TL..L4-f ..I D. . 1A ESPECIALLY, during the past two years, have 10 fl MIT I DUSIIlcSS Vl6ll used more care in making permanent and fixed in IIUlMJllMUn ltuoiiivoo ivovii comes for their dependant ones than ever before. Asa result more annuity Policies are being sold each day. THE ANNUITY POLICY PROVIDES AN INCOME I FOR OLD AGE. IT MAKES SURE AND PERMANENT AN INCOME FOR THE FAMILY, j It's the best form of insurancebest for the insured; best for the beneficiary. Write today 'for leaflet. I The Security Life and Annuity Co., of Greensboro. JOHN M. HAMMER, District manager, ASHEBORO, N. C. RAMSEUR ITEMS. Ket Men I'.lert Officers Personals and j Brief News Notts. I M8 Swanna Le Jiuan, of Greensboro, is j itini! in town. J B Covington, of the East Sloan Co., is 1 taking a few days vacation at the .home ol his parents. Miss Nina Campbell left last night to visit relatives at Clarkton. ilie was accompanied by , her littl'' niece. Hiss Mary Tate. A" number of our people went up to '.ireeiisboro Saturday M -li'lirati' the fourth some at tbe Battle (Iri.uini and soaie at Proximity. Mrs. J B Melton, of Macon, Cia.,i ;vi.d ing some time with her parent-, Air. and Mrs J W Allre.l Mr. John King, uf Why Not. is tjtu.tu.g a few days in town with relatives. -Mr W'illianj Dorset!, living near Ham seur, had the misfortune to lose his barn and nearly all the contents by lightning on last Saturday e ening. Over lt' i bnsnels oi w heat was lost. Mr U T Leonard, of Greensboro, w.,s a visitor in town Monday. On Friday niht the following Officers of liinehiha" Tribe No. '1 weie elected. ME Johnson Prophet; J C hitehead. Sachem; V C Marley, Sr. S.igainore; II 15 Moore, Jr. Sagamore; J T Whitehead. 1st Sanuap; T H Ellis, 1'nd Saunap: C B Smith, C of Kecords; J 1 Lambeth, K of Wigwam; J M McAlister, CI of W.; E H Marlev, 0 of F. A delightful banquet was held after these exercises were tiuished, and the eve ning was a most delightful one. This tribe i9 in a prosperous and flourishing condition. MT. OLIVET ITEMS. Death of Mrs. Ouen other Rcw in Brief. We are having fine rains and the luruiers are busy with their corn and sowin; pa. C W Teague went to Thomas. lie last week to see his son, Lonnie Teagee. His daughter, Mrs C M Tysor, aeeu.pauicd him. Mrs. Nancy CKen, widow of JkLu C Owen, died Sunday night, J ;ne 1'7, and was buries Monday, e was a good woman, atid we sympathize with the children in their bereavement They are J L Uweu, Mrs. Jas. King and Mrs'J S Ritter. L U Sugg and T M Tysor attended the Masonic picnic at Frankiiuviiie held there on June 2G and report a n.ce time. T B Tysor attended the Sunday School convention at Mt. Ziou on Sunday, June 27 There was a Masonic picnic or annual gathering of the Masons at Mr. T B Leach's last sundry. Miss Emma Maun visited her sister, Mrs. Laura Tjsor, last week. Cedar fails ews. (Juile a number of our jople attended tie celebration at M orthville Saturday. Mrs. J V Free has returned home after having spent several days with her mother, who has been quite sick at her home Worthville. We are clad to note she is is convalescing. The Children's Day service which was held at the M E church of this place Sun day night, was 'mite a success and rery much enjo.-ed bv all who attended. Dr A H'RedJi ng and family spent last Saturday in Asheboro with their daughter. Mrs Arthur Miller. B AllreJ's children, of Gihsocville, are visiting friends here. There will be an ice cream supper held on the lawn at .3 E Free's the third Satur day night, the proceeds of : which will go to the general improvement fund ot the M P Church. Everybody cordially invited, and we hoi e everybody who possibly can will attend, as we are sure you wd! enjoy it. Besides, tbe money will be used for good purposes. Edgar Items. Mrs Milner Angel will conduct a series of meetiugB at I edar (Square, beginning Friday night, July 11th. Mr and Airs J R Coltrane visited at the home of A W Davis last Sunday. Mrs Reuhama Stanton, widow of Georce Stanton, visited her niece, Mrs A W Davis. She is 83 years old. Several of our young people celebrated the fourth at High Point Saturday. Mistes Vadie and Lillie Spencer visit- d Misses Kot-eand Ocia -nyder Sunday. Raodlemau K K I) Ko. 2 items. Balfour Curtis, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is vis iting his parents, Mr and Mr D L Curtis, this week. Ted C Wood, of Asheboro, spent Sun day at home. Miss Flora York, who has been visiting friends in Charlotte, Lexington and High Point, is exp'cte 1 ho ne tiis week. Mr and Mrs W C Cox, cf Staley, and Gurney Pngh, of Franklinville, visited Mr Mrs J C Wood Sunday. The Best Regulator. "We promise to retura every cent paid ns for Rexall Orderlies if they tail to aatiafac torially relieve constipation. They are eatan like candy, are particularly good for delicate nersona and children, do not gripe or cmii aaaaea, and may be taken at any tint of dty or night without any ineonvmienos 'whatever. We want too ta try Rexall Or derlies at our risk because we are positive they will do as we claim. Two sizes, 10c and 25c. J. T. Underwood, The Rexall Store. Km4 ef Thaaka. I desire to thank tbe muij friends in Aabe boro for their kindness to ane dorins tbe re cent illness of my wife, who ia rapidly re- turning to h' ana agsia. .- , i - binoerely, f ' J , Elmer Rich. FRANKLIN VILLE NEWS. I!ev J E Woosify soent Sunday and Ouu lay uicht in town and delivered two of h' sennous i,. his pulpit at the il E ,UD!' V B Fields has sold his residence and truck farm on buffalo street to L M Curtis and has moved his family to Greensboro. Miss Minnie Tippett is visiting Mrs Jesse Dickeus at Portsmouth, Va., this week. John Freeman, of liulf, spent Saturday night with (.'has 1 Brady. Joe Buie attended service at Pleasant Eiiilge Sunday. iiossie Tippett and Master Hay, of White Oak are visiting his father, J M lappett. Burgess Leonard, of liamseur, has moved i'o the Marley residence on Ave ut.e, and has accepted a positio.i in the bail ing room of Haudolpli Manufacturing t'o. Mr and Mrs U X Leonard, of Greensboro, spent atrday night and Sunday with Mrs. Caroline Craven. llerl'ert Muucr. of Proximity, was in the city Saturday and Sunday. Caiviu Lis, ilGreeiisDoro, and his sister. Miss Mamie, of near Handleman, are visit ing in this community this week. M Hut Fentress, one of the Christian Ad vocate's employees, of Greensboro, spent Saturday night and Sunday in ttie city with relatives. Eddie Barker, of Greensboro, spent some time last week with Mrs. Lizzie Jobe, who has been quite ill for some time at the home of her sister, Miss Mary Jane Cox. W C Jones has purchased a fine horse and dray wagon, and expects to run a dray in connection with his grocery and dry goods store. Lev James Joidan, who has been seri ousfy ill for some time. appean to have im proved slightly in some respects, but his recovery is doubtful, Kullin Brookbauks and Miss I "la Jones were married at Ce lar Kails Sunday. Mr brookbauks is one of Mr Peak's section hands en the Southern Ilailroad, and Miss Jones is one of Mr W L Jones' pretty and accomplished daughters. They will proba l lv ma.-.c tbiir future home at StAesdale. (jtivuola Hen R L White threshed 500 bushels and Lu ther Spencer 4-0 bushels of wheat this week . Miss Lulu Davis is visiting her sister, MrGeo Hilliard, of Asheboro. The boys all spent Saturday in High Point celebrating the 4th. K L Scurlock and little son and daughter spent Saturday and Sunday in Greensboro. G E Davis, of Kandleman, spent Sunday in Glenola. I'ohn Biewer sreot Saturday in Greens- rcy and Joe White spent Saturday night and Sunday at Trinity Tilden flairelson is visiting friends at Spero. Cool Spring Items. t il viniKer, ot jtimooro, visited relatives here last Thursday and Friday. 1T F- Al"eA ' ?l Burnett ,'hapel, attended Quarterly Conference here last Saturday. Kev Matney was a welcome visitor at A B Walter's last Saturday night. J b Wilkerpon, of Climax, visited in the community list Sunday. Clyde Allred a tended the picnic at the White Oak last Saturday. Prayer meeting was hell at A B Walker's last Sur day night Mrs l.'ufus Neece, of Providence, visited her mother, Mrs Malinda Foust, last Sunday. Rev and Mrs James Webster visited at George Cagle's last Sunday. Providence Slews. Mrs Mary Warren, of Staley, and Mrs Racl el Prazier, of Asheboro, visited Mr and Mrs G P Barker the other week. Miss Leiia Harris, of Snow Camp, ho has been visiting Mrs Victoria Reynolds, returned home last Sunday. We are glad to hear that Miss Harris will fill the assistant, teacher's place in Providence Graded School again this winter. There was an ice cream supper at L I. CbrmnesB's last Saturday night. All report a fine time, O P Barker is havina a new barn built Messrs A J Chamnees and DO Ksuoyaie tee c rpenters. When finished the bain will be the largest and best arranged barn m ton part nt the country, it is eatimste 1 Mr Bsrker will thresh C50 bushels of wheat Dewej- Items. The Flag Spring Sunday School is pro gressing nicely. Mrs S G Spoon has been visiting her daughte , Mrs' B W Williams this week Mr ana Mrs o N Allen visited Mr Allen s father, Alvis Allen. Sunday. lbere will ne an ice cream supper at a U Spoon's July 1 7th SI us Lola rung, ol Kalpb, and Jobn Yow, of Seagrove, were married at the home of tbe bride last Friday. A Sarprlse Birthday Dinner. On July 4th Mrs Daisy Summer and Visa Erne Sumner, of lnnity HKU, gave a sur prise birthday dinner at the home of Riley Sumner in honor of his 39th birthday. At 12 o'clock a table 24 feet Ions was arranared in the yard, and it was loaded with nice things to est Altera prayer and tnank aervtoe, conducted by M U Vi U, a delightful dinner was served to 7a er eu people. Car of Thanks. I wish to express through the columns of The Courier my sincere tbsnlu so tbe aood neoole of Fraukllnvil e. and especially Mrs. II. O. Ittij and lira Peter Allred for tbe naiy klndnsts sbown ns during tbe rickners and death of my daughter, Mary Aun, and while 1 will never be anle to iwii i them in ft wnrld, may He b j oueibaii tmnss weu. aoniaauuy oisaa uietaia Asheboro fco. 3. The Sundsy Sch' ol at Hopewell is pro gressing nicely under the management of El wood Cox. Mrs Milner Angel preached an interesting seruiou at Hopewell Sunday to a large and attentive congregation. Mrs v ill Newsoiu visit d Mrs Winlisld Rush a part of lust ween. Master James I'awson is sick. There will hoaSundav School elebmtion at Hopewell Saturday before the 4 th Sun lay in July. John Rush an 1 Miss Roella Lowderinilk y sited Misses Mary and iillie Branson last Sundav evening Hie ice cream s ipiier at WinBeld Hugh's Saturday uiglit given in honor of Misses Milner Angel and b'oella Lowdermilk, was very much enjoyed by itll present. Mrs ninlteM Hash aii'l Miss Koella Low iermilk visit d their mother. Mrs N J Luw- dermilk, near De.vev Tuesday. Mirhlield News. Several of our retina people attended '' ice cream .ini'ier at liilmaii 1 resneu s ilny nicl.t. Miss Mvrtle Kins spent Saturday night with her cousin, Miss Ethel King. Mr and Mrs J 11 Mcl.eod and clnl i'en pnt Saturday night with M J Presneil. Aster King uitt'le a buiness trip to Siai Saturday. Mrs Martitia uncannon, of Trinity li F D, who has been visi iug relatives in t.ii coin.nui ity Ii.m retumt-d home. Jao King an I s n, Cars went to Raniseiu Saturday. M J Presneil, merchant, has just rect ived a nice lot of dress goods. Girls, treat your self to a new dress. Misses Gertha and Allie Bean visited their sister, Mrs Suuuel Itrnves, Saturday night. Wliy Not News. Mrs J D Lilly and children, of Dentjn, who have lieeii Visiting her parents, have relumed home. Mrs J H Spencer is visiting hei son, J L Spencer, at Aberdeen. Mrs J A Monroe and children spent a part of lst week with relatives at Elise. Messrs J Q Seawell, of Carthage, and J F Morgan, of Lion College, spent a feu days here recently. Mis Catherine Munroe, of Elsie, is spend ing a few days with her son, J A Mouroo. The Sunday School convention will be held here the 3rd Sunday in July. Miss Myrde Lawrence is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs R K Auman, of Steeds. Mrs. D Auman, of Asheboro, spent Sat urday night at M A Eagle's on her way to Browers Mill. Georgtj Yow is right sick. New Hope News. New Hope is on a boom. The new tele phone line from Farmer is nearing comple tion J M Varner, who has been on the sick list for s ime time, does not improve. Jesse Lyndon will accept a position with V J eab.It in tbe near future Benard Varner, who has been spending the past six months at A C Lyndon's visited borne folks Sunday evening Sam Cranfurd who is engaged in the saw mill business at Carthage, was in this com munity Sunday. Also Priscdla Bill, of Farmer, visited friends here Sunday evening. Frank Shaw's baby has been very sick for a few days. MU Uilead Items Mrs Stauback, of Tennessee, is visiting relative" here. Miss Elizabeth Stauback, who baa been visiting in Mississippi and Tennessee, baa returned home. Dr Oscar Haywood, of Xew York City( is at his mother's home, near Mt Gilead. Most of the young people attended Chil dren's Dar st '-ion Church Sunday. A S McRae and family have returned from Jackson Springs where they have been for two weeks. Mrs R L Luther and Miss Luna Cox of Bigh Point, are visiting at J A Scarboro's Wanted Br th Commissioners sfBas dolpa County Bids for taking up and rebuilding the c Uapsed iron oridge, formerly acros Uwharrie River at Kearce's mills, near L C Pamah a. Tbe county to supply all mate rial for properly replacing said bridm. Bids to be considered on the afternoon ot the first Monday in August by the Commis sioners at the meeting of the Board on said date The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any sad all bids. J W UOX, Chm'n. Gko. T Muboock. Clerk. This July 5, 1909. jy 8-3t Wanted By tka Casamlssloaersaf Bask dlfk Caantr. Bids far !be erection of an open wooden fcridg across Little River at Mrs M eriah Loo u' ford, as per plana and spsoifioatii at . a file in the ofbee of the Register of Dda Tbe piers for the above bridge are already erected. Bids to be considered on the af ternoon of the first Monday in August. 1909, by the Commiaaionera at the meeting of tbe Board on said date. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any snj all bids. J VT COX, Chm'n. O T Mt'iDocK, Clerk. This July 6, 1909. jy 8-3t notice. A general meeting of Friends (Cone ive) M to b held at New Hope me serva- tive; is to b held at Mew Hope meeting bouse, near Edgar, Randolph ooonty, begin ning on tbe 24tb instant, at II o'clock a m ICmstere and other Friends from a distance are expected to be in attendance. , The Notice. Flaving qualified as administrators on the estate of J S Cox, deceaxed. before W 0 Hammond Clerk Superior Court of Han ded ph county, all persons having claims agatnsi said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned duly verilied, on or liefore tbe "nh day of July, 1!tll), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons owing siid estate will cmie forward and .make immediate settle mt nt. This 5th day of July, 1901). H. C. Cnx, B J. StoIT, Administrators. tthf( limit. Mrs L ilum Slack, who ban U'eu sick for some tune is nnpr ving I he singing at J J Welsh s Sunday eve ning was enjoyed by all nresent Several d "iir young people attended the ice cream supier at l.'da i rogdoii Saiur day night. Tho baseball game played on the local liainond here Suturdny evening letween Pisgah and I'lali teams resulted in a score of I to J in favor of Pisgah Master t!uy Slack is improving from an attack of scarlet fever. LAM) .s.l K Hy virtue nf ar. order of the urerlor uf It itulolph eoiiriiy in the sieeial pi(H-iiJiu." en titled Hus'e Keptejr vs Ke-iaSpiukset at. I will cii at roe court nou-v i.iurln liehnn. N. i: at la wVhx S M. forcush mi tlu-atli y ot Aumist ot. the fuljouiei; r.-al esta e i" A tract of Ijli'l ill Saul i .il.ntv u.n.iinii.i! Hi.. lundsoi K.ley Neeilliaui auu A. 're i .vl..c I KlmiiiiR nt n htekorv. t'ie ortsinnl corner. nii1 niiiij .Norm is 1.; , i,a.n u.ol li 1 i' .ajs, io a :e. thence Vet ' . i i Make, t'l'-nce soutli U l-i'diaini and is l i links io a state in tlley Ne-'thuni - line, t o Ik.iiikI.vI l,v ins line to the Oeguiniof, conlaiiiinK 3i 1-S "acres more or less, Tnis 5thjijy of July. um. J. A. oeiiv-'e, i'ouimissioiier. ocooooo F R I E N D xxxxxracc STOP, THINK OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? We have just figured it out for you What a little systematic saving will do You will never notice in the tnd. The following shows what you used to spend, Vh t you actually tave in Ave eursat ii5c. pel we-:k 66.00 What we add in interest IS HO Total to your credit in five years H0.90 What you actually save in five years at sue - per week 1 30.C0 What we add in Interns! itt.W Totul to your credit in fl-eyean What you actually save in five years at $I.W per week What we add iu interest Total to your credit in five years The Bank of Ranseur Ramseur, N. C. OOOOOOOOCOOCX)OOCOOCCO THE STAR Meat Market. Has begrun early morning delivery of beef to its cus tomers. Persons giving or ders the evening before or giving a standing order for morning delivery will have fresh meat delivered from our large refrigerator De tweed 5:30 and 6:30 o'clock. Give us your order. THE STAR MEAT MARKET, - t. b. Mcpherson. Prop. High-Grade Photos Penny Pictures and Post Cards If you have a kodak let mc make post cards of your pictures to send your friends. I make this and developing kodak pictures a specialty. Films Developed 15c. Pictures 2 I 4x3M. 3c each, C H. ELLISON, Photographer FranklioTlile, N. C. ; 8 lOl.Si Q 8 tx.w S 324.M 8 Get one of our . Savings Books Q and start an account AT ONCE. 8 oooco Ladies' Shirt Waists Prices Reduced. Why worry over material and c!csig:n for makino; shirt waists and then spend your time working over a machine or pay a big: price to the dressmaker? We will on Friday. Saturday, and Monday, June 25th, 26th and 28th offer special prices on alt Ready-Made Shirt Waists. They are made in the latest style in net, lace and em broidery. We have a Iztgc line of high-priced Waists at about one third off. 75c. Ladies Waists at 49c. Baby Caps worth 15c. at 8c. Baby Caps worth 25c. at 18c. We have caps worth op to $2.50 which will be reduced in the same proportion, nearly half cost. Will sell on the same date Children's Suits Worth $4.50 for $3.50 Suits WOrth $5.O0for $3 98 G. W. ELLIOTT'S. The Big Store, Revndleman, N. C. WATCH ITHIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. lisVaAatVsalBtsffcaBtealsksst' sWflsTlrtrtftsftrtftsTesftsftftsTlsllsTlsTls aiaaasli sslsmitalsmsmM s CLEARANCE SALE. I will offer mv entire stock of Dry Goods and Lsdies' Dress Goods at cost. Tbese goods are fresh and new, selected atad good values even at regular retail figures. Entire Balance of Spring and Summer Goods to Go Into This Sale. Terms will be strictly cash on all marked-down articles. No an oh chance to save money has been offered you before. Come and be convinced. J. W. STEED, Steeds, N. Caro. DR.. A. C. JONES. VstMfnary Surfaon .b4 Dentist. BeU 141 Merth Sta.ta 14L 129 Fravnklln Si, High Point. N. C Littleton FemaleCollee One of the most aooeessfiil and best equipped boarding schools ia die 8ooth with lot water heat, elecArio lights and Other modern improvetneata, 28th annual aeasioa will begin September 15, 1009. : For analogue addreea J. M. RHODES, President, Littleton, N. C. yest Novelties We are now showing the latest fads in Ladies' Collars, Jabots, laundered and soft Dutch Collars and pretty lace patterns. Full assortment of Fuelling, Windsor Ties, belts and Belt ing. 3 . You will be interested in seeing our attaactive line of Dress Goods.' Select line of popular patterns in Percales, Ginghams, Lawns, Linens, &c We have the smartest in Shoes. Clothing and Hats, for Men and Boys. W. J. MILLER, Asheboro, N. C pnblio ia wvited. oe una neyoua. Mrs. jsae eiuetu

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