The teheboro Courier Publla ted Every Thursday, ffm, C. HAMMER, Editor. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR The columns of The Courier are open to all 1 egitimate advertising. Rate cant will be sent on request or rates will be furnished upon appli eation at business office. All communications mut be signeil by the real name 01 tne writer, tHibwrioeni wishing their artilrew- ihanireit must give the ailiirew to which the paper has been going, as well as trie uew atiuress. orTcfipondeuts should mail Dews letters in time lor them reach this office by 1'UrS.lay morning, to 13are thctr appearance m t h week's lue. Important happenings, such deaths, tires, accideuts, etc., may be 'phoned f he Courier's expense. Kxpress Hates Xews. The Statesville Laud mark has published a number of particles on express rates. Quoting the New York Times, which paper publishes information obtained from the Iron Age, which is pews to most of us, that for carrying small packages the express companies have two prices, one regular, which is paid by the person who hands over his package and asks the rate; the other is a special rate which is given if a per- 8on has somehow learned about it and asks for a special rate. Quoting from the Iron Age: Thus packages of merchandise worth le6S than $10, if this fact be stated and payment made, will be carried to any point in the United States or Canada, regardless of dis tance, for 1 cent au ounce, with a minimum charge of 15 cents. For advertising and printed matter, the rate is still lower 1-2 cent an ounce, with a minimum charge of 10 cents. Most suburbanites have noted with surprise how cheaply packages of plants get to tbem from the nurserymen, and have supposed that the latter were specially favor ed by the express companies. , They are, but only to the extent that prepayment is not required from them. Their rate anybody can get by asking for it and whether the distance be long or short makes no difference, the service iu this respect being like that of the postoftice. As illustration of how this curious method of doing business works, the Iron Age says that a parcel weigh ing 1C ounces and valuei at $10 was recently handed in at the counter of one of the largest express com. )ni s at its New York headquarters to be delivered in a town in this State, ou which the regular rate was $1 per 100 pounds, and 5 cents minimum for 1 pound or less. The late named was 'io cents, but when request was made foi a reduced rate 10 cents was given. While in this case the package was to be carried only about 300 miles, it is to be noted that for the same charge it might have been sent 3,000 miles. This method of transacting business having been criticised by theshipper, the clerk replied that the lower rates were given when called for. A New Depot Helmed The Southern Railway after con sidering the matter for a number of years, has finally handed Statesv lie a lemon in the shape of a letter which practically admits the jus tice of the claim, but cannot build owing to so many demands. The Statesville people will now go to the Corporotion Commission. Had they gone there at first, they would have saved time. They have only met with the fate of others. The difference being that the prac tical business in charge after mon keying for a long, long time and listening to smooth tales and siren songs, decided it was time to ass a categorical question and insist on a direct answer. Then it was the plea of poverty was set tip. The Protracted Wet Weather Never within the memory of man baa there been so much wet weath er. The rain is general, not confined to this section or to the state. It has greatly damaged crops, especial ly cotton and corn. Where wheat and oats have not been carefully cared for it ha9 been damaged in the field, and in the barn after it was "hauled in." In many places, especially on low lands, corn has not been plowed or hoed. The land is so washed and the crops so greatly damaged by washing and failure to plow, work has been bo retarded that it will be a strenuous job to clean corn and cot ton of grass and weeds. The hoe is a slow farm imple ment bnt it will have to be called into use this year. The weeder and the harrow which have taken the place of old fashioned implements are of little service this year. The double or single plow and hoe will have to be pnt into use. The Supreme Court of the State of New York recently rendered a decision that judicially decides that a negro should not be awarded as heavy damages in a suit for false ai rest as a white man. A Pullman car porter (ho was a tolored man) hid sued a man for having him ar rested on the false charge of stealing and the jury awarded him $2500 damages, which the judge Bet aside and said that a negro was not ent -tied to as heavy damages for being wrongfully imprisoned as a white man. If a Southern judge had render ed such a decision the whole North would have held up its hands in holy horror at our gross injustice to the negro! A prominent negro, writing the the Louisville Courier Journal, com plains at the Republicans in Ken. iiicsy ior not treating tne negro right in the distribution of offices. We quote one sentence from his letter: "They expect "Sambo" to hew all the wood but forever be elbowed from the fire. He is expected to driw all the water and not get a drop. Lead them up to the sugar barrel, and not get any of the sugar. BIG REAL ESTATE DEAL. I'.. II. Morris Sells Home ol late t'apt I'lslierTourist Resort. One of the most important real estate deuls was consumited this morning that we have had in Ashe boro, when Mr John M. Hammer bought the original estate of the late Capt. B. J. Fisher, from Mr. E. II. Morris, a company will take over the property with a view to opening it at an early date as a resort for tourists. Many additions will be made and considerable monev will be spent in beautifying the property, which is now one of the most beautiful estates in the South With it are many acres for nuutiu grounds, golf hubs, tennis courts, base ball grounds. Ihis place is within two miles of abundance of nail, wild turkeys and other game. The grounds surrounding the house contain 30 acres with large fountains with every specie of trees in North Carolina or oa the globi. r roua this it will be seen that there are few if any places enjoying belter climatic conditions. Asheborois healthfully and rest- fully located. Within a short walk of this property is what is kuown as sueyta Mineral springs which wat er is reuicm1 ered by our oldest citi zens; it contains the best medicinal properties. In ante bellum days this was a favored and well patro nized spring by peopie from every section of the S ate. Mr. Hammer ill have associated with him capi talists from Greensboro and Wash ington City. Hev. Dr. Murdoch Dies Suddenly. Rev. F. J. Murdoch, D. D. rector of St. Luke s Episcopal church in Salisbury, died suddenly Tuesday morning in Charleston at the home of a brother hom he was visiting. Dr. Murdoch was 63 years old. He had teen rector of the church at Salisbury for 37 years and was wide ly known in both church and dubi ness circles throughout North and South Carolina- He was president of the Vance Cotton Mills, secretary and treasurer of the Salisbury Build ing and Loan Association, and was a bank director. Dr. Murdoch is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Margaret Bell, and one son, k. J. Maidoch, Jr. Heart failure is said to have been the cause of his death. Kood W omaa Dies. Mrs. Maggie Ingram Barrage, wife of Luther Barrage, died at her home in Concord on Tuesday Jane 22. The deceased was a daughter of Elzavan Ingram, of this county, and was a m3st excellent woman The cause of her death is not learn ed. Her youngest child died about six months ago. The Spencer Railroad Y. M.C. A has inaugurated a movement to establish a library as a memorial to the late Samuel Spencer, for whom the town waa named. 6nyi Chapel News. The eora croo la bound to be short as It can' be cultivated on accounr of so much rain. Mrand Mrs Kueeue Routh. ot Hnmble's Mill, visited tne farmer's grandfather, iguc Bouth, last R&turdav and Sundav. ' A new coy arnvea at tne nome oi air ana Mrs G D rufh last week. CASTOR I A let Infants and CMldrfin. Tto U&1 Yea Han JUi if! Bssl Bsan tho 8ig&atwof HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insures his life Is wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by guard ins; it It Is worth guarding;. At t h e first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mania fests itself in innumerable ways TAKE. And save your health. DENTAL SOCIETY ADJOURNS. Wright. ville Brarll Plarc of grit WIeelinas!rw Officer. The North Carolina Dental Soci ety met in Ashev lle last week will meet in WrightsviHe next year. The officers elected are; J. C. Watkins, Winston, president; Dr. W. T. Smith, Wilmington, first vice president; Dr. L. L. Dameron, New bern, second vice president; Dr. Ar thur Fleming, Louisl'urg, eecratary; Dr. R. M. Morrow, Burlington, ireisurer; Dr. J. A. Sinolair, Ashe ville. essayist: executive committee, Dr. I). L. James, Greenville;. Dr. C. F. Smith, Rock Mount: Dr..C. W. Reapan, Launnourg. Pol mi PaetorUs Cut Wigm High Poiut, X. C. June 30, l?O0. Another cut has been made in the time of eini loyt-s of the factories iu High Point onie time ago the hours weie red need from uiue- to e:ght hours a ih?. On last Fridov a still further cat was made by cut tfag the time to eight honrs and oi ly five days a week. This means t loss of 25 percent :r. wages. '1 hi is said to b" due to light business .1. ii.- . u;l wuu me eaieoiiitru .ijr "'o Porst lines of good lot pauic tnat wis to have vaca - ted when Mi. Tafp was elected-still -MWaMssm. TllttsPl lis holds the country in. its grip. Thel .'!rre'' , : s,m.h ' , r . , I Vitionai buuU. imte rl other J S. workiDg man who was- promised j notes, everything he wanted is working! ,Msil m,:m. few honrs a day anil few days IiIasiuties. week, and yet nm&S pay $4- a nun- j,., sWk ihmv0 dred for his Hour. BLverrthiug thet-"-iiu.f hki.... - Ao.oo , . , . ! ,. v , . luiiivirted pnihts.tes.H current exifi working man has to bnv is high at.i Mnamuaxes inuu 9.671.03 his labor, the only thing he has sell, is iow. weanwiiiie tne repno licao party is and has- bren in power. the tanl is high and getting higher. If theie have been auj harder tin:?- on the aian who labors for his dailv bread it will ake an oid man to ie- eall sacae. Every hue vf business ia dull. t artar Kalllrii. I FljiUiesiul Heury I'hilliiw pens last Vei- ne.-'iav in -reensboro on business. The USc Chun h, of CeOi halls, will give- a i.'hililren s lny entertainment next Sunday niijfct July ith, VMi' We nre exptUiis a larue crowd. Lewis ,rt has recently sold hi cold drill department to. I M Kiines. Mrand M:k li M Mete li&spentSa urduy night ann Miiuray in AMienom. The ma'oritv oi'our peHle exle't- to soto Vortli',lie the rd of July. Both mills sJod here Saturday to Llast oudthe race, Mi-R Uer Tillman, of -S'fonl. has be. i vis- itinu fneiids and relative ui tills lily (ur the punt Wjt. S C H;iyeaave a free- ie crein party Satur day vihieli was aifceeiaietl by 11 1 1 ,vent. Nt Tata Xwa. James Lackv is on tbe sick list. -Noah anil ivy Mcltowell Tisited Milton Knits' iiundav. Mrs vVil ia Ridtre fieited Mrs ,Ti C! Hill Sunday. Miss Chloe McDowell visited Ulna Roxie Garner Sunday Sunday school wHl convene at Mt. Tabor Sunday morning at lft o'clock. There will lie an ice cream supftr at Ri. Wood's nest Saturday evening. Cet Spring. Ntwa. DA VuncanuoD preached at Neighbors Giovc last Sunday. Will Mclianiel and little son, Luren, o( Gib son vllle. visited at W H McDanielN last weak. Mr and Mrs Eugene noutn visitea al Mtac Bnuth rast Saturday nignt ana suuaay. Doc PuKb, ol Brown, visitea at s M naer wood's last Sunday. PREVENTS BALDNESS Your runner bark (or the mere asking if Reiall "93" Hair Tonic does not make the scalp clean and healthy, nourisk the hair roots, esre aanarun, ana stimulate a new growth of hair. Pat it to a test at our risk. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. J. T. Underwood, The Rexall Store. NOTICE. Havinc nualifled as executors ou the estate ot Husauuah Brown, deceased, before W. C. Ham mond, clerk of tne superior court of Randaipn county. All persons having claims against said Mime are uoiinea to present tnera m uie anaei signed, duly verified, on or before tne 1st day of July, 1910, or this notice wUl be pleaded In bar estate wlU come forward and make immediate settlement. This 8th nay ot June, 190. A 8. Pugh aud Isaac Brown, Executors. NOTICK. Having aualifled u ereeuto, jn the estate of Thomas J. Steele, deceased, be lore W. C Ham mond, clerk of tne superior court oi Kanooion xtv. ah nerafma navina claims againss aaia u are notirtrtd bi nresent tbem to the unde - signed, duly verified, on or before the 1st day ot July, 11 u, or tnia notice win oo pieaaea in oar Af thai wunranr. mnA all Iwranna nalnf aaid estate will come forward and make Immediate settlement. This SStn day of Jane, 1SWM. , j Mary Jaae Steele, Executrix. NOTICF. as exacntc Marr Ada Vearvln. deceased, before W. C. Ham mond, clerk of tbe Superior court of Randolph county. All persona saving claims againss amia estate are notined to present them to the auder signed, duly vennea, en or oeiore tne in aa Julv. lata or this notice will be pleaded In of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. - This SStb. day of July, IDOD. - B. A. Ysargtn, Execute FARMERS INSTITUTE. Will Be Held at Ashefeoro on July 1 Itli. The Farmers Institute for Rar. dolph county will be held at Aahe boro on Saturday, July 24th. All farmers, as well as their wives and daughters, are urged to attend the the institute with note books and ( encils that they may make notes of the many things that will interest them and help to improve farm work in Randolph. Davidson Clippings. The !i patch Rev. V. Y. Boozer, ot Concord, has accepted ,tje call to the pastorate of the Lexington Lutheran church, a-id will take charge October 1st. The new pastor is president of the North Carolina synod of his denomi nation. J. W. Adderton, a Lexington man in St. Louis, manager of the branch of the H. J. Heinz Company, has t e-n offered the position of mtniger ofthe Chicago branch of tbetoueeri), the largest branch there is. T. E. McCrary Ea't., has been ap pointed permanent receiver for the Ciowell Furniture Co., the capital stock of which is $10,W0, tht sset li'0,000 and the liabilities $SQ0G' Mr. Clay Mbrns of hnuyr has bonah. a f arni' in Randolph rouuty and will move there in the fall. Mr. Silas Fecgnson, who Jives uear .Lexington, Ivy- spent iast week with his ssater, Mss- Je W1UJ r' , J, mora miae. He left Davidson oounty years ago and hs3 never been back sine?, lie is now 76 yeare of ag. Of course hefonud that there brad been many cfcangw since left. BAM OF RANDOLPH at Ashebonn, In the State oS North Camliun at the rlcae of KBArRCES.- Loans acd i discount" 41.-10,3.!? MM ;s 8,006.00 b.cob.m aa.iosiH Lawn s.ouo. w i,liel)mmlel clm-Unu1ed .SiUnut Bond Hnkm.;r House,. Kururture an hZTudi - ji - nh item Total ate of North Cr;vilnav bounty ol tumldlpii, ssi 1. W. J' Arinlic: J, Jr., J.'ashier ' th above- named I auk, no Mileinii'jy nweartiuia th above tateine'it i true-Ut the ns-t of ity luiuwledKe and belie!. W . H AH.MJp IFl.l), J K., UofeCaer. W. P. IHKlDv T. H. RKOOJSti. F H MtiKKvLS. Subs-irilwd an J Mvorib h before ae, ttvini!!lth day oi .uue, ivti .1. b russ, Ty jraoiiu. I'Jll'OHI tig IBLS COXL12U)J OF Tha Bank of Raraseur, At RaniRar in the Stat of Xorth Caroliniv at the close ti bmi-iiiess JuBe 23, iJ09. Loaw-and 'j.Kiounts.. BEiikini; hiMse, turaii 1 lisiarefir DHnalid lOitfts D'if.'iroin Bkik.s mid Jtin ;crs lilil coin .'.( 10.00 11 twvao ' SiW.HO 7W.S4 S.S'.'l.OO saver ooli.i i currency. . National ban lui'xni; mi uiluor uoiu notes aud otiw '.r . i IVHal... JOapital stock suiinus- ruin i i ndividvl urorits, lekseurreut exi.nse and taaespaiit Deposiasulijeet tocheck DenuuvU (if mtSi ate of Depvsk . . . Cashiur chei-'ts uutstandits, ll.MW M 1.05'7 AccruQjiuncresS due depos:UiRkUM., . . Total t. , 140,00 nmta State of K C, County of Ran dolph, ss: I, W. II. Wa'tkins,Prefli deat of the abou- named baak, do solemnly swear that the a oove state ment is trne t tbe best of my knowledge and betief . W. H. WATKINS, Free. jCbmct Attest: I. F. CRAVEN, R B. LEONARD, H. B. CARTER, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 -kid day of Jane, 1909. I. r. CKAVJfiN, Notry Public NOTICE. Having qualified ss administrator on the e- fate of Wfi. Brown, deceased, before W C. Hammond. Clerk oftbeSuiieri or Court of Raa- dolDncountv. all persons having claims against saia estate are noiinsa no pivaeui tun ui me day of June 1910. or this notice will be pleaded In harnf their recr.TCn. and allfe) ersons offiuesaid tnienirned. auiv vennea on or net ore tne tn estate will come, forward ;aud awke immeiliate seniemeni. This iMth day of , June iww. D. C KIDD. Adm Hammer dc Rally. Attorneys. United States of America. In the district court of tne united states. For the Weaterh District of North Carolina. Id the matter of Harris Sachs & John Soulier. traaing as saens & eopner, oanxrupie. AUCTIi H SALE. releree In bankruptcy in the above entitled mat- ter, I will sell for cash at public auction te the nignent ninaer at vo eiorx r. h. on maay vtn eboro, N. C. the entire stock of goods and fixtures belonging to tbe estate of the said bank ana hats, clothms. shirts, ladies and ven rupts. eaia stocx consis'iug 01 snoes, and notions. Fixtures oonnstihe of show show stands and other articles. Bald stock sad fixtures to be sold as a whole. The stock can be examined upon application to the undersigned oeiore tne seta aarot June, im. ELIJAH korFITT, Trustee, Alcohol to Children Ask your doctor how often he prescribes stimulant for children. He rarely. Children do not how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will rk. ably answer, "Very, verv about Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaoarilla as a tonic fnr the young. Follow hisadvice. He 'f ""em neann -uany movement of the bowels." Ask your doctor if this is not so. Then ask bin about Ayer's Pills. Sold for nearly iiaty an. The Consolidated Street Railway and Tower Companv, of Fayettevi le has been placed in the hands of W. D. McNeil, receiver by Judge C. C. Lyon. The liabilities of the com pany are $00,000. The plaut will be operated by the Receiver. PRESCRIPTIONS cantfuHy compounded may mean death to the Bick oue. Two thing are requisite: first, PURiS DRUGS, and wend a turned pharmacist to dofw compoundfag. W pusses l: both, ana you take ao ehanceon any prescription that w prepare. Yen know K,r reptitatn. It doesn't admit ff a doubt. Tha'a why we want vr prescriptions. You are alwavs afe when we prepare them. Ra.ii?7rrian Drujt Company, Rand!emair, N C. I Do You I Know What I Constitutes : la Fine Piano? Unless you are sure you thoroughly underst and piano mechanism, tone, quality, action, elc, vou had better place yourself in cur hands and get the best. Not for the profit on 500 pianos would we sell you an inferior instrument. WRITE TODAY. I Chas. M. Stieff . Manufacturer of the Stieff and Shaw, the Pianos with the sweet tone. SOUTHERN WAREEOOM 5 W. Trade St. Charlotte, - - N C . H. WILMOTH, Managr. Mention tnis paper. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Uaintataed by the State for tbe Women of North Carolina. Four regular cour ses leading to degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall session be gins September 15, 1909 Those de siring to enter should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other in formation address J-1. FOUST, Pre., Greensboro, N. C. Littleton Female College One of the most socoeesfol sad best equipped boarding schools in the South with hot water heat, electrio lights and Other modern i mprorements. 28th annual session will begin September 15, 1909. For catalogue address J. If. UHODB3, President, Littleton, N. C. will probably say, "Very, very need stimulatini." Act u;J freauentlv" Then aL? htm knotos. Ai'Wci'o.iW JU.r The Artistic In Furniture In our store we haye coiubitiefz the artistic with durable quality ia s leetinir our Ssock. Wo nave a com plete line of (Chairs. Tables. Pedes tals, Rockers, Couches, Bedroom sin s. etc See our fine ?et our prices and yeu will lie satisfied with your purchases. MOORE a TAVLOR.. Exclusive Turnltus Dewlera. Randlavman, ?i. C I Celery i Plants Now ; Ready Grown with special care. Cut back and transpl anted. Just the thing to give best results. John A. Young, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. TRINITY COLLEGE I Four Departments Collegiate, Gradnate, Engineering and Law. Large library facikies. Well equipped lalioratories in all de -purtmeuls of Science. Gymnas ium furnished with best appara tus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Yown men wtshlns) to atvidy Law shavild Invsatigatwth su perior advvntiv.Rs offered br the Dapartment of Law at Trinity Collage f or Catalogue 'and further Information, address : : D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, Durham, N. C. TP e l-a I C I I iriniiyrarKcnooi A Flrst-Cku Prsparatory School CersittcaSaoi Graduatioa Accepted ior Entranoto Leading &otfcrn Collenes Bet Equipped Preparatory School in the South Faculty of ten officers Sandjteacbers. I',mn,n nt avntv.Hve acres. LI- brary oontal ling forty thousand vol umes. Well equipped Kymnasium. utirn atanHarria and modern metbods of fustructlon. Freouent leeturea by prominent lecturers. Expenses ex eeedlngly moderate. Eleven years of phenomenal success. M. H NORTH, Headmaster, A aJiirnam, 11. v- f$O8OOOOflOO0000 ( 1

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