HER J5he COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. Leads In Both News and Circulation. , THE COU ISSUED WEEKLY , PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR VOL. XXXVI ASHEBORO, N. C., MARCH 9, 1911 No, 10 BILLS ENACTED DURING CLOSR"? DAYS JMENERALMBLY LAW-MAKERS ADJOURNED MONDAY AND HAV. -TURNED TO THEIR HOMES Speaker Dowd Gives Silver Service Dillard, of Cherokee, The Spokesman ; The General Assembly o! North Carolina for 1911 baa adjourned add its members gone borne. Whatever it has done, whether wise or unwise, the session just closed is part of history. It has C;ifled many. . Oi ttfe other d the enacting or failure to en act certain legislation has been a great disappointment to many. . The Senate amending the Turling ton aoti-troet bill, which was en tbosiastically passed by the House, is legarded as a calamity. None the less deplorible was the fate of the Tor r ens land title bill,- when it reached the Senate after having been passed in th house by a vote of 67 to 11. f he 60-hour labor bill has been enacted and the Pethel bill regulat ing the crossing of railroads and electric lines haa passed with ao amendment that it does not apply to towns of a population under 5,000. The House passed bill requiring additional educational qnaliti nations for medical -licenses, which had been defeated at two previous sessions of the Legislature. The Senate killed the Koonce insurance investigating bill. The Governor's salary was fixed at $5,000 instead of $6,000 per an num. . The reapportionment in the Sen ate membership passed and put Edgecombe and Halifax counties in Be district aid Sampson county Was. changed from the 2ut to tne four teenth district so as to make the fourteenth with Sampson county in it Democratic - '"''- Also the bill appointing"- jub. tioes of the peace for North Oaro. Una. Other bills ratified Included : To increase salary of the adjutant geu. eral ; to authorize married woman to contract as if unmarried : to amend the insurance law as to classes of insurance ; to prohibit sale of hand ling of liquor by clubs ; establishing a free ferry across the Gape Fear river at Wilmington, and to protect employes and the traveling pa one by limiting the hours of service of employes.. - Senator Hbbgood's bill creating a eountv court empowered with civil and criminal jurisdiction in Guilford county passed both houses and was was ordered enrolled. To authorize the aldermen of Wil mington to expend annually $10,000 for advertising. . To allow . electric companies giv ing publio service to use the high ways for rights of way. S To provide for Slate text ooon commission compose! of the council of State and six teachers. The bill to amend the public school law was amended to cut the appropriation to public high schools from $73,uuw to $ow,uuu. - The resolution for a commission of investigation into tne advisability . of uniting the A. & M. College and the deportment of agriculture. ' " Despite over two hours'debate the the Senate dm to amenu the health, laws of North Oarolina passed just as it came from the House and it was ordered enroll, ed for ratification. The bill pre- scribes more stringent 'rules for the protection of watersheds of munioi. palities and enlarge the powers of the State board of health iu dealing with publio health problems. Allow Stanly county to vote on bonds for roads. - Regulate tbe election of aldermen for the city of Baleigh at large in - stead of by wards. This was a con aurrenoe in a Senate amendment. Pat Wilkes connty officers on salaries. This was concurrence iu th 8enater amendment 10 have sala ries take effect at the expiration of tbe term of oQoe of the present oa an. Provide traveling expenses of the lieutenant Governor when on official business. ' Regulate hunting quail in Guil- brd ana union counties. Eftoaire registration of all deaths ia towns of five hundred or mora in. iabitanti. Death of Ed. M . Faust in Texas. A telegram under date of March 3, from O. G. Fanst to Dr. I. B. Faust tells the news .as folio a of tbe deah of El. M. Faust, one of the brightest, braioiess meu Ran. dolph county has produced in many years : Ed left ns at eleven tw p. m. wry quietly, and practically without acute pain. None of ns dreamed the end so near. A slight sense of short breath, a few gasps and all was over.1 Transmit the news, as you bavij my letters. Iu love tin a rrow. C. G. Faust. His nephew, Mr. I. H. Faust, one of KanHoiph's best farmers, pro prietor of Keeil Creek Farm, near Kxmae'jr wntea The Courier as fol lows: . Friend, and relatives of B. M. Faust, of Baird, Texai, will be Sid. dened to hear of his death, whioh occurred March 8rd, after a s'ekness of about three or four months dura tion, ard in tbe 50th year of bis age. He was the son of the late I. H. Fanst, 8r., of this county. Ed. Faust, as he was familiarly I J iJ M i 1 Di.l. r."' .igr-un" ine f rw in -low, ana mu.eu n-1fttor 8lmnioDg bat he f8 8W!lV8 con. mediately- to Texas. For severs h Mrvatl,e aud ,igoron8. He 'studies years be was a successful school . every pnbho ti(m carefauv and edited , a country paper. . tbe Com mere Journal.- - He secured license to practice law, bnt for the past few yeera he was engaged in the lumber business in Baird, Texas, and in this he was makir g a marked success. He leaves a wife and seven chil dren, two brothers, two sisters, and a host of relatives to mourn their loss. Twenty-two months ago be visited his old home in this State, his first and only visit since gradua tion, looking the very pictun of health, . No one conld have imagined he would be snatched from earth to eternity so soon. - . ... Bnt the only consolation we have is, we know death is uncertain and life is n nee-tain. ' God in His wis dom and goodness -doeth all things well. Lexington Post Office Situation Exciting scenes are being witness ed in Washington this week between wirring forces of republ cms from Nor 'h Carolina over the Lexington poatoffice. ., Mr; Morehead who is "agin" Joe Walser has introduced the President to reopen tbe case, with the hope of getting his man Conrad in. Mr. Walser has tbe en dorsement of the eUte executive committee. The final outcome will be awaited with much interest. The new achcol law provides for a 2 cents tax more than heretofore and an appropriate decrease of the connty tax. ' Tribute to Speaker Dowd. On Satu"day at noon business was suspended long enough to present to speaker uowa a spieuaia suver ser vice as ' testimonial of the regird anirseeroof tbe meinbets of the Bjuse. Mr. Turlington, of Iredell, presided for the crrera a? and tbe presentation address wad by Mr. Dillard. of Cherokee. ho, iu a chaste and eloquent and brief speech assured the. speikrr tht tho gift conveyed tbe sent irasr.t or ctrectiou ate hearts in awDreciation cf his im partial, able and kind Administration of the hi jh and responsiUo dutieiai Speaker of tbe House or represen tative for 1011. Sneaker Dowd responded in an propriate teiaa, ssium. members that he appreci-ud too manifesta tion of esteem ai ducu m l fla the iutrinaio value of tw suiendid smrvice. : Ue was deeply affected and made a touching sp-fcb Members of the House stood daring his re- sponse and applauded, with great vigor.. CHIEF OF POLICE ARRESTED R. E. Morris, Danville's chief of police was a'resled and taken back 'to Georgia by two officers from that tate who had the tiecessaiy jvquisi tion papers for him. Morris : uiur. derea a man in Georgia about 15 years ago for (faring an insult to his sister, whereupon Moiris killed him and was sentenced to life imprison ment. Ue b-gau bis sentence and afterwards escaped and located in Greensboro. Afier living there awhile he went to Danville, V.,and secured a job on tbe police force. His conduct had been such to enti tle him to promotion to chief. A pardon will be asked the Governor of Georgia by the citizens of Dan ville, who held Morris in esteem. Large Cotton Mills in - Alamance Bankrupt Messrs B. S. Roberson and John A Trollinger and the Trounwood Manufacturing Co., all of uaw River, Alamnce Cuumy nave been aujudgtd bankrupts on their own petition. , These me among tti old est mills iu AtamaiiCe. The matters have been referied co G. S. Furgu son referee. J. K. Young has been appointed receiver for tne Troiin wood Mfg. Co. withMesars. Kiu & Kimbai of Grwnsooro as atitrueys for receiver. These failures it is sid are liable to carry another luatuutiou imo bankruptcy at that place. Senator Simmons Fights Canadian Reciprocity Everyone may not agree with 8en as a rule takes the correct v ew. Iu the fight in tbe Senate last' week we quote from the Charlotte Observer: "To hear a Senator of the United States discuss the Canadian recip rocity treaty in the small hours of tbe morning between midnight and 2 o'clock, is a most unusual . occur. reuce, it is especially unusual to hear one at this hour of the night discuss such a question with all the vigor and enthusiasm that he would use were it high noon. This was what Senator Simmons did last night night while the cocks were about to crow for break of day. Mr. Simmons attacked the measure from all eidt-8, declared the whole thing was undemocratic and full of iniq uities and disrimina ions. It is a Republican scheme from start to fin ish, he declared, has been frequently endorsed by Republican platforms and is closely allied to a high pro tective tariff. If the bill is finally adopted to-morrow before the session ends it will be in spite of all that senator Simmons can do to prsvent it.'- .. Married - Mr. W. B. Mucsee, of Seagrove, was married to Mist Mary Presnell, also of Seagrove, en March 5tb, at tne home of Mr. Uriah f resnell in South Asheboro, J. S. Ridge offici ating. Mrs. Munsee is the daughter of the late Niton Presnell. Mr. Munsee is from Union pity, Penn.; both are popular among many friends. Important Junior Meeting. On Sun lay eveniog of the fourth Sunday March 26 1011 at 2:30 o'olook p. m. Cedar Council no. 2.10 O. U. A. M. of Cedar Falls N. C, will give a Religious Sermon at the M. P. Chore h Cedar Falls N. O. We will march from .the Hall to Church and all of our neighboring Councils are kindly inviting to be present at our Hall and join us in this march Rev. G. A. Langhlin will conduct the . service at the churcb,aod we expect many speeches from our neighboring brothers, xne nnblio is oordiallv invited to. be present. r : Released from fail. : The two women of blonde com plexion held in Charlotte jail for knowing something ot the death oi A. G. Winn, which was recorded in these columns last week have been released and investigation seems to point to tit. winn-s oeatn- as suicide. TWO GUESTS PERISH IN BURNING HOTEL The Tourist hotel at Lake View, eight miles from Carthage, was de stroyed by fire at an early hour Tuesday morning. , , Two guests, Mrs, Anna M. Barnes, and Mrs. G C. PettiB, are dead as a result, the former's body not 'hav ing been recovered at this writing. Mrs. Pettis sustained such injuries and fright us to cause her death. The structure was of wood and the sleeping guests had only time to get out of the burning buildiug. The trunks, money and jewels of tbe guests were practically all lost. . The private homes of the little village wera thrown open to the guests fLeingfor their lives to places of safety. Tbe property loss was $30,000.00 partly covered by insurance. NEWS ITEMS Mr. A. A. Spencer is making preparations to grow cotton on his farm near town. Col. J. E. Walker is moving into his residence recently purchased by his Sin from Mrs. Feme. An unknown thief entered the depot Friday night at Pleasant Garden and secured clothing and other personal property belonging to the agent. Governor Bleaseand Chief JoBtice Jones are having a lively hit over tne "fitness" ot a J udge of a special term of court in South Carolina. B. H. Lambe, of 8iler City, who has been managing editor of the Spartanburg Journal for several manths, has resigned to accept a place. with the Norfolk Landmark. The resignation of Secretary Bal- lingtr was ... made publio this week and accepted by the President, who bar appointed Walter L. Ifisber, of Chicago, hi successor. Mr. C. A. Wharton, of Rock Creek township, has been appointed by tbe Clerk of Guilford county to succeed Mr. J. A. Davidson, who resigned as county commissioner. The eight year old son of Samuel and Mary Adams found the bodies of his parents dangling from the attic of their Dome near Heading, Pa., Saturday of last week. A note was left telling of their Buicidal pact. Abraham Reus, former boss of Sin Fraacisoo, who has been out on bail, has been taken into custody, following a decision of the supreme couit and will serve his term of 14 years in the penetentiary for bribery Maior Stedmau has appointed Elmer Long, of Graham, his private secretary. Mr. Long is a son of Mr. Jaob iMEg and a nepnew or jucge juong, oi ireoeu. The largest fire ever visiting Miniieaoalis was the one Saturdav niffht which sweDt awav the syndi cate block entailing the loss of two lives and a million dollars in prop erty. C. M. Walker and Horace Gregg. two emDlovees of the Chammon Fi- bar Co., at Canton engaged in a quar rel Tuesday witn toe result mat Gregg is at a hospital in Asnevilie with a bullet in bis bowels from the pistol of Walker. Mr. Clarence H. Poe's home re turning from a trip around the world was greeted in New York by the sad intelligence of tbe de th of hia mother which occured in Georgia here she was visiting. Her home was in Chatham Connty and tha fun eral services will be held from Gulf, N. 0.' Cnnorreaiman John Q. Small from North Oarolina who spoke at a banquet in Trenton, a. j. xues day night, in alighting from an automobile, whioh took him ' from railway station to the Chamber of Commerce, stopped in the way ef an approaching trolley oar and was dragged some fifteen feet, bnt with. out serious injury. . The Hayes murder trial is on in Whiteville this week and will prob ably continue all the week. The BUte Has introduced testimony showing the close friendship between Ifra, Haves and tbe man. who died with the name MRosenon his lips, and where last summer Mrs. Hayes went to Son U) Port and spent tne night at the same hotel young Floyd was stopping at. SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS The President Calls New Congress In Extraordinary sion Convene April 4th The SLty first Congress of the United States became history at mon, March 4bb, when it adjourned. Within an honr President Taft had called the new Congress in extraor dinary session and the date was fixed April 4tb, at tbe request of many Democrats. This was carrying out the expressions of President Taft heietoforo published that if the Ca nadian reciprocity bill did not pass he would do it. Now is will be considered by an overwhelming Democratic House and a small Re publican majority in the Senate. North Ca-oliua's Senators bave been very active during tbe session jjst closed, and in fact have accom plished mucn for our state. Tney have on all questions of any impor tance to the people been conspicuous figures for those things helpful to the people. The resignation of Senator Bailey, of Texas, added to, tbe exciting mo ments of tbe closing Congress. Mr. Bailey misjudged his Democratic colleagues' action on the Arizona statehood bill. Tbe Speaker and Governor of Texas both refusing to accept the resignation gave time for reconsideration on the part of the Texas senator and he withdrew his resignation. Poultry Show. From the Montgomerian we learn that a Poultry Show will be given in December and the merchants of Troy are to give the premiums. Deep interest is shown by ,tbeir ac tion.. No doubt that the asbociation of tbat county and the association oi this, both in their infancy, can be and as a matter of fact sbould be of mutual aid one to tbe other. Joining the Corn Club Sixty-two boys have joined the Union Countv Bovs' Corn Club. LaBt year thirty-two boys joined tbe duo ana contested ror prizes, mis very Boys' Corn Club is spoiling many a ten-bushel-per asre farmer and is makir g 50, 75 and 100 bushel per acre men. Monroe Enquirer. Col. Joe Rtese in speaking of the debate at Spencer on taptism sums is up the following characteristic way: A Presbyterian and a Baptist min ister at Spencer are to have a debate on baptism. And all the while the devil is laughing in bis sleeve. Lu. natis asylums are needed in this country. But this proposed debate is not all the -foolish things some preachers indulge in. Some oi them nrpftch sermons tbat bave the effect of mixing up a poor devil who somitimes thinks he ought to be a better man. lie uears these Kina and cets addled. . Whv don't all the preachers preach solva tion in plain wordtr The Asheboro Postmaster Confirmation of J. M. Barrow has been refused Senator Simmons stat- inr that he would not allow oonfir mvion cnui iuc cuarm wuivu aiv , .1 l nkiU ... filed and said to have been lost, were found. Party at Worthville On next Saturday night there will be a box party and old maid sale at Worthville. Prof. Boberson, of Randlemao. will make an address and a good time is expected for all. Married ' Mr. Ed Baily formerly of Trinity township was married this week to Miss Darville an actress in Brooklyn New York. The ceremony, was performed on the stage at the con. elusion of the regular performance of the companj of which they were both members. Died Miss Gary Phillips, sister of the late E. O. Phillips, died Monday of taralysis at the home of Frank Phil ips on North Fayetteville Street. She was buried at Union Grove Church Tuesday. ADJOURNED SATURDAY Ses1 Officers for Avery County.. Governor Kitrhin announced 8at-- nrday the appointment of the officers for tbe new county of Avery formed out of portions of WaUuga, Mitch el) aud McDowell by the Legislature. tney are commissioners lirown, Hughes, Ralph Young and J. H. lleaion ; clerk of the court, J. L Januer; register of deeds, J. M. Pritchard ; sheriff, Ed. S. Levin r treasurer, H. T. Norman ; surveyor. J. M. Hodges: board of education, M. W. Cay, Rbert Lewis, J. P.. Hall. No county seat was named in the- bill creating Avery county, this be. ing left t- a vote of the people. The county officers appointed are to qualify Mareh 15. At least three towns will compete for county seat.. The Randolph Poultry Assoc iat!ort - At a meeting held in the office of Mr. J. T. Winslow last Monday the following officers were elected: President, W. H. Pickard, Raudle- man; Secretary and Treasurer, A. E. burns, Asbebon; first Assistant, Secretary, S. T. Lassiter, Second Ass-'stant, D. M. Sharpe and W. A.. Coffin Third Assistant. The Vice Presidents, which number four, are as follows: B. A. Routb, Randle- man Route 1; Steve Moffitt, Ashe boro, R. F. D.; 0. R. tiurtis, Liber ty, and N P. Nelson, Spero. iF. si. Hiah ws elected Superin tendent, with Seth W. Laugh'in, J.. B. Bobbins and John Hammer As sis tan ts ' A Committee , was .appointed to draft by-laws and regulations and when completed to report and have -the President call another meeting at which time plans will be set in motion for the prerxrum lists and show for this fall. It was an en thusiastic meeting. All parties in terested in thickens in tbe county,, who have not done so, should at- once write the Secretary and Treas urer, Mr. A. IS. Burns, at Asbeboro, inclo8i"g the membership fee ot 1.00 for one year. Old Man Died. Eli Cranfoid, aged 90 years, died at bis home in New Hope township on Tuesday of this week. He served bravely and honorably . throughout the Confederate army, altfc ough at the beginning of the .war be was too old to go, but went from choice. Lhe deceased was a strict member- of the Mettodist church and was coted for his piety. He leaves surviving several chil dren, among whom are W. T. Gran ford, John M. Cranford and Pink- ney Cranford, Box Party at Why Not Academy The school and community of Why Not Academy will give a box party at the Academy on Friday night, March 17tb, opening at 7:30 p. m. The young ladies are re spectfully requested to come and bring well-filled boxes. The publio is cordially invittd to come and en joy the occasion. The proceeds, will be used for the benefit of the school, to increase the school library. fcr. F. Garner, Pnn. Mr. Ben Royals, of Thomasville. and Miss Nonah Kenned, of High Point weje mtrried last Thursday March 2nd. W. L. Healaon at Staley is among the fourth class postmaster's ap pointed for North Carolina tbia week. . Lynchburg baa been excited over the contested local option election and tbe victory of the "wets" tbia week will for awhile atop the suit as it is hardly probable it will bt carried further. . The Supreme Court has decide tbat West Virginia shall pay ita proportionate port of bonds owed by Virginia when West Virginia be. oame a state, the amount being ove $7,000,000.

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