USUALLY ONE DOSE ENDS INDIGESTION Dispcpsia, Heartburn, Gas and All Stomach Distress Vanishes If yonr meals don't fib comfort. aWj, or you feel bloated after eat ing, and jou believe it is the food wkith Alls jou; it whik little jon eat lies like a lamp of lead on jour atemacb; if there is difficult? id "awing fwr eating, eructations fsonr, undigested food and acid, heartburn, brash or a belohing of gas, you can make np your mind that you need something to stop focd fermentation and cure Indiges tion. To make every bite of food you eat aid in the nourishment and strength of your body, you must rid year Stomach of poisons, excess! re aoid and stomach gas, which sours year entire meal interferes with digestion and causes so many suffer ers of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Griping, ete. Your case is no different yen are a stomach sufferer, though yen may call it by some other nem; your real and only trouble is that which you eat does not digest, but quickly ferments und sours, produc ing almost any unhealthy condition. A case of Fape's Diapepsin will cost fifty cents at tuy Fuarraaoy here, and will convince any stomach sufferer five mii'iitca afier taking a single acse that Fermentation and Soar Stomach are causirg the miatry cf Iudigtstio;.. .No mutter if you cul your trouble Catarrh of tlv; gtrmwh, Nrvo;ss iiees or Gastrins, or by any other came always lememNr that n cer tain cure is waiting at a;y drug store tbe moment jcu d-wida 10 bi-giu its use. Papt's Diapepsin will regulate. any out oi-order Sfccuuih vnhiu fi.e minutes, and digest promptly, with out any fu?3 or discomfort, all of any kind of food you cat ppemtments cf the Greensbort District ci M. h. Conference. Tbe first quarterly meeting for tee cbargps named will be held as follows: Kaudolph circuit at Jit Vernon, December 3 and 4tb; Den ton circuit at Pleasant Grove, Dec ember 9th and 10tb; Uwharrie cn cnit at Alt, Lebanon, December 10 cad 11th- W. R. Ware, presiding elder. 30 EE ST EARS IN STATES. UNITED W. H. Davis of Clover, va , won $1,000 cup for 30 Best Ears of Corn. for growing the best 30 ears cf corn ezhibites from any portion of United States, W. H. Dorin of Glov. er, Ya., hvs been awarded the $1,000 silver cup offered by the Internation al Harve8terCmjay at Iha Ameri. eao Land aud Irrigation Exposition, now in progress at Aladison Square Garden, Mr. Dorin winning over exhibitors from every section of the country, among them L. D. Glore, the famous Indiana Corn King, hitherto undefeated in a contest of this nature. Mr. Dorln'a corn is now on exhibition at the Sonthern Railway's booth and is attracting great attention. Farmers from all sections are showing extraordinary in the award since it is the first time such a priza hs been won by a Southern coin grower. Alr.Dorin ploughed land ten inches and Bnbsoiled 12 inches more. He used 200 pounds of phosphate, his only fertilizer out.ide of clover turned under. His seed wes care fully selected from an acre on wich he made a spleudid yield in 1910 and the corn which took the priza was from an flore cnlt vated under the methods of the U. S. Farm Dem onstration bureau, the yield from this acre being 137 bushel. The soil is the ordinary type of Sou -hern Virginia, a gray smdy loam about eight inches deep with a g.od clay subsoil. Air. Dorin's success shows what can be r.ccompliBhed oa Southern land and is more remarkable since ha is a former resident of a Michigan city and knew practically nothing about farming until six years ago when he purchased 561 acres in Eolifax county, Va., oo the s South ern Railway's Richmond and Dan ville liue, payin eight dollars per acre. The award of this prize to Mr. Dorin will prova a valuable vertieeinent for the Southeast pa a .'u growing land. It was with the 7- ooseof showing the agricultural iwoiibilitiea of the Southeast that the Sout'iern Railway. Cjmnacv , . . ' 1 planod nu extensive exhibit at this expHitioii and did everything posai- ble t) ewonrae; i"Hvidual exhibits on the part of tin1 larmrra throagh out the tenitcry F?rved by its lines. ., Card of Thanks . W with to express our thauls to our many friends for the kiiulaess and sympathy iwn ns during the sickne and death f i" ' ';y. May Ou'l bless and reward "r. BI.& iUa. y. V. Pjuth. School Boy Jokes. Among the old-time rhymes our fathers used to recite to us sereral are recalled about recalcitrant boy while off at college. One of these youths upon his return home for va, cation found his fond father in the horse lot carting out manure. "John, said the father, "how have yoa been getting along with your La tier "First rate, father, first rate, I've i fin8ned the Reader od ftm in 0ae. aar now. Holding up the spade he wis us ing, the father asked: "What is this in Latin, John?" "That in Latin is 'spadibis,' fath er." ''And what is manure in Latin?" " 'Manuribus,' "promptly respond ed the bra sen young rascal. "And what's the Latin name for cart, my son?" " 'OartibuB," father, 'cartibus' " ihe old gentleman didn t thins it necessary to catchise John any fur ther, so banding him the spade with ceremonial diguity, he Baid: "Johnibus, my sonibns, grasp this spadibus and load this cartibus with this horaibus manuribus. Now do good workitus, my dear Johnibus, or 1 11 tbrash you hue helhbus." The old farmer didn't send '-John-ibus" back to college any more, as he decided he could give him a good practical" Latin education' at home. It seema that "Juiif.ibua" bad two chums who had siudied Latin just about as he hud done, bin who sue ctadt'd better in their (ffnta at de ceiving their parents. One of these boj?, white Wit'.Li.g Loaa from tbr lailrotyl action, took a "aeur cm" a field. An old i'pj;ri had built a tur kilo upon the fl'.n!; cf n in';ch thai crossed the youn. man's p:Mi. way, aud had a half-fiilcd keg sit ting beside it. As the young lin guist leaped the ditch he tore h:e trousers up"n a promoting piece of fnp-irou. After a hearty wtlc-rn? fr.ui tbe ho.i e folks bis father t-sk ed him for a s imple rf La'iu. Here is the "sampl.-:" "Comnm hemum fromum townnin Jurapum ditct . -i ;.! rm-ict-; Taruni kfgum J.'-'ptna ..'?. n'i , Torum holum u.u-.n Ire.-cbiim." When asked t'- v.vr.i t-.f i'.-, "beautiful Latin p ," t l a yiurg- ter said it was enL; ..-a " I ae Boy's Return;" but evaded the re quest for a translation into English The third of this trio of hopeful Latin "scholars' when asked to re cite a sample of his learning, said : 'I will give you a Bhort quotation from 'The Love of Adonis,' which I'm sure will please you, and it did. The "quotation " given ran thus: "Boyibus kissibus sweetus girlo run; Girlibus likibus wantum somor urn These short stories from our an' cestcrs' (traditional stores of anec dotes show that the old-time boys were just about as tricky as the a?erage American ''kid" today. The three "Latin scholars" were no worse nor better than the more modern college boy, who, after rquandering a number of his father's hard-earned collars in frivolity and dissipation, sent an impudent re qustto his parent, reading: "Dear Father: ' 'The rose is red, the violet's blue, Send me a fifty P. D. Q." The reply from the long-suffering old gentleman was prompt and to the point, lie said: "Dear Son: " 'Some roses are red, while others are pink; I'll send you that fifty I don't think." Exchange. ' Card of Thanks We take this method ot thanking onr friends for tteir kindness during the aicknoss and death of our brother, Eli Vuncannon, May the Great Giver richly reward them is onr prayer. tin. John M. Pwfneil, Mrs. John 3. East. ' A man isn't necessarily polished just because you see his finish. S3.50RBOIPE FREE FOR WEAK MEN - , Send Name and Address To dayYou Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous I have In my possession a proscription for ner. voiis debility, lack of vlror, weakened manhood, failing memory and lame back, brought on by excesses, uinm:url drains, or the tollies of youth, that has cured so many worn and nervous men rfirht in their own homes without any ad diiional help or medicine that I think every mm who wines to rfgiin his manly power aud virility, auicklv and oulotlv. should hiv copy. Ho I have dctermmed to send s copy of th rrstrrip'lnn froeol charee. in a Dioln. ordi. rary se led envelope to any man who wUi write metorit. r mis prercripuon comes irora a pnysinun who bad lua le a special siudy of man and I am coif vinced It Is the surest-aerlne; combination for the cure of deficient manhood aud v igor failure ever put together. I think I owe It to my fallow man to send them a copy In coufldenee mi that any man anywhere who is weak aud discouraged with repeated failures may stop droning himself with harm-, fill p'lttnt medicines, secure what I believe is the quicnest acting restorative, npcnilding, 8POT TOl.iCHINQ emcdy ever devled. and so cura l&!-m&TZm'Z: you a copy oi mis pu-nriid reelpe in a plain or dinary envelope re of oliame. A great many durum would charge to f 00 fur meroiy wruingou sproboiipuoa like this but I send eumeJy ixte. Ph a ffiLsfmntkf J KBLE STORIES- THE VALUE OF PRAYER. Nehemiah's Petition For Israel. Nehemiaii i Nov. 26 "The effectual, frrrnit prayer of a ttyAteou man acaileih much." Junta v, IS. IT7RTEEN' years after Ezra's company , returned to Jerusa lem, JJehemiah went thither with an escort nnd full author fcy from tlio klnp of Persia to rebuild the wall ef Jenwalcra and to restore Its gates. It would arpi'ar thnt Ezra's lefonnation. v.hl.e very helpful to the people, brongbt np.Thirt them the vio lent opposition of tlioir reljthbors, as was to hnve leen pptirted. The Jews, now consirt r:ib!e in numbers, were despised by their neighbors, trho wish ed to drive out cf tlw land. The wall of tiie city was poor nnd did not wltlwfnnd til.? fltfncl;. Jos?ph-is 'ays t!wt X.'hcminh, wealthy and favorer! of th litvr of Tersla, re sided in lh( kiiiK's i):iluce rt Shushan. He waa a pioun uij.ii und deeply Inter ested iu tli iiiiid of hu f.'.iiioi. While v. a! i; int one d;iy h. ovcr- VM hcard two ni'a talI:iBpr in t'T" 11- accosted them, r A-iS1 Tiiey had been to Jerusnlrei :-m1 "MM nadreturucd. Ho ' 'fcii;f'5M gl.-diy incuired MpT0 holy l a ii d . r.o "." holy city, C Xa in .. and concern ing tho Jav,-j v'.i h.v.l returned from Babylon. TV'? rrd tr y of their trials and the tUvuiattaa oZ tlie city und its posuro to enemies touched his' heart and led h!n to j-rcycr. That prayer is lha subject ;f t!:ls lesion. rndoul.'todly tiie recoidrd prayer of Xcheniiah is merely an epitomized statement, for wo read that ho made the ma'"' r subject of earnest prayer n. m before he reachod Hi ; ' :v ': l where God used hlu I'V i:it ii:..,i:.'. :it or u.s ov.ti petition. Th 3 C ;'.:l's Cinoers Desire. rot-t h:is well defined piMror ns soul's sincere desire, utter- ed or unexpressed." Another has well declared that It "Is the Christian's vital breath"; that Is to say, Christian character cannot be maintained with out prayer any more than a hnmnn life could be maintained without breathing. Who has not noticed that all the great Bible characters used of the Almighty were accustomed to go to Him regularly in prayer and to eek for guidance from Him in re spect to every matter? Even the great Redeemer, holy, harmless, undented and separate from sinners, needed to pray to the Father needed His fel lowship and communion needed to be In touch with the Infinite One. Sev eral of His prayers are recorded, and we are told that He spent the entire night in prayer on some occasions. Some may ask, Would the Almighty change His plans in answer to our pe titions? Assuredly He would not Indeed, on the contrary, we are cau tioned in the Scriptures to ask only according to His will. We are warned that if we ask amiss our petitions will not be answered. Hence the necessity for studying God's Word and being enlightened thereby. The Hedeemer gave us tho keynote to this, saying, "If yo abide iu Me and My words abide in you, ye may ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you." (John x 7.) Alas! how few seem to note the two limitations of this promise?" (1) The one asking must be n Christ abiding in Him. This means that tho petitioner hns turned from sin, has accepted Christ aud tbe terms of dls elpieshJp. It implies that he has made ii full consecra- tion of his life to m. A tJjo I-ori and be come a new crea ture in Christ Jesus. Such, n b i d 1 n jr in Christ, may pray to the FaFber. (2) After hnv Ing come into membership and fellowship with the Head, the 3Ie3dnb, these must nsk in har ir&rSbv,. t.r:.'t-..-,-i "Father, ii it le fert ile, let this a:p pans from me." . mony with God's Word niid promises; In order to know whr.t tilings to ask for they must search the Scriptures, which are suffloient, "that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished." God is pleased Ui make use of the little talents possessed by His eon secrafad people. Those who prny for opportunities to serve tho Lord and His cause nud who watch for the ful' fiimeut ft their prayer i in tho open doors of opportunity will surely have then!. "Ho that noeketh findeth." . s What to rVay For. ; ' Ti; in Christ may. pray for earth ly necessities, as In the Lord's prayer, "Oive us this' day our daily breHd;" but we are not to prny far more thafl the bread ond water wlit'h the Lord as anthcrlr.eil IZli people fo pray for. The true Christian,' intend of think ing about what be shall eat, what bje shall drink,' nnd wherewithal he ehall be elotjbedlnstead f making ei-rthly tmngs tae su!?jcrt of bis prayers, will be thiuking ot and praying about Us iiJchiM-. his heaveniv Interests. Oo !0 Ibe Best Blood Purifier. Test It Free! If yoa are run down or oenrons, M spots floating before tbe eyes, achini back, blood thin or Bkin itches, It is sure sim oi impure oiooa. laxi B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm).. It will purify and enrich your blood and build no vour weakened, broken RtensafliB down system. B. B. B. is ruaranteed Curt d by to cure an Diooa nisrssen ina ucia D. O. 0. aunoni hku u Rhcnmitirai. Ulcers, Z-atinl Sore Syphilitic Blood folion, Catirrh. t-tlcnn, Itchint, Humors, Riiingi and Bumpi, Bone ttt., fimples. Uia sores, scroiai or nernciii Sinritin jorei. Bails. Csrbuncles B. B. B. cures all these blood1 ii .nihil- bv killina; the tmison U..n anA nnrllinir it from the a R R. la ,Ti nnlv hlondEffSBS Caret remedy'tbat can do this therefore bf t. B. 6. it cures ana neais ail sores ana acowaun ninnH TrnnhlM when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for 30 years composed af Pure Bolanii Intrredients. Drug stores i per large with directions for home cure. fRtE. SAMPLE. BT WRITING BLOOD BALM CO., ATLANTA. CA Describe trouble and free medical advise give The Guilford Chapter of the Dni. ted Daughters of the Confederacy last week presented to the Greens, boro High School a steel enirraved portrait of Robert E, L?e. A Burglar's Awful Deed may not paralyze a home so comD'etplv as A mother s Ions illuess. But Dr. Kind's New Life Pi I la are a splendid mnedy for women. laey ouve ma wonderful benetit iu eoiiHtipauon and female tnuuie, wrote Mrs. M. O. Dmilap. of Leadill. Tenn. If ailiiiR. iry them. 25c at Keiall Store aud Abhi boro Drug Co. Craven county is having a fair und aviation nitec thia v?en, v.-hioh s about tbe tigpt event held in Eastern Caioliuii iu jeiti. ''It if a -lcHsuro to tell i u that Cbnmbor- luiri s I'ouuU Himidy is the bout cough modi ciue I have eviT used," wiitra lira. Hugh U nipl:eil, of Liivonia, Ga. "I Lave used it wiih all my children and the results have been lii'dly butisf iictory ." For aaie by ail dealem. Farmer Notes Kev. W. E. Swain will preach a Thanks giving seimon at Unncord Church on Sua uy Deenicber 3id, at 11 o'clock, tlii ben g a bervice intei.dod eccially fir thp memiiprs of the Jr. O. U. A VI. Miuday w is t,::Icct ed instead of Tlu.nksi'ivinic D.iy lne ;usea much larger atlemi c ot Juu ois mav be j had on that day. lv.'trvlmly is inviti d, i.ut !a special invitation is tit.n ie.l to all mem hers of t'.iia Order. The entire teaching force of Farmer Iligh School, Mr, Bradabaw and Misses . Davie, Uorney end Byerly, spent the week end at Why Not visiting the family of C. E. Stuart. Biunche Bingham, the little nine-year old daughter of VA ebb Bingham, on Sunday last. underwent an operation for appendicitis Drs. Hubbard and Austin doing the work. Blanche bas had typhoid fever and the ap pendicitis was a complication of that disease Roscoe Myers, of Tabernacle township entered school here Moaday. ECZEMA CURED Pimples Disappear and Com. plexion Cleared Over-night New York .-Thousanda are taking advan tage of the generous offer made by The Woodworm Co. Hot moadwav. New York City, requesting an experimental package of Lensola toe new 8 tun discovery, which is mailed free oi charge to all who write for it, It alone is sufficient to clear tbe complexion over meat and rid the face of pimples in a few hours. On the first application of Lemola the itching will stop. It has cured thousands afflicted with Eczema, Tetter, Rashes, Itchings, Irritations, Acmes, Heal ings, and Crusting" of skin, scalps of infants, children and adults. It is good for the pres ervation and purification of the skin, scalps, hair and hands for tbe pre ention of the clogging of tbe pores the usual cause of pim ples, blackheads, redness and rouahnecs and also the treatment of burns, scalds, wounds, sores, chappiugs as well as the toilet and nursery. Julian Grove News MibS Anna King is visiting relatives in Roanoke, Va. Page Routli, who was serious 'y hurt last week while 'possum hunting, is slowly re covering. Edgar Underwood, who broke his leg some time ago, is now out on crutches, Bub Pugh and family visited at Ptg9 South 'a ibe first of the week.. The school here is the largest yet on rec ord. Kenneth U ray ib again teacher. ITuisel, the six-months-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Rontii, died on Wednesday of last week and was buried at Cetl.auy on Friday. ' TUP 1 1 a I nr- nur 5 inc riMsi ur rHtv.t. . ELI WniTXEV-Inventor of tho cotton gin. Born Westbor- ough, Mass., erous patron in the widow of General NathanaelGreentr While here he was asked to devise a means to 'separate cotton from the seed and set to work, mak ing his own tools. His gin rev olutionized the cotton Industry ,4. - I Dec. 8, 17G3; vtp.. died New ' Vr Haven, g S 'V J conn., jan. T i) 8, 1825, i J Graduated JC ; from Yale y k, ' and went to jr Y ' 3 ' Georgia as a " 3 '. j 4 eacher, ' "I where h e - j - found a gen The Reason COURIER ADS Pay is that The Courier is read by 'people whom the advertisers want to get their goods before. Furthermore The Cou rier does not knowing ly take dishonest adver tising and it's readers know tnis. Prestige is thus gained for your goods by your display of Jiiem in the columns of an honest paper. , i Charge For This service is based on our circulation. WE BRING RESULTS The ouner A Plainly Principled Paper Printed Weekly for Plainly Principled People-with a Sub scription Price of $)L per Year. PRINTING At reasonable prices de livered when you want it.