Absolutely Puro Frankllnvlllc Kewi. Rev. J. T. Byrum spent Saturday night and Sunday in the city and preached an able sermon in his pulpit at SlooreB Chapel Sun day morning. Messrs. James Buie and R. L Elkin spent Sunday evening with Mr. Walter Patterson, who is quite ill at his father's, Mr. Jode Patterson, who lives a short distance north east of the city. Miss Mamie Ellis, of Millboro, spent Sun dav in town with friends. Mr. Chester F. Brown has moved his family to Mr. Bud Hayworth's near Coleridge, where Mr. Brown will have charge of Mr. Hay worth's farm. Mr. Brown has had several years experience on the farm and we wish for him much success. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, of Lineberry, visited relatives in town Sunday. Mr. 6. H Black has started bis new saw mill near the suburbs of the city and is cut tine a lot of fine lumber. Master Earl Elliott, of Marion, is spending some time with his grandmother, Mrs. Jane Elliott. Prof. D. II. Weatherly attended a meeting ef the State tribe of Red Men at High Point last Thursday and delivered the principal ad dress for the occasion. At the home of the bride's father Tuesday night, Mr. W. C. Vestal and Miss Lettie Buie were married. Rev. J. E. Woo-dey performed tho ceremony. Several relatives and friends attended the nuptials Mr. Vestal is a son of E. F. Vestal, one of Ran dolph's best citizens . Th groom has for the jast five years held a ' responsible position as flagman for S. A. L. Railway Company making his headquarters at Hamlet, but has recently been transferred to the Raleigh and Monroe division. The bride is the popular and attractive daughter (if Mr. ajd Mrs. M. U. Buie, of this place, and is held in high esteem by our people. The hiippy couple left Wednesday for Mr. Vestal's father's and Thursday for Raleigh, where they will make their future home. We wish for these young people a long and happy life. Back Creek Xews. Miss Alma Barker closed her school at . Lena's Grove last Friday, tshe taught a successful school and we regret to have her leave us . Misses Berta Royals and Nellie Clark vis ited at B. F. Bulla's last Sunday. Mr. G. C. McCain attended the exhibition et Browers Saturday. Mr. Arch Bulla was a guest at Eli Pritch ard's, near Asheboro, last Sunday. Mr. W. F. Redding, of Asheboro, visited at B. F. Bulla's last Saturday and Sunday. There is much sickness in this community, but none seriously sick. Several of our people attended the Farm ers' Unioii at Asheboro last Saturday. There will be preaching at Charlotte the first Sunday in March. Everybody come and hear Our new preacher, he is an instruct ive talker. Hlnihtw'i Ncwi, We are having rainy weather all the time. We regret to say Mr. E. C. Phillips does not improve. Mr, Bernice Phillips and family, of Greens boro, are visiting his father, Mr. E. C. Phil lips, near here. Mr. Eli Allen 7isited atH. E. Osborn's Snnday evening. Mr. William Allen visited at Mrs. J. N. Bodgin's Sunday evening. Messrs. Earl Osborn and Luther Craven were visitors at Alfred Macon's Sunday. Miss Ila Brown, of Biscoe, visited her uncle near here recently. Miss Lola Brown, of Asheboro, visited her father near Holly Springs recently. Messrs. Charles W illiams, E. C, Allen, William AlleD, William Bray, Claud Ward Luther Craven, and M isses Lizzie and Mamie Cox, Myrtle and Eulah Macon, Molita Craven and Fannie Cox were visitors at Henry Osborn's Sunday. The school at Center will close March 4th. Miss Lilly Cox visited at E W. Brown's Sunday. We are glad to say that Miss Elma Cox, who has been ill, is improving. Mews from Visit. Colds and grip are very common in this section. Mrs. D. 0. King and children are spend ing some time with Mrs. King's mother, Mrs. L. A. Frye. Clason Hammond spent Friday night with Windell Cox. Mrs. N. J. Lowdermilk, of Dewey, is Tie iting her daughter, Mrs. 11. E. Cox. 0. L. Frye and Z. E. Cranford made a flying trip to Danville, Vs., recently. G. D. Allred has new daughter at his , heme. 1. T. Cos visited bis brother at Elise last week. The Fanners' Union Wd a meeting at Kooky Ridge Saturday night. Phala' Spoon, of Dewey, attended the spellingat Rocky Ridge Friday night. Mrs. V. King and daughter, Mrs. Ella Seutt, visited at Henry Cranford 's last Son- Charles Fry visited E. F. Brown Son- W. R. Ash worth closed hie school at Bocky Ridge hat Friday with an entertain ment in the evening end spelling at night All present report a very nice tune. Mi. Athwart) has taught a good school, and we nope be will be able to teach many more Bach schools as he has tenant for as. He deeei'fss much credit for the work he has done. Hie students preseated him with a nice eat of tableware as an endeaoe of their ppreeistion of his good work. dient,theactive principle, to 'IJKJO Jgf SakingPowder fyNt IfiKelEPIlM Insures wholesome and Q twiUJ Mlllf53i y lw deUcions food lor every " ( fi n il IJ ' i (C w day In every home JTT Cedar Falls News. James Lutterloh has accepted a, position with the Cedar Falls Mercantile Company. Mr. Lutterloh is a fine salesman and a mighty clever fellow, and the company is to be con gratulated on securing his services. J. F. Lane will move his family to Thom asville about the first of March. We regret to see Mr. Lane and his family leave, as they hsve lived here so long they have be come fixtures here. Mrs. Lane 'has been one of our most earnest workers in the Sun day Bchool, having taught a class of girls for a long time. We all wish for them a lung and prosperous life in their new home. J. H. Phillips went up to Worthville Monday on business. Miss Meta Kimes, who has bad a position with the Sanford Cotton Mills for some time, has returned home and has accepted a posi tion with the Cedar Falls Manufacturing Company. Carl Leonard, of Rockingham, has been visiting bis parents and friends here during the past week. The young people of town are getting up an entertainment to be given in the school house before long. The date will be an nounced later, and it is expected to be the best thing ever presented here. John Cranford has returned to Cedar Falls after quite a long trip to other places. Rudolph pounds, who has been quite ill for some time, does not improve. Earl Allred has gone to Ram3eur, where he has a position iu the cotton mill. U'et Hinil Items. As this is a new name given to our new place of worship and Sunday school, two miles west of Asheboro on Route No. 3, we wish to tell your readers that we have or ganized an M. E. church and a Sunday school. We expect to build in the near fu ture, and our new building committee is composed of the following members : Ournie Davidson, N. T. Hinshaw and Daniel Pres nell. At present we held services and Sun day school at Edgar Davidson's and have a large attendance. We are very thankful to the good people of Asheboro for their liberal support in our church and Sunday school work, A. M. Presnell is our assistant superintendent, and J. E. Walker principal and C. A. Wood pastor. Charley Benbow, of East Bend, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Edgar Davidson. . Grays Chapel. The rough weather continues. With the exception of colds the health of this community is fairly good. W. M. Routh, who has been ill, is improv ing. The public schools in this section have close 1. A great many railroad crossties have been and are being made in this section this winter. A. M. Davis, whose home is near Liberty, has moved his sawmill to a place on the Isaac Allred place and will cut the timber recestly purchased by Messrs. Lewis and Pickett of Mr. Allred. Trinity R. P. D. No. 1 News. There are reveral cases of sickness in this community. Mr. J. II Miller and C. C. Royals have moved their saw mill to a place near Fair Urove cnurcn in .Davidson county. Mr. A. R. Kearns and daughter visited at T. N. Jones' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Briles were gueBts of J. H. Miller last Sunday. Mr. Louis Jones, who has been ill is im proving. There will be preaching at Pleasant Hill the first Sunday in March at 2 o'clock. Mr Numa Miller made a trip to High Point recently. There is quite an epidemic of measles in this sectiod. Mr. James Kennedy was a visitor at R. L. Walker's last Sunday. Mt. Olivet Items. We are having some very disagreeable weather now, and lot of sickness in the community. Washington's birthdey was observed at the Academy by the students with recitations, songs etc. Mrs. Tern pie Sugg is very ill, also Mr. Daniel Leach. Miss Flossie Bray, of Ramsenr, R. F. D. 1 is visiting her sister Mrs. B. F. Brown. Mr. 3. W. Brown has recovered from an attack of Lagrippe Mr. B. F. Brown is down south on a business trip. Mr. H. T. Bray, of Eameenr, S. F. D. 1 visited the family of Mr. B. F. Brown re cently. Rev. B. L. Fruit did not 11 bis appoint ment on last Sunday, on account of rough weather. Our school will close on the 6th of March. Miss Berta Wren, of Franklinville, was the guest of Mies Es telle 8agg last snnday. Mr. Coke Sugg returned Saturday from a baeineas trip south. Messrs O. W. Teagoa and J. E. Sugg have had paonee pot in. "Mother's Joy is a pnenmonia salve and has never failed to cure paramenia." ' Ramsenr News. Mr. Petty is conducting a very fine singing scnooi nere. The weddine bells are rincins aeain. Mrs, Joe Melton, of Macon, Ga., has been visiting ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allred. On her return she was accomrjanied by her two sisters Mrs. Nannie Wright and Miss Pauline Allred. Mrs. J. A. White, ef Graham, has been quite ill of pneumonia at the home of her son frot. w. r. White. Her son, Mr. Robert w bite, of iumesville, has been with her dur ing her sickness. Mrs White is improving Miss Nina Parks, of Parks X Roads, has been visiting her sister and friends at this place. Rev. J. E. Woosley has been called to Spray to assist Rev. Jordan in a series of meetings . Miss. Ethel Woosley has returned from a pleasant trip to Greensboro. Miss Alice Burgess has been teaching the first and Becond grade of the Ramseur Praded Jnool during the absence Of Mrs. W. j? White. Kamseur was saddened Sunday night by the death of Mr. A. C. Tate at the home of his brother, Mr. C. S. Tate. Mr. Tate was buried near Wilmington. Dr. C. S. Tate and ilr. a. Leonard going down to attend tbe interment. Many triends snare the sor row of the bereaved family. The ladies of the Phila'thea Class of the M. E. Sunday School will present their play, "Topsy Turvy" at Parks X Roads Saturday Aiurcn :ia at toe close ot the exhibition. The Knights ef the i'ythias gives banquet the evening ot reforuary zbth at the lodge. A large crowd was present and spent a pleas ant evening. Several of tne pupils of Ramseur graded school arc out this week on account of grin. Rev. J. E. Woosley being absent Sunduy morning, liev. J . . lietts preached a vory interesting and helpful sermon to a large and appreciative audience. Miss Blauche Covington, who has been ill, has about recovered and is able to be out. Anbury News. Rev. Mr. Simmons filled his regular ap pointment here Sunday afternoon. Graham Cagle, of Dunn, and Miss Ruby Cngle. of Biscoe, are at home at the bedside of their sister, Alias Canine, who is not ex pected to live. Will Ingram, of Biscoe, spent Saturday night and Sunday in our city. There must be some attraction here as he comes quite often Mrs. J. M. Dodson, of High Point, is spending some time with her sister, Miss Misha Lineberry, who is critically ill. Miss Jessie Asbury is sick with la grippe. Miss Pearl Auman, who has been teaching near Ether, has returned home. W. H. Holt, of Greensboro, spent Friday night with his family here. W. H. Hancock has moved to Mt. Gilead. Q. G. Lineberry, of Biscoe, is at home for a few days. Mrs. K. Auman is very sick with la grippe. Rev. J. R. Comer officiated st the marriage of Charlie Brown and M iss Ethel Brown Monday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents aear Asheboro. Frank Hancock and Miss Etta Page were married at the county line last Sundav. Rav. J. R. Comer officiating. Hills Store News. Mr. and Mrs. Clnrnnm Tvoarno or, A dren visited B. L. Kearns Sunday. yiute a number attended the Farmers' Union at Asheboro last Saturday from this section. Tha Rp.hnnl at. fnimnnm ..,'11 !.. . Saturday, March 4th. Everybody is invited in the afternoon. Mr. M. H. Lassiter and A. H. Kearns are putting in new pumps so we can sll get a drink of water, Card or Thanks. We desire to express through the columns of The Courier, our sincere thanks for the thoughtful kindness shown us by our friends and neighbors at the death and burial of our dear mother. We are deeply grateful to all and pray the Lord will abundantly bless them. Miss Annie Cole, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cheek. Coleridge, N. C, Feby. 28 1910. Messrs. J. A. and M. C. Gretter have moved from Friendship, Guil ford county, to a six hundred acre farm they have purchased near Anxvasse, Missouri. John 0. Graham, of FayetteTille, N. 0, died suddenly wnile on a visit to a friend at Lake Charles, La. . Notice! Out ginning season will close March 15th. If you have cotton for us to gin, bring it in before above date. Coljmbia Mfg. Co. Notice to Teachers. All teachers who have not paid their subscription to "North Carolina Education will please do so at an early date. The regular rate is $1.00 a year, but every teacher in lianaoipn county who takes the paper is re- quired to pay only fitty cents. Ran-1 do! pa has more subscriptions tor this paper than any other county, and it is earnestly hoped that we may be the first to pay up the full subscription. Send the amount to me, and I will forward the total to tbe publishers. If teachers are changing their addresses, it evill be well to notify me so that the pub. lishern may be notified of tbe change. The paper is expected to come re gularly each month uatil June. Yours truly, . J. COLTRANE, Co. Supt. of Schools. Death ot an Aged Citizen. Tobias Julian, a venerable and respected citizen died at his home, near Millboro, Friday, Feb. 25, aged 84 years, Mr. J ulian had been in feeble health several years and for the past twenty-five years seldom left his home. Lie is survived by his wife and one son. Mr, Jnlian's remains were interred at Bethany Saturday Feh. 26. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA At the funeral of Jesse W. Grain ger at Einston, N. U. last week, every business house in town was closed and the sidewalk was lined for blocks with Borrowing friends. Mr. Grain ger was one of tbe Mate's best citi zens. Mr. D. T. .Edwards, formerly of Old Trinity, who edits the Daily Hmston h ree rreas, married a dangh ter of Mr. Grainger. In disorders and dis eases cf children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing ere the babies' remedies. Scoffs Emulsion is the food-medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chil dren of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on small doses. FOR SAiE BY AU, DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child's 8ketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good tack Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. N. Y. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF LIBERTY, At Liberty. N. C. In the State of North CnrnHnn. at the close ef business January 81st, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts H5.822.65 Overdrafts 250.62 All other stocks, bonds, mortgages 750.00 Banking House. Furniture and Fix tures 8.05S 98 Demand Loans 450 oo Due from Banks and Bankers 11,923.69 Cash Items 667.35 Gold Coin 1,512.50 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 827.18 National bank notes and other U. S. notes. 1,188.00 Total 68,145.87 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock 10.000.00 Surplus fund 2,468.83 Undivided profits, less current expen ses and taxes paid 1,213.26 Demand Certificates of Deposit Sav- ' ings Department 23.767.58 Deposits subject to check 80.104 so Due to Banks and Bankers 857.59 Cashier's Checks outstanding 254.80 Total 68,145.87 State of North Carolina, ) County of Randolph. )" I, B. M. Brower, Cashier of ,he above-named bank, do solemly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. d. is. BHunjsK, uasnier. Correct-Atteat, (fcVSSS: H. D )D",. Subscribed snd sworn to before me. tht th cay of Feb'y, 1910. w . a. unmn, Notary rablte. ADJ1 INISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Havin qualified as adminlatntrlv nf Sam. oal Walker, deceased, the undersigned here by notifies all persons holding- claim against ths estate of the said deceased to present the day of May, 1911, or this notice iwtll be pleaded In bar of their recovery; fail persons indebted to said ntate will make Immediate settlement. This March 8rd, 19104 . eaima nailer, Idm'i Samnel Walker. au Hammer A Kelly, attorners. ' NOTICE OF LAND SALE By virtus of the nower Tested n hi rim. eree rendered in the special proceedings en. tided OUle Parks v. Kit Boone ei al " I will, on the and day ot Anril, 1910, et 18 o'clock. If., let the court house door In Asheboro, K.C., sell at Cibllc i action, tbe following deec'.Oed snot of nd lying near Beagrove, M. C Md bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a red oak, H. Tow's comer, thanea north XI as chains an Tm hiinnu theneeweetonhia line 15 l-t chain and 81 .j uuu so a race iBenoa soma so s take, ueace west IS4 chains to a rack. thnw annth . u chains to a nek, thenoe sett 6.M chains to a in, wense sduw so a pott oak, thenoe east 5 l-t chains and II links so tha haeinnlnv containing 54 ores, more or less. Terms of salat one-third Ctah, balance in six months, deferred payments bearing interest at legal rste, and approved security being given therefor. Wm. C. Hammer, ThlstStbeayof Feb. 1910. -uu""r- 1 Married. Mr. Arza Stevens was married to Miss Zylpha Harrel on Monday of this week. Both lived at Bundle man. Mr. Stevens is a son of Mr, King Stevena and ii a yoaag man of fine promise. Mrs. Stephens is a most estimable and popular young lady, a daughter of Mr. W. E. Har rel. The bride and groom went to Charlotte Tuesday wheie thpy will live in the future, Mr. Stevens being engaged there as a brick and Btone mason. . Corn Prizes In Montgomery. The board of commissioners of Montgomery cmnty have offered $50 in prizes for men for the largest number of bushels grown on an acre this year. Thirty dollars in prizes is offered to boys under 19 years. The Register of Deeds requests all who want to enter the contest to register his name with him btfore May 1st. Mr. and Mrs.Mllllkan III. Mr. Daniel Millikan, a merchant of Spero, was stricken with paralysis recently and for a few days was in a critical condition, but is better now. Within a day or two of Mr. Millikan's attack, Mrs. Millikan had a severe attack of heart failure and is now very ill. Another mile and a quarter of street railway 13 ti be built in four months by the Public Service Cor poration at High Point. A lot has been purchased in High Point, on which to build a sub station. "Mother's bow cau you hear that rattling in your baby 'e chest when Mother's Joy will relieve it in twenty minutes?'' MULE FOR SALE! c, I have a good two-year-old mule for tale. First enme first served. Will be sold right II sold at Once. Apply to B. F. McDowell, Asheboro, N. C. March 3rd, 1910. EGGS FOR HATCHING The Williamson stran' S. C. While Leghorns, the beautiful snow while btrdt and large white eggs, and lots ol them. Also R. C S. C R. I. Reds, the early winter layers; the Williamson stran.1 Limited nnmber ol above egus to sell at $ t .00 per dozen. Address, WAYSIDE FARM, 3 3 8t. Asheboro, N. C, Route 1, Box 65. $200 REWARD. I will pny the olove reward for the return of my sou, Murtiu Lyther, who disappeared from his home on November 10, l'.XM. liescription, IT years old, height 5 feet, 1 or g luetics, weight about 50 lbs., light red hnir, brown eyes, freckled, wears No. 6 shoe, feet slightly deformed. AddrosK MRS. AMY LUTHER, Lassiter, N. C. FARM FOR SALE 1 ofler for sale my home place containing 285 acres; 25 acres in cultivation, balance wood land. Good buildings, good well and good spring and the larin is well watered. A good orchard on the place. Will sell right. For further information call on or write to W. D. BROWER, 2-24 tl Climax, Box la, Route 1, N. C. FARM FOR SALE I ofler for sale my farm con alning 74 1-2 acres situate one-fourth of mile north of Lineberry Station. This land fronts on the railroad -nd has about 80 acres in woodland, the remainder in cultivation. Good 8-room house, good barn, granary with cellar, well of good water and two good springs. The land is level, part being red and part sandy. Good orchard on the place. Price 1500. Kor further Information apply to S-24 tf . ZEB NIXON, Climax, N. C. FOR SALE. I have several bushels ef the famous Bite's Seven ear seedicoru for sale at 92.60 per bushel This is one of the biggest yielding varieties of corn known. I have also a few bushels of the famous Little King cotton seed at one dollar per bushel. These seed are carefully selected. Address E. S. Millsapn, statesville, N. C. 2-lO.lm SCHOOL BOOKS AT HALF PRICE. All klnria nf hnnW ,,rht mA Largest stock and oldest store In the South! . .......... ..w.. n u,. . .Ll y, wt,c ub iriai. bena lists. We handle old Relics, Furniture, &o. Southern Book Exchanee. 2-HHH. RALEIGH. K O. WANTE AT ONCE 1,000 Bob White Quail to breed from. Want good strong birds. : : : : Benjamin English, Fairview Kennels, Archdale, N. C. 8al Of Mules, Wagon and HarneM. suction, st the Court House door la Ash. 7ib day of said month. offered tor sale la Beadolpa eoeaty, aad dock. Ksgtster of Deeds. " rum . cael; H. B. Hiatt, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Qfflc owr Johtuon 't Storm MeDotmm Building Regulate the Bowels "I have been troubled withi constipation for several years. and have tried a great many, kinds of pills, as well as medicine from the doctor. Nothing seemed to help me until I be gan taking Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. I found the little pills very effective, and I am thankful that at last I have a reliable remedy." MRS. F. M. DUNKIN, LeRoy, Ills. Dr. MUe' . Nerve and Liver Pills simply cause the bowels to move in a normal manner, and with out the griping effects of cathar tics and purgatives. That's whjj they are so universally used bjfl women and children. The longer they are taken the less are needed. Natural conditions gradually being restored. Sold by druggists everywhere. If first package does not benefit, your druggist will return your money. MILES MEDICAL. CO., Elkhart, Ind. Elimnate all Risks in Buying Your Piano of getting a cheap "made to sell affair," by ordering a Stieff or Shaw, the pia nos whose name is all the knowledge or guarantee you need in making your selec tion. If you buy a Stieff or Shaw your piano purchasing days are over for life, and year after year your piano will be as sweet and tuneful as the day you bought it. WRITE TODAY. Chas. M. Stieff Maker of Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and Stieff Self-Player Pianos SOUTHERN WAREROOM W. Trade St. Charlotte, - - N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. a B FEW MORfe CENTS FOR BETTER CENTS will more vour cooc! irni. Don't bother with toilet water, cologne or extract! of unknown pfiart. Boy the best and t'dk no dippoint- meni or ertneum. DAINTY PERFUMES OP DELICATE ODOR are a specialty of this pharmacy. Visit our toilet (roods department and sec how complete it is. Ravndleman Drug Company, Randtanan. N. C Wn. C Ksnsraer HAMMER & ICKeCty KELLY Attorneys at Ley Offlce-Second Door Froa Street ia IIB XawytTi Row.