Wt SOKHOOL Lesson It. Second Quarter, For I April 11, 1909. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES Text of the Lesson, Acts xii, 1-19 Memory Verse, 7 Golden Text, Pa. xxxiv, 7 Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Copyright. 19CO, by American Press Association. ' We have vet another lesson on Teter before we tak up the story of Saul of ' i Tarsus or the option of an Easter les- j son rrora i tor. x, out us nc to miss nothing from the Acts and as the regular lesson Is n manifestation ct the power of the risen Christ we take the regular order. We bare seen thus far iu this book that all the Teui-imiK " -- "o fled and ttseu Christ and that the thousands saved the lame man, and the palsied man healed, iTnd the dead raised-werj all in the name and by the ., power of the risen and :U.ritHil l,e- deemer. From the time of the I'll- ' trance uf Into the world up to the ... ., , , . ,i. ,,f tlilj present Uine and on to ti e it .1 of this age tlie ..rpos.it ion of the Uevn. the god of tlN voi-:d. is very ltiatufest. lVter foil i ! Uiviily and therefore wrote. "Yottr adv. ". --.wy. it o- u. a ran wliom Steal!!1:: 1:1 Ih is one lion wailvclh al . seeUilig r. v.li.'tn feiist, ( I IVt. v. S. !0. vil's i ,-: I'U'.r.ont a de.-i.l..l.y b :d f:!iMr Her. 1..;. on w!: wise to to vex the . hi-.;: :y ii woiiid hot be tUr.o. lie is pertuilted . hiuvli, to kill James, the John, and to imprison l'e- brother ter. But in the end of the chapter he Is taken from the earth, and there is nothing for him but the blackness of darkness forever. James, whom he tilled, being the Lord's own, found bimself instantly iu glory, absent from k i..ii- oi,,.uiiif with tup i.orii. i'e- . ter was kept in prison, guarded al ways by four soldiers, and it was Herod's intention to have him brought out and slain after Easter. This wrould have been a great gain for Te 4er, but it was not hi the Lord's plan, aa we shall see. Although Teter must tiare had poor fare aud hard lodgings. see him sleeping, probably as peacefully as in the trance of our last lesson, ready to be slain if that was the Lord's way for hint, j Somewhere In the city. In the bouse f Mary, the sister of Barnabas, the Imother of John Mark, many were leathered together, making instant and earnest prayer to God for him (verses B, margin, and 12), and their prayers were heard and about to be answered, though they hardly expected it, for bad they not been persistently asking, day and night, and was not this the Bast night of hope, and how could he flu. Vlallooro1 1 Wall irilohr ntIF Ty.nl a, to us most of the time, "O ye!field 8IndinR fe' ot little fatthl" Let us see God , answering prayer, and may our faith fee strengthened. One of those angels .who excel In strength Is sent to Peter as he sleeps in the prison, securely guarded by the two soldiers, to whom be is chained, and by the guard before the door. But the stone walls and the iron gates or doors are nothing to these messengers from the throne of God, and without disturbing one of the guards Peter's chains fall off, and he is told to arise, gird himself, bind on his sandals, cast his garments bout him and follow his friend. Pe tter did as he was told, not thinking it a reality, but that he was enjoying at vision. No one spoke to them as they passed the wards, and the iron jgate of its own accord opened to them '(doubtless more angelic ministry), nd, passing through one street, the angel left him, and Peter found him self alone and soon realized that it was no vision, but that an angel had In reality delivered him from Herod and from all the expectation of the Jews. The expectation of the people perishes, the counsel of the ungodly comes to naught, but the purpose of the Lord stands. A light shone in the prison, the glory of the Lord shone upon the ehepherds, a light from heaven shone upon Saul, for all Is light and glory in 'heaven, and messengers from there Icarry light and glory with them. jW'hen we steadfastly behold the face of Him who is the brightness of the iFatber's glory we, too, will uncon sciously carry some of the reflection jof that light, a sweet savor of Christ As to the guards being undisturbed. there must have been a deep sleep from the Lord upon them, as in 1 Sam. xxvl. 12; Gen. II, 21. All the wisdom and power of man are as noth ing to Him of whom it is written, By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth" (Ts. xxxill, (!). When Peter found that he was real ly free he went at once to the bouse of Mary nnd besran to knock and con tinued knocking till he gained ndmls aion. Had they been expecting the answer they would have bad Rome one on the lookout for Teter to open quick ly When he came. But they said that i'Ehoda was mad because she said he (Was ct the gate, nnd when she insisted ,tltat It was so they said It was bis an jgel. And all this time refer was nocking. The answer to their prayers pMiid acarcely get to them when he icame. What do you think of them? PXavina; commissioned them to tell p'ameM and the brethren, be departed n auuuB i vaesarea, Dut wnetmr NeVth the centurion of last lesson or &XQk Philip we can only conjecture. Chrysanthemum Shew. The Woman's Betterment Association of Ramseur has solicited the following premi urns for a chrysanthemum show to be held this fall : Largest bloom on potted plant, any va riety, f 5.00 in gold Bank of Kamseur. Second best bloom on potted plant, any variety, $2.59 in gold, Messrs. Kimrey, Hardin and Turner, of the poatofiicc depait ment Finest plant, ostrich plume, three or more blooms, 1 bolt sheeting; Col. Mf'g Co. Finest plant, 3 blooms, pure white, 1 dozen brooms, Ramseur Broom Works Finest plant. 3 blooms, yellow, 1 porch swiDg, Novelty Wood Works. Finest plant, 3 blooms, pink, 1 handsome rug. I M Whitehead aud E J Steed. Kin' Bt plant, 3 blooms, red, a Sumnoe, Ramseur Furniture Co. Best general collection potted plants, 1 i;.. .i,i .,. e. n Sm)nd genera, collection- plants, 1 pair shoes, LHep Uiver Store i'0 One vase, 10 largest blooms, whi'e, a carving set, Watkins Leonard Co. One vase, 10 largest i looms, yellow, half iozen towels, II B Carter. One vase, 10 largest blooms, pink, 1 set i'ver teaspoons, E B Leonard and J A lirariy, ,. - ., i . 1,1, .,., i r(H.kiK t.liai'r, ocent Furnimm Co. iu,,t pianti half doz-n bloom, lav n ilar. I pieee chins, Capt W D Lane Kinest general collection cn llowers in otv- vase, 1 t rdinere, T A Slolhit. Secoi.d lst general collection cut llowers ;,, rnP ViWi l.alf di zph bottles pickles, W W Dison. Finest phut i! or nmre lilooms, white, a SlIli,h an , w Wutki.s, Jr Kjlllil pi.IIIt. ,; or more l,.ms I.illiao nir.l, oi e lamp, V V M.uim ami ,1 1 Lam l.rt. is.-t l." in r.ii cnii.-ci n t mi toil put -II .01.1 i (' S T,o- H -t 1 I. I ..If do iis ai. pl- I OH. I' i; l iiiii l!.-t 'I'" .11 . ;. f,. .' . 1 -. i ii- fourth ih z. ii cans reaches. W ! Ibighes. La.gcst number of blooms on plant butt i 'j p ,H, u,tx uumSer blooms on plant hii0n vari ty, I set tumblers, li T Brady For the second best plant, 3 blooms, .ur while, 1 set napkins, Mis Annie Clyd. - -"" 'ompetition is open to Columbia town ship. Morning tilory Items. Mrs John Laughlin, of High Point, sprnt last week with her brother, Lester Davis. Little Misses Crissie and Clara Lanier spent last week with their aunt, Mrs C J Spence. Several of the young people of this place attended the closing exercises of Gleuola graded school. The Bell telephone line that is being ex tended from High Point through this place, is almost completed. Mr and Mrs. S W Lanier have returned from New Salem, where tbey tanght a suc cessful school. Misses Effie and Carrie Lanier spent last Saturday night and Sunday with their cous ins, Mr and Mrs Kennedy Hugh Crowsonhas returned to Summer- i with his parenw Mrs Millikan, of Randleman, has been visiting her sister, Mrs James Winslow. The card party given at J E lanier's Sat urday night, April 3rd, in honor of Misses Nannie Gray and Pearl Crowson was greatly enjoyed by the young people of this place The cards were drawn at 8 o'clock and the fun began. Many amusing and interesting games were played. The cake was awarded to Miss Carrie Lanier and Emmett Crowson. Music was furnished by Messrs Earl Bulla and Emmett Cro vson. Rev. B F Fincher preached an excellent sermon at Mt. Vernon church last Sunday. o W Lanier is very sick. Miss Pearl Crowson spent last Saturday night with Miss Nannie Gray. J A Crowson and brother in law from Ju lian, spent a few days with T M Crowson list week. Jackson Creek News. J F Yates made a business trip to Ashe boro last Thursday. Jas A Snider, of Denton, visited his mother, Mrs Hannah Snider, who resides with her son, R E Snider, last Monday. Messrs R O Hoover, Lindsey Hoover, of Indiana, M N Morgan, Joriah and Milton Small attended Mrs Lydia Mil er's sale at Sophia Tuesday. She will go to Washing ton State. James Lackey s on the sick list. E M Yates had the misfortune of losing a horse last Thursday. Mrs Minnie Yates visited Mrs Lizzie Nance last Satarday. Sunday School at Mt Tabor will be at 2 p m next Sundav. Providence Items On Thursday, March 25th, the death an gel entered the home of Zimri Williams and claimed for its victim his wife, Mary Wil liams. Her remains were laid to rest at Bethel church. Mrs. Pleny White, who has been seriously ill, is improving. Providence graded school will close April 2'tid. A nice I rogramme is being arrat.g d for that r!ay. Mrs. Mclver, of Gieenshoro, will deliver the address. The Providence boys crossed bats wiih the Oak Hill boys April 3, the closing of the hitter's schuol. The score stood 16 to 17 in favor of the Providence boys. Sstiee to Farmers. I have one good 2 horse riding cultivator, virtually new to seU obeap. I got the culti vator in land trade and not having hat one bona I saonot ass it. Anyone wanting a bsrgaia ia a cultivator, write me or call on rae near Nsm's Biding, on the Bamseur branch of the Southern. . I u dm Ussmvoeo, Climax, B P D No 1 H C FrankllBvllle New. The second quarterly meeting of the M E Church for Ramsear and Franklinville charge was held at this place Sunday and Monday. .Rev W R Ware was with as and preached two most excellent sermons and at the conference Monday morning. The re ports were very gratifying and shews that the churches are in a thriving condition. The following were elected delegates to the district conference to be held at Ruffin in Julj: I F Craven, C B Smith, L F Fentriss and Q H Jones. Alternates: J H Barrow, V C Marley and T E West. J R Lutterloh and Ader Hayes are visiting friends at Salisbury this week. Mrs Connie A 11 red spent a few days with friends and relatives at Coleridge. O F Brown, of Moore Co, has moved his family to this place and are now occupying the McKinnon residence on Walnut Creek St The Franklinville and Randolph stores are now displaying their new goods and the millinery department, under the manage, ineut of Hiss Lena Severance, has as nice a line of goods as can be found anywhere. Several of our people made business trips to Asheboro .Saturday. Little Zethel, the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs M W Free, died of pneumonia Sat urday evening and was tenderly Uid to rust i.i tli M 1C Church cemetery Sunday evening I! v J V. U'oosl. v eoii.lui'ied the funeral ser vice. Sh was about iw and one half ye i r old ami whs a bright ami lovely child ami8 will be sadly missed by her loved ohms, Ivii ii i-. swot to Iw r.in-iiili red that the loving K titer ha only lifted her up t ) a hrig'i:-r u-il more e m-e: i:il Him where sorrow an ! de.i'h a e fnt eo iu t'-e, stud in IV his k i -i prevalent- ever Mi-t.iin tlurif strie.ee pirentsaud mrr-iwiug Tiio hearts,1 the p-op e of :his c 'i.i.nu dfv pi out in .-no p.lthy for the bereaved ones Mt. (iiliad Xews. Prof Cox' sister, Miss Annie Spencer who has been teaching in Cumbeilaml j County, has enme to live with him and t 1 j assist him in the school. Jasper Lisk, one of the school boys, had the misfortune to dislocate his ankle while playing ball last week. Miss Frances Ingrim, of High Print, ha been visiting relatives in MtGilead. The Baptist Church is being repainted, which adds greatly to its appearance. The Ladies' Aid Society will give a Musi cal Measuring Tea on Monday night of Easter fur the benefit of the Methodist Church. Mt Gilead and its surrounding country has been very unfortunate in the way of fires for the past few days. On last Hon day night, the fire alarm was heard between ten and eleven o'clock. It was found that a fire had started in the boiler ro om of the Snow Lumber Company's planing mill, but the fire was extinguished be 'ore any harm had been done. On Saturday the alarm was given again and this time a dwell ing house on Main Street in the npper par of town was discovered on fire. All effort! to stop the fire was of no consequence. The wind was blowing fiercely and in a short time the whole building was in a flame It was only with a great effort that the ad j .ining buildings were saved. The house belonged to Jim Crouch, but was occupied by Baxter Deaton. Only a few things weie saved. There waa no insurance on the house. On 8unday, a house occupied by a darkey, on Jack Little's plantation was burned On Monday the train set fire to the woods about two miles above here, and it waa only by bard work that the dwelling house of Colie Robinson waa saved. Misses Mabel Hayward and Ruth Ingram spent Friday night and Saturday at Nor wood. geagrove, R P I) 2. Rev Tillman preached an excellent ser mon at Hopewell Sunday. Mrs James Bright spent Sunday night with her brother, F Cooper, Mr. and Mrs W F Newsotn visited at H F Vuncannon's Sunday Misg Bessie Humble spent Sunday at C T Luck's. Messrs R L Tant and W J Spencer passed through this neighborhood Sunday, Mr and Mrs D A Cornelison and Vise Mattie Luck apent Satarday and Sunday with home folks. Mrs Frank Smith! of High Poin t, is visit- ncj her sister, Mrs. J V 'ra;iforJ. Miss Sallie Branson has gone to Asheboro to spend a few weeks with her sister Miss Dora Vuncannon ia f pending few day with Mrs. A H Smith. Misses Mary Branson and Lillie B Vun cannon visited the Misses Lnck Sunday eve ning. Mr and Mrs Tom Bingham spent Satur day and Sunday with her si .ter Mrs John Williams. A Cardef Thank. We, the undersigned, wish to expre through the columns of The Courier onr sincere thanks to the good people of Frank linville and 'ur faithful physician, Dr T 1 Fox, for the many kindnesses shown ut during the i'lnnss and death of our darlini child, Ethel, and we want to say furtbe hat we will nevar bo able to repay you iD this world, hut our prayer is that our -Fall er will abundantly bless you in the word beyond the short s ofiitnn. Ma and Mrs M V Fkee CASTOR I A For Xn&ntt and Children. Tb Wai Ysi E:n Alfi E:: Bean the Signator of y, Cedar Palls Hews. - ' The little child of Mr and Mrs.' Hay worth Allred died Friday aud was buried Satur day. J H Allred is building a new bouse near his father's grist mill and will take part with his father in the grist mill as rooo as bis house is finishej. The funeral of Mrs Harris Jennings was preachrd Sunday at 11 'clock by Rev Joe Allred. Mr and Mrs D M Meredith spent Sunday evening in Worthville. Shelley Glass, of Randleman, was in our town Sunday. Ruff Brookbanks has been on the sick list for the past week.. Miss Grace Laogley, of Sanford, is spending a few daya in our town visiting friends and relatives: Dennis Nelson has recentlv bought a fine team of mules and harness and farming is now expected. Through mistake it has been published that the Easier entertainment will be on Monday night, but it will be on Sunday night at the M P Church. IHIIIboro News, Wm C Routh, better known as "Demo crat Bill" celebrated.his 74th birthday last Sunday The Chair Factory at Millboro sns(iended work for a short time last Saturday. Mr Harris says he hopes to resume work again in a shoit time We are sorry to s iv that JIrs Eli Ellis, who has been on the ok list fur some time, ilo 's not improve. w ill S I.inelierry had a peculiar 'April Foul" on the uret of pril II" went' to lii i.'lrn early ii t ie m nnim; to feed lli-i m..ek and on vnl'-iiiig hJouiil in one of his Mai h a woll developed coit, ex -ept it was minus its left front leg ' Vemey NeUon has built a new kit-h n anil dining room to his house on his farm near Millboro. Little Misses Ben ell aud Frances, accom panied by their mother, Mrs has F Line berry, of Winston, spent last week witl their grandparents, Capt and Mrs W S Lineberry. The new, 'phone line from Grays Chapel to Lineberry is near completion. Ramseur Items. Mrs Geo Williams and Mrs Benson, two very good women, died at their homes in Ramseur last week Mr an 1 Mrs Harthy Allred went to Greens boro shopping Saturday. J C Watkins, of Greensboro, came down Sunday in his automobile and returned Monday. Mrs I A Moffitt visited friends at Liberty last week. D P Pharr, express messenger, waa a vis itor in town last week. He is transferred to the Mt Airy run for a few days. Mrs I P Moffitt and Miss Anna Smith went to Greensboro shopping Monday. Wm Brown took his daughter to Morgan- ton last week fer medical treatment. A A Scott, whose little boy was bitten by a rabi dog, ia doing well at Raleigh, where he was taken lor treatment. The Betterment Association bus purchased a piano for the school. NOTICE OP KNTRY. Notice Is hereby riveD that the following entrv was made and filed In the office of the Hex inter Of Deeds ou April 109 : wm u tiammer, u u wocoeu ana Hainan men have this day entered thirty (10) acres more or ess oi lana iu a ncDoro wwnsnip, Hauaoipa county, N. C near Asheboro, adjoining the lands of Jas II Pou and Annie W Pou on the eafct, W J Armfleld and B W Frailer on the north ana west, ana v Bmunerman ana Joan men on the south. Tnu. April t, IMS. A true copy. O. T . MCRDOCK, Kegister of Deeds. A K I ii I " P M III 1 A ?' I ?r ' ll! 1 - Alp 5JJ Bpar Items. Mrs. Myrtle Milliktn and Frances Bulla spent one day last we ik in Worthville. " Mr and M s Jno W Rich, of Asheboro, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr ana Mrs F I Bulla Charles Harrelson spent Sunday at home. Mr and Mrs B F Nowby visited at F I Bulla's Sunday. Messrs James and Harry Bulla epent Sun day in Asheboro. J A Thurber was in Spero Tuesday. Joe Hill and daughter, Miss Eva, spent Saturday Bt the farm near Spero. Mr and Mrs G R Bonkemcyer visited Mrs Jane Hughes Sunday. Rev John Connor spent Sunday at A S Clapp's. Why Not Items Mr and Mrs J A Kin spirit Sunday with Mrs King's brother, Loonie Owens, near Kanoy Mrs J P Boroughs spont last week with her daughter, Mrs. Thaddeus Ferree, at Asheboro N C Lowdermilk and E L Ferree, of Asheboro. spent Sunday at O E Quart's. At the h me of W L Stutts on Sunday, April 4, Miss Ida Kennedy and Daniel Reeder were united in holy wedlock by Rev J L Smith, Mr and Mrs J A Aumnn spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs E K Auman, of Aslmry. There will be -m Easter service at Fair grove chu-ch on the third Sunday night in April. . .. West Itamtolpli News. Sam Younts mid wif , of Trinity, visit ed II II Fruitier and C Wilsin Sundav. C '1 Frazier spent Sunday with fri' nils in Davidson . The closing debute of th- yor.tio p vple's debiting society of the Frazi l- School will occur Saturday night. I!ev ,f II Maton pi-arliel at IV .ismt drove Sued, iv 10 a larfre cmrfi eil.on. VALUE OF PRESSING CLUB. Din and grease in a suit of clothes hastens the wear of holes, rots tlif fu tic and takes away the soft new finish of the material Fortv cents now nnd then spent in cleaning your old suit will save you many dollars in your clothing bill. Our club rate en titling you to regular cleaning and pressing is inestimable in value to our patrons. City Pressing Club, v v Weekly Courier-Jorriial HENRY W. WATTERSON, Editor. Ia a National Newspaper, Democratic in politics. It prints all the news without fear or favor. The regular price is $1.00 a year, but you can get the Weekly Oouaier-Journal . and THE COURIER, Both One Year for $1.25 If you will give or send your order to to THE COURIER not the Courier-Journal. DAILY COURIER-JOURNAL, a year $6.00 SUNDAY COURIER-JOURNAL, a year $2.00 A Very Liberal Offer ! ! In Order to Double Our Circulation We Make the Following Offer of SPLENDID To each person who sends us one dollar and twenty-five cents (51.25) for a year's subscription to THE COURIER, . we will send to them, prepaid a pair of these splendid' Self-tightening shears. These shears retail for more than a dollar per pair and are guaranteed by the manufacturer, as well as by us, for fiveryears, We have distributed several hundred pairs in this and adjoining counties and everywhere they are giving perfect satisfaction. Jn remitting don't fail to inclose 2?c extra to cov er cost of mailing, packing, etc. - ADDRESS 'Bhe Courier ASHEBORO, N. C. SPRING and SUMMER MILLINERY Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 1st, 2d, 3d, We will have on display lor the ladies Spring and Summer Millinery in all the leading shapes and colors. We have a complete line of Millinery goods and an experienced milli ner in charge to assist in your selection. Ladies cordially invited to attend the opening. MRS. J. E. INGRAM & CO., Randleman, N. C. FREE! FREE! Call at the Standard Drug Co. and get u pack age of pressed Herbs FREE. 1 rz. Catnip, 1 o'.. Bone set, 1 oz. Tansy, I oz. Mul I in, i oz. Hops, 1 ox. Pen nyroyal, i oz. Horehound, loz. Peppermint, 1 oz. Red Clover, I oz Sage. We five one or all of the above assortment free to our customers. Send us our wants by mail if not convenient to call. Standard Drug Co., Asheboro, N. C. " kl II SELF-TIGHTENING SHEARS 9