goijr: 1 X5he COURIER COURIER 1 1 ads In Doth News and ertising Columns e J Bring Results. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm eeued Weekly. PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year VOL XXXIV. ASHEBORO, N. C.t THURSDAY April 1, 1909. THF -IL 1,1 II 11 A RALEIGH SENSATION. Warm Municipal Campaign Full of Sensations. chief of Slice mullins short in account. officer Suspended by Police Commlralon Pending an Investigation of the He cords. The Tery warm municipal cam paign that has been waged in Raleigh closed with the primary Tuesday after a series of big seusations. The last sensation sprung was the disclosure of grave miscon duct upon the part of city officials. On Saturday af lerDoon the News & Observer issued an extra, in which it charged a shortage of $1,700 in tho hooks of Chief of Pol use Mullins, who haB held the oflice for 20 years. The extra contains a sworn state. Bient bv Reporter Conn that he ask ed Justice Badgey for his judgment docket for the past two years so as to 'ascertain fines imposed and those collected, and that tha docket only shows fines imposed, the record of the chief of police showing tnoae collected. Conn says that Jie then asked Chief Mullins the amount of the fines collected during the past two years. Mullins called off each oase and the amount of the fine paid, tying the total fines and costs were only 1,905, of which $837 went to the county school fnnd ane $1068 to the city tr asury. Conn says he found that $1,7 75, imposed as shown by the judgment dockets, had not been paid to the county treasurer. Saturday night some unknown persons so mutilated th records of Police Justice Badger and Chief Mullins that the true condition can not be asertained by investigation of the books. Chief Mullins has been suspended pending an investigation of t e re cords. Two arrests have been made, bit preliminary hearing will be held ntil after the election. The freight is between the citizen's ticket and the administration ticket. Citizens' Movement Wlna. The Citizens' Democratic ticket, backed by the Good Government Association, swept everything befote it in the primary at Kaleigh on Tuesday of this week. Wynne's vote for Mayor almost doubled that of Johnson. Alderman Unchurch was the oolysnccessful nominee of the old officers, and many of bis votes are challenged. The administration received black eye. The reform administration ticket carried seven words. The Baptist I High Paint On Thursday of last week the Woman's Baptist Missionary Union convened its annual session in the first Baptist Church in High Point. There were more than 300 delegates 1st attendance. Many prominent Baptists were present, and the ses sion was moat eniovaoie as wen as lc treat benefit to the church. !The reports from various sections . indicated the livest activity on the part of the members of tbe union. i The Association will, meet in Fayetteville next year the third week in March. Military Company for Thomasville. An application has been made , to tha North Carolina Actional Guard from the major of Thomasville for the admission of a Mil.tiry Com pany proposed to be offered in that turn to the North Carolina Nation al Guard, to take the place of the Greensboro Company in the third regiment, the Greensboro Company having been transferred to the Ooaet Artillery. Fell From Freight Train. Thomas Cowe fell from a freight train on the S. A. L. at Apex, Wake county, on the night of Mar. Slrd. He fell in such a way as to have the left leg crushed and the tesh literally torn from the bones p to six inches to, the hip. Tbe ohancea are against his recovery. His leg was amputated, of course. Charles B. Ov rman, of High Point, was married to Mies Mattia .Sills, of Greensboro, on Wednesday laming of Inst week. Tatt to Visit Charlotte. President Taft will be at Char lotte at the 20th of May Festival. HELD ON GRAVE CHARGE. Man Given Hearing on Charge of Rape Claims to be a Minister. Troy, N. C, March 27. A pre liminary hearing was held in the courthouse before L. R. Lisk, J. P., here today in the case of State vs. John D. McDonald, charged with assault with intent to commit rape on the daughter of Thos. Baldwin, who lives neat Pekin, N. C. The defendant was also charged with practicing medicine without license from the Boaru of Medical Examiners of the Medical Society of North Carolina. Through his ciuncil, J. R. Blair, the defendant waived exauduation and was committed to jail in default of $7,000 bond. Tbe defendant claims to be a doctor and B.iptist minister, and says that he came from Virginia. "Boss" Winners Capturrd. A. L. Soniers, known as "Boss" Soiners, who up Mil StitesvilW- went dry, was engaged in the distilling and whiskey business in and abo it Statesville, and Binoe that time for several years has been engaged in tbe saloon business in tsar.soury un til State prohibition put him out of a job there, has been arrested. Tbe ever-a'ert polisemen of the town of Statesville were on tbe watcb-outtor him for some time. They taw ne groes go into h s home through the back way atur niguiraii. Keceutiy two of Statesville's police got behiud some honeysuckle vines near his fence and ' watched developments. It was not long until they bagged a negro by the namu of Burgess White, who had 13 quart bottles full of liquor. The negro was taken be fore the mayor and swore that he had bought the Id quaits ot whiskev from Seiners, and had bought it from him on other occa sions. .. State Sanday School Convention. The State Sunday School Asso. ciation will convene at Concord Tuesday morning, April 6ih, and last through Thursday, tbe 8th. This promises to be the largest gathering of Sunday school workers ever beld in the State, represents tives of every denomination partici pating in the exercises. The pro gram, a synopsis of which has ap peared in The Courier, is one of the best and will be most interesting. Band dph will be well represented, and her report this year will be bet ter b far than for any previous year. The Woman Confesses. The kidnapping of little eight year old Willie Whitla from Sharon, Pa., caused much surprise and confusion. Mrs. Boyle and her husband have been arrested for the kidnapping, and nearly $10,000 of tna ransom money which bad been marked before it was paid, was fonnd in her clothes. Another Term tor Montgomery. Another term of conrt has been added for Montgomery county. It is a criminal term and will be the ninth Monday before the first Mon day in September, which fall this year on the 4th of July or the first Monday in July. The second Hon day in July will be Stanly Superior Court, and the third Monday in July in Kaadolpb. Col. Wm. lamb Dead. uoi. vim. JLamb, agd 73 years, soldier, lawyer, editor aLd poutioian, died in Norfolk on March 22. He was best known as the "Hero of Fort Fisher." In th) Ooafederat war when in a siege of three days he held toe fort with 19 men against the attack of ten thousand federal troops on land and six hundred guns on water, Butter and Porter losing more men than Lamb had J. K. Kanoy, who has been in the hospital at Morganton for some time as an insane paucnr, died last week at Morganton. Mr. Kan former! lived at High Point. His wife aud family live at Troy. At one time he lived at Moffitt's Mills in this county. Wise Gets Place. Henry A. Wise, a son of Jno. S Wis of Virginia, has been appoint ed U.S. Attorney for tbe Southern Distiict of New York, in the place of Henry L. Stimson who has re signed the position. RANDOLPH BABY SHOW. To Be Given In The Opera House Next Month. Arrangements are be ug made to bold a Baby Show in the new Opera House at some time during the month of May. The show will be under the management of . ft. Morns. Prizes in gold coin amounting to between $25 and $50 will be given. 1 be prizes will be tillered for the prettiest biby l.;ss than one year old. One for the pretti-st baby between one and three years old. hor the prettiest chili between three and five vears old. And for the pretties'' child be tween five and eight years old. 1 be pnz-'s are pen for any child in Kandolh county and the uiotiiers of the county ae uigeJ to prepare at once to present their children at th show. The judges will be selected from a distance hiiiI if p.cs,b e no relat ve r friend of ihe cii l-lreu will act on the board of indue.-. ' Flr at Salisbury. The building of the Kincaid Veneer & Lumber Co. t Salisbury with all tbe machinery, vas burned Saturday morning. The plant had been idle for some months in the hands of receiver. It is said to have caught from i spark from a passing train The l.iss is placed at $18,000. Ki caid whohaaj iwt returned to Salisbury from Mone County wii institute suit agaiust Hie Southern for damages. The jlnc carried $6,500 insurance. Butlers to Answer Criminal Charges The case iu which Ex-Judge Spencer B. Adams is prosecuting Ex-Senator Marion Butler and brother, Lester, for criminal libel, is to be tried this week in Guilford Superior Court. The case is founded on articles published in ihe Cau casian concerning the prosecutor. Tbe case was set for Wednesday and will continue several days. Orphans Singing Class. The Eastern tour o the Oxford Orphamige Singing (Mass will begin Apiil 6th. The Waeru tour wil begin tbe last of July. About 325 orphans are now inmates of this in stitution and since is was establish) d in 1872 over 2500 boys and girls of North Carolina have been cared for by it. Good Cltliea of Yadkla Dies. Alfred Haynes, a respected citi ze of Yadkin county, died at bis home at Hamptonville Saturday morning. He was a wealthy public spirited citizei., and an extensive farmer. He is survived by a. wife and one eon, Representative Frank daynes,of the last Leg stature. Veteran Blaalcader Caaght. Mat hall, a white man and vet eran blockader who has been wanted in Montgomery County for two years on tbe charge of blockading, was captured Sunday morning by Sheriff McKenzie and Deputy Krider in Rowan County. Strong evidence is held against bim in Montgomery, DeathHEnda Vlalt With Friends. Miss Myrtle Cochrane, daughter of J. JS. Cochrane, of Charlotte, died suddenly at Greensboro Friday from "organic heart trouble. She was visiting friends in Greensboro, Miss Cochrane was 20 yea s old and a popular young woman. The re mains were taken to Charlotte. Begra Kills Wife. Gilbert Taylor, colored, shot aud killed his wife at Charlotte Sunday night. Taylor escaped. The crime ws the outcome of a domestic quar rel. C rue Neely who rents the co tage where the tragedy occurred has been arrested as an accompl'ce in the murder. Fatally Stubbed Playmate. In a quarrel over a gunta of base, bull at Elizabeth City Mu.iduy Roy Uichardsoii, aged 10 was fatuity stabbed bv anotht-r lad named Par. risti. Witnesses say Parrish used his knife while he was beld down by bis victim. O. t. C Kaaowatent. Work has so rap1 idly progressed on raising the endowment for Greensboro Female College that $96,000 hts been rat el. It is onlj $100,000 that is asked for. TO CUT REPRESENTATION. New York Representative Dies Up rhe House Membership Reduc tion Farce Washington, D. C. M rch 29 Representative Bennett, of New York, has offered a bill reducing the representation of States which deny to negro citizens the right of fran chise. it. Bennett's bill specifies the reduction he would have. made, giv ing Alabama five instead of nine representatives: Arkaasas five in stead of seven; Florida two instead of three; Georia six instead of eleven; Mississippi three instead of eight; North Carolina ven instead of ten; Texas thirteen instead of six teen, and Virginia seven instead of ten. ENTERTAINS AT SUPPER Mr. MrAulay, ofMt. Gilead, Host to a Party at the MeAdoo Mr. Jas. MoAulay, of Mt. Gilead, entettiined his two daughters. Misses Kalis and Helen, and Misses Annie Newbv and Edna De Berry, of Greensboro Fein tie College, and Mrs. Blanche Carr Mrs. Lnla B. Carr tit a boau'ifnllv appointed sup per at the McAdoo Hotel, iu Greens boro. After the supper Mr. Mc Aulay enteittined the party at The Grand to see the "Fighting Chance." Kitehin For Free Lumber. Hon. Claude Kitchri made an aide, clear-cut and entertaining speech in the House on Tuesday of this week, tie stands alone in bis declaration fur ree lumber. He declared that he jtood with Tilden, Hendrix, V nee. ami Uansom aud that the new Tariff bi l was a dif - crimination against the South, and tnat the tariff on haulier was not benefic al to the Southern people or to thote of , them who bad timber or were en gaged in the lumber busi ness. North Carolina Teatbera Assembly. The program for the 26th annual session of North Carolina Teachers Assembly, at Morebtad City, June 15-18, is completed Among the most distinguished speakers will be Gov. Kitehin J. D. Egglesto'i, State Supt. of public instruction of Virginia, and Mrs. Eileu R. Rich ards of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mrs. . E. Moffitt, f Raleigh, and Mrs. W. R. Howell, of the, Woman's Betterment Associa tion, will a so be present and will take enthusiastic interen in the work of education. Stealing From his Employer Just as Max Matthews was get ting ready to board a Northbound tram in Greensboro one morning last week, he was arrested and there was found in his possession a valise packed full of gents furnishing goods which he had taken from the store of L. I. Blaustein. The young man had been employed by Blaustein. Blaustein had "smelt a mouse" and had a search warrent issued for his goods. There are too many young men who try to get rich too fast. Blew Conrt Honse For Davie. The commissioners of Davie Co. have given tbe contract for a new modern op-to date court house aud jail. It will be built on the site of the old Kelly Hotel, which was burned some three years ago. On the com pletion of this court house eery ounty iu the tenth district will have ample protection for the records. Dropped Dead In Davie Wm. D Peebles dropped dead at bis home near Advance in Davie county, on Monday of this week. The deceased was a son ot John Peebles, aud a bi other of Joe Pee bles. He was about 50 years old. His wife, who formerly lived in Chatham county, survives him. l.'iicartlicd Bucket of Gold anil Sliver A uegro uia.i, llemy Campbell, while rubbing iu a field on the tartii of the lute Johu Sloop, four iiuieo norc.lie.tiiL of MooreBvuie.f juud a sum of money, both .gold and sil ver. The negro claims he found $600 in al. aud that there were twenty $10 gold pieces in the lot. The Ramseur Graded School will close April 22nd. Prof. W. H. Swift, of Greensboro, will uelher the aidresk. NEWS IN BRIEF. Ex-Secretary and Treasur Cortel- you has been elected president of the Consolidated Gas Company of New York. Rev. J. P. Rodgers, who is solicit ing funds for the Methodist or. ohanage, has collected $4,400 in the city of Charlotte alone. Dr. Hartman, acting State ver" inarian, is in Moore count fighting an epidemic of hog cholera. Small pox in Jones county hH reached the epidemic stage. Court could not he held this week on ac count of it. E. W. Durant. has been appointed collector of customs t Charleston to succeed the negro, W. D. Crum. W. I. Underwood, receiver for the Industrial News atGrensboro has een authorized to dispose of the plant at private sale. The paper will probably be revived. G. A. Kimball, muyor of Southern Pines, has resigned. A. S. New comb was appointed to fill tbe un expired term. Two piers on Havana harbor were burned Mondnv entailing a loss of over $1,000,000. W. A. Syme, of Wake Forest, has buen appointed Oil Chemist, an office cr-ated by the Douehton oil inspection law passed by legis lature. The Charlotte Cotton Fibre Com- pany has been organized with C. O, Brown, rresident. New buildings will be erected tor the manufacture of yarn from cotton waste. A millionaire iron master, a banker and others have been indict ed in Pittsburg for conspiracy to brine, soliciting graft and similar offences. These indictments have reference to the city council o Pittsburg, about which so much was said a few months ago. A hard fought municipal primary closed Friday night at Spencer, J. D- D rsett, postmaster was nom mated for mayor. A. V. Smith, a locomotive engineer, and C. H. Vnn Canon, chief accountant for the Southern Railway Company. Earle C..tten, Tim Holderfield and Red Hopkins were placed on trial in Wake superior court th s week for the murder of Dr. E. W. Smith of Richmond, Va., at the rock quarry Sunday, November 15. The work of selecting a jury is pro gressing slowly. Cumberland county boasts the youngest magistrate in the world in the person of Jno. w. Underwood, 18 year-old son of Repri-sentative John Underwood, appointed a ma: istrate by the recent Legislature, of which his father was a member. Elder J. F. Hutchenson, a Primi tive Baptist Elder, was killed while crossing a bridge spanning the Yad kin River.near Wilkesboro Stturdav. A part of the bridge which was an old one crashed in upon him, and be died a few minutes later. T! t bridge had been condemned by the commissioners. Lum Smith, colored, hailing from the f rmerly notorious blockading section of Stokes county known as Smithtown, and wh' was in jail at Greensboro for making moon shine liquor without warrant of law, was released from imprisonment Thursday upon a physician's certi ficate that he is a victim of tiber cnlosis and that further confinement would endanger his life. Mrs. Jane Holt, living 12 miles Southeast of Greensboro in Gml ford county, is 84 years oH. Re centlv on her birthday there was a urprisi1 party at hei home. All her seven children were present; 1 of her 31 grand children and 10 of her 30 great grand children. She also has one gieat great grand child. Rev. Eli Craven, of Ore Hill was present and led in prayer. Every mail brings letters telling of tbe entire satisfaction given by our self-sharpening scissors guaran teed for five years, and of the excel lent and satisfactory service render ed by the fountain pens The Courier is giving to every person who complies with the terms in the proposition published in this issue of ihe Courier. INDUSTRIAL MEETING Important Gathering at Asheboro April 8th. PROMINENT RAILROAD OFFI. CIALS TO SPEAK. Oflirlala of the Southern and A. 4c A. llaiiuuys to Visit Asheboro Neat VeekMeetlng lor I'.ntlre County. M. V. Richards, Industrial Agent for the Southern Railway, will visit Asneooro on next Thursday, April 8th. He conies upon invitation of the Asheboro Industrial Associa tion. Other officials of the South ern and A & A. Ii.tilw v have also been invite., iiml i!l probably ac cept. The object is to better Hrquaint these get tleuien with Asheboro and Randolph Ciiuiiiy, our pe iple and commercial and social udvuutages, and to secure from 'hem some points on town building, and kindred thoughts. Mr. Uicharis will de liver an address upon the future of North Carol i na aud the South, and especially the possibilities of Ashe boro aud Randolph county, and it is hoped that every citizen of the county that i interested in better farming, improved and increased mercantile, manufacturing enter prises in Randolph, will be present. The meeting is not for Asheboro but for tbe entire county, and everyone interested in the development of the county is invited and will secure both pleasure and profit from the day. D. B. McCrary, president of the Association, will furnish any infor mation desired by people residing out of Asheboro regarding the meeting. The day, Thursday, April 8th, will be full of interest. NEW MULL MACHINERY. Complete Outfit af Modern Machines to ne Installed by Asheboro Roller Mills. - The Asheboro Roller Mills will closedown in a few days to make cb tnges in- the equipment. All the machinery now in use will be taken out and exchanged for a complete new equipment of the most modern machinery. The capacity of the mil! will also be increased from 80 barrels t 100 barrels a day. When the changes are cjmplete this will be one of the best mills in the Pied mont section. Under the manage ment of W. J. Scarboro, it has been successful and the installation of modern machinery is to meet the demand of its customers. Robbed f SI4T.OO. Lonnie Vuncannon, son of Lewis Vuncannon, living near Piney H.U, was robbed of $147 00 while returning from the home of Clay uorsetc mac rriuav morning, ioung Vuncannon had just sold some cat tle to Mr. Dorsett and was return ing home. When near the farm of Frank Hoover, two negro men ask. ed bim to let them ride, to which. he consent- d. When they had gone only a short distance one of the men seized Mr. Vuncannon, throwing him down in the wagon. The other went through his pockets and se cured the money. Then both flesl. A searching party hunted the crim inals all night, but no trace of them could be found. The negroes were strangers to their victim. Asheboro Gold Mining Co. The Asheboro Gold Mining Com pany, of Asheboro, was incorporated Monday with an authorized capital stock of $50,000. The Company will begin business with $7,204. Incorporators: Messrs. W. W. Tay lor, of Chicago; W. P. Johnson, of Philadelphia; John Thomas Wins low. Pref Smith tinea to Virginia. Prof. Charles Alfonso Smith, head of the department of English at the University of North Carolina, ha been elected professor of Teu tonic languages at the University of Virginia to succeed J imea A. Har rison, who resigned on account of ill health. Prof. Smith will leave for Virginia early in April. Roanoke To Remain Wet Roanoke, Va., March 29. Judge Staples, in Corporation Court, set aside the local option election held December 30th, in which the saloem was voted out.