liUuuuvj li rPRnlvAs itself down to the simole matter of cultivating the soil. Thousands of business men have realized this and are buying farms or cultivating the land they already own. , J . ' . . . . " We have secured the estate of the late C. C. Smith and some adjoining property, consisting of 563 acres. We have subdivided this in small tracts. It is located just out of Ramseur from 1 1-2 to 3 miles from the branch line of the Southern railway running from Greensboro, N. C, and two passenger trains run to arid from Greensboro daily. - . ' V ' The different tracts are well watered by creeks and branches and the soil is adapted to the cultivation of cotton, corn, wheat and other grains. There is not in the South a more desirable property. The tracts are heavily timbered with pine white oak, hickory, poplar, dogwood and persimmon. Those who ought to know say that the timber alone on these tracts will amount to enough to pay the ourchase and all. If you are interested come look over the property; see for yourself Write us what day you will come arid we will take pleasure in showing you over these properties and remember it's only a short ride on train there, pwn a farm in easy reach of your business. Buy now as farm lands in the South will never again be as cheap. Our terriis are, 1-4' cash, balance in 5 equal annual installments with interest on de ferred payments. e . M' ;t ., - L , . These tracts will be sold and if you wait until later to buy if you get any of them at all if will be at an advanced price. . , , . , 1 They are located in the pchest agricultural section of the state. Write today. SSSSOSSSBBBSt HAMMER & COMPANY, John M. Hammer, Manager, Asheboro, N. C. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. . , Railway Fare Coupons will be Issued to prospective biiyers. Died in Kansas The following sketch was taken from a Kansas paper: A death of unusual sadness, surprise and grief is that of Mrs. Viola Coz, wile of Mr. Mahlon Cox, at her home in East Eudora after a brief illness of only three days. Dissolution occurred at 12 o'clock last Sunday. Csbert fhneral service was conducted from the house at 10 o'clock, and from the Friends Church in HesDer Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, and was attended by a very large ncourse of mourners, lhe way was iaia to rest in the cemetery near tlesper. She leaves a father ana mother, d sisters, a husband, a step-daughter and a large cir cle of friends to mourn her untimely taking away. Viola May Bush, daughter of James and Luzena Kuan, was born near Asheboro, Randolph county, North Carolina, April 19. 1878. W hile still a child she moved with her parents to Jamestown, Guilford county, North Carolina, where she grew to womanhood. While living there Btie be came a member of Deep River Monthly Maetiog of Friends, in wmch society she wal a faithful and valued member until the Lord called her home. While living at Jamestown shs entered the Preparatory De partment of Guilford College and spent three years of industrious and pains-taking study id that institution, making a record that was a credit to bersel. and all who knew ber. In the fore part of the year 1902, she left fne scenes of her childhood and came to Kansas to live for a time with an uncle, William DBvis, who resided near Hesper. There sirs remained for nearly four years, winning her way into the hearts and homes of all she met. During this period she was a constant attender of the Hesper Meeting of Friends and took an active interest in all that concerned the church and its work. Aimoet constantly during this period she Rave ber services as a teacher in the emnoay tichool and a Under in the Christian Ej deavjr: and though h3r soul has now de parted, yet her life siilJ lingers in the lives of the living; and that sweet and gentle spirit, which so quietly moved among the riailvscenes of the home and c luuiuuity, will ever lend its uplifting lLflueucss to generations yet unborn. , . In July 1M0O, Viola returned t Ler home and loved ones in Carolina, remaining there until the following April, 1107, when the family mived to liesper, Kflns.s. She was united in marriage to Mahlon Cox, of Eudora, at the home, and in thf presence of Kev. John P. Mills at Kansas City on January 12, 1910; and the two hearts tint were there united, had lived m perfect harmony until death separated them. "'Asbury Items Miss Pearle Auinan visited at Star and West End last week. - Miss May Harper and Muster Lacy, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. W. H. Holt, at Pinehurst. Mrs A.N. Cacle spent one night last week with her daughter, Mrs. Will Ingram, at Biscoe. Miss Mishie Lineberry left last week for Billsboro, where she will spend some time . visiting her sister, Mrs. J. M. Dodson. Everette Ctgle spent Saturday in Mt. Gilead. Miss Myrtle Asbury visited friends at Ether ana Star last wees. Mrs. Wm. Cagle and children are visiting relatives at Maxton. Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Spencer and children of Aberdeen, spent Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ppencer. , several from here attended the protracted meeting at Maple Springs Sunday. Mr and Mrs. I. T. brown and children are visiting relatives near Asheboro. r. 11. iteynoius, oi jo.auitucou, Henry Reynolds, of Queen, spent Thursday night with their sister, Mrs. K. K. Auman. Several of our people are attending the congregational meeting at Steeds this weelrc Uu We.auesaay nig t oi last wees miss Pearle Auman entertained a number of ber friends in honor of hi.r guest, Miss Almeda Lowdermilk. of Ellerbe springs, rrogretss- ive games were played after which ice cream Bud cake were curved by little Misses Alay Harper and Katie UelieUag e. About IU:M o'clock all left for their' homes voting Miss Auman a charming hostess. Solves A Deep Mystery "I want to thank you from the bottom cf my heart," wrote C. B. Bader, of Iewis burs, W. Va., '"tot the wonderful double benefit I cot from Electric Bitters, in cur ing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, 'from which I bad been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It saitsd my esse as thoyfch made just for me." For dyspepsia, jddigestioD, janndice aad to rid th svatenf of kidney prisons that cause rheumatism, riectrio ou ters hus no cuual.' Try them. v Every bottle is guaranteed to satiny. Uuly OUo at J. 1 Underwood Asheboro Drug Co. . -v ' ' ' Brush Creek Items The ice cream supper at K. L. Gray's Sat urday night was very much enjoyed. J. A. Gray was a delegate to the Farmer's Union meeting at Asheboro last Saturday. J. H. Walker made a business trip to Asheboro last Saturday, . D. M. Gray made a business trip to Asheboro last Saturday. . Master Clay Allrod has a well-broken dog which he works in hat uess to his road cart. Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Glass spent last Sunday with Mrs. Glass' sinter, Mrs. Nannie Kimes, at Cedar Falls. Mis. Kimes has been quite ill for some time. Isaac Allred made a business trip to Asheboro last Saturday. Messrs. J. W. Glass, of Raleigh; R. T. Glass, of New Hill; E. F. Glass, of Cary; and S. C. Glass, of Raleigh, visited their mother, Mrs, M. A. Glass, the past week, but have now returned to their places of business. B. S. Allred and family visited friends and relatives at Cedar Falls last Sunday. Ramseur News Mrs. M. E. Johnsou -went to Greensboro Monday tajmit relatives. Alias Alice burgess sp.nt Sunday with friends at Julian. Dr. C. S. Tate left Monday to spend a few days with relatives at (Jbadbouru. dir. and Mrs. HT B.- Carter and Miss Dixie are recupoialiug at Mt, Vernon Springs. ' . Mrs. J. A. M-roh and little daughter, oi High Point, are guests ot friends iu towu. , tx, ri. 1 human and . family wuva. into their U-iiiusouie new near the Academy last vi eek. Aiisj Pearl Leonard returned last wetk from a lu weeks' bluy in Wuuwuga couutj . L st Sunday was CLiltlreu' Day at the M. E. Chuicu. The program was a very luiersbuug one O. T. LeouarJ, of Greensboro, was in our town me pt week. - A. U. Thornd, o. the Bamsejir Broom Works, is in tiou h Carolina and the south eru part of this Stute in the interest of his fuctoiy. .' .."--' j-. Mrs. Jehu Trugdon, of near ASfcebo.o, 'tpeut the past week end , her mother, A Mrs. Emma Wright, whit has ben very ill for acme lime lm. is now much -impioveu. , ilisi Loalah Betts, ti Kaleigb, is visiting her parents here. . E. C. WatKius. entertained a number of friends at a supper on the 18th. , Miss Mildred iietts is spending Some time With her sister, Mrs. L. Mclver, at Stanford. X. I. Lane, of Greensboro, was a visitor in town Sunday. International stock food, 25 lb. pails, are $3 at the Kexall Store. ' Sophia News Children's Day exercises will be held at Old U,oion the first Sunday in August. . Miss ' Bertie Ellison, of Frank linville, spent Sunday nith Miss Dora Redding. Mr. and Mrs A. E. Hilliard spent Thurs day evening in High Point shopping. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cole, of Greensboro, spent last week with Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Vv . Bulla. - Prof 8. T. LosBiter, of Asheboro," will lecture at Sophia on Sunday night, August tub. There will be an ice cream supper at Sophia school house on Saturday night, July 29th, for the benefit of the Sunday School. Mrs. T. R. Holder of W inston-Salpm, is spending a faw bays at the home of W. F. liich. Mis. Annio Fitzgerald, of High Point, is visilinc her brother, J. 2a.. Worthinoton. I. M. Huseell made a business trip to Hifcih Point Friday. Mrs. Dora Dill Dicks of Randleman, is spending a few davj iu and around Flint Hill. ASTHMA-CATARRH CURED LOW PRICES New goods sacrificed and cash sales for past 30 days meets the approval of our vari ous customers and friends proof, daily cash sales. Good goods, clean and new every month has been our aim. , A So much are we pleased with our last month's . business that on August 1st we will adopt a strictly one price cash plan to all and devote our time exclu sively to cutting down prices and not to marking up goods to cover losses, pay postage, stationery bills and bookkeepers. Watch this space each week and see what we will offer vou in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Clothing I r Millinery, Cutlery, and complete , line for the whole family. : C. T. LOFL1N Expert Medical" Scientists An nounce Startling Results v Obtained by Senpine ' New York: Thousands are taking advan tage of the generous offwr made by The Woodwortb Co. Dept..-0 1161 Broad way, Now York t'ity, - requeuing an experimental pacKags of Senpine, tha great discovery for- Asthma,' Hay Fever, Proochitis, and Catarrh, which is mailed free of churfiie to all who write for it. It is enritit thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference how long you have been suffering or how severe the climatic conditions arj where you live, Senpine will Qure you. . ... - , ,- If you have experimented with other treatments an I have failod to find a cure do not be dikcouragtd but send for a trial oi this wonderful truly meritous remedy which is a scientific compound discovered by a Professor of Vienna University, and is being recoiamsnded by thousands. In ler national slock food, all sizes, at the Standard Drug Co. " Clateville Items ' ' J. M. Laughlin visited his daughter, Mrs. M. B. Goins, at Edgar recently; Hugh Curtis, of Climax, visited at L. W. Wise' last week . Mr. and Mrs. J. E Allen and children, of High Point, were visitors at the homa of Mrs ' J. O. Allred Saturday and Sunday. D S. Laughlin spent Sitrtrday and Sunday in Kandleman visiting relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs Rosco- Davis and children, of Wadeville. are visitina Mrs. Davis par ents, .'. r. and Mrs. Haywood Jones, tbi week. Mrs. Jno. Davis, of High Point, is .visit ing her mo'.ft r, Mrs. Mary Coble. Liberty Route 1 Items Qatte a l;irge..cnwd from around here at tended court at Aslifboro last week. Mr.-and Mrs. P. Jones went to Asba b ro last Friday and. visited relatives . iu Ramseur Saturday. ' . Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thomas and family went to Fraoklinviile lB"t Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. Cornelia Thomas. Mr. Settlemi'yer, of Hickory, is the guest of his p-irentR, Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Settle meyer. ' ' . ' - It seems now that corn is about cat off by the dry weather, . , Mr. and Mrs.f Isaac Kivett visited in Fmnklinville Sunday. Tom York threshed out 83G bushels of wheat from bis big farm this year. WANTED A am ill number of spinners for steady employment, also a few other bands all through the mill. We have the best factory town in ftortb Carolina, Columbia Mfg. Co. IT'S YOUR DUTY to yourself and family to save every penny you can. Our aim is to treat you right and if you will come to our store for anything in . -HARDWARE you will be pleased. Farmers, come to see "us when you need mowing machines, rakes, plows, or farm wagons. . " We make a specialty of lhe High Point buggy. COX & LEWIS HARDWARE CO. Millboro Route 1 Items 8undav was Children's Day at Bethany. There was quite a large crow-t attended. There was also preaching in the afternoon. - Tom Brafford and his dsnifhteMn-raw wrat to Randleman shopping Friday. . . John Kinir made a business trip to High Point aud Greensboro Thursday. Mm. Minnie Roberteon, of'tircensboro. who has been vixttfng her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Tom Brafford on Millboro Route 1 has gone down In Chatham to visit relatives. Her tinier-ia-law want with her. , v Mr. Romulous Ward has been .quite ill for the pastweek but is improving. Mailer Silas King went to Randleman Thtirs day. ,r j " . Notice - Favinsr qualified as administrator of Mrs. L. , E. farter, deceased, late of Randolph County, . North Carolina, .( is to notify all persona i having claims against the estate of the euid de 1 ceased to exhibit thera to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of August, 19hi, or thiB no tice will be ph ad iu barti their recovery. -All persons indebted to said estate are notified to . come forward aud make settlement. w. H. RAOAN, ' Admr., of Mrs. L. E.Carter, dec-tf. This the KBthdaj of July 1811. - Prescriptionslled by a registered druggist of experience at the Stand ard Drug Co.