COUR I I I I J5he COUR.1ER 1 ( eds in Both News and Circulation. T5he COURTIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. eeued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year VOL XXXIV ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY June 24, 1909. No 24 JEM. ItaM tltran OVERMAN ON TARIFF Denounces the Incincerity of Plant ers of the Tariff Bill. A MOST INIQUITOUS MEASURE. Mr. Overman On the Tariff BillThe North Carolinian Denounces It Forth Burden It Impose! on the Masses. Declaring that he believed the Payne Aid rich tariff bill to be one ofthe most iniquitous tariff bills ever passed by Congress, if it passed, Mr. Overman, North Carolina, in his admirable speech in the Senate on June 11, attacked the sincerity of the frame) 8 of the tariff bill fie announced himself in favor of Sen ator Bailey's income tax amendment and declared that he proposed to offer an amend men t placing a head tax upon immigrants and ( another one giving the President the power to abrogate the collection of duties on artic ts similar to those manu faetured by a corporation which con trols fifty per cent, of American output and which offers its goods for sale iu foreign countries at lower prices than in the Unite States. Mr. Ovelinan also discussed the steel and lumber schedules. Assertiiiir that he would vow against the b'll because heclaiund it was unjust anel fu'l of inequal ities, Mr. Overman charged that the measuic was framed iu the special interest of the privileged few, while the great mass of the consumers of the ounlry would continue to groin under the laavy burdens of increas ed taxation. He said that the voters till during the campaign understood thai there was to be a revision downward, and that he be lieved that the tariff plank of the Republican partv wus written with an honest and sincere purpose to give 1 1)-people the relief they de manded. "The President of the United States is today, as l;e was in the last campaign, in fanr of an honest revision of the tariff duwu ward," added Mr. Overman. "All during this extra session, and especially since the bill was reported from the House to the Sen ate an army of men, representing the gre it iuteiisls and trusts, have been tilling these halls aud hotels with sellish gned, lobbying with Senators, asking for 'more protec tion," continued Mr. Overman. "They have dogged our footsteps in Congress and out of it. They have followed us lo our offices and to uiir homes by day aud by night, while the people a hjine aae looking to and expecting us to carry out our promise t) give him u genuine le form. It io charged upun thifc lloor Dy some or our menus on me uiucr side (and 1 liave not heard it deui-d) that some of these schedules huu- actually been written, net by the linaacu committee, but by the' re presentatives in their own iuterest. "This high protective tauff is a par: of the greiif scheme devised more than a century ago, whereby a moneyed aristocracy has Leen cre ated iu this countrv, and under its, blighting system discon'eut and so- j al years ago h it ttiat chinch and cialisni have grown and stiike.i lie- became the lead-r ot w h i: is known come frequent. It is a system by j as the Holiness sec', has pnbicly Which to! 1-t are t.iKit) from the v tst recan'ed his Holiness c lurch to re maioritv of the people to enrich the tarn to the church of his first lovi . few." Discussiug the tariff in its relation to the farmer, Mr. Overman said that the time had past when the farmer can be deceived by levying a duty on corn, wlii nt, tobacco, cotton and oth- er things uiised uptn the faun.- "They krow they can Bill abroad and lull niid clothe the world," lie said. "'J'l i'V l ave lenriiid that they need no protection, and such n pro visiui in a t.intl bill in this day and time is a shame. Under the cover of this pr t lid. d )ro'c( tint!, which I u Mr. ( affords little or : o protection on':- few 1 that which II e fa. nier lias 10 sell, I he is bt gii.i'.ii.u to uiidciet.iud thiit ; he hits to pay alt average of !,") per cent, or moie on Lis cot ion b;!v ti .', tin platw, m;!k p.ns, cooking utcii sils, furni'iue, window ghes, his earthen and stone vi-s e a, h:c ch.ii iu. wire fencin;;, ax. 8,-tools aud funn ing uteiisi.s of evety dcacriptiou which he has to purchase, and tint much of this tax which he pays g.. not into the treasury of his conn:.-; to swell the revenue, but goes into the p akits of the beiuti iavies of ' each a system." Speaking to his iunndnient pro posing a head tax ot $10 for everr alien eidefiiig the United Suites. Mr. Overman said t hat it had the hearty endorsement of Stale L gtslaiures and various national associations, "It has b.'in held by the Supreme is? lSSti- 5 amendment as this means not onlv revenue to the Treasury, butitme'ns a more select cla-s of immigrants and thereforo the protection of American labor and everything American." He said it would prob ably raise a revenue of nine or ten million dollars. Mr. Overman siid that there could no loager be any dfcubt about the constitutionality of of its provisions, and he quoted sev eral Supreme Court decisions in support of his contention. His amendment provides that whenever the President -of the United Stated shall be satisfied that any company is producing more than 50 per cent of any product consumed in the Unit-d States and that its products are exported and sold in a foeigu market at a less p'fe-e than in the home market he is authorized to sus pend by proclamation to that effect, in whole o- in part, die collection of cuitim d.t es on any produce of a like churacter wh ch maty be itn. ported into this country lor any period he may de.-ignate. Mr. Overniati discussed the me -ul ;i nl steel schedules, saying that everybody expected great ly reduced rates to be, provided in ttiese sdled- ) u!ts, I'Utthat he had been t.o'.d by a government expert that the Senate I i I, taken as a whole, made U3 sub stantial, reductions from the duties imposed in trie Dingey bill. In tlds contii i, lie luux occasion t- condemn the uhstirp':u of the Ten nessee (Joal & lion Company by the Unite. I States Corpora' inu mid the Roosevelt'll. It ? also oiiiicised tiie lti oii il Har vester Company, wine!' whs pi elected by rile S. M r. Uh'I man ale") d. pio. tti s on liiiiioer lis tieiiii; :i wherein the fai iue-r a m -. tax on wput ho buys. In explanation o; '. h ' existing between Di moe t.iv-t, Mr. O.erin.'.ii s.i.l, liotietly in ;o w i , in- said, nate lull. .- tlie dn 1 uistallC" le 10 pay a lllti-l'tllCCa alio Sena have etlier SO'IK few auieics -hould eo on tne free li.-t us tir- dutiit'r" : . Hit, lio.v ever we may have .! l.I -ix-ii iu 1 1 ' la rspt-ct, thu party h is m-i-u uniteil in tiie luiidatnen'iU priiictpl -S of a tar ill for leviiue." In reply to 11 1 as-cn ;toii made by Mr. Aldncii rec.-ntlv tin- Smith was a 5 ye. its a;o, Mr Overman icvic ed tne a uk .i,i,s " rico:i.-tiin,tiOii, de:i:..d Mr. Aidi'icii.: Stan?. lic'tit, ami deut'ivd til. it Co hontii today is far richer than tin whole country iiefo.e the wu 'It has lllll.V 11IOIH-V 111 its Ij.illkS. more miles of rail 'oads, 1110. e iron and co.'l niiiivf, more cotton nulls than t:ie entire eoii'vry ha. I jiriur 1801. All the S iiitii asks is ilia ; slu, be Vt.(1 jUsri,-,., ,e treated j f 1()d U()l .iisriiiniMteu ngmist. h., . ,. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,1...... ,e.tUn..r b. irons,' phroctats bosses. llley will climate." u. istocrntic lire iu that t'l'iiuipler (iocs Hack. Kev. A. 15. Crumple, ho once a methodise minister but si lie also urged tho.-e who followed hin. into his Holiness chinch re turn to the churches with which tlcv foruie'.lv aHiiiaU-.l. (iieenville I lb li e j Minllei'N Wile iUip. Hi v. U. C. l'ii;ni in '.i.-i( r of Ceii U-aa y MetuoJift . im h, '-".s 'n-i llliiioniua d to 1'iS ion S.t: liii', that ikk- wii.,' Ira'i '..s ,; "i: .1, and coil !il tu-t b" l 'i at 'd. N 1 1 . lounil 11 -.dicnte t hat elojied H! ant, w h 11 id been in low 1 1 It. II. Hi ill rum!;, .--il. j K.-nlvu H. K.-io, a M-n i tin la; Uiovernor il iu, ;i proini ttent li-.wy,-' living a .eni oi in i 1 -a v..!; . . j la si S .1 iii'iiay a , ,:i u en'le d etui ; dition. H inc -o. , ue u-e cf l.i j voc.-il orjr'Uis. I I'mlt'l- -ei iini ( Illu me. J John Davis h.w been bo :nd mm ! court to ul V.'.;i .'.-...o A. .:,v'd wit.; ! a; tetnp'.iug .indiii-'l .iss.uiil Uj i Dattie Joins, win heirs a ten j putatiou. I'uth a.f cole-!.':!, i Dixie and m lli xiite Mi-rtfeil. ! ftoekle-l i North S'-'- I" p iti.e.-, met o.i J j t e two conip.n pauy. S of .lie l;;.e ;c.i A. E. STALEY'S BIG DEAL. Buy Big Staunch Factory At Decatur, 111. The Daily Raview of Decatur, 111. recently announced the sale of the Decatur Starch factory to the A. E. Staley Manufactureing Company, of Baltimore, Md., The plant '8 valued at nearly a half million dollars. A S. Staley, who heads the Balti more conceiu (which is capitalized at $3,000,000) is well kDown in this section and formerly lived near Ju lian. The A. E. Staley Company are refiners and sellers of starch and has decided to manufacture the product for ib-elf. $150,000 will be jpeut on improving the plant. Liberty Young People In the "Deestrlck Skule". The Dee-trick Skule" was given in the town hali las Saturday uight by the young people af Liberty, and it was tnoroughly enjoyed, by those p-isent. The actors deserve credit tor the clever rendition of the parts, the "school -master," Mr. J. Horn Smith, being especially good. Dr. J. 1). Gregg, as the hungry boy, Mr. John S.vh'ui, m the four year old bubby. Miss Picket t, as tiie g'ggler, and Mr. Albion Kogleman, ai stut'erer, were v -ry Inderal; though it really is an injustice to single out them from the o'li.ii 8 they al ao'juiitj.l themselves -o well. Two selections by a iptartet were very much enjoyed. Tile play was for the bem-lir. ot the scho l atuiitoriuiu at Lmerti. Siler City (inc. .Me lull--. lleyniilil-i. One of the m.nt b'autiful and iiiiet home weddings was solemni zed al Star June l'itli, when Miss lit lie Uevnolds became the hnd" of Mr. John A. McAulev, of M;. (lil cad. The cereiiiony was performed bv Kev. Mr.'s iii of Kiii- in the iires..-nce ot a Uw tiieitds a id Cel. ttiviv. Tie bride was l"a.i'if ully ttiied in a travelling suit of sage green witn hat and gl ves t.i match, while the groom wore ::onvintion al bl.'L-k. The bri-le is tin- :a:)tti plisheil daughter of Mi. itn l M.S. Weynolds of Okee'eiiii-e and fit tit ist worthy young lady while lie -j .room is a prosper.un Ini-iin's-i nun of Mr. (i:leud. Imtuediatidy ifter the ceremony they left fo:1 M:. (jileid, their future honie. Vt heat Crop is l-'ine. Tiie wheat crop in Randolph tin? year is line, the best in years. For in itiy years Randolph has led t he Sta e iu the yield of wheat. This year the crop is larger than ever. It is an ill wind that ijlows "nobody any good." In these hard times to keep bread and meat in the hou e, it is good to know that, some body will be benefited; I lie farmer will get good prices for iiis wheat, oats and barley, provided he can liud anybody with enough money to buy. Tin re is no calamity about the statement that people are living hat der ill this country as a rule than iu many yesus, for buslines is a! mi si at a sin mist ill. I.iiiv lliillilliiir AsMirt'il At 'lure. The attorneys of Aslu-'ooro have completed iirrangeiuens tor the new Law Building on iheir lot, west of the Courthouse. The contract for the building ttill be iet within the next 150 days. Tne buii li .g will be of pie.-sed brick and of modern de si en of arehileetuie. Cement walks wii' ; 0 la-d along the front which Will lace the (,'oiirtnouse a:nl the ap p.'.ei- of the law nuddnig w ill be in keeping with the h.iuds im new Con. ' noii-;:1 vi Inch ;s t.earing com- I.ilieinl Ci.uti-iliiititiiK. Kev. J. P. Roe. .' is. li-vl agent for kbe Cliiidl'en'. lit fie- .t'-in, .villi s us follows to The Coin ier: Central Fall, ami Wol 1 hviPe sub H11 i oed $v.,"),'i L'o to tie- I'biluien's Ilotne. Among the liber, 1! sub--cr.bers are Mes-U'S. C. R. ll'itclie s.ui $-2o.0i'. J. A. Wither $-20.00 . l, J. .1'.. W Hi ,insan;$l(lii.0ii. M. loll irlier, a successful uui j f c iii.r id Tic ; lav tuoriiin itii t( i'hoi'i pi;. e-r T-i iirv died lb' was 8'ck ti - mo 1 oniy a few i in 1 11 in r.u v el-nine i W: -jiiducted . IS. F. rt of Dr. . Parker, Tiu' Fin 1,'- D. R.-'d I'atkir tf Tr ni'v. FARMER'S ASSAILANT CRAZY. Sero I'lalms the Lord Directed Him it kill J. C. Kverhart of Thomas ville. Albert Moore, colord, who took two shots at the back of fleeing J. C. Kverhart recently in I'hotnas ville township, has been adjudged insane aud will be carried to Golds boro this week. Tne two fell out over a calf trade and Moore, saying the Lord had directed him to till Evernart full of bird shot, went to towu, bought a ox of Khells and tried his best to carry out the alleged divine injunction. Tne D.ividsou wheat ciop, good this year, has been damiged alieady by ram, aud unless it is dry from now on, tliere is no telliug wnit will happen. It rains daily. Onlv a fourth of the big, principal crop of tne county has been cut, and the remainder stauds dead ripe in the sodden lields. Another week and it will sprout if the wet weather con tinues. The unusual idea of selling a horse to pay its board bill was car pied oat at LixingtO'i last week when "White", a iuudsom-i German eodou Bullion was sjl t fjr $175 at public outjiy, to Mr. W. K. Hoi', Jr Tiie horse was sold to a company far $3,400, uu I tlu com pany is out money it is paid over and still fa;es outstanding notes. Whetlier it is legal to tell a horse this way is doubted. Mr. Holt haui'c claimed his purcha-e yet, fearing a l.iw suit. Tne feed oill is an, ml $ It'll, and grovs W0RTHVILLE TO CELEBRATE. July -1 (.Ii Will he Ot.scrieil liy 011 -vlturtliiy tile a lit. The citi.ens of preparing for a tig WorMivilie ire atri.'i 1:' celebra tion to lie held on Sattird 1,, July !ird. Arrangements are b. 'n in 1 le tor t' e entertainmei'.i ..d a large crowil . Prof. .Swift, in'-".d nr t f tile U railed be noon ut ( 1 feetl-'li :'", ll ileliver 1 h - a I in-si. OtUer -eaUUlVS of t'.U ii.,V S plv grun are biise ball, b-isket picnics. r -wing contests on the river, vocal iiiudc aud music bv bra; and etiing bauds. A new gasoline I much has recent ly been put iu one! at oil 011 the r.' wi tn charge of a competent in Jtorni in, ami this will be p. .iced at tne se.'vice of 1 he public. The exercises will be held in the Wnrthville Park. Miulheru Hell Wmits Higher Italic. The corporation conitnission ;s asked by the Southern i5ell Tele phone mid Tul'uraph Company t approve advanced rates on resident e service in Willillugt. 11 and Ashev;lie will bring tiie rates in those cities up to the schedule iu force in Charlotte, Winston-': 1I1 :n and other principal towns in the State. Tin.' commission sets June 'i't for a hearing. The Hell Company now charges 111 ire than twice whit it .should charge inst.;ad of ra:jiiiur the ra'e in Wilmington and As!i v l'e, it should lower the rate ther-' and elsewhere. C'rceiiKhoi'o l.iiv l.ihriiiy. (irecnsboro is to hae a La !:iry wherein will in- found ' State and Feberal le p r MS Modern Tit I'.ioas, n;;rt!,-ils, etc. M. I. lirm. . P. Uynniii, U. C. S' 1 11. 1 wii in :s are the incorjnirators. I.i- 1 of ll- HliiMt-4 .11 -Ier. Mr. and Mrs. .1 (.-- !i ' Jeeu. announce tile c' t iiei , daughter. Km' '. , ; iy Moss, of W i.dr.t ..';i. i.-' ;is above have ln-e Man ii il. i r-1 Springs, s-' 1 .s, now the propri L i Hotel, at W i-.ii . 11,: M iss Frances G 'ill: u.;',,:!, N. C, were i , - -it i ; 1 1 10 June l'.lt.i. Killed"i l.'ii'lKird Oh.-ithaiu, ii ,v!i 1 ,is walking i n r.u .: near T.iyl,)i.v,:e ; uid failed to hear tin;'.er, ofi N . C. j . A. I ocoitiotive, was killed 1 Frl. Seiiitor It ,'iil III itil. I Reuben 1). Reid a proiiiim-nt a'- torney and politician , of Wcutworth 1 died Monday, the -tesult of a stroke 01' paralysis received Satin day. 1 NEWS JN BRIEF. A house belonging to J. Shute and Son, at Monroe, N. C, was burned last Eriday. The residence of James Tarlton, of Anson County, was destroyed by lire on June 19. Misj Annie Kaiser, one of Salis bury's well known and popular young ladies, will be mirried to Thomas Bost, the local editor of the Durham Herald, on July 28. The L. H. Womble Printing Co., of Winstou-Salem, has been delared bankrupt by the U. S. Court at Greensboro. Miss Rule Hire, daughter of K. V. Rice mid li tle Margaret Broad -nox, while wading at Mr. llice's pond last week got into deep water and cune near losing their lives. They were secured however. Pa triot. D. V. Causey polieceman of Greensboro has been acquitted of charges affecting liis moral charac ter. The Aldermen made an in vestigation. ' K. P. Denson, son of J. K. Den son, of High Point, graduated at the U. S. Millitary Academy at West Point last week. The barns and stables of A. Mc Neil, Jr., in Pobeson county were blown down by a storm last Thurs day. Much timber '.ins blown down. W. D. Brooks, and Miss Lena Best, of High Point, were married hist week. The marriage was a complete surprise to their friends. Work has started the new 1 ncke Cotton Mills, ht Concord lat-t wc-k. !'. L. McAlisttr is in charge of the w irk. John l. Ros. of the Cimrlott. ed First Vice SniUlel 11 1'ubh l;riniilgh;iui la , otisinc-M malinger Observer, was ele,-t-Pivsidei.t if the i'lirrli' f.-ea'i.i'iiu ill it Week. Sheriff V'. V. F'eteber, of Van!, ("iiiiiiv, rallied a bluckaile distiller near Yadkini ,!:e Sunday inuriiiii Ir was in full mp. -ration and I j Matthews, w hu :n, v,: irrested. Je.- O 1 n.riv of Cli-il- : ....i Cc.lcier- 'i'il;- . f the (In old. In unl.-r to p ove t'i it 1 Ier is no duiiecr of --race suniiU" iti this county we would cite ike case of oil,' of our eount -wonn n, who i only thirty-six yens old a 'd is the mother cf nine children and also has two grand-children. Ciiath tin Rec ord. A line mule, the property of Mr. John Walker of Lil -svill- t.iwn hip, ran itgiiiust a snag Saturday, driving it through its riant sheulder. Mr. Watt Ashcraft of Monroe wuS called to m'm it and tlrnks it will get well. The PiH lor s:ivm that Mr. Walter lias of the b.-j-t mule.- he l':,s t-Ver seen, Miirfli 11 d L-ss t ban $." 1 each Wadi sb.iro Ansnitiali. it ui or, 1, Mount;::! t Mi'i;,h v nieia and dtt-d :n it fi f the lie th.iin 1: LIST YOUR TAXES You Have Only a Few More Days in Which to Do It. AFTER JULY 1ST. DOUBLE TAX ALLOWED. l'r(iiis t-allliij; to I.M Tin ir Taies Dm in;; the Month ot June Are Liable to !nllrtment--Act at Once. Only a few days more remain for listing taxes. After July 1st a double taxation is allowed by law foi the delinquents who have not listed. Thisyeai's taxes will not tie due before September 1st, but the returns must be made. Ir. has been the law for tifty yiais or more that persons who faihd to list their taxes our ng the month of June are liable to indictment. This lu'.v has not been enforced 'igi lly in the past, out persors who do not i let their taxes need nut be surprisul if the grandjury acts. There are those in the county w ho have not paid their taxes for last year, ami it is said the sheriff ex peels to begin to enforcing the col lection of all deliiiiiieiit ixe3 dur ing this i tie County needs the money that is due on taxes, and while times are hard, harder than we have ever known tin 111, in this glorious ad ministration of William Taft aud the Republican party at Washington, yet the taxes must paid, and unless they are paid the she! iff of cour-e mil have to levy, and i.e has waited i.o.v longer than he should have waited. In the past there have b.i-n sonie ivho woliid not list their taxes be fore the tax lifter, but would wait and li-t before the county commis sioners. Seme of tl. e-se 1 ct before the county counuissi r.c-:-s became they wanted to escape unswering iti".-tiuns ieiiiiied by the list taker to ask; some ol them through negli gence time failed lo hst, to the list laker, nut 111 in v of lliein ho fail 10 bet to tin.- list ta. r iio s i because they want to i-oenl.e pacing taxes inch tie y are justly uiie the State, a. id hope tbuiugb ii.cir inlliie-nce' Willi ine Rcgliier of Onds to tiler j their list With i;.i:i a. .it get the cijtinty commi.sioi'ers a; their regu- ar luiet.iug to pet nit it-- list with uut 'Uettiou being a.-ked and in many ll'stance nitlcnit tne list be i,,g .-.worn to. 'l';.c la t. legislature1 p.i.-.-.ed a stringent law on this point uiiU leaves tile county euniinissionei S e..llie lii.-i H t.o : 1,1 ill's in,,tte-r CX- ,-pt tolluw the ii'W. I'he entire i f June is given to ;i,-t.!i.g, nil "1 tla.t is long en aieli. h elv per.-on W ho IniS llC't liMid his taxes should i'o so nt i: lfil-lllJ T:r .-' !!. pe. pie have a:: , STCOt id- ' ;u to the u tii 1,1 . V of tile i-ountv conimissi iiiers as to feleas-11,- ta'x.'s. t.'h ipter 5.-. See. Ml 1 !. of KiOl wh e'i is Irouaht forward and made Se -. V'-.VI of the Rev'.s 1! of HH'5 is a.- f dlous: "No hood of Coii!,!v I'oniinis- j Si -. is, or eounc'il, 01 : o . vif aider j m i i.i 1 .'iniui.-.-topcis of ii' y city or I t .1 .. 1. s! ., i I haV. p;iw e l 1.1 le-it as' , j dt.-'t !- ', li iiiit or (-"ii iuii'ir auy any ; :: !,, propi rtv wi; ,.ii, ih-.-i: ! ...... -.. 1- t 1: I ir. .' tax s dis- t e-'i - ;. .iiiM- ; rr .-,. Miflh..:, i i.,..,- ',- :,o,:,"! bv u-lio:: ' t , 1 nsboro 'i ' i ! ; ,' 1 ..1 civ' ; S 0 W.;- : r, ti:',- 'V.t ;;. i 1 . : -' oro 1 . ,:.s, and 't ..;"v L.';,ei- l;.i!iirs 1. 1, 1, p .,n r i Vhnitiis, S' v: W i :;-.( rpiiau bov, ...1 V e ( 0f l. M, lV'i- . ir Sc. ...e;. oprU'.'.y ' - . .- t 0 ' . st- ' 5 of it mad '-' - v g'- The case : . ! ipe i Hi'. -H.-eli ' J A,.. J

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