:!; i 3 1 .1... 'A THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Advice Afslast the Cm of Htrh Purga gatlvea and Physics. A doctor'! first question when consulted Sr patient is, "'Are your bowels regular ?" knows that ninety-eiiht per cent, of ill aen is attended with inactive bowels and torpid liver. This condition poisons the avstein with noxious pases and waste mat tor which naturally accumulates and which must be removed through the bowels before health can be restored. Baits, ordinary pills and cathartics may be truly likened to dynamite. Through theii harsh, irritating action they ferce a passage through tue b -wels, causing pain and dam age to the delicate intestiasl structure which weakens the whole system, and at best only produces temporary relief The repeated ase of such treatment cause chronic irrita tion of the stomach and bawels, hardens their tissues, deadens their nerves, stilTtns their muscles and enernlly brings about an injurious haliit which sometimes has fatal results. We have a. positive, pleasant and sale remedy for constipation and bowel disordrs in general. We are so certain of its great caraiive value that we promise to return the purchaser's mony in every case when it fails to prdnee tmtir" satisfaction. Tnis remedy i. called K.'X.ill Orderlies. We urge V0a to trv them at our enure risk 1,'piiiH'i Inn-Hies lire verv pleasant to take. they act ipi llv ami biive soothing. strengthening lu-iiliiik! inllneiK the rn , uiK". tiro mlestiiiiil tnii'l Tt i H , I'.lllse n.lll-t'U liH.i,e-s, .lianli, ,m fects, it 1 1 i th. y may Thev .1. II ituli'ii r other ,. tuklll l.'ex ll.llrl Ulllllfl r,j,.l til. all.l T 1 N t' Itaiu it' Iteins ii (' Monday hi mi" f will pinchi"" ! i stock of goi ils fur tl ini'Te, where tui V t- "nig jiiul mnuii r ltuiuseur Store Co-i - auy. Miss Ve-tal, of Liberty, is visiting Mrs H B Carter tliU week. Mrs While, of (Jrahuin, mother of Prof V P Wh'te, came last Friday to spend some time in Ilamseur Mrs J E Woosley and Miss Olivia visited friends iu Urtenaboro last week. Lee Mann, of Saxapahaw, came over last Saturday to visit his sister, Mrs Emma Mann Mr and Mrs Arthut Wright and children, of Greetisboro, are spending t few days with relatives in town. DrS A Uei.ley, of Asheboro, was in town Sunday on professional business. S D Scott, of High Point, epent Sunday in town. Rev and Mrs 0 W Eatmon, of Ore Hill, visited relatives and friends lisrelaBt week. Cedar Falls Notes. E L Nelson has recently sold his store here to C B Burns, of Asheboro. Hay worth Allred is all smiles now. He has a big girl at his house. Ernest Allred, of - Randleman. is spending a few days in town visiting friends. W C Craven spent Sunday in Kandle wian. J F Lane now has charge of the post office. Lewis York is making quite a success of the beef market. Ruff Brook-Banks is expecting to start a grist mill here in the near future. siugg's Creek News. K L Keyser visited at M Ashworth's Sunday. Mrs Sam Hooker, of Asheboro, visited in this community recently. E Green, of Troy, is building in this sec" on. Mrs M Ashworth has the finest crop of wheat in this section. This cemmunity has had an epidtmic of mumps an I whooping cough. Misa Henrietta Ashworth visited at her grandfather's, John Bean's Sunday. Moaer-Stout. Marritd at Liberty by Squire York, at Mr Lane's Thursday the 4th, Mrs Rebecca Stout of Kamseur, to D W Moaer, of Liberty. Mrs Stout was a lady of exceptiobal char acter, and Mr Moser is man that his com munity is proud of. He has lead a quiet and useful life, and their many friends hope for them a long and happy life. A Card ofTbanka, We wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to the good people of Frank linville and Ramaeur, also to the lodges, I. O. 0. F. K. of P. and B. R. T. for their many kindnesses and sympatt y shown our nephew, Oscar Weatherly, during his long period of illnes. Mr. and Mks. 1. M. Weatheii.t, Franklinville, N. C. Children Who Are Sickly. Mothers who value their own comfort and the w Hare of their children, should never he without a box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powdeis for Children, for use throughout the reason. They Break up ' olds, Curt Feverishness, Coiistipaiion, Teething Dis orders, Uedi ehe and 8t"mach ' Troubles THESE POW DERM NEVER FAll . Solo by all Drug Stores, 25o. Don't accept an substitute. A trial package will lie sent FREE to any mother who will address Ilea H. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Bids Wanted. ffce Omroty Ootnmtsstooers of Randolph Co.. wtll meetv bit's for t e phtstertBp- of the ee ennrt boon. Plans and ue-'.fkt'oti mav h ore In Ute Reslster'a offlot. Bids should bt sub wuutd n or oelnre April Mh. 1W. Tb rlsr1 t iuiii m it tnm jto v or all bids Addren wvmiimutnutou to BourtU COintvQMnnuiwoD " s, Astirbom, H. ! 1 ' ThisKarckt, lWft, Celebrated Hie Tth Birthday. Oa last Friday March 12th, about 10 o'clock, the people began to assemble at B P Alfred's for the purpose of oelebrating Unjle Emsley All red's 97th birthday. Some came in buggies, come in wagons, some on horseback, while others same on foot, until 100 arrived. About 11 o'clock the carpenters began erecting a table 60 feet long in the front yard. ' hen completed the table was loaded antil it almost groaned under the weight of the delicious viands placed upon it. Uucle Emsley was then brought out in a large arm chair, and placed in front of tba table. N C Allred, his oldest son, took a seat on his right, and his daughter, Mrs Samuel Underwood, and his son Bethel P Allred, were seated on the left. Then Mr Jesse Pugh took their picture including the whole group. After dinner the Lineberry String Band gave some good music, while Uncle Emsley chatted freely with a few old friends, telling them that he helieil build the first cotton factory in Randolph county at Franklinville ami iiuiiy other nun stives of his early life. Anions the older people we noticed that were present, were W I) Urownr and wife, ! A (iiisluiw and wife, J P ,iiu-lrry and wife, Miollmi l.inelierrv und wife, W II Al red hi .1 wife t not U l.uit -lierrv ami fe. I. lili Alln-d and n in:, of I.ils-itv anil fe. liev Mr .Vii Mr M-itthews if ilhiul I .i inn i i.i .-p-ut a !... ! I. Ml I. ..fpl. Mar llein e l-ahler- I tie uM Til ill 11 a Academy Friday infill, ute xp. ctinn to hear Murcli Sti'h. W si ne good niiiMr. liev Mr Jordan tilled his regular appoint, uient here Sunday and preached an excellent sermon. Hiss Bertha Ingram has been appointed a lelegate from the Baptist Woman's Foreign Missionary Society to the Convention at nigh Point. Several of our young people attended meeting at Sugg's Creek Sunday. Miss Willie Monroe has closed her school at Canity and returned home last week. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Lucy, who h id been spending several days with her. Mrs RufusSpivy and children of Sanford, are visiting her mother, Mrs Wright. Mrs Mi slue Ingram Menard, of Virginia, is visiting her sister, Mrs J T Jenkins. Miss Lola Kelly spent Sunday with Mrs Shields J F Brewer, who has been employed by Star Lumber Co, has accepted a position with Aberdeen Lumber Co, Mrs Ira tewart and children, of Jack son Springs, are visiting relatives here. Miss Annie Asbury, of Anbury, visited her sister, Mrs Richardson, last week. Kalelch News Aud Observer Is Giving Away IO.OOO. On of the most interesting things that has erne to our notice for some time is the Raleigh News and 0 server's great 10 000 voting contest. This contest opened Feb uary 8, and will close April 25. The pro position appeals to us as being mighty clever and in keeping with :The Old Re liable o reputation for doing big things on a Dig scale. For the purpote of increasing its circula tion the News and Observer is going to give away $10,000 in prizes. It has provided what it calls three grand prizes, a 12.000 White Steamer touring car, an 1850 Kord touring car and a Henry F. Miller $750 Grand piano But maddition to these three the Olc Reliable is going to give away forty one other prizes. It has divided North Carolina into eight districts and five prizes must go into each district The first pnts in iuis uinwici is u fiw nprigui piano, the second, a $200 diamond ring, the third. a hank deposit of $100, the fourth a 100 buggy and the fifth, a $50 Turkish rocker All of these prizes are to be won in this disttict, bat in addition, everv contestant has a chance at the throe Grand prix as tally explained in the Mews and Observer Votes are being secured in two wi: bv clipping the daily ballots in each iasuo of the .News and Observer, and by securi a subscriptions, either old or new, to the paper, votes are being issued on all paid in advance subscriptions. It is about tho biggest proposition trom a newspaper stand point that we tver beard "fin tbia ooction o the country. It s worth the time f aiy of our readers to look the matter up ana enter that contest I hers isn't any reason hv two or three at least, of these prizes thonldn't be won right hero by some by our popular and en rgetic people. Subscriptions Paid. W V Smith. Joel Presne L J T Lowe, B M Wall. H T Bray. Jesse Koeero. Mrs J vVinmiigham, Mrs Jacob Coble, J tl tiough. Ray Cranford, D J Ballard, Misa Uattis Betts, Margaret Kimrry, U P Corwith,Tho Reams, I W Purvis, W B Yarbrough, Mrs (j C Phillips, D M Hollady, Neill Kidd, E F Cox. E M Psrker. 8 O olborn. J P Fields. D James, A H Reams, D B Burgess, A S ('alliontt. B r rage. Tamar Hill, Mrs 1 J Fount, W m Lswience, E W Brown, Lilly York, H F Ridge, L A Smith, A S Craven, i W Jackson, N T Hinshaw, C L Hutchin son, C Jarrett, N C Tn-gdon, A M Wil limns, F L Yorn. .1 D IVac-, M L Ward, lolin Cole, John Vn.icsnnon, J R Trojlon "in Urivi'S, Willis Kolmg, R A Lineberrv, 0 Nixn. P L Jones, S M Caviness, Mrs C L Winslow, EH ooiev. W T Bnrkhead Thoni 's Nixon, J W Rush, E T McKinnon i M Hesrne, M E SliamlMirger, W H lvd, ) T Yow, E S Ke .rns. W F Belo, D F Ash nrn, J M Kanoy, B C Glass, Johu Pres n.U. Prof. Blair at Pair Vlsw. Prof Frank 9 Rlsir, of Guilford College, .poke to the Fair View Sunday School lundity. Afterwards be addressed the school and aaHienrst on " Pence Movemeut f the World." Prof Blair hi one of our Kreat Sunday Sckrol workers and defer? re credit for the good work that he ii FRANSXIHTILLE- NEWS. Death of Mia Ellison Other Short News 1 ferns. Messrs. Clarence Parks, J L Phillips and Miss Lena Severe noe left Monday morning for the northern markets to purchase Spring and Summer Goods for Franklinsvillo and Randolph stores. S L Welsh mado a business trip Saturday to Worthville and other points in the inter est of the Stuart book firm. Miss Ila Jones has been very sick for a few days. Prof. D. M. Weathsrly went to Oreens- boro Saturday. VT. R Free, of High Point, has been in the city a few days with his family. The Masouio fraternity will meet in reg ular session at the Masonic hall Saturday night Every Mason is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Jane Elliott visited at High Point last week. Mrs. E. A Routh has returned from San ford, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Teague. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Tool, of Coleridge, visited relatives in the city Suuday. W II Tippett has the contract for remod eling several of th Franklinsvillo Manufac turing Company tennt houses Mi-s Lotianna Ellison died Wednesday evening at the home of her father about one mile -outb of this place, and wes interred in the cemetery iH Patterson Grove Sat urday by rho side of Iter mother, who had preceded her to the great lieyond but a short time. The funeral w conducted by Rev. I. E. Weoilev. Miss Ellison was aoont 2-r yens o il and was the daughter of Mr. J. W Ellison, o.iu of our best citizens. Only a fnw months apo she completed a business course in Kind's Business College at. It.i! ei;ii. She was loved mid respected bv u!l ,o knew li-r o iMcrs :in i Iv llii-s iuT, 1 She le v host of ,.l who il es a father an! friend- who ml! ive the sympathy STAR ITEMS. Millers' . Convention Personals ami OtlierNew from Montgomery. Miss Ethel Ki'l'y, of l'ineliurst, spent Sun day with her sister, Mrs. Kate Shields Mrs II A, Jpivey and children, of San ford, are spending some time with her moth er, Mrs Wright. Mrs Ira Stuart, of Jackson springs, is isituig relatives in Star. J L. Stewart returner! home oatiiMav from Raleigh, where he bus been since the Legislature met, ' On rrtday night, March Ma, there will be a Fiddlers' convention held in the acad emy here This is going to be a big thing, nd a I who miss it will miss a treat There will be 22.50 given away in prizes, nd every one who can play the violin, guitar or banjo, is requested to enter the contest and try for one of the prize. The prizes range trom ssbti to J.uu. i'ro ceeds to go to improving the school building. Farmer Items. The Farmer Dramatic Club gave an en tertainment at Denton last Saturday night. Baxter Peacock, of Maxton, has been spending some few days with hit grand mother, Mrs. T. tl. fuller. Pearl Cameron epent Sunday in Ieotlng- ton. Among those whcfcentered school here last week are Misses Hallie and Msyuie Lackey, Edith Parker, Blanche Parish and Blanche biuott. Prof. S. T. Laasiter and Miss Bertie Hutching'' our music teacher, spent Snn- dav in Denton. Mrs. Francis Hubbard has just opened a millinery shop in Farmer. . lhe Jr. O. U. A. M it getting along very nicely: There is now on roll sixty six mem bers. Bob Fuller, the livery man of Denton. passed through our place Monday en route to Asheboro, L K. Fuller is spending sometime in South Carolina as traveling salesman. The Farmer Athletio Club will give a negro mwotrel snow in the auditorium at Fanner Saturday night, March 27th. The commencement at Farmer High School will be on the 7th and 8th of A.pnl AetiI 8th will be commencement day lha attend mco at Farmer is the largest in the history of the school, and they are striving to give the best entertainment that has neon iriven in the auditorium for some time Farmer Cornet Band by bard work through the Jfiuter, has a new selection at music lor the spring work. Beagrove, R F V No. S. Mr and Mrs. Tom Bingham and children wore tho guests of C T Luck last Sunday. Mrs. Bingham and son, Barney, of Me chanic, spent last f riday nnd Saturday via itins her sister, Mrs L. I. Hrnnson Messrs. K M and J T Cooper are buildiaff a nice residence for r . Auinao. P F Bean clooed a successful term of school at Hopewell last Friday aud has re turned home. Tho ball same at Hopewell Friday eve ning was very mutn enjoyed by all present Uome seam. Holly.' Miss Mary Branson has closed her school at Piunh and returned borne. Miss Heme Luck spent Mnnrtay witn Misses Dora and Lillie Belle Vuceannon Joha Allred of Asheboro, R F D No 1, spent Saturday night and Sunday at Uhaa T. Lock's. ' W J Snoncer of Hamlet, spent a few days visiting in this oecuon last week. Ht. UllwUI IUbbo. SAt this request of several, the minstrel which was given In February, was given over Friday night. Tho receipts before was twenty seven dollars and nineteen dollars this tune. It f ivenfor tho benefit of tho Eastern Star. The proceeds going towards the buildlug a home for the old and decrepit member of the Eaateta Htar, who are not atle to uport themselves. Mrs WC Hammer, of Asheboro. spent Sunday with relatives in Mt Qllead. Hits McRae, rallltnur for J A McAuley, came In from Baltimore Monday, where she ha heed to purchase her spring hats. Quite a crow-of our young people went up to Wailevillc Haturtiay night to see (be play "Top-f Turvy " Bosk Creek News. Mrajr Hayes and daughter. Mis Kltle. of Mlllboro, visited at W H MoOanlePs last Friday 1 1 Push visited his sister, Mrs Calvin Smith, at Danville, Va, ' Mr and Mrs Frank Pogh, of Mlllboro, . FD, vlttted tkr daughter, Mrs 8 M Duderwuod, loot sanday, ! Prof K C Hamilton, o( areoosbira, visited rela Mvm In tb'S aeettoa lost week. Mr and MrCH Walter, of, M0 louro, visited relative In the eota m unity last Sunday. We Solicit Your Fire Insurance We Have a Line of the Oldest and Strongest Companies in the World Insure To-Day ! Tomorrow, the Fire May Have Come. HAMMER & COMPANY, Next to New Courthouse 'Phone 87. CAR OF HORSES COMING R. R. ROSS, Asheboro, N. C. RAMSEUR. A Growing, Thrifty Town, a Good Market for Everything the Farmer Has to Sell for Cash or Darter and a Splendid Place to Buy Goods-. Messrs H. B. Carter and Charles B. Smith are now in Northern Markets and their purchases will begin to arrive next week. An experienced 'Milliner will arrive from Baltimore in a few days to take charge of our extensive Millinery Department. We have addedlthe Ziegler and R. T. Wood & Co.'s Ladies , Misses', and Children's Shoes and Sliopers, and will add new lines in Men's and Boys' Shoes and Oxfords. We can take your measure and insure you a perfect fit m Tailor Made Clothing to Order, of your own selection of goods. We have different brands of Guano in Our Warehouse. Hats and Clothing on hand that have "Hung Fire "At Half Price, and Shoes at a Great Reduc tion. WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. RAM5EUR STORE CO. Ramseur, North Carolina. Grave Chapel News. lmsley Allred celebrated his 97th birthday last Haturd. J tue 18th Inst Quite a number of rela tives and friends attended, and a sumptuous dinner was served. Mr Allred llv a with bis son, B P Allied. Miss Margaret Walker visited Mrs J T Hayes. of Mlllboro, last week. A new boy arrived at the home of Geo W Pugh recently. The telephone line is being extened from the Chapel to Lineberry station. Joe 8alm na sold his plantation near here to Louis York. John Coble had his middle Soger torn 'oft recently while hitching an unruly young mule President Swain, of Anbeboro, preached a meat Oieellentaermon hereon last Sunday to a large congregation. W A Mills, who died at Asheboro, was buried here lust Friday. LAND BALK. Bv virtue of authority In the undemurned vested by a decree of tbe Superior Cnort of Randolph County in the special proceedings en titled Frauk Free, jasepn Free, jr, Mary liaae Tr w on etal.exparte. atpnhHo sue o to the bighew bidder a' tie Court Houe door in the mwuol Asheboro in said C.xiuty on Saturday the 17th day of April Idea at mociora m. tne uaos or pa rot i or iana lying line thence East aloug said line lssl chains to a stone in Taylors line, thenoe North 651 chains to a macs J ca sprout in eaia use, inence wssi on Bogsu's line rm Woolen's) 167 chains to (be beginning containing nine (9) acres more or lew. being tue tract on wnicn Josepn Free Kr aides. i It is valuable because it is within the corpor ate limits of t e prosperous town of Hanaieman ins we lotn any oi nsrcn isw. KLIJAU MCFFl TV, Commissioner, NOTICE. Hsvl m aaallfled as administrator C. T. A. on the tew uf Dr. Hubert J. Ma one. deceased, be- I'ire W. C Hsmmonri, Clerk of tbe Superior Court Rendolpn County. All persons hiving Claims a 'ainsisain estsie are nunncn w present Ihem to the un lefWgncd. duly vert Dei. o.i or be fore J esoih day of MaicU 1(W or (his notice will be plMwied in bar of their ivcoveryt aud all perrinvnwiiiirMiid Mat will ui.uie orvranl and msfce immediate settlemen'. This Utli duy oi Mireh s H.B ADUKIGHT. A iinr. c. 1 . A. tea itrspiHs roti TCr.PIO LTVtR. A tasrsM Hvcraleraagvs the whole systeaa, and prodoccs : SICK ,Ttntfwri Dyspepsia, CotKenert, Rke cmUsm. Sallow Ski cud Pil. Tteoro ts im better reney for ttwoe cmenmdlmoethoa Da. TUTT'S k UVPriX5,asatrtT.Uprirv, Tc!L3'fI SuJjstitato. - Having tost a car load of horses in a wreck last week and having disappointed many of my custom ers, I have bought by wire another car load which I expect to arrive by March 24th. , Entrance Examination Jan. 2d, 1908. This ia our regular semi annual competitive exam ination and la open to any , person who wisheo to ' Lake it. No charge is made to applicants. Pccle Standard School of Commerce and English. Greensboro. N. 0. O k CiiX, r-resutent. T J ABM FIBLi, V-rr W I AKMF1BLD, Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Bandolph Ciital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $50,000 $200,lHK).0 feel sale In saying we aie prepared and wUhut to extend to our customers every facility aad ar amnmodattou ooualsteut with safe banking. ' DIRECTOILSi d. T. , T. H. Beddfna. Bent. Moflitk Hush .Bedding, A. M. Rankin, K. M. , Arrnrtel( C. J.Ooa. 0. K Cox. P. H. Morris, D. B. Moorery a C. McAlisler. W. P. Wood. m The person making the IV highest average in arithme- l tic and gram our will bo 1 entitled to a discount of II 25 per cent.; the next id II percent.; the next 10 per If cent., on commercial-short- fir bard schoIaisHp. Tl"ee 1 ff not 'aking exiMiiiiiution will I U be charged full raiea Ap ' I 1 l-'j'arly for inforuutiiou. Dr. S. A. HENLEY. Phyetcton and $qr . . ASHCBQRO HARNESS! HARNESS! Haying: opened a first-dais liar. nest making- and repair shop in Asheboro on North Street, fust north of the Postoffice, I solicit your patronage. A large stock of Harness, Bridies. Saddles. Blanket.: Robes, Whips, Collars, Etc. The shop is attended bv 'an er- pert harness maker who will do all repairing on hort notice. bee us at once if cui an any thing in the harness line. S. E. RIGHTS. ASHEBORO, N. CAROLINA Free Copy Books and Drawing Books. We have some tree copy books and drawing books left for our customers. If you are not one of our en- ;oui.. ers it will p.iy yon to liocmne one at onee. We have the liirg.t ami be-t R( hvtid Niocli of Drugs, Mi-ilifines S'lilioirry, Ledgers, Uhu.k Hooks, ttc, in this section of I in- M-(o. VVe me olTering souk rpecial prices on Hard Rubber and Elas tic Trusses. All kindx of Stock Powders, Poultry Foods, Harness Soap, and Harness Blacking at less than cost. We lead in all kinds of fount drinks. Come to see us. Standard Drug Co., Asheboro, N. C. Furniture and Undertakin Oar buyer has iust shinned m from the furniture centers a large as sortment of Bed Room Suits Lounges Chairs and Rockers 1 Chiffoniers and other Furnishings We are offering tho m at quick sale prices. We can cave you money, and money saved is money mads Seems. J. W. JOLLY & CO., Asheboro, N. C. The BANK of RANDLEMAN Randleman, N. C. Capital and Profits $18,M. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits. BRYANT, N. N. NEWLTN , President. Vlce-Pres, J. II. COLE, Cashier. rtorh Osrollna Randolph t unatr.) In tbe Superior Court, Before he Clerk. Mikdae Webster and Husband) laluat W Usler, ) vs. M ly Cox and Husband -hh) 50 TICK or PUBLICATION. ox, jonn uaie, J. u uariei Carrie Smelly and Husband) Henry Smally. Eraanuk Cagle, Jettie Allred aud ) Husband Jaaie Allred. t Auuis Barker and Huabaodl Bd. Barker. The defendants, J LCaile JohnCn)s, Carrie Smal ly and ausba iu tieury Smally, aim liraMus Caale, will take notaoeihat an ai u u cull tie j aabovehas been commenced in che Superior Cooit oi Ran dolph County to sell a truci ol mud in Randolah furtlic-r lake untli e that they are required to ap pear on tlieSkl day of April, luoa, at the offlne of the Clerk of the Suierlor Ceurt of Randolph County. North Carolina, at the courthouse In A.hrboro and answer or demur to the omplaint in this cause, or the p)al"iift will apply to the uouit lor tbe relief demanded in raid complamt. W. C HAM MONO, C. 8. 0. This the 5th day ol Mamh, 18U9. Homme r (Si Kelly, Attorneys at Law, Asheboro. N. Cak.rolina 'Phone No. 5. Will Practice in all Courts. Special Attention to&ettlcment of Estates, N. PCOX, .Jewe'er Asheboro, N. C I I S f iTr ntimss8smsm sum I lu s" S' Farm cr Bssslgsma (or sale. Not porticnlar about kteaHon. wish to hear from wm only who will sell Olioct tobxtyoT. Give prtoe, description aud atah, whoa posaiaisfcjis oaa bo bad. Addraaa. oarryiagea. . . . . John FoMN of Pleasant OsrJan, was la the 'ii l Oarbyaklrs, Dsak eoa RsehssMr, N. T. eotnaani;t last tjctaraay. - " - fewA'bb-.. S1W.

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