THE COURIER Asheboro, N. C , April 18. 1912 rsoooooeoooooooooooooooopo jj LOCAL and PERSONAL OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU Mr. 8. S. Cox, of Brown, was in town Tuesday on business, Ool W, P. Wood of Raleigh spent Sunday here with relatives. j. 8. MoAlister of Greensboro was in town ajew hours Tuesday. Mr. W. 0. Hammer is attending Troy Court this week. Bheriff Birkhead went to Trinity Monday on business. w;88 AUie Spoon went to Win. ston 8aturday for a visit to relatives. Mrs. Annie M. Bobbins and Mr. Henry Kobins went to Randleman Friday for the day. , Rev. W. E. 8waim went to Greens, boro Mondey to attend the Men and Religion Forward Movement. ' Mr. Clifford Cox returned to the Univarsity Saturday after a week's tay at home. ' Miss Florence York, of Central Falls, is spnuding a few days with her sister, Mrs. Henry Pugh- .. Mm "NTntna Thernburar and chil dren were in town shopping last Saturday. T n.!. TT-11 DaaV Will Mrs. f . .uhb tiun v S. 0., visited her sister, Mrs. R. B. Burns, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hal M. Worth left Tuesday for a ten days visit to tnends in Baltimore. Miss Susie Kinney of Asheboro Rt. 1 was m town snoppmg nrss oi the week. .. Mr. J. E. Williamson' of Worth aie-was in town a .few lours Tues day afternoon. Miss Rosa Rush of Wilmington .: v no.onfa M and Mra. Z. F. Rush. Col. A. 0. MoAlister is attending the meeting of Orange Presbytery in Chapel Hill tnis weex. Mr Moses Hammond has gone to Clinton for a several montns Btay with his daughter. Miai TiAnra Stimson spent the week tad with relatives in Handle man. , Mrs. E. L. Anman and Miss Etta Blair tepent Thursday in uignroini withp&r?. A. Jtt. Kan kid. Ni R. 0. Kelly is back after a visit to the family ot Mr. jaoraaici tn Dnrbam. m n B. MoOrarv returned Sun day from a business trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lovett have gone to housekeeping m west Asne. boro. Mrs- S. L. Hay worth went to Win slon-Salem. Tuesday morning to at tend tie state missionary meeting Mrs- Kemp Alexander left Tues day for Kernersvllle and Albemarle where she will visit for a week or ten days. Rev. T. M. Johnson will alk on Sunday school work next Sunday at 3 o'clock at the Holiness church' in Asheboro. Everybody invited. Miss Elbie Miller visited her aunt Mrs. Graves who is a patient in the Junior Order Hospital in High Point on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bowden, of New York are visiting the family of T. O. Bowden in Handleman this week. . 1 Mrs. H. B. Hiatt and children who have been visiting relatives in Baltimore for the past month re turned Monday -night, Mr. O. J. Coffin, formerly of the Courier force but now with the Charlotte News was in town Satur day and Sunday. ' Messrs. 0. V. Woosley, W. 0. Hammond, J. V. Hunter and J. A. Spence attended the ball game at Greensboro Saturday. Mrs. J. T. tJnderwood has gone to Winston-Salem to attend the Missionary meeting, thence she will So to Albemarle to visit Miss Lena pinks. . ; ,-.-- .7 . ; A dog supposed to be mad came to A. 8. Pugn's Sunday evening, bit this dog and E. P. Spoon's and went on and bit Bob Kinney's, and then they succeeded in killing the dog. Mrs. Nancy Wood, familiarly known as Aunt Nancy, died in Guil ford county the 24th of March, at the advanced age oi eighty-nine years,)and was buried at Lee's chapel, aix miles from Greensboro. There will be a sale of 300 tush els of corn and some household fur niture at the Allen Fuller farm on U wharrie near the KearnS old mill, 1 by the anministratort of H. H. Parker, deceased. t Mr. E.' E. Pugh was a business visitor in High Point Saturday. Mrs. C. H. Rush went to Aber deen Saturday for Sunday. ' - .Miss LmnieSDorsett, of Farmer, was in town oaturaay suoppiug. Mr. Jam's W. Swaim, of Greens boro, was at home over Sunday. Mr. P. H. Morris was a business visitor in Greensboro Friday. Misses Swanna Lowdermilk and Emma Ridge of Why Not were in town Saturday. '". A Mrs. J. T. Underwood and Miss Edna Ltughlin went to Randleman Friday for the day. Mrs. Wm. 0. Hammer and daugh ter Harriette, are in Winston-Salem this wek. Mrs. Hammer Is attend ing the state missionary meeting. Mn. Z. S. Moffitt, and daughter, Mibs Oli?e . were in town : Friday shopping and made the Courier a pleasant call. -. ' F. T. Cox of Newton visited h's mother, Mrs. Nancv Cox, last week. She went home with him for perhaps a long visit. Mrs. Annie M; Coltrane, widowof the late James Coltrane, died of pneumonia in her 67th year at her home on the old plank road in New Market township on April 9th. Miss Delia H. Matthews oP Fay. etteville, business women and one time superintendent of the Fayette ville city schools, fell dead as she was walking home from her busi. hess last Friday. Dr. Ross of Greensboao, Sec. of the Guilford conntv Board of Health will be here with his stereoptican the 23rd and will make a talk at night on ihe evils arising from the fly. The leoture will be illustrated ana very instructive. Mr. Fletcher Bulla has a position with the Home Building and Ma- terial Company at Asheboro .during vacation. Hi will return to wayne county in August, where he will re. sume his duties as principal of one of Wayne county's public ' high schools. , Mr. Bulla is a most acuvt young man, well (quipped, aud has made good as a school teacher and everything else he undertakes. HELPFUL HINTS ON HAIR s HEALTH. 6olp and Hair Trouble Generally Caused by CareleMneaa. Dandruff Is a contagious disease caus ed by a microbe which also produces baldness. Never use a comb or brush belonging to some one else. - No matter how cleanly the owner may. be, these articles may be Infected with microbes, which will Infect your scalp. It Is far easier to catch hnlr microbes than It is to get rid of them, and a single stroke of an Infected comb or brush may well lead to baldness. Never try on any body else's hat Many a hat-band Is resting place for microbes. If you happen to be troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair or baldness, we have a remedy which we believe will completely relieve these troubles. We are so sure of this that we offer it to you with the understand ing that it will cost you nothing for the trial if it does not produce the results we claim. This remedy Is called Bex all "93" Hair Tonic. We honestly be lieve it to be the most scientific rem edy for scalp and hair troubles, and we know of nothing else that equals It for effectiveness, because of the re sults it has produced in thousands of cases. Reiall "93" Hair Tonic is devised to banish dandruff, restore natural color when its loss has been brought about by disease, and make the hair natural ly silky, soft and glossy. It does this because it stimulates the hair follicles, destroys the germ matter, and brings about a free, healthy circulation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots, causing them to tighten and grow new hair. We wa vbcdy no has any trouble with hair or scalp to know that we think that Rezall "93" Hair Tonic Is the best hair tonic and restor ative in exlstence.and no one should scoff at or doubt this statement until they have put our claims to a fair test, with the understanding that they pay vs nethlng for the remedy if it does not give full and complete satisfaction to every particular. Two sizes, BO cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rezall Remedies - only at our store The Rezall Store. Seeing ia believing: take a view of the nrooertv of Asheboro real estate agents,! and you will be surprised at the low price at which desirable lo cations for homes or factories can he obtained. There are nleasant neighbors, good stores, plenty to do if you are a lab. oring man. Carpenters, shop-hands, day laborers are all in demand. You ill find life worth living here. . Bear in mind that prices for real estate in Asheboro are not only now lower in Aaheboto than else 'where but that values are rapidly increas ing in Asheboro. -; ,'' Asheboro is the coming town of this section is often heard by strangers coming to town. Warm Weather UNDERWEAR For Ladies For Gentlemen The' present continued warm weather indicates that you will have no more need of heavy win ter underwear. Come Se our light and comfortable undergarments, low neck and short sleeves and knee lengths. Porosknit Union Suits. A new lot of up-to-date things for our store just in, includ ing "Thomson's Glove Fitting" Corsets. For Women, "Patrician" Shoes. ... : i For Men, "Korrect Shape" Shoes. CG.frazier & Son Good Milcb Cow for Sale For further information write or phone W. A. Graven, at Coleridge, N. C. 418 It FOUND The place to buv high class eggs, from prize winners at farmers 'prices. White Urpingtoos, black minorca8. Get the best and hey will do the reBt. Midnight ronicry f arm, u. in. onarpe, Ane horo, JK. 0. ...,.s , . 4.18 NOTICE TO 8T0CK RAISERS, The Kenrn Mill Stock L'omnanv. French imported stallion Honca will stand at his stable at Kemp's Mills this season.. Terms, $15.00, colt stand and suck. A'l care will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not ttind good for any. W, A Craven, president, J. W. Brown. secretary and treasurer. 4.18 4t Announcement. , At the Randolph Fair and Pool try show we have decided to offer the following prizes to breeders of Hammer's Quality chickens ; To the one exhibiting the best pen of Orpingtons, $3 cash ; to the one exhibiting best pen of iieg horns, $3 in cash ; to the one exhibiting best female, $1.50; to the one ex hibing the best male, $1 50 ; to the one exhibiting the best display of Hammer s Uiality, So cash prize, You must buy your eggs from us and mention the fact that yon are going to compete. We nave reduced the price on our famous leghorns to $1 per setting, and our Orpingtons to S2 tor balance or season. Hammer's Quality Orpingtons and white and brown leghorns won over all others at Randolph fair, be. sides they won Guilford, Winston. Salem and Charlotte. At the three latter places we did not Bend our brown leghorns. At Asheboro our browns beat the winners at the other places and would have won there had we exhibited them. 'i Waveland Farm, 4 8 lm Asheboro, N. 0. Notice. Baying auallHed as admintator on the estate of Mrs. jsnza Motmt, aeceaaea, Deiore w. v. urmmona. ueri oi wt superior court Ranaoipn OOULtT. All person! baring claims against said estate are nosinea to present tnem io me unaeraigneo. duly verified, on or before the Wth da; oi March 1918 or thin nonce will be pleaded in bar of tbeir recovery, and all persons owing said es tate wiU come forward and make immediate settlement Tbla 29th day Ol March, 1912. ill. Jan Momtt aamr. Mrs. Bliza MofflSt. dee'd Notice Bavins Qualified asadmrz on the estate o- Annle MT Coltrane, deceased, before W. C. Bam mood. Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph onnntv. - All persons having claims agatnat laid estate are notified to to present them to the undersign ed, duly verified, on or before the It day ot April 1918 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tbeir recovery, and aU persons owing said es tate will oome forward and make immediate settlement. This 16 day of April, 191S. A. a. sawarat - admix., Sophia Rt. 1, Auction Sale Mining Property. Bv virtue oi an order of the Snnarior court ot Randolph county, made at the Marob term of Randolph county Superior oeurt, in the case enuuea J. J. rugn agarose ine sanny oreea uoia uo., i win on weaneeaay, tne istn aay oi Mav. lali. at 11 o'clock aa m. tell at nubllo auc tion to we oignesi maoer, lor oasn, on tne pre mises at the Sandy Creek Gold Co.. near Grays Chapel, In Randolph count , the following pro perty, to wit I One Ames boiler sboat im horae power, com. pletei one large side crank engine oomplet. one or two small engines, one Champion rock crusher. Hall Duplex pump complete, Kent Goll Mill, two concentrating machines and futures, Kron Oar crnaher. Gravity oar driver, electric motors and equipmt nt, a lot of shafting, pulleys, tools, fixtnraa. Dower aad hand drills. DlDlnK of various sixes, oils and supplies of nearly every kind needed In the operation of a Brat class gold mine, tosieiher with equipment for the operation of the mine. Also a lot of good house bole and kltooin furniture and other things too tedious to mention. This lbs Win day o! April, law. . t, w. Miraoeao, onerm. i THE VELVET KIND Is sold at our Fountain. It's ihe kind of Ice Cream that is hard! to keep it sells too fast. Our Drinks this season are theJBEST YET. The rate at which they are selling IS THE EVIDENCE WE GET. We don't ask you to buy, but after one trial OUR DRINKS SELL THEMSELVES. Try the "Velvet Kind." - f ' J. S. EAST, Mgr. ''Nothing overlooked in our. attention to customers." 0OO0OO000O(X)OOOOOOO0OOOOOCO0O0OOOO Do You Know That A. C. Bonkemeyer is the 'exclusive agent for the Great Marion Automobile. It doesn't require any HOT AIR to say that this is the best car in the world for the money. call on or write a. C. Bonkemeyer, Agent Post Office Box 419 177 East Market St., Greensboro, N. C., ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosxoot One trio of mammoth Pekin docks for sale. Price $5 00. , Jonn M. nammer. FOR SALE Three hundred bush els mixed row pas S. A. Cox, Plagah, N. C. Phono Spencer Grocery Co' and get a galloa of best molasses out of that hogshead. LOST A bunch of keys between iposl office and court house 8 or 10 keys. Finder will please return to my office in court house and receive reward. . Geo. T- Murdock FOR SALE One fine Jersey cow. Excellent qualities. D M Sharpe, Aghebore, N. 0. 4 18 SUITABLE REWARD will be paid for return of red-eyed setter pup which strayed from my home last week. Hal. M. Worth. Buy vonr groceries of J. 0. Han. nab. Everything fresh and up-to-date. Prompt delivery. Call 'phone 134. SEE W. W. JONES' Cash 8ore for bargains in Shoes.Hats, Motions, DryGoods, Clothing, New 'Home Sewing Machines, and supplies. 2t J. L. Norman Stand. FARMERS -Bring yonr ties to us. We set the prioe three cents more than yon have been getting. Hinshaw & Betts. It Shepherd Puppies for Sale May 15th delivery. Male $5, female $2.50. Waveland Farra,A8heboro, N. 0. 2t Wanted A hnmler of good teams to eo-to Ellerbe, N. C; Richmond county, to haul pine lumber. Will give permanent employment and pay good prices. Tne uox liumoer uo., inc. LISTEN ! Yon ought to set that hen of yours this month on 15 of my thoronghbred white Rock or white Leghorn eggs. Tbey will only coBt yon $1.00. Randolph Poultry Frm, Asheboro, N. C W. A. Coffin, Pioprietor. 4-H tf FOR SALE A very desirable lot on Sunset avenne, 75 feet front and 175 feet back. If interested call on or write A. C. Bonkemeyer, 117 E. .Market street, Greensboro, N. C. Box 419. 4 114t FOR SALE At good Bargains several second hand automobiles ranging in price from $175 to $775. If interested call or write A; 0. Bonkemeyer, 117 E. Market street, Greensboro, N. O. Box 419. ,4-11 4t FOR SALE One 200 egg capac ity New Jewel Incubator, one 140 cyphers, one 70 egg cyphers, cheap, all in good condition ; have hatched 90 and 91 per cent. Reason for sale, through hatching for season and ex- Get to install a mammoth next fall, idnieht Poultry Yards, D. W. SharDe. Asheboro. N. 0. 4 18 tf FOR SALE HO acre farm in the irestern part of Rindolph county good buildings and oonvienient to good school and church. ' I also have two small farms for sale one near Sophia and one near Randleman.' Both of these farms have good buildings and good wells of water.- 1 . . - . Jaa. A. Lamb, . Randleman, N. 0. oooooooooooocxx?oooooc?oooooeeeewwewaeeeweeeeewaew - FOR FIFTEEN YEARS We have operated drug stores and 'compound' ed prescriptions our particular study. Your doctor will bear witness that four untiring ef forts in this line have made us a "Reputation" in this town and county. They will also ex plain to you that that is the reason why some times in serious cases where the doctor is par ticularly anxious not to take any chancest he spee'dies his prescriptions filled, at our store. Prescription department in charge of a Li censed, Registered Druggist. Day phones 25 and 84; night phones 4 and 126. Standard Drug -Company Asheboro, N. C. oooooooooooooooooooooooooocxxxxxxxxxxxxioaoooooooooa Have Your Old Suit Made NeW at ASHEBORO PRESSING & TAILORING CO. W. P. Roystef, Prop. ' Over Spoon & Redding's Store Phone 148. , We guarantee all our work. All work called for and delivered the same day' 0O00O0000O000O00000OOOOOC)00OOOO0XX)OOOO0OOOO0O0OOOOOO The Wonderful Overland Always Running Without hesitation, A. C: Bonkemeyer says: The wonderful Overland Automobile is the best Pop nlar Priced Car in the world. Investigate and see for yourself. - A. C. BONKEMEYER, Agt. 117 E. Market Street Greensboro, N. C. Spring Time is Here When you wish the Meats that come to your table to be' . - Strictly Pure and Tender You will find everything: here the best, including Spring Lamb and Spring Chickens. Fish every day in the week except Monday. SPECIAL Butter Fish Saturday, the first of the season. Star Meat Market Phone 87. -

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