EDITORIAL COMMENT PAYINCi POLL TAXIS TO lXl'Rli: VOTI. The practice of paying pill taxes to secure vote?, shouM be sibol ished Judge Webb deliveied a sensible charge oa this subject to a grand jury recently iu a Western county when he eaid that the "practice of paying poll taxes for the express purpose of securing votes was a most disrept able oue and should not be counte nanced by the honest electorate of the county. He further declared that under the statute poll taxes could only be paid by the voters themselves and not by others whose purpose it was to secure their votes, that the payment f ueh taxes under ouch conditions was nothing lees thau bribtry and both the giver and the taker were guilty under the law. ii- vu movk si.M) rsi iiA;i: OK VOl It Vl)l)ltl-. The Courier has on its list a Luge number of subscribers who move every now and then. They be long to the teneuts class in the country and the laboring class in the towns largely. We ask that, if you move, you send us a letter or a postal card saying "change my paper from postoflice to post oflbe, and give the 3ame name or initials a3 is riiit 'd on the label of your paper. This is an impor tant matttr to us and we hope that everyone will attend to it promptly. If aty friend know 3 any sub scriber to the Courier who has moved from their community to another community, please give us like in formation for there are many in stances ia which the paper is going to subscribers who have moved away. We have often asked the poet-masters to do this, but they do not always do it. We again call upon them and also call upon our friends in the c:mmunity who may know of these facts to inform us and oblige. Ik is well, in a conservative way, to keep before the people the great principles for which we strive and which make for the good of all. There should never be indiffereace in the welfare of the public. The Democratic party Bhould gtt ready for an aggressive campaign. The armor should be on and the enemy kept at bay if not put to flight. The Courier has no pets or favor ites. It has no enemies to punish. It believes in the rule of the people and always urges the people to ex press their choice in the primaries and conventions. This is the way to keep down ring rule. It believes in no cliques or caucus rule, but the nntrammeled will of the people, freely expressed, without restriction or prejudice, with an eye single to the public good ia the party prima, r'.es tnd convention. The Courier always supports the party nominees It never allows its prejudice or pref erences to sway orinflnenceit against the combined wisdom of the people whose will has been determined in the fair and just methods used un der the plan of organization of the party prepared and designed for the public good for the benefit of a lib. erty-levmg, free people. Everyone should study the aff airs of county and state and see which party has given the best government and the most economical manage ment of affairs. These matters should be considered dispassionately, purely for the public good, and not from a pr judiced or biased stand point. Indirect methods, partisan bitter ness and personal abuse and corrupt and questionable methods, should not be practiced or tolerated, and he who resorts to such methods should receive the condemnation he so justly ' deserves. It is true that corruption should be exposed and a spade should be called a spade, but it should be done in a decent manner when necessary. In dealing with men who are crook ed it nevertheless becomes necessary to hew to the line, let the chips fall where thej may. ItlaradHia Leg. "All thought I'd lose mjr left," writes J. A.Swensen; of Watertown, Wis. ''Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could not care, had at last laid me tip. Then Back len's Arnica Salve cared it, soand and well." Infallible for Skin Krnptione, Eczema, Salt Rheum. Boils, Fever Sores, Bams, Scalds, Cats and Piles. 25c at J. T. Underwood's, Mxt to Bank of Randolph. Natural advantages are helpful to any community. Fine homes, beau tiful churches and great industrial enterprises do much. There are many things which help to build a town and make it prosperous, but the one thing needful is a get together spirit, a oneness of purpose, a uuity of the people, the putting astdd of all dilL-rencs when the interests of the town are at stake. GOOD ROADS TELL STORY. l-'i-aiu-e spends IH.O(:,li) a Year in Result's. LouUville CiiurioJuuruuM The existence or nonexistence of roads determines the question of whether a c sua try is occupied by a civiliz-d people or bv savages. Bun lhirly the degree of the euligntuient of a country or section of a country might be ascertained by passing over it in a .balbon and studying with glasses the extent and i h trader of its system of rout's. To its roads builders no less thau to its warriors, were due -the giowth and great ness of tlie Roman empire. , Nut the least of the surviving monuments that attest the genius of the Houiaii3 is the Appian Way, which was be gun by Caesar Appius Claudius mere t han t wo thousaud years ago. It is the beast of Great Britain thather roads prove the quality of her civilization, and that the high ways she has constructed in her African and Asian possessions prove the beneficence of her rule. France, which is famous for the thrift of it3 working classes, probably leads the world today in the completeness of her system of roads'and their quality With an area only about five times as great as that of Kentucky, France has spent $600,000,000 m the con struction of public road?, and spends annually 3 per cent of the coat of construction $18,000,000 keeping them in repair. One of the most successful men of America when acked to what he at tributed his success replied: ' I built my fortune on the dial of my watch; seconds became pennies, minutes became dimes, hours be- came dollars. I gave a money value to every tick, and I took advantage of everything that economized time. I never procrastinate; 1 never wait for other people to get ahead of me. I keep my eyes and ears open for op portunities; I look well into whatever seems gcod to me; when my judg ment approves, I act promptly and with decision. I don't know th?t there is any particular rule or law of success, but I'm pretty sure that one of the foundation principles is 'Don't lose Time." Time saving, which means the in telligent use ef time, is undoubtedly one of the great factors of success in any walk of life; and that is why in. ventire genius is kept busy devising means to multiply the values of a day. Anything that enables a man to do more with less effort saves time and energy and permits him to un dertake much that was impossible before. The steam engine, the tele graph, the telephone, the automo bile, the electric motor, the type writer, the perfected printing press, etc. etc., are time-savers that in fifty years have done more toward the de velopment of civilization and the increase of the world s wealth than has been accomplished in a thousand. An Ode For Asheboro. (Tune Walt for tbe Wagon.) Tbe Civic League of Asheboro, Is surely doing good : TiB working for the good of all, And must be understood, We want a neat, attractive town. Clean streets aud yards, and homes, Tis lu our power to make it such, Where'ere the waud'rer roams. Chorus. Hurrah, Hurrah for Asheboro, We 11 siuar it good and strong, Hurrah, Hurrah for Asheboro, We'll sing il loud and long. Our town ban grown and is growing still, There's lots of room for more. Welcome is either Jack orill, Whether their itch or poor. We have a right good graded school, Brick courthouse, churches four. Railroads, electric lights a pool, Mills, lands and stores galore. Chorus. Hurrah, Hnrrah tor Asheboro, We'll slug it good and strong. Hurrah, Hurrah for Asheboro, We'll ' ing it loud and long. Our school assembly room will hold One thousand in a crowd. Our residents are well behaved. We will proclaim It loud. We are Old Randolph's Cjunty seat. We're proud of Asheboro, And we will all be proud to meet,. Mew friends to help it grow. Chorus. To Consumptives. Edward A. Wileon'e Preparation of Hypo phospbiteg and Blodgett from the origina formula ia the Sovereign Remedy for Con sumption, Asttma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe, Coughs, Colds, and all Long and Throat Maladies. Thousands of people say they have been relieved by it. Those who have used it will have no other and recommend it to their f-J low sufferers. It has cured many after they were given up as incurable by their physicians. This ramedy has been in nee for over 48 years, and yoar druggist can procure it with tull directions and advice from the leading Wholesale Druggists, or from me direct. For full particulars, testimonials, etc. address C. A. Abbott, Sole Agent, 60 Ann Street, New York, N. Y. IAltention this Paper, 13. 13. Tfee Best Blood Purifier. Test It Free! If yon are run down or nervous, fee spots fioaline before the eyes, mliiun back, blood thin or skia itches it is a sure Big" of impure blood. Take It. H. B. (Botanic Mood linlm). it will purify and enrich your blood and build in your weakened, broktn- Rdeiimalisai down system. V. It. B. is euarantcecl B. B. B. humors, such us m, Ulcers, latins Sores. Curtd bv to cure an i iww uissoara Syphilitic Blood Toison, Catarrh. kczema, iicninn, n"in ."," and Bumps, Bone Paini, fin.plcs. Old Soics. Scrofula or Kernels, c. Unils. Carbuncles. 11 n. 11. cures nil these blood1 troubles by killinc tile- poison sv'A'em. B. a B. is" he only bloodcm, Cured remedv that can do this-thcrefore 6v B. B. B. it oires and heals all Fores and deep-seated illoo.1 Troubles when all else fads. Thr.Elily FRIT " S A M 'rTUr B Y WRITING BLOOD BALM CO., ATLANTA, CA. Describe trouble and tiec medical advise given. Obituary of -Mrs. Tcmpy SpliiUs ug:;. Tcinpy Stig? was b un in IM'idolph county. N. .". , OoMbvr IS, ISIS, died March 1J, 1010, U-iw ni of tl.c oldest women in this p.trt of the c itintv, :m o.t-. I ni'iiitiisnim -'i 'lays, wiu the iljnuliteri.f Itev. Kioc-!i Sphinx, one of the pioneer M.'thiHUt prviiehcr-i of the county. Ilriit:u-r Sphinx K.ive the hind and br.ilt ol 1 Ml. olivet church, at which si-tev Sttg was convert ed uudcr tile preaehinii.ui the snintel l;i-li-,p MeKeuilree in early life, .of which church she remained u raitniui memo -r iiihu ueain. Sister StiKg was happilj married to W. A. Snttg. ho preceded her to the spirit.world !W years jo. To their union was bo-n ix children, two girls and four sou, nil ' which nro dead ex cept one son, L. O, Susg. of Kr.ct, N. C, Sister Sugg was one of the old type ol Christian mothers who gave her whole time to home mail ing, church and neighbors. Her influence will live on for many years to come. No one was more welcome at her home than the weary itinerant, and many huppy hours were spent around the 11 reside, talking of heavenly things. She was of a stately character lu cul ture, refinement aud piety, leading a .life of loy alty to the Master, lu her last days she talked much of wanting to go home. Though remark ably strong for her age, death released her aud she went to that home for which she bad teen preparing bo many years. No one ever had more care and love bestowed upon them than was lavished upon her, A dutiful son and it most amiable daughter-in law gave her. all possible care. The writer Los known her a very short while, but learned to love her and will cherish her memory through many years as oneof tbe most pleasaut aud lovable of women. Her faith was tlrm und steadfast, her last days most peaceful, her la-t hour most serene. A smile played across her fare when death claimed her. Farewell, Sistor Sugg, but not forever. We laid her to rest amidst a host of sorrowing fneads in the cemetery at old Mt. Olivet. R. L. FRUIT. 8tlrr.eck. Stiff neck ia caused by rheumatism at tbe muscles of tbe neck. It is usually couliued to one side, or to the back of the neck and one side. VV bile it is often quite painful, quick relief may be had by nppfying Cbam berlain 8 Liniment. IN ot one case ot rheu matism in ten requires internal treatment. When there is no fever and no swelling as ia muscular and chronic rheumatism, Cham berlain's Liniment will accomplish more than any internal treatment. For sale by all Druggists. 1 Miss Mary Long obtained a judge ment of $1000 damage in Meckhn burg county recently against her family physician, Dr. J. A. Austin. It is alleged that several years ago when she had suffer id from an epi leptic fit, he had been called in and failed to discover a dislocated shoul der. Good Cough Medicine for Children. The aeasen for coughs and colds is now at hand and too much care cannot be need to protect the children. A child is much more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The quicker you cure his cold the less the risk. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the sole reliance of many mothers, and few of those whe have tried it are willing to use any other Mrs. F. F. Startcher, of Ripley, W. Va., says: "I have never nsed anything other than Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for ray children, and it has always given good satisfaction." This rernridy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a child as o a adult. For sale by all Druggists. Previous to 1800, tallow dips and wax caudles were the only sources of light; then came gas lighting and about 1850 the oil lamps came, be coming very widely used in the six ties. In 1S76 the first aro light was used in a lighthouse and later they were installed for street illumiDa t!on. The incandescent lamp was discovered by Edison in 1880 and the latest development in electric lighting, the new metal filament lamps, is only about a year eld. Why Nof Read The Courier- Journal ? Henry Watterson, Editor. We can furnish you the Asheboro Courier and the Weekly Courier-Journal Both One Year for $1.50. . We can also give liberal com bination rate with Daily or Sun day Courier-Journal. Write Courier-Journal Company. Louis ville, Ky., for free sample copy of edition you desire, but be sure to send your subscriotion order to this paper NOT to the Cou-'rier-Journal. Thousands Have Kiinsy Trouble and Never Suspect it. Bow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a brick tiust sedi ment, orsetthng, stringy or ruilKy appearaticeol'ttn indicates au mi l'ealthy condi tion of the Sid neys; too fre quent desire to r.ass it or pain in the back are also symptom that tell you the kidneys and bladder are out of order and need attention. Vhat To To. There la cotr.rort i:i the knowledge ro oftL-n expressed, th::t Pr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the nfc-t kidney remedy, fulfills almost every visit in correcting rheumatism, pain in the. b:ick, kidneys, ii ver, bladder a::d every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water ami scalding pain in pareiujr it, or bad eflect3 following uce of liquor, v ine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of bei:!.r compelled to go often through the day, and to tret tip many titues'dt'.ring the night. The r'ild and ir.unedu'.te "effect of iiwantp-Sioot is soon rcr.lir'.ed. It stands the highest be causeof its remarkable Vv health restoring prop erties. If yon need a 0Sl'i.!r-jt"2r3.'?s medicine vou should JSS!,!! fi.5;?.;H have t lie best. Sold by vc;':'- druggists in fifty-cent "," 'rf and one-dollar si.es. "u.-, T" You niav have a rsmpl bottle rn! fr. by mail. Addresser. Kiln:'-C., llr.ig hamton, N. Y. Mention this p:.':er run; rememberthename, Dr. Kiiiii:v's .-w:isu;j-Root, and the address, liit.ghiniiUa N. Y., on every bottle. Newest Designs in WALL PAPER I have inst received over one thousand samples of the latest designs in Wall Tapers. All kinds from 5c. per roll up. Highest Class Paper, Many New Styles Call on or write to me for c-s'.imatcs and samples. Sample furnished anywhere in or out of the olatn. Jiiimpumte needs supplied from Block. Very liberal discount given. Reference given when desired. M. HAMMOND Paper Hanger and Decorator Asheboro, N. C. '.'.I " . 43C CHEATECT SEWING MACHINE ! RUNNING ,t!.4l.P ' 1 TPiriS Ifyon wantelthera VlbmtlngShnttle, Rotnry faliutUe or a Single Threnit f Chain SKiU7iJ bowing Aincmne write u THE NEW HOME SEWIN0 MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. Msiriewtncmachinesare made toieltrceardlen oi Quality, but the Mew Home is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out Sold bjr Mtborlced dealers only, FOB SALS BY YootTa Trgf Hf rk Grass and Clover Seeds are best qualities obtainable, of tested germination and free from objectionable weed seeds. Wood's Seed Book for 1910 elves tbe fullest Information a bout all Farm and Garden Seeds, especially about Grasses and Cloy, ere, the kinds to sow and tbe best way to sow them for successful stands and crops. WOOD'S SEEDS bave been sown for mora than thirty years in ever increasing quantities, by the best and most successful farmers. Wood's Seed Book mailed free on request. Write for it. T.W. WOOD & SONS, tty SEEDSMEN, pil A . Richmond, Virginia. rJ II. B. Hiatt, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office over Johnson's Store McDovU Ituilding Aihrboro, A. C. N. PCOX, Jeweler Asheboro, N.'C Mem. W L. and Roseoe Parker, admrs. of W. tonal property of the deceased pril 6, 1910, trt witi Three mules, one surry, and harness, two sows, three sr-oata and four pigs, one drill, one set wagon harnnsa, two wturons. one range, one stove, two sewing machines, two milch cows, seven yearlings, one dlfk harrow and other articles too numerous to mention. h. rawer, nee'd. snnouuee Uie ssle of the ner. 1 El MUl'MIt A CRANK--p located in some dark, inconvenient place, does Q 5; not have to be turned; a kit of tools isn't re J quired.to insert a fresh ribbon in W The New Model g c L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter o o Lay the end of the ribbon on the spool shank, q 4) revolve the spool with the forefinger that q 0 does it. Nice, clean work. No tools, clips, q pins or soiled hands. q (I Not, in itself, so important, but indicative of () q simplicity as well as durability in the make-up. q iS TTm XT A npriTT A J- O OYS We are still selling Boys Suits at greatly reduced prices and will be glad, to fit you out in this line. G. W. ELLIOTT'S. The Big Store , The BANK OF RANDLEMAN Randleman, N. G. Capital and Profits $18,000. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits. S. BRYANT, N. N. NEWLIN. President. Vlce-Pres, J. H. COLE, Cashier. Hammer & Company, Fire, Tornado, Health and Accident Insurance. The best companies. Also' Real Estate, leased, bought and sold. Next Door on Street West of Lawyers Building. . Ashetoro, N. C. VV. JL JL Ja.X JL 'V- JL JL Our veryy latest 1910 Highest Grade SEWING ACHINE At an EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICE Only five sold to any one town. Write for Particulars, Address NEW LEADER SEWING MACHINE CO., . Cleveland, Ohio. Courier Job Office For All Kinds Of Printing. ASHEBORO, N. C. SUITS t Ra.ndleman, N. C. 4.000.000 Peach Trees. The J. C. Hale Nursery Co. Winchester, tenn. Exclusive Growers Peach Tree June bnds a specialty. No agents travel in, but sell direct to planter at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from all disease and true to name. Write us for catalog and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We guaran tee our stock to be true to name. Largest peach nursery in the world. J. C. HALE, Prop. Winchester, Tennessee. DR. T. F. ASHBURN, DENTIST. Kandieman, - - N. G. Office Honrs: 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m,; 1:30 p. m. to 4 p. ,m. Yonr work solicited. CITY BARBER SHOP, .Opposite Weod i Moring't, Asheboro, N- C. Two Chairs, Clean Linen. Open early and late : : OF A LIFE TIME i We are going to 'o.-V''- sell to you direct from -M- VT JL J--JLT