n is isitin in r.ui;t. K. Bn ii 1 a. n mn,etl to .Klid wh- le i; ' i.s eli.n;e(l Hitzli West in saw mil in if. Mi.-ses Mii, iiie Craven and Luh Hancock, vi N-iiruvi" visited tht Misst'S Bonn la.-t wek. 1 lie Mistake ol I sin.; an Old Ituilcr. Montlay nioruiiig tlie boiler of the Lee saw mill, the oklett boiler in the count; y, txi.louttl, killing the owners sou, Hues Heck, nnd biully hurtitig the owners, Andrew Heck and Hill Heck. The boiler is the one ud by the late Hon. John W. Thcnifls at the first settlement of Thotiiasville. It was operated in its younger days at tlv spring just eabt of tbe i'rumer factory. The plant was burned down there more than 40 ytaia ago Tht masville TimeSr FRANKLIN VILLE NEWS. Death el Oscar Weatherly Was a Popu lar Young Man. ' Mesrs w P Marable ond Oliver York, of Cedar l-alls. spiut Bui rtsy evening in the city. ; city. left Monday for Fayettevtlle. n n i ii'i mi mi son jonu. Oscar Weatherly, who and been in jioor health lor three be four years, dleil at th homeot hi uncle, Ftof I) M Weatherly, Sunday tnomlnf. He had been a irreut soflerer from a cotnplleatl n of diseases. He was a son of Robert A'eatherlr, of uear Mmmeilleld, and a nephew of Prof 1 M Weatherly, ol this pluce, with jvhqm he had made hn home for tevyiil years." ie was -.'S years nld. AtrBe tfhie ollUsafTHctih he heMa refjnstUe position with rti aomlietif hatlwuy Co and had UttiKhtscluvl ilh success in several diflen-nplacuk in the ruintv. lie wai an Jion rvd BiemVfljf l fie Pytliiss' snd 034 HeIko and BrasherSnod lf TWinnen- IilitH ol a member ol the M E Church He leaves a ftrtdier, one brother auu two sisters and mauy friends to mourn their l(s. The remains, accompanied by a number of odd Fellows and ineaibers of the Brotherhood - of Trntnraen, were taken to Centec,CbUH(b.-UuiilontCu, where th iun trsi servicawiweonductod by Rlv Aoo KIrlunan, of reensboro. , - , ' . . . 1"" why ot Items.- Mr and Ifrs 4-AAuman anil Mrs M A .Caule pt ut Bunday with Braiwon- Ftesnell.- wlio- Is .uitestek. . .. i. ... , Miss riora Parks, of Leiirsytnn, spent Sunday ltrht trith her cousins. iiAeMissniBlak - Mraiid Mrs Arthur Jarreti arc spcndlnit a few ays at J C Curnellson's. J H Bisneer has returned home from a visit to Aberdeen, , - , , . , Mr aud Mrs .1 A iClng spent Saturday anil Suit ay with Mrs (jw-en ucm Kuuoy. . Mr audMrs I) U tlauuock : pvut uudy at X Farks -1 ' : ....... A B Troodon spent a few davs here last mrki WmJCing aud little daughter spent Jfonday at D Kaiir's. , . Johulin is spending a few days with,hl AnioDgthoM: wtuitia,iwJMMutl)-eutwdii(iluul nere r.. L aness.ol Heinp; Hugh Lowdor. milk, rt.seaRrova, R n 1: Misses Battle Howard, of Noisei Lula aud Ethel Hora r, of mruwu anu ueyiar vox, ol Acoutle Ktiie Presueii and Mvab Um. ol Mi. hfiuM Novaatrider. of Pisguhjaud Beatrice Vo,.ijl Mandy Creek Mr Alfred Jones, who was run over kv & wim and ha1 his Ick broken last November, is uot et able to walk. ....... The little m of Wca Morris was -thrown from a waiwn ami run over a few days ago. H s lei was broken. ,. .. . Mr Louis York has tousht the NB Curtis farm. Miss Laura lones. of Mulancbtbon Jtan lieeii at- leuoiag tut iiedRiiie of tier Krand father, Alfred Jones, lor the East monihrbas returnd home Mr Cuu-ey Allred was thrown from fill horse ana au-iocuicu nis snouioer recently. About the prettiest siulit we hsvu seen this year is Mrs Alfred Jones' bed of hyacinths and ixmstra. reu, w line una uiue i ncy seem to nuv taken, lime by the forelock. tool Spring News. . Our pastor will ireuch he e Saturday niirht ueiuvtne .im eumuy in Murcn, aim also ttunoay at 11 a m. A siuntng was given at W M Kouth'son Monday aiKiiitii iw wees hi iiouor oi miss r.mei Brown. Miss Minerva Foster, of Wurtbvllta, visited relatives in the communitv lust week. Mr and Mrs C H ttouth. of Ashehuro, speut last Sunday niuht at Win Rnuth's. Miss Ethel ilrow n, who has been te. ehingat vvra;B;,iidis;i, recurueu so'-ner miine at Brawn iasi weea. "astomi wine" nkitit iiiitd.r.' Mr. Btltnrr Can auv of vnnr renders tieln me to Hndu copy of the little pamphlet "Naomi Wiser' 1 wish to get a copy, I would like to finve a perfect copy lor preservation, would like to corn-spoil ' with any one having a copy to sell. Does any one know anything of auv family by tbe name of Wise, living in Randolph cr iidjo'a Ing counties olsmt the nine of the Revolutionary War or some lime thereafter? If so, write me. HENRY BHKK'IS. Lexington, N. C. Card of Thanks. We wiih to thank the people of Asheboro through the columns' of-The Courier for their kii Oness durii g th t sickress and death of ouimoiher and grai dmothtt. Eia Mil lilt. Froth MiLfra. BiBJlX MlLLEJU-. Bids (.Wanted. Trie County O mmlssloners of Randolnh Co. will receive bids for t e plastering of the new eoort house. Plans and specifications may lie In the Keglsier's rf lee Bids si Bid he suh. milted An or beiore April 8th, 1WHI. the right la reserved to r lot anv or all bids- -Addnva coniiiiiinlcatlorr. lo Bosrdot Co inty Commisslou rs, Ashebum. ft. This Maich 9, l09. M.p-K v.nrlh PUa.anl 11ml- -Thousands of visitors have thronged Washington today, but T doubt if they have enjoyed the. day more than hare we; the neighbors of Hannah Farlow, of Trinity, who met at her home and gave her , a surprise birthday dinner. she was trait tt a thttMmfw nownr-cttc ally an invalid, often .auflariag. greatly... In. the early tall sne was critically ill, ner me despaired of, but God in His maray .raised her up. It is good to visit her eeeirigNher endure severe pain so patiently and chef fully and always veryapprecitiv of ahy little kindness ddne'fc)Mer. V Such a cliaracteriaTielpful to any neigh-1 borhood and today we met to show, in a small way, how glad we were alie was still pared to us. Heavy baskets- were brought in, a long table prepared spread with snowy datwwk ami loaded with tempting iands. Hot coffee was served. After dinner was over a basket was tilled and carried to an elderly neighbor woman who couldn't come through the cold; and the company diviJed up into time companies, elderly ludiea, elderly gentlemen and young folks. The young folks had games and the elder ones more iuiet, conversation. At-luO we pr pared for leaving and "a plcasntit day, such a gi"d dinuer " was hoard from every one. God bless Aunt Hannah. Steeds Items. Harrison, of Elise, Idled his hYv. Mr. ii HUlitin, ill at liii piaee l.it f and ram us a K'-eil sermon Miss Fi in Ainuaii Sai'urday intn. i-iit 1 Sun, lav iili Mr'-. i;..fu Mrs. .1. W. l.-.li le of lier l'.'1-f. who is -M'iii a il iv cr ino to r.ii-e M I. II. Ui li.i , vho has been at r Mr- M iiiha I'av", ilic ill v HI Willi paralysis, home l-ist week return- I n and fitiuily s(h m l iUI en of ' ilii! at l-.ther. C. I. and d iUI a l;iy in town eok. A-loi Craven and f.'iuilv of Moore I'oiiuiv, have moved here Mis-cs Annie and Myrtle Ashuty i-'iit a part of la-t ween with Miss Annie Steed. The school at this place ha-'lieen suspend ed "it account of an epidemic of mumps. There was a uiet home wedding here lasi Wednesday, when Miss Miss Mela Free man daughter of Mr. Ira Freeman became the bride of Mr. Carl Mcliill of Kaelurd After the ceremony a delicious luncheon was served to all present after which Mr. and Mrs McCill left on the 4:30 train for Hae f id, their future home- rn?qtialrd as a Cure for C'rnup. 'Besides beiuir an excellent remedy for eolda and throat troubles, Chamberlain's C-euph KPiui'dr is unequaled as a cure Tor croup," vajii llarry Wil-on, of Wayuetown, Itul. hen civen hs soon as the croupy eoujih appears, this remedy will preTentUie attack .It ia ued , juco sstullj, iii many thousHtida of hooiei. Korsale bv All llnig jrista. ' ' - "" ' : I-Hher Itesss. There will be a fiddlers convention at Ether Acadi my oh Friday night of March Lp i'Jtb. liTerybody invited to come. Miss Alice Auuian, f Asbury, visited at C. . llorouglis Saturday and Sanday. ' ' Miss Llixa Uiltoo 18 very sick. ilr. Noah Freeman and. family are gping to move to (ireenssoro. (.ood Liniment. Tou will hnnt a eod while before you fma preparation that is equal to Chamber 'law's Liniment as a cure for muscular and jheumatie pitioa, for the cure of sprains anil soreness of ihe muscles, it is equally Tal uable lor lame back and all deep seated muscular pains, -o aud 5'1 cent sizes for sale by All Druggists. Kaudleman Notes. V Wesley ..Bowman . ia critical y J1L at the ko4ie of hTs son, George Jkiwraan. has. f . bwaney and U, (J. Low attendN thii funeral of their uncli- O. Coble (i Slulnh. Thnrsdsv '.'l v i I Visses MaudeSend ilamii wanev. (ifpensbore, visited thiir.cousiea:.Jar. and Mrs. V. H. MltcbelWofilUiih I'oirtt STBS Welcome visitor on our atj-edta, last weak, fvv'l Iltrsbaw Declares The I(rla3alire Has 3 I Itone Well tff . Ta the deb.ite lastwaek, in ' pa. lioquy let weedGovettiof Doufjhtoo and Mr. Marup; th iBepublicari leader of the IIouseMt; flarsbitw said: This ia not .& xtravigaat Ieislatare. I basnet Baid te. Jt has done very well and-.Ihavi no cnticiam to make' ThatsBtatemeat was received witE Applause on"-the lloor and in the" galleries. Sews & Observer. ' w If you'd l dubbed a liaiidsoine'giil, nd win a handsome Knight, ' .-' The secret here I do impart, V . Take Hollister'a Kooky Mountaiu Tci; it night, Asheboro Drug Co.'' y Free Copy books and Drawing TBooks. Ve have some free cofy,fxolt8 and ' drawing hooka left for our tslomen. If you are not one of our custom-'' . era it will pay you to became one ; at We have the largest and best se lected stock ef llrugs. Medicines, S:atioiery, ledgers, Blank Books, ttc. vo this section of the Stuto... We are offering' some' special prices on - - AWJiinX A StJrPowdral iofiltv! 1 i a a Foods. 1 l.'riW f JsSStt HiL.rilM I. Blank Srs: at hrtgihan jps f ! lM Come 'tr) an " I 1 Asheboro, tNp&jS -zi ttaanseur1 Items. ' The commencement entertainment of the first tour grades ot Kamaeuf' Graded School 'took place Friday night. The foliowlug praffram was wen reimereui Drill. Teu little neero bovs. Gun Drill. Twenty little fxy. ' "' Sena. Bowleitfred bey, Oscar King, girls. ... -TOG Wrrlm at Winn?," raiiupuitiiev try 1& little girls aud boys. .... .- Recitation, AnroKTMaMatn. jUotl .lrit luill.-by &liie girJji. A beauuXuisaltUtUHletwaii presented to Miss mnn by pupilaof the music class. The. outer talumeut waairreatry ertloyed btib Iarjte audi enoe, thedtri beiiigviiaf.'kcJKtoxiu iHuos jnfhomas left lat week, on a business frp to Wtctitta: KattvalM other western citia Mr and Mrs Nellie Hammer and children, of Chatham Co, visited Kev Manly Hummer Satur dav aud Sunday. Miss Mury Brewer mid Charlie Bray were mar ried on the 8th inst. Sanv Slack, of Ahcboro. spent uilay with hi- parents here'. Themuuy Irleuds iif Oscar Weatherly were deeply grieved to learn of his death at Franklin ville on the 7th inst. w B Moore, of Marshville, recently visited his brother, U B Moore. Level Cross Kthlblllon. The school at Level Cross, taught bv Mis.i tlraee VViuiiiighain, closed last Friday Feb L'lilh with a splendid exhibition, prohab ly the best that has ever lieen ut Level Cross, The music was tarnished by a string band. A l.irge crowd iitteuiled. -liss WiuaingliHui has taught a successful school. M-ssrs Clarence Ad mis and Simiiel Uodgia deserve much prai-e on their jj.iod speakiuq. Mr- A V Cr.iv a id Miss S.iilio t.'olem.ni visited Mis Ie-.-e Nu.ill la-t Sunday. A ra li n est I i ti ii liny silken tiii largrirlh-iii t '' from the ll.-irt ad -li tlaritv. Tl e i - i '. . - : M"'nacli also has lis hidden, or inside ueive. i It was Dr. Shoop wh- tirt told us it wa j wrong to ilru a m-:i.i i-r failing Stoma -ii. ; Heart or Kidney-. II - prescription It Miooii's liesioiatuo - i- directed straiiihi i.'r -e of lli-'se ailnu'els these weak an I , ! falteiiuj; in-.de iivv-c This, no do I : clearly xpiains why lie' lleslorative has "i '. late ijiowii rapi l.y in popularity. liu , j f;i.-i- -ay that those who tesi the Iiestoraiivc i even for a few days soon I eceme fully ecu - , vinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, don't drntf llio org, hi. Treat inn the rau-e of ', sickness is the only sensable and Buccessful j way. Sol 1 by Asheboro I'riig Co. : , iiinsnns FOR TORPID.' LIVEHfc - j A torpid HwrdtJtarles)tliW,,,, system, and produces ' SICK HEADACHE, Dyspepsia, CoStiVebeSSt RhU JnatiSm; SallOW OKinimaTHeS. tIirm la no Ktrr rMnedT for these common dlsBes than PRTUTT'S UVBR P1LL5, aa a trUl wlfl prove. Take No Substitute.; s '. ! ' ' .HUH .!,.: i .!! .A"B (SAL-! f P.- . By vb tne of an order of the Superior Cou rt of I Uulitlell Luc Kuulemaivetal. vs. JnoB.rmvex. selisiine eouti nonse .nuorat dlclock M -mi sslurdav, April iupliotfc at pitbltc tictlon to the highest bidder, life fotlowiuMderj sen ts.-d tracts of land, lyilg aim neisn luiaraf dolpk Cotnty, tn Liberty township and llescrib- ed as follows, vis Tract No. l. Adjoining! th 1 lands o widow Lowe, U. L. B rower aud others Beginnitig at a stone Lows;' j corner anrVruuaing thence North with Lowe's line 19-8-8 poles to a stone m Fousts, line, theniw North 85 degree West fit pules to a tone ninety feel from the center of railroad thence 6oufn 1 8 8 poles to a stone iu Lowe's; line ninety feet from center of railroad, thence East with Lowe's Hue 67 poles to the begin ni ng, containing 7 1-4 acres more-or less.- i i ' Tract NO. S. Adjoining the lands of D.' W . Moser a ii d i).... t alefc- aad others, Dounded as foil ws. viz: Beginning at a atone, ft.uirner oi D. nitig tnence rast us to old line, thence Houth w itth said line G t-S rods to a shine, D. F. Staley's comer, tnjnce .o. eo ae gre West 82 rods to a sfine ninety feet from S enter of railroad, tnenoaiirik northerly ilirce'.iou i.etfrora Railroad lo tliaibegiaMiiiig, coutaiu- tfcs! 1 4 acres more or less. . , :' , S frwrt No. 8. Adjoinrng ih1ands of J. W. BMrxess. on tne norm. - auu v- i- owjey i .tnZ., tl,ii,lul Inlmnvit' Hrlimkui stastakeon-lsstsldeof Fayettavilte Ut., tpeaoe South i degree 668 feel to a stake, tbunce Sdiith an rterrrMi 4tsv f l id s stake..' tlienca uoith Itf degrees West 1H8 feet to a stake, th trace North m degrees Weat Wi feet to the begtiuumt, coirtalDiag iOMI feet. .-, Tract No. 4. Adjoining the lands nf f. . 8:aley JanM Wast andiothcra, bounded as lol lows. vli- Bettiiiiiinir at a slake on Kast aide of Famteville Ht.. thence Suntli 4 degrees East ITS feet io s slake, theuoe South 88 degrees 4(18 feet to a stake, thence 1W degrees West ID feet to a slake thence North 86 degrees West 1D8 feet to the negluning, containing .lie l square, toei. lrar No, ft. Adjomiiir the lauds of John Follst. ft W. Mrmer mid OLflers. Ueiellllllha.at a stake Hasten Lowe's corner In H. I. Rrowcrs line, thence EasttO poles Ul a tone, theuce tjortil re io ics to a stone, tnvucu wew u poies w a stone I HrowcrV line, theuce with H rower line 18 p les to th begiuulug, containing 4 acres lore or less. , - , Tract Sit. 8. Adloinlriff the lands of Benrv L. .Bniwerand others, tn or near the village of Lib- erty, una sounded as loliows, viz: Betiimiiug-Sit a slake at Northeast eisnerot lot mi. in ana running tlienco Houiii NO degrees East 218 feet to a state, tlienue Soula at iietrecs ,al to a staae th nee North Ml deur, es West :K2 ieet ti a stake, theuce North 4 degrees West 176 feet lo the be ginning. - ... ' . Tract no. 7. Adjoining trie lands ol Henry i. Brower and otlierx. and b aiuded as follows VtS: Bcglimiue at a stakf on the Kastslde nl Favette- VU.1C mi ei't auu runuiug tne nee soutn 4 aegi ljst i;r, feet to a slake, theuce South 81 degi 'tf 'eat to a slake. Iheooo . onh 4 d-greea est 75 feet to a stake, theaco North SB degrees West X.1U feet In the hegluiiiug, coutalutng stSiao square leel, more or less. The above uained tracts will be oft" red separ atelyaud theu ottered as a whole and 1 Lhey nnng more separately than as a wuole may win be old suuirately. but If otherwise, they will be Terms of sale: l ash. Till. March . 19i9, ELIJAH MOFrMTT. Commissioner, f Furniture and Undertaking triti the rnrViRareej'irerii larjaf-S Sbrtmaat oi l t ' i-y"-. - MC- I" aM OtlW i MfitUhtttgM, " -.mJT JS-JTsi-am oaa tUtt. Jiyiwh-saiai. ;yrtct,;. e;.i you money-' nl . (noney saved , is money maVti; ,',,.'. 'iJJr '- 1 - -' See ns. -eini: ' '"" ' Back Creek Items. , The free sckoo at Leaner"! Grove, under the efficient aamaMment of Miss KateNanos. closed Feb ith but the poramiuee a id patrous were so well pleased with the work accomplished during the four months, that they employed her to te h a month subscription. Congratulations to Miss Sahce on hei work. , Miss ( ammlje Nance and her brother Clay, int'the 4th Sunday in Feb with their sister, Mb Kate Nance, at the home ol W B Peole. It is rcMirted that Roler Richardson, of this place, wilt move to Burliugton, Hetaoueof out best citizeus and we will, regret very much to give him up, . Messrs Arch and Karl Bulla spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Sophia. Croup positively stopped i" 2J minntes, with Dr. Snoop's Oronp Remedy One teet alone will suril prove this truth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup 50c. Sold by Asheboro Drug Co. . Prof. UUIr at Fair View. Prof Frank S Blair, of Guilford College, spoke to tho Fair View Sunday School Sunday. Afterwards hs- addres-ed the school and audience on "Peact Movement of the World." Prof Blair is one of our great Sunday School workers, and deserves great credit for the good work that he is carrying on. THIS (; l K AT IJIvMKDV IS I'l.Ctt.'.. UKU:i)FOK Acute -iiid CUnnilo Diseases of tiic Kid:;i y, I.ivt r, liiuddcr or Vfin.iry Cr;-.;ir.s atul Af'.ito, Cliriniic K'iU'i:i!intiMil, I ric nci i, lo;::!ia; o or gout. l,lil-:Vli."M ITS BRIGHT' S DISEASE if:i lives i.r.l expels Gravel cr C.:.'.l Stones, it licals and removes irrit r.toti, luflunima tion, Ulceration or Catarrh of the liiuddcr. The Test That Tells. Dothan, Ala , Jan 11100. Dr Kilmer A- "o., Kinp; l.vutou, X V. Gentlemen: Abo'it one year ugo two of my clu dren suffered badly from weak kid neys and dialn't a; their'nriue as v-ry twd and they would have severe spells of diz ziness, and wore all ran doivn ill health. 1 was just about discouraged. I tried several renjedies and finally a c'lictor, but ihey did not seem to improve. I knew of a friend who wan taking Swamp Knot for kidney trouble with cnod results ami I ,!;,lurl i t)iotne for the children. I notice there www some improvement alter they had taken two large bottles, and continued to irive it to-thein until they had taken a half dozen boUlee and were well on the road to recov ery, I think. Swamp, Koot has done more for toy children than any other medicine 1 nave, tried ami l recommend it to one hav ing children who suffered as mine did. K. W. LINDEN BY, ,. City Clerk, Dotbao, Ala. A Georgia Woman Snarks. Ga.. Jan 11.1000. Dr.' Kilmer X)o., Binhamton, N. Y. ' i Gentlemen: Sonae time go I sw troub led with kidney trouble; had severe pain in back and hips. Was treated by a Dhvsi- eiao, but without any benefit I notioed aoaie Mvamp Koot advertising and resolved to give it a trial. After taking four hot ties I was completely cured. Hare not I suffered anv pain at all since and cn re- 1 noniniend KiiamrV Root In Ir.nn..'.nI.''n.. MRS. E. NT STEVENS. Bag&t Mincer. BrintsipQi.. tfStfc, JJJ8 800. ; Gentlemen :-S(Me lim4ifi$ suffered everely with paia in toy sli8l&' aid hips, iglyamlwy N. My back pained ni'd ootaaadySaejel I felt mirerable. A friend comineiiifeeh,s8wamD- Root.', I obtained and toek ftiJ.'COiVlairH of two bottles when 1 felt relief. " Mv hAfdt'Tlss Sot iroablod ma since and t ekn ihoroughly recommend Swamp-Koot to anyone suffer ing from ki, ne troubles, as I find it afford ed me great relief. m iii oir very iruiy, sr'-i?apy, E. T. DAWSON. '! Results Mtt Dsme. . iaflrifiifijTafiitl 1009.. Dr. Kilmer ,A Co. Bitigbiirtton, '.. VJ flentletni,a:Some' tiiod! ado fT wlsT troubled '.with kWney V-'iMe.',f I Vhoaipt I for some tiu 1 was sufTerte wju Piahetoa I had severs pains ju my hues nd hlps. Iriend, recoinmendeJ Swsmp-ltiyjt Rd Il ' , cided to give it Viol.'"!. I obiainel; - botrte from'a'dmiggist and 'ttfr j taking' a. ewj doses. (eli ralieved. 'Mliffrfc Jtaking several bpttlies the pain whs entirely, gone and I haV-'hot silfreH-M he sliij!ifest inrs. I -n' bl b 4io enth'a-flistic in my pWse, of this uMiivnuimniirm, qnp 1 givj Bljn fiTeV pleasure to give my testimonial n K Off ns merits. ''J H ff'sTk S, Former Mayor and Memtr XiBisIature. WeVhave sold Wr. fHOrlrpe VSwarnp-Root and hava.lHc ,hf it iw . oS,li 5... for kslnev tmnhU .A !.l,r;aJH satisfaction. , 7' tK 'Tl lT'i3v-ii r:D jaj r?.i:biciNE you should have the best. f ' Swafnpioot w.-nV Tecoramendeefoxerthing, but if you tave kidney, livei or bladder trouble or obliged to fro often during tht day and gat up niny times Huriug thf niaUt, hive smtrting or irritation in pissing or heart disturbance due to kidney trouble, wamp-KootwiM-ba found jam Ae ttmtijma need, f$jm BexJtfiabfra1 Stat elai pWswi ycti f fpr Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rsjot, the Great Kidney, Liver sad Bladder Remedy, don't 'A attotr aaV rtiuiafiiiAR 'Hia nlftka . ; ; - tjy ris.taal vnu inln ntivinff aemAlhino else in Its nlaA F.varv lirni. hs ntirvwArla 1 n.iu fwiuiig juu m wwfhiuswi wudiiuvB uosuasc uiurv pruu., uu, jru .ic uuiuimoi iv w e&jousegoi yuur iinai'.a. NOB -rltvery- reader of The Courier "who - I1.,, i ' r-- r.i-. . r At all A Sworn Certificate of Ptigah Items. (T . A S CaHlcut was a weloomsTsjlslHr In Ms community last Hunday. Ill J Mr and MrsTM K earns vlslte it V CrtM- Ibnl't lant Saturday uiKlit. Charlie laick i lsltel his slater, Mrs G O Cox, ln-t MUitar. T . MrsT W AumanrWafeAa5-hlrJ'1 Kov Cox visited' his grandfather, R N Cot; I 'toMwyBranatobi.wuiaicirijy. MOKTOAuKbALE. .- . - By virtue of the powers of sale contained in two oeitntu MortiAiae Ti!v4 exviu'el on the 4tb dav of Julv. lWSbv F L ftMl ind Mzzie Hill, to J. U. Miller, aud recoraed in Bislk M, r-iK IS in the nfllre of the Retrkter ol I-cHLf Kaudls4. County, the uudersigite 1 will on the luthoayol April. lMlial lao chick M ., sell ul p-.ilili- auction to the nlghe-t bidder for ch it he court house door in Alieauro, N. C, tac lulluwiug ue-tiibtd real em, to-witt A certain piece or tract of la d lying and being In Randolph County, htatc a, uesaid, in A In l.jro Tow n-hip, and de fined n, follows, to-wit: Beginning at Tom rk.il' corner and Tunning West on his line s poles to Bibb Ingram's Hue. Thence North on his line 8 pules to Will Harper's line. Tbence Kast on his line in part 28 poles to the Railroad right of way. Thence with the right of way to the beginning, containing one acre more oi less. Mile being made tn satisfy said Mortgage, T n is loth dav of March, 18W. J. U. MILLER, Mortgagee. The Value of a Remedy Is Proven by its Cures. KIknood, Ala., Dec. M, 100S Dr. Kilmer A Co, UingliHintoM, N. V. Dear Sirs: I have derived such great lienelit from the use of yur remedy, Swamp Koot, that 1 believe it to be most important for tho public to know its worth. For the past ten years I have been the most luiser ublo of men. Did not know what, the trouble was but h id to urinutpvery frequent ly both day and night; was all pulled up frenerally. Could not sleep more than a couple d hours at u time, was greatly dis tressed after eating a meal mid wu aliout worn nut 1 had tried marly everything I could see advertised and hear of, without helping ine In any great extern, until linullv in October last at liipan, W is,, 1 purcliased a on dollar bottle of waiup Koot and com meneed taking it according to directions and 1 followed that with another bottle and ex perienced such great relief and Is'iielit from same that 1 purchased five dollars worth at UiiUtsville, Ala , and continued it use und am now taking it, but in smaller dosi s and twice a dcy in place of four times a day and believe that by thf time present supply is used up 1 will lie entirely well, I am feel ing better now than for ten years past. Ton eat and sleep llrst-class, T. fact I am feeling so good that I cannot resist telling you about it. You are at liberty to publish this testimonial Bhoidd you wish. Very respectfu ly, THO, STALLAKD, AT". S. A., Retired, Boi 7. R. 11. No .2t E1kiiootvAv . , Aqeryman. . New Roads. l.i Jan. 22,1003.7 Dr. Kilmer & "Vi., Binghniuton, N. V. Dear Sirs: I write today to the public that your Swciup (toot cured tne of. kidney trouble. "I wui alrne'st pas! going; having spasmodic sp lis with uiy kidneys thnt were breaking down my constitution. Tbe best medical aid was em loved and thy pro- . nounccd my trouble as alkali in the kidneys. but were- unable to do me any permanent good. - - 1 - I toot four bottles nl Swamp- Moot and be' came a well man. This was six years ago and I have bad no trace) of the trouble. -. lours for suffering men, REV. J. R. TAYLOR, Pastor Baptist Church, New Itoads, La. Mail Carrier'! Experience.' v Bl' untvilU,T"nn. ' I have been a rural letter carrier for over five years. Some two years ago I was taken sTiltt Severn pains in my back.' I ' used medicine from my family physician for sever al months without any lienetlt. A friend. Mr. J. D. Nelson, advised me to try your Swamp-Root, but I had no faith iu it . I continued to grow worse and at last decided to try this remedy and bought of Long Bros, a fifty-cent bottle which gave me great re lief. I then bought two one-dollar bottles, which I can truthfully say have completely cured me. Had it not been for Swamp Rcot, I would have been compelled to quit the rural free delivery service. , I advise all mail caariers who get pains ia their back that owamp-Hoot will cure them. ' I waa so bad that very oflen my wife would hove to help me to arise. M B. m.NUKlUa.SO.N, E:trr,l I, Iter 3ur.trr, Rout.' X... 2. A Contractor. rinnnlcnnoilU 11. .Tn Vh t'lOO t Ki'mer A Co., Bingliamton, N. Y. 'uentl' men: Almt four year iji l siflered from kidney trouble and rheuma tism in my hips. The pain cross my back bcanie so severe that I . could hardly airair'',en no.and ponld not walk without tapping my l-et 1 wuii.d uriuatu fre 3i. ndy and would have to rise two or thr-e nmes ourina the night, causing me to suffer iom lose of sleep. And with the pain I ws all run down and began to lose fl- shi I nvr Swamp Root advertised and bought n.. b. Hfc'ier iafni'iii h. ttie to toy it, After taking it I tell er and could sveep alright at night. I limed to take tl until I bad taken four tine hot' les. I was entirely free from any 11 'tie nacs ami negan vo, gain iu . 'y? retwmme I always' rersimmend Swamp-Root " siy fiiendsas I think the cure in my case re'".r1' ' ....-T.0"!? ery 1r ly. U H.HI KSON, Donaldsonville, Oa erv mail briners many unsolicited over the United States and foreign lands, expressing: heartfelt g;ratrtu for what Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot has done for them. . Dnot let anyone sell you some other medicine to take the place of Swamp'Root if you do you will be disappointed insist on getting- what you ask for no other medicine as good as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. has int tried 8wamp Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, ma n;..i v ..J . .....,i.k.ni. i. I,. ...,i dealers in 50c. and $1.00 sizes Purity With Every BottleSee Inside Wrapper. HARNESS! HlvilOpeMdrrf fMtfclaS haf- O -BMtlcior and repair shot) ia JAshcboro on North Strcft, fust: your patronage A large stock of Harness, liridies, Saddles, Blankets, Robes, Whtps;t;6traf5?Efc?- ' The shop is attended by an ex- A pert harness maker who will doi ail repairing on short notice. See u3 at once if you want any- , thing hi the. harness line. S. E. RIGHTS. ASHEBORO, N. CAROLINA DR. KILMER Dr. Kilmer's likeness is on the out-. sme wrapper of every bottle. Beneficial in Severe Cases. K Icefield. Tenn. Dr Kilmer e4 Co., Bingliamton, N. Y. Oeiitlemun: I hardlv know how to ex press tny appreciation for tbe good your Swamp-Coot lias done mo. I had been greatly troubled with my kidneys, and with pain in the back; also with what the doctors termed inflammation of the neck of the blad der Sometimes my back would get in such shape that I was almost lielplesa. I had tried several doctors and medicines to no good effect, and finally I noticed in some paper where Dr. Kilmer'pronoaed to send a sample bottle of his kidney medicine. Swamp-Root, free by mail. I sent at onee and received promptly a sample bottle. Alter taking it l lound it did me good. I the purchased two bottles from our mer chant, Mr. W. J. E izer. After taking the medicine I felt like a new man. and each day rode five miles to teach school. Yo are at lilierty to use this letter, or refer anyone to me, as I.will always "be' glad t H them what a wonderful remedy this Swamp-Root ia. Mr. j'amea Ivena, of Saaa- . dersville. Tenn.. ia takinu it with rood re sults. . Very truly yours. . TJ. A,' MONTGO M ERY, '"" Member Tennessee Legislature. " Rural Route No. 84. ' ' Edgefield, Tetin. 1 . Results It Has Proved. . ' Dothan. Ala., Jan 21, 1009. Dr. "Kilmer A Co., Biugliamtoa, N. Y. ' Dear iSirsi Uavs been suffering more r less from kidney trouble for the last fiva years and was induced to try your .Swamp- wsii, im uappy iu say, or give you leea- . monia-, that it has cured me. I am S traveling salesman for - Messrs Colgate at Co.. New York, and am always traveling en the , road. Drinking the different water affected my kidneys , lours respectfully, , , " .... .SAMCEL VTOLP, . . A Prominent Mason Jackson, Tena. According to my enperir nee, I do not ooa: . Aider there is anything to equal . Swamp Root far kidney affection . Twice it relieved me when t was com pletely helpless The last time I waa - traveling in Teias, ' when my kidneys became affected, and far ten days I suffered excruciating pains, ac companied with at vere chills Several .. years previous, having been relieved of a similar attack, I naturally sought relief as '. before from Smamp- Root After using four of the large size bottlea, t was c"mp! -te'v wvArd n,l -ent on 'my ay reji .ci'ig And p iis v amp-rloot. ' ,'his was th ce yam ..o qt:o l hava lud U... iudicatiouol a latum of I ae "n ulluliou. , .. i TTTC; 8MITU. Jr , T.3 Masoa. - FuljSatisfied. ' 1 r ::, facnwjAla.. Jan. 5 1909. , H Dr K!W A'Cfi;''.B!nghamton, N. Y. ,-VV , Dear bliatV-'Pu'rhiftfaat JOctober I suffer- ? d from mv Wri'V'rs. '! j I. I cousuiteej 'iiTriyaif ian, who proscribed t f.ir me, but kit Lrt-aiment ui i not be ue tit. mS. f After reading Snare" SuauipR-ot literature, I decided to give it n triiil, a ftpr taking a few doses, I felt AiniRwfcat grieved and f- ler two one .dollar boiilui'had been taken, I.' had no pain and was'- cimfilAtely cured. I have not had the lightest' jifnn iu my back or hips sinon. From any, own experience,? can cheHi-fuUy-ouimniie)i Swamp-Root te, any one aufferjeg frcm kidJey trouble. : ; , !' ..Tours veiv trdy, i I ' -R14WN MARTIN.' f j Mr. Martin conducts a carting and transfer" boai.esa - , testimonials from people from, al may addreca