The Doctor's ITirst Question" "How are your bowels?" This is generally the first T tion the doctor asks. He knows what a sluggish lS means. He knows what a long list of distressing co plaints result from constipation. He knows thai head'S? bilious attacks, indigestion, impure blood, and gJS debility are often promptly relieved by a goo 1 ir 3? We wish you would talk with your own doctor this subject. Ask him at the same iin if ' . Ul The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Site of Exposition Beautiful Grounds Cactus Dahlia, the Official Flower Monument With $7,000 of Alaska Gold Mine Buildings Alaska's Fine Exhibits 'Pay Streak." v i ivi; -M: of Avers Pills. Do as he savs. 77-v- . - - - k !nls Courier Representatives, Travelogue Members The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Ex oosition was not a commemora tive fair as was the Centennial Exposition in 1876, the mother of expositions, which commemo rated the Declaration ot Inde pendence of America ; the Chi cago World's Fair, the discovery by Columbus ; the St. Louis Ex position, the purchase of Louis iana territory in 1803 ; the Lewis and Clark Exposition at Port land, Oregon, that of our first great exploration across the con tinent; and the Jamestown Ex position, the first permanent English settlement at James town, Va.. in 1607. While the Seattle fair was not based upon historical events, it was just as educative and valuable as if it were founded upon some fact in our nation's history, venerable and hoary with age. Its purpose was to deal with the future rather than the past ; to exploit the re sources of the Pacific coast states, Alaska, the Yukon territory, and all of the countries bordering on the Pacific ocean. Every country washed by the waters of the Pacific were partners in the A. Y. P. Exposition, and an active interest was taken by each coun try in iproviding exhibits. One particular object was to correct the common idea that Alaska and the Yukon territory was the land only of snow and ice, some gold, Indians and a few mission aries. Site of Kipoitlon--Butlfal Ground. The location of the Exposition was ideal. It is only twenty minutes ride from the business center of Seattle. The grounds cover 250 acres of the unused campus of the Washington Uni versity. Wt. Ranier is to the south of the grounds: to the northeast are the Selkirk moun tains, and to the west the snow crested peaks of the Olympic, while in the foreground are Lakes Union and Washington. Great care has been taken by the landscape gardeners to protect the large trees in the forests as far as possible. One of the most distinctive features of the Expo sition is the magnificent floral display which surpasses any I have seen anywhere. On the graceful slope of the grounds millions of flowers were bloom ing, and such fine flowers could grow nowhere except in this wonderfully fertile northwest 230,000 rose bushes were put out, to say nothing of the beautiful California poppies, Shasta daisies (which are the same as our field ADVICE TO WOMEN. A Message trom a Famous Beauty Spe cialist to Women Lacking in Energy and Vitality. Thousands of women vainly at tempt to improve their complexions ana to remove black neaas. crows feet ani ether blemishes, through use of cosmeticts. This treatment fails because the trouble lies far deeper than the skin. They are suffering from impure and impover- isnea blood. This condition is in ' many cases due to a catarrhal con dition of the whole system which finds its expression in sallow, mud dy complexion, darkcircled eyes general weakness of the system, and perhaps most plainly in the weep ing of mucous membranes that is -commouly called catarrh. In fact this whole tendency is, properly speaking, Catarrh. Ban ish this catarrh, and the complex ion will clear as if by magic, eyes will brighten, faces become rosy and shoulders erect. Perfect beauty Notional Editorial Association in Front of Administration Building. daisies, except about five times as large), hundreds of begonias. carnations, geraniums, and in fact every flower I could think of. They were all there in great profusion. The I'actnu-Dahlta, Hit Offiulnl Flower. Before going to the fair I often read of the Cactus-Dahlia, the official flowerof the A. Y. P. Ex position, and was anxious to see it. When l did see it 1 was not surorised that it had hppn ndnnr- ei the best description I can give ot it, is that it is a cross be tween a dahlia and a chrysan themum, comes in every imagin able color and is beautiful be vond descrint.ion. ri'zp rnncrpa anywhere from ah ordinary nanna to largest chrysanthemum. It is everywhere in evidence. I was reminded ot the quotation, "Water, water everywhere. And uot a drop to drink," for it was against rules and reg ulations to pull flowers, so one could well say, Flowera, Bowers everywhere And not oue (or you. The Kxpoattton' Monument Malu Buildings. The Exrtositinn Monument-, is in a plaza in tront of the U. B. Government Building. It is 80 feet high and it is covered with gold from Alaska and the Yukon About $7,000 worth of gold was used on it- At the base of it are four figures emblamatic of the northland, the Southern Pacific countries, the Pacific coast and the Southern seas. The main buildings of the Ex position are grouped around this plaza. They include the Agri culture, Manufacture, State Fish eries, Mines, Machinery, Fine Arts, Transportation, Foreign, Auditorium, Forestry, U. S. Government, Canada, Japan, Alaska, Hawaii, Philippines and Government Fisheries. Eight buildings are of permanent con struction and were turned over to the University of Washington when the fair closed in October. This is the first time that perma nent buildings have been erected for an exposition. Six hundred and five thousand dollars were spent in buildings that were ad ded to those owned by the Uni versity. Several states of the Union had buildings as well as several of the counties of the State of Washington, in which were exhibits illustrative of re sources and industries. Hnlldlng. . The Forestry building is the real gem of the exposition. It is goes only with perfect health, and perfect health for women can only be obtained through one certain treatment that which will cure catarrh. Mme. Swift, New York, the fam ous beauty specialist known throughout the world and an accept ed aut hority on all relating thereto, states that the one positive and per manent relief for catarrh is Eexall Mucu-Tone. Here is her letter: "I can Btrongly endorse the claims made for Rexall Mncu-Tone as a cure for systemic catarrh. Its tonic effects are remarkable. It builds up the strength and restores vitalitv. If women who r tirori and run down, lacking in energy uau viuiuy, win use Kexall Mucu Tone, they will praise as I do its strengtheninar and healinz anali ties." Eexall Mucu-Tone works through the blood, actinsr thus nnnn mucous cells the congestion and lnnammation ot which causes local catarrh: This remedy causes poi built of huge logs in their rough state and finished with immense log columns- It remains as a forestry building for the Wash ington University and will be used as a museum of natural history and a sort of fraternity house for Alaskan students, the cron of whom is getting larger year by year- Ala.ka Building. Perhaps the most interesting of all the buildings at the expo sition was the Alaskan building in which were housed exhibits characteristic of the country, about which so little heretofore has been known, especially by Eastern and Southern people. Beautiful pictures of the towns of Alaska formed part of the decorations for the side walls, while the center of the building was full of every imaginable exhibit- The Treadwell mine, of Douglas Island, Alaska, had a most valuable exhibit, which per haps aggregated a value of half a million dollars. There were several gold bricks worth $32, 000 each and nuggets from the size of a pea up to a large size. (Am afraid to tell, for I would be accused cf having caught the western contagion ) The Copper River Railroad had a booth, in which a plan of the country through which their road was built, was reproduced in plaster mould. Magnificent display of In dian basketry, as well as agricul ture and other displays. School children of Alaska were well rep resented by all kinds of work. A miniature salmon cannery was in operation in order that this in dustry might be fully understood. Men and women who were in charge of the Alaskan building took great interest in telling vis itors of Alaskan wonders. The Hawaiian. Oriental and Japanese buildings were unique and interesting, full of exhibits from each country. Curios were on sale and at a price in keeping with usual prices at fairs. In the Hawaiian building pineapple from Hawaii was served, and by the way, it had a most deli cious flavor. Tea houses and lunch rooms were very much in evidence as well as the usual ex position "spielers" who sold pos tal cards and guide books. The cascades presented a most beau tiful picture, especially at nieht. as the water flowed over hun dreds of electric light bulbs of different colors, producing every color of the rainbow under the spray, while the flowers on son to be expelled from the system, and the blood is purified and revital ized. Tbus the natural functions of the mucous cells are restored, and the membranes are cleansed and made strong. We. know that Rex all Mucu-Tone does relieve catarrh. We positively gurantee to refund the money paid us for this remedy in every case where the user is dis satisfied. It is a builder of vigorous health and a creator of good com plexions. Price 50 cents and $1,00 per bottle. Mailorders fillet?. It may be obtained only at our store, The Rexall Store. The J. T. Un derwood Drug Co. Every body wants a mission clock. It is a thing of beauty and a joy for ever. You cau get one for twenty new subscribers. Bees Laxatire Cough 8yrap acta so DromDtlr because it mntl mnm tha which ia the beet, aud in fact too only way to our a oeld. It lingers In the throat and heal and allays infiatnmation. Sold by Simpson Drag Co. either side and all around seemed to nod their heads in obeisance to the rushing water. The floral Dart Of the Seattle Fvnrviif inn tn me was the most beautiful, for it seemed that the landscape gard ener must have calleH a nnven. tion and had all of the flowers to come and enter a contest to see what variety could give the best aispiay. i ne grounds presented the appearance of one big flower garaen. "Par trealt," tnutnnt Fealar Just as all other expositions have had amusement featnrea the Seattle Exposition had one ana me name ray Streak" was sriven to this nart of the tion on account of its being a term usea in mining countries. The attractions on "Pav RrrenW" were very much the same as at otner iairs. scenic railway, Mer rimac and Monitor, Battle of Gettysburg, Trixie, the Old Mill, the Mountain Slide, are all there a3 wen as many other attractions, which are usually visited in the evenings. The exposition was very compact and showed that much effort and creat had been given to make it a bril liant success in every way. My letters have been Helaved on account of illness in the family ana win, l nope, appear more regulatly while we are on our Alaska itinerary. Mrs- Wm. C. Hammer. Inland Coast Waterway Itt Commer cial and Strategic Importance. The convention which was held in Norfolk, Va., to farther the pro ject of an inland waterway from Bob ton to Florida, heartily endorsed it and prominent speakers told of the benefit to be derived from it com mercially and as an addition to coast defense in time of war. The pro ject was proved to be possible and its accomplishment predicted. Careful, Slri President Zelaya of Nicaragua or dered th Summary execution of two American citizens, Leonard Grace and Leroy Uannon, withont the sem blance of a trial. They were found in the revolutionist army. This so incensed the President that he refused to receive the Nicara gua", minister. The secretary of State has ordered wo war vessels to proceed to the scene to protest Americans and American i a teres s. LAND FOR SALE One aix room house and 50 acre of land in sight oi Julian Grove School bouse in Providence township Ap P'y to H. V. Routh Millboro, N. C. A Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 'I have uspd Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years for diarrhoea. I rnntiilnr it tlu T have ever tried fnr that I l,..i.. a bottle of it a few days ago from our drue; friet, Mr. R. R. Brooks. 1 shall ever be glad to speak a word in its praise when I have the opportunity." Rkv, J. D. Knait, nu.iur hi. iu, luurcu, allies urove, i"a. Sold by all druggists. Fire at Flat Rock. The Skvland Iloaiprv rw.nunu'a finishing buildinir tt,.ar vi.t Rock was entirely destroyed by fire early on Thursday morning. Loss on building $60,000, on contents, jao.wu. jpuny covered by insur ance. The riarht wav to cure nil i in .nt. something to all parts affected. The best thing that we know of in such oases is Man Zan, the great Pile remedy. This may be applied directly by means of a tube with uuztu, caBu, iou win una JUanZan to be an excellent remad fnr an- :nI4 -t .ji whether bleeding, blind or itching. ifanZan is sold by Simpson Drug Co. The world is beginning to learn now mat tne neat trained man or womun is the nne with trained hands or a trained mind. This one-sided form of education is very well in a few isolated cases, but the average peison needs botn toe mind aud hand trained in order to be fully educated. Ansonian. KEEPING LIFE LIVING requires a lot of things. It is'nt only medicine you need from a drug srore YOU WANT DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. uch as bay rum, witch hazpJ, soap, mil aud tooth brushes, and other things. Come in and ee our sr.vk- and buy what you want. THIS DRUG STORE SELLS SUNERIES CHEAP. Randleman Drus Corhnanv. Randleman, N. C. To Buy Your Suits from $12.Ftfl the furniture line. Quilts. Cotton anrl Wrxil RlanVe.1 a Pillnwa Ca tains and anything you need to an r rame your Pictures miso a. iuii nne oi undertakers supplies. O. R. FOX, Asheboro. N. C The Bank Account Is the first Btep toward success. Protects your family in emergencies. Malrsa nn t- iUOACD JTVSU luucpDiiuout s you independent. you better standing in the community, aluable aid in any enterprise undertaken Where bv anvbodv undar n.nv rnnrH is a valuable aid in any enterprise undertaken anywher.e by anybody under any conditions. If You Have No Bank Account With Us Start One Immediately. 4 per cent, interest paid on Savings accounts. Interest period starts October 1st. CAPITAL . . f 600,000.00 Surplus and Profits 2OO.0OO.O0 Wachovia Loan & Trust Co. High Point, N. C. ji 1 CSS . - 5 r""""J r Remember that we send th Southern Agriculturist or th Southern Ruralist, either oue of these large farming papers, to ever one who pays up and pays a y-at in advance for the Courier. FOR SALE The old Conri building office and building nowoc cupied by The Courier. Reason tor sale is that The Courier is compeiy to move to larger building. Apply to Win. O. Hammer, Asheboro, N. C. YOUR PICTURE! Will be aa acceptable Xmas Gift to your friend The Best Can Be had at Rochelle's Studio Fayetteville Street. New Furniture? furnish the house. any size, any moulding, any price. SAVE WORK - WORRY -MONEY BY USING A Stover Gasoline Engine. Made right, sold right. Send fnr illnofof nr.nnrrna at engines, wind miUs and feed grinders. :: :: :: Stover Engine Works 25 River St. Freeport, ul