CDDI VS. PEARY. Utiat The wpprr Paragrapher, Think of The Controversy. on cord Tribune. Both Cook and Peary will partake o f the banquet first and submit proofs af terwrirds. The wisest way Indiauapolis Star. The Koosevelt with a speed of only five or six knots an hour, is Dot liv ing up to the family reputation Richmond Times-Dispatch. Monrovia, Cal., has passed an official resolution that Cook discover ed the pole. The incident is now closed. New York American. Dr. Cook continues to survey the jackpot with the uuaasuuiiug confi dence of a mau who holds four aces before the draw. Chicago Eveuiug 1'ost. Probably it is better for the census returns next year th;tt the Cook and Peary paints did not meet in the frcxeu nor'h. Indianapolis btar. It remains to lie learned laso whether the public libraries will put new jolar books in the fiction de partment. New York Mail. The hammers that uailnl the (lag to the pole are still working over time. Atlanta Constitution. There may be lecture money ahead for Eiukishook and Ahwelsn also. Richmond Timts-Diepatch. There is not much left for us to discover now except tariff revision. l'aUimnre Sun. Never before was there such a hot argument about so cold a subject. Wail Street Journal. It will be best to have the south pole discover' A by one mm at a time, Indianapolis Star. Christiana, Sept. 8 At a late hour tonight Walter Wellman con ceded every thing. New York Even ing Mai). In other words, Peary does not ad mit his goose had been Cooked. Knoxville Sentinel. A revibiou of the map of the world upwards seems to be required. Omaha World-Herald. Hattle Harbor is appropriately Earned as port for arctic explorers. New York Tribune. Ilijjlit Hints h'ur The Housekeeper Turpentine is the best preventative for moths. Saturate a piece of Lrowu paper with same and place in box. An oil stove can be kept n;ce aud clean by wiping each time after using, and once a week washing with turpentine. Ditnp salt will remove tea stains from crockery. To render stained water-bottles beautifully clean and bright put in salt and pour on vinegar; stand a few hours, then shake. Rinse in clear water. To boil eggs without the risk of cracking thtrin, hold them in a spoonful of boilmg water before im. mersing them. Equal parts of turpentine, linseed oil and vinegar make a splendid polish for furniture. To turn out a cake from a tin without breaking, wrap it round with a damp cloth for a few min utes. To turn out a pudding boiled in a basin, hold it for a few moments in cold water; this will prevent its sticking to the clotb. The Designer. Word to Frme The Bool. "Your sod has consumptiM). Ilia case is hopeless " Thee appalling words were spoken to Geo. E. Blevens, a leading mer chant of Springfield, N. C, by two expert doctors one a lung specialist. Then was shown the wonderful power of Dr King's New Discovery. "After three weekB uBe," writes Mr. Blevens, "he was well as ever. I would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy." Infallible for Coughs and Colds, its the safest, sorest cure of deaperate l.uog diseaeea on earth. 50c and f 1 00 (iuarantte satisfaction. Trial bottle free All Druggists. Now i a good time to sow rye. Bye is good for poultry, good for cattle, good for hoiees. It can be cut several times and is the earliest spring grown feed that can easily be grown. The sooner you sow it the better. Swept Over Niagara This terrible calamity often happens be caaae a careless boatman ignores the river's warnings-growing npples and faster cur rent. Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or acho in the back warns vou the Kidneys need attention if you would escape fatal maladiea Dropsy, Uiabeiesor Bright a disease. Take Electric Uittera at once and aee Backache fly and ail your boat feelings return. "After long anffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly enred me," writes J K. Blanken- atiip, of Belk, Tenn. Only Sue at All Drug gist. The Graham Hosiery Mills Com pant has been incorporated at Gra nam with a capital stock of $25,000, W. t. Blackmore, A. M. Had ley and Chas. (J. Toompson incorpora tors. Rings Little Liver Pills are very easy to . take, are gentle in action and produce a very pleasant effeot. Whenever too need talve. ut Fuiecalve ( arbohzed Tber ia nothing lxttr for cuts, barns, boils or . bruise. Bold by Simpson Drug Co. . Children Cry Coca-Cola and lr. Broughton. Turn Watton'i Jcfferconian Weekly, On Page 1G of The Golden Age, a well known religious paper, will be found an advertisement of certain Christian literature. The ad. covers one-half the page and begins: DK. BROUGHTON'S BOOKS A full length picture of the Doctor is prominent in the advertisement. The Doctor is represented holding an open book in his band, presum ably, the Book. The literature offered for sale in cludes: "Religion aud Health", "Up from Sin", and "Table Talks of Jesus". By reference to page 4 of the same issue (September 1, 1909), one dis covers that Dr. Brougbtou is "Pul pit Editor of I be Golden Age. Parallel to the advei Lieliieut of the Doctor's books on religion, one finds a large ad. of Coca-Cola. The pic ture of the Doctor stands side by side with the Coca-Cola ad. And the veiy first editorial in that issue of The Golden Age, is a glow ing endorsement of Coca-Co'a! Religious literature aud a perni. cious beverage standing together in the advertising columns; religious writing and the pernicious tipple joined together in the editorials. In the official report of the United States "Homes Commission", Coca Cola is branded as one of the soft drinks which are iLtlicting immense injury upon our people especially the yonug. Any disinteresied and competent physician will tell you how that all-ring drink "fixes a habit" upon its victims, enchaius them more irresist ibly month after month, and leads them on to the terriole day when the stomach, brain and nervous svstem give way. Cigarettes and Coca-Cola, twin imps of Satan, the ruin of as many boys as the barroom ever destroed." Have you lived in Atlanta all these years, Doctor Broughton, without "knowing of the ravages of Coca Co'a? The Methodists of Georgia are embarrsed by the fact that the Coca-Cola millionaire is the brother of their Bishop. Besides, Mr. Asa Caudler gives lavishly to the Church. But it seems that the Baptist Church is to be embane3sed, also. Earnest Willie Upshaw, the temper ance lecturei! is committing him self, his religious paper, a-nd his col league, Dr. Broughton, to a danger ous beverage which the Government officially condemns, which all im partial doctors know to be as bad as whiskey and worse than beer and wine. Crimson Clover M. E. Street, a Moore county farmer, writing to the Carthage Blade about crimson clover says, in part: Our rule is to begin sowing in Sept. and sow at intervals to Oct. 10th. Last year our last sowing was ten times better than the lirat Bow ing. We have increased the yield of cotton from 400 lbs seed cotton per acre to i.duu lbs, witn a crop of crimson clover. The clover was mowed May 1st and the cotton was planted May 5th. We have trebled the yield of wheat with one crop, and doub ed the yield of corn with a single crop of crimson clover. As a n.troea gatherer, it is second !o none. In our experience not even cow peas with all their luxuriant growth exceeding it. We always sow a bushel aud a half of appler or red oats with it. and our rule is 12 lbs of clover to the acre, making a ousbel sow 5 acres. It thrives on all suils but does best for as on sand oam. The quality of the hay i excellent and when feeding on it we cut down the grain ration one halt. The dates Sepember to tOct. 10, in Mr. Street's letter, ar-f no doubt cor rect for the climate and soil of this immediate section, where the soil is sandy, ard toe climate is perceptibly different from the clay lands only a short distance away, bat we believe the date could be extended well into. and perhaps to .he last of October in Uandolpb and the clay sectnna of other counties in this part of the State. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1 A A Woman Congreiaman. An attempt is being made in Col orado next year to elect a woman to Congress. There is nothing in the Conetitntion so far aa we can aee to prevent a woman's becoming a mem ber of Congress, and there are some of them who would more fitly repre sent their constituents in Congress than some men do. The Beat Plastar. A piece of flannel dampened with Cham- i berlain s Liniment and bound on to the at ' fee ted parts ia rnperior to anv ulaaior nam irouoiea wita lame hack or pains in the side or cheat give it a trial ana you are certain to oe more man pleased with toe prompt relief which it affords. This liui- ment a so relieves rheumatic, pains and ia eeitaiu to pl-aes anyone suffering from that aisefeae. . eoia py Ail iruggi ' Woasa as Wan ss Ecb irt Bads I&rsMi bj Kidney and Blatfdsr Troabla. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens am bit ion; beauty, vigor ana cneertui nesa soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinatestoooften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made raiser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. Yon may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all a DOll l Sffnmp-KOOt, Horn, of Kounp-Rool including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers who found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., he sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottie. FRANK H. FLEER, Therj? Chewing fJum Magnate, Visits Tunniasville Recently Mold His Chiclet Factory. Frank II. Fleer, wife and two daughters, have been at Thomasville for some time at Cedar Lodge, Mr. Fier's 6hoo ing preserve. They came in automobiles, a Royal Tourist and a St arues being used. Cedar Lodge was formerly the home of the late Joht W. Thomas, founder of Thomasville, and the house now used by Mr. Fleer was built by Mr. Thomas aud Mr. Fleer has been .careful in making additions to always preserve the antique appearance of the old Thomas homestead. Mr. Fleer has bought np a 'arge tract if land adjoining his preserve and is now trying his hand at farming. He claims to be an agriculturist in stead of a fanner. He explains the difference: ''A farmer makes his money in the country and spends it i i town: an agriculturist makes his money in the city and spends it in tue country. Mr. Fleer, the "chiclet" man" re cently sold, it is said, his chewing gum factory for $2,600,000, and still retained in the factory a larger inter, eit than the entire plant cost him. To Coasamptlvei. Edward A. Wilson's. Preparation of Hypo phosphites and Blodgett from the original formula is the Sovereign Remedy for Ubn sumption, Ami ma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe, Coughs, Colds, and all Lung and Throat Maladies. Thoasands of people say they have been relieved by it I hose who have used it will have no other and recommend it to their fellow sufferers. It has cured many after they were given up as incurable by their physicians. 1 his r imedy baa len in use for over 48 years, and your druggist can procure it with fu 1 directions and advice from the leading Wholesale Druggists, or from me direct. For full particulars, testimonials, etc., address C. A. Abbott, Sols Agent, 60 Ann Street, New York, N. Y. f&Vention. this Paper. Mrs. . . Moffitt, State, Regent of the Daughters of the Revolution, w a in Charlotte recently as a guest at the meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution. In an account of the meeting the Ob server says : "Happy were the words of greeting of Mrs. Mount who said thtt she represented another organ ization of revolutionary descendants similar to the one in se-sion, yet there is work enough for all to do. The Daughters of the Revolution in North Carolina send greetings to the Daughters of the American Rev olution. We are all engaged in a great, patriotic work. Our narticu- Ur work is tue publication of the North Carolina Booklet. We have four chapters of the Daugh ters of the Revolution with sixty members. We do u t desire ia any way to conflict with the D. A. R., bat are endeavoring to organize other chapters. One of the highest and most important organizations in the perpetnation of peace among the nations. Haw to Car aCald. Be aa careful ss yon can. vou will occa sionally take cold, and when you do, get medicine of known reliability, one that bs aa established reputation and that is certain to effect a quick ours Such a medicine is Chamberlain 'a Cough Remedy. It has gained a world wide reputation by its re markable cures of this most common ail ment. and can alwava be deneaded nnon. It acta on nature's plan, relieve the lunga. aids expectoration, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a neaitoy condition, for sal by Alt. UrSg gists. - Miss Lncy May field Cole, of Con cord, will be married to Thomas J. Gattir, the pnpnlar traveling passen ger agent of the Seaboard Air Line railway, at Goldsboro Octob r 19th- CHRITTIAX REID'S ALABAMA. September 29th was the centenary of the Confederate Admiral Smmes, one of the great naval fighters of history. Below we give Mrs. Tiernan's Alabama, the Admiral's vessel. Mrs. Tiernan's maiden name was Frances Fisher, a sister of Col. Chas. Fisher. She lives in Salisbury, N. U. Far sway in foreign waters There was vengeance in the name, And terror to the trader, In the Alabama's fame! Far beneath the southern hea ens, An !eneath the northern stars, Did s-lie bear unblenched the honor Of i lie banner of the bars! Where the bright sea of the tropics Liy a sheen of burning gold, Where the icebergs of the Arctici Gleamed amid the frigid cold. Where the coral islands clustered In the purple Indian calm, Wlire the Mexico mountains bore aloft Tlieir coronals of palm. Where the Africa headlands towered O'er the ocean's broad expanse, Where the laughing southern waters kissed The sunny shores of France; Where'er a Yankee vessel Spread her canvas to the breeze, Hie did well to watch the comming Of the ranger of the seas. he ilid well to read the warning (if the wrecks upon her path, i M the burning ghv tlia. lit the xky In sudden sign of wrath; She did well to re -f icr outspread sails, And yield the hopele-i fight, When the 8taunehet rov t of the seas Came bearing into sight. Ah, long Khali dwell in tale and song 1 be Alabama s lame! And men shall speak with glowing breath Her proud and spotless name! Long shall the story still be told Of how she swept the seas. And flung the starlight of our 11 ig To every oceau breeze! And honored long the lion-heart That o'er her held command. Ml honor to the dauntless breast, That ever fearless hand! Thrice honored, Mo, the sword that rests A thousand fathoms deep, Where surges foam and waters dash And winds above it sweep. Like a hero clad in armour, True to the very last. fhe Alabama died no death That could disgrace her past. The free child of the waters, She sank beneath the wave, And, with her flag s'ill flying, found An unpolluted grave. Christian Reib. A Scheme to Lengthen Lite. Professor Metchnikoff, of the Paris Pasteur Institute, in ex peri men. s which he has been conducting for several years, has devloped the the ory that death h a disease, doe to the formation of putrefactive bacteria. These bacteria, which produce dead ly poisons, from n the large intes tines and their eflect is to poison the blood, causing the hardening of the blood vessel walls. It is a well known medical fact that hardening of the walls of the blood vessels, the tightening of the arteries, and other phenomena of old age, often occur in very young per sons as a result of certain diaiaies. Young persons afflicted with prolong ed poisoning with such a metal as lead frequently take on the appear ance of old age. By analogy, Prof. i Metchnikoff con cludes that the constant absorption of some similar poison is responsible for the early appearance of old age in men. The eminent scientists con nected with the Pasteur Institute and otrer famous European special ids, accenting this thexry, have set to work to discover the means ol nd uing the 'intestines of pa tref active bacteria. pOR economy in the table expenses increase the amount of Quaker Oats; eat it at least twice a day. It does more than other foods and costs only a frac tion as much. In the death of Noah Jarrell at High Point, last week, an account of which was published ia the Cou rier, one is leminded of the past. Mr. Jarrell was one of the founders of High Point. Hf and his brother, the late M. Jarrell, were leading spirits in the early days of High Point's progress. No man did so much for High Point as did the late ManUlT Jarrell. The example he set on all occasions were not the best, bnt he was always doing some thing for bis town. His one steady fixed purpose was to help build np High Point, Cook says he did it Peary says he did it, bat (he chances are neither one did it unless he took Hollisier'a Rooky Mountain Tea. .It is th most searching and finding remedy there ia bo doubt after taking as sure aa you take it yon get roenlt. Po it tonight. Ashhoro Druf Co. Rheumatism Do you want to get rid of it ? If so, take Dr. Miles Nervine modified as di rected in pamphlet around bottle. In addition to tlie direct curative properties it has a soothing effect up on the nervous system by which the rheumatic pains are controlled, and rest and sleep assured. It has made many cures of this painful disease, some of them after years of suffering. If it will cure others why not you. If your case is compli cated, write us for advice, it costs you nothing and may save you prolonged suffering. "I was so crippled that I could scarcely walk. After hnvliiR my shoes on for an hour or two I cmild manage to walk by siifTeriiiR the pain. Then I besan to have pnlns all through my system. My doctor tolil me I had an unite attu.-k of inflammatory rheumiillsm. I read about Or. Miles' Nervine, bought n bottle and I com menced to get better from the start and for the pust six months have scarcely any pain, and am able to walk as well as ever." J AS. II. SANDERS. P. O. Box 6, Kockaway. N. J. Your druggist sells r. Miles' Nerv Ins, and we authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) if It fall to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Send your orders for JOB PRINTING to The Courier. Good work right prices. NOW is the time PLANTERS have a special price on FARMERS' PRIDE Corn Planters, with fertilizer attachment of 10.00 each, if you are needing one, call to see ns before they are gone. McCrary - Redding Hardware Company POSITION CONTRACT given, backed by S300.000.00 capital and 1 8 years' SUCCESS DRAUCHON'S 'XSl'gi COLLEGES 23 Colleges in 1 8 States. Indorsed by business men. No vacation! I FARM RY M Alt Bnnkki-rivAz, S o rt. Iioin plet'ng course. Fer-'CaiaKvuc H.Moo Boess LtHilfl Ol ill MIL hand. IViwmi d ill p, I Study cr "Catalogue P " on attending- Collect, i. .i" letter Writing. Er.iin. Ur.iwmu, thus. I phooa, call on, or addreaa J no. P. Dkaugho nttioK. etc fuiutv ham it uui aat:aucd aJUsr rrcnidcnt Draughcm's factual Butines College Raleigb, Columbia, Knoxville, Jacksonville or Nashville. We teacb Telegraphy at Washington. D. C, and Atlanta, Qa. The Bank Account Is the first etep toward success. Protects your family in emergencies. Educates your children. Makes you independent. Gives you better standing in the community. Is a valuable aid in any enterprise undertaken anywhere by anybody under any condi tions. If You tlave No Dank Account With Us Start One Immediately. 4 per cent, interest paid on Savings accounts. Interest period starts October 1st. CAPITAL . . $600.000 00 Surplus and Profits 200.000.00 Wachovia Loan & Trust Co. High Point, N. G. Low Tares to Seattle $562 for round trip between Chicago and Seattle for the Alaska-Uukon-Pacific Exposition via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY ;gccooooccsoooccaoooaoooooo( WANTED 6 yonng men and 4 young ladies ts pre pare for fall positions bow open Position secured or money paid for tuition re funded For information write Peele's School pf Com merce, Oreemboro, N. C. Entrance Examination Jan. 2d, Th 9 is our t3?alar ssmi annva.1 competitive exam inati i and fa open to any person- who wisheo to take it. No charge is made to applicants. Peele Standard School of Commerce and English, Greensboro. N. G. Having quallHed af adralnlatratrlz on the es tate of William Willlamii, deceased, 1 hereby notify all nemnnii having claims against said ea late to present them to the undeniirned, duly verified, on or before the 3rrt day of Pent. 1810 or this uotice will be pleaded in bar of their re" cover?; und all penona owl nit said estate will come forward and make immediate, settlement. Thi 'J3rd day of -ept loot. Mareuret Williams, Admx., William Williams, dee'd. Hammer & Kelly Attys. for purchasing CORN and CULTIVATORS. We SECURED or Money Bach )O0OOO0OO0O0O00OOO00O00O000 Tickets on sale May 25 to September JO. Return limit October iU Stop overs allowed. Descrip tive folder and complete information free on request F. A. MILLER General PaMenger Agent CHICAGO

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