CLATEVHXE NEWS Farmers in this part of the "sticks" are almost doM sowing wheat. Mr. snd Mrs. L J. St tier spent 8unday in Randleman. Miu Jennie Wise left last week for H gb -runt where she baa accepted a position. J. P. Routh was in tbia section last week in the interest oi a Fire In uranoe Com' nanv. D. S. Laaghlin visited in Sophia last Sunday. Hijwood Jones is on the sick list, we are sorry to say. W. 8. Allied made a business trip to ThomsaTille last Mod. 'ay. J. L. Fields, of Randleman, visited L. W. Wise Sunday. ASHEBORO ROUTE 3 The ground is geitiog bard to plow in this section. Miss Anpie Spencer spent the past week with hi me folks. Mr. and Mr. Elias Elder spec.t Saturday and uiidy w in JUrs Julia Kurd.. Ckeaier Bulla visited at Mrs. Spencer's Holiday. Urn. A. E. Tillman, who has been ill for the pant week, dues not imp ove ve y much Mirxea IJi and EthH Lone and Emuu Ride visited Mrs. J 11 Viincinimn SunuViy Mia. Henry O-borueaiid itauetiler are vix- itino at J. VV. Yeireiu'a this werk. Mr. John Tillman p'tit f-uuJ.iy evening wituMiB. A. L. Xillmau. RAMSEUR NEWS Messrs. M. Kimrey and Cleveland tox are buiiMint; new au'l cnnifortauie r deiicia in i:ie eastern and werncra teiuii.ufi of town. Jdia Alum Bare, of Silrr City Route 1, wan the guest of Miss bu-i e 1-aldwin lart week. Mr and Mis. D. T. Wrie'it spent Snnd.iy with Air. a id Mrs John Trogdou,ntar Cedar i ui . B. S. Scott was stricken with paralvsi laot Friday night and is now at the point of death. J. P. IU diviu and eon-, of Siler City, came bnm las', week to vote. Air. Mi'Iutyre, of Lobs ia, was in town last Tuesday. ' Mr. and Airs. J. H. Yow. of Greensboro, came iu Miuiiay to be with ii. o. Scott. HILLS STORE ITEMS Sunday School is progressing nioi ly under the management of Lee M. Kenrna. (arniers ure nearly done jRtuerij'g coH and sowing wheat in this section Walter 1'srrisli stalled his new dwelling Monday. Mrs. A. II. Kearn.- is same bolter we are glad to note. We an- sorry to leirn of the illness of MiM E iiili 1'ai nsh, but hope the will bo out again soon. Mrs Coiinna Shamhuraer and daughter. Miss Hettye, were visitors at A. U, Kenim' tiusduy evening. ix r and Mr. T. B. Rush visit' d Mrs. Jolia RuNh -uniiay on Seagrove R iutu 1. Bil y McLeod and Carl Bisber w re v eit ors at Walter 1'arrish's unday. Every one around here set ms to be enjivj ing life to the fullest extent since the election. FRANKLINVILLE NEWS At a regular meeting of the Golden Link Society Sunday evenmg, the follpwiug cffio'ts were elected for the eusui"g year: Miss; Blanche Buie, President; Miss Matlie A'lred, Vice President;- Miss Thelma Crave i, Treasurer; Mies Laura Sumuer, Recording Secretary; Master C. C Ju ian, Correspond ing Secretary; Mrs. Kittie Parks, lady oanager, and Mis Berta at-sistant manager. This society ot the little ones is doing g Kid work aud should be encouraged by all our peojrle. Geo. Martindill left Monday morning for Washington, D. C, where be will spend Borne time. W. U. T ppett, who has the contract to build a large hotel at Lakeview, spent lust week in town with bis family and returned to Lakeview Monday. Everybody in this community seem to be very muoh alive and smiling since the great Democratic landslide on the 8tb, and are now preparing for larger a..d better crops for the coming season, and with joy are look ing forward to the glorious future aa they have never done before. This community waa greatly shocked Sun day morning on reseiving the sad news of the burning to death of Mrs. Rebecca ftyder, which occurred at her borne in Gree. boro Saturday evening. Mrs. Ryder threw some panrr in the fire which ignited ber ap on and the flames soon Fpread over ber clothing and before it could be extinguished she was so badly burned that she died early Sunday morning. The remains were brought to ibis place Monday and iuterred in the M. E. Church cemetery Mond y evening. Rev. J. E. m oosley conducted the services. The decs, sed wss rai-ed st this place end bad made this her home until a few years ago when she moved with ber ion, H. T. Ryder, to Greensboro, where she has si ace resided, .-be was 82 years, 8 mo. ths and 27dayso'd. When quite young she made a profewion if fai fa and joined the M. E. Church at this place and has ever since lived loyal and consistent member, and waa loved and highly respected by all our people. She leaves one sun, li. T. Kycier, of Urecnsboici; one brother, A. H. Burg'ss, of t. is place; and three si-ters Mrs. L. M. ' nriic.e. i f this place; Mis. Aben Buie, of T kay an t Mrs. Kersey, of Greensboro We txtend our sympathy to the bereaved ones. SEAGROVE ROUTE 1 NEWS H. F. Way and wife attended the monthly seating at Needham's Giove Saturday even ins. ' D C. Uox visited bis brother, James Cox, ' Erect Sunday. v Miss Ora I'awiady waa the guest oi Miss ' Flora Cox Sunday evening - andsy School at New Center is progress-kurnioely. We are plsnning for a Christmas tree for fee school, and other will be invited to take part with us. MiaaHsttie Cox sad brother, Garfield. visited at H. T Wilson's and Wright Dtvi Sunday evening. The manv friends of ou.-clever miller. 05 C. Brower, were surprised to hear nf his sosmas hands? evening at Christian Union to Mis Annul Hancock, the beau'ifu. and ,j biiihiy accnrnplishsd dsuuhter of. Henry Hancock, if Weed i. Route 1. Miss Bin- - swek is beautiful lady and Mr. B rower is ; as industrioua young bm, W wish the young oenple a long and happy life, E F Way waa a ' plena tot caller at W. T. ICcooe'e Annd viag. Panline Cox nd little, Vio'a, vis ited May Way Sunday Knua i. WHY NOT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lawrence spent a few days last week with their son, a. o. Law lence. who lives ia Chatham county. Miss Sallie Slack speat laat Wednesday in Asbeboro. Herbert Garner baa accepted a position in the depot at Aberdeen. Miss Coney Spencer commenced teaching at blalock Monday. Miss Bertha Garner is light sick with fever. Misses Beulah and Lola McNeill spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Ada Monroe. Carson King and Form an Auman visited at Denton last week. J. C Cornelison went to Aaheboro on business last Monday. L. A. Kino has entered school at Denton Rev W. E. Swain preached an excellent sermon here last week. Mrs. D.J. Johnson recently visited ber sister. Mrs. J. S Lewis, in Asheboro. Mr. and Mrs. C E. Stuart and Master Vernon, spent Sunday at C. McNeill's on Steeds Moute ) . The old, old story, told time without number, and repeated over and over again for the last .So years, hut it is always a wei cnme storv to those in search of health Theie is nothing in the world tiiat cures c ugh and colds as quickly as Chamber luiu'a Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. WES r BEND NEWS Rev 0. A. Wood preached his last ser mon here, for the conference year, last Sunduv. Mr W ood has done much excel lent work at this place during his niinist ra tion and the people here hope be will be ro urned. The Sabbath School will meet at 2 o'clock, in the alieruoou, instead of in the moruin. as heretof ire. Mrs. Tnouias Davidson, who has ben Quite iil for seve ul d.v", is much iinprov.-d. M ssrs. (JlniU'S and t urns KoHoins, c;t Hiih Point, visited their parents at this place l.tKt Su day. Brazilla Robbins went up to Randlemin lat Saturday to visit fri ns. Several people I tint tectinn at'euded A shucking bee at the h' me of William Bunt ing last Wednesday night. Mr. Oiti Paul, Milwaukee, Wis., savs K ley's Money and Tar is still mnre than the hesi H i writes us, A 11 those that bought it think it is the best f - &mgh and cold hev ever h (I and 1 think it is still more than ihehpst. Our baby had a bad cold and it cured him iu one day. Piease accept th inks Standard Urug Uo. MT. GILEAD NEWS Mr. and Mrs Clias. Thomas, of Aberdeen, lent fcunday at Dave Cook's. D K Xloruan of Troy, is in town for a fe days umki g pictures. Prof, and Mrs t.ranfurd s mncing class is nroure sii a n oely. They will ui.e a concert here uext. Friday night. Mi-s Bessie Iiiaram leu I. st week for lvelee Spring-), where she will take charge of a public Kchnol there. UncU Brack Ingra n is very leeuie at this Writicg. Mre. L. P. Byrd attended the Methodist district missionary m eling at Maxton la t week. Mis es Jennie Haywood and May Moore pent Friday night at Wadeviile. Miss Bonnie Howard attended the Baptist (J is ric missioDary meeting at Greeosoero last wrk. R-v J. A. Lee has returned from Dur ham, where he baa ben to bave bis eyes treated. Manv a hool children suffer from consti pation, which is often the ciuee ii seeming stnpidiiy at lessons. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are an id-al medicioe o give a child, for th y ate mild and gentle in their effect, and will cure even chronic eon- U pat ion. Sold by all dea en. FARMER HIGH SCHOOL An entertainment si yen laat Friday after noon by the primary department of the school, proved a gret success, and each "little tot" who said a "speech" did it with much credit, both to himself and the primary teacher, Miaa Marshall. We believe in these old time Friday evening speakings, snd think they should be put into practice more than they are in the rural schools. Uuder the supervision of the r teacher, the little iiunils had, on the day before, sent out invitations to their respective ''mammas" asking them to come to the entertainment. And it was easy to see in their faces how deliahted they were to know that their papas and mammas were interested enough to answer these invitations with their presence This program by the little folks was supple mented by a play, "To Meet Mr. Bradsuaw" oiven try nine of the laieernirla. The com plete success oi Uiis waa due to tne taol mat the name ef the gentlemen whom the nine girls were expecting to meet, w s kept a profound secret, the entire program wss much enjoyed. Wbea a cold becomes settle I in the sys tem, it will take several dava' treatment to cure it, and the best remedy to us a is Cham berlain a tough Keuiedy. It will core quicker than auy other, and also leaves the cysietu in a natural snd ueaitny condition. Sold by all dealt rs. GRAYS CHAPEL NEWS ' Wheat sowing is about over in tbissection. Deller Kouth and family, of Troy, bave moved to ths community to live. Dillard Bed liug baa moved over near Millboro. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. M Routh bave moved back from Greensboro to their old borne here. Tbey are in very feeble be .lib. The public school opened up here this morning with Elmer Julian as t acber. Captain Lineberry, Superintendent oi the Soldiers' Home at Raleigh, spent a few days with bis family near here last week. Lester Redding aa gone to the Wilker aon aaw mill n ar Climax to work. A I vis Underwood baa been on the sick list fot the p. st month, but is improving slowly now. . , Rev. A ebhnrn preached bia last sermon for this conference year, here last Sooday Croup is most prevalent during the oo d weather of too early winter months. Par ents of Cvounir cbildien should be prepared f it. All that is needed is a Dottle m Cha bfirlain's Co ahRemet'y. Many other are never without it ia their bossee and it has never disappointed them. Sold by all deal' m..m . ' I KING COLE'S OLD PLATTER. "How wish I had another pewter platter." said the bride. Craig dropped "Robinson Crusoe" and stared at his beautiful new cousin "Cgly old things. Cousin Elinor!" be aald. "Perhaps." laughed Cousin John. "Old King Cole might bare one." "And who In the world b Old Klug Cole?" asked the bride. "Oh. a qnwr old fellow who liven by himself In a tumbledown furmbouxe on the Edgerley road." said Cousin John "his Dame Is Kingman $le. but ev ery one calls blm 'Old King Cole.'" Craig listened eagerly. If bis much adon-d Cousin Elinor dosln-d a pewter plutter she should certainly huve It. evn tbongli It took every Mnny In bis bank aud involved a visit to the queer old man who whs the terror of all the "HA.1'' HE liOARKD. j village fbildivn. So he opened bi" bunk and. lilliuir liis poi'kets with the IM'tinii's anil nickels und dimes, sli;i ied out of the house mill started quirk ly down the Kdnerley road. At Inst he reached the desolate old farmhouse and sturted bravely up tlie lane. , A dismal wailing sound, ulirill aii'l long, came on the summer breeze. Craig was on the jioint ot Ueeln;: down the bine In alarm when he iv- membered that bis Cousin John bud said the old miser played a cornet. J Again cnme the sound a plulutlx" j mysterious strnin-and still apnlii louder and more prolonged. But ni Inst it, aud Craig knocked. , Instantly the door was flung oix-n. and Old Kinti Cole apiicared, looking to Craig like uu ogre In a fairy tale. "Ileyl" be roared in a voice that nearly paralyzed the youthful seeker after pewter. i "Hey!" he repeated, glaring fiercely at bis little visitor. Craig swallowed desperately and at last began In a very small and shaky voice: "Good morning. Mr. Cole. 1 beard you playing on your cornet." Old Klug Cole turned purple with rage. "Cornet !" he ronred. "Coruei: Ve young scalawag! Ve little rascal: Cornet! That was my old cow!" The door banged violently, and Craig ran down the lane as fast as his trem bllng legs could carry blm. Rut the next morning Craig started down the Edgerley road oute more re solved upon another vi.- to Old King Cole. Halfway up the nine be ngiiln beard the siraiiKe noise. At last there wan alienee, and Ci-uIl knocked resolutely. Old King Cole spraug out as sud denly as before. "Ha!" be roared. "1 have been listening to your row ' be said, with bis most friendly smile. Then Old Ktim Cole roared agalu. but this time with laughter. "Why. ye little numskull." cried be. "ye heard u.'e a-playlug on my cor net!" He threw back his bead and wenl oiT into uuoiber tremendous laugb. "Mr. Cole, said Craig. "I'm awful ly sorry I dou t know about cows uinl corners aud itiiugs: but. you see, 1 live Iu the city unu uui not, very well tic quainted with cows. "liut I want to buy a pewter platter for my new cousiu Elinor." continued Crnig. "aud I came to see If you bsil one." Old Kiug Cole went Into the bouse and. to Craig's extreme delight, came back with a very dirty old pewiet platter. , Craig examined It anxiously. "Ye." said he. "this Is just like Cousin KU nors, all but those funny little ridges. Old King Cote grinned. "Ob, she can wash thse off." said he. "Have Je any money. Ilttl sailor boyt" "1 have JCS"." wild Craig, emptytm his pocket". Old Kite: Cim seized the money eagerly. -TnUe ilie platter, little boy." said he. "uik! i-rnw aim in some day.' and 111 leai b ye the difference- be tweea rtrnejt and mwn , . t . 'Craig ras hnpily home, tightly ciasplnc lb pewter platter. , "You are the deirest lib to eowUn In the worldr said the bride "Jnat think of your coins to see that dread ful MI tnsnr of l HOW NiX FOUND HIS MASTER While mamma, papa, grandma and TtU were at breakfast one morning there waa a sudden tap. tap at the out side door of the dining room, which opened on a portico. "Trlx. see who It Is." said mamma And wben be went to the door there stood a little Seotcb terrier wltb bright, knowing eyes. Trlx was so astonished be could not say a word for a minute, then: "Ob. mamma, mamma, it's a dear, nice doggy!" "Well, drive him away," Mid mam ma, "for be belongs to somebody, yon know." Just then Bridget came In and. see lng tbe dog. said. "Sure, ma'am, aud that dog have worrit tbe life out me these two days " "Oh. mamma." said Trix; "he doesn't belong to anybody, then, and he wants to stay with us you can see he does " Then grandma said quietly, "I think he Is 'a struniter at the door and need LAID THE LLTTEKS AT tttS FFf.T. refreshment." gaiberini: up a plateful of scraps anil going to tbe door with them i "What is your name, dear doggy?" said Trix over and over, but he an j swered untiling, so papa said be guess ed lliey would bave to call him S. aud be thought Trl and Nli would make a good team. About 10 o'clock as tbe two played together on the porch the postman's whistle suddeuly souuded. and Ms fairly (Jew round the corner of the bouse to the frout. Then, almost lie fore Trix could wouder why, he bound ed back and laid a little pile of letters at his feet. At the same minute the postman was ringing tbe front doorbell furiously and rood was telling mamma bow ber dog Mad seized tbe letters from his hand. Then mnintna bad to explain all about Nix, and the post man said be prob ably came from the country and hod been In tbe habit of taking letters from tbe rural free delivery postman One Friday morning, a week from tbe day when be first appeared to Brid get, mamma stood at tbe window about B o'clock, for It bad been a very warm night and she bad not rested well. She waa just in time to see a market wagon coming down tbe street. and as it came opposite tbe bouse Nix suddeuly bounded Into tbe street and raced round tbe wagon, wild wltb joy. Then tbe man took blm up be side him. Mamma exclaimed softly to herself. "Be has found bis owner!" and she felt sorrowful to see blm go and dis mayed when 'she thought of Trix snd his grief. x But tbe wagon only went a few rods when Nix bounded down and came hp the walk again, stood a minute, tlrsi looking at tbe bouse, then- at the wagon, but there wr a clear whistle from tbe man. ' and be , rushed off again. So mamma was able to tell Trlx that the doggy certainly did love tbem and was sorry to go. Then another Friday morning came round, and us miimmn opeued tbe out side diniug room door there lay mi the floor a little paper bng. H wouder what this is." she said, aud when lie peeped In there was a beautiful peni-h. and on a wrap of paper was written: "From a grateful dog " After that, throughout all the sum mer market sea sou. there was on Fri day mornings a little paper bag at-ihe dining room door, wltb a peach or pear, grapes, tomatoes or something and you may be sure Trlx never for got to look for It. One morning mamma had him up at 5 o'clock and out In front ready 'to see Nls when be came, and there was tbe happiest meeting yon ever saw. which tbe market man enjoyed, too, and Anally Trlx was taken upon the wagon , with tbem and rode two squares down tbe street and back. ' I think Nls actually thought Trlx waa going with tbem for good, ant when the market man put tbe little qpy dowa at his own door be' did stand for a minute and look drat ' at tbe wagon, the a at the bouse, but mamma aald. "Come, my eon." and be came 'at that dear call, just as he aboard, berk Into the house, which certainly cook" not do wit boat biui. Taatb's Companion. LOiT Gold watch near Farmer. Finder please return to Frances Msrshall, , , Farmer, N.C, WANTED 30 woodcutters. Will pay 60 cents per cor.l for four foot wood Cash every Saturday. SB Kersey, Frsnklinville, N. 0. FOB 8ALE; I offer my house and lot, in sorita Aeneboro, kDOwo aa the Braxton Anmau property, for ale. For terms aud price write or call on A, 0. Uox, 10 27-4t. Biscoe, N. 0. FOR SALE: I offer my farm, u New Market township, of 107 acres forsaie. Three room dwelling house, barn, granary, crib and good well of water and orchard 35 acres in high state of cultivation remainder, in woodland. Good fences and pas tore. Samuel A. Fraiier. Raodlemarj R. 1. North Carolina Kainlolph Co. Rout Brown. In the Superior Court. Notlue. notice that a speekl proceed in;, initial ai-above na bceiiwmmt -need In the Superior Couit of Randolph County returnable before the juilire to w eureso much o' the e-tmo of the defendant as lnny be prop r arc-ontiug to his condition and clreunitsure for hB benefit ot his said wife aril children for the ir mitxi.-teiiee and mainten mice, the property ennslMinK "f both laud and nciwmil property, mid the sold defendant wi'l further take notice that hel n-iiiimtecl to anix-ar before his Honor W. J Ailnm. Judirc. at chain, berv on the Till day of lleeeinber. jmil.riicl ir the term nf the Superior Court of Rnmto ph Countv, at Avhebnro. N. C. and answer or demur to tlie petition in said speeiul proc die or the plain. ' "I'P'y the court for t! e relief demand ed in mill petltien This the 31st day of October, 1H10. W. C. Hammond, (Merit tsupcrior Court. IN ORDER TO MAKE A CHANGE IN OUR BUSINESS We Are Offering Unusual Bargains in Dry Goods and Notions, Laces, Embroideries, Hats,. Shoes, Furniture, Car pets, Etc. Give Us a Call and Examine Our Prices We have just received a new lot of Ladies' Skirts, made by Expert Tailors, and we are going to sell them within the next Ten Days, if prices - will do it. WILL. SELL- THEM AT YOUR FIGURES, just so it is above cost. We have to pay for our . goods, and we are not selling below cost. All the Skirts not sold in 10 days are to be returned. We have also just received a new lot of BLUE RIBBON AND BUSTER BROWN SHOES for Children, and The Cotton , Mill Shoes for Women. Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co., ASHEBORO, N. C. "A Little Higher (Trade Mark Reg. "ROCK HILL" ' Buggies WHAT IS IN A NAME Everybody , . Over twenty years Have Elapsed Since the words "ROCK HILL" Were First Used in connect on with a vehicle Now that brand o a veh cle means tnat it carries ciu lity and value, th very maxi urn oi qua ity for the minimum of Co t. what "STEKLlMtr does on s Iver. Best Buggy on the Market at the Price ROCK HILLmTGGY CO., Rock Hill, S.C. - McCRARY - REDDING! HARDWARE CO., Asheboro, N. C.; ' : ?.- Pm" isei, wsis is Mia. J , . rTA. CArf fell - V.iltAk,MTOiIwr.wi, IwnM I f- c-. m m to t lkmm mn-.i-'t llmviU vm sMlv-uaV. I mMmmiwom a . 'tLWvrr t, """"J gj f"" TQ Wn !, Oxm I or in-o . L- 7s w a I .a t- Tt"Z " r 1 '.- - w.a Nervous Prostration For Three Years "Dr. Miles Restorative Nen foe cured me of a period of nervous prostration of over Hum years duration, and the Anti Pain Pills are as necessary to ils as the roof of our house. (They have been household rem edies with us for many years."" i .WM. T. LOUGHRAN, 1214 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Penna . Much sickness is due to nerv ous troubles. Headache, diz ziness, epilepsy and insanity are - nervous troubles. Then there is a large class of disorder which arise from a weakness of the nerves of an organ or part, as weak lungs, heart, stomach, kidney, bladder, eyes, etc. Dyspepsia and indigestion are usually the result of nervous disorders. Restorative Nervine soothes the irritated nerves, and assists the nerve cells to gener ate nerve force. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by all dnifl gists. If the first bottle falls to bensflt, your druggist will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. in Price, But 99 U. S. Pat. Office.) Those words on a vehicle stand for voe i M Ml ep orl, Buia sm i asi ttmm fa m Ba.

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