r Chattanooga and ' We hive on hand some VERSIBLE DISC PLOWS OLIVER RiDINO PLOWS, Either .of these wWll&ffi;$SS&l stick to the hardest of ground. , If interested, call to ee us. ::: ;"' -: McCrary-Redding $50.00 PER DAY- Sounds like big wages for any man employed ia Randolph county. One of our depositors recently : made more than that in one day when he tcok his money out of his trunk and deposited it in our bank In a short time the house iu which he lived, the trunk and all its contents were burned. His money would have been gone forever if he not taken it out and put it in the bank, V . There are many o'hers in Randolph that should have money deposited with us. You cannot tell when the fire, the thief or the pickpocket is coming. Get ready before either j coi es by depositing your money with us. Bank of Ramseur RA,MSEJJRt LEG A L NOTICES Notice mt Land sari By virtue ot Ok powem i uli ta f nerstgned by decree remderefl in the Superior ' Ceurt of Randolph Oooirtr special proceedUs etltla "m. I-ee Cedtrue et A T. H. IE. Coltmae at I wr sea at pnbtto actlon at the etirt huase Ooer la Ashebcuo, It C,(m Hon das', the 7th, flax ot October, Mil at 11 o'clock U., , the foDowtae describe! laads tytmr and bein Im Hew Market towashlp, Randelph county. North Caro lina, bounded. as follows, te-wjt: Bound-1 ed the north by the Cornelia Gol trane lands and by T. J. Coltrane, en the east by T. J. Coltrane, en the aouth. by B. F. - Snider and Duncan New kind, on the went by Annje Ooltrane Ions, containing about UB acres, more or leas. Bee petition filed In this action for particular description .known as the Daniel Coltrane land. This tend Is me mile from graded nchool and ano mile from Marlboro chnrch. About acres- in cultivation, about IB acres tim bired, some good pasture and meadow load well waierea. un o' - One mile of il. nhia station. This land Is sold subjecl to the dower estate of Amanda Coltraae Terms of Rale-- One-third cash, bal. ance upon a credit ot six moutlis, approved securi'y telng given for doferred payments, the same to bear Interest at lhe legal rate from day of confirmation until paid This Au. 28, 1912- Wm. C- HAMMER, Com , Notice of lAnd Sale x By rlrtue of te I) overs tieklteO in the undersigned by decree Ten dered In the superior court of Ran dolph county in the special pro ceedings entitled "In, re- J, BV All Ted e al" we will sell a publio auction at the court house door tn Asheboro, North Carolina, on the 28th day of September. 19U, at 11 o'clock, M the following land lying and being In Lib erty tewnshtp, Randolph soumty, Keith Carollaa, bounded as follow, to-wit: Be ginning In W. IX rjeM's line, theaoe south 13 poles to a stone; theaoe east T8 poles to a stone; thenoe north 47 poles to a etoen; thence east 6 poles 4 1-t feet to a stone; thenoe aiorth 81 poles to a stsme; thence west W poles 4 1-8 feet to a stona; thenoe north S5 poles to a stone; thenoe west T8 psles to a stone, the beginning corner, corn, tnining 88 1-8 acres, mere or less. Terms of sale: One-half sash, tidance upon a credit of She meotha, apryed sectirity being give for de ferred payments, the same to bea U tereet at the legal rate. v This An 2. tt., 1912.' " KHja Vijntt, .. ' l;, C. Kelly, ' CmmjaalwsBa ' Iiand Sale Notice By v4Ttue ot the powers Tested in the undersigned by decree rendered in the special proceeding entitled "In re Sarah R- Stout et al" In the Superior Court of Randolph County, i vtil aell at public auction at the court house door in Ashe boro, N- C-, on the 6th day of Oc tober, 1912, at 12 o'clock he following described lands situate in Grant Township, Randolpli County, North Carolina, to wit: Beginning at a post oak, Stout's corner, thence west with. Menden hail's line T poles o a black Jack, thence southeast . 12 degrees 104 poles to a stone tfn dividing line, thence east 49 poles to ahlckory, thence Booth 28 poles to a pile of rocks, thence east 40 poles to post oak, thence sMll east 10 poles to a stone, thenoe north 28 chains to a stone, thenoe west 10 poles to the beginning, containing 89 acres more or less See Book 68 , Page 610. , . Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in six months, approved se curity being given therefor, the same to bear interest at the legal rate from day of confirmation -This August SI, 1912 ' R C KELLY, Commissioner- Lata sbb Vsottsa Ajk I ut .. the affsney ia ' Raadolph for a Uf sad Spochs of Ay- cok. Th Vojok ts now ready Writs m aad say "1 want the book tad 1 win find yo and dlrw. First coma first Brvd. . " Tf. r. KwMvaksw. . Ahkoro,N. C. Oliver Plows CHATTANOOGA RE at a bareain. Also a lot of Hardware Co. NORTH CAROLINA tale Notice. By vtrtue mt mm ardor ef safe ki niexeealngn atMe Msabeth HarreJ. T. Bmeiuie H1U et al, hi the Superior oiirt ef Randolph coanty, I win on the 10th day mt OovUmdbmr, 1(11 a 1 e'clock P. 1L, a the erurt house mar la Aabebere, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for eaah the foHowtnji described i-eal estate, te-wtt: A trne trio aa kefta ta Cnnnl township, said oeusty, constating mt It 8-4 acres, nore er leas; beaaiM the noj-4h by Robert Pteroe) ea the east by BrensomJUdgw, ea the south, by Walter U arris and liabin Tates, aad oa the west by Matin Tates, It keiac known as the Peter Tates home plane. nils the 2th eay of Angust. 1111. 1. A. SPENCB, Commr. NOTICE . , .North Carolina, Randolph County, In the Superior Court, before the Clerk. H. T. Curtis, administrator of J L. Yov, deceased, v Mary E- York, Clark York, Ellen R(iiidlr nml bfr hnshnnd TTarrfa R,ddlpp JulJa Veptal and her hu- hmrl TTonrv VwtaJ. nnnnla Allred. I J. C- Allred, M-lcclm Allred. Lou- ella Pugh and her husband R- V Pueh, Ida Webster and her husband W- B- Webster, Tamest Pugh, Jesae Pngh.Louvina R'ghtsrll and her hus band John Rishtsell, Ila McMnstera Loora Free and her husband Llndley Free. Carl Klmes. Uilly Kimes, Vest Kimes, Alice Kilmee, J. W. Pugh, Jchn Coble, Sallie Nelson, and hr nuRuana J. ieisoni Hii.17; vmirau and her husband J- C- Coltrane, Lou S'aley and her husband Thomasi Sta ley, Bntrs Edwards and her husbnd W- N- EAwaards, D- L- Duskln, John Hale Duskln, Wm- J- Duskin. Roy C Jones. Charles B. Jones. Mary h. Jones, Chester Duskin, Mary Ash craft and her husband Homer Ash- craft, Roselle Christy, Everett Chris ty Marcellus Christy John Baker) an Charley Baker. The defendants above named wIll tgke notice that an action; entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Randolph Counity to secure an account snd settlement of the estate of J. L- York, deceased planMff's intestate, and to determine the rnehts of said defendants in and to the balance in the hands of plain tiff administrator for distribution; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the uperior Court of Randolph County nl his ofice In Asheboro, N, C-, on the 9h day of October, 1912, an answer or demur to the compliant In said PcMcn, or the planMff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in said complajlnt. This the 5th day cf Sept. 1912- W- C- HAMMOND, Clerk Superior Court, Randolph County, N- C- NOTICaV avlss) aa!Sfled as executrix of . B. Reams, deceases, lata ot Raadolsk couaty, N. C-, this is to nattfy air parsons having1 - claims tiaat said estate to present them to tk undersigned on or oerore the first day of Svptetofcer, 1913, or aai aotjlce will be plead in bar ct taatr recovery.' AllLpersons1 in debted to said estate are notified to an sirs immediate settlement Iks August 2th, 1912- JTJLL1 A- KEARNS, star, ef B- B- Kearas, daa'd- vonca svins rraalifled as Xhrtr on the esUit of PnrmTi A. Curtis, deeeasedi bsfom W- O- Hammond, Clerk , oi bs SuperloT Court of Randolph $scKy, all persons having claims asatauit said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, du ty verified, on or before the 12th dear of September, 1918, or this no ttoe will be pleaded in bar of their noovery: and all persons owing said eUe will come forward and m&ike Immediate settlement. TtU Tth day of September, 1912. Lewis M. Curtis, Extr. nraakllnville, N- C taa. carrsjc DassMas . Dr J. tX-Grsts wCl ht kk afnv at LTberty Moaday, Tsasday aad Wadnetslar aoa4 at kslSMi Thrr:, jrVUfay ad Satarday mt each nf? VTJ hm insjaied to do aU S;.laik M work. WEAK HUN KGE1P fRff Any man wtio reflets with nervous debility, loaa of natural power, weak baok, failing-mi orei defloleni manhood, brougblonby ex- ESS JSSAMil man who will write for It. r: r.A. . Roln. Lttok Buuaini.. os iirall.JKlchlcaa H. G. PUGH, Liveryosui Good teams, courteous treat ment, safe drivers; prices reason- ble. Give me a trial. Now at the Will Old Stand Skeen Wo.G.Csaer R. b fttHe HAMMER & KELLY j Attorneys at Law Office Sca 9t From StrM Lawyers Rtw 1 fj. B.Hiatt, M. D. Physician snd Surgeor t Office over Johnson's Storm McDouvll Building Asheboro, - N. ( , DR. T. F. ASHBURN, DENTIST. OFFICE ON MAIN ST., andlemsm. - - N. C. A LK&DIHG BOARDING SCHOOL mm. S.hoal MsUr li.. liiiMlmatJ Sot SMaMKI iiiss Vino, w, t. WHiTtmr, p. EDUCATE THE BOYS and have strong fnmUie8,hjppy homes. TOE NEGRO A. AND "M. "COLLEGE for Negro mslea only. Open all the year. Board, lodging aod tuition $7.00 per month. For catalogue or FREE TUITION address I JAS. B. DUDLEY, Prest, Greensboro, N; C- DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST. ASHEBORO, N C. Phone 28. Office over the Bank. Hoars, 9 a m- to 12 m. , 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. PROFlTACLc TA'LY TITH!?J3. Ocily Hc-Evenly Manna." ThLs little ImoU Is li'ivin;j the lars.el drculiitiuii of nnr of Its kind nnd is concede! by 'ht1-tl:ins everywhere to be the most lioljiiiil. If ChrlsU:)!;.- i:lUw the rtisii aim; crush of sell'.sli ninliition to depriv ; them of the'r O.nV.r; portion of heiren ly food, they must not he surprised if ! they grow uplritimlly leaner day bj i day, nnd If the pertte of God gives i place lu their beiirts to the discontent; which is m-owinc I" the world, not wlthstiindiiis tbe multiplication of our comforts nnd privileges. ( Daily tlearrnli Mnniut contains a col lection of St-ripture texts with appro priate quotutioiw for every day in tb year. Surely the little tithe of time daily spent In partaking of its morsels of heavenly counsel cannot fail v U profit all who partake. It is published to do good not for profit -Your .fA-iand' Birth Datea. J An autograph and birthday record feature in this book is a great conveni ence. . Opposite each day of the year are Wank lines upon which you ea" secure the autographs of your friends and be reminded of their birthdays a they occur. This makes the book niorr Valuable yearly. In ten years yoi: would not soli it for ten dollnrs. Besides it has a place for Birth Ree rds. Marriage Records snd Death Ree ords. . Also it has a table showing the day of the week of any date for one hundred and fifty years. ' Printed on bond writing paper, bine cloth, handsome. Price. 35 cents post Ml Imitation alligator sklu. pom edges. $1.00 postpaid. Order now. CI ble and Tract Society. 17 Hicks Street. Brooklyn. V., Si f ea 1 kuva v. ,9mf i;: Coliii:o i.- t-. views. Box Illl'lllll Bookkseping. Shorthand. Touch Typewriting, Accounting, Banking, Arithmetic Grammax, Spelling, Penmanship and Letter Writing. GraduaUs assisted to positions. Business men furnished Bookkeepers and Stenographers. Day and night sessions. s Write for full information. Edwards' Business College, HIGH POINT, N. C. Program Providence, Picnic Sept. 14 1. Song service at ten a m. Holy, Holy, Holy. The Sunday School Brigade Devotional, led by H. C. Greg- son. . . I 2- Junior class, Mrs- A- M- Ma con, teacher. Letter exercise, 12 children- 4 Little Rose Buds, 4 little girls. For get me not, Ruth Teague. Chlldrem's Dayj Light Bearers- Little Sunday School Workers Little things, 4 little girls- ' Song, Climbing Upward, class S Primary class, Miss Elsie Bar ker, teacher- s Seng, Bring Theut in, class Scatter the gems of the beauti ful, Etta Nee 00- Smile wheneyer you ' canv Paul Julian- God's Love, Carl Cox- , 1 know they'll be glad to see me, Vera King. Kind words Dwflght Teague.1 . Song, Blossom Bells, class. 4. Address Rev- John B Bryant. Dinner in the Grove O'- s' 1:30 P. M Song serviceThe King's business- 6- Address, Dr- W. I. Sumner. 7. Solo, I am happy in Him, Win nie Julian-' 8- Address, Pres- E- O- York 9- Closing Songs, We Shall stand before the King, Oh, That will be gitry- Benediction. Comm;ttee on enkwtainment, Solo Reynolds, Miss Estelle Neece, Wm. R. Julian- Umnseur Items W. W. Dixon is having hjis office painted. J- C- Watliins, of Greensboro, wasj the guest of his parents Saturday and Sunday. . Lacy V- Black, one of our bright est young men, left Monday for Chapel Hill to enter the University The game of ball between Jtan 8eu r - and Liberty, resulted in a score of 12 to 11 in favor of the home team Mrs- George Allred and children, of Salisbury, are vjisiting; relatives in town John W- , Allred is adding a beautiful coat of paint t0 his residence- Misses Sarah Cole and Lelyer Perree left Tuesday to enter Dav enport College. Our citizens were delighted to hear of the nomination of Hon. W. H. Watkins for the State Senate He made a splendid representative, and will make a good Senator-Rev- and Mrs- C- E- Raper, of Reldsville, have been the guests of Mrs- John B- York for several days- Rev-. Mr. Rap;r filled the pulpit most acceptably Sunday morn ing- The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous beca use so decep tive, usuuysuunen deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure cr sroplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. II kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poison- :.. ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh oi the bladder, brick-dust or sediment in the urine, bead ache, back ache, lame back, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous oess, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste cway cell by celL Bladder troubles almost always result from s derangement of the kidneys snd better health, in that organ is, obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kid neys. Swamp-Root corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate efiect of Swamp-Root, the great kid hey remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest be cause of its remarkable health restoring properties. Atrial will convince anyone Swampattoot is pleasant to take snd is Mid by all druggists ia Gity-cent and One-dollar 6ize bottles. You may have a sample bottle and a boot fl at tells cV. about it, both sent free by nail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binphumion, N. Y When writing mention rcaiurti tUis j.rcu erous offer in this paper. D-n't nut, any mistake, bat rorneml-T C' nnT, Swamp-Root, and don't let a tL'o'ler sell you something in place of iwutii, -Kci-f yon do yon will be disep;joln'.cd. 1 1 tmqaiima tpeeial nomrithmmat of maty assimilation. Scott's Emulsion contains these vital properties in concentrated form and dis tributes them all over the body without taxing the digestion. Sent! ft Rowiw. Bloom field, N. J 12-12 Dedicated to the Boys and Girls The "Life and Speeches of Chas- B- Aycock" has Just come from the presses of Doubleday, Page and Co-, New York. The subject matter of lhe bcok and the entertaining man ner in which it has been presented by Messrs. Connor and Poe will grip the interest cf every friend of the State's "Educational Governor' and who among us all was not hs friend Very fittingly the authors have dedi- cated their book to the boys and girls of the state ia the following lines: To boys and girls of North Car-i olina whom he loved and for whose :dtv'lopment he so passionately yearned, and for whom he ever gave the .gladdest service of his heroic life, tlLs book is dedicated. The great and patriotic work un dertaken by ' Governor Aycock will continue to Impress itself upon the mind . and thought of our people wherever this book Is read, and a thousand copies of it should bej reaJd in a thousand homes in everyone of 'he hundredcounties of the state he loved so ardently and served so un selfishly. Tho volume ia ani attractive one- o nearly 400 pages in dark green bind !ng stamped in gold- There are threo portraits of Governor Aycock and five other illustrations. This binding is sent postpaid for $$1-50; a finer binding in leather is sent (or $2-50 postpaid- Orders should xbe sent to the Tar Heel Company, Ra leigh, N- C- We guarantee a good paying posi tion to every teacher who completes ber preparation at Littleton College Death cf Young Girl On Wednesday, September 4, the death argel visited the home of Mr- and Mrs- L- B- Lindley, near Liberty, and took away their oldest daughter, Rosa, a girl Just a little past sixteen years of age- She had been ill for only a few days, and her death was & great shock to her parents and the entire community- Rosa was laid to rest at Bethany, the funeral services being conduct ed by Rev- Mr- Wolfe )in the ab sence of the pastor- There 'amid a large gathering cf friends and lov-J ed ones, she was tenderly laid to res to await the resurrection morni ' Rosa was a good christian gfrl, I always dutiful nd cbediant to her parents, kind and respectful to the aged. She died with the name of j Jesus on her lips, leaving . behind j strong ard suf ijicient evidence that j all is well with her. ClatesviUe Items-Mr- C- B-, Wise and sjster, Kiss Sallie, who have been seriously ill for some time, are very much improved- Rev. and Mrs. C. G- Johnson and children, of Greensboro, are vjisiting In our community. Mrs- Allan Hale and little son, of Greenville, S. C- spent a few days with relatives here last week returning U their home Monday- Mr- Sam Rike and daughter, Miss Elsie, of Randleman, visited at JV M LaughUn's Sunday- Miss Maude - Allred spent last week with friends near Edgar- Miss Agnes Henley Is vlsilng in Central Falls this week Miss Cora Johnson, of Randleman visited Miss Maude Allred Sunday afternoon. . '' Aa article that baa real merit should in time beoome popular. That such Is the case with Cnamberlaln'sCough Rem edy has been attested by many dealers. Hera ta on of them: H. W. Hendrtck. n, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, C1 amber Iain's Coush Remedy Is the best for c-ushs, colds, and croup, and is my best seller." - For sale by all dealers. : -i - i : Mr. J. A. Henson, of near Randle man, was in town one day this week and called at The Courier office to renew his subscription. , Randolph County North of Deep River. A recent issue of the Southern Field, the industrial publication br 'he Southern Railway, gives a de scription of the territory through. which the Sanford division of the Southern runs. Here is what It said .of the section, of Randolpn through which this division runs: The Greensboro-Sanford division passes' through the northeastern) part , of Randolph county and a branch ex tends southward to Ramenr,ln tho eastern central sectionr Randolph county, excepting tine southeastern corner, lies in the Pied mont, and has an altitude ranging from 800 feet Urn the norfh. to 600 feet ia the south- There is a large variety of fertile soils embraced with in Ue alluvial bottoms, the upland slopes, the Mils and the plains- I may be safely said that Randolph' county can produce successfully, and profitably any crop that can be grow in the state- The leadirg crops are corn,' wheat, rye, oats grasses cot' ton, tobacco, and fruits- Randolph county contains 453,469 acres of land- In 1910 there were 3,158 farms containing 350,830 acres, of which 116,737 were improved- The population in 1910 was 29,491- The towns of Liberty and Staley in tho northeastern part of the county, , are on the Greensboro-Sanford Sec- " tJon of the Southern Railway. Lib erty is a trading ceniter of several hundred population, and is a thrifty place, surrounded by a good farming' section. Staley s also located ia a region offering good opportunities) to agriculturists. On 'the Ramseur Branch are Mill- be ro. Cedar Falls, Frankinville and Ramseur- The latter is a progresslr place of about 1,500 population, and! has a bank and some (industries- The surrounding country offers good op portunities to the farmer- Millboro, Cedar Falls and FranklinvMe, ar growing towns located In BOOdan ing and fruttt sections- ' jjjfe't THE HALL OF FAME. JOHN PAUL JONES-Naval heio of tlie American Revolu tion. Born at Kirkbean, G. 1747; died Taris Sept, 12. 17!)!'. H i s name was originally John Paul, the "Jones" being added by himself. Came to America in 1773 and in 1775 was In com mand of the Alfred ad did much damage to British ship ping, ne nest commanded the Ranger nnd captured the British sloop Drake. - Ue was then plac ed in command of the Bon bomme Richard and in the most famous naval action of the war captured the Serapis. THE HALL OF FAME. TETER COOPER-N'otod man ufacturer and philanthropist. Born New York Feb. 12. 17 9 1; died there April 4 , 13S3. Son of a hatter nnd had slight e d u c ution. Invented a mnchiue for shearing cloth, .also ra endless chain for propelling canalbonts. "Built first Ameri can locomotive. Established Iron works tn Baltimore and New York. Made flntt rolled iron beams for building purposes and promoted the laying of the At lantic cable. He was also a merchant on a targe scale. In 187C was Greenback candidate for president Served In New York council and board of edu cation. Founded Cooper insti tute. New York. Van, etev -Jeducs, tioa in Germany. Ttfcd one or j two unsuccessful historical nor- 1 els and then found his true bent i in writing mstory. ms -Kiseor. i) the Dutch Republic" and his oto- er volumes on the Netherlands A form his great life work and y take rank with the chief histories of the world. i THE HALL OF FAME JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY 3 American historian and diplomat. X -- -'- Born Dor- , . i c h ester, X ""N Mass, April - V 15, 1814 ;dled X X 1 Dorset, Eng i i;, A. land. May S i Or'adiafl 11 ---