THE ASHEBORO COURIER Asheboro, N. 0., July 7, 1910. Local and Personal. Mies Maie Dicker a is visiting "id. 1exiDgtou .this week. Mr. Ed Mendenhal), of Randle man was in towa las: Sunday. Mr. George Dorset t, of Farmer, was a visitor here last ounday. Mr. J. T. Wood and son Tom went to Randleman fo-f the Fourth Mr, Carl Birkhead went to High romt Tuesday where he has accept' ed a position. Miss Bertha Cox is at Jackson Springs where she will stay a few weeks for her nealth. Mr. and Mrs, J M. Ilanner and little son went to Greensboro Mon day returning Tuesday. Mioses Nellie Spoon and Virginia Hbnly went to Kandleman Monday to spend the ourth. . Miss Cora Redding went . up to Greensboro one day last week to visit Miss rAna Millikan. - Ex-Sherifl T. J. Finch, of Trinity Township, has recently purchased a mve-prssenger Huick touring car Mr. Herbert Howard, of Mechanic, was a visitor in Asheboro last Mon' day. Mr. R. L. Causey, of Bandleman R. F. D., was a visitor in Asheboro last Saturday. Miss Mamie Edwards and brother Nathan, of Edgar are visiting at ..Mr. C. J. Cox's this week. Prof. Charles E. McCalnless, formerly principal of Ramseur -Grade d School, was a visitor . in As benoro last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Morris and -kittle- "ons,Bob and viQljJKwd,. -attended the Fourth of July cele bration at Bandleman Monday. Mr. B. E. Betts, who has a posi tion- with- the - Star ...Machine . . Qo, t Star, spent last Sunday here with liia family. Mr- Theodore Bunting and fam aly, of Greensboro, came down last Sunday atternoon to visit me iamiiy -of Mr. John steed. Mr. M. L. Stalker visited in Ran -dleman last Sunday and attended the Independence Day celebration there Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skeen, of Da idson county, were guests at the nome oi tneir iproiner, air. u. x, Newby last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Stowe and son Baxter and daughter Cora, visited friends nd relatives in High Point last week. Mrs. A, A. Spencer, who has been visiting relatives in Central Falls returned to her home in Asheboro Saturday, Mrs. W. D. Brown and children, if Elon College, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. A Lew. -alien. Messrs. H. H. Kennedy and J. C. Hannah attended the flag raising and Junior Order Rally at Bombay last Saturday. Miss Fannie Hannah left last Sat nrday for Okeweemee, where she goes to spent some time with the family of Mr. S. Y. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carrick, of Candor, visited their mother, Mrs, W. K. Dickens on Sunset Avenue last Snnday. The Young Ladies Home Mission--arv Societv will meet Sunday even. iog promptly at 7:00 o'clock at the M. Y. church. Jiveryooay is mvit ed to attend whether members or not. Mr. Charlie Anman, who has a position with the Asheboro Chair Co., went down to Seagrove last Sat nrday to spend Sunday with his parents. . . ' The Greensboro Ball Team have cancelled their engagement with the Asheboro team, and there will be no .game today. A good game is ex. pected Friday, between Carthage and Asheboro. , - Among those attending the Flag Raising and Junior Rally at Shiloh last Friday were Mr. B. F. Newbv .and daughter, Miss Fannie, Copt A. E. Burns, Sheriff Hayworth and daughter, Miss Lela. The Courier has received a letter from Mr. Joseph C. Vickory, of Bloomingdale, Indiana, formerly of ibis county and state, in which he ays that be expects to return to Randolph on a visit this fall, and that while herein September he will celebrate his seventieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Allred have moved into . the residence on Cox Street adjoining Mr. J. F. Birkbead. The house vacated by them on Main Street near the old courthouse is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Fox. who re eatly purchased it from Mr. E. G. Mom. -I - Mr. S. W. Lineberry of Millboro, nw "do u iew uajs last wees. Mr. J. Luther from near Ashe' boro was in town Saturday. Mr. J. M. Hinshaw, of Randle- man, was in Asheboro last week. Miss Sue Hoover left for Hi Point last week. W. I. Sumner and son Emmet, of Uanuleinan, were m town Tuesday Mr. J. E. Williamson was in town Sunday. Mr. Jesse Scarboro went to Mr, Gilead on a visit Tuesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Sharp a aaghter, June, 5th 1910. Miss Eva Randall of Aberdeen is visiting at Rev. J, D.Bowen's. Mr. George Marley was a visitor in Asheboro last Tuesday. Mr. J. M.Cross spent the Fourth m ICandleman, Mr. J. W. Birkhead, of Hill's Store, was in town last Tuesday. Mr. J, A. Hens n, of Randleman Route 2, gave the Courier a call list 1 uesday. Rev. C. A. Wood is attending the District Conference of the M. E, Church in Greensboro this week. Mrs, J. M. Deaton of Troy, N. C was in Asheboro Monday to do some shopping. Miss Blanche Miller went to Greensboro Saturdav on a visit to irienas ana relatives. Prof. D. M. Weatberly of Franklin ville was a visitor in Asheboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hammer, and little son, John Milton, return ed Friday from Gold Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Cland Morris, of Salisbury, are visiting the family of js. u Morris. . Mr. J. B; HiattC of Clinton, was in town a few days last week, at the house or his son Dr. hi. B Hiatt, A party of young people went to Wortnville on a moon-light picnic July, 4th. The County Commissioners met in regular monthly session last l ues day. Mrs. Moffitt and daughter, Miss Olive, of Asheboro R. F. D., were here shopping last Tuesday. Messrs. Idyll Free and Everett WiDSlow left some days ago for a trip through Arizona and other parts ox the west. Mr. H. H. Kennedy attended the funeral of his sister-in law, Mrs. Dora Peace Frazier, at Mt. Vernon Church, New Market townsh'p last friday. Miss Lnla Yow went down to Why Not last Friday and remain ed at her home over Sunday return ing to Asheboro Monday, afternoon. Miss Elizabeth S. Allen, who has Men spending some time at the home of Mr. M. L. Davis in West Asheboro, will return to her home in Nashville, Tennessee, tomorrow. The Courier will publish in the next issue the famous sermon of Rev. John Jasper on "The Sun Do Move." This old colored man died about a month ago. Little Miss Jewel Sumner, daugh ter of Dr. W. I, Sumner of Randle. man, who has been visiting friends and relatives in t own for a few days, returned home today. She was accompanied by Mies Kate Walker, Solioitor Hammer went to Trov Court Monday morning. Next week will be court at Albemarle and the next week thereafter July 18th will begin a two weeks' term of court at Asheboro. The Courier publishes this week in another column a sketch of the life of the distinguished short story writer, William Sidney Porter, 0. Henry, who was a near relative of several Asheboro people. Prof. G. W. Bradshaw, Principal of Farmer High School came to town last Monduy to take the train for his home in Virginia, where he will spend his summer vacation. On arriving here Prof. Bradshaw was shocked to receive a telegram telling him of the death of a brother. The Courier has received several samples of plaids and other cloths designed and woven by the students in the textile department of the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh, which reflect much credit on the 8ohool. . Dr. E. L. Moffitt, who has been, recuperating after his recent severe illness at the home of his mother.' Mrs. M. A. Moffitt, on Sun set Avenue, with Mrs. Moffitt and children returned to Eloh College lass ween. Mr. is. , mqhm . accom panied his brother and family and visited them tor a day oj,,two. :u Mr. Walter Bunch and Master Henry went to Oak Ridge Saturday. Mr. I. M. Nance visited his par ents near Farmer Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Walker from Back Creek was in Asheboro Monday. Mr. L. Elliott, of New Hope was in town on business Tuesday. Mrs. Nettie Hayes and Mr. Fox, of Erect were in town Tuesday. Dr. F. E. Asbury, of Asbury, N. C, was in Asheboro Tuesday. Mr.'C. Hargrate, of Salisbury, was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. A. R. Hix went to Bombay to the Flag Raising Saturday. Col. A. C. McAlister went to Greensboro on business last week. Miss Lillie Walker went to Ban dleman Monday. Mr. E. S. Morris and family re t ireed Tuesday from a visit to Salis bury. , Mr. C. M. Jones, of Franklinville, WuS in Asbebcro on a business trip this week. Mis. W. D. Spoon visited friends and relatives in Winston a few days last week. Mrs. A. Winningham has been connnea to ner room icr some ume by illness. A large crowd of colored people went to Mitchel's ou a picnic the M .1. lorutu. Mr3. Carl Cox and children, of Biscoe, are visiting friends in Asheboro. A large number of our Asheboro people went to Randleman for the fourth. Mr. Mattocks has resighed his position with the Asheboro Drug Co. and will.leave Asheboro. Mr. John Clark, fireman for the Cranford Chair Factory was badly scalded last week;. ' J Mr. Ernest Wiles has a temporary position with the otanaaio isrug Mrs. J. T. Penn and children went t Greensboro Tuesday for a visit, Mr. 0. R. Cox and Col. J. E. Walker returned Monday from Jack, son Springs. Capt Y. M. C. Johnson, of Ram seur, was in Asheboro Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. J. T. Wood went to Greens boro Tuesday to attend the District Conference of the so.. E, Church. Miss Villie Styres visited Miss Anna Bulla at Spero last week. Mr. J. A. Russell, of Randleman, wos here on business last Tuesday. Rev. F. H. Wood and Mr. Tom Wood, of Trinity, were the guests of their brother, Col. w. r, wood, nere last Saturday. Messrs.. Clarence Rush and Cleve land Presnell went to Siler City to help furnish music for the fourth of jnly celebration. , Miss Gertrude Davis, of High Point, is visiting her Bisters, Mrs. 0. C. Cranford and Mrs. Chas. Cranford. Everybody who heard Dr. H. L. Eldeidice at the M. P. Church Snn day morning and evening enjoyed a great treat. Mr. J. Millikin and sons, of Greensboro, joined Mr. Tom Wins low on a fishing trip to Parker's Mills last week. Mrs. John Wood and little daughter and Miss Alice Page passed through Asheboro on their way to High Point Tuesday. Some of the young ladies of the M. P. church will go out to Char lotte to help organize a Young Ladies Home Missionary Society Sunday afternoon. , Mr. 0. G. Cranford is erecting a brick bnilding on the corner of Worth and Market Street which will be oocupied by Stout and Ran kin. . Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Moffitt, Mrs. M. A. Moffitt, and Miss Clara Mof fitt left for Salisbury Tuesday. From Salisbury they will go to Har risonburg, Va. Mr. James Walker, who has a position 'with the Acme Hosiery Mills, was slightly injured by hav ing one of his hands out in the ma chinery one day last week. Miss Maggie Davis returned last Sunday afternoon from a week's trip with Miss Elizabeth Sheffield Allen. Misses Davis and Allen gave an ex pression recital in Randleman and visited friends in Greensboro. Miss Irma Whitfield has been spend ing her vacation at her home in Lumterton, N. 0. She returned last night accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Richard Norman t. Mrs. Louise Benedict Harmon, wife of Clifford B. Harmon: has the distinction of being the first woman of prominence to make a biplane nignt in uui oouotry, - The Cash Store CLEARANCE SALE!!! I will sell clothing during the July term of court at Greatly Reduced Prices. Some at 20 per cent and 30 per cent; some at 50 per cent reduction. I now have five times as much clothing bought as I have ever bought for one season and am compelled to sell what I have now in stock in order to make room for goods to come in in a,few weeks. Many other articles such as Ladies' Skirts, Ladies' Misses' and children's and men's low cut shoes and oxfords at BIG REDUCTION. If you want a man's or boy's suit this is the place to buy it. I paid spot cash for this clothing as I do for everything and am prepared to sell you a bargain. All you have to do is come and see for yourself. 50ct Boy's suits for J9cts $l$o " 98 2.00 " 1.19 . 'J.00 1.68 6.00 " 3.48 Men's suits also at Rock Bottom prices. $6.00 suits for $2.98 8.00 " 4.98 10.00 " 6.98 .12,50 7,48 15.00 " 8.50 18.00 " 9.78 Also will sell nice 7ct calico at 5tcs per yard. Also a nice .lot of men's summer coats, light weight s.WcpAtsjpr JL7S 1.50 " " .75 .75 " ,39 These summer coats are positively at half price and all new goods. J. L. NORMAN, Cash Store Death of a Child. Lee Otis, the five-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Rich,diedat the home of its. parentsin South Ashebord last Monday Light, after a lingering illness of a month or more. The burial was at Charlotte Church yes terday morning at 10 o'clock, and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. T. M. Johnson. The be reaved parents have the sympathy of many friends. . It's just as important that you be clean in side aa outside more so, in fact. Unless your syit m is entirely cleansed of all im parities, yoa cannot be one hundred per cent f-.i.i i : li . n..u nn;...'. Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest systemic ciemwer uvu, Aiueuuru fiujj v. Mrs. Ren ben Cox Mrs. Cox, widow of the late Reu ben Cox, died at the home of Mr. Allen Wright m Ramsenr, last Mon day, and was buried at Holly 3pringa Tuesday. Mrs. Cox had suffered a stroke of paralysis last week, from which she never rallied. Her husband died suddenly last December, and she is survived by no sons nor daughters. Mr. Wright, at whose home she died, was an adopted son. Mrs. Cox was a mem ber of the Friends Church, and was an estimable woman. Miss Nellie Spoon Entertains. On Friday afternoon Miss Nellie Spoon entertained a few friends in honor of her guests, Misses Spoon and Wrenn. . After the games were played Miss Mabel Spoon and Doro thy Henley served delicious refresh ments of cream and cake. After the refreshments croquet was played on the lawn. The guests present were: Misses OlheJSpoon, of Worth, ville; Alma Wrenn, of Cedar Fall;; Ulnah Rush, Lillian Farrisb, Vir ginia Henley, Dorothy Henly, Blanche, Cox, Kathleen Hall and Harriett Hammer. This popular remedy nevac tails ft effectually cure Dyspepsia, Ceaetipatioa, Sick Headache, Billoasaess Ami AL. gtlSEASES arista t from a Torpid Liver ad Bad Digest! The aatwral result Is to appetite aadaotlafleaa. DeaesialhetofaU ly Mgarmate aad easy to swattow. Tdte to Substitute. American Lady Corsets I t A New and up-to-date line now in stock, for slender, me dium, and stout figures. Once tried always preferred Also latest styles in summer neckwear. Dutch Collars, Jabots, Etc. PATTERN HATS Shapes and Flowers at Greatly Re duced Prices -:- -:- -:- -:-Call and see my line. Miss Esther F. Auman. Next door to Standard Drug Co. Mias Nannie Bulla left this morn ing for Blowing Rock. Buv your Drugs at Slandand CoJ Mr. Gus Havworth was a visitor at Shiloh last week. ' Canning powders at Standard Drng Co. - Mr .T A HnnnnA want to Guil ford College Wednesday to attend the marmge of Prof. O. V. Woos-ley. ttoathera Bor Bora-lars. Elvv R. Runyan, of Richmond Vaand Julian D. Wuchard, of North Carolina, two boys aged 17 and 18 years respectively were ar rested in Washington D. C, a few days ago with a complete burglar's kit and a dark lantern. KiEYsmcnEmiKj Wasj.ta.aMJM Kswai.nam..Ti