THE COURIER Published Every Thursday Wo. C. HAMMER, - Editor. TELEPHONES: Editorial and Business Office No- 5 Mechanical Department 80 The columns of Tbe Counter are open to all egittmate advertising. Kate cart will oe Bout on request or rates 111 be lurukshed upon applica Mod at tusiuees offloe. Bub-crlbers wishing their address changed oust give the address to which the paper has oeeu suing, as weii as me new auare&s. Correspondents should mall news letters in time for theui to reach this office by Tuesday morning, to insure their appearance In (he week's issue. Important happeuln gs, such as deaths, tires, accidents, etc., may be 'phoned at The Couriers expense. The slogan of the Moore County News strikes us as a good one, ' Oth ers bcost much we boost Moore." Still even "Moore" could be sjelUd more and it would still be a good one. We promise all readers that the errors in proof reading which appeared in our last issue shall not occur again. we regret it and promise faithfully as to the future. A contemporary refers to the fact that an Ohio lawyer's mind has be come a blank, as though that was a strange thing. We have seen some specimens nearer home than Ohio where there was a strong suspicion that the mind had never been other wise than blank. The Concord Times has this to say of Jndge Long's candidacy to suc ceed Judge Brown ; "Joflge'Long has a card in which ne has tbe matter under considera tion. Judge Long is recognized as one of the ablest judges that haB ever been on tbe beLch in this State, and there is no question in any quarter but that he would fill the position of J notice of the Supreme vonrt with bonor to the State." The Thomasville Davidsonian has this to say of the late O. R. Cox, who at one time lived at Thomasyillt: "Mr. 0. R. Cox, a former resi dent of .Thomasville and a man highly esteemed, died last week at bis borne in Aaheboro. Mr. Cox was a self-made man and earned the money that he made. He was true to his church and a friend of pro gress. Peace to his ashes " Stanly county hes organized a fair association. The association will have charge of the Farmers' Exhibition and Trades' Day on No vember 23. A regular county fair association will be organized to pro. mote an increased, interest in agri culture, poultry, stock raising and other matters. The selection of Mr. W. L. Mann, as president of the fair association means that it will be a success. He not only has ideas but knows how to execute them. The coming of Major J. 0. Hemp hill to North Carolina to edit the Charlotte Observer is a matter about which the people of the State take more than a passing interest He will add to North Carolinia jour nalism. The fact that Messrs. T. F. Kluttz, Jr., and E. W. Vin cent will be retained on. the staff of the Observer shows the wisdom of the new . management, for thty have done well with the Observer ainee their chief was stricken some three years ago. They deserve well of the new management. A Real Fair Uncle Joe Reese who is always just and never unfair tells it in this wise in last Thursday's Greensboro- Record: Aflheboro's first fair was a suc cess. It was purely a fair and a home-coming affair Not a show f any kind was permitted en the grounds. Fakirs were un known, either on the midway or track. In fact there was no racing whatever. The crowd Must haye been great, for the conductor on one train en route to High Point yesterday collected a thousand and ten tickets and 5143 in cash fares. There were ten ears and every one was crowd ed to the limit. ; ISrt Ui Crri-3 Czr if ths IzUUcx Kerr Ct?t ; tad vrzX WESTERN N. C. CONFERENCE. List of Appointments-Rev. W. R. Ware Back to Greensboro Pis trict, Rev. C. A. Wood to Mt. Zion. 1 ' The session of the antual cotfer ence of the Western North Carolina Methodist Episcopal Church, South, adjourned at Stateavnld on Monday of this week Tha usual routine business of the conference was 'ransncted. Bishop iS. J3. Hoar, of N8uville, presided. Some Conference Facta. Member- of the Western North Carolina Con ference, 95,171 j a gain of over x, 000 this year. Itifanta baptised, 1.895. Adults baptised, 2.913. Number of Epworth League members 8,039. Number of Sunday snlinol members. 80.91!. Contributed lor missions, $43,000) gain of ii.uoo. Raised for support of the preachers $170,585. Value of bouxesof worship. $i 51. Value of colleges, $1,115,716; 93 professors 1,444 students. The ppointments- Charlotte District. Presiding elder. J. R. Scroggs. Ansouville circuit W F Sauord. Charlotte, Bolmimt Park. L A Falls. Brevard Street, W O Qoode. CalTary. W p McOee. Chadwick and SerersvUle, N. 8. Ogburn. Derlta, P. L. Terrell. Dtl worth, W C Jones, Duncan Memorial, To be supplied. North charlotte, J A 1 Farriugton. Trinity, r. P. Marr, Tryon Street, O. T. Kowo, V L Nicholson, sap. emuraerary. Lllcsvllle, J W Inelo. Mursbville J H Bradley Matthews, L P Boger. Monroe station, I a Weaver. North Nonroe, M T Steele. Morven. J K Wooslev. Mount Zion. C A Wood. Pineville, W L Shernll, B 9 Howe Polkton. QC Brlnkman. Prospect, 8 1 Richardson. Uulonville, C. H. Allison. Wadesboro, O D Herman. Waxbaw, C P Sherrill. Weddington. Seymour Taylor, Presideut Piedmont Industrial Training School, J A Baldwin. Conference Missionary to Japah, 8 A Htew. Conference missionary secretary, a n. ojyar Ashevlllc District. Presiding elder, D. Atkins. ABbeviile, Bethel, H H Bobbins. Central, CWByrd. Haywood Street. W A Newell. North Ashevllle, W B Povey. Bald Creek and Huntdale. W L Edwards. Biltmore and Mount Pleasant, J J Barker, C. B: Dapont - """ """ Black Mountain station, n u siaiiuuce. Burusville station, J O Ervin. Falrview, J A Fry Henderson cirotut, A J Latnan. Flat Rock and Tuxedo, W L Sbelton ' Hendersonvllie station, ALStauloid. HotSp lug., To be supplied. Marshall, B B Stabler. Mars Hill, L H Griffith. Mlraville, 0 M Harris. Swannanoa circuit, R F Hunnlcutt, Tryon and Saluda, B O Smithdeal. Weaveiville station, F A Hanley, K C Glbbs. Weaverville circuit, J B Warren, supply. Conference Missionary to Cu' a, R J Parker. Franklin District. Presiding elder, J K Gy, Andrews statloi. J W Long. Bryson and Whlttier, J W Williams and James Cocummir. Dillsboro and Sylva. W 0 Davis. Franklin circuit, J F Starnes. Frauklln station, M H Tattle. Glenville circuit. A P Foster. Have-ville circuit, J A Marr. Macon circmt, J L Teague. Murpoy circuit, W I Hughes, Murphy station, Z Paris. Jud-on circuit, T 0 Scrogcrs. supply. Webster circuit, D R Promts. District evangelist, C H Neal. Greensbora District. Presiding elder. W R Ware. Asheboro station, 8 T Barber. Aefeeboro circuit, R A Taylor. Coleridge, R L Melton. Denton, J A Holmes. East Greensboro, B W Fox. Greensboro, Centenary, B D Sherrill Spring Garden, W E Abernathr. Walnut street and Carraway Memorial) G H Chrlstenbury. West Market Street, E K McLarty. W L Oris- som, supernumerary. West Greensboro, W. L Dawson. High Point, South Main, G E Eaves. Washington Street, J H Bambardt, Liberty. J L McNeer. Pleasant Garden, J A Sharp. Ramaeur and o P Ader, Randleman and Naomi, B. Hargeson. Raurolpb circuit, A. 8. Raper. BeidsvUle station, W F Womble JUuffln circuit. B A York, TJwhanie, J F Stevens. Wentworth, A L Aycock. Editor North .Carolina Advooate, H M Secretary and Treasurer Greensboro Female. College, W M Curtis- Missionary to Corea, J R Moose. . Pomona circuit, A P Batledge, Morsrasitosi District, PreMdlnR elder, B If. Hoyla. BakersvUle Broad River, W B Davis. . ClIfTlde, ACSwafford. Connelly Springs and Rutherford College, X J Poe. Forest City, J F Moser. m Green Blver, W 6 Cherry. Henrietta and Caroleen, J F Armstrong. Marlon station, Ira Erwln. McDowell. D 8 Richardson. Morganton swtton, H H Jordan. MorgantOB circuit, J P Hombuckle. North Catawba, i L Smith. Old Fort, B L Poggett. Rutherrordton, a E Hunt, J B Carpenter, Super. Sprnce Pine, I B Byder. Table Roek, Albert sherrill. Thermal City, J B Womaek. Professor Bntherford Oollere, B E Creel. Professor Ratherford CeUege, W B West. rtk WIlkMbcr District. . Presiding elder, M H Vestal. Bcone oircuit, J G.W Hollo way, and J M SowBurn. Cm ton circuit, C Ballard. Xlk Park, to be supplied. . Jeflerson. G W Bverett. Laurel Ssrings, Mr. Johnson.- North WUkeaboro station, Parker Holmes. North Wllkoi bora circuit, H T Clark. Sparta circuit, T J Houek. Watauga. T E Weaver. WUkca circuit, Elmer Simpson. WUkssboro station, A T Bell. falUkary District. Presiding elder, J O Row. Aibemarls circuit. P W Tucker. Albamarls station, j P Rodgera. Bethel aad Big Lick, B K Brady. China Grove Concord. Central. J H Wert. '- Xpwortb. G G Harkry. Forest H 11, W M BobWnt. Wast OoBOsrd, V W Dibble. -OollonvUle circuit, T a Elilngtoa, ssold H1U eiretUt. B L Forbts. K Eannspolis, W B Shlnn. Mosat Pleasant, N B Bichardssm. New London, Beett Owens. Bsrwood station. J W Clegf. . aaiessstatfanjM Price. ...... tallsbary. First church, t W Meora, . Bo1bis McmerUl, O J Joass. ..i onto. Main, 0 A SMSBtwr. ftUJsboryelrealt, J Brcndall. 1 psyt sr Jtattoa, Pgjj- A srtijTT- WewUeafetieBjt,.at Blffgiaj, V Laoairf, Tsr4elreut,W Alhrlghl - . Vtestsafd,f kt BieterdsasL, ., . . BMslkr Diatjrlct. . r4fsf eUer. l I TaneaiMa, wtm4 C- ii W V Beassyeati. 1 Ff-trsii tie., ... -i.w it - ih I'issB, whether in business or social life depends almost entirely upon health. Would you dominate instead of walking in the ruck? As Whitman says "Do -you not see how it would serve to have eyes, blood, complexion clean an,d sweet, to have such a body and soul that when ycu enter a crowd, an atmosphere of desire and command enters with you and ever one ia impressed with your personality?" How to Have Eyes, Blood and Complexion Clean and Sweet ', ER!E" STATEMENTS FROM RELIABLE PEOPLE MH,n 1.-.Q ma ar-mt inntflU tinrl 1 .T oil life n,ifh n,U M ciearea ana souenea my sKin. H. w. Lay don, Spray, N. C. Milam has restored my sight almost en tirely. I was nearly blind when I started its use. W. E. Griggs, Secy, and Treas. Westbrooks Elevator Co., Danville, Va. Milan cured me' of eczema after I had suffered with it 26 years and despaired of relief. C. H. Williams, salesman for Cluett, Peabody & Co., Troy, N. Y. WHY NOT LOOK, FEEL and BE at Your Beat? sl your druggist for sis bottles of Milam on our tibtral guarantf money yuui t AT LOW ,:Ladies' coata and swell line of skirts. Louis M. Arner Lincoln circuit. J H Roolnson. Lincoli ton utatlou, T f RoKem. Lowell and Da'lHs, K N Crowtli-r. ' Lowrsville, B F Fincker. McAdarui-vill anil Maysworth, Ja. W llson. Mount Hollv and Be,mont, J A Howies. Polkvllle, J W strider OtMt ami W GisMinla J A Peeler. Hheiby. Central, E E Willliimiou. West End and Franklin Aveuue. to be sup plied. esoutn rora circuit, w n Ainoun. Bnelby oirculrt, o J Hiuson andC ,H Clyde. . Stanly Creek. W 8 Hales. Winston District Brest ing elder, Plato T Durham. Advauoe, L L Smith. I Oooleemee, C M stiort. i Davidson cirouit, J T Batlldgo. Lavle, A J Burrus. Farmingtan, i B Tabor. Forsy the, D P Walters. . Jackson Hill. P L Shore. Kernersv.lle, H U Byium. Ltwlsville, A G Lofilu LezinRton station, AW Pljler. Lluwood, W F Elliott. Mocksville, B E A'kinson Thomasville circuit, V E Parker. Thomasville station, R M Courtney, S C Richardson, supernumerary. Walk rtown. J C Harmon. Winston, Burkhcad. W L Hutchtns. Centenary, E L Bain. Grace and Libert v, L W Collins. Soutbside and Salem, J S Hiatt. West End, W A Lambeth. Missionary to Cuba, A W Baker, . Btatesvllie District. . 1 Presiding elder. L T Mann. Alexander station, M T Smathers. Caldwell circuit, I W Kennedy.. , Catawba circuit, B Wilson. ! Davidson, C M Campuell. Granite falls, D F Carver. Hickory circuit, O P Bouth. Hickory station D M Litaker. Iredell circuit, J P Davis. Lenoir circuit, J J E tdea. Lenoir station, C M Pickens. , .. . Maiden, 0 H Curls. -Mooresville circuit, K Myers. MooresvUle station. J E Thomoson. 1 W Jones supernumerary. newton, w at nues. Bock Springs, T E Wart. 8tatasvlUs circuit, J P Hipp. Broad Street, H Turner. , Race Street, B F Hurgett. Stoney Point, T B Johnson. Troutman, J J Edwards, Whltnel, G W Fink, supply. West B tales vllle oircuit, E E Yates, Conference Missionary Evankelist. D H Coman. President Davenport College, J B Craven. Confereuce Missionary Secretary, H K Boyer. Way nesvtllc Ulstrlct. Presiding elder, L T Cord ell. Brevard circuit, U M Carpenter.. - Brevard stat on, L D rompsou. Bethel. T 8 Coble, Canton, C S Eirkpatrick. Clyde circuit, C L McCain. Hay wosd station, J W Viek. Jonathan, B C Kirk. Leicester, J H Green. MUls River, J A oroce. ' . ' Pines Creek, C E 8 ted man. Spring Creek, B F Starr. ' . Sulphur Springs, J W Campbell. WaynesvUle station. M F Moores. West AsheviUe, T B Bernhardt. Conference Missionary to Korea, M B Stokes HonatAtrr District Presiding elder. B M Taylor, Danberrv. T J Folger. Dobson. B M Avett. - East Bend, I M Folger. Elkin station, RGTuttle. " JonesvlUe, L V Johnson, supply, " Leaksvills statioB, F L Towuaeud. .. Madison and Mayodan, A K Snrratt Mount Airy circuit, B M Jackson -Mount airy station. W H W Ills., Pilot Mountain, P H Brtttian. Bural Hall, George W Williams, Bpray and Draper, T O Jordan, " Btokesdale, L T Bsadien.' " 1 BtonevUle, H M Wlllinan. ' ' SummsrOeld, C P Goods. ' Walnut Cove, 1 0 Mock. .; .... YadklnvUle, J D Gibson. ' '' Supenntendent ChUdrens Hosse, F Kirk. . Transfers, B L Fink to Virginia Conference: O W Watson to Los Angeles Contsrenoet C HfCsvlneas to North Caroihia Conference, B O Lawtoa to Routh Carolina Oaofertuoc; J D Bajsk In to aonthwsstsru Missouri CesUoreocet: W T Scales to Virginia ttmfersoea ;i No inbatitution or Kjna m oed" tola at tha Btandaid Drug Co. : " A4 the unrenizxdl a 'shaft as th historic OttT Pstsrsburj rcrstriiti cf thi Ut tzS Graj stood shcl'rr t iiIIrr. .. - Since taking Milam I can read very fine print and do embroidery work at night without glasses. Miss Kate Mebane, R, F. D. No. 2. Blanche, N. C. I suffered with a dreadful skin disease from which I could get no relief until I tried Milam. This is the first spring and summer I have enjoyed in three years. Miss Winnif red Poston, 731 Patterson Ave, Roanoke, Va. 147 v nut ocneuca 4444444wt)t) PRICES Goatusuitsuj also a- i There will' 'ie a meeting of The Wonittus Club ttt the school build intf on Mxt Moi,dy at 3:30 p. ni. All membe'8 are urg' iuly iiqiies'.ed to come and eveiy vwoiuu iu town it invited to become a uitmlitr. Every C;tj wouiia tliinke she could mike a fortuue in three years if s be had a place o rafse chickeas. No nucht-lor likes to be rossted, buc it is no more uneomfomble than being married aud kepc iL hot wat er. Land Sale Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, being tbereunto authorised by an order of tbe Superior Court of Randolph County In the special proceeding entitled "H. T. Curtis, Administrator of i. L. York, deceased, vs Clark York et. si." wnloh said order is dated tbe 16th day of November, 1911, will sell st puollo auction, to the high est bidder, on tbe premises on Wednesday, the 20th day ol December, ml. st 13 o'olock M., the following described lands, to-wit: A oertain tract or parcel of lind lying on a branch of Bush Creek, the waters of Deep River, In Randolph County, State of North Carolina, and bounded as follows! Beginning at a post oak, running South 70 poles to a post oak, thence east 13 1-4 poles to a post oak, thenoe south SO poles to a red oak, thenoe west H 1-2 poles to a post oak, thenoe south 4 poles to a blaok oak, Solomon Trogdon's corner thence west 108 poles to a blajk oak, thenoe north 70 poles to a post oak, thenoe west lOt poles to a blaok jack, thenoe north 86 poles to a post oak, thsnoe esst 212 poles to the beginning, containing 187 seres, more or less. (For farther de scription see deed Book 41, Page 888. Regis tar's office. Randolph County.) Excepting, however from the foregoing boundaries and acreage a traot of Isnd of twenty-one sores, more or less, whteh wss sola off and deeded to Dennis Png-b by J- L. York snu wife under and aooordlng to the following boundaries, to-wlt: Beginning st a white oak, original eorner, thence east with Coble and Bedding's line 14 chains 86 links to a stone on th esst side of Handy Creek Road, tbenoe south 18 de grees west 8 chains 67 links to a post osk, thenoe south 82 1-1 degrees, west 8 ohalns 76 links to a stone In the original line, thenoe west with said Une chains to a atone, origi nal corner, thenoe north with original (line 15 chains a6 links to the beginning, contain ing 21 sores, more or less. The foregoing laods will be sold subject to the dower of Msry B. York, widow of J. L. York, whloh has been laid off and allotted to her ont of the above lands aooordlng to the following metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning at a stake In John Bedding's line, thenoe Esst with said line to an ash on the bank of Bush Creek; thenoe South with the various courses of said creek to Issae Allred's line; thenoe West with said Allred's line te a stone corner of Hugh Curtis and Issso Allred's land; thenoe North with ssld Cortls's line to a post oak, Curtls's oorner; tbenoe North to the beglcslng. (For further description -of dower see Books Orders aad Deorees, page 286, Clerks otnoe, Baadolpb Coanty, Terms of Bsls: One half cash and the balanoe 0a a credit of alx months with Inter est at ajper oentnra oa the deferred payment i title reserved for the order of the Court. Thte the 16th. day of November, mi. H.T.Curtis. ': Administrator of J, L. York, deceased. Sale of Town Lots For Taxes and Costs in Asheboro By virtus of power vested in m by Is w Ithall sell at public ontery to tbe highest bidder for cash at the oourthouss door in Asheboro, N. C, on the 18th day of iMoeaber. ItlL the follow tag real eatatt to satisfy the taxes due ths town of Asheboro for the following years i , J, B. Ingram, lot, tor 1910, . tfSS K. t. Plummer.Jot, t , - IN Anthony Smith. r 19. Walter C. Jarrstt, lot for 191S, . . I SO U.t. Hate, . " 6.80 A. HD ley, . " . ' 18.48 B. W. Kivett, " " . -. tug CrjtLOBXD' ' - VauteBelL lot, far mo, ' . ' la . kanoy i. Ooltraas, kn, lor ll8, s 4 . Jm .O-tadwetl, ; ' - V: ' . . H.O. ws -ett, . " -.v.; : 148 tlljfe mym-IS This ew teBaiaVowa tax CaiMsr WE'RE Making and trimmin? hats for others, but that does not mean that we're too busy to trim one for you. In addition to our hats we carry a line of first-class no tions. ' The American Miss Eugenia Tysor COtXXtXOOtXXXOOOOOOOOCXXX his coupon is good for 25 d;s cash on every purchase of Rexall Kidney Pills. The Guaranteed Sign. Standard Drug Company and The Rexall Store wOOOOOOOGOOXXjOQCXXXXX)GOrorXX OOOOOOOOrOCOOOOOOOOOtXOOOQOCO . ASHEBORO ELECTRIC PRESSING CO. i We have opened a pressing club in our city, over the Asheboro Drug Company. We will be glad to do your pressing and guarantee every piece of our work to be returned in first class style. Ladies' Suits 50dt. Gentlemen's Suits 50ft. w Wa iwil-lnse ndrfofir iMvefiijiAet Ijirgme day. Yours for good work, . R. V. CURTIS 8c COMPANY a i aQooooooQoaaooQQxoaQoooQooQQQQQooooaaoaQooaaQQaoQQQ FURNITURE Of all kinds at fair prices; Big SALKOF Goods Beginning Nov. 30,1911, and continuing until all sold. We are going: to sell our entire stock of eoods at public auction, and all goods will be sold at the bid der's price. We have employed an auctioneer and there will be no by bidding, but every article mus go. Our line consists principally of Dry Goods, No tions, Groceries,Shoes, Hats, Caps, Men's Furnishings and Readymade clothing. We are eroincr must sell everything in our store re gardless of cost or Remember the Date, Beginning NOVEMBER 30, 191 1 ' In addition to the above, we have one pair com puting scalet, one pair portable scales and three nice showcases. , Terms: Cash " ' ' : xl' S Tours very DELK& CAMERON BUSY Beauty Corset Kidney Remedy Undertaking supplies. T. J. Hoover COOOOOOO(X)OOOOOOOOOOOO000O out of business and what it brings. ; : - ., ' - truly j 1 1