'THE COURIER Aaheboro. N. C.. July 27th, 1911 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mies Annie Fox is viaiting friends . in Ramseur this week. Mrs. G. M. Hay worth visited rela tives near Ramseur last Sunday. Mr. E. G. Morris lost a valuable horse last Mondiy morning. Mr. Ed Rogers, of Randleman, was in Asheboro last week working on the telephone line. Mr. 0. F. York, of Greensboro, was in Asheboro attending court last week. Miss Fannie New by went to Farmer last Saturday, for a week's visit with relatives. Mrs. Will Miller came down from Greensboro last Saturday for a visit to the family of Mr. J. M. iietts. Mr. J. M. Kirkman, of Greens boro, waa in town on business last week. N Workmen have been er gaged in buildint concrete sidewalks in uif ferent parts of town for several days. ' If you want to sell your farm-or Anything else advertise it in The Courier. Rev. T. F. Sechrest.Of Randle. man R. F. D. waa in town on busi. nesa last Tuesdav. Mr. Lebbeua Auman.one of Uncle Sam's soldier boys, is visiting home folks near beagrove. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Jones, pf near Liberty, were visitors ' in town last tnday. Mrs. J. W. Steele, of Ramseur, has beeu a guest at the home of her father, Mr. James T. Turner, for several days. - Messrs. W. P.. Lwia, of High Foint.and W. L. Adams.of near Ran dleman, were callers at The Courier office last Monday. Mr.. Arthur Macon, of Furmei, jeturned last week from an extend ed viBit to relatives in ana near Washington; Indiana. A large audience enjoyed the con cert given a the auditorium last phanage Singing Class. Miss Ulnah Rush visited hei ffrand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Wade at Troy for several days last week. Miss Ulah Yow went to High Point last Monday morning to do some shopping returning in the afternoon, Misses Lou Gray and Sue Hoover and little Miss Ruth Porter visited relatives at.Glenola labt Sunday and Monday. , Mr. F. William Capplman, of Charlestown, South Carolina, was in Asheboro one day last week repre senting Eliz ibeth College, Charlotte, North Carolina, Rev. C. A. Wood and Messrs. 0. V. Woosley and J. T. Wood attend ed the District Conference of the M. E, Church, at IMeaBnut Garden last week. 1 he Courier will in the near iu ture publish a full account of the rules governing the contest iu the writing of prize articles on go:,d roada by the school children in this county. v ii-. and Mrs. S. E. Tepgn. Mrs. J. T. Underwood and children and Misses Fowbr and Goley went to Greensboro in Mr. leagues snto mobile last Monday, returning the Tin me day. The Singing Class from Oxford Orphanage, alter giving a concert at the school auditorium Saturday evening remained in town till Mon day, and dt lighted -the Methodist Protestant congregation with their sweet singing Sunday eving, Mr. W. E. Kearns a successful wheat grower of the Uwharrie sec tion of Randolph county made 38 bushels of wheat on one acre of land, or 92 bushels on two and three quarter acres. If any one can beat that we would like to hear from him. The Courier has received many names and addresses of those, who have gone out from amo ig us, but there are hundreds of ethers whose names and addresses we have not succeeded in getting. ,Pleaae send them in without delay. Write us today, as the time i8 getting short. Among recent callers at Tha Conrier office were Messrs.- John T. Turner, of Ramseur; 8. E. Bark er, of Edgar; Wm. Chriseo, of Sea grove; T. 0. Bowden,of R.ndleraan; Hugh Coward, T. E. Burgess, and T. B. Parks, of Ramseur; D. M. Allred and B. F. Craven, . of near Franklinvflle ; Homer Skeen, of Riley's Store; M. A. Cagle, of Sea grove; J. F. Routh and J. A. Hen son, of Randleman R. F, D; A. F. Jones, of Millboro; H. G. Hayworth, of Coleridge; and Rev.'H. A. Al bright, of Beagrove. i The Bank of Randolph is con necting with the town water supply. Miss Lura Jones, of Ramseur, is visitieg Miss Edna Norman. Miss Bessie Kennedy :'s visiting relatives at Progress this week. Misses Lillian Walker and Kate Hammer spent a few days in Ramspur list week. ' Mr. E. B. Hatch has gone to Pittsboro to take a position aa .book keeper with a lumber company. Misa JesBie Ward is visiting hei uncle, Mr. Alfred Ward, near Lib erty, this week. Mrs. Mamie Ragan, of Thomas, ville, was the guest of Mrs. Z. F. Rnsh several days last week. Mrs. Clinard, of High" Point, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hale last week. , Master Gleon Spoon went down to Biecoe this morning to work a while at the Biacoe Botting Works. The July term of Randolph coun ty Superior Court adjourned yester day afternoon.' Mr. J. A . Aumic, of Seagrove was a caller at the Courier effie yeBterda'y. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cross, of Lib erty R. F. D. 1, attended the Bap tist Aesiciatioh here this week. Reports from different parts of Randolph county say crops are seri ously damaged by dry weather. Mr. B. F. Gray, of near Frank linville, was a caller at The Courier office lecently. Miss L'zzie Lewallen, who bss been at E!oa College for some time, returned borne Saturday. Mis. Annie Robins returned last' Saturdav fro n an extended visit to Kingston, Mass., Cape Henry, Va., and other places. Miss Lena Peace, of Progress, who has heen visiting her sistf r Mrs. U. H. Kennedy for a few days, return ed home Saturday. Miss Margaret Goley, of Griham, is the guest of ber cousin Mrs. J, T. Underwood on North Fayetteville Street. Mr?. Joe Bttts and daughter Miss Hat tie, of Max ton, were guests of relatives in . town for several uays las' week. Anyone wishing information about the County Fair to be held in Ashe boro from October 31 to November 3, write Mr. George R. Ross, Man ager, Asheboro, N. C. Mr. H. E. Moffitt went to Pitts, bom one day recently to join Mrs. Moffitt and children, who have been visiting relatives there for some days. Elder L. H. Hardy, of Reidsville, will preach in Asheboro at the did court house next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, and aga n on Sunday at 10:30 in the morning and 2:30 in the afternoon. Messrs. George R. Ross, of Ashe, baro, Marvin Kearns of Farmer and Lse Kearns of Hills Store left yes. terday for Salisbury, where they are attending the meeting of the State farmers Union. Mr. W. B. Hiashaiv, of near Ran dleman, was a ciller nt The Courier office lust Monday. Mr. Ilinshaw eaya" he has been a regular subscriber to '. be Conner since the beginning of its existence almost forty years ago. The new brick building being ertcte.1 on Depot O'rctt tv Mr. J. G. Miller" will be completed by August 15. It will be occupied by Mr. Louis Arncr. of High Point, who wiil mn a geteral clothing and' ladies, and gc-utlemeu a furnishing store. The Asheboro School Board was in session last Monday evening, and among ether business transacted it waa agreed to connect the white graded school building with the town water, supply. Arrargeinents were also made fcr securing and puf ting desks in the new colored grad ed school buildiug. Dr. W. J. Staley, of Staley, was a caller at The Courier office last Tuesday. Mr. Staley savs that be and Dr. M. F. Fcx ere preparing 10 stock the pond at the Long Mill near btaley with young ban, which are distributed by the Umted States government through our congress. men. This is one of the oldest and largest ponds in Randolph county, and Messrs. Staley and Fox expect to enjoy some fine sport fuhing in a few months. I - On next Monday July 31, Mr. 0. W Woosley will begm a Bummer school, which ia to continue a month or more, in the Aaheboro graded school building. The principal ob ject of the school ia to assist, pupils, who were not promoted in the spring to make np back work. This is a splendid opportunity for all those who bv tts-. in of sickness or any other circumstances were compelled to step school and fail of promotion, to make up for the' lost time and re Join their former classmates. Miss Lura Jones, of Ramseur, is visiting Mies Edna Norman. Mr. WV W. Jones, of Ramseur, is in town attending the Jkptist Asso ciation. Mr. H. B. Moore, of Ramseur, wasln Asheboro Tuesday and Wednes day. . Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jordan, of Franklinville, are among the visitors in Asheboro attending the Baptist i Association. Mrs. C. M. Fox and little daughter, of Greensboro, are guests tf Mrs. Fox, parents Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Spencer, at the Central Hotel. The pipes connecting with the town water supply are to be ex. tended in all directions. The ditching machine began work on Old Main Stre.t. Morris Livery Stable lost two good horses since last Sunday one of them died from getting too hot while hired out Sunday afternoon the other one from colic caused from eating bearded oats. This ia a severe loss to them as tr, ey had re. fused two hundred and fifty dollars for one of tbem and two hundred for the ether, Among the distinguished visitors in town attending the Baptist Asso ciation are Dr. William Louia Pc teal, of Wake Forest Uillege; Rev. Livingstone John8on and Prof. W. J. Terrell, of Raleigh; Reve. J. C. C. Dunfortb, of Louisville, Ky.; A. L. Betts, of Winston Salem ; ind Mea si s. Archibald Johnson, editor of Charity and Children, Thomas ville ; G. E. Lineberry, and E. L. Middleton, of Raleigh, and Misa Patterson, president of the Woman's Mission Society, of Greensboro. J i ly Term Supe ior Court. George Walter Scales, who was convicted if selling liquor, was fined $50 and costs and nqaired to "give bond for two years tor good be havior. Thoma3 Brooks and Shelly Stout were convicted of uutfEray. Brooks fined $10 and jadgimnt suspended as to Stout, each defendant to pay half tho costs. Judgment suspended on payment of costs as to Junius Spencer in case of cairying concealed weapon. Prayer of judgment continued in case of shooting craps against same defendant. A nonsuit was taken in case of E.- F. Welch vs. R. H. Dixon, ad ruinistrator. The case of Miles Wall vs. Mel. ford Ivey was remanded to the jus tice of the peace. Incase of J.R. and H. L. York vs. Monroe Richardson and others judg ment tor sal. Jlhe replevin bond to be discharged upon the payment of $35 and coas of action. Incase of Mary Nixon vs. Tom Nixon continued and the defendant restrained from selling his land. The defendant G. W. Elliott & Co. obtained a jud&trent of $1.89 as a counter claim a.inst the Ami ncan Pure Food Co. in alleged claim fcr baking powder sold the defendant. The juiy found in case of N.J. York by his next friend V3. J. M. Henson and others, that N. J. York was of unsound mind at the time of making deeds, and that ser. vices of defendant Iienson and wife in caring for plaintiff were worth $1200. There were twenty-four issues on various subjects substuted to the jury. E. F. Davidson was granted a di vorce from Maggie Davidson. Cora Buudy waa also granted a divorce from Gurly Buudy. Both on grounds of adultery. 0. A. Luther obtained a com promise judgment of fifty dollars as D. A. Frick, J. W. Flick end Reube'n Swaney obtained judgmeut of $13.8a against B. F. Osborn, hut j&ry found that laborer's lien was not filed wiitfin one year. A non suit was ordered by the court in the case of M. R. Langly and wife vs. Besaie Breedlove and other?. Good Roads Train at Asheboro. The Southern Good Rads Train was in Asheboro yesterday. Work ing models run by electricity of im proved road building machinery were exhibited on the train. At 11:30 a. m. free lectures accompanied by stereopticon demonstrations wete donducted by Messrs, L. E. Boy kin and II. S. Fairbanks, road experts from the United States Department of Agriculture. W. J.-Hnrlbut, Agent Land and Industrial Depart' ment Southern Railway accompanied the train. The object of this train is to give practical instruction in the building and maintenace of improved roads, by which millions of dollars can be aaved. x Steeds R. F. D. Items The protracted meeting at Christian Union Baptist Churcb will begin the second Sunday In August Rev. W. H. Strickland, o( Greens boro, u pastor, 'Squire chriseo hai Just completed bla 'phone line, and has hit 'phone in. K. M Brown hag a new boy at his house. PIEDMONT BAPTIST 'ASSOCIA TION. In Session at 1 Asheboro Many D stinguished Visitors. This body composed of the B:ip. tist Cnurcbes of Guilford Rocking. ham and Kandolph counties, with t few others from Alamance and For sythe, met in annual session with the Baptist Church of Asheboro on Tuesday the 25 th. ine introductory sermon was preached by Rev- W. b. Staley, of ureensooro. ue waa greeted oy a fine congregation and his sermon was a very thoughtful and helpful dis course. 0.i Wednesday morning the body met for business, Rev, F. II. Jones of Reidsville for many years the moderator of the Association on account of the feeble condition of his heozth. declined re-election and Rev. W. F. Staley of Greensboro was elected to that position. Rev. W. H. Ellers also of Greensboro was re elected clerk of the Association. The delegation is an unusually large one. The churches are well represented, and the business of the body is being transacted with dignity and dispatch. lhe Biblical Recorder, the organ of the denomination, was discussed in a luminous way by Rev. A. L. Betts, the active and energetic agent for that excellent paper. Mr. E. L. Middleton, cf Raleigh. sjoke to the report on Sunday Schools with uncommon vigor. This report ia always interesting, and Mr. Miduleton reported no little information on this subject. l he report on Mate missions, was read by Rev. John R. Willis; of High tomt and Rev. Livingston Johnson, of Raleigh, presented that subject in a space of singular force una power, ibis is one of the sub jects of prime importance before every Baptist Association. The Baptist are wide awake on the sub ject, and the church at Asheboro is itself a striking illustration of the woikoftbe Hate Mission Board. Without its timely help this church could not have been built. Pledges from the churches followed the dis cussion of the report, and a large amount was subscribed for the work of State missions during the coming year. At 2 o clock the suoiect of Tem perance was disoussed in a very ex cellent speech by Dr. W. C. Tyree, of High Point. This was followed by a consideration of the report on Home Missions. Among Baptists Home Mission means all the destitute territory embraced within the limits of the Southern Baptist Convention including the island j of Cuba and the frontier country of the Southern f acihe slope. 1 Miscellaneous and local business followed the Home Mission repoit and then adjjurnpient waa taken until the night service. The Baptiet Orphanage ia the most popular object before the Bap. tist people of North Carolina. At 8 o'clock p. m. Dr. Archibald John, son discussed the Orphanage befo're a crowded house. lie was followed by Dr. William Louis Potent in a speech of tremendous power. Dr. Poteat is one of the finest platform speakers in North Carolina, and he never fails to enlighten aud delight his hearers. The Program today After the devoMoual , exercises this rooming the ml jeet of foreign Mission will be discussid by Dr. W. U. Tyree, of High Point, and those who attend are sure to be well re. paid for iir, Tviee i3 a moat engag ing speaker aud his soul is a il ime with zo.il for foreign Mission. The remainder cf the service will be taken up with miscellaneous aud local matters. Tonight Rev. J. Clyde Turner, pastor of the First Bjptist church of Greensboro, will prench, acd a large congregation will no doubt bear this gifted mm' ister. Sudden Death. News came to Asheboro yes terday afternoon of the sudden death Tuesday of Mr. Lindsay Julian, a prominent farmer of near Grays Cha; el. Mr. Julian was driving from hi3 home to Randleman. stopped on the way at the home of a sis ter, and while ithere fell over dead. Mr. Ju ian was more than seventy years of age. The tur ial is at Grays Chapel today. Kicked by Horse. The tea or twelve-year oliL:" Mr. Josepn Pool livir Grove township, w Tuesday by a horse above the right ey, skull and seriously boy. Dr. H. B. bia Friday night and dresae The accident occurred in this way : While the horse was playing while being led to water jarked loose from the lad and ran off, kicking him down. The boy is in a critical condition. V J ap-f .: . 5" . 1 .au L' the V -.- , the t, ,nf down Me wound. The Town Water Supply. More than nine months ago the R. D. Cole Company befan the bor ing i' f a well under the contract fcr $4,800 for 800 feet in depth. Those who have donethe woik have bad a hard time of it. They have not bored much over half tbe required depth. This week they threw up tne sponge, 'he town agreeing to pay $250 fcr the worlc done. V The town has b en getting its wa ter supply from the deep well at the Aaheboro Furniture Company. The new well will be given a new trial, but it ia not believed it will give an adequate 8upply for the use of the town. If the supply afforded by the new well proves sufficient at first it is not believed that it will furnish half enough w' en the con nections are made to all those who have applied for city water. The Tax Lists. County Assessor Mr. H. M. Worth ia hard at work preparing and completing the tax lists. 1 be Courier asked Mr. Worth for information. He talked intelli gently en the subject, giving inter eBting facts and figures, bnt as he has not completed the figuies for tbe entire county, preferred not to give a partial report, lhe .increase in the counry is not so much as might be expected. Really the increaae ia not as much as iu many other coun ties. In fact, the increase in valua tion ia nothing like as much as the increase in value of the property in the county, . A careful inquiry shows that the valuation is behind the actual in. crease in the value of real estate. The increase was natural and. not forced. Little complaint has been heard about the assessment and it is pretty generally conceded that there has been a fair assessment of prop. erty in all parts of tbe county. The instructions of County Assessor Worth have beeu to equalize the as sessment of property, and as a rule it appears that au honest efljrt has beeu made to do this. When tbe couDty asseapor completes his work tbe figures and information relating to the assessment of all property will be published. The Ladies' Auxiliary. It waaVuhe intention to have what is known us a Ladies' Auxiliary in sbeboro laBt November or Deeem uer, but after reflection it was at the time decided not to have it last year but to wait until this year and have it late iu the fall, probably a lhe time of the agricultural fxir. Like the chrysanthemum show it is no part or paicel of the fair, and if held at the same time f)f the fair ;t will be by special arrangement, lor the purpose of those are to aid the WoTian's Club or some branch of it like school betterment or the civic leagu'-. The Courier wculd be glad to see the chrysanthemum shows at Lib erty, Ramseur, Franklinville,. Ran dleman an:l elsewhere in the county unite and have a big flower show at Asheboro during the agricultural fair tl ia fall. Iabidtr to make' the fair a big success all must be interested and ooi.tiibu;e to it6 success. Farmer's Union Picnic at Shileb.. There will be a Farmers Union Dicnic at Shiloh Academy on the 4th day of August given by Shiloh and neighboring- locals. Ever; boay is invited and es neciallv all Union DeoDle. All are respectfully requested to bring well filled baskets. There will be addresses which will be of interest to all agricultural classes. Come one and al' and lets enjoy a day which vd! add much to our happiness and pros perity. The iollowing is the program: Upen at 10 a m., music by the band. Address of welcome, . Prof. F. M. Wright. Response, Rev. P. F. Kearns. Wusic- The Randolph Co., Fair, By J. M. Allen. Address, The Farmers Union by J- Z. Green State Lecturer. Music- , Intermission one and a ha'f hour for dinner. Music. Address, Agriculture, Geo R. Ross. Mnsic " S. T. Moffitt, H. S. MofTitt, Com. Ice Crem Party. There will be an ice cream party at Spero Saturday night. The proceeds will go to the Ladies Betterment Association for the benefit of the School. Everybody is invited to come. The firBt bale of Georgia cotton for 1911 Bold last Tuesday at McRae Ga., for 25 cents a pound. BUSINESS LOCALS I : X Advertisements will be t inserted under this head at 1 cent a word each in X sertion, cash with order. There is a reason why the people , go to the SUndard Drug Co, New drugs, new drinks, new eta-, tionery at old fashioned prices at the Standard Drug Co. Wanted A few families of Spin ning Room help at Deep River Mills, Randleman, N. 0. apply to L. R. Hughea or W. M. Thornburg. Rai dleman, N. 0. FOR SALE. A fine family horse with the best of qualities and a new t p buggy and new set of buggy harness. Apply to Mrs. Fan nie E. Page, Aehebcro, N C. "FOR SALE Four small farms. 20. 30. 35. and fiO aeroa each, near High Point. . D. JH. Parsons, High Point, N. C" FOR SALE Household property consisting,; of a sewing machine, piano, feather beds, bureau, wash stand and a number of other articles too numerous to mention. See Mrs. Bnokshire at her home. WANTED old books, stamps. furniture, gold, silver, pewter, lead. copper or iron relices, etc. for cash. Good second h ind school books fur nished at half price. Old Book Store, Kaleigb.N. C." nkX;...:..i....i.nri.: t' Roosteis for sa'e at Spring Hill D.-.,.f 4.... A L. , I -KT - Come early and get choice for $100. Overone hundred to select from. These young rooaters are from prize wirminor hirrls R R Rr.vno NOTICE-One Saturdav August 5, at the residence of the late C- E- Stuart, in Franklin ville I wi(l offer for sale at pub lic auction, my household and kitchen furniture and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Mrs. Hattie Stuart- FOR SALE Que four room house (new) and five acres of land. Good orchard on public road Ran dleman route 2 runs right by door. three fourths mile of Millboro. Good School. Terni3 1-3 cash, bal., on time with interest. A great bar. gain. Hammer & Co. Asheboro N. C. LOTS FOR SALE I have for safe a half dozn lora in Snth Aahe boro near Mr. J. II. McDowell's new residence. These loiawill be sold on the North side of Mr. McDowell's for 75 cents a front foot and on the Suth si ie for higher but at a reasonable prce. N;w is the time to puy for ;t is the last chance to buy a jot fit a low price m the btirir.e.s and ui:iiifactuni!g section of the toivu. Ay:,!v to Wm. 0. Hammer. Atheiioo N. C. tl'unmJ ,6b A Leo; "4 jjf-- B'.'AaoiNG SCHOOL. Low Holes. wsts-'f c Wide Pdlrenjo. Excellent j S 3 3.I1J.-.J,. tl.jhr.ful g 3 g S ft. 318 S wllhVi.s and lull L V W T WrtlTStTT, Ph.D.. t t Learn Automobile Business Take a 30 i'as' pvaclical conran iu our wcl! ffviiiwd i!i clone sli .pa end lean au tomobile tu-.;;ii i nml acwipt g3o portions. Charlotte Auto School, i Charlotte, N. C. ' Protect Your Keys Your unme niul addtesn neatly stamped on solid Gt-niitm silver key cheek like above cut, or auy dc-iKii oecret order emblem, aud mailed stamp?. y' H. B. MOORE, Ramseur, N. C. Among other sensation d evidence before tbe sugar trust investigating committee, last Saturday, clans Augustus Spreckl es, testified that In hie refinery at Yonkers N.,Y., after he bad tamed d,own trust overtures, dead rata were placed in band of sugar ready for shipment and at night whole vats rf sugar were drained into the sewers. Private detectives pointed out a number of employes who guilty, but he never ascertained tbe names of those who tmplojed them, (