THE COURIER , ,". : ASHEBORO. N- C-, Sept 19, 1912. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Don't fall to hear the orphans at' auditorium tonight- v Mr. Everett Luck, of High Point, va8 in towni Tuesday. Squire W-N- Elder, of Trinity, was in Ashe boro. Tuesday- , Mr- L- B- Spinks, of near Randle--man, was in lown yesterday. t ; Mrs- E- E-.Pugh' returned Friday -from a visi' relative aH Glenola- Al and 'Gene are making poor peed getting recruits tor their party- y - ' ; : - Ml" BesW Fant has returned ' from a visit to friends In HmrtsviUe, a. C. Mr. Claud Saunders, representing -a gas range eompany, 1 in towm this week. Miss Minnie Hoover Is at Carthag actmg a court stenograph v this week- ' V . : Mr R- A." Gaddis and family are visiting relatives in Trinity township. Miss MauJ Dlcken" has been elect-, ed a tacher im the public Bchool a1 fcophia- .. Mrs- Blair, of Trtifty township, visited her brother, J- O- Redding, last week- .. Mr- W- H.' Morihg aa returned from northern markets, where he hwent to purchase the fall and win ter stock of goods for the firm of Wood & Moring. . V , Masters Henry and Edward Bunch, who have bewa with relatives at Oak Ridge, win make their , home Hn Asheboro and attend the graded school .this winter- Mls Moleta Yow, of Central Falls, who was a student in the Asheboro Graded Schools the past two years? has gone to. Brevard - o enter' Brevard Institute-.. j , , ' Mr- Johnon, of Burlington, has opened a jewelry and optician's! shop in rooms 6 and 8 of the law building- Mr- Johnson and family are living on Salisbury Street- Miss Kate Lowe has - gone to Washington, D- C-, to vilt her sis ter, Mtftes Pat Lowe, and to accept a - position as stenographer in a large manufacturing establishment. The Coiurier devotes much of its space to the speech of Hon- Locke Craig, at Asheboro, September 7th, and It Is impossible to publish au the communications for this week-Mr- Guy Parsons who had a po sition in the Southern station at Asheboro for severall months, left Saturday for Spencer to take the position of express agent, at that place. Mrs. Rozanna Pearce, of Greens boro, who is a sister of State Audi tor Wood, visited relative in Ashe boro last week, and left for Trinity Monday, where she went to visit the family of Dr. F. H- Wood- Mr- M- L- Davis has the con n's TOUR KIDNEYS f. . , a 7 .1 -t t r ii Vrlt to superintend the work of a saleslady in the store of C-G i ra. tlng Vm maJn DulldJn(E of the ier and Son Mr- E- L- Auman's handsome resi des on . Worth . 8eret i nearing cuiiipietion- Miss Janje Smith has recently made some improvements in her store building Miss Faye Perree visited her sla ter, Mrs- E-. F- Craver, In High Point Isat week. Mesrs- Elsie Shamburger and 'AMisorf Tage,' of "Bttcoerwere tln town Saturday-Col- A- C- McAllster has been con fined t0 his-home by JHness sever al days this week. Master Harris A- Coffin returned Monday from a week-end visit to relatives at Troy- Mr- W- H- Lawrence, of near Methodist Protestant Orphanage net 4 High Point- Work has already be gun and will be pushed rapidly- Mr. W-A- Kearns and daughter. Miss Eula, of Asheboro Route 2 .were in town Monday, and were leav ing for Dayton, Va-, where Miss Eula will finish the music teachers' course in Shenandoah Collegiate Institute this year- In' the account of the opening of Elon College in last week's Courier there1 fras!'ahrlEfrroil lnNiayfngttiat there were 141 students present on the opening day. The fact is there were 247 students enrolled on the first day of the college year. V Do not fall to hear the orphans from Oxford at the auditorium tonight- Asheboro people have, en joyed these delightful concerts be fore, and are . anticipating much Don't Mistake The Caae, of Your Troubles ' Many people never suspect their kidneys- It suffering from a lame, weak or aching back they think it is only a muscular weakness; when urinary trouble ets in they think it will soon correct itself- And so it is with all other symptoms cf kidney disorders- That ffi just where the danger lies- You must cure these troubles or they may lead to dropsy or Br,lghts disease- The lest endorsed remedy for weak or diseased kidneys is Doan'sj Kidney Pills. Residents 0f this vicinity are constantly testifying. r.ctt. McDaniel, High Point St-, R- P- D- No- 1, N- C-, says: "Last winter I caught a heavy cold and it settled on my kidneys- My back became s0 painful that I could not stoop or lift anything heavy and I suffered night and day. The kid ney secretions were very unnatural and contained sediment. I took doctors' treatments and a great many home remedies' but seemed to get worse. A friend came to ee me one day and hearing oft my trouble urged me to try Doan'sj Kid ney Pills. The contents of two' boxes of this remedy entirely freed my system of kidney complaint-" For sal byjall dealers. Price 50 cmts Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agent for the Unit ed States. Remember the nam Doan'i and tak no other. I THE FOUNTAIN THAT HOLDS THE TRADE Is at the Asheboro Drug Store. All through the hot days it is supplying the thirsty crowds. The only ice cream handled in the city is sold there. The Velvet Kind stands the test where others fail. We charge everybody full price, give you value received for your money, and treat every cus tomer alike. That is why we are succeeding. THE ASHEBORO DRUG CO., Inc. J. S. EAST, Manager. It is a pleasure to us to treat people right. Hoover Hill, was a caller at The Cou. pleasure this time- Those who at tend -will not only spend a most en joyable evening but will also be aiding a worthy cause- Admission will be, children, 15 cents; general 25 cents; reserved sea's, 35-cents. rier office la8t Satu"ay- Dr- D- K- Lock hart returned Sat urday from a visit of a few days to his brother at Durham- With Geue a-v, ritlng ancV Al abus ing, Jt. now loots like the,. Bull ' Moosers are developing daily- Mr- and Mrs. Ernest Teague, of Greensboro, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. T- M- Johnson th,is week Mr. John Gray went to Salisbury Monday where he will be engaged in plumbing for two or three weeks. Miss Blanche Freeman, of High Point, was the truest of her sister, I The Bell Telephone Copmany has Mrs. W- D- Stedman several days la: established an office at Caraway and week- I appointed J- F- Jarrell agent to re- . , .., . . . .Rnr- (),, celve and send messages to alfl parts What is Al's idea in abusing Je ol the worl(J. The contract; ere Democrats and quoting Hayes edit-( slgned lat week TMs wm be a -orials after Hayes has given up the. gpeat aavantag t0 persons! west ghost? , land south of Asheboro-' Miss Ina Clemen returned to he ' Running up and down stairs, swnnpng and bending' over making bed wlU not n.ske a woman healthy or beautiful. She musg-et out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Chamberlain's Tablets to Improve her digestion and regulate her bowels. For saw by all dealers. Bell Telephone o Caraway home in Danville. Virginia, last Sat vrday after a visit to her sister, Mrs J. T- Penn- Mr- A. M. Ferree has been in Nebraska and other western state the past week buying horses for his "sales stables- . v . Mr- Thomas Lambert has opened a grocery store on Old Main Street, next door to The Courier mechanical department. fr-H-C. Scarboro, of Mebane, was guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. -A. Coffin, on Sunset avenue a few . day" recently. Miss Sidney Penn, of Patrick county, Virginia, isjrlsitlng the fam ily of her brother.Mr. J. T. Penn; on Worth St. Al's political speeches and 'Gene's numerous political letters would be nice things to ee in print jn this era! of good feeling Mr. B. F. Newby left one day last week for NaBh bounty, where lie i8 acting as travelling salesman! for a well pump. Miss France8 Robert8 returned one day last week from Greensboro, where she had been visiting Mends Tor several days.. . Mr. and' Mrs- Andrew Craven at .tended protracted meeting al Giles' 'Chapel last Sunday- Mrs. J- F. Roberts wlil go to Spencer a few days.where she will Join Mr- Roberts and .they will con duct a large hotel- Mr- Carl Cox, Who formerly lived at Asheboro, Is running as mail cler the night passenger train from Aberdeen) to Asheboro- Mr- Albert'-C-Klesby and family, of Mt- Gilead, have moved to Asheboro and are living in the Jasper Aumap residence in South Asheboro. Uncle ELzra Says, "It don't take m ore's a glU mv. effort te git folks Into a peek of trouble," and a little neglect of constipation, biliousness, indigestion or other liver derangement will do the same. If ailing, take Dr. KnUr's New life Pills for quick re sults. Easy, safe, svre, asd esly M eta. at Askebore Drag 6s. Tragic End to Hazing Frolic As aM-esult of a hazing frolic af Chapel Hill .. last Friday morning, Isaac William Rand, the 20-year old sen of O- R- Rand, of Smithfield, a member of the freshman elasa at the State University is dead and foffir Sophomores are under heavy bond charged with manslaughter- Jtandv and- his room mate,. WU ions, aiso a iresnman, vi oiui'-uiieiu., were roused "from sleep at 1:30 Friday morning and forced to ac company four sophomores to the atN letac field. There they were put i through all sorts of pranks, and finally ordered to mount the tops' of two upturned barrels, and en tertain their persecuters with sing ing, dancing and other stunts. 'The barrel was kicked from under Wel lons, and his leg was severely, cut on a pliece of broken glass. Rand's barrel was roughly kicked from un der him, and he fell sideways on a large broken piece of glass, which penetrated the left side of his neck and severed the jugular vein. with hils dying room mate- Physl- clans were summoned but Rand had ! bled to death before they arrived-. j An investigation followed clues , given by Wellons and resulted in the arrest of A- H- Styron and W- C Merrimon, of Wilmington; Ralph Oldham, of Raleigh; and A- C Hatch, of Mt. Olive; who composed the hazing party. The fogir young men' were charged wilh manslaughter end held under $5,000 bonds for in vestigation at the Superior Court of Orange county. . .. CUT-PRICE SALE OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES There a reason why; our prices are lowest. We buy goods in such quantities and our 15 years' experi ence gives us this advantage. LIVER MEDICINES 25c Simmons Liver Regulator.dry, 19 cents. 2 25c Th red ford' Black Draught 19c 25c Rydales Liver Regulator 19c 25c Ramons Liver Regulator 19c- 25c St- Joeph Regulator 19c- Rexall Ko Ko Kas Kets, guaran teed, 25c- Compound Cathartic Pills per dozen, 5c- Calomel tablets, per dozen, 6c Liggetts Chocolates, "The Sweetest Story Ever Told," per pound, 80c. s STOCK POWDERS Barkers Horse and Cattle Powders 2 for 25c. 25c International Stock Food 19c. 60a International Stock. Food 39c. 25c Black Draught Stock Powder 19c- Rexall Liver Salts guaranteed 25c Cigars, "racking tobacco, pipes and all kind8 smokers goods for men Perfumery and Toilet Goods-25c- Williams Talc Powder, 19c 25c Colgates Talc Powder 15c 25c Japanese Talc Powder 15c 25c Air Float Talc Powder 10c- 25c Blue Llllies Talc Powder 15c. . 1.00 Hudnuts Toilet Water 79c. Violet) Cashmere Boquet and all the popular odors at 25c per ounce. . LINIMENT 25c Sloans Liniment 19c- 50c Sloans Liniment 39c- 25c- Goose Grease Liniment 19c- Elkays Sprain! Liniment 25c- Rexall Kidney Remedy guaranteed 50 cents. , Rexall Kidney Pills 25c STATIONERY Box Paper, Pound Paper Writing Tablets, Pencils, Envelopes, Visit ing Cards, Correspondence Cards, Tally Cards, Etc-, at Reasonable Prices- , ' Rexall Eczema Salve, guaranteed, ...onlyPc, ... $1-00 Ayers Sarsaparilla 79c-$1-00 Peruna 79c $100 Hood's Sarsaaarilla 79c-$1-00 Ayer's Hair Vigor 79c $1.00 Hall's Hair Renewer 79c. Rexall Shampoo Paste 25c. Rexall 93 Hair Tonia $1.00 A 25c- Tooth Brush free with a 25 c- ube Rexall Tooth Paste- PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT We don't have the temptation to substitute. We have the medicine on hand to fill any ordinary prescrip tion exactly as written by your doctor. Standard Drug Comp'y Rexall Little Liver Pills, 50 in a bottle for only 10c. Great Revival Meeting- Rufua revival Seagrove, Sept. 13 Rev Richardson . conducted a meeting eight miles south of Ellerbe Springs, the week beginning second Sunday in August. It was a glo rious meeting with between 20 and 30 saved and renewed. The people in that community said that they had never witnessed a beUr meet ing. CORRESPONDENT. Miss Florence Blair has gone to Red Springs to resume her work as an instructor in music in the Southern Presbyterian College- : !Mr- J- W- Cross, of S'aley, was In town ont business ia'tj Monday and called at The Courier office to have his name put on our mailing list. ;Mr. J- F- Roberts went to Salis bury last Saturday o spend two or fhre. days with Mr. Itoets, who ensaprd in. doins; concn-tt worSr Rani'eur Items- M-3- Johnson, of the Ramseur Broom Works, left one day recently for Wilmington and other points m the interest of his factory- Mr. and Mrs. I. F, Craven are spending some time at Jackson Springs- Mlsa Beulah King returned last week from a delightful trip to Fay- etleville- Ramseur Concert Band furnished music for a big land sale ati Sanford last Saturdy- Messrs- H; B- Carter and C- B Smith returned last week from the northern markets; where they pur chased the fall and winter stopk of goods for the Carter Mercantile Co.' Rev. B- Townsend, assisted by Rev.-Mr, Willis, of Sanford, is con ducting a series of meetings at the Baptist church-1 Fuller Items- Mr- G- O- Nance and Miss Lizzie Bell were married recently. H- H- Barnes and family, of Wlns- lon-Salem, made a flying trip in their motor car to the home of J W Caahatt one day last week. Walter Cashatf, caught an owl a (tew days go that measured from fp t tip1 4 feet and 3 inches. John Moore, of Thomasvlle. was In this community in his car one day last week. H. H- Delk, who has been ill for some time, dcxis not improve much- 1 Protracted mctirr w bild a' There is so much political new these . days at is difficult t0 find space for sll of it. Take the . rolw and the split in the third party' cau cus at Greensboro lnce the Chariot' conventions about which Bull Moose papers had said nothing' and The Courier had hope'd to publish an ac count of it this week- It would be Interesting to' know how the com mittee tried to change the platform on the liquor and other questions We hope in a future issue to tell the facts at least of that celebrated meeting in which the state chairman left because Marlon Butler had tak en command- Announce ment High Pine Items- The protracted meeting a this placs; is still in progress- Rev- Nance, of Durham, Is assisting Rev- E- W. Jones- Miss Dora Luther, of Randleman, is visiting relatives: in this commun is , , Mr- R. O. Park is ill. Gentry Parks is on the sick list. HOW ONE - 1 VOMAII WOH fler Health and Strength Back Again by The Use of CarduL Tampa, Fla. In a letter from this city, Mrs. E. C. Coram writes: "I was all Weakened and worn out with wo manly troubles. My husband brought me some Cardul as a tonic, and, from the first day, it seemed to help. " I had almost lost my reason, but. thanks to Cardul, I did not Soon, I felt and looked like a new woman. I think the remedy is wonderful. I recommend it to my friends, for I hava received great benefit from if Cardul acts specifically on the weak ened womanly organs, strengthening the muscles and nerves, and building them up to health. It helps to refresh the Worn-out ner vous system and relieves the effects of overwork, both mental and physical. Fifty years' successful use fully prove the merit of this purely vege table, tonle remedy for women. In every community, there live some Who have been benefited by Cardul., The beneficial effects af this time tested woman's remedy, soon show themselves in many different ways. Try it W B trVif In. t JWlMnlW . Outti. Iwq .ilein Co., OtHttamw. 1 nn., far ,Si'mii We want to announce (jd tfetf ladies of Asheboro and tfw surrounding country that we" have employed Miss Bonnie Auman as clerk for the ladies' department in our store. Miss Auman has had quite a lot of experience and she will be pleased to render you any ser vice she can. Remember, we carry at all times a full line of BUTTER ICK PATTERNS, "THOM SON'S GLOVE FITTING" CORSETS and "PATRI CIAN" SHOES for women. Our new fall styles are just now coming in. "If we haven't it, let us get it for you." yours for better service. BIG SALE OF 49 LOTS 49 10-HOUSES-lO ON C.G. FRAZfER & S0N Mr- Cha. Ros to be In Randolph. Mr., Chas. Ross will be with the county candidates to speak at the following places- Cedar Falls, Tuesday, October 8- Franklinville, Tuesday night Oct. g. Ramseur, Wednesday 9 Staley, ,Wed- night ......... " 9 Liberty, Thursday " 10 Mr- Ross is a fine campaigner. He las canvassed the county once be-' fore, having been elected to the HouBe from thla county In 1900. Ho i now a most promising at torney at LlUing'on, Other spoakors 1 will be wl'h the ramlidn's' tfiol Saturday, Sept. 28, 1912, At 2:00 O'clock P. M. These lots and rtouses are located one quarter mile from' the plant of the great Whitney Power Company. The Whit ney hydro-electric power plant is now being developed by the Southern Aluminium Co. The new company expect to have the new plant in operation within 18 monthj. The plant will employ about 1,500 operators. This will mean a town of from 4,000 to 6,000 people The lots offjred are well elevated and of good size- There are f our splendid residences, one business house and five smaller dwellings. All houses are rented. Free transportation from Whitney Station to place of sals. Train service for people from a distance to return home same day Sale will be conducted by the Atlantic Coast Realty Cs, with their wonderful Bur ton Brothers auctioneers For information concerning sale or property, write - W. L. MANN Albemarle, N. C, j T y Cr-.e '.-"t c irt. rfii7irn '