Home Course In Road Making whether in business or social life depends almost entirely upon health. Would you dominate instead of walking in the ruck? As Whitman says "Do you not see how it would serve to have eyes, blood, complexion clean and sweet, to have such a body and soul that when ycu enter a crowd, an atmosphere of desire and command enters with you and ever one is impressed with your personality?" How to Have Eyes, Blood and Complexion Clean and Sweet BRIEF STATEMENTS FROM RELIABLE PEOPLE Mibm has given me a great appetite and cleared and softened my skin. H. W. Lay don. Spray. N. C. Milam has restored my siRht almost en tirily. I was nearly blind when I started its use. W. K. CirixKs. Secy, and Treas. Westbrooks KievaturCo., Danville, Va. Milan cured me of eczema after I had suffered with it2fi vear and despaired of relief. C. 11. Williams, salesman lor Cluett, Peabody & Co., Troy, N. Y. T have suffered all my life with my eyes. Since taking Milam I can read very fine print and do embroidery work at night without glasses. Miss Kate Mebane, R. F. D. No. 2, Blanche. N. C. I suffered with a dreadful skin disease from which 1 could get no relief until I tried Milam. This is the first spring and summer I have enjoyed in three years. M iss Winnif red Poslon, 731 Patterson Ave, Roanoke, Va. WHY NOT LOOK, FEEL and BE at Your Best? As.': your irugp.st for sue bottles of Milam on our liberal guarantee money back f not benefited. M) "KinnKJ (fin WV J Tan GDODBLDgd 6 Mortgage Bonds Offered at Par and Interest. Denominations $100 $500 $1,000. The security income-producing real estate on Manhattan Island, New York City is time-tried and panic-tested. STATEMENT OF COMPANY, DECEMBER 30, 1911. Assets. Improved income-producing business and resi dential properties on Manhattan Island, Ci'.y of New York, at cost or purchase price . . 09,345.393.14 Loans and investments, including prepaid dia.g::s and First Preferred Stock in Treasury . . 1,070.031.76 Furniture and Fixtures 5,392.22 Accrued interest, rents and accounts receivable . 27,047.84 Cash in banks and trust companies .... 1 45,836.00 010,531,305.90 Liabilities. Mortgages on real estate owned, including accrued interest to date $5,595,089.47 Fifteen-year Gold Mortgage Bonds, including accrued interest to date 916,508.46 Accounts and bills payable, including accrued charges to date 67,969.41 Capital stock and surplus 4,0 1 4,738.62 010,594,305.96 NEW YORK REAL ESTATE SECURITY CO., 42 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. CAPITAL STOCK, $3,950,000 ITOTE. As this advertisement will appear only once, because of the expense, and as it is impossible to give in it all of the particulars regarding this high class, safe investment, those interested should write at once to the Company tor its booklet "A Safeguarded Invest . merit," which will be immediately forwarded to them. Your Teeth' Can be Extracted l.WITHOUT PAIN Nervous people, who fear the dentist and allow their teeth to go without attention, are taking a frightful risk. Decayed teeth seriously impair the health of a human body. If you have held back be cause you fear the pain of extraction, your fears have been groundless. A good dentist can extract them with very little annoyance to you. At the same time the antiseptic solution he uses will heal the gums and cause your mouth to regain its normal con dition. 20 Years Experience Together with two post-graduate courses in dentistry have prepared me to do any of your work. Inlays, amalgam or cement fillings, plates of all kinds; any service that a cap ble dentist can render you. F. A. HENLEY Office oyer Po&office Building, Asbeboro. 1:10 A. .tcJ2.COM. 1:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. Office Hours: 1 M j IK) STRAYED from my home in Tabernacle township young black Berkshire sow pig. Finder notify Vtrjril Hill. Cara wayN C. 3-14-1 "Want a lire agent f to represent me (J oilmen, km fana Bruin ante mobile. Garland LDaairL Greets boro, P. 0." 1-14-14. I The Office of Pub lic Roads. By LOGAN WALLER PAGE. Director Office of Public Roads, United States Department of Agriculture Copyright by American Press Asso ciation, 1912. IN March, 1S93, a petition was pre sented to congress asking that a road department similar to the agricultural department be found ed at VashIurtou for the purpose of promoting construction and mainte nance of roads and for teaching stu dents so tbnt they might become skilled road engineers and to establish a per manent exhibit of sections of road Il lustrating various methods of construc tion and the best rond materials and muchlner.v. This petition was signed by the governors of many of the states, including Governor McKlnley of Ohio, by chambers of commerce and univer sities in id was indorsed by resolutions of legislatures. The otlii e of rond inquiry was estab lished under authority of an act of mm CsiTF.n statu:-! office of pchmo hoada congress i.'.wpil March 3, 1HWI, iak iir.' I'.iiiwoiniM'.iou of JfliMHX) for the u liantncnt oi agriculture. The il;r.i.-e relating to this work provided (hut tl; secret iiry of iigik ultuie should mat inquiries in regard to systems of road management throughout the United States, make iiivcslUittious la regard to the be 'l methods of road making, prepare publications on this subject and assist auikultural colleges and ex periment Millions in disseminating in formation. Since ltf'J" the total amount appro priated for tho oflice of public roads is SSbM.SGO, and since its establishment the ollice 1ms issued 40 bulletins, U5 circulars, 0 farmers' bulletins, 21 year book reprints and IS annual reports, a total of 1S3 publications. The ollice lias directed the construc tion of about o4'J object lessons and experimental roads, illustrating mncud- um, bituminous macadam, brick, grav el, saiid-cluy, shell and earth construc tion. The approximate expenditure ou these object lessons and experimental roads by local authorities has been $000,702, and the subsequent road work due directly to tho object lesson ronds represents expenditures running well up into millions. Lectures and person al advice by engineers and experts have constituted a prominent feature of the work of the ollice since its establish ment. The rond material laboratory was installed in December, 1900, and from that time to July 1, 1011. about 5,300 samples of road material have been received from practically every state in the Union and tested to deter mine their character and value for road building. A photographic laboratory was in stalled in January, 1900, and has now a complete outfit. This was the direct result of a great need for illustrated lectures. The office has now a collec tion of about 6,000 negatives and about 3,000 slides, many of which bave been colored. These illustrate all phases of road work. Experiments have been conducted with oils, tars, rock asphalt and vari ous preparations for the purpose of preventing dust and preserving mac adam roads from destruction under modern traffic conditions. The office has conducted investigations to deter mine the feasibility of the sand-clay method of road building in the south ern states as well as in the prairie 'states, and this method of construction has been found to be quite practicable, especially In the south. A study of the construction of roads, of natural soils by treatment with as phalt ic oils, has been made and was published in circular No. 9a The office Is conducting investigations on the nse of slag as a road material andtbe improvement of sand roads in parts of the country where clay is not accessi ble. Practical efforts have been mndp (toward bringing about the more gener al nse of the split log drag In the main tenance of earth roads. One of the unique and striking exhibits at the Alaska-Iukon-Paclflc exposition consisted of a series of min iature models illustrating every known type of improved road and the virions road building devices, such as rollers and crushers, in actual operation. This exhibit was designed and prepnr ed by tho office, and since the exposi tion closed similar exhibits have been shown In many parts of the United States, partly through the medium of expositions and partly by means of ex hlbit trains operated by several rail roads. Lecturers and demonstrators accompany these exhibits, making them in reality schools of instruction in road building. Graduates in engineering are ap pointed from colleges each year after a competitive examination, and are given thorough training while render ing practical services to the govern ment In this woy an efficient corps of engineers Is being built up, which will aid tho development of rond building along proper lines, both during and after their connection with the gov ernment This work was begun In the fiscal year 1003. Investigations into the decomposition of rock powders under the action of water have led to important discover ies with reference to increasing the ce menting value of road materials. The investigation Into the corrosion of iron and steel culverts has brought out Im portant results. The generally accept ed theories regarding the rusting of iron have been demonstrated to bo In correct, nml it has been shown that by treating the surface of tho Iron with n strong oxidizing agent the rust ing can bo inhibited. In May. 1!X7, tho office inaugurated a jiroJ'H-t designed to Introduce the l est possible systems of construction, maintenance and administration of nails in the various counties. Under tkis plan rngisicers nio assigned to make thorough Investigation on nil phr.ses of the ro;:d work of the county to which they are assigned, and pro pare exluu-iive reports giving plans, estimates and reconnieiulatlons. T lie number of tho employees of the office has im mased from one ou July 1, ISP?,, to 1." on July 1, 1011. The present appropriation of the office Is ?K-,0.7-J0. out of wl.ich ?3.u0'" is paid for rent, leaving $1. "7.220 to pay the Fabrics of those 1 ,7 employees, ns well as traveling expenses, the purchase of equipment mid supplies, and the usual running expenses. Tho most thorough and systematic methods of organization have been In troduced into the administration of the office, and the great library on all phases of rond work Is the best In the western hemisphere, and the library Is being added to constantly. The policy of the office in recent years has been to co-operate with the officials in charge of road work in the various states as closely as possible, and the endeavor is being made so to correlate road work in each state by voluntary co-operation as to constitute one great movement along uniform lines and make the progress and meth ods of each state known to every other state through the medium of the office. In furtherance of this object a compre hensive investigation was begun in tBOTION OF THIS BITUMINOUS LABORATOKT OFFICE OF PUBLIC BOADS. 1904 to ascertain the mileage of im proved and nnimproved roads, the char acter of Improvement, the amounts ex pended, rates of levy and sources of revenue in every county in the United States. This work was finished in June, 1007. anrj the results were pub Untied in the form of a bulletin, which shows that there are over 2,150,000 miles of road in the United States, or which only 7.14 per cent were Improv ed in 1904. and that the expenditure in money and labor for that year wax nearly $80,000,000. This bulletin com prises the first complete data ever as sembled on this subject The Famous Jffidgb Lamp The Rayo Lamp u the best and most serviceable lamp you can find for any part of your home. . It is in use in millions of families. Its strong white light bat made it famous. And it never flickers. . In the dining-room or the parlor the Ryo gives just the light that is most eBec. tite. It is becoming limp in itself and to you. Just the lamp, too, tor bedroom or librsry. where a dear, steady light is needed. The Rayo is made of solid brass, nickel-plated ; also in numerous other styles and finishes. Easily lighted without removing shade or chimney ; easy to clean andrewiek. Ask your desk la show you he aae Rayo I loroWicireuUriosasiseyof ibe Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) $50.00 PER DAY- Sounds like big wages for any man employed in Randolph county. One of our depositors recently made more than that in one day when he tcok bis money out of his tru k and deposited it in our bank In a short time the house iu which he lived, the trunk and all its contents were burned. His money would have been gone forever if he not taken it out and put it in the bank. .... ... There are many o hers in Randolph that should have money d posited with us. You cannot tell when the fire, the thief or the pickpocket is coming. Get ready before either co es by depositing your money with us- . Bank of Ramseur RAMSEUR, NORTH CAROLINA .si The corn croD fooled lots of farmers last year. Many fields looked pood hut fell down on the yield. This was owing to a lack of available Potash, for Potash is primarily a producer of grain. Your corn must have enough quickly available Potaiji to produce well-tilled ears as well as stalks. A corn f rrtlllzcr should contain at Icnst 8 Potash better 10 no mailer In wbul iorm the fertilizer It Died. Kolnlt. 75 to 100 lbs. per r.crr. drilled In with tbe seed, will keep away cutworms and root lice. If your doalrrcnn't furnish brands rich enough in Potash nnd won't carry 1'otalt Salts so you can iMippk-mi-nt your Btabie manure or Mri--nt:t!K-u till brands ho docs carry, uruij to us lur pnc- I Bldz., Baltimore k Block, Chicano Whitney Central Cank Buildini, New Orleans rr-tt U the t Leader Sewmg ' V, ' f : bd 8,,v1 Machine Co. 'i be ol in 1682 S. .Ki;"Nf Satisfaction l -f!.'V. Highest I Standard of I Excellence with V Lifetime I Guarantee I f sW 1 Combining 1 1 Improvement I gsaanaMnmOT I Experiment 1 I , J Machine that yaaWL rr 11 has stood the I LtlBaiUalaaaJ . I test of time X INVENTIVE GENIUS MAY I 1 A Quarter of a Century is a Proof of out Reliability Ceastraet a better Bewinc Machine than the NEW LEADER, bat np to the present time it baa not been accomplished Writs (or the lowest prices erar quoted on the Biskest Grade Designs NEW LEADER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO FURNITURE Of all kinds at fair prices. Undertaking supplies. T. J. Hoover FOE SALE Timber on 125 crea of land in Back Greek town ships. One mile Sonth of J J. F. Jarrell on Salisbury Road (known at the White Farm. Consisting of oak, pine, hickory and dojrwood. Apply to Mrs. Annie M, Ooltrane, Sophia, N. O. Eon tel. FOB SALE One large 5 year old mule soind and a good worker. Also one 9 year old male, a good worker. Also one fine sorrel horse 7 years old, safe, sound, a good worker fine horse. Will sell any one or all three at a saorifioe. Apply to A. . Barns, Aeheboro, N. 0.