Bare. Balla Bnteitatae. , Mrs. J. D. Bulla, of Trinity township, OntwUiasd at her borne on last Friday eve ningj Jam 10th, anarober of young people in honor of her oldest eon Earle'e 21at birth day. By 8 o'clock there wag twenty three present They played games until 11 o'clock, and then the jolly crowd marched into the dining room, where there was a table loaded with delicious cakes, wafers, bananas and ice cream. After the jolly crowd had all eaten of the good things they oouldthey marched back to the parlor, where Hiss Farlow entertained them with mnsio until 12 o'clock, and then it was time for them to part, every one wishing the young man many more happy birthdays. Beared lato Staad Health. Mr. B. F. Kelly, Springfield, 111., write!; "A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidneys and bladder, which grew worse un til Ibecame alarmed at my condition. I suf fered also with dull heavy headaches and die action of my bladder was annoying and pain ful. I read of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them a few weeks the headache left me, the action of my bladder was again nor mal, and I was free of all distress." Standard Drag Co. Gray' Cfcapel News. Wheat in this section is well filled. - Jordan & Alfred, of near Franklinville, were in the community last week with their binder harvesting wheat. Alvis Underwood has moved his family to his old home here. Mr. Underwood, who bought the old church, moved it off the church grounds last week, which adds to the appearance of the new church. ' Mr. Marian York, of the 8andy Creek section, visited O. D. Pegh's family last week. Jasper Ward and Rosa Ward each hare recently purchased new baggies. The tax lister has come and gone. Jim Smith was a welcome visitor at Jehn Jones' last Sunday night. What A Iwmf Cald May Da. A Bummer cold if negleoted is just as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season. Do not neglect it. Take Foley's Honey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the in flamed air passages, and expels the cold from the systems," , ' , , ' Standard Drug Co. Back Creek Items. Corn is looking fine in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bulla, of Elise, are visiting their parents. Miss Clara Pritcbard is visiting in Ashe boro this week. Mrs. Benjamin Millikan is visiting rel atives near.Sophii. Lee Slack's family are visitors at B. F. Bulla's. Miss Essie Dougan and her cousin, Wade Marsh, made a business trip in our com munity last week. Harvey Bulla has returned home from Elise. Mrs. J. N. Pritchard returned home from Aeheboro Tuesday. Mrs. A. M. Osborn visited her home in Worthville last week. There willl be a meeting at John Wesley Chapel the fourth Sunday in this month at 10 oelock. Do It Now. Now is the time to get rid of your rheu matism. You can do so by applying Cham berlain's Liniment. Nine cases out of tan ae simply muscular rheumatism due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, and yield to the vigorous application of this liniment Try it. You are certain to be delighted with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by Standard Drug Co., Asheboro, N. C. Franklinville News. We are having a nice Sunday schocl at the M. E. church. Liza Newsome has gone to spend the sum mer with her grandfather. People are busy cutting wheat in this sec tion. Misses Callie and Bertha Riddle visited Miss Bettie York Sunday. Miss Callie Riddle went to Xasnseur Fri day. William Tippett and two sons returned from Asheboro last Saturday. Miss Lillie Cheek has gone to Aehsbero to spend the summer with her sister. Miss Ads Newsome is oa the sick list. 'Miss Ina and Nelia Newsome visited Mies Nelia 8tout Sunday. . . Viae, a Effie and Ida Bean visited Miss Ina Newsome Sunday evening. Ends Winter's Trouble. To many, winter is a season of trouble The frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly bepore Buckleo's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Ore: test healer of Burns, Boils, Piles. Outs, Sores, Ecz ma and Sprains. Only 25c a' J. T. Underwood, next to Bank of Randolph. rCard of Thanks. Please allow me the privilege through the columns of the paper, to express my most sincere thanks to the many .readers and pat rons of The Courier, for their ready response to my efforts ia securing subscriptions and renewals to the paper, thus, enabling me to seen re tne grana prize offered by the pub Ushers, a handsome upright piano, for the highest number or greatest list of subscrip tions to The Courier, and also- to ' thank the busy and progr ssive editor for .his prompt delivery of the same prize, as well as other smaller prizes given tor extra service. Very truly yours. Miss Molete C. low. rOIYSim)HEYPlIlS faa dmwm Hidmiiwi tuam Ccntrtl Falls News. The lawn party at W. T. W renn's Sstnr day was highly enjoyed by all the young people. . A few of our people attended the lawn party at Worthville Saturday night. Henry Phillips, of Worthville, tpent Sat urday night and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Phillipa. Miss Van Kinney and aiater visited their sister, Mrs. A. R. Cox, Saturday night and Sunday. - J. R. Lutterloh spent Sunday with his sisters in Franklinville. Child rn Cry. FC FLETCHER'S "' CAGTORIA Rasaeear Items. Tom Moore, of the Southern Express Co., Favetteville. visited friends here Sunday. Miss L. P. Marshall, who ia pleasantly re- nemoerea oy a noet oi inenua in nanueuri ia the mat of Miaa Nina Camnbell. Dr. 8. W. Caddell returned Saturday from St. Louis, where be attended . a ' meeting of the American Medical Association. John J. Phoenix, Jr , of Greensboro, was a visitor in town last Sunday. Mrs. Weber and children, of South Caro lina, are spending some time with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wooslev. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Siler spent several days last week with relatives near Wilson. Mrs. V. G. Marley and daughter, Miss Dale, a e the guests of friends in Durham this week. Rev. W. L. Sherrell, of the Christian Advocate, Greensboro, filled the pulpit at the M. E. Ch-irch Sunday, preaching an inter esting and practical sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Marley. of Franklin ville, visited relatives in town last Saturday and Sunday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. D T. Wrisht last week. At the last meeting of Marietta Lodge, No. 414 A. F. and A.M., nearly all the officers were re-elected. It wss decided to have a imbue installation of officers Jans 25, and a sermon by Rev. J. W. Potter. A banquet will be given the members after the exercises are. over. Foley's Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admirable results. It does way with bed wetting, and is also rsoom- mended for use alter measles and soar let fever.' Standard Drug Co. I4barty?Jlaiee. - (Special to Dally Mews.) Eiberiy.'June 11. Mrs. Reeoe died at her home hen Friday, after several days' illness. . She was about 80 years old. . Armp Patterson ia expected home today from St Leo'i hospital, where he has been for about five weeks. Miss Clara Cartas is in the hospital at Baltimore. She went to undergo an oper ation for appendicitis. Mrs. E. R. Wells has been in Raleigh the past week visitinff her motheri Mrs. nun tor Miss Viola Coble came home Tuesday from Ashe ville, where, she attended the Woman's Missionary Association. Miss Barbara Alexander, ef Burlington, pint Thursday night with Mrs A. 0. Hack ly. Children's Day will be held at the M. E Church tomorrow. The Conservation of Nature's Resources Applies as well to our physical state as to material things. C.J. Budlong, Washing ton, R. 1. realized nis condition, and took warnids before 't was too late. He says: "I suffered severely from kidney trouble, the disease being hereditary in our family. I have taken four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now consider myself thorough ly cured. This should be a warning to all not too neglectjtaking Foley's Kidney Remedy until it is to late, standard Jjrng vo. STALEY ROUTE 1 ITEMS. Death of Aged Lady Interesting News Items, Shady Grove Baptist Church will observe the Lord's supper and sacrament on the 3rd Sunday in June at 11 a. m. The Sunday School at Shady Grove is pro gressing encourageinoly under the good work done by D. M. Frazier as Superin tendent. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. MoUasteiB visited Col. J. W. Staley last Sunday. Mr. Staley has been confined to his room for some time with sciatica. New binders have been purchased by Q. M. York, J. M. York, W. M. Wright and Dougan Frazier to harvest their wheat crops. Wheat is fairly good in this section this season. Mise Elisabeth Staley, an aged, much loved and respected old lady, died at the home of her brother, Col. J. W. Staley, at Staley Sunday morning about 3 a. m. The deceased leaves a host of friends and rela tives, who will Badly miss her. We miss thee sadly dear aunt Betsy, We see a vacant chair,-. We miss thy ever smiling face, '.' We miss thee everywhere: " FOIEYSOEINOlAXAIIYE roa Stomach Troublk and Constipatiqsj Ulan News; , Messrs. T. E. and H. M. Cranford, F. T Dawson and C. C. Gray left last Saturday tor Illinois. . . -. Mrs, Henrietta Cranfoid visited at L. A Fry's Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs.! W. A. Cox spent Saturday night and Sunday, at Mrs. M. ,E. Cox's. Albert Cox spent Sunday, with C. B. Frye. G. L. Frye, who has accepted a position near Candor, ia at home. ; Miss Addie Hearne spent Sunday at the home of her brother, 8. F; Hearne, ' Spero Hewe. t The Woman's Associstion for the Better ment of Public Schools will meet again July 6th. Mrs E. M. Clapp and Mies Rose Belle Bonkemeyer, of Central Falla, visited rela tives here last week. Curtis Richardson and Harvey Bulla were in Spero Friday. Some of our young men went ashing last Saturday and caught 160. fish.. Rev. Thomas Sechrest, of Kandleman, R F. D.t was in town Saturday. Mrs. Alva Parsons, of Rsndlemaa, visited at Mrs, Marinda Clapp'i last week . Mrs. Chaa. Dobson, ef Randleman, spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. N. P Nelson. H. M. Clspp, of High Point, ia visiting relatives here. J. M Cross, of Asheboro,' wss ia town 8unday. Harvey Bulla, of Randleman Route 3, Was in Spero Friday .' . . , Franklinville News, The Young Men's Christian TJnion will meet in the Baptist Church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o clock, The subject is "Be ware." , Revs. J. D. Hackney and J. E. Woosley, Messrs. J. M. Tippett, J. H. Bur row, J. H. Fentriss, and W. D. Maner are expjeted to make talks. W. R. Trogdon left Friday for Oxford where he has accepted a position aa barber. T. A. Slack, one of our best farmers, haa a head of wheat containing 57 well develop ed grains. ' The Messrs. Fox, who have been visiting their uncle, Dr. T. I. Fox, left for ih.'ir home at Kandleman rnday. Mr and Mrs. H. H. Slack spent Sunday with Mr. Slacks sister, Mrs. B. F. Gray, near Cedar Falls. Mrs. D. M. We therly and Miss Berts Ellison are attending the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at Asheville this week. Quite a large number of Odd Fellows heard an interesting speech by L. I). Men denhaU, of Randleman, in the Masonic Hall Saturday night. After the speech ice cream and other refreshments were served. Mrs. Effie Luther and neeoe. Miss Effie Bell frazier, visited f nends at Central Falls last Sunday. R. C. Curtis spent a few days last week with his parents near Randleman. fThe R. F. D. Route has several new boxes in this community. C. ri . Craven, who has been farming near Stony Point, Alexander ooanty, has returned and aooepted a position with the Pagh livery stable. W G. Craven, of High Point, is visiting ia the city. J, O. havett left Monday morning for Sonford, where he will have charge of a candy eataoiisnment. Mrs. W. C. Russell has returned from the hospital at Charlotte, and seems ts be much improved. There willTbe an entertainment given by the Golden Link Society at the M. E. Church next Sunday mormon. The Masonic Fraternity will install their omosrs at their nail next Saturday night. eieaola Items. - a Mrs. Milser Aagel has just do ed sn eioht days' meetins at Glenola. which re sulted in seventy conversions. She is a great revivalist, Mrs. J. R. Coltrsne, Miss Kate Phillips and Messrs. G-. E Sun ton, and D. I. Col trane, who have baen visiting at A. B. .Col trsne s, nave returned to their homes. Prof. E. J. Coltrane left here Tuesday for the University of Va., where he will attend tha summer school. The oondition of Sam McDowell is im proved. Mrs. L, H. Davis is visiting her parents at Level urose, A. B. Coltrane is attending Federal Court at Greensboro. Miss Mary White, of Trinity, ia visiting ner aunt, Mrs. u. l. white. Obituary. Israel Lowdermilk was born November 23id, 1828 and died April 18th, 1910 at the see of 81 yea s, 4 months and 25 days. Brother Lowdermilk was a member of the M. P. Church for some considerable time, but quite a number of yeara ago he withdrew from that church, receiving a le ter of his good Christian standing, and unit ed with the Christian Church at .sew Center, Randolph County, N. C. He lived in that church a good, consistent, and quiet Chris tian life until God called him np to that hap py home prepared for all the faithful heirs of saltation. Brother Lowdermilk waa a veay easy, good-natured, well-disposed man, of jovial ana genial manners; taking much (leasure in doing acts of kindness to all with whom he had to do. In him the pxr and needy found a liberal and indulgent friend. He was a good, quiet, and peaceable neighbor and friend; a good husband and an indulgent father; showing equal love and affection alike to all his children n his last will i n i tesianent to theji In the church he was a faithful member, endeavoring to bear his portion of the burden aa he con ceived it to rest upon him, desiring the pros perity ot tne cnarcn. He suffered much ia the last year or year and a half ef hia lif , having been stricken down with paralysis. During this suknesa his walk with God seemed to oecome closer and closer. His one great desire seemed to be, "Nearer My Ged to Thee." He bore his Buffering with Christian fortitude and patience. Through the goodness and mercy of. God he was able to bear the afflictions of his poor body for a abort time, believing that when this suffering was over, he would enjoy that "eternal, weight of glory" that St. Paul speaks of. lie had expressed himself as being ready, anq. willing to die ana tie at rest. Thus he passed away qaie ly and peaceably, trusting to the saving arms of the good Master. .' His dear companion had preceded him to the glory world not long since. ' Children of the deceased, be faithful in the service of tie Lord. Strive to bi- ready when the call comes, . One by one we follow the dear ones wbo have gone before. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Rev. 14:13. "Precious in the sight ef the Lord is the death of Ilia saints. Kev. 16:15. H. A. Albright. v Liberty News. ' Mr. and Mrs. ; Bright Crutchfield, - oi Uieensooro, were weloome visitors in .our town last week . .- . . Miss Mary Griffin, who has been spending soma ume wiui reiauTee in rutsDoro, xn , v., returned home iast Monday. J. L Johnson, who has been in Baltimore' under treatment for - two ' weeks, returned home last I bursday, very much improved Mrs. Reeoe, of this town, mother of - Joe Reeoe, wbo has been confined to .her bed for several months, died last Friday morning. O. A. Patterson, who has been a patient at St. Leo's Hospital for six weeks, came home Saturday. His many friends are glad to see his recovery . -. M a. Minnie Hackney, of Oxford. N. . C. is here visiting her father. A. M. Ellison. Mrs. Nsthaa Kimes, of Kimes ville, spent J several aays nere last wees, witn ner mother Mrs. Judge Patt rson, who continues very sick. .' Mr. and Mr. W. H. Hardin, of Julian. waa here last Sunday to a. tend the burial of Mrs. Dana Patterson, of Greensboro. Miss Clara Curtis, a pstient of John Ho-" kins Hospital, Baltimore, is expected hems this week. ' M. J. Reitzell came home Saturday for a few days. Chaa. Harletu, of Greensboro, was here Monday and Taeeday. Miss Ells Lee Smith left Saturday for Clio, 8, C, to visit ner brother, Dr. Tom Smith. , Mrs. E. R. Wells went to Raleisa last week to visit relatives end friends. roa.frsMaeN TSeuSeC ans) CowstiMTicsi Llnsberry Items. John Alfred, who has been very ill of iheid fever, is improving. , Hr. and Mrs. Ross Ward visited at A.' M. Allred's Saturday night and Sunday. Messrs. Henry Allred and Thomas Hackett, of Siler City, visited home folks .Sunday. Miss Louisana Lineherry is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. O. E. Rootiv near Rand'emao. A. D. Lineberry, of Virginia, vis'ted his parents here last week . Capt. Thorp aad family scant a part of last week with relatives at Cedar Falls. : John Hackett, of Pleasant Garden, is vis iting bis parents at this place. Oui e a number of our voano p ople at tended the ice cream supper given at Will Kirkman s Saturday night. All present re port a deliehtful time. Arthur Allred made a business trip to Greensboro Saturday a positioj with the S. A. L. Railway Com pany. Death of Former Liberty Woman. Mrs. Dana G. Patterson, formerly of Liberty, Randolph county, died suddenly at her home in Greensboro last Saturday aged 32 years. The remains were taken to Liberty for bnrial Sunday, Fnneral services were conducted by Eev. Shaford Peeler, of Greansboro. The many beautiful floral offerings testified to the esteem in which Mrs. Patterson was neld. Her sudden death was quite a shock to her miny friends in Liberty. Mrs. Patterson waa a daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Teague, of Greensboro, bnt for some time made her home ip Liberty. 4 She, is snrfi ved by her husband five children', parents, two. brothers, Messrs. O. C. Tengue, of Greensboro, H. B. Teague, of the U, S. Army, and one sister, Miss Detta Teague. The family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends io their be reavement Summer Schools. ' Charlotte Observer. Educational authorities are pretty well agreed on the benefhs to be dt rived from sammer schools for teachers, nnt only from the view point of increased knowledge and improved methods but also from tte daily intercourse i with alert and earnest minds engaged in similar work. There is a temptation for the pupil-teacher to over-emphasize tnis utter feature, and wearied with the term's work, to allow the well named "campus course" to absorb too much time and attention. Nearly three hundred teachers are enrolled in Greenville this summer to pursue some of the fifty courses offered during the six weeks of the schoola'a duration. There is little danger of their time being spent frivolously, as may be readily gather ed from 'the regulation that each must pursue five of the courses, amounting in the aggregate to be tween 20 and 25 hours of class au tendance per week . MlchUeld News. J. A. Spnce. of Asheboro. was here a short while Monday on business. Mr. and Airs. . J. Presnell spent Sunday night at S . W. Presnells on Seagrove Route Mr. and Mr?. Elsie Yow aad little child of near Asheboro. visited at Jacob Auman's Saturday night and Sunday. nr. 4. vv . sicyuaize and family, of South Carolina have moved here. The children. Grandchildren, and other relatives anf friends of Mrs. Elias Moore gathered at her heme on Sunday, June 12th w ceieoraie ner ootn birthday'. A large crowd was present and the day waa thoroughly enjoyed by all. Owing to the rainy weather, a long row of tables was laced in the broad porch and then loaded own with good things to eat. Mrs. Moore has six children, and twenty five grand children. AH the children were E resent except Chaa. Moore of Fla. and Ira. Ada Trogdon of Hoffman N.'O. About four o'clock the. guests began to leave, wish ing Mrs. 31 core many more happy birthdays. A Joint Debate. Canaan Debating Society will meet Denton Literary' Society in Joint Debate at Denton N. 0., on Saturday night June 25 1910 at 8;15, Everybody is invited- to come and hear the discussion. We Have selected a Query that has a broad meaning one of great influence, one that ia entertaining one that is of present mterent to the Public and which isBes l ed that Emigration is Detrimental to tne United States. Denton Society has the Affirmative and Canaan Society has the. Nega tive. The speakers on the Affirma tive are J. P. Biaghatn, 0 L. Snider. The Speakeis pu the Neg ative are, 0. L. Nance and 0. E. Ridge, Dont forget the date, Satnr day night June 25 1 910. Come onff come an ana near tne .Discussion. 8hepherd -sed bats with Aeheboro'a sec ond sine Saturday, June 11, score standing it io w m isvor oi onepnera. It)LEl5nn)nEiTiLl3 res) Baca 'as Rtawcesaae Btassss) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ; Havlns auallftad aa administrator on thaatat of Rusan It. Hendricks, deceased, . before W. 0. Hammond, Clerk of tbe Superior Court o! Ran dolph county, ail peraMu bavins dalms afalnst said estate are notified to present them to the ond entitled, duly verified, on ot before tbe lftth day of Juee, 1M1. or ibis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all peraoaa owing aM estate will ooaie forward and make Imme diate settlement ' This the istb day of June 1910. , John C. AUred, Adnuaistrrtor. "A b4v earns into mv store "'I have been using a New Perfection Oil In my apartment. ; I want one now for my ac these oil stoves are wonderful. If only vS comfort tbe are, they would an nave one. I spoke about my stove to a lot of my friends, aad they were aston ished. They thought that there was smell and smoke from an oil atove, and that it beatd room jost hiss may other stove. I told them of my experience, and one after another they got one, and now, not one of them would give hat up for five times it asst.' Theeady wbo aaMthle had thoogrbt an oil stova waa all tight fox quickly hcexiof milk tot a baby, or bcmf a kettle of water, or to saake toffse quickly in the mnrrtrng, bat aha never dreamed of naha it tor aWfealt or heavy eecJa. Haw sJwfcntwa Peres reattr n IH'i wW a Hew PwfcetloaOIlCoca in eiisaSSr Me ibm aaal ta eatvy. ae atare Saaataa to the ataaer caMe ee tire gat than pern Wtsat raatlafataPaastllisSiii'i aWtssstaaiail S aa lam si baas SnmiIhm eAMC7 IZCKillUiLK. .Villi! ULUUP It-..! Oil QQlXrStmc i aa a a Bfckal tsdsb. with the saijfa Useof the Hans wen j, I aaa TEETH and asnreanrve. iiijasslweSjeaasira - E?-rpl oa Company . Extracted By Painless Method. Gums Heal Rapidly as a result of the "antiseptic" properties of the Solution used on the gums to prevent the pain. Weak or nervous people may have any number of badly de cayed teeth or roots removed with remakably little pain, and without bad after effects. , Broken down health it often caused by having; a mouth full of con taminated teeth, badly decayed, with diseased roots. Your health may be almost instantly improved by having- them removed, and your ap pearance will also be greatly benefited when you have a new set made "The Sherwood System" of taking: impressions and arranging- teeth on plates is the only abso lutely accurate method.' It is pleasant and painless, 'Plates made ac cording to the old method sometimes fit very well, but a plate made by the new method that always fits and never dops- down when you laugh, is "a thing of Beauty, and a Joy for ever". Examinations Free. Work Guaranteed. 8:00 Office Hours Prices reasonable and will inquiry. ' Dr. W. J. Gregg is'a graduate in Dentistry and bss the distinction of graduating at the head of his class, and was awarded the College Gold Medal and first prize . in, the Gold Operating contest. ' .!','. '' - DR. J. D. GREGG, v. Office in Cregg Building, Liberty, N. C. Money back if not satisfied No Premiums. All Cof feeDouble Strength!; Flavor and Aroma that - iease, Finest Quality packed 'Places us where we can make this guarantee. ' ; - -. v. - .... . .. . . . v. . J ACKSOW SQUARE COFFEE Our pi ooi tion-st bouble Strength.' 'Only, ntyessm v to us oitP'Ntlf jmiob o)f Jaokson Square ym doVf othVr isotTeesXberifelore jc is the esonomiovl cpff. t remove m(1 cbatt, dirtnd dp at witb our proceed f roHStnijti' --Yft only pack JocksOn Square tu seal-t-l tins t give yon the real original New Orleans flavor wbk& ! mrfrifhw corefe faraons.. . .. " Six Blue Eiil?l?Oiia awarded to' us for 'qaalitv. . AB vour trrocer vo eopply yjo. with this .,! Quality .--'v-Ooffe;lBeJVBrjftwfe ht ieroctr - IMPORTERS COFFEE.COMPANY, Ltd., .. ;.',.. 'l'..': New Orleans, La; ' NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained -by ' the Stats, for tls Women of North Carolina. Four regular Conrses leading - to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Beasion begins September. 14; 1910. Those desiring to enter should apply as early aa possible. For catalogue and other information address JuHus L Fcust, Pres. Greensboro N. C. lately an?, s :.'.!.'. ve .1 winter it:. far spm piataa and food hot, :T chimneys, makes the stove ornamanta parsers; to a ana a-Duraes iiuiws a jm. to 12:00 m. be glad to furnish them on TIN CANS For Fruits and Vege : ; tables. V- I buy cans and - supplies in car load lots and can save you money. Write me for prices. H. N. STEED, " Steeds, N.C aaMBm. ae thet tha name-plata n m Wtae reads "New Perfection." H .