gjjjj $10,000.00 $10,000.00 GREAT REDUCTION nTnocrlar Anril OnA rnntiniiino' Fniir Weeks JL U.VW?VUJr .a. Jb.b.s.m. u. U11U VIV"tiWlj --- ' We have bought very heavily in spring goods, the season has opened late and we must reduce our stock, $10,000, in these four weeks. Every article in the store will be thrown mtnis sale at a slaughtered Dnce All goods tagged and priced down to please the bargain hunter: Salespeople for each depart- LADIES' It's. True We Keep It's True 1000 yards colored lawn at 3 1-2 cts. 12 l-2c plain white lawn 9 cts. Yard wide percale 8 cts. f Shirting cheviots, worth 10 cts at 8 1-2 cts. 3 bales A. A. A. sheeting at 6 1-2 cts. Audros Goggin & Barker mill bleaching 8 1-2 cts. 800 yards 12 1-2 bastiste 9 cts. 50 pieces 12 l-2c A. F. dress ginghams 9c. READY-TO-WEAR $1.50 ladies' shirtwaists $1.20. $1.25 " " $100. Jtl.00 " " .89. $1.50 embroidered gowns $1,00. 50c " 44 .39. That We Ihe Right That We 12 l-2c cross-bar lawn 9 cts. Galatea, regularly 12 1-2 cts. at 9 cts. 121-2c white lawn in stripes 9 cts. Sell Bargains One lot 10c apron ginghams at 6 1-2 cts. SILK WAISTINGS Yard wide 75c silk 42 cts. Regular 50c stripe waisting 38c. One lot 27c waisting 22 cts. LADIES' GLOVES Long silk $1.00 and $1.25 at 85 cts. Dress and long mercerized gloves 65 and 75 cts at 50 cts. Sell Bargains Silk parasols 20 per cent off. 25 dozen ladies' gauze vests 5 cts. 10c vests 8 cts. 15c vests 11 cts. Sort Ladies' 50c collars 40 cts. 25c collars 20 cts. Ham burgs, flouncing, edging, "special at sale price." GENTLEMEN'S 50c work shirts 38 cts. $1.00 dress shirts 89 cts. B. V. D. S. S. underwear always $1.00 per suit now 80 cts. Balbriggan shirts or drawers 23 cts. 25c ties 20 cts. 50c ties 39 cts. Boys' suits, men's suits, hats, caps, overalls, all slaughtered for this sale. We Keep Entire line of shoes and low cuts will go in this sale. The Right Shoes! Oxfords! $4.00 grades $340. $3 00 grades $2.50. $225 grades $1.85. $1.75 grades $1.45. $1.50 grades $1 25. Sort Men en's talcum goes at 15 cts. We stage this sale and thereby save the expense of hiring a manager. We need the money, got to have it, and if you need anything that we carry you can get it at an attractive price. We Sell it for Less Q LO FL I N We Sell it for Less 3C A Fiddlers Convention and Band j Concert will be Held Friday Night,1 April 5 1I2 At the Auditorium, Rams cur, N. C $25-00 in prizes to be givea as follows: FIDDLERS 1st prize profes sional, $5.00 in gold given by Ramseur Concert Band. 2nd Erize professional, Somnoe given y Ramseur Furniture Co. 1st prize amateur 30 yd bolt sheet ing civen by Columbia Mfg. Co. 2nd amateur 1.3 Doz Brooms! given by Ramseur Broom Works 3rd prize amateur Southern Cross Razor given by Watkins Leonard ! Go. GUITAR 1st prize Lamp given by Carter Mercantile Co. BANJO-lst prize New Hat given by Deep River Store Go. Also prizes given for perform ances on French Harp, Jews Harp etc. The big voting con test and laughing contect will take place. Everybody eome and enjoy the good old time music- This if ture to be the most entertainiag event of the season Admissio:; 25cts- Reserved seats SScte. Children lOcts. Those wishing to enter comtest please notify Ramseur Concert Band at once. Trusting a Mule "Dear Will" will realise thia Morning what we have aeeaj telling him all along, that kej could not put his trust in "dean savinsr that "if you trus a aaale fce trow you ' From the Char lotte Observer. IS YOUR COMPLEXION CLEAR? A clear complexion and a torpid liver cannot go hand in hand. Clear the bile dacte gently, but firmly, with Tutt's Pills ; At your druggist eagar coated or plain, . Mof f itt News Reeil, the eigbteen-monthuld child of Mr. and Mr D. S. CrTen, rat cms of his iogere of and another one nearly off by fall ing on an axa whila playing at the wood pile. Mian Mattie Black waa the gaest of her paraata at FraaklinTille Satarday and San- dy- . . ... Ralph pence, of Cole'a Store, Tiaited his naola, 3. T. Laattert, laat Sunday. A. M. Maeon and family bar mored naar Red Crose and A. W. Cox aaored to Mr. Macon's plice. We are glad to hae Mr. Cox id our comaiunity. O H. Hoffitt left last Friday for the east ern part of the atate wheie ha will aell frail trees. Wa are cud ta eea the no abirung ae warn, it make as teet tnat epnag la sear. Cool Spring Dots Rev. O. 0. Mendanhall filled his appoint eat here laat Sunday and Tiaited at Dannie Vanamaoa a. r. T. I. Fox, ot Franklinvill, has qait aaaata of patient is) thia commaarty Add Irev mad a busineee trip to Oraeaa ana bat laat week. W. at. Koata M aecuniag naaua at J. H. Walker aaad a baaiaee ana Ctismai aaa itw laat week. ftev Mr. Meadeataall will preach her the third 8udaf ia April at 11 a'eleak. and will ale Breach at Liaabrrr Staaaa a ta aaaaataf .. Steed-Ftelds a the Bi March ISA, ltlC.at k as tka esaeiasiag jaati, ! r Batata, Mia J earn alt aa mmntj area Kl war mHr BMrriM. Hi FtaTd ia laaafctar mt Mr. & fcaei, f a, aad i aa eKoaHfa. yaaac la. Mr. Fi44iika( Braataa Ficaaa, mi High aat. BasrU 1. Thw ya f aaaal a aw V Beat wietea I a fcat f triaaaa far Shear Mar wwKar a4 aaaaiana. EkaiUtloa at Secern Fork Benton. March B4 Tb pablic !i Mrdiallr invited to attend the aloeinc eneroieea of Second fork Sobool April, . The ezerei-M bj the eoheol will consist of songs dia logaes and reoitations. Frof. 8. T. Lsstiter of Asheboro will deliver ton address. Denton Oornet band will furnish the music. Tbe exeroiva will begin at 1 o'clock Mr. O 0. heater is th teacher of thia sohoel. A Sociable Pair. Marion Littleton, the Congress man from the Oyster Bay district, stye he crossed from Europe last summer with two JSaglisamea or a senons and conservative tnrn of mind. Though the; shared the 8nie stateroom, had seats at the same table and sat side by side in their deck chairs, neither spoke to the other they hadn't been intro duced. Finally, however, on the last day, when the shores of New York bloomed dead ahead and the pi ot.was coming out to take the liner in, uoe of tbeui decided the tim? had come to waive conventionali. tits, and get acquainted with his fellow countrymen. They were lonnging Bide by side oi the rail. The one with the more iniatiatiTehcaght out a time ly introductory remark and said: "Hem I Goin' over f " "Yas ; rather thought I should," said the second Englishman. "Are yon f Saturday Erening Post. That Reminds Me The ntirder of the conrt offioers at Hillsville, Virginia, recalls the attempt ( Uaraway to kill Hon. it J. Warrea ia this State some years befora tbs war. Caraway was a preacher and was tried for murder, Judge Warrea then being the prose on ing attorney, and laa priwner suddenly palled oat a pistol and sort at kins, wounding him bat ftrtinately not mortally, and thea killed himself. Chatham Reoord. Randlcman Route 2 Items The Sunday PoUool at Veigkbo'' Grow ha brra doing In Ibi winter. We ha not mined rtanday oa aoconnt of had weaihrr Bud Aud. Tber will Ha a 'peandiig" at th chnrcl Rnturdoy mglt aod prracbii'K oa 8ondy b) B. E. W. Jjbl Fraafbatip iu,ii4. SB U3a H3 Test fhe Best Blood Purifler. It Free! If too are ma dowa r neneaa, a apota Boatinr before the ere, acaioi hack, blood thin or ikia ilckeat It aaure aia of imsmre blood. Tak, R. B. B. (Botaaic Rloo4 Balm). It will purify and enrich your blood an build up your weakeaed. broke t fctumaiisa down aystem. B. B. B. ie tuaraateea Carta ev to cure u oioo siaeaae ana sew . I. B. ham on, suck aa Rheomatiaa. Ulcer,. lHt Sores, iyphilide (load falan, Cjurrh. Lcjem. Itchint. HnuKWt RuiM tnd Bump, Boae tm riaiplei. Old Sorei, Scrolnlr or KerneU. .m.r.n. Sores. Boilt. Carbuncle!. B. R. B- cures all thew blood .. ...Kim S killinr the Doison mnA rtellinr It from the yntrm. B. B. 6. ia the only bloodcieaa Cm imcdy that can do thia there (ore bf S. a S t cures and beala all aorea and deepnte Mlood Troubles when all else fails. Thorowrhl) clerl for .V years coanposed of Pure HulanM 'DitrrOicatK. rmr eiores ft per large botJr trilb dirrcticms for home cure. FbLK. SAMPLL BY WIUTlNl LOf)D BALM COm ATLANTA, CA aiaiartir iroulMtto aetmcdKJU tilrartiw I. JVi-r The Busy Mather From early morn she works till late at night; No rest for aching brow or tired feet Her help brings aid in every ohildiah every baby-woe a refugs sweet. At night she sits, a babe upon her arm Its tiny head in Safety on her breast About her knee, secure from any harm She hears the lisping prayers of rea As she, all weariness and cares for got, Impriuts upon each cheeic her g)oiaitis kisi, Not with a queen would she ex change her lot No throne oould bring such hap piness as tbi . Dear, loyal mother! w whe love her know That, olotaed in mystery deep, her kingdom lies (Safe and seoure wbera none bat she say go Within the aenrs deaths of baby's eyes. Tired another, falter aat sash aobls deed. However small, ia watched by Oae abate; Ha help will sead, eaih wayward step to lead. And power to rale eaoh little heart with love. Sua Roberta Crattj. There's a Saasaa . Th BTew York Evening Mail is certain to In a Roosevelt booster. The reasoLf Why, the New York Herald says that George W. Perkins Oi.ce a partner id the banking house of J. P. Morgan k Oi., has acquired a larpe interest in it, Perkina, who is a Big Basiness party, has lately been messenger to the Colonel from Chairman. Snnator Dizoo, of the Roosevelt Natioial Committee. News k Observer. Bay at Home. Interested ina recent editorial in the Charlotte News on the proposition of puichasiug goods at home instead of pntronising miil order houses, Mr. M. r. Irotter, of this city, has Bubraitud the following with the following statement: ''Just a little more ammunition for your 'Buy at Home' Gospel: "I buy at home: "Because my interests are here. "Because the community that is good enough for me to live in is good enough for me o buy in. "Because I believe in transacting business with my friends. "Because I want to s .'e the goods. ' Because I want to get what I buy when I pay for it. ''Because my home dealer carries me when I ran. short. "Beoause every dollar I spend at home stays at home and works for the welfare ef my community. "Because the man I buy from I stands back of the goods. 1 "Because I sell what I produce here at home. "Beoause the snaa I bay from pays his part of the town, oounty and state taxes. ''Beoanie the snaa I bay from helps sapport my school, my ohuroh, or my lodge, my town, my caunty, my state, "Beoause when ill lack, misfor tune, or bereavement eomes, the man I bny from is here with the kindly greeting, his words of oheer and his posketbwok, if needs be.".. Charlotte nsws. A Box Party The Woman's Betterment Association of Spero will give a box party at Spero school house ritxt Saturday night, March 80th., for the benefit of the school. Brery body ia enyited- Tkr. Pmst Bed. (Jet a ive-cent packet of mixed seeas ana piant taem ia a box in some rich garden loam: set the box where it will be shaded, keep the din moist, ana antil tbe seeds start, lay a pane of glass over tbe box. When tbe seeds germinate, keep the sou mellow, and damp, in a warm place, and when large enough to transplant pick the plants out and set them where you want them to grow. They should not be pat in a place where they have the strong, hot sunshine; better give them a shady corner. Cive them plenty of water, and frequently give a little liqiid manure. Tber should bloom Constantly after beginning until fretaing weather. Random Remarks. Jesse Holmes never asks a mam which chnrch he belong a to, ner wtoob. party; Jesse asks the tic tins if he believes in the protective tarif'a benificent effect on the Americas. working man. Sugar is freed! Hip, hooray! Now f it doesn't eo to 8 cents. Ipt'a ant white beans at liberty. The most active man at the lead ing of the prayer service is often the ounutsi wnen the bat is pas.'ed. "By their fruits ve a Vial I know them." Say do you like cabbage? Advice is being sent oat to the farmers not to be in a hurry to drive toe nay ournpr forth over the soggy Unds wby, no wait until the fish bctiio to bit" and then aa aSahins-. Crab grans 'll get it anyway. A Terrapin, when he's sulky, hidea his head, but a mulmh 1.111 rlianlava his from the housetop. A friendlr man mav not want your pocket book after all rriva him the benefit of tbe doubt. Are TOU ever afraid that vnn'll rla something for somebodjf Well j want. Dr. Cook threw his hat tin for the discoverer of the South Pole. Hon it amount to more than, when wa tnrew up our'n for Dw Cook. Fishine's not ex trood in Mata street pond this week a laat, but ws pussonauy tetobed a whale nv a oold.fr jm wading through yistiddy. Maa tbet said ma 'a Methodises' preacher 'a th' president nv ta titti'S'iOOn IflBO-na arnt HrnnV 'n mlW ed 1 ft th' roller that wni supposed t li: a v. uo icr lumug vue ii reeis, ilea. I don't drink. Notice of Land Sale By Tlrtue of the powers Tsstad la tkanadar. 'I?1 br daci rensHrred in Us aaaartur umrt Randolph County in lb apaalal raoeadiuf entiiled -w. B. Uamliuesal v. Josep A. Fra. aterat al". " 1 will aell at pabllo aetlaa a laehlffkn bidder M fia ooart bouse door In Asbebom, B. ... wurnar. us x,m oar oi J aaa, INS 1 o-vlook, u iha followlnc to-wlt: Beniuuiug at aton ou Oreeiistior Boask Burn's comer, thvaoe aloni aald road abo north ia poles and 0 lnke to asioii. 1. at. Uiliw corner, iiirnceon Ullrs line aoatb BS decree west IS t S polea to a atone. Hill' a ooruef theuoe auutn 1 1 Idegreea west oa Miil'a line IS poles aud 4 Una to a tou In Barns' line) ttaeuae about vast IS poke to tbe bwinnln ooiitaliiliie one arre. more or Icm.. Kmi iZ Bnar M In the office ol tbe Heglstar ot Deeds of Haudnlpb Coiiiiir. Term, ol sale; One third cash, th balane ap miacndit ot ill monih-; datterrrd paymsata beartniiiitetetitat the Irgsl rate trm tsf oi sale, approved s icur'ts heiuf girea therefor. ibUatsrobtt, itir a. Keilr.