a. "1 THE ASHEBORO COURIER Asheboro. N. 0.. Feb. 24, 1910. " Local and Personal. Mr. II. M. ltobbias rerurncd from a trip to Charlotte last Mouthy,' Mr. R. C. Causey, of Level Cro.-s, was in Asheboro o:i business last Friday. Miss Ih Blue, one of the teachers in the graded school visited at, Aber deen lest Saturday. Rev. J. A. Sharpe, of Farmer, was in town Monday night, the guest of Rev. C. A. Wood. Mrs. Herbert E. Moffiit and child ren are visiting the family of Dr. Moffitt at Elon College. Miss Maggie Lee Erwm was tbe gutst of Mrs. T, E. Marshall, of Randleman, Saturday. Mr, Joe Brady, of this county, has moved his family to the Revolution cotton mills near Greensboro. Mr. J. A. Holder nod Mrs. Hold er have been quite ill of pneumonia at their home on Sunset Avecue. Zeb Smith, the expert pipe fitter, who fell dead in a near beer saloon at Durham recently, was from Slier City. A phone message to The Courier says that Mrs. Temperance Suggs, who has been quite ill, does not im prove. ' Charles Finch, a prominent fur niture man of Tkomasvilie, was n Asheboro Tuesday. Mr. Joe Di-nson has returned to his home in Utniieiu' after a visit to Greensboro. M'ss Jfcibel Liiieberry returned to br home at rneberry lael t'ridtiy aft. r a week's visit to fne u.3 in Cr ensbor -. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. M. Fox re turned Sunday from Raii'lleiiian, where they visited Mr. Fox's mother who is quite ill. Washington's birthday was cele brated by the pupils of the six li grade in the graded school audi torium Tuesday morning. Rev. W. E. Swuim, of Asheboro, president of the North 'M. P. Con ference, preached at the M. P. church at Siler City last Tuesday night. Dr. William Dicks died at his home in WalkertODj February 18th. Dr. Dicks was a son of Mr. James Dicks, of Randleman, and a brother of the late R. P. Dicks of Randle man. Mesdame H. M. Worth and Allie H. Worth, Misses Alice Atkinson, Nannie Bulla and Edwina Daniel, Mr. J. A. Spence and Alexander Worth were house guests of Mr. J. E. Williamson at Worthville, several days of last week. Prof. E. J. Coltrane and Mr. Ferree Ross spent Saturday and Sunday at Why Not where they at tended a teachers' meeting, and on Sunday presented the Laymen's movement to the congregation at Why Not. Mrs. A. G. McAlister and Miss May McAlister went to Salisbury Saturday where they will remain with Mr. John McAlister, who on Monday underwent an operation for Appendicitis, at the Whitehead StckesjSanitarium. Mr. W. C. Vestal, who has been visiting his parent?, Mr. and Mrs E. F. Vestal near Asheboro, has re turned to his run on the Seaboard Air Line. He has been located at Hamlet. He now goes to Ral eigh whera he will run as flagman from Raleigh to Monroe. The Womans' Missionary Union of the Sandy Creek Association will meet at Sikr city tomorrow and will remain in sessiou thiee days. A program of great interest has been prepared, a special feature of which is an faddiess ;by Rev. H. 0. Moore, editor of the Biblical Recorder. Messrs. Hendrix Skeen and H. C. Moffitt, who bava been doing a mer cantile business at Farmer, have decided to remove their stock of goods to Biscoe. Randolph regrets to lose them, as they are good citi zens, but wishes for them an abun. dant measure of success in their new home. The Trade Journal for February, a Lynchburg publication, has a pic ture of our old friend, June Stroud, in its last issue, and says some mighty nice things about him. Mr. Strand is now with the Craddock-Terry Shoe Company, of Lynchburg, and according to the Journal sold nearly a quarter of a million dollarH worth of shoes in 1909. ' Mrs. Rachel ..Ingram, au aged widow lady living alone near Mr. W. A. Underwood's in the eastern part of town, was found unconscious in her home last Saturday nuniing and her condition has been critical since. Owing to her advanced age grav fears are entertained aa to her re covery. As we go to press we learn Mrs. Ingram is very much improved. Mr. H. E, Cover is in New York on a business trip. Capt. Conroy'made a trip to Thomasvilla Tue-.day. , The infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Peun is recovering from pneumonia. Mrs. Annie Robbitis is visitiino Mr. B. Erank Pa.e in Greensboro. Mr. Elmer Byrd. of Kemps Mills, was a business visitor in Asheboio Saturday. The Randolph Book Club will meet with Mrs. Thoma3 Redding Friday, February 25th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ham- inc-r in Asheboro Febmaiy 22 an infant son. Miss Ruby Cagle, of Why Not, has accepted a position as clerk for Mr. W, H. Presnell at Biscoe. Miss Ila Brown, poet mistress at Biscoe, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hendrix Skeen at Farmer this weak. Mr. Smith, of Winston, was in Asheboro yesterday installing a business phonograph for The Couri er. Miss Stella Cagle, who has been in Asheboro for some time, has re turned to her home at Sulphur Springs. Mr. E. G. Morris, who has been ill and confined t his room for sev eral days, is able to be out, looking after his busii ess. Mrs. E. E. Men den hall, cf Greens b')io, crviv'td in Asheb iro yes'erday on a visi'j to her sister, Mis. M. H. Allied, and other relatives. Mr. Dock Fr.izier, who went to ILiui'i't some wet-ks iifjo to visir, )jis dai'sliti r at th-.t place, returned he!!!.' Til"i J ty uillt. ('..icon Coliugand Jethro Aiimau. of ri e s .'it1!' ru. part of the comity, are i;i Mtmtvxi-ry county engaged in jsott'ug out ( r sslies. Sbtrlff MoKinre, of Troy, I!-n I). I. Daily, of L imiuburg and Mr. T. N. II -wris. of Tin v, wery guests at Hotel Arais rong Tii!S'lay night. Theinfai.tof Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Juhi son has recovered from an at tack of pneumonia. Other mem bers of tbe family are also recover ing. iiis3 Ha Brown was in town Sat urday enroute to se her sistir at Firmer. She will visit friends at Ramseur before resnmiig her work at Bisooe. i Mr Kolah Dickens, who is with the Moriis-Sciu-'joro-Moffitt Co. will (move bis mother and sitter here to- day. They will occupy a house in West Asheboro. Mr. Waller F. Kanoy, of High Point, was married Tuesday after, noon to Miss Mona Davis at her home in Central Falls, Esq. James Neigh bors performing the ceremony. Maggie Lane a respectable colored woman living in South Asheboro with her brother, Charles Lane, died recently and was buried at the old home near Cedar Falls. Mr. Stephen White, of Greensboro, had a slight stroke of par Uysis last Sunday. At. White lived for a number of years at Trinity and has many friends in that section. Messrs. W. J. Miller and W. J. Scarboro have retimed from Broad way, Moore county, where they went to look after their lumber in terests at that place. Mrs. Shube Laughlin, who has been on an extended visit to her sis ter, ' Mrs. Seth Laughlin, and her father, Mr. Nathan Hinshaw, n turned to her home at Broadway Tuesday. The patrons of the rural routes should not only stamp their letters and packages, "out they should also help the curriers and the public as well by filling up the mud holes and washouts and keep the roads in bet ter condition. The second quarterly conference for the Uwharrie circuit will be held at Lebanon Sunday and Monday, March 6th and 7tb. The Rev. W. R. Ware, presiding elder, will preacn Sunday at 3 p. m., and the conference will be held Monday at 11 a. m. A letter from a correspondent whose name is not attached, living on Randleman R. F. D. No. 2, says that the public school at Cedar Falls closed two weeks earlier than was expected, and that Mr. Colbert Bonkemeyer has recovered from an attack of measles, and that Mr. J. M. Trogdon is improving from his recent illnes?. A Greensboro dispatch says: Mrs. A. W. McAlister, who has been suf fering for a week with appendicitis, was taken to Salisbury last night to undergo an operation in a htopital there. She was accompanied to Salisbury by Mr. McAlister, whose brother, Mr. T. Gilnier McAlister, of Asheboio, underwent an operation for appendicitis there yesterday and who is reported to be lesting fairly well today. Mrs. McAlister under went the operation, last night and is repotted to be resting easy today. Dr. Hunter made a trip to Sfaley last week to investigate t'.ie reported smallpox cases there. He found the cases to be Chicken pox. Miss Leonora Bray, a teacher in tbe Marlboro public school in New Market township, was a visitor at Sheriff Hayworth'a last Saturday. Mr. Elwool Rush him mov.-d to Asheboro from Oklahoma, aud be and Mr. A. J. 'Churber will develop the Rush mine in Union township. Do not forget when in Asheboro, to call at the Courier bnsintss office, now moved up town next door west of the Law Building. Mr, D. B. McCraiy, W. C. Ham mond and Wiley Ward are represent ing the Asheboro Junior Order at the State Council in Greensboro this week. Rev. T, M. Johnson, pastor of the Asheboro M. P. church, and Rev. Mr. Hatle.y, pastor of Richland M. P. chureh, circuit are both confined with severe colds. Mr. Percy Bostick, of Randleman, has a position at Cranford Bros. store. He takes the position made vacant by the resignation of Mr, Eb Winslow, who has gone to Guiuord College. Miss Lizzie Bunch, who has been in school at the State Normal at Greensboro, came home Friday be cause of Hickupss. She expects to remain at home until her health im proves when she will return. Mrs. David Fugleman died at her hnine in Nw Salem last Monday night. Mr. Anderson Smith, wh" is a son-in-law of Mr.. Foreman, and his family went up to th" funer al 'C'umday. Th Conritr is unable to learu whore Mrs. Forleiii!in wi.s buried. Mrs. E. P. McCain, win va-: f. fo many years the i Oi'.;k,nr. ami pp-j i:!i.r post;ni.;t "?$ at Asht-bor'', ha for several nn'l.s been in bad : health at hc-r home on Wainmau avenue. Her many fiv-nds in Ashe boro and e'sewhe-re will be glad to l.'arn that she hai alt:ost entirely ri covuvd her usual good health. Mr. W. C. Vestal, whose Viotw h now in Raleigh, was married Tue-v day evening to Miss Lille liuie t the home of the bride's parents in Franklinville. Mr. Vestal is a son of Mr. E. F. Vestal, and has many friends in Asheboro. Miss Bnie is au accomplished young lady and, we believe, is a grand daughter of the late Sheriff Steed. Mfs. Craven, wife of Jerry Craven, died at her home in Pleasant Grove township on February 18, nged 45 or 50 yeara. She died of paralysis. She" was stricken only three days be. fore her death. She was the second wife of Mr. Craven. Her meiden name was Miller and was a native of Montgomery county. She was a good woman and her nianv virtues were highly appraoiated by those who knew her. The Jackson Club. The Jackson club of Asheboro has been incorporated. The club will-really be a Chamber of Com merce with social features. The membership is limited to one hund red. There is no capital stock. Tbe f unds to be used are to be raised by mutual agreement. A fee of ten dollars will be charged as a member ship fee. There is not a merchant, not a real atate dealer, not a manufactur er, nor a professional man who can not afford to pay ten dollars to help maintain this organization to aid the town in its growth and prosperity, and give enough time and thought to it .to see that it do's business along practical lines. Every man who wants to see Asheboro have aa organization to help it grow should thinK this matter over and give en cuuragement to the entirpris?. The club vill occupy the four rooms in the second story of the law building. Change at the Laundry. Mr. SethW, Laughlin has resign ed as secretary and treasurer of the Asheboro Steam Laundry and Mr. J. A. Holder has been elected to succeed him. Mr. Holder will de vote his entire time to the manage nent of the business- Mr, L. E. Miller is to devote his entiie time to tbe superintendency of the work in the laundry Mr. Miller has been devoting a part of bis time to the business on the outside. . This change will enable Mr. Mil ler to imr. rove the quality of the work and give prompt and better service. The public wiil do well to patronize this new enterprise in Asheboro. It gives most satisfac tory service. 9IOO Reward 8100. The readers ol this paper will be pleuserl lo learn tliut there i at li'at one ihrfu-e Umi science lis been able to cure in a'l lis h'.nne-i, and that Is Catarrh. Hull's Catar.h Cure N tlii only positive cure now known ui tiie m eilic.il fraternUv. Cuturrh Ix-in a cciistitutional "is ease, requires cnnKillutioiml treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken interi 'llv, artinfr direct ly upou the blood aud raucious surtactg of the by&tein, thereby destroying the foundation of Uie disease, and giving the patient strength by bull. Hug up the constitution and assisting na ture in doing Its worn. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powe.s that they otler one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials, Ad tress: F, J. CHENEY & CO;, Toledo. O Sold by Druggists, 76c. Take Ball's Family Pills tor constipation. Warning to Corporations. Attention is called to the provi sions of Section 38 of the Art of Augut 5, 190D, requiring corpora tion, j'jint Stock Coinp-.inie-, A--.0 ciations and Insurance Companies s-Uj-ct to the Special Excise Taxes tbe'-ein imposed, to make retriMS to the Collector of their gross aud net incomes f r the Calendar Year 1009, on or before the 1st day of Jtaici, 1910; and to the penalties impo d by the 8th paragraph oisaid Stctimi 38 for neglect or nfnsal to render such returns, rr fcr reudeiiug a false and fraudulent return. There re main but a few days in which to ren der the inquired return3 in order to escape the penalty which is from one to ten thousand dollars fine, or one thousand dollars and one year im prisonment. It is not the desire of this department fhat any organiza tion in the district shall be penalized for failure to comply with the Sta tute, and persistent efforts have been made to supply every incorporated concern with e copy of the law and one or more blank returns to fit tbe business carried on; and any who have failed to received them will be supplied upon application to this office. Failure to receive the blanks will not justify a failure to make the return within the prescribed time, nor relieve the sorporation or com pany from the penalties prescribed for such failure. The first of March is near and after that ('ate envelopes in which returns tra' transmitted are to be jT;8erved us evidence WifEELEit MAimx, Collector. Clerk's ISt-jioi't. Th-- o!!.:ving rep(.;t of th-; cmii-mill'-!pomted by the board of conmi H!'im?is nhonld follow aft 'i' the l 'l.ji k's report on anctber pa.L" ' ''Y,'e have bad t!.e within repm t exMhiiiitil ana c 'in iv-l witli Hi.- boks ii th's Ole.-k's and il is fuunu t) be cerrtft, i;alj.ct t) tne coi reel otis enuoiSdu tnereou. 'This 8th day of February, 1910." Ordt r-d t" u- puldialie i on? time ami rLcnrded, J. W. Cox, Chairman Bo-aid. Kcw Ilni'irt-ss l''frui. The McDowell Live Stock Com pany has purchased the harness husine.-s cf S. V. liight and moved to nj-sltdr in the rear part of the McDowell building on lrade street. The ncv 11 in has secured the ser vices of Mr. J. A. Kirkman, an ex perienced harness maker to take ehav' of the nuuing and repairing department. Mr. Kignt hss returned to n:3 former home at iuston. I'ny Your Taxes. SI triff Hay worth ha3 decided to make another round to accommodate the people. He neks everyone to meet him promptly aad pay bis taxes. Uead bis notice elsewhere. There is a deputy in his office every day, to whom taxes may be paid. When in town call where every one will receive polite and courteous treatment. New Restaurant. Mr. W. F. Wimpy, a eon of Mrs, A. J. Thurber came to Asheboro from lndina and has opened a res taurant and eating house on North Steet. Mr. Wimpy is mos favora bly impressed with Asheboro and likes ihe push aud hustle of the Chicken Pox In County. The Courier saw Dr. J. V. Hun ter, County Superintendent of Health yesterdav. He says there is no smallf ox in Randolph, but there are iu Asheboro and elsewhere a number of cases of Chicken pox. A l-'riijlitiiil Wreck. of linin, autrnioWlo or Ijuprcty nmy cute cu's lir iiise. uhnision-i, sprains or wounf's that demand Buckli'u's Aruicu S lv ' oar.li'K greri ct heider Quick ivliof and p:o;npt cure results. Fit Lmni-s IxiiU, sores of nil kiiuU. eczema, chapped lunula and lip. Hire evea or eornn, it- sunrerno. Stin-st pile cave. 25o at J T. Underwood's, next to Bunk of Randolph. ' Wood's Early Ohio v Seed Potatoes are being planted in increasing quantities each year by the largest and most successful market-growers. This variety makes uniform ly large sized potatoes, of excellent shipping-, market ana table quali ties, and is proving to be one of the most profitable and reliable of early-cropping potatoes. We are headquarters for the best Maine-grown Sfifid S8Cond Crop " " , Northern-grown rOtatOGS Wood's 30th Annual Seed Book gives full descriptions and information, with yie highest tes timonials from successful growers as to the superiority of Wood's Seed Potatoes. Write for prices and Wood's Seed Book, which will be mailed free on request. . T. V. WOOD & SONS, q Seedtmen, . Richmond, Va. J Klnglii'T the Hell. The lii'j.-t serious matter with most of in ij the increased cost of living. loiudiMitr this nutter the Ivaleigh NVws and Observer says: "The vita, and p-eising (ti-s'.ion that toucheb men m si nearly is the iuertaji-d co;t of living. It is ir-i .- eially suppused tiutt the farnu r is :nii)g : ,)-rr '.eeca-n Oi li.jn prims, b it tins U a mistake. He is t-fcti.tr i!f .tluri tr-vn pply if tu hm produce to S'.'H.-but his money crops are not ti3 high as the things he has to buy. Cotton is h'ghi r, but so are mules and all supplies. Tobacco is low, but what the tobacco farmer must buy is high." Aud of the various causes con tributing to the inoreased cosi of liv ing the high tariff is the chief cause. Governor Kitchen in a re cent interview rang true when he told a reporter tnere were other causes but the tariff was the princi pal reason lor the high prices. It' You Are a Trifle Sensitive About the size of your shoes, it's some .atisfac tiou to know that many people can wear shoes a size smaller by shaking Allen's Foot-Kase, the antiseptic powder, into them. Just the thing for Dauciug Parties, Patent Leather Shoes, and for Breaking In New Shoes. When rubbers or ovorshoes become necessary aud your shoe9 pinch, Allen's Foot-Kuse gives instant relief. Sold everywhere, 25c. Sample FKKE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy. N. V. l)ou,t accept any substitute 1)1!. V. II. WAKIH IIII.I) i-f Charlotte, will be iu Asheboro at Cei tral llot.l Wednesday, March .' 16th, one uay onlj. 1 is practice is limited to the nodical and siirjrical treatment of the Evv. JJ:tr, Nose and 't'lirjat aLd Kittinsr Glasses. 5318 01 Notice is hereby jfiven that the undersigned will recrive sealed bids forth.? stock of goo J;- of ilhness-Hix Company at Biscoe, N. C, until March 5, 1910. Certified check in the sum of 5100 must accompany each bid, and all bids, will be received subject to confirma tion by the court. Any person desiring further information or wishing to inspect this stock of goods will communicate with the undersigned. James T. Wood, Receiver of Maness-Hix Co., ... s4 st Asheboro, N. C. 0. R. COX, President W. 1, ARMFIELD, V-Prcs. W.i. ARMFIELD. Jr.. Cashier J. D. ROSS, Asst. Cashier The Bank of Randolph Asheboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus $50,000. Total assets, over $200,000. Wltn ample asset, exiertence and protection we solicit tne business oi the banking public auC feel sale in saying we are prepared and willtup to extend to our customers every facility and at aoramodatlon consistent with sale banking. DIRECTOR-Si W. P. Wood. T. H. Redding. P. H. Morris. D. B. Mc Crary, W. J. Armlield. Hugh Parks. 0. R. Cox, T. I, Redding. BenJ. MoHitt, W. J. Scarboro, C C Mc Alister, Or. F. E, Asbury. I Want Young Men 'and Young Ladies who are interested ui learnintr a good profession to write for my circular and propusition. I have an excellent twelve weeks course in Commercial Telegraphy and furnish learn er's instruments and additional special weekly advice and in struction. Complete Course $10.00. Learn right when you learn. Write today. ChiDleys Telegraph Correspondence Schools P. O. Box 64, Charlotte, N. C. 1. iMu-riv'tagl .g.-j.-.-..-s,;.- WHAT TIME WILL Ask l-.-'l f.i -iTOixi-v"Ji rw,.:j 5z'f" XT-TiCrjii . 4, CABiiAia cm in "versi-iiimenis. I " " f t IB W A 50-cent bottle of Scott's Elision fiven in half-teaspoon doses four tinier a clay, rai::ed in its bottle, will last a year-old baby near-' ly a month, and four bot tles over three months, and will make the baby strong and well and will lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or girl. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch Boole Each bank contains a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pear! Street, N. Y. SALESMAN WANTED to look after our interest in Kaudolph ()mm,'ssion."Acklr VsThe Harvey on - Cleveland. O. . It. ' mil adjoining counties. fealiiry or Summer Tours to Europe. lilihtfin May, June i i lo S'i--. 'I inn froni s 1-, nitlrunds, iinist'iiin :i 'l in fnre. Write nl. lK-.-;niinicn.'im tl; y w lluuso, CaiMlji-iiIj,' lo-tis CHOOL BOOKS Af iiALr PRICE. All kinds ol l)ook.s b u:ht. .-f l'I or exchanRed. l.uwst ftiM-k iimi ol'ti-n siiiv i:i tin- "iih. SiHis-hn'iion Kuarai-U.-ctl, 'live u.1" :i tri I Se:nl We ImuUleo.cl KAa:, r.ii-uit ru. Ac. Southern Do(': l'xcii ige, S-S-l lot. K.M.KKi .V. C. FARM FO: I i. Her fur ki!.' r- itv ; new; 5 ncre-1 iu-til'i:i:;" (lool btiiMiiiK--, ict.: .v'i the iarm is will uii-t.-;1. I plane. Will sell r.yh:. I cull on or write to Ml tf Ciinm.-:, .E FARM FOR SALB FOR SALE. 1 have several bushels f the famous Blum's Seven ear see-i eoru for sale at ier bushel, 'i'hi-i is one of the bie'-'est yiilUiiiu varieties of eom known. I hav also a few bushels of the famous Little Kinn cotton M-eii tit one dollar per bushel. These sed are earelullv selected, Address K. 8. Millsap-., i-latesville, N. C. 2-10slm $200 REWARD. I will pay the above reward for the return of my sou, Martin Luther, who disappeared from his home on November l(i, 1U0U. Description, 17 years old, height 6 feet, 1 or g Inches, weiKht abjutfX) lbs., liKht red hair, brown eyes, freckled, wears No. 6 shoe, feet slightly deformed. Ad-lress MRS. AMY LUTHER, Lassitcr, N. C. LADY WANTED To Introduce our very complete Spring line of beautiful wool suitings, wash lab, lea, fancy trainings. Bilks, etc., bdkfs, laoea and petticoats. All up to date N, Y. City Patterns, Finest Hoe on tbe market. Deal ing direct with the mill vou will find our prices low. Profits, SiO.OO to 830.00 weekly. Samples and full Instructions packed la a neat sample case, shipped express prepaid. No money required, KxcluMve territory. Write for particulars. Ue II rat to apply. Standard Dress (iuods Co., Pept, F. I. Biugbamton, N. Y. Sale Of rflul s, Wagons and Harness. The mulPR. 0 In number, and the wnirons and harness now hein used bv the bounty Oo:ivit Koad Force, will he hub! at pub io auction, a', the Court House door in Ashe boro, N. T.. at 12 o'clock, noon, on the tirst Monday I'l March' 1910, tbe isuuie being the 7th ilar of said month. No oetter mules than thine have been offered ior sale in Randolph county, and ail persons in need of line mules will do well to attend this sale. fly order of the Boar f Qeorge T. Mur dock, ReBlsterof beeds. 2 i0 4t Chairman. Send us your orders for Job Printing of any kind. THE CLOCK STOP ? No. 44 Xti hah itf ' t-iir! .TTy t-MW ir. i la 'iSi PLANTS BY MAIL 1 Oder lor sale my farm coiitnii intr T I 1-s! n 'tv-i situate one-fourth oi mile im'tli nf liiebirry Station. This latul fronts on lh itiilr-i.il ami has about 30 aeres in wocrilanfl, the n-malmk-r iu eultivatinn. tlxxl ;t-rco-ii lMue, barn, trranary with cellar, well of n )ml .a,i-i ainl two toorl si,rini;s. The land is level, part beimt re'l and part samiy. (food on-iiurd iai the ilaoe. Priee 81500. For further ii. format run amilv to !--.'l tf. ZKB MX'i.s. fliinas, X. j. 'i d Karl.-r Jersey Avakefleld. We pay postage OP iSantired 5y mail, we make specialty of ntea to, I on n Carolina, capa- ln tnis cum a to. jxw express points. Price bv exvra inot .10.UU0, ll.Of per M, fSpecial price UNlUM PLANT CO . - - Riars&viae, N. C