THE ASHEBORO COURIER Asheboro, N. C Jnly 1, 1909. Local and Per&onal. The street force are putting iu cement gutters on Depot St, Mrs. John Betts is very eick at her home ou South Fayettville St. Miss Annie Coffin, of Greensboro, is a guest of Mrs. Orlando Ferree. Eev. Mr. Bowen who has been quite, sick is able to be out again. Miss Farla Spoon is still in the sick list. MisB Edna Hill has returned to Asheboro to remain for awhile. Miss Mabel Peacock, of Lexing ton, is visiting friends in towa. Chas. M. Fox and bride, returned home Thursday from Asheville. Dr. D. J. Johnson, of Seagrove, was a business visitor in town Friday. Miss EthelFerree spent Sunday in Kandleman. Misa Lily RicbaMson, of Star, has entered the High Potnt buisness col leges or a complere coutve. Miss Elva Poole is spending a few days in town visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. J. E. Carson and family, of Charlotte, aie here for a visit at Col. A. C. McAlister's Miss Maude Stiatnburgei', of B s coe, who baa been with fiiends here left for home Thursday. Mrs. Mamie Gregson Miller, of Greensboro, reached here Saturday and is visiting at John Betts'. Miss Eulah Hayes, of Randie nan, spent Tuesday in Asheboro with Miss Blanche Kearns. Miss Blanche Anderson went to Greensboro last Saturday to visit friends and relatives. , Robert Clark who has been visit ing relatives in Asheboio returned to bis home in Kandleman Friday. Miss Maude Shamburger of Bis coe visited relatives in Asheboro last week. Dr. J. V. Hunter attended the meeting of the State Medical Society at Asheville last week. B. A. Yeargin went to Greensboro Friday on business, returning Mon day. Miss A Jordan, of Randleman, R. F. D. No. 2, visited relatives and friends at Troy last week. Mr. R. C. Johnson is great'y im proving the appearance of his hand Bome new house with a coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Oglesby and children, of Mt. Gileai, visited Mrs. Oglesbys sister, Mrs. Wm Richardson, last week. Milton Leonard who has been in Winston visitmg relatives returned to Asheboro last week to visit his daughter, Mrs. W . D. Spoon. E. II. Cranford, of Farmer, is offer ing his home and household proper. tv for sale preparatory to going to Denton to Jive, tie will engage in the produce b isiness. A. & A. mixed train from Aber deen arrives at Asheboro each eve ning at 7;30. Beturning this train leaves Asheboro for Aberdeen every morning at 7;15 o'clock. . Mrs. A. M. Norton, who taugbt Music at New London last winter flDent Wednesday in Asheboro en- route to Aberdeen to spend the euramer. Mr. George Hansucker, who has been visting his family, left last week for Ohio where he goes to ac cept a position with the Norfolk & Westward Railrcai Co. Miss Etta Lowdermilk, of Ashebo ro, R F D who has been" seriously ill stthe Junior Order Hospital at High Point for three weeks, is sufficiently recovered to return nome She ar rived Thursday. Young men desiring to enter the A. and M. College will have, an op portunity to take an entrance exam ination under our County Snperii tenuent in his omce on July 8th The authorities of the College advise that applicants be examined before going to Raleigh. DittaeH Cuatt be Cared by local applications, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There If only one wj cum oauuni, ana uiai is oy oonantiltlou al remedies, Deafness Is caaiuvl hv art inflanuwl - condition of the mucous llninir nf the Aiuwht.. Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a ruiuuiuiK pmuu or imp -rieot neanng, ana when It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result, ai i unless the luBsmmstlon can he taken nm .n.i this tut rested to lis normal condition, hearing will be destroyed foreverl nine cases out of ten ase cauara oy (.(arrn. wrilcn is nothing but an inflamed condition of theanucous surfaot s We will give One Bundled Dollars for auy cae of Deafness (raiuen by rotferrh) that canimt t h aiwl by Hall's Catarrh CuVe. Scud for artlc u. Hokl by Drurelsta. 7frs. Take Hall s Family Pills fot ooustlpai'.ou. A: Ross was in High Point on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller spent Sunday at Caraway. Miss Mabel Peacock, of Lexing ton, is visiting Mrs. Sam Porter. . G. Morris is tearing: away the old W. P. Wood store near the old courthouse. Mies Florence Blair is visiting her sister Mrs. A. M. Rankin, at High Point. Charles L. Holton is preparing to erect a residence in West Asheboro, on Sunset Avenue. Elias Robbins, who has a position at Winston-Salem spent Saturday aud Sunday in Asheboro. Mrs. W. N. Rush, of South Car olina, is visiting Mrs. A. A. Speu. cer. Jessie Scarboro left yesterday afternoan for Jacksonville Springs to spend several days. Mrs. J. C. Cox is chaperoning a party of children on a camping trip at her farm this week. Mi-fs Lily Richardson, of Star has returned " home after visiting friends at Mocksville for some time, Mr. and. Mrs. L. H. Coble, of Burlington, visited Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Snarpe Usr. week. l'orn-r-On Saturday, June 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Moffitt, a girl. Mrs. Rinkin Parks, who has been visiting relatives at Asheboro, re. turned to her home at Salisbury Tuesday. The Rowan county Sunday school Convention will meet at Salem, near Salisbury August 26th and 27th. Philip Sowers, an aged citizen of Kowan connty, who wasrecently ac cidentally shot by his son, has en tirely recovered. John P. Baldwin, manager of the Central Store Co. of Carthage, R F. D. No, 3, paid The Courier a very pleasant call yesterday after noon. Mrs. J. R. Page and daughter, Miss Alice, of Biacoe, and Mrs. Henry Page, attended the Pegram Singletary marriage at Greensboro yesterday. The produce market is off this week and ueahers think the price will drop lower after this week, eggs are bringing 13 cents per dozen and chickens Uceuts per pound. Claud Livengood, of Jerusalem, Davie County, while bathiug in the Yadkin river on last Sunday sudden ly lost use or ma uouy ana was drowned. Miss Daisy L. Osborne, of Worth ville, is at Greensboro where she at tendid the marriage of Miss Floyd to Mr. Geo. Brant. The marriage was solemnized yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss Floyd has many friends in Randolph County. Chief Kennedy has a force of hands at work on Depot Street lay. ing a cement guttering from the Station to Fayetteville Stieet. This is expected to perfect the drainage and do away with unsightly holes of mud and stagnant water. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Phillips, of Aheuoro visited Mr. and Mrs, James Jordan, at Franklinville Sunday. Mr. Jordan is critically ill and there is little nope of bis recovery. Mr. Jordan is a devout worker and has many friends in this section who will regret to hear of bis illness. WILL PROBATE. Mr. McAlister Leaves His Estate to 111 Widow and Two Children, The will of the Hte J. Worth Mc Alister was probated last Friday after noon by the clerk of the Su perior Court in Winstoa-balem The will bore the date of July 15th, 1905, and the witnesses are Messrs E. P. Wharton. R. G. Vaughn and W. E. Blair, Mr. A. W. Mc Alister, of Greensboro, and Mrs. Margaret Hines McAlister, of Wins ton-Salem qualified aa excutors. The deceased left an estate valued at about $2, 000, which he leaves to his wife and two children, Adelaide and John Worth McAlister. Halt of the estate goes to his widow and the other half is to be equally divid ed between ins two children. New Jarket Township 8. H. Convention The Sunday School Convention for New Market township convened ac Glenola Sunday. The attend ance was large and every school in the township was represented. Mrs, A. B Coltrane was elected president. and Miss Mary White Secretaty. Addresses were made by Misses. E. Moffitt of Asheboro Rev. Peele.Mich ael Coltrane and othet3. WIRH INGHAM-CROWSON. Popular Young Couple ol Asheboro Wedded Last Kveuing. A pretty home wedding was sol- eminized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Parrish yesterday even ing wnen Mrs. rarnsns Bis ter Mies Daisy Myrtle Urowson, was married to Mr. Amos Winningham. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. M. Johnson, pastor of the Methodist Protestant Church. The wedding was a quiet affair, being witnessed by relatives and a few in. vited friends. The bride is a daughter of Mr. W. S, Crowson, of Back Creek town ship, but has made her home in Asheboro for some time. Mr. Win QiuhaJi is a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Winningham and is highly esteemed. He holds a responsible position with the Home Building & Material Company ot Asheboro. They have a large circle of friends who will join The Courier in wishing for them much happiness. V. Arthur Wright Shot Himself Mr. W. Arthur Wright was shot by a gun in his own hands while he was ou his Wiy back irom squirrel hunting. The accident occurred about 10:30 o'clock and the young man was climbing ever a fence when the guu vas accidentally discharged aud he fell to the ground dead. Mr. Wright and his wife and baby bad been ou a visit to his mother, Mrs. Emily Wright at Rduiaeur and aldO to his wife's pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. John Wes Allred, of Kamseur. Mr. Wrisrht went Bcrui rel hunt ing and when found he was shot through the breast and was l'o feet from his gun which was unloade I on the ground. It is believed that be shot himself accidentally and at tempted to go home before he died. The deceased was a son of the late Willinm P. Wright who lived eight miles east of Asheboro. The deceased resided at 349 West Lee street, Greensboro, and for soma time held a position with the Life Insurance Company of lrginia. Kxauilnatioiig for A. and M. College. Applicants for admission to the Agicultural and Mechanical LoIle(e will be examined by the Uount) Superintendent of Schools at Ashe boro on Thursday, July 8th, . t 10 o'clock. By standing these exami nations young men may ave the ex. pense of a trip to Roleigh. The A. and M. College offers 120 scholar ships to bright, needy boys desiring iodustiial education. There are courses of instructionjn Agridulture, Textile and Engineering (Civil. Me chanical, Chemical art I Mining). E. J. CoLTllASE, Superintendent. Service at Giles Chapel. A Children's Dav Service will ho held at Giles' Chapel on the first Sunday in July, at 10 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended t.n every one, and a good crowd is ex pected to encourage the children in meir worn. March, 1)V Srhnnl orwl ftn,, Welcome, Song by School. Greeting, Eugene Williams, Adelliade Trog-don The Brave Little Missionary, leland Burns Bright Little I'ennieH, Hallie Trogd.m. oung, "uimer oouna, fcrman Trogdon. uiKr, Millie tlODSOQ. Here Am I. Kmntna U. Song. Minion and Minding, Fletcher Ferree. .u i .xmtu uo, by Sn Children. The Best 1 Can Do, Hazel Trogdon. How to Save The World, by Four tiirls. Song, One Cent A Day, Colon Hamlin. . 1B ftu'ce, t-rman Trogdon. missionary Bank, Eugene Williams. Brinht l'mihin hv Si-r cl,;i,i. Song, Auutie Vauld Like to Help The Poor, oucioia irogaon. I Have So Many Toys, Mary Hendricks Don t Drink My Boy to Xight, Carl Tron i don. Song, A Christian Warrior, Mattie McGee. Recitation, Clyde Hendricks. Here is The Church, by Five Boys, a f!h;i,r h-:.i. ,'. , 1 ... ,.,, Annie ions. Song. Recitation. Hnrilia F,.rrM A Miaaiouery Spirit, Thelma Tregdon. l ur missions, miss Uarrie Manilin. Song Only A B.ihrCirl :. n.i, nr:n: Offering From School, And March. Am vn'y l our iears Old. Hazel Troglon Mrs. Lossie De Rosjette Meyers died in Wilmington last week. She died suddenly while walking the streets. Low Out Shoes LADIES' SHIRT WAIST We want to reduce our stock of Oxfords for Men, Women and Children, and have made a liberal cut in prices tor a tew days. Call to See Our Line and Get Our Prices In Ladies' Shirt Waists we are offering White Lawn Waists, $1.25';,and:S1.50 values at 88c. $1.00 and SI. 25 values at- 69c. Spesial pricas in White Goods in 'Dimities, 7iasn anl othar popularjmaterials. Morris-ScarboroM()ff itt - Company, M 'Phone No. 7 Asheboro N. C. Meeting of Hoard ol I'.ducatlou. The County Board of Education will meet on Monday, the fifth of July, at which time the school com mittemen for the county will be named. This will be one of the most important meetings of the year. The success of the schools depends largely upon the qualifies tions of the committemen, hence the people of each district will be responsible in a large measure for the schools, as they nave the pnv ilege of recommending names to the Board. There will be a game of base ball Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock be tween Asheboro and Gibsonville teams. On Friday and Saturday afternoons of next week the White Oak team, of Greensboro, will meet Asheboro team on the local diamond These are strong teams and good games may te expected. "Auction Party" and Ice Cream Supper There will be an "aucti n party" and ice cream supper at "Flint Hill" on Saturday mght July 10th at 7:30 o'clock. The proceeds will go to the UouQty and etite bunday School Association. Everybody invited. N. H- Sexton, a well known farmer of that section has been com mitted to jail at Anderson S. O. charged with attempting criminal assault upon a white woman. He was arrested on a similar charge a year ago. Portable Home Caurmery. Write W. S- Cagle, Ether, N, C to call and demonstrate to you the Portable Home Cannery, the latest and most up-to-date and lowest priced Cannery on the market. Ca pacity, average 60O cans per day. May be used on your cook stove or under a tree Every family needs one and will buy because it is a money maker, vegetable and fruit saver. Everything in the can ning: line. A Few Good Agents Wanted Great Preparation Is Being Made by Standard Drug Co. for the immense Soda Fountain Business during the month of July. Each month at this store is a record breaker. A fresh lot of all the popular branc s ot Talcum Powder, Toilet Waters, Soaps and Perfumery just received. Base Balls and Gloves and Catchers Mits for the glorious celebra- tion of July 4th. Baseball Guide books on hand at all times. s Court week in Asheboro will be a great event at our store. Watch this space for our announcement of what we will have and do then. A great sale will begin here July 19th, Monday of Court week. The new court house will not attract more people than will the Standard Drug Co. Everybody will go to the Standard Drug Store during court week, to look at and take advantage of the great varieties of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Etc. BRAIMIMOIM'S Ice Cream is handled exclusively by us and there is none so good. It is .made under abso ; lutely sanitary conditions and is adopted to the taste ot" the most fastidious. Standard Drug Company, South Side Depot Street, Asheboro. N. C. 3RD. TO CELEBRATE JULY The merchants and manufacturers want all the good people of Randolph county to come to High Point on Saturday July 3d. The farmers have a special invitation to join us on this special occasion. Free Lemonade, Ice Water and a Souvenir to Everybody that Comes to High Point on that Day. All Kinds of Amusement During the Dan. Free Lemonade and free Ice Water and everything to make you enjoy the day, free of cost. Welcome! Welcome! Everybody Welcome to High Point. Her doors will be wide open to give you a hearty welcome : : . : : : : H. A. MOFFITT, X3he Popular Price Store High Point, N. C. II