Mr. . L. Koffitt's Speech at Un veiling. I eateem it a privilege rnd an honor to be called upon by the Ran dolph Chapter of the United Daugh ter of the Confederacy to present this beautiful monument on their behalf to the town of Asheboro, the county ot iiandolpn, and to the old Confederate BoiUiern. In the con summation of tois nuble undertak. iDg these Daughters deserve the ev erlasting gratitude of every patri otic citizen of the county, and of the entire bomb, as well. It has not been an e.isy task, but it has beeu a labor of love, and most cheer, fully and most zealously have they given their united t forts to this most commendable undertaking. Every member of the Chapter has given her most loyal snpport to the movement from the beginning to the end, but I feel that especial mention is due to the president, Mas May McAlister, and the members of the non.iinent committee who have had the principal burden in the actual raising of the funds. The members of this committee are Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer, chairman, and Mesdames W. D. Stedmen, Jno. T. Moflitt, Wiley Rush, Ferree Koss and Joe D. Koss, treasurer. In behalf of the committee and of the entire Chapter, I am asked to ex. tend to the people of Randolph eonnty aid to interested friends else where, their most hearty thanks for the liberal and ready response which they have made to the call for funds. And I am pleased to be able to announce tht all the money is now in band with which to pay for the monumtnt, and to defray all the expenses of the unveiling exercises. And now, in obedience to my comniisfiioD. 1 take very great pleas ure in presenting this beautiful me. monal, hrst to the town of Ashebo ro, through its honorable mayor, Mr. J. A. Spence. Your town, Sir, is fortunate in being selected as the site for this stately monument. Thik is our "capital city," and as phase of your achievements. These, Sir, are a noble people for whom yen speak today, and you may count on them to fulfill every pledge you may make in their behalf in meas uring up to the trust which these Daughters are now committing to the charge of your county officials. This court house Equure is,of course, county property, and these Daugh ters know that in erecting this mon ument here they are at the same time transferring the legal title to you. It's an expression of confi dence in the county that no man will dare betray. Administrations may come and 'administrations may go, but the fidelity with which this sa cred memorial will be and must be guarded will remain unchanged for. ever. Men of Randolph, we ewe a debt of gratitude to those noble hearted women who have called us here to day, and under the impact of whose untiring zeal and boundless love this stately form has been hewn and shapen, and is unveiled before ns now. They are the daughters of fathers, and the spirit of those brave heroes still lives, and will continue to live in them and in our children so long as the voice of loyalty and patriotism continues to speak to the heaats of men. As oft as we gaze upon this, the work of their hands, let us pay a silent tribute to the pa triots of '61.'65, the living and the dead, and at the same time let us thank God that the spirit of our mothers also still lives in these daughters of theirs that spirit that ever cheered the bold and fearless Confederate soldier on his weary march or on the battlefield that spirit that ever held the fearful to thejmarch of the brave.and nerved the weak to the task of the strong. And now, to Col. W. P. Wood, representing the veterans, let us say it is but fitting that, in discharging the commission which has been giv. en me, my final word should be to the old soldiers, tor alter all, it is you, our beloved and honored rem. nant of a battle-scarred host cf the . . ' . " '-MS;, vv p ' In ... h?; if 4- Mr. E. L. Moffitt, who delivered Presentation Speech Mayor Spence's Speech i We did not get a verbatim speech of Mr. J. A. Spenc, He referred however to the honor the occasion was to Asheboro on ac count of the presence of such a large crowd of fellow citizens, the distinguished Chief Josiice and the ladies, lie congratulated the mem bers of Randolph Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy for the success of their patriotic under taking and said the building of the monument was another step in Ashe boro's development. lie closed his speech as fcllowe: Our women have always been patriotic and loyal to Southern ideals and principalc. They encouraged the men to race tne dangers tnai awaited them on the bat th field; during their absence they tilled the soil and cared for the children at home and suffered hardships well nigh intolerable; and now, more than 45 years after the war has closed, the daughters, lest we forget, place before ns a permanent structure to keep the deeds of the men ever in commemoration and as an inspiration to us and to our pos terity. There are other monuments more I'V- MKWi'1"" I. . ----"" liiBi" Urin I I , Address of Acceptance of Veterans by State Auditor W- P. Wood The world has never known a higher type of womanhood, nor will it ever know a higher type than your mothers. They were born and raised largely upon the old farms of the South. They were largely just maturing into young womanhood when the fearful war-drum of '61 was sounded. You know what they went through during those four years of struggle that followed They were true to the enc5! They were just bs brave; just as heroic; suffered just as much as did their husbands and sons at the front, and I hope to live to see the day when there will be a monument erected to their memory 25 feet taller than any one now standing in the great state of North Carolina, and I want to congratulate you, my daughters, on your gocd fortu e in having such mothers, and I want to say to you here today that we have the faith to be lieveyea, we do know that should a crisis arise demanding it, you would be just as true, just as faithful, just as self-sacrificing and that you would ever main tain the reputation and good name of your dear mothers. Now. daughters, the duty has been delegated to me here today to receive the monument- I don't much love to receive a monument in honor of myself, nd I must tell you that I don't know what to say, I can't frame words. I don't think there are words in th? English language that could convev to you the most vague idea of how we ap preciate th;s hnor. I can only say that from the great depth of our hearts we appreciate it; we love every one of you, you will hold a warm spot in our hearts so long as life lasts, However much we merit it that is for you to say. I am here today to tell you that I have never seen a Martha News Vnrria lpft for Ralfioli Saturday after a few clays' visit with relatives hare. Walter Craiiford has left for Ltlier, where be goes to enter school. J ilius TitcVer and, children are v:sitiug rel utives in lIotgcniery county. Caison Crsnfoid an J wife spent Sunday near Liluc. Reid Reams, Vaughn and Grady Cran ford entered school ht Farmer recently. E. B. Johnson an J fami'y, of Pol visited at tho hr.nin rf R ('- .TllllDSOU SutldaV. A. W. Frazier, of Fatrmimnt, was in this section recently on bunuebs. costly, perhaps, aod more imposing, erected to the memory of Confeder ate dead in general; other monu ments which commemorate the deeds of the soldiers of certain states who took part in fighting the battles of the Civil War, and still others erect ed in honor of men for their daunt less courage on certain occasions and on particular battlefields, but we are especially proud to have erected in our town, a monument circumscribed in its signification; a monument to our own people of Randolph County, the men who fought for the protection of our homes, our women and our property, and either died or suffered that they might secure the rights which they thought were guaranteed to them by the constitution of our fathers. it is therefore with profoundest gratitude that I am privileged, in behalf of the entire citizenship, to accept from your hands, this mag nificent gift to our municipality. We accept it as a piece of art. a thing of beauty; we accept it as a hittorio structure, the record of a brave people; we accept it as a trib ute of love to a lost cause, represent- ing the noblest sentiments of cultur ed people. We will prize it and cherish it throughout the remaining years of our life, and coming gener ations will rise up and call you blessed, wno nave erected it. such it ia naturally the mecca of all Randolph citizens. As such it should be a centre of every good in fluence, and a source of every right impulse. As the citizens of onr -county shall come and go, this tow ering shaft should ever help to raise their ideals, and to keep alive with in their breasts that love for right and justice and truth that nerved our fathers to deeds of heroism un exampled in all the history of the world before or since, I am sure, Sir, that this noble band of patri otic women of your county will notj low patriots of other counties and i i. : x j T.i.i 4 iU. j look in vain to you and your asso ciates, or to your successors, for a hearty co-operation with the county authorities in the preservation of this monument, and in the beanti- . fying of the grounds around it. Be 'true to the trust they tepose in yon. To the county, through its attor ney, Mr. H. M. Robins, I am also asked to commit a charge. These 'Daughters are not only patriotio and loyal to the memory of their fathers, bat they are proud of their . good county, and so they have brought yoa an offering that is . it ot tby of y onr greatest appreciation, and is in keeping with the spirit of progress that is manifest in every heroes of a lost but righteous cause, who have been the real inspiration to these daughters, some of them your daughters, in this work of love. It is because of what yon and jour comrades, who bave already answer, ed to the last call of the roll, have done for your beloved Southland, that this vast multitude of people have assembled here today. Half a eentury has passed since the call came to the men of old Ran. dolph to fall in line and to march shoulder to shoulder with their f el- states of the Confederacy in the de. fense, not of human slavery, but of a principle of government that was right, and that is so recognized to day by every fair minded man of the North as well as tho Sonth. Few of ns here today have any personal, knowledge of the trials and dangers and heartaches of those years. Yet there are same here.and and to these this day has afar deeper and holier meaning than we of this generation can ever realize. To ns it is as a tale that is told. To you, gray-haired veterans, it must be as vivid and as real as the events of yesterday. How yonr hearts must burn within yoa- -not in resentment, Has MUllons of Friends How would yoa like to number your friends by millions as Bucklen'a Arnica Salve does? Its astounding cures in the past forty years made, them. Its' the best Salve in the world for sores, ulcers, eczema, burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corns, sore eyes, sprains, swellings, bruises, cold sores, Has no equal for piles. 25o at Asheboro Drug Company ana Kexaii Store. not in sectional feeling, rot in re pining over a "lost cause," but in a satisfying consciousness of a duty well performed, in a feeling of com mendable pride that in a time that tr.ed men's souls you proved true to your own convictions, and were not recreant to your country s call. This monument does not today, and will never fan any fares of see tionalism in our hearts there are no such fires here to fan. Bat so long as time shall last may this Bhaf t of native granite and this ng ure of a Confederate soldier in bronze stand here as a sileLt yet beautiful tribute to the loyalty and heroism and sacrifice of our fathers, men who believed they were right, who knew they were right, and who emphasized this belief and proclaim ed this right in the effer of their lives. May the day never come when even the least of us shall cease to honor such a -spirit, and may this monu ment forever stand, a silent testi mony to the blessed tiuth that all the glory is not al ays to the victor. nor all the shame to those who lose. II WW II If If iJT THE1 f SEWING y MACHINE OF srt QUALITY. jWIMI WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. i NOT SOLD UNDER . ANY OTHER NAME. Ifyou purchase tho NEW HOME you will have a life asset at the price you pay, and will not have an endless chain of repairs. Quality H Considered it is the Cheapest in the end to buy. If vou want a sewlnar machine, write for onr latest catalogue before yoa purchase. The New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass, r r Learn Automobile Business Take a 30 Ju) s' pract.ial Couiaa iu out well equipped machine shops aud leara au tomobile busine a' 'I accept go positions. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte. N. C. T " N. P. COX, Jewefer Asheboro, N. C Dr. James D. Gregg DENTIST Office in Gregg building Lib erty N. C. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Confederate soldier yet that wanted to make any apology for any part he took in that terrible struggle. I am here today to tell you that we did what we knew was our duty and what we knew was right, and 1 am glad to see the time has come when there is not a well informed man in the United States but has long ago admitted that we did nothing but what we rnd a constitutional right to do. I am proud of the fact, ladies and gentlemen, that 1 have lived to see the day that the Confederate soldier is noj longer looked upon as a rebel, ; but in all lands wherever the! name of Confederate eoier is named he is looked upon as a i hero. I don't know of but one man in the United Stages but: what looks upon him in that light and he has long since been almost dismissed from his own camp- I allude to Senator Heyburn of the state of Idaho- He is at great discount among his best friends. I am prouder of Randolph county today, I think, than at any time in the history of my life. I am proud of the fact that we have had patriotic citizens enough in the county of Ran dolph to make it possible for these daughters to erect this beautiful monument in our memrry. I am proud of the fact that it is 'he people s monument- i am proud of the fact that it represents three thousand youni? boys that left Randolph county in '61, of all political parties, of all church creeds, and that there is no poli tics inlit. It is not a Democratic monument, it is not a Republican monument, but it is a patriotic Randolph monument, and I do hope in future that there is no man in Randolph county who is so little or so narrow but what he will look upon this with pride. If I weie called on today to write my epitaph it would be very short, and in fact if I die in my right mind, which I hope I will, and think about it, I don't know but what this is what it will be: W..P. Wood, a Confed erate Soldier." I don't know of anything that would do me more honor. I don't know of anything that would be more honorable to hand down to the rising genera tion. - Phosphoric Acid Rock Phosphate Natural Fertililer Fifty pounds of Keck Phos phate mixed with one load of manure will increase yonr crop yield from 40 to ?5 per cent. Write today for prices, Central Phosphate Co. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Wood's Fair Seed Catalogue just issued tells what crops you can put in to make the quickest grazing, or hay, to help out the short feed crops, Also tells about both . Vegetable and Farm Seeds that can be planted in the fall to advantage and profit. Every Farmer, Market Grower and Gardener should haye a copy of this catalog. . It is the best and most com plete fall seed catalog issued, Mailed free. Write for & T. W. WOOD Cs SONS, Seedsmen,'- Richmond, Va. 3 The Best Blood Purifier. Test It Free 1 spots floating before the eyes, aching back, blood Ililn or skin itches, it ia B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Knlm). It. will purify ! enrich your blood and PMM J M nun" ui" r htuMfsm down syateia. B. B. B. is guaranteed KfleuiHriHB " ,,lon(i diseases and akin i TCU Rheumatism. Ulce. laiing Soma. cenii. Itchint. Humofi. RiiinS and Burapa, Bone t)i'. Jimplei. Old Sote. Scre-ruu Of iveruci., , Superatint Serei. BoJs',Jrbu?,l;lc,;r tt sublet by killinsr the poison remedy that ain do this-therefore y B. B. B. it cures and heals all sore and deep-seated Blood Troubles when all ele fails. Thorouehl, tested for 30 years composed f Pnre Botanu lnredi.nt. Druf stores $1 per lame bottle, fiiTTAnrVrT WRITING BLOOD BALM CO, ATLANTA, CA Describe trouble and tree medical advise siven Wm. C. Hammer R. b Kelley HAMMER & iitLll Attorneys at Law Office Second Door From Street ii Lawyers Row. DR. D. K LOOKHAR'i DENTiS i . Asheboro, N. 0. oases )VBa IHK HANK . m. to i . m. to '. I am n iw in my Oke r r i -''ad to i Io dentti' j 1 1 Its arioib b;an tv. H. B. Hiatt. D. Phystcian and Svrgeo Office over Johnson s Stor McDowell Building Asheboro. N. . DID YOU EVER THINK About the good a bank account wlth us wools' 1 be to you. Let us tell you. 1 Your money is safer in the bank than any J where else. W Paying bills by check In the simplest, safesr and most convenient method; and your checki becomes a receipt for the debt it ravn. It give yon a better standing in the communiJ ty, especially among Dusiness men, 10 pay oy check rather than in cash. To be known as "having money in the bank," strengthens ones credit. By having a bank account of this kind with ni f'ou are, unaware to yourself, gradually bulli ng up one of the most valuable assets a man can bave, namely, a good credit at home and abroad. We are a sate, conservative Institution, doing business in a business-like way. We want your business. Call to see us when ia town. BANK OF RAMSEUR, Ramseur, N. C. W. H. WATKIN8. President. HUGH PARKS, Jr., Vice-President 1. If. CRAVEN. Cashier. H. B. CARTER, Assistant CsShle 0. R, COX, President W. I. ARMFIELO,(V-Prf W.J. ARMFIELD, tr Casnier J. 0. ROSS. AtsL Cashier I tie Bank of Kandolp Asheboro, N. C. Danlfal enrl Snvnliia JtC ff With ample assets, experience and prates)" we solicit tne Dusiness oi ine oanzmg puou leei saie in saying we are preparea ana l to extend to our customers every facility n Mmmoaation consistent witn sate Dankiig. DIRECTORS) W. P. Wood. T. H. Rsddlna. P. H. Morrls.D. Crsry, W..J. Armlleld. Hugh Parks, 0. R, 0, llliitr, Dr. F. E. Asbum. 1, And now, I want to say to you daughters, we love you; we love every one of you; we love you for what you are; we love you for your mothers; we love you for your country lama great be liever in patriotism. I believe in County pride; I believe in State pride; I bel eve in National pride; and I want to say to jou here to day that there is no people under the shining sun that has more respect for the stars and stripes than the Confederate soldier, and we have proven it, and.there is no man that would more wil lingly sacrifice his life if neces sary in its defence. Now, I thank you one and all, and especially for this beautiful. elegant everlasting monument V Yve presented us. PREMIUM OFFERS. The onrier for a limited tim makes two . premium offers, the lik of which will not be made again Sit down right now and write ni and take advantage of one of theaa offers. I Read the propositions carefullyA They are plain. Never will such ain oner be made again : Premium Offer No. I. U To all who pay up and pay ftfl vnr fo fnr nna rraartnu Tli. nvi we will send the Progressive' Fanir er or Norman E. Mack's great Na-f tional Monthly free for one year. 1 Premium Offer No,2 . To every subscriber who payment for a year's subset old or new, to The ourier,a! will nflff 3rt ttanta fra ..... W U WO TV free, both the Progressire I and National Monthly for 0' Address : THE COURII Asheboro, These offers do not applj suDBcnbera of tne -fro Farmer or National Monthly H. G. PUGH, Live Good teams, courteous ment, safe drivers; prices i able. Give me a trial. Now at the Will Old Stand

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