FRANKLINVILLE NEWS. A Large Crowd Attended Aunaal Ma sonic Picnic Death of Mir, Klllott. Rev J T Bynim and his bride spent Sat urday Diht and Sunday in town. .Mr By ram pretched two interesting serinous at the Baptist Church Sunday uioruiiig aud at night. ilesers W I. Maner and E A Routh went to ( ireensboro Tuesday on business. J W Tippett has old his stock iu the Bush Creek Lumber Co to U H Mark aud T 1 Fox. Master Collian Leonard, of Greensboro, is v'siting his g andm. t'ier, Mrs Caroline Craven this week. Mrs W J HoLwon and daughter, Mrs Ella Mc Daniel, have gone to Chatham Co to BjfcjJ a fe days with relatives and friends. Mrs Maggie Cox, of Providence township, is visiting iu our city. Mrs Dora Cross aud little girl, of Little Hock, Ark, are visiting relatives and friends in town this week LjBter Fra.ier uud family, of near Worth ville, visited iu the city a few duys recently. We were glad to see Mr aud Mrs Walter l'attersou, of Durham, in our city Saturday. Dr Marsh attended I haimaceutical Asso iation at liieensboro Thursday and Friday. Mrs Lucy York, ol Central Falls, speut Sunday with Mrs Martha York. iiusion Kidd aud family, of Woithville, Eugene Itouth aud family,' of Kemps Mil is, and Orlando Jennings, one of tlie Southern Railroad telegraph upcrators, visited T II u'eniiings Sunday. Mr aud Mrs CH Julian attended the faueral of their aunt, Mrs Nancy Oweu, at Conecrd Chinch Sunday. Messrs Clarence l'arks and W C J sues made a business trip to Cireenshoru Friday. The play at the Academy Saturday entitled "Hazel Adams" was cuite a success, and was very much enjoyed by our people. The Riverside Isaiid, which has had many calls this season, will go to Site' City Sat urday to furnish music for the 4th of July Celebration. The Ladies' Aid Society will give an en teitainineut at the M E Church Wednesday night, July 7 til . Two ladies from lireeus boro, ol rare talei ts wdl give some excel lent recitations, after which the ladies will serve ice cream an I other refreshments in the grove near the church. Everybody is invited to attend Miss Kuth l'arks, of near Parks X ltoads, visited Miss Mary l'arks lust week, Mrs Henry Makepeace, of Sanford, aud Mrs E B Parks, of Siler City, spent a few days last week with the ianiily of Hugh I'.ir.s. Jr. Although the heavy rain Saturday interfer ed with carrying out the program for the Masonic picnic, yet we had a large crowd and a nice time, ami everybody seemed to enjuy themselves. The next picnic will be held at Liberty un or near the -ltli of Jutie I'JVK The following otlieers were elected for ths ensuing year: J M Smith, of Liber ty. Pres; D 11 Weatherly, Vice Pres; and 0 L Marvel, of Liberty, Sec. Miss Mary Elliott "died Sunday evening and was buried iu the M E Church cemetery Monday evening. Kev ,1 E VYoosiey con ducted the funeral service. She had been afflicted for several years, but bore her suf ferings patiently til the end came when her spirit took its flight to a fairer and better clime where sorrows and sufferings are felt no more. She was about forty years old and her mother Mrs June Elliott, one son and one daiiKhtcr and many friends survive her. (almoin News. Quite a large crowd attended the Sunday School Convention at this place Suudav. Carl White visited at D 15 Davis' Sundav night. Miss Co-die and Ci win Wall, of Sophia, visited friends here Sunday, returning home Monday. Miss Marv White is visiting her uncle, K L W bite, this week. Emory Bulla, of Spero, visited at R L Sctirloek's Sunday. We are expecting to hear the weddiDg tells very soon. E E 1'ugh and family, of High Point, at tended the Convention here Sunday. Mrs T ' Crsnford and daughter, Es telle, viBited R L White Sunday Wheat threshing is goiug on in this com munity. Wheat is not so good as was ex pected. L P St ut visited the family of Thomas Lowe at Marllioro Sunday. Several of the young pople attended the towu iiarty at Sophia Saturday night. Maj Elijah Mollitt, of Asheboro, attended the convention here Sunday. J E Davis, of Randleman, was here Sun day. The Brick Company is rebuilding its track and otherwise improving the property. J E English has sold his fine driving horse to Arthur Mendenhall, of High Point Miss Mary barker, of High Point, visited Miss Luia Davis last week. The boys who attended the town party at Sophia Saturdav night, report a fine time. L 11 D ivis and lister visited the family of Oliver Lowe Sunday eenina. Mrs Alberton, of High Point, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs 1' Kobtnns, Sunday Samu el Reddick and family, of Trinity, visited S 8 Eldridge Sunday and Monday Misses Fannie and Ethel Uiay. of this place, will leave next week for Oxford, where they will teach in the Oxford Orphan aee Asylum. N J i hite, of Trinity, visited R L White Saturday and Sunday. I. H Davis made a business trip to High Point Monday morning. M rs Harrelson, of Spero, visited her son, Artilden, Sunday. say consumption can be ' cured. Nature alone won't do it it needs help. is the best help, but its use must be continued in sum mer as well as winter. Take It la a little cold milk or water Get a anull bottle now. All DnuaUU I !;i-ff.';i' Kaiidleman News. Ernest Redding had new corn last Fri day, so you see he is a farmer as well as a druggist. The singing class of the Christian Church met and sang with the Huruett Chapel alass at Burnett Chapel Sunday. Jesse Lamb, who has been running the idler covering room, has resigned and has accepted a position in the weave room. J A Dean and Jesse Lamb went to Level CrosB last Saturday night aud returned Sunday evening. Rev Mr Eaves preached an excellent ser mon at Naomi Church Sunday night Mr vcs is by lar the ablest man we have hud for several years. C F Swaney uud family visited iuliuil'ord last week. Mrs Arch Ctaster, who has beeu sick for some time, is improving. amler maunders bad the misfortune of getting bis arm broken by catching it iu the loom last week. Messrs Saunders and Lemmons, of Star, have opened a beef market in J A Clapp's old store on Main St. Everything is lovely now in liunilleniau. The electric lights h.uig high and are all U K. Mrs Bud Jester and Mrs John Jester, of High Point, are visiting Mrs Walton's family on Jerusalem St. E P Hayes is conducting what he calls a whirlwind sale this week and is making a grand display at night by sending up bal loons. 1 tiree will go up each night with a ticket worth from one to three dollars, pay able in cash or mercliaudise at Hayes Kacket More. Look out and get your ticket. J A Russell, who lost his cow twoor three weeks ago, has purchased another line one. Asheboro, Honte Mo. 3 ilrnn I Mrs Edgar Mucou, of Hemp, spent Saturday and Suuduy with Mrs Sarah Bingham. Mr JetT Lainlietli and Miss Celirt Walker of HoUy, were united iu marriaue Saturday night June 2IUL. We wish them a long and happy life. Misses Lora uud Fannie Spencer visited Miss Elma Lewis Sund iv . Mr and Mrs Ievi T Branson spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Xehedee Lewis Ihe Sunday school at Fair Mount is uro gressiug nicely with Leu M Kearns as Supt. Messrs John Kearns. Russell Hiugham, and Miss liosa Barnes attended the Sunday school convention at Piney drove Sunday, They reported a nieetime. John Yuncanuon aud wife visited their patents, Mr aud Mrs M 11 I .as? iter Suuday evening. J H Hush and brothers harvested 4IU bushels of wheat on 31 acres. M H Laesiter and J M Cooper were in Asheboro Monday on business. Interesting Facts Regarding the Labor atory of the Chamberlain Medicine Co, Dee Moines, Iowa. A person purchasing a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has no conception of the magnitude of the laboratory where this medicine is manufactured. The machinery and apparatus used in ita preparation was designed especially for the purpose and cost several thousand dollars. Europe, South America and the I'niteil State-) supply the various ingredients of this remedy, and only this highest obtainable quality is used. No pains or expense has been spared in making it as nearly perfect as possible. " A force of helpers representing hsmes enough to populate au average Iowa tow n are regularly employed at the plant of the Chamberlain Medicine Company at Des Moines, Iowa. Their printing department, which is usually overlooked in calculating the expense of a business of this kind, ranks as one of the best in the State, and is thor oughly eqnipiied with automatic presses and folders of the latest improved type. Hera enough print paper is used in one year to spread over ten farms of JfiO acres each, upon which is printed advertising mutter, directions and laliels in twenty eight dihvr ent languages and dialects. Enough luiuhet is used iu making the cases in which the remedies are shipped to I'uild an eight room house on each of these ten farms every three onths. The liottles used by this lirm ery year, which are filled by machinery at the rate of L',500 per hour, if placvil end to end would reach across the United States veil times or almost encircle the globe. Pnphla Items. Miss Annie Worthington, of High Point, visiting her brother, J M Worthington 1) W 13 ii 1 1 u mailc a business trip to H'gh Point Monday. Jspe Marshall was a visitor at w i -an non's Saturday night. Miss Pearl Pearce. who has been visiting ler parents, returned to High Point Tuesday. K rarlow went to irisity Monu.iy. Mrs W V Smith and children, of Aslie- wro, visited her parents Mr and .Mrs v u ancp, Suuduy. Misses Alice and Elbe rarlow spei.t Nm- lav and Monday with relatives at la Misses Cordia and Oevin Wall attended e Sunday School Convention at llenola induy. Mr and Mrs S M Kussell spent Sunday in Hnndlemaii Miss Belle Davis is visiting relatives and iends in this vicinity. Misses Maricirie ami Jessie Cannon visited Misses Sal ieand Essie Worthington Sunday. 4th July Celebration. There will 1 a 4th of July Celebration n Farmer Saturday, July 3rd. 12 o'clock Slow Mule Race. 1L':30 Sack Race. o'clock--Booster and Man Pull. 1:30--Potato Race. 100 Yard Door Race. :30 - High And Broad Jump. i Tangle Race. lecture By C C Hubbard And J A Sharp, Ball Game, Fats vs Leans. Fast Horse Race. Music By Farmer Cornet Band and Orchestra, p m Public Jr O U, A M 30 Sociable. Refreshments. Any one wishing to enter contest will send their names by Friday. Prizes will be given in each contest. Marvin Kearns, Manager, H H Kimrev, of Greensboro, was a pop lar visitor iu town Saturday. Miss Annie Black and Pearl I.c nanl ara tending the summer school ut i harlotte II, Va. J M Whitehead is miking a handsome ldition to bis house A charming little daughter came to the me of Mr and Mrs Fulton 1 Inner last eek. Rev W R Ware, Presiding Elder, (reach excellent sermons in the M E church Sat- rduv ami Sunday E C Watkins left Friday for lir.ind Rap- Is to attend the meeting of the Furniture Dealers' Association. Our town was Kreatly tsWi.ed Monday morning to learn that Arthur right was dead. Miss Minuie Thomas, after a visit to friends here, returned home Saturday. She as accompanied by Mrs I i t rirady. Several of our people attended tue picnic at Franklinville Saturday. Falters BHD News. Threshing wheat is the main object around 1 oilers now. Mr and Mrs J R Williams visited at R L Tounte' Sunday. The Sanday kVhool is progressing nicely M Old Tabernacle. James JYounts attended the Childre Day at Piney Giove Sunday. W at Parrish visited at K L Younts' Sun day evening. George Williams and Haywood Andrewa visited Hisa Hamie feerce Sunday evening. Miss Lena Arnold went to the wheat Uuwshinx at P L Childress' last Wadnes ay Prof E E Teagne, our R F D carrier from Tbomaaville to fuller on route 4, one day last week while crossing a small stream near Fullers, captured a turtle that weighed 24 pound. rilnt Syringe Mews. tbi JJThrWiing machine are singing in ooenmunity Floyd Deatoa made a flying trip to Why Jiot Sunday. ' Little aflat Trey Hayes i visiting friend M relative at urava aiding tnis week. H A Altright and daughter. Mis Ida Mia Mary Deatoa and Dr Robert Barge iriaitei tk tastily of Ut and Mm J W Usyes wmaajr. W aiw 6rry te kota that 8 W Hayea i oa & c bat laia wnl Fair View News. Misses Hattie dray aud Konah and I' lta Green, of High Point, spent Sunday heie with friends. John Sink and Miss Bessie Everhart, of near Ibomasville, spent Sunday here with the family of Lewis Milhkan. Kev and Mrs U r f metier spent Sunday night at J 11 Millikao's. Mrs E C i ranford and daughter, Miss Estelle, attended the Sunday School Con vention at Glen' la Sunday morning. Miss rJrua Window is spending some time in Hicn Poiut. K V Milhkan na returned from a month s stay at Jackson Springs, A party of thirty young people from this place and Aichdale spent a delignttui day near fuller mill hsning luesday. Threshing wheat is the order ol the day in this community. Psplar Ride; New. Th Sunday School at Ut Gilead number ed 100 Sunday. I be wheat and oat in this section ar fairly good and the noise of the threshing machine has been heard Mrs J M Spencer doe not improve. Misses Mary Ann Hill and Peggie Laugh lin visited at Tom Spencer' uoday evening. Muse alary Sumner ana leui spencer visited Mr Mag and Fannie Dorsett Sunday evenioa Mia E.the Sumner returned home Sunday evening alter spending a few day Mis Lottie Laugnlin, ot Hum Point. Eno Skeen visited at John Brile' Sun day evening. The infant of Mr and Sin im feerce improvine. Mr Harrison Orotta and Mrs Anthony Johason (pent last Thursday iu High Point ahoriDinOi Mr Ueorge Spencer and air t,rl spencer visited at U U Walla Sunday evening gabaerlpttsBS Paid Wood, A B la'veows. Anus B Cox, HooMr Alien, i R PhlliiDS. T T emtio, at Yow. D A Leach Mary Wood, Peter Vuncaunon, at t Vuncannon, Bwmon buwer, n m onicina. wr v ansmsur iT, A 1. King, C V Boroughs, Taylor stout. Baldwin. Nannie Parka. . Kagas, J Johason, Cried Luther. I at Wood- It Oravea, A Bans. 1 U ell. T P Lastiter, Eugca MoBHt, J V Pr , t Tlppett. Nancy Hood. C 8 Pitta, W Dean, K Parka. J B W Inulnanam. Claad Annan. I binder J K Oncknan. R J Ool crane. Clvd Oavi mi, K W Leach, W E Allrsd, I W Routu, Jean rrevoKt, i o swuow, psnnn wray, nsman Bur law, w T Bariiea. k W Llueberrr. B T CvrlBeas. J N Wr.fM, kuli AUBtoo, Daulal Klnt, Mrs I Window,! P spoon, 0 trader, 1 A Huaaoa Latest Novelties We are now showing the latest fads in Ladies' Collars, Jabots, laundered and soft Dutch Collars and pretty lace patterns. Full assortment of Ruching, Windsor Ties, belts and Belt ing. You will be interested in seeing our attaactive line of Dress Goods. Select line of popular patterns in Percales, Ginghams, Lawns, Linens, &c We have the smartest in Shoes. Clothing, and Hats, for Men and Boys. W. J. MILLER, Asheboro, N. C. ifVWWl llillfci STOP, THINK OCCXKXJOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOv We have just figured it out for you What a little systematic saving will do You will never notice in the end. The following shows what you used to spend. Itu ir Items, Total to your credit In live yen Wlint you actually save In rivi per i Iu hit Total to y ur credit In ll-i-Jcuis lC.'.i to your crc-lit iu live yi-ui-s SVIX Get one ol our Savings Books and start an account AT ONCE. ocxxjoocxxxxxxjooooooooooec The Bank of Ramseur Ramseur, N. C. ooooooooooooooocxxxooooooo To Consumptives. Edward A. Wilson's Preparation of Hvpo ihoschites and BlodirtMl from the original formula is the sovereign Kemedy for . sumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe, Coughs, Colds, and all Lung and Throat Maladies. Thousands of people say they have been relieved by it 1 hose who have used it will have no other and recommend it to their fellow sufferers It has cured many afier they were given rj as incuralie by their physician. 1 his remedy baa oeeii in use for over 48 years, and your druggist can procure it with zu i uirecuous anu auvicr irom tue leaning Wholesale Druggists, or from me direct. For full particulars, testimonials, i addrcx C. A. Airott, Sole Agent, HQ Ann Street, New York, N. Y. OUention this Paper. I will offer my entire stock of Dry Goods and Ladies' Dress Goods at cost. These goods are fresh and new, selected and good value even at regular retail figures. Entire Balance of I Spring and Summer Goods to Go Into This Sale. Terms will be strictly cash on all marked-down articles. No such chance to save money has been offered you before. Come and be convinced. Caraway R. K. U. He. . People are still busy in their crop on the account of so much wet weather. The thresher are humming through this section this week. William Webb, who has beta aick, is not improving. A large crowd attended the 8unday school convention at Piney Grove last Sunday. Messrs J U uagan ft two are receiving new goods and will soon have a complete stock on haud. Mr and Mr penuel Ridge and J C Ridge went to High Point to visit Wilson Ridge who is very sick. There will De an ice cream (upper at b L Wood's Saturday night. Everybody invited Several of our young people are zpecting to attend tne in ot ju:v eeieorauon Farmer Saturday. Clarence Harris is on the aick list. tlo I New. The heaviest rain of the season fell at Sol Saturday. Three and a quarter Inches of rain leil in ti minutes, Wad Blrkhead and family visited J C Sea bolt roinaay, K M Brawn and wife vlnlUd at J W BlnKham'i Sunday. Mr Bingham's little child has been tick lor several oar. J 8 Lofiin and family spent Sunday at Johnson's. School Tabernacle Township Meastay CeaveaUe. Tabernacle Township Sunday School Con vention meats at Mt Pteaaaat M P Church, July th 18th, 1969, at 9:45 am. Let every B..-1.. 0kwJ it,. . ha mma. vfeented, Benj Lanier, Pre, Masonic Catbrlf. The member of Mt. Olivet Lodg No. 195 A F A A M, will meet witn D. B. Leach, an as -d member at hi home. Sunday July 4th. Come with full basket prepared to spend the day. r.CTeiis Begin at 1 1 o elect. . W. L. 8rDTra, W if. IIere IslReliefFor Women. ' II you hav nam In th fea:k. Urinary, feted der or Kidney trouble, aad waat a ear I pleasant herb rell: from Women tils, try Mother Cray's AUTRt.ia;-.SAr.' It is a safe, reliable regulator, and relieves all Female Weakness, toludine maamnauon aud Jaeratfcw. Htkr ry Awssrsttaaw anaar Is snM r.v Dr gtitw or sent by snail tar eve aatpi saut fkke. Address, is aiosarm vsx, b auy, w. i. Vh t What mi nctually save in five al.':. ptM we.- id ill interest u LEA RANGE SALE. Ladies9 Shirt Waists Prices Reduced. Why worry over material and design for making shirt waists and then spend your time working: over a machine or pay a big: price to the dressmaker? We will on Friday, Saturday, and Monday, June 25th, 26th and 28th offer special prices on all Ready-Made Shirt Waists. They are made in the latest style in net, lace and em broidery. We have a larg-e line of hig:h-priced Waists at about one-third off. 75c. Ladies ' Waists at 49c. Bflby Caps worth J 5c. at 8c. Baby Caps worth 25c. at 18c. We have caps worth up to $2.50 which will be reduced in the same proportion, nearly half cost. Will sell on the same date Children's Suits Worth S4.50 for $3.50 Suits WOrth $5 OO for $3 98 G. W. ELLIOTT'S, The Big Store, Rtvndleman, N. C. Experience and Experiment Experience is profitable, experiment costly. But they're both worth while and essential to the making of any good typewriter. You do.Vt liave to ex periment with the money you spend lor an L. C. SMITH & BROS. Type writer, for it has been tested and NOT "Found wanting", but wanted. E. O. HATCH, Agent, Ashboro. J. W. STEED, Steeds, N. Caro. High-Grade Photos Penny Pictures and Post Cards If you have a kodak let me make post cards of your pictures to send your friends. I make this and developing: kodak pictures a specialty. Films Developed 15c. Pictures 2 14x31-4. 3c each. C. H. ELLISON, Photographer Franklinville, N. C. GREAT M IDSVMMER Clearance Sale. For the nexi thirty days we will offer to the pub lic of this community some bargains that they should let pass. All Clothing at cost. A lot of good Hats at belo v cost. 1,000 yards of Calico at 5c All Oxfords and Slippers at cost. 5oO yards nice 10c. and 12 l-2c. Lawns to go at 7 l-2c. Bargains in Hamburgs and Laces. There are lots of other things in proportion that are too numerous to mention. Come and get the cream before it is picked over. THE STAR Meat Market. Has begun early morning delivery of beef to its customer- Persons giving or ders the evening before cr tivin a standing order for mornmg delivery will have f reah meat delivered from our large refrigerator De tw eed 5:30 and 6:80 o'clock. Give us your order. TH2 STAR MEAT MARKET, T. B. McFHEMSON, Proa. Yours to Serve Cedar Falls Mercantile Company Cedar Falls, N. C. )OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ Low Tare to Seattle $62 for round trip between Chicago and Seattle for the Alaska-Uukon-Pacific Exposition via the CHICAQO Chicago ir St. Paul RAILWAY Tickets on sale May 25 to September JO. Return limit October .it. Stop overs allowed. Descrip tive folder and complete ' information freeton Tequest ' F. A. MILLER XrCMral Paaeosrf Agat CHICAGO