I FOR AGED PEOPLE. bid Folk Should Bo Careful In Their I Selection of Regulative Medio! no. ' We have a safe, dependable, and al together ideal remedy tnat Is particu larly adapted to the requirements of aged people and persons of weak con titatlons who suffer from constipa tion or other bowel disorders. We are . eo certain that it will relieve these complaints and give absolute satisfac- 5 ion in every particular that we offer t with our personal guarantee that it tahall cost the user nothing if It fails to substantiate our claims. This rem edy is called Rexall Orderlies. Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like candy, are particularly prompt and agreeable in action, may be taken at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness, or other undesirable effects. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, apparently act ing as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel. thus overcoming . weakness, and aid ing to restore the bowels to more "vigorous and healthy activity. Three lzes, 10c., 25c., and 50c. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. Frnfclinvill Notes Quite an excitement wm crested in tow Bnnday evening when a vicioa dog attach ed Clyde Basaell and badly scarred his face, arm and tore his olotbing. The dog mad j his etcape and it is hoped that be wm not effected with hydrophobia. Kev. B. Townaenri, of Siler City, preached an able sera.;!! a( the B, iptjajfr (fonroh San .(!, ' "!!e Mary arka, of farka X Roads, spent Sunday here with her ai-tcr, Miss Nina Parks. liisaes Minnie Tippett and Fred Jorda went to Greensboro shopping, Saturday. O. L. Cox, of High Point, is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. C. Cox, on the siok list. Little Lizzie Parks is spending s few days in Sanford with her grandmother, Mrs. Kate Makepeace. Robert West, of Greensboro, spent Sun day in the city with his sister, Miss Bell West. Joe Foust made a business trip to Siler CitT one day last week. Dr. T. I. Fox made a business trip t Greensboro Saturday returning Sunday eve ning. B. C. Curtis has bought the Langley resi dence ana store b-iilding on Academy street. Mack Maner and Neal McCorquadale at tended the Philsthea and Bancs Bute Con vention at Salisbury Saturday and Sunday. Several of eur people attended a birthday dinner given in honor of Miss Jane All red a abort distance southwest of the city Sunday. T. M . Johnson, who has been on the siok list for several dsys, is reported to be improving. Everett Welch has added another fine blooded Doe Jersey to his dairy business R. L. Elkin and little Pauline spent Sun day at Greensboro with Mr. and Mrs. G. G Hendricks. Saves Leg ol Boy "It seemed that my 14-year old boy would have to lose his leg, on account on an ugW ulcer, cauaed by a bad bruise," wrote D. F Howard, Aqnone, N . 0- "All remedies and doctors treatment failed till we tried Buck- We Arnisa Salve, and cured him with one box." Cures burns, boils, skin eruptions, piles. 25c at Standard.Drug Company and Rexall Store. "Worthville Dots C. W. Hinshaw, of this place, went to Millboro Saturday night and instituted a Jr. 0. U. A. M., Council No. 394. The fol lowing officers were elected : J r. P . C . , J . C. Coltraoe; C , P. P. Fentress; V. C, '. E. Julian; E. S., J.T. Hayes; A. B. 8., W. A. Beddios: F. S , J. A. Bedding: Treas.t B. W. Pugh; Con., Claud Routb; Warden, W. F. Deaton: Chapl in, J. M. Aldndge; I 8., Benton Ellis; O. S Percy Wood; Trus tees, W. G. Allridge, J. M. . Aldridge and C. E. Julian; Rep., J. C. Coltrane. A. E. Billiard and son was in town yes terdsv. Mrs Bertha Kimes, who has been visit ing Miss Myrtle Johnson for soms time, wil' return to her home in Danville, Va , Tues day. Young and old have them. Some abuse them. They get tired, starred. SYMPTOMS: Los? of sleep and appetite, in digestion, irritability, eventually wrecked con stitution. Alcoholic remedies stimulate only. Scott's Emulsion soothes and nourishes, feeds the"nerves. A natural nerve-food, con taining the salts of Hypo puosphites, Iodine and Glycerine. 110 ALCOHOL. Great System Perfected by M. Soyer, Famous London Chef. ITS MANY ECONOMIES. By Martha 'MoCulloch Williams. A dollar's worth of paper bags will be ample to cook for any average family throughout a month. Add a box of clips at ten cents they will be good for another month, and still an other In careful hands and the out lay la still inconsiderable. Add still further fifty cents for greasing a pound of lard, half a pound of butter. half a pound of drippings and the total is still more than moderate. Not withstanding, it is more than plenty of us would care to spend monthly merely in the Interest of flavor or even of ease. Plenty more of us like to take duties laboriously, feeling that thus we win to the kingdom of thrift. So If there were no economic offset. paper baj cooking would have to be reckoned either fad or a luxury. It is neither it has come to stay. Say you pay three to four dollar! a month for gas which is about a fair average. It the paper bag cook ing cuts this a third, it has almoftt paid for Itself at one fell swoop. next comes the saving in Quantity of food. copked; Paper bag cooking Is one-nun to one-iounn aneaa tnere. In sot cooking the scales show a 15969-IISM uiat of bag cooking. ims is a saving weu worm wane, ye far from telling the whole tonr. Yhingfj Jajf-cooked noujlsir tetter be cause, uey are, more r.eaauy uikcbi? Set this eitra nourisnment at one- tenth ot the food cost, and the food cost for a family ten dollars a week. Right there you have more the price of bags, grease, clips, etc. almost tne cost of the gas. - But even then the sum in domestic economy is just fairly begun. Paper bag cooking not only saves thus nega tively by preventing loss and insur ing full edibility, but positively and In many, many ways, as, for example. In the food bought Round steak Is more nourishing than any other but the fact has been held to be offset by the extra dentist's bill the eating of it necessitated. Paper bag cooking makes it as tender as porterhouse itself moreover, there is no bone to be thrown away nothing but clear meat. And the favorable difference in price runs from eight to ten cents the pound. Living Is dearer in every, way the one possible alleviation of this in creasing cost, without skimping of ap petites, is In buying things less costly and so cooking them as to make tne difference ail in their favor. Paper bag cooking will do it; it has done it .for me. Let's recapitulate. Say one uses one hundred and fifty bags in the month, and then allow sev enty-five cents tor clips, lard, butter, and dripping. This gives an initial debit of two dollars beginning the ao count thus; . v i MBIT. Paper bags) butter, clips, orle month fZ.OO CREDIT. Gas saved 11.00 Saved in wear and tear (5 per cent) 60 Food saved ($1.00 a week) .... $4 .00 Saved on meat (75 cents week) $3.00 Roast Ducks, Banana Stuffing. Wash your ducks well inside with cold salt water it they are wild ducks let them lie in the salt water for fif teen minutes. Drain, wipe dry Inside and out, and season very lightly with salt and paprika inside, sprinkling black pepper on the outside. Set on Ice while you make a stuffing of ba nanas cut in small cubes, mixed with their own bulk of toasted bread crumbs and seasoned with salt, black pepper, a little chopped celery and plenty of cold butter. Stuff the ducks lightly, truss firmly, grease well all over and tie thin bacon over the breasts. Put in. a well greased bag, fitting them close together. Add the juice of a lemon, a wineglass of either claret or sherry, seal bag and cook in a hot oven ten minutes, then slack heat, and finish it ought to require about forty minutes more. (Copyright, 1911, by Associated literary Press.) PASTRY. : By . Nicolas 8oyer, Chef of Brooks' Club, London. Pastry, cakes and sweets generally are wonderfully improved by being cooked in paper bags. The concen tration of heat which is thus gained has the effect of making tne puff paste lighter and more regular in texture and all cake mixtures "rise" in a manner the open oven cannot produce. Then again the cooking takes much less time, and I need not point out the value of this. In the old style the oven door bad frequently to be opened to watch progress. The pastry was thus exposed to draughts of cool air, which could but produce "doughy,1 heavy and unsatisfactory results. Puff Paste: Take one pound flour. three-quarters of a pound butter, and mix the flour with water and salt light ly, to the consistency of Hitter. Leave this dough for half an hour; then flat ten it with your hand, and lay your butter on top of the paste. Then fold four-corner war. and cive itttwo rolls as usual' Leave yemr paste in a cool place for forty-five minutes, then roll i twice more. Leave it for forty-ova minutes; and roll twice again.. Place jit in a larger paper bag VWch wia I not touch the paste. Put on broiler 'and allow' twenty minutes In ahot oven "" j (Coryrlgbt, 1011. by Sturgls & Walton Con-.i'iisy. GIVE NO, WE DON'T 9H"MAT AWA But We Do Guarantee REAL Values at our Sales We are offering you the best opportunity for a small investment that will grow and increase in value at bur GRAND AUCTION SALE Of Business and Residential Lots at on Friday, April 26th, 1912 The lots, many of them, are in the vry centre of this growing: town. We are going to sell them at Auction, the fairest way to buy land. Your, price will be ours. There are no bybidders at' our sale. Be sure to attend this sale. Other people have 'accumulated wealth by in vesting small amounts in small towns, why not you? Denton is growing and pushing ahead. The person buying land at this sale will be glad later on. Sale Begins at 10:00 O'clock a. m. TERMS: One third cash, balance in three and six months. MUSIC BY BAND. JOHN M. HAMMER Real Estate Asheborp, North Carolina. Should it be pouring rain, sale will be deferred until next day, Saturday, April 27th. ' u O o o tt o o o n o o o o o o o o o o o o t 1 TAKE Ti m w Msiin ; 1 me o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o tt i 1 Z J North Carolina Superior Court R.nrtolnb Countr Before the Clark. Jaa. T. wood, aum ol Kaoch Jtrdan. rieod v uotioe Nanor Jordan et al Tuo defendants, Nancv Llwnby Daifdaosi Minnie Llenby White and husoaod. Whit, and Jeme JOrdan will tak. nolloe that' an aoatotk entitled as above baa been commiioed acainaS tbam In h. Superior )urtrl atndolph ooaalr before the Clerk of said court and that anuaon has latoMi agalnut them returnable on the 1 dyo' May. lDISbalnre W.O H.amond, Clack of said ooart at bia oftlo. la A.aeboro, N. that the Datura and subject matter oteaidae. hVoa I as follows, to -wit: an art loo to sell that, certain land owned by the lata Knock Jordaav situate In Randolph count?. North Carolina, to . rakokasetatoPaytb. 4ebttof said Buooh lat in, 4d and to allot the dower of Mapov Jor dan, Widow of aaid Bnoch Jordan In r- tmrAm ml aaid mm. . thkt aald dabndanas arar blr at law of aaid Btioon oordaa, aald d.iand-1 aas ar. further notified to b. and appear bev torasaJd Olerk at aforcatd Um and Plao. named for return of summon, and aoaww or demur f th petition of petitioner of the relief drratnded thoreln will be (rented. . TbJ.prfl,ma W. O. Hammond, Clerk superior Conn Mndolph Cooatr A HEAVY Hnn :. . A pretty iUTo iieu of V aTii? C Pillc id im lure in iU work. Yott will b curpriaed at tLc bTast1cIl rMalri A "Urrrlat MU-ar coaired orl t:. - n

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