OUR RALEIGH LETTER Goveaor. Kichln Order Hazing In TUgated Other Matter. . - Special Correspondence. Raleigh, Sept. 18 If the killing c young 'Bllly,, Rand at Chapel Hill last week by a bunch of sophomore ruffians, more politely called "Siaa- rs," of the State University, doe not result in the wiping otit of that barbarou practice from the Univer sity, there ought to be a revolution la the management (or lack) of man agement) of that Institution. Governor KUchin failed for an Investigation and report from Presl-i dent Venable, and there has been a meeting of the trustee within the ; last two day, and if there has) been or, will be developed certain particu lars this accident (as ltd perpetra tors claim it to be) before the var veBtigating committee which have reached the ear of this writer, ther is a more serjious side to it than has ,. been presented to the public o far Yet one must not be t,oo ready to accept "rumors" for the truth, and It Is well to reserve judgment unli the facts are properly established Some few year ago a "Freshmki" got advance information that he was. to be subjected to a pretty rctagh treatment at the hands of some Uni versity "hazers," and when the eventful night rolled around one of- the hazer was sorry for a good and protracted season, and lucky that the undertaker didn't come around after him- That stopped the "pracUce" of that particular! feat ure of the University curriculum for a tew years- But the freBhmen of Ja.to rem to lack the nerve to re etst their tormentors, and hazing Js said pot to have been worse than vp to last Friday morning, in sever-i V-al years- 1 .! -- .! ...... A Little fnntpai&ti iVrftiniery Tomorr6w h'ight the Democratic State Committee will meet in. Ra- leigh and formally pass upon who is a Democrat enough of a Dem TJffCf.ltt 0 vote in the Senatorial pri-tnaiV- The Charfatte Press on the Simmons "Speech- ' I can print nothing that will be read with more interest today than the following unbiased extracts from the reports 0f the. speech of Senator1 Simmon at Charlotte, ' The Observer says: Those who may have questioned the personal and official popularity of Senator Simmons, had their doubts removed Ilia admirers even might have been " pardoned did they express some sat isfaction of having been avenged for the insult that had been perallstent ently hurled at their champion since the campaign opened. Mr. William Julian Dead- Mrs- William Julian died Thurs day morning at 3:30 o'clock, at tho family home on West South Av . enue, of typhoid fever, after an ill ness of nearly four weeks-Mrs- Julian maiden name was Sarah Emily Gordon and he was born near Raleigh in Randolph county. North Carolina, August 24, 1848- She moved to Morgan county Indiana, near Monrovia, in November 1865- She was married, in 1870 to William Julian, and they lived in Indiana-until' 1882' Then they came to Lyon county and settled near Hartford, where they lived un til January, 1909, when they moved to their present home in Emporia, Six daughters and three ons were bom to Mr- and Mr- Julian, eight of whom are living. They are O. E. Julian, of Raton, N. Mex-; Mrs. LeUie McArthur, San Franclseb, Calif-: Mrs- George Suhl, Mrs- W- F Dreasher, and Mrs. r. p. Osborne, Emporia; Mrs. D- L- Moore, Wins low, Ariz-; Mrs- C- E- Frietag, of Sharon, Kansas, and Edgar Julian, Raton, N- Mex- Daniel B- Julian died in October, 1907. Mrs. Julian united wjth the Meth odist church at the age of 14, and after coming to Kansas she trajia ferred her membership to the Friends church. She W8s a member of Garfield Circle, Ladle of the G. A- R- She will be missed and mount ed not only by her family, but by a large circle of friends who loved and rsepected her- The aheve is clipped from a re cent Issue of the Emporia, (Kan ) Gazette! "aiSCARETS" FOR SICK HEADACHE. It's Yonr Inactive Liver and Bow elsYou Need Cacaret Sure . You're blliou8, you have a throb bing sensation In your head, a bad taste in yourl mouth, your eyes burn , your "kin i yellow, with dark ring8 Under your eye"; your lips are parch, ed. Ho wonder you feel ugly, mean and ill tempered. Your system i Is "full of bile no properly passpd off, and what you need i a denning up Inside. Don't continue being a bil ious nuisance to yourself and those "who love you, and don't resort to harch physics that Irritate and In jure. Remember that most disorder -of the stomach, liver and Intestines can be quickly cured by morning -" irlth gentle, thorough Cascareta "they work while you sleep- A 10 cent box from your druggist! wl keep your liver and bowel" ! r. ' tornach "weet and your b' . ' ." .fpr months. ' Children l-v , Cascarets, because they t, - , i and neer gripe or sicken- Kxtenslcfli Sonthern Bell- A new farmer"' line to Tfj connected with the T, n Telephone Company cf T it t- It furnihe" service t fo'lowing farmers: R- B- Snrt' lpfl J. Spencer, Joe Sptnc S F;idridge, Eugene Ppencf r, .' Tomlinson, Mr8- Mioo. Davis, h, Bros-, Mr- Jennie Col'rane- CLEANS THE HAIR AND .' BEAUTIFUL AT ONCE In a few moments your hair abundant No falling hair or dandruff. 'Surely try & "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediate ly double the beauty of your hair Just moisten a doth with Dainderine and draw It carefully through your hair, taking one small strand a a time, thi will cleane the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moment you will be amazed Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an Incompar able softne88, lutre and luxuriance, the beauty and "himmer of true hair health- Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolve every particle of dandruff; cleanses, HERE IS A REAL DISPEPSIA CURE "Pape' Diapepin" Settle Sour, Up set stomachs in Five Minutes Do some foods you eat hlt'balck tase good but work badly, ferment into stubborn lump and caue a "ieta sour, gassj stomach? Now, Mr- or Mr- Dyspeptic jot this down: Pape's Diapepsln digests everything, leav ing nothing to our and upet you- There never wa8 anything so safely Quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach Is disordered you will get relief la ive minutes., but what please&! you liiOst Is lhat it strengthens and reg ulates your stomach o you can eat your favorite, foods without fear. Most remedies give you relief sometimes they are low but not Sum. nlancnstn IS ! nlitr-V TinfiltlvA and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won't come t,i, You feel different aa "obll as Di apepsln conies in contact with the stomach -distress just vanishes your stomach get sweet, no gases, no belching, no Eructations of un digested food, your head clears and you feel ftue- On 'iiow, make the best investment you ever made by geing a large fifty-cent cae cf Pane' Diapepsin from any drug "tore- You realize in five minutes how needless It Is t) suffer from indigestion, dyspep sia or any stomach disorder- Few.lf any, medicines, have met with ihe uniform success that hag attended the use of Chamberloln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarka ble cures of colic and diarrhoea Which It has - effected In almost every neighbor hood have given It a wide reputation. For sale by all dealers. High Point Man Disappears Two weeks ago, on September 5, Mr- Jno- M- Harrell, of High Point, went down 'own to his office, at tended to his morning majl, and left for Greensboro on train No. 22. That afternoon he passed through High Point going south, having been seeni by Mr. Will Ragsdale, of Jamestown- This wa the last seen or heard of Mr- Harrell- Mr- Har rell was a prominent Insurance man, and held the full confidence of his friends- The missing man. wa a native of Randolph county- SIMMER K)0DS OFTEN CAUSE DYSPEPSIA Their Effect u the DlgestlTe Or gans Responsible for many of tne Season's Ills. Summer should b the period of health, but Impure water and milk, j unripe fruit, and the tendency to In dulge in acid foods and. iced drinks, produces a contrary condition in many people. The effect of the average summer diet is to constipate even normally rgular bowels, and this results In disarranging the entire digestive system. . When the bowels are chok ed with the stomach's refuse, indi gestion Is almost sure to follow.and th wast matter that should pass out through the bowels, not finding passage, ferments in the stomach and the poisons are forced into the blood, causing much distress and of ten serious illnes. . To keep the bowels tree, there Is no more effective remedy than Dr. Caldwell's Syrup pepsin. This is ya pleasant-tasting bowel stimulant and laxative tonic and is very gentle In its action,-bringing relief in an t.isy, natural manner, and without tl'sconifort. A spoonful of Syrup CpKin will quickly check summer 'ti.irrhoa by cleansing the bowels ! removing til foreign matter tha rr and Inflames the tissue. It , In drug stores for tlf" vc.(H f, iiotite; a large family .(,. v., ii.'.rniiy - more that twice .ii"'ity, costs a dollar. If youf t need Symp Perjrtn and( i ilKo a free tri'l bott'e, posi ..- uiifo to rr. V". B.fCalfiwei'- . 'V;viliin:ton St-, Montlcello, 111 i MAKES IT LOOK : 25 CENT i ' DANDERINE ' looks soft, fluffy, lustrous and purifies and , invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair- Danderine to the hajr what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation- It goes! right to the root, invigorate and "trength en them- Its exhilarating, sMmulat ing and life-producing properties cause the hair to growl abundantly long, strong and beautiful- . Tou can "urely have pretty, ."oft, lustiou hair, and lota of 1, It. yon will just get a 25 cent bottle of Knovrtton's Danderine from any -drug store or toilet counter and try It as diree'ed- You Should Use Electric Current A very few years ago electric light wa a luxury t0(jay it i so easily within the mean of every body aa to almost posess the char acter of a staple commodity- And tiieiein lies the great liability of its !)ing improperly exploited or "not exploHid at all. It Vttltue . be hooves everyone who lives! within re&rh of a power plant to avail themselves of the pleasure and con venience of this most useful prod uct of modern times end it is a du'-y that they owe themselves to t least invest'igate the practicabil ity of the ue of electric current not enly for lighting but for tfio many other purposes for which can be most successfully used,- Think for a .moment pi tne great service electricity', contributes! to fne P'a8r and comfort of our 'omer' At tne turn' of a swltchi jt lltootls the home with a light of "oft white brilliance, or cooks our food, or does our ironing, or develop useful power- As a servant elec tricity is always ready; as a saver of time and energy it has no equal Electric service adds a touch of case, heaUhfulness and refinement o desirable in the modern home Reportol the Condition of tne BANK OF LIBERTY At Liberty, in tfce State of North Caroliua, at the close ol luiues r-eps. , RESOURCES Iiatis and discount $ T8 040 82 OveniruIM All other stocks, Umds and morwaftes Baukfiifr house, furultuie and llxtureu beamed loans Due irom bauks aud bankers .... Cash items Gold colli Silver coin, Including all minor com currency National bauk notes and other U. a. notes It8.V4 S50.00 8,054.00 21,180 80 83.35 1,03.00 851.18 1048.00 Xotal 10566.84 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In W OWf Surplus fund - - ... s.guu.uu Undivided profits, less current ex peuses ana taxes paid Dividends unpal - Deposits subject to csheck Savings depositk Due to banks and bankers Cashier's Checks o'.-tftandln Accrued Interest due deposi ton. ......... 46 21 85,894.02 54,559.84 866.77 830.00 Total 105,066.34 State of North Carol! u a, ) County of Randulph. )" 1. B. M. Brower, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemly swear that the above statement la true to tue best of my knowledge and belie!. . B. M BROWER. Cashier. Correct Attest! A K. LEWIS. G. A. FOSTER, M. D. JAMKB F. PltKKTT. Directors. Subscribed and sworu to before me, this it'.b day of Septtmbtr, 11. W. B. OWEN, I . V. REPORT OF THE OOpiMTION OF The People's Bank, at- Randleman, N- C-, in the State of North CarolincJ at the close of business ivi. . Resources Loan" and dl9counts$41,62J.71. Overdrafts secured $250.00; un- ; cured 1301-54, total (551-54- North Carolina Staua Bonds.2,000-00 All other stocks, bonds and mort gage" 6,300 00 Premium on bonds 146-25 Banking house, furniture and fix tures 2,408 13 Due from banks and bankers . . . '. . - -. . . 4,605.22 Cash items ' 9.54 Gold coin 535.00 Silver coin, including all minor - coin currency 501-03 National bank notes and other U. S- notes 1,342-00 Total 60,028-42 Inabilities Capital stock paid in, , . 8,000 00 Undivided profit, less current expenses and taxe paid! 3,551 93 Bills payab.e 6,600-00 Deposits subjeui to check 16,926.26 Demand cei-Uica'ts of deposit 4,025.26 Savings d "ui's . . . . . . 21,519.82 Due to li.:b and baakeni .. 6.00 Cahier's i;.. outstanding 499-16 Tot'i . State of .M-r'li Randol. i), .s: 60,028-42 Carolina, County of I, A. i in'u.iley, Cashier of the above-nii ig.l bunk, do solemnly swecr U ' nil' above seatement Is tftie lo and b . 'of my knowledf, i. nnsirv n i. f..hA(sL..y, Cas:i- r.l orn to before drvy of September, .tij. !.-,!!. - ' 'viNP;rtf v L)irec'ois Millinery SEPTEMBER FALL STYLES IN LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS - We are pleased to announce a complete showing of all new goods for the Fall and Wincer season. This department comes under the management of the store, and all Millinery Goods are priced along with our general line of seasonable goods. L C "We sell for October NEW GOODS A r r iv ing Daily New Fall Coat Suits, Long Goats, Norfolk Goats and Blazers, Fall Dress Goods and Trimmings to match. All the imported Lace and Ladies' Neckwear, Blank ets, Quilts, Druggets and Rugs. Every thing being priced at the very bottom and will be ready for your in spection ir a few days. Linen, Gents' Clothing and Fall Hats now ready. WO O D & MORING NOTICE North Carolina, Randolph County- Superior Court- Armita Lewallen plaintiff.vs- Roy Cox, .defendant. . . The defendant, Roy Cox, will (take notice that am action entitled as above ha" been commenced in the Superior Court of Randolph County against him and that summon" has issued In said action returnable to the term of the Superior Court for said county to be held In Asheboro, N- C-, on the 13th, Monday afteri the first Monday in September, 1912; that "aid action- i" an action for $5, 000 damage" claimed by the plain tiff from said defendant on account of the seduction of plaintiff under promise of marriage; said defendant will further take notice that pawar rnnt ; iif attachment wa" , issued Mtanibt the property of said defen- '1'nt returnable at the same time as "aid "ummon" is ' re- fru,ll)le and that he i" required to ; poar at m,d time and plaoe ftnd '.)rM.'.f- riW dumiiv tf til. rnmnlAlnt i'ii iff or 'he relief demanded ;iid complaint Vill be -T.VW Sept. 13, 1912- y ' W C- HA1HMOND, Clerk Superior Court Randolph) Co. T. LOFLIN less for cash" , 8, 9, 10 and-11, 1912 ONDISPLAY m We will -show thel Fall and! winter nats on Saturday, Sept, 28. All are cordially invited to :: come and inspect. Miss Eugenia Tysor MILLINERY OPENING Our Millinery Ooeninc will be on Vrlii J and Saturday, Septembsr We also have a nice f in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Buttons, Neck- I wear ana iNotions oi ail G. W. ELLIOTTS , Randleman, N. C. "''"' '""""M'Mt Notice Auction Sale Mining Prop erty. . ' 1 By virtue of executions and order" 1 1 the Court in. the ca"e" oC Home Building & Material Co., McCrarv- Redding Hardware Co-, Cox ft Lewis Hardware Co-, Asheboro Wheelbar row. Manufacturing Company, Seta w- uaugnun against Davis Moun tain Mining Company, which execu tions were duly issued by W- C Hammond, Clerk Superior Court of .Randolph county, and under "which the property of the PavJ" Mountain Mining company wa" levied upon, I will sell at public auction tn th highest bidder for cash at the court! oue ooor in Asheboro, N- C-, on H'C ;,J. ne iri) any or uctober, wctoDer.. l : clot k M-, all the Qpeqing 19-20 I 27 and 28, 1912. line of the fates thinn, i Kinds. Httf j? tnim 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 it right, title and interest of erery kind belonging to the Davis Moun tain. Mining Company, in the three tracts of land in Randolph county, southeast of Asheboro, N. C, con taining 95 acres more or le", and more luiiy described v In book of deeds No. 144 page 262 ftc. la the office of the register of deeds' of Radolpn county .North Carolina,and also all the machinery of every kind ' and description, and the tools, fix ture" and -supplies located at anft near the mine of tha defendant- Said Bale is made tj satisfy the vwuvuut issued upui juuguieu'.' ua favor of the plaintiff" above named This the 17th day of Sept. 1912- , j. w. mPTaTWin 1 Shferiff of Randolph Co. (