CATARRH Cured by the Marvel of the Century. B. B. B. Tested for 30 Years. Hawking. spitting, Fonl Breath, discharges of Seliow mutter liermaneutly cured with pure otaulcal ingredients. To prove it we will send Sample Treatment Free CU'ARKHIS SOT ONLY DASliKKorS lint it causes ulcerations, .leut!i mid decay of bones, kills ambition, olten ciiuses loss of appetite, ami reaches to general debility, idiocy mid insiinity. It needs attention at once. Cure it by taking UrlHiile lllutul It a I in (II 11. H.) It is a imick, radical, permanent cure lireause it rids the RVteni of the poison gr rms that cause catarrh. At the same time Ml I Itnlm, H. H. H.) puri ties the blood, does away with every symptom of catarrh, li. II. K. scuds a tingling Hood of warm, rich, pure blood direct to the paralyzed nerves, and inn ts oilceted by catarrhal roison, giving warmth and strength just where it is needed' and in this way making a jierfect last ing cure of catarrh in all its forms. DKI't;-(JISTSoi- by express. SI I'KK LAKliK BOT I'l.K with directions for home cure. SAMF1.K M.NT KKKK bv writing Hlimil IIhIiii Co., AiIiiiUh, tin. Iiescrilie your trouble and free medical ad vice given. Sold by standard lrug Co. H. B. Hiatt. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office over Johnson 's Store McDowell Building Aiht-boro. V. C. N. P. COX, Jfiwefer Asheboro, N. C 0. R, COX, President W. ). ARMFIELD, VPres W.J. AflVFIELD.-Jr., Cashier J. 0. ROSS. Asst. Cashier The Bank of Randolph Asheboro, N. C. I j r.r.iol iti.-I Cumins KA DTiH I Total assets, over $200,000. ' IV P. V.o- I T : : i'-v . 1 Crarv. V,. J. : : i. , : f. f R :..! Dm,. M.i:.i. v.. J Or. F. 1. AaVn. DID YOU EVER. stop and think how nice and convenient it would be to have your home lit ted up with a nice water system of your own and a sanitary plumbing outfit together with your home brilliantly lighted up with Acetolone gas. With all those modern conveniences the man in the country can enjoy the same luxury as the man in the city and then you see he has this advantage, he has no rents to pay; it is all his property. American Ideal Boilers and Radiators. Plumbing goods of every description. Wind Mills several dif ferent makes. Gasoline engines, pumps and rams in fact we are in a position to supply your wants at a reasonable cost consider ing the quality we give you. ADAMS & HUNT, Inc. Greensboro, N. C. DR. D. K LOOKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. HOURS p- m 3 p. zq. to 5 p. n I... ...vJ6-BaTcSTSEWIK8MAIili:8E U ..'.i'orir RUNNING 1 .- Ifjroo-wanteltheTa Vibrating Shnttle, Rotnry fahutUeor a Wugle Thixd Chain tkittil I Sewing Machine write to TRE IEW HOME SEWINB MACHINE COMPAf Y Orange, Mamm. Manr aewlnciTiKhmeli sre made to scifrcffardlef of uji lily, but thtt KeV Home made to wear- Our guaranty never runt out. ttoM hf Mtborlsed derUera Mly. .- .. pts SALC T 5 GENERAL NEWS Various ar.d Sundry News and Items of Interest to Our Many Readers One day last week the Wilson to bacco market handled a quarter of a million of pounds. The trustees of the Odd Fellow's Orphanage at Goldsboro have ' pur chased 35 acres of additional farm. The po.stoffice3 at AnUrews and North Charlotte have been advanced from the fourth to the presidential class. Harry Galliniore, of Salisbury, was arrested in Asheville the other day on the charge of horse stealing at Salisbury. The city graded schools of Char lotte opened with about 3,000 chil dren in attendance, with prospects for a largely increased attendance. The Asheville police court records show for the month of August a total of 457 cases, the largest num ber that town has known for years. A County Good Itoad Association wa.s organized at Troy";Jast week with 20 members. Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt addressed the meetiug. "Gates of Twilight" is the title of a a new book cf poems by II. K. ! Harmon, of Atlanta to be isssutd i early in October by Stone & Bar- j ringer Co., of Charlotte, N C. A new business concern is to be j organized at Spencer known as Thej Rowan Drug Company, with an; author:mlc'ai,ltal of !0'0,l I The Mocrj county i;t-w3 s,n tii-.t L ' a fanner of that county prattled 1 twelve eat 8 of COl'll from OI11 CMKl , Tre twelve ears grew upmi the main italk and sucka'i. Dr. Wok 'iVil.-on, presi r.-'kv, hi,' XVI. f'Pieeof -I i - v t Oilt l -'A L-rs ami eu.kt The incrch.-ir.t3 of Durham, after Imuch wraugiinsc with the Uorpi.r-! ation Commission, have finally sue-; ceeded in securing reduced freight I rate3 for their town. ! According to a recent report that ha come to light, the street rail ways in the State of New York naid out more than $32,000 for legisla tive graft purposes in the year 1903. Hannibal L. Godwin, of Harnett county, was nominated for congress in the sixth district September ICth in the special primary over Oscar L. C.ark, of Bladen county, by a ma jority of about 4,000. A delegation representing 16 rail road unions, have presented a peti tion to a former president of the Boston & Maine railroad, asking him to run for Governor of Massachu setts on an independent ticket. Mr. H. I. Crnmpler, city editor of the NewBeru Journal, was assault ed last Friday by a man by the name of Lancaster. It seems that he took offense at an article that city editor Cfumplcr wrote. The board of trade of Winston Salem ha3 taken steps preparatory to celebrating the completion of the Winston-Siilem Southbound Rail way, which will be sometime in Xovemher. The people of Ayden have insti tuted a drainage protect in the iD tfrestof a movement to drain Swift Creek and Clay Root Swamps, by which large bodies of valuable land can be reclaimed. The Corporation Commission at Raleigh his made it known that FayeHeville is to have a uuiou deput in a snoit while. Either by railrottu action or commission order t is to be secured. The case against D. J. Carpenter, charging him with hiring John Rader to burn the wareb"useof the Newton hosiery mills, was dropped at the preliminary trial. The evi dence was not sufficient to hold Car penter. The Moore County News bhkk Reports from different sections of the county are very encouraging "o the success of the Democratic ticket in November ejection. Indictm s row point to an average mj ri'v of ne t less than 400, and probably 500.. Wiiere did it come from? That is tbf ques 'O i that 18 being asked ai u i. h , - "iifi4tor found a few day E. Burns, E q , in enf' r i. 'i-:ir the bnm- .f nisi f tli-r, J. i. Burns, f 'Vdi.r Hil'. ..j itir, wt. ii f and by f'r, Kurg wben-- imtry rOdc v - ilm branch, t ' f o ( Iod, ntid appfurnl ' j injr life in i rtg Granville county is to have its first annual fair in Oxford on Octo ber 26th and 27th. Mr. Ben K. Threadgill, of Anson ville townohip, Anson county, was found dead in bed last week. No cause can be assigned for the sud den depth. Twelve contractors were in Greens boro one day last week for the pur pose of presenting to the board of education bids for the erection of a new school building. The latest reports from St. Peters burg, Russia, that the cholera epi demic has already claimed about 100,000 victims, yet the statistics sho v a steady decrease in the num ber of cases and fatalities at present. The tax books of Thoniasville, Davidson county, show a healthy growth as compared with last year. The total amount for 1010 is $9, 010.93; for 1909 the total amount was $7,S00, an increase over last year of $1,150.93. A meeting was held in the Anson county courthouse on last Saturday for the purpose of consid ering a movement on foot of drain ing Brown Creek swamp of that county. It is thought that if this can be done that thousands cf acres of feitile soil can he reclaimed, thus adding much to the ma'crial wealth of Anson canity. The Morven ccriespondent of the Wadesboro Ansonian tella this "flh ?tory" w! ich is a moi sttr of a oih: Mi di's. Oigjjs I!; 05., oi'r progressive! fisherman nt Cairo, caught a lish, on j their fall tra;i a few days ago, which weighed 1TL pounds. The eggs' from this bit; li.-h we'ghed 57 pouud's. From this Ik-h i'-iev soli over $10. UO i won !i of in at, and divided the re-1 iiiaimh-r au;o.. themselves. i A ;V m, ; iivin.r near Hahani.i. HVll) 'V, i' n robbed i i elWily ; i right uii.; -. ttOll I'fiis: .' ,e .scale but ili'.-H couhl came and 1 :. j:.t'i i. T, i au.y: ihiaiiy reducing S i : i I"! t i ii r,!iin Invt'Stia iti-ni dvwd that the nestj of the crows uad been Pibd uii wtu nearly a buslici ot bem-s. banners in that particular section seemed to be troubk-U. a gieat deal with crows lately. D.m'l wa.-t' your uiMpy buying plasters wLen yon can get a liottle of Chamberlain's LininiPiit for tneuty-flte cents. A piece of llannel dainpened with this liniment is supe rior tn any planter for lsme hack, pains in the side and chest, and much cheaper. Sold by all dealers. A Monstrous Fish Story Mr. J. C. Carpenter, a well known citizen of Lanesboro township, has a bull dog which he prizes very high, ly, not only because he is a good watch dog but because he has de veloped extraordinary sagacity as s fish catching canine. Last San day annmler of Mr. Carpenter's sons went bathing in Lanes creek, near his home. They were having a time in the water splashing and swimming arc-nnO when suddenly a laige trout, apparently scared oat of its wits, rose to the surface of tie w - r and jumped in to a small bateau that was in the lake in which they were bath ing. No sooner had the fish landed in the boat than the family bull dog, which was sitting on the bank look ing on, made for it. The tisb, the instant, the dog jumped in the boat, made for the water. The dog did not hesiiate a second, but' dived from the boat into t.'.e water at the point where the trout disappeared, and in a second or two reappeared on the surface with the fish in his mouth. The dog swam to the bank with the trout Mid the boys trium phantly carried it home and had it couked for breakfast Monday morn ing. The fish was so big it made a good meal for the entire family. wiuesrwo messenger anu intelli gencer. A Domestic Tragedy. i The following sad and pathetic stoiy is told by the Winston, Jour nal: ''There was published in Sunday's Journal the old, old story ef the trusting husband, the Weak wife and the unfaithful , friend. The has bund was compelled in order to earn meat and bread for the wife and two little girls, to spend the week away from borne. He took the other man as a boarder so that his board money might help ke-p the wolf from the door. lie left him at his home so that he might protect his wife a d little ones. The rest of the story is so familiar that tbe e's no need of telling it. Tbe husband came home on Satur day night to find eveu the furniture g'ne. Four lives hve h-en ruined. T i 08bni.d. the f nd 'he two t ' forget . i will Letter Box Mr. Editor. Its a pity that Chairrnrr "Lewis won c let llolton have a pint debate, Lewis evidently has mere sense than llolton. And then again it is so unfortunate that the county convend tion instructed over llolton s hea- against ioint discussious. Then again it is strange too, and a great pity that as soon as llolton begun to run for office "jint" discussions stopped. Mr. llolton ran for the Legislature two years ago and his committee wouldn't let him have a "jint" discussion then and agdn his "cheerman" wouldn't let him have one this year. What a pity he has so little mlluence with tl e "cheer, man." Did yon ever hear such a reason as Standback gave for choking Hoi. ton off in his anxiety for a "jint" campaign He is afraid he will en gender bitterness. Standback want, ing peace! Opposed to bitterness.! Well! Well! How does Standback expect any body to believe him! Two years ago the Bullekin said Zeb Saunders was an able lawyer and honorable man of course everybody believed that it was so because the Bullekin said so. The Bullekin said Mr. Saunders would be elected and the result is now histoiy. Now the liullekin says llolton will sweep the district. It dots not say how he will sweep it or what with, but no doubt it will be . The Bullekin has not vouched for the brilliance of Mr. llolton, nor h is it sai l he would make uu able - llieer, like it is prophesied as to cousin Zab Saunuers. No doubt llolton is a great law yer and a great man. He would not i e a friend or a companion of linger, who is hiniielf .tniau of such superi or talents that h never uioves aumtt vwii-.Kiit scalleiiug wibdom ana suu lie liuiKes people, happy ;i Ui-j docs. He sa)s o.i many kind words about petpie uud then lie and Standback are opposed to bitrer i.f3. TtK-ir life ui.d tbt-ii' work prove it. , Voter, ni-o livor ami b.iivels Rciuctinics; seem to balk without c.iuse. Then's trouble, I.Ossof Appetite, Indigestion, Nervousness, Despondency, Headache. But such troubles lly before br. King's New Life l'ills, the world's beat Stomach and Liver remedy. So easy. i.'jc. at J. T. I'n h rwood's, next door to asms, ot Kauuolph. Brain Leaks The worst never happens. It is easy to forgive those we love. Cheer np! Next year's peach buds have not yet been blighted. The partisan can always find an excuse for voting the ticket straight. Special interests are not much given to parading, bat they always vote together on election day. ' The trouble about the average va cation is that it takes a fellow so long to recover from its fatigue. In the eyes of the Almighty it dofsn't make much difference which side of the saloon bar a man does business on. When we get so old we don't feel like hurrying to the window when the fire department goes by, we'll be ready for the undertaker. A lot ofmen who howl loudest about their "personal liberties" never give a thought to the rights of the wives and children dependent upon them. Some men can solemnly state the fact that two and two are four, and there will be those thoroughly par tisian as to declare it the utterance of a newly discovered truth. Exchange. An Awtal Eiuptlou of a volcano excites brief interest, and your interest in skin eruptions will be as short, if you use liueklen s Arnica Salve, their quick est cure. Even the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by it. Best for Burns, Cuts, bruises, More Lips, Chapped Hands. UUilulainn ana rues, it gives in built relief. 25c. at J. T. Underwood's, next door to JJank of Kanuolph. Best Fruit Butter. Cook fruit thoroughly, putting all the juice into the butter, and rub frnit through colander, using a tin cap for pressing it through. Use as much sugar as you like, with cin namon or lemon peel for flavoring pat all together in an enameled ves sel and cook hard for forty minutes. Then take a heaping table spoonful of cornstarch for every gallon of frnit, work smooth with jnice or water, then stir briskly into frnit and cook for about 10 minutes longer. Seal up in cans, and yon will have a fresh, smooth butter. If yon cook your butter for hours to thicken it yon roast yourself unnec sarily, usa twice as much sugar as yon need and the batter is strong and hasn't the fresh fruit flavor it should have. -Mrs. L. M. Shire, Florence, Okltv ' -t . - :: For Coughs and Colds Troubled with a cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, orfisome chronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just tVsc cases Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor knows all about it. Ask him what he thinks of it. No medicine can ever take the place of your doctor. Keep m close touch with him, consult him frequently, trust him fully. ISO alcohol in this COUgh medicine. . C.Ayer CoZLowell, Mass. ... , ,,. . , a ii . r.'.i.ia GOV. VANCE'S POEM REVISED Downward, Like the Tai iff, Must Now Read 91 Per Cents. In stead of 66 Per Cent, "Our Mary had a little lamb; Her heart was most intent To make its wool, beyond its worth, Bring 50 per cent. "A pauper girl across the sea Had one small luinb, also, Whose wool for Uss than half that sum She'd willingly let go. "Another girl who had no sheep, No stockings, wool nor llax But money enough just for to buy A pair without the tax, "Went to the pauper girl to get Some wool to Ktiiekl ncr leet And make her stockings, not of flax, But out of wool complete. "When Mary eaw the girl's design (She straight bi gan to svu;ir She'd mako'her buy buth wool and tax Or let one leg go bare. A lid so hhe cried: Trrltect, Refoi.T!. Let pauper wool in free! If it will keep her legs both warm, hat will encourage iiic.' So it was done, and people said Where'er that poor iiirl wont. Oiio leg was w arm with wool and one V ith M per cent. N'ow praise to Mary and her lamb, WTo did ihe Fcl'eine invent, To clothe one-lmlf a girl in wool And one-half in per cent. ".1! honor, too, to Mary's friend, And all prott iiiivo ai.-.s, That clothe the rich in real wool An 1 wrap slit' poor in t;x. Nature's great i st ;:ift to tiio human f.unily llollisior's Ducky Mr-uu-ain Te.i. With ii y-ua-family is idly pri'terted. Ui'-t bal.y medic ne in the world. .')." conti, Tea or Tablets. Ashfiioro Drug Co. To Her Unspokm Go to him, ab, go to him, and lift your eyes aglow to him; Fear not royally to give whatever he may claim; All your spirit's treasury scruple tint tn fdinw to him. He is nnble, meet him with a pride coo nign ior snauie. Say to him, ah, say to him, that soul and bodv sway to him: Cast away the cowardice that coun sels you to hghr, Lest yon turn at last to find that you nave lost the way to him. Lest yon stretch your arms in vain across a starless night. Be to him, ah, be to him, the key that sets joy free to mm: Teach him all the tenderness that only love can know, And if ever there should come a memory of me to him, Bid him judge me gently for the sake of long ago. -Amelia Josephine Bnrr, in the Century. APPLE DUMPLINGS To 1 qt sifted flour add 1-2 tea spoon salt, 1 heaping teaspoon bak ing powder and 1 tablespoon lard. Work the lard well through the flour moisten with a little water and make into a dough like baking powder biscuits. Roll out to about 1-4 inch in thickness. Cut into squares large enongh to fold around a tart apple, pared and cored. Fill the center of the apple with sugar, bream about 1-2 hour. Serve with cream and sugar. Saved a Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell in the civil war was more agreeable to J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing it from what doctors said was consumption. "I contracted a stubborn cold" he writes, "that developed a cough, that (tuck to me in spite of all remedies for yeara. My weight ran down to 130 pounds. Then I began to use Dr. King a New Uisoovery, which complete ly cured me. I now weigh 178 pounds." For Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Asthma, Hemorrhage, Hoarseness, Croup, Whooping Cough and lung trouble, it's supreme. 60c. fl.OO. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by J. T. Underwood, next door to Bank of Randolph, SWEET TOOTH RECIPES .Chocolate Fudge To 2 cups granulated sngar add 2-3 cup sweet milk, 1 square bitter chocolate, and batter the size of a hickory nut. Boil until it makes a soft ball when a little of it is drop- f ed in ice cold water, then remove rom the fire and heat or whip until smooth. Poor on buttered platter and cat in squares. Nut meats can be added to this, fudge if desired. They should be added after remov ing from fire. - The fudge should be well stirred while cooking. (Mrs. D. O. Beauty, S. D. Aver S rills, augar-cumcu. vtsuau.v. j - ---- : live. Dose, only one pill. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor about them. ai- giirvrtiv nn tne liver. iennv iaxa Wm. C. Hammer R. C. Kelley HAMMER & KELLY Attorneys at Law Office Second $oor From Street Iq. Lawyers Row. The BANK of RANDLEMAN Randleman, N. G. Capital'and Profits! 18,000. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits. S. BRYANT, N. N. NEWLIN, President. Vice-Pres, J. II. COLE, Cashier. IF you have a case in court you don't get a blacksmith to plead it to you! with y ur insurance you had better nil lsui aiice Man to fix. up your will be (oo late to correct any errors alter you die, or after the lire has come. John M. Hammer, Insurance, Loans and Heal Estate FOUSLE 17.J Acre of land seven ir.i!es Wph ( f A-lit-l. :o known as the .lames Loue f ;iriu. This placs is well watered, with at least acres in val-i ib'n timber, and iH located in one of thn v -iy i.icsi fnrm in sections of Randolph County. ilrn. Mollio S. Lowe, High Point, K. C. N0T1C1-. North Carolina, Kaniiolpli Co. In Superior Court. Stv ilien I'atnoy Shoe Co., et a!s, Vs Notice of Publication Unbel t W. Fuller et ills. Mabel bee 1 'uncock, llerliert F, Peacock, J. B. Peaenck and J. L. Peacock. Kiuirilian tor Mabel l.ue, Herbert V. and .1. B. Peacock, defendants ill the alxive entitled action will take notice that an action en Titled as above has been commenced in tilu .Supcrii.i Court of Randolph County, North Carolina, coiicerniiiK ecrluiii rcil tstateaml per sonal property iu which said defendants are in terested, and to have certain deeds executed to Mabel K. Kearns (or part of said proper!' de clared void and cancelled, uud to prevent the disposition of auv of the property without the orders of the court, and to have certain judg ments iu fuv5r of the plaintiffs satintled; and tho said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Randolph County to be held at Asheboro, N. C, on the lath, Monday after the 1st Monday In September, 1010, and answer or demur to the complaint lu this action, or the plaintltts will apply to tbe court for the relief de manded in the complaint in this action. This the. 'list day of August. 1910. W. C. Hammond, Clerk Superior Court. D-7-4t MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the powers of sale contained la two mortgage deeds the one executed by Arthur Jarrett and J. F, Jarrett and their wives to Geo. w tiinsoaw ana recorded in Book III), Page 588, Register's office of Randolph county and tbe other executed by A. J. Jarrett and wife to C. T. Loftin on tho )th day of December 1907 and re corded in Book iao Page 414 Register's office of Randolph county. I will ou the 3rd day of Octo ber 1910, at li o'cloek M. at the courthouse door in Asheboro, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cosh, the following described real estate, to-wit: A lot in the town of Central Falls, N. C, ad joining the lands of Cicero Jarrett and others. Beginning at a (tone ou the south tide of the Saudy Creek and Asheboro Koad, Worth Manu facturing Co's. corner thence nearly west a little south i chains to a stake, Cicero Jarrett' senrner; thcuce south on larrett's line 7 chains and 93 links to a stake in Jarrett's llnet thence east 3 chains to a stake iu the branch; thence North on Worth Manufacturing Co's. line 8 chains and 31 lints to the begiu'dng containing one and 09 x 100 acres more or less. 11:8 Aug. 31, 11110. Geo. W. Hiusliaw, Mortgagee, C. T. Loitln, Mortgugee, J. F. Jarrett, Assignee. 341 .- Land Sale Notice. By virtue of the power nested in me by decree '-""lered iu the special proceedings entitled "w.r Kushetalv. H C Kush et al," I will pell at the court house door In Asheboro, N. C, on the 17th, day ol Sep; em ber, 11)10 at 18 o'clock, M., at public auction the following described real estate, lying and being Randolph County" and bounded as follows, to-wit: Bounded on tbe north by the lands of tho Doub heirs, on the south by the lauds of I. B. Gluyas, on the west by the lands of J W. Burk heart, on the east by . tbe lands of Harris Willi, nis, contalng 143 acres, more or less, being know as the Zebedee Rush tract of land. Terms of Sale: one-third cash, the balance iu six months, deferred pay ments bearing interest at the legal rutc front day of sale, aud approved security being given therefor. This Aug. 16, 1910. R. C. Kelly, Comr. 8-25-4t. NOTICE OP LAND SALE- Pursuant to tbe power vested in me by decree rendered In tbe special proceedings entitled "N. T. Hinsbaw aitm v. Prusa Steed et al'', 1 will sell at public auction at the home place of the late A. A. Steed in the town of Kaudleman, N. C. on Saturday, the 31th day of September, li'10, at 13 o'clock. M all tbe lauds of tbe late A. A. Steed except lots No. 1(1. 17, 18. and 19, that t to say I will sell the Home place next to tbe Bank ot Randleman aud the land weKof the rn triad. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third In six months and one-third In twelvj months, de ferred payments bearing interest at the legal rate aud approved security beiug given there! ir. This August 24th, 1910. N. T. Hlnshaw, Admr., A. D. Steed, deed. North Carolina, Randolph County. Notice isherebv given that annllcation has been made to the Board of Elections for Randolph County, at the meetiug held this the 6th day of September, 1010, to change the polling place In tne voting prebinct xnown as tne oia uourt House in Asheboro township to the New Court House in said townshio for tbe reason tkat the change would be more convenient for a majority of said voting preelnct, and the said application .' for the change of said jollingplaoe tn said vot ing precinct has been granted and notice Is here- ny given oi ine same. Hal If . Worth, Chairman, ii. K. Curtis. Secretary. 4