Direct from the German Mines But it takes time to get it See your dealer now, before he contracts for his goods, and urge him to get good up-to-date brands, containing 6 to 10 per cent, potash, and to carry POTASH SALTS in stock. There is profit in such goods both for you and your dealer. You get more plant food for your money, your fertilizer is GERMAN KALI WORKS, Inc. Continental Building', Baltimore Monadnock Block. Chicago -t Whitney Central Bank Building. New Orleans Bargains We have one farm containing one hundred acres within two miles of Ashe boro on Buffalo Ford road, well watered, meadows, good wheat, corn and cotton land. Price $1,500. Terms to suit. Ap ply quick. Rare bargain. One forty-two acre farm on plank road one mile, from court house. Good build in gs.good orchard, well watered. Price $1,200. Be quick. No more such bargains. HAMMER & COMPANY Asheboro, N. C. MANY YEARS Of successful experience and long list of satis fied clients is sufficient evidence to warrant you in giving us your business. Anything in insurance. HAMMER & COMPANY 1 Office Lawyers' Building, Room No. 6. , R, COX, President W. J. mmfield, v-rrs i. 0. ROSS. Asst. Cashisr The Bank of Randolph Asheboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus $50,000. Total assets, oyer $200,000. Wlta ample useui, experience and profsuluii. we solid the biulnem ol the tanking public ut Seel safe in earing we are prepared and wtUlut o extend to oar customers every facility ana as soramodsttou oorudteut witli sale banking. DIRECTOKSi W. P. Woof. T. H. Rsddint, P. H. Merrlt. 0. B Mt Cram, W. J. Armlleld. Huoh Parks, 0. R. Cex. T. I ftddlaa, Bsnl, Motlitt. W. J. Scsrbere. C. C. M titter, Or. F. E. asburt. H. G.1 PUGH, Liveryman Good teams, courteous treat ment, safe drivers; prices reason able. Give me a trial. Now at the Will Skeen Old Stand- ? CHICHESTER S PILI in ltlle U U4 o tt-M awlllc BlAi 4N BKAHS) PILLS, fcf S? NHMHlll BMC Stent. AlwSYS KflilUiM SOLD KY SRUGG1STS EVERYVVHEK Learn Automobile Business Take JO days' practical conns ia otu well equipped machine shops and learn as tsmobils business and accept goo positions, Charlotte Auto School; " ' Charlotte, N. C. , Dr. Itune&vD. Gregj t, DENTIST OtSce In Gregg buying LLV rty N. G. Crown tad Xri4gf work a spcttty. better balanced, your soil fertility is conserved, and your crops are larger and of better quality. Potash Pays. We vill sell you or your dealer Potash in any amount from 200 lbs. up. Write now for prices and for free pamphlets giving just the facts, you are looking for about improving crops and soils. in Farms fl. B Hiatt. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office over Johnson 's Storv McDowell Building Athfboro. V . Drt. D. K LOOKHART, DENTISf, Asneboro, N. O. unriij S IB. to 1 p. S" lenttatrv in its various branabe FELT, DAD (ILL THE TIKE fltefrton Lady Saffertd a Greal Dial, Bat Is AM Witt Nw. GRMHtom, Ala. I a laHs free tttai tUmt, Mm. Carrie Kb? saya: "A. sbsrt Mass ags, I sossnsassa vs hava weak pSai kwkOAsass. I Mt taii d tSM tastt, Mi MM (TSW M M4 I MaiMtatarw. I tiMvsjbt I wooM sUs. At last mr kuawM4 set as a bsatts ot exi;U K alss4 m m est mbs atsrs. Xatec I ha Uksm tM msb4 as Hie, I was etrtirslr wsM. I wis, srssy Is ay, aaAsrtag irem wbmsiiIt trsaale, wsbU tsy OsxsVii. It la M.Mtt MltM I kmr . It 4M ass aiara fssd thai aos-tMaf I arsr Onriai ia a woaaaa'a tonJo a atiMfttMaJnx r4Mns far vraaasa, aaaaVa froaa ia&Umta that aat aa- ttM IS it fcaiM am tt WStBMr aaaWMMJbs Uwiaf-lw baaHh. - M a MNir )mS mmtckk Oa, Itkaa ayaasaj iwaai! bmj ymln. INr aWkt aatf tJ Iff. It fc a," seat wtas For lh. TaWe Lata Piekllug At this lime of year many coun tiv 1 -uvc'zeepera fial tKeuiaaUes well jxovided with latv products of the g;ir.U'ii, such as gtveu aad ripe tomatoes, pepper, cuoambiira, eto. Following are some excdlant tested recipt'8 cojtribated by Farm- tad lloin- readers: Grceu Tomato Catsup ' To 4 qts cabbage a id qta green toinutois 3 hrge onio.-s, 3 large red P"f p'ra, and 2 qts coif ryf all chopped fi"", ozj whole tnfctei apices, 1 2 lb wluit-muet trd seed, a enpa brown aiV:"r, BCflat 1 2 cup tmlt, and 2 qta ft., id viuegnr. ' Boil 15 minutes and ihu u , aeale.! cans. The whole apices Bhould be put in a cheteeclota bag. Ripe Tomato Catsup Chop fine 9 lare, r'pe, peeled to ii'.atcvs, 3 large, pnelod olIods and 3 rWij peppers and H'Ji 3 cups vine. !ir, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons each ssi', cIovm and ciuunuion and 2 tea 8po ma ginger. Boil one hoar. Su.iin ttiiTiujfh a tolaider, bottle, cor'; and seal. Keep in a cool, dark iu l dry place. A little allspice can h! added if desired, or ground pep. " can be used wb'in tne red pep t era aia not on tiaiu!. Cold Tomato Catsup Chop finn 1 pk ripe, peeled toma toes and 8 large, pled onions, then smI 1 cdd each moi ard seed, suear. salt, grated Lorae- 'tdiah and 1 qt vinegar. Two or 6 peppf-ra. cnopp ed, can also be ad''d, if liked. This catsun need not be cooked. Let stand in jus in a cool place for 2 or 3 days, after which it is ready to serl up in glass Jtrs or to bottle, corK and seal. Cold Cucumber Catsup riVinnaa larnro vino nnrn ITlhAra. . vuv.w I --f" ' i peel, remove the seeds, and grate. 1 Draih' off the j dice and to 1 1t pulp i allow 1-2 pt vinegar, 1.4 teaspoon l cayenne pepper, 1 S teaspoon wt, i and 2 heaping tablespoons grated i horse-radish. liottle ana seal Keep in a cool, dark place. More I wit can be added to suit the taste : This will not need cooking. j Swot;rickU Relish I To 1 gal green. tomatoes, chopped fine. Add 1 at en cambers, chopped fine, sprinkle a little salt over them, ind then add 3 pa vinegar, 4 cups ugar and mixed spices to suit tast. I nae celerv seed ond white mustard seed. Cook oue hour and can while hot. Plain Chill Sauce (Ho Sploe) Pel and cut up 28 tomatoes, 5 onions, 5 red peppers, and add 10 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons salt and 4 small cups vinegar. ' tfou i 1-2 cu 2 hours. Bottle and seal. Green Tomato Conserres To 8 lbs green tomatoes, chopped See, add 4 lbs brown sugar and boil 3 hours, then add 1 qt vinegar, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon and cloves, and 1-2 tobsroon mace. Boil 15 oiinntea longer and pat away in crocks. Bpaulsh Plekl NUhop fine 1 14 dos large, ripe sound cucumbers peeiea ana seeuea 1 di a onions, 2 heads cabbage, and 1 di z greee peppers. Sprinkle with salt and drain in a bag over night. Nxt morning beat good cider vine. gar, add 1 oi muBtard seed, and a paste made ot l oi gronna muBiara and 1.2 teaspoon tumeric When boiling, drop in the cucumbers and let boil 25 minutes. Can and seal while hot. Plekl ed Nasturtium Seed This is a very good substitute for capers, freparo the vinegar by add iur to each pt 1 oi salt, 6 pepper wins and as many whole cloves. Gather the nasturtium pods when they are fully developed bnt not, qune ripe, wipe olean and drop them into a bottle of vinegar prepared as above. If yon cannot find enough seeds to fill the bottle at once, cork the bo't'e without sealing ana drop in mor.' seeds from day to day, as you gather them. When fall, cork the bottle tightly and seal with seal ing wax. These pickled nasturtium seeds take about 10 to 12 months to mature, and it will therefore be neorssary to make them one year for 'eit year's coi sumption. The question has now been raised before the S lpreme Court of the United 8tat as to whether a corner in the stick market is a violation of 'he Sherman anti-trust law. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL ATTRACTIONS, as Uist crnno react the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and ia order te cars It joanast take internal remedies. Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and sets directly on the blood and mnooua surface. Hall's Catanah Cure la not S quack medicine. It was preesribed hf one oi the best physicians in this country tor yean and las r(ular presort pKen. II u oninpoasd ol She beet tonics known, eoablaed with the beat blood pari Sen, acting, directly oa the saoeona surfaces. The ear rent eenbtaauoa ot the sere Inaredlenei is what pmdneae saeh wonaerrai assnjn w eaoal vaasaua smta mr Sir a Hssau Tatede. a. ' BMW ay aisssitjsm, wnsa is. fake Bak tan raia far The Best Blood Purifier. Test It Free! If you are ran down or nervous, set spots flouting before the eyes, achinr back, blood thin or skin itches, it ia a sure sign of impure blood. Take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). It will nnrifv And enrich vour blood and !pv 1 build up your weakened, brcicen. Kheumalism down system. B. B. B. is sjuarantced C.i'cd by to cure an oiooo. aiseases ana sut Rheumatism, Ulcers. LaUnl Sores. Syphilitic Blood roiion, Citirrn. tczems, Itchint, Hnmoit, Risings t.tiO Bumps, Bone Vil .t, Pimplci. Old Sores, Scrofulj or Kernels, Superiting Sores. Boils, Carbuncles. H. B. B. cures all these blood , .Mm hv killinc the Poison mvllinv tt from the system. B. B. B. ia the only bloodEcreaia Caret remedy that can do this therefore by I. fl. B. 11 cures and heals all sores and deep-scatec Blood Troubles when all else Jails. Thoroughly tested lor 30 years composed ef Pure Bmanu (n.-redients. Dntsr stores fl per large buttle, rjit'u directions for home cure. fRLL SAMPLL 8Y WRTTINq ai OOD BALM CO., ATLANTA, CA describe trouble and free medical advise Gives Thrift and Roads. "I've travtled over 2,000 mil-s "of French roads," said Thomat A. Edison, jast bao' from his first va cation in twenty year j, 'anil not over three miles w.ra bad. There was not a rut over two inches 'f"-p." Mr. Edison's experience in not different from those of other Kur . peau travelers says a recent inter viewer of theeltottical" Wizzinl." It is the universal observatio i of Americans who motor in trope that the roitds are nil but He.:, says the Bmtle Eoquirer. It is a'sothe observation of most Ararioai. fav eieis that the French rj a thrifty people. It is obvious, thereto e.toat thrre is a close relationship b.tweeo large expenditures for realne"ds and thrift as it is practiced bv the French people, the Enquirer continues. As rightly understood thrift does not mean penury; it means careful saving, careful investment, c ireful guarding of that which o::e has. And that is what good roads m:an. They mean right building, in the first place, and. right ap-keop in the second. America has been too slow in entering on proper road building. Compared with America' wealth, France is poor; yet France has spent thousands of doll trs where America has spent one in nad uuk. ing. "' CAUSE FOR ALA3M. Lett of Appetits or Distress After Eat ing a Symptom That Should Net Be Disregarded. Appetite Is just u natural desire far food. Loss of appetite or r'omach dis tress after eating indicate indigestion or dyspepsia. (Over-eatlnp Is a habit very dangerous to a person's good gen eral health. It h not what-yorj eat, b'Jt what you digest and assimilate thrt does you good. Some of the strongest, heaviest, and healthiest persons aii moderate eaters. There Is nothing that will cause more trouble tn;iu a disordered stom ach, and many people d .Ily contract serious ma Indie simply through dis regard or abase of the stomach. We nrge all who suff.r from any stomach' dcraagomcnt Ingestion, er dyspepsia, whether acuta or chronic, to try, nexalADyspepsIn Tablets, with the distinct understanding that we wdl refund theiiumorlpy wl!';out question or. formality, if affer res on able use of this medicine,' they are not perfectly satisfied with the retrultn. We recom mend thenf? to our customers every day, and have yetto h ar of any one who has not been benfilted by them. We honestly belifTe them to be with out equal. Thsy. givtVery prompt re lief, aiding to neutralize the' gastric Juices, strengthen the digestive orgnoa. to regulate the bowels, and thus to pan mote perfect nutrition, and eradicate all unhealthy symptoms. We. urge you to' try 'a 25c. box of Rexarl Dyspenpia Tablets, which gives 15 days' treatment' At the end of that time, your money will be returned to jonik you are hot satisfied. Of course, in'cbronte cases length of treat ment varies. For such caees, we have two laager slies. which sell for 50c. and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Itexall Remedies in this eomsannity only at our stose The Itexall Store. WARRANTED FOR ALL. TIME. If yon purchase the XT 2 W BOMB you win have a life asset at the price you pay, and win not have an endless chain of repairs. QuaLty CoGiidercd kklhtt Cbeapest in the end to buy. t If yea watasewtoftaaehlae, write for earlatset sstsUocne kafors yea purekase. ; Tte Ret Ksa Snftg Ci'tilransi, Mast "Wt 4( L 111 17 SEWING 'TO i3 I lIW MACHINE JNDER U IS i$W L sE? injy MIL DEMOCRATS WILL WIN SAYS HEARST Declares That Defeat of Reciprocity Means More Tariff Reform VVn. Randolph Hearst eittjr of the New York Americar, who has for somelime opposed the Dem icrat c party is out in an interview declar ing for Dumonratio docrrinp. ilesVr: "I think, it will operate in ttvj directions. Firaf, President Taft, who was elected on promisea to reduce the tariff, which he h3 not reduced but rather increased, has relied upon reciprocity agr;e m nt with Canada to cover up hici shortcomings in the matter of a general tariff. Now that hi a recip rocity enhrms has been rf-jectyd by yamulu it may induce him to turn wiWi x more serious purpose toward tae re.ti.Zitiou of his tlectioa pioui lief. On the other hand, the rej to tiou of reciprocity by Canada wou'i conduce to the strengthening of the Republican cause at tne next freei dental election." Mr. Carnegie, I observed, thought that T-ift'8 re-election waa so certain that it was hardly worth irbi'.e dis cussing the chances of any other candidate. . ! don't agr?e with Mr, Carne gie," said Mr. Hearst. "I think i.hut if Tuft is notnmated, he s'ands n very good cbauce of being r j.'cted. fy j strong is the feeling in tho coun try in favor of a reduction of the ur ff which Taft has a it reduced itiric it is not improbable that a strong attempt might be made to se cure the Lomiiation cf auotner can didate for the next election. I said I took it for eranced that ui Taft desires to be re-elected there would be a sufficiently strong 'Taft party to prevent the nomination of any other candidate. lhat a quite possible, said Mr. Hearst, "but if Taft only at-curos his nomination on such tjrma, it is im possible to expect the Ke'ph'blicah party to nht for him with suffi cient unitv and enthusiasm t3 secure success. Insurgents are very dis satisfied, and if Taft were nominated as you suggest it would probably lead in the election cf tne Demo cratic candidate." "Who do yon think will be nomi nate ly th Democrats? I aBked. "I; would be d ffioult to say," re plied;Nr. Hearst. ''There are four names mentioned and prominently discussed. One, Mr. Harmon, of Ohio, I put out of the question on the ground that he is too conserva. tive, I think it would be impoeai. bit to secure the selection of a sec ond edition of Judge Parker by the Democratic masses. ''Then (here is Wood row Wilson, who is a very clever man, who some time ago was exerting his ability in order to prove that the initiative, the referendum and the reoall Were things evil in themselves and the adaption of which would be detri mental to the Commonwealth. He is now using the same abilities m order to prove that the initiative, re ferendum and recall ought to be adopted as the fundamental planks of the Democaatic platform. I don't for a moment bint that Mr. Woodrow Wilson may not be perfect ly sincere in advocating today what he denounced yesterday, but there is an uneasy feeling that if he were installed in the White House the principles he advocates today he might in all sincerity and honesty repudiate tomorrow. "Of the other candidates there are two in Concrete. Champ Clark and Oscar W. Underwood are both good men, either of whom would make a goed President. If the choice lay between the two at the present moment, I think the choice of the party would be Clark. He is not only Speaker of the House of Representatives, but he is a man who for many years has been closely associated with Democratic policies On the whole, if I had to epecu late on the chances, I should be dis posed to favor Clark." The boy's sppetite is often the aonrce of amassment. Il you would bare socb an sppetite take Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy sppetite, but strengthens the atemtch sod enable it to do ils-work nstnraUy. For sals by all dealers. Randolph's Farm Products. 1 It was bard for the average man to think that such extra fine pro ducts of the farm, us were on exhibit at the Randolph Fair were grown i Randolph county, but they veie. We have never seen a pumpkin that would beat one of thoee exhibited, and the exhibits all the way trough only go to show that old Randolph is coming out from its place of ob scurity and show to the onter world some of the riches in which sbr abounds. Rai dleman News. "These could br to better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remvdy, My chil dren were all sick with ' whooping sosgh, Ons oi them wss ia bed, had a high - isvsr sndwas-. soughing as bioed. Oar doetor gsvs them asnberlsis's Conga ' Bsassdy and the lxst aose eased them, and three battles saired thesa," says sirs. ft. A. Doa aldssa, af Lsasngtea, Miss. Far sJs by aUaWsra. A CARD FROM JUDGE LOIS I He Will Frobably Be a Candidatev for Supreme Court Justice to Sue ceed Judge Brown. To the Editor of the Statetrille Landmark: Tlia successors to JudgesBrown and Hoke are to be named by the next Democratic State envecton. My aiunu has Ik-en connected with the succession to Judge Brown's sat and I have under consideration the qutsbicn as to whether I shall con. s?nt to become a cand'date as his successor. As Julge Hoke is the only member of the court born and reared ia the now politically domi. inant section of the State, and is so eminently fie tJ succeed himself, it is taken for granted that he will be named as his own successor. In de termining whether it is just or pro per for me or another western man to offer for Judge Brown's place, there are several questions to be con sidered. 1. First and paramount is the public interest. 2. The precedents of the party and its welfare. Democratic prece dents have usually given the dom inant territory the majority of the offices. If this rule had been ap plied when Judge Brown was nom. inated before the place would have been given to the West. If the west waived the rule then, shall it do so again? Is it beat for the publis in terests that it do so? 3. The plan of selection i 3 also to be considered. Shall it be by a primary so as 10 enable all Democrats to express a choice, or be left, for decision by a few meu. There is no legalize 1 primary provided so that 8UchpUu,if adopted by the 8tate executive committee, has thrown aronuu it no enforceable rules under the laws of the Stte. 4. Besides these questions there is to be considered the hearings after the contest, if mitde, upon the for. tunes of friends not of so much public interest it may be but of sentimental value and not to be ig nored uy one who loves his fellows. 5. T..en above all from a purely personal standpoint, whether a man consciously knows his own ability to do the work as it should be done in this high station. Four times heretofore I have stood aside and to this extent, advanced the fortunes of others to this high station. I am quite willing to do eo again if the pu: lie wea! demands it. I make this statement now that the thoughtful men of the State may have time, without hasty com mitment, to consider the matter; and later 00, after viewing it carefully, I shall announce my decision to my friends. In no event is my consideration of the matter to be viewed in the light ot persooal hostility to Judge Brown. He and I have always been personal friends. Yours truly, B. F. LONG. Spreckles Turns Democrat Tariff the Cause. Claudius Spreckles, head of the Federal Sugar Rrfining Company and the bitterest foe of the sugar trust, although a life long Republi. can, has renounced his allegiance to his party and has joined the pro gressive democrats. Mr. Speckles declares that the msj irity of business men among his acquaintances who have supported Republican principles and candi dates have turned thoir backs upon their old political affiliations. " The present industrial and poli tical condition of tha country show that the time for a complete change at Washington, both in the legisla tive aud executive branches of the government has come," said Mr. Spi eckels. "I dou't happen to know just what Mr. J. P, Morgan's atti tude is," he said, ''but I do know that a great many of the big finan. ciers who have been republicans will vote with the democrats t the end of the campaign next year. Yfhtt the couofy understands is Wall street is full of meu who are think ing and planning just as I am. I meet them everywhere" What 6necial ciose hsa contribut ed to 'his udden shift of republi- -cans cf big business from the Repub-, lican part)?" Mr. Spreckles was anked. "The tariff m dnly," he replied. ut pirtioularly the jockeying President Taft baa been doing with, tbe great financial question. I hou. mnds of us supported our party ia the last campaign because we be lieved it was honestly committed to tariff revision downward." ' A stoy of timely interest in The Tooth's. Oompanion oi October 29th is "Jerry's, Vote." It is a "hard-lack" story, lor Jerry, endeavoring to reach home in time to vote is mistakenly arrested for horse-steeling sad suSers rarioas other snsoring detenUoa 1 1 if V. - . . "rr- v.V -.The Demojjratio State Committee of New' Jersey has endorsed the can didacy of Woodrow Wilson for pres ident. ' "