ER T5he COURIER , in-dst In Both New tKad Circulation. T5he COURIER Advertising Coiumn Bring Results. FITS mmm ISSUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN - ' -. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR VOL. XXXVII ASHEBORO, N. C, SEPTEMBER 26, 1912 ' " No.S EVERYBODY TALKING ABOUT THE COURIER'S AUTOMOBILE CONTEST Send in Your Name Today and be The Winner of Everybody, Everywhere, the Accepted Time the Weekly Ballots V - LIST OP PRIZES One five-passenger Ford touring car One hand8cme suite of furniture- Two Beautiful Rings- Diamond One high grade buggy- . X One cooking range- J Two high grade sewing ma- Y chine- , j Like everyone else in, Ashehoro and vicinity, JCu have doubtless given) some thought ttf- the Courier'? aw tori mobile and prize voting contest- 1 i The remarkable value of..t. prizes has astonished many of ou j readers and many have made inter esting inqu'ries or sent in their nom inations. This is the time to enter.) your name and et out t0 wia one. of the gifts offered to those who I get the greatest number of votes in the great content. It will requires a little time r.nd energy to win one ; of the prizes, but think of the re-! ward. If you enfer today and work; stA.rlilv..vrii mir win; the automobll. or at lea ttne of "ije"niany ' bthe r- tractive prizes- If you delay, the votes that might easily be ycurs today may by tomor row have been promised lo "ome more energetic candidate- .. Keep Your Friends in Mind- : Do not forget any of your friends- There are plney of them and there 18 a cnance you iuy ""t" until It is co lae- 11 1 a goon piuu to make a list 0f all tboe who you think may help you.and when a new name occurs to .your jo it down on iv'a list so that no opportunity may be lost- Many Inqulrle A number of person" have written the contest departmert that they are willing to subscribe for The Courier but thrt they desire to wait until some one from thir section enter" before handing in their subscrintlonr, Here Is an opportunity for candidal all over the territory of te contest This "hows that there are votes to be had, not only for the asking, but simply by .sending In their names. Those votes' will come not from friends only, but frrm strargprs as well who rr ititprsted end want to heln some one win- a prize Persons living at a. distance from Ashehoro need rot- hPfiitatp tr send Jn their Pubseriptiors soeured by them ?! he votes w'll b- mailed to the contestant for whrm thev aro in tended or p1op to tho gubserlner whichever is desired Thoqe livlngj at a distance will rereive the sfne'each coupon- action PTid their Intf-rest will bp Aslc your p11ycai frlonds to furn carefrlly locked after, a those o ,deag They know how tf or. w c; --ynri-. nvrg nun,m a sjue " "Who Slay Enter- Any wh'te man. woman, hoy or girl, marMed or single, who lives .In he distorts named t" eligible to compptf In the contest. Candidates may' nominate themselves- Head over, the districts, determine which one I you are In, ard send n your nomlnn tjrT t .early a,V possible- It cent nothing to enroll; it costs nothing to Tbp-e ar,-' str'ir8 nttmr-h pd to tp offer. It 'i not Tpfesflir tp r-'Mstpfl -nqpT-li-a. Thtt rles of thm pptpst prp glmnlo and f wrrr tr- rpt vots 1" npt haril. (Tot p vo-t v ptnf r vovr frJ-ir(o to -hnf-r. T-f"'. . They will glad- do oa. TpJn now. - . 1!nprV flllT-Spvlhor R'wwrld VtA." t!wr Pnh-pr'her t fvp nonr'r mSoM p-'t-p t-p va to pryma pn dfot Fp'' vnt- f-vo'9'9 rn tVA) -rrt ffV fV YT VtP ' 1l't, P Vr -rr frw n Pnn(rrAep) to l-PT-r.f.oT-t Ty t-P oftp-T- PS r-nn tin r -rr yonr candl-' ifln.. v.."' 7 fr" "f-- " T--T j A rri t. v-o.- rrr-vTr T"V ' I ,)1-pp of p "t t-p fn of th if '''!.;.'' TV -vnr-n p ll.tlfr"""!' V, w-t -a ,.-, t -' tf ""i "n-i''. --r' Thur"day' Isve cf TheC curler- Talking About The Courier's Great Offer Now is Nominate Yourself or Your Friend or RelativeSave and Vote for Your Favorite. ' if NOMINATION BALLOT To enter the Contest fill out this Coupon and send to the Contest Department. Each contestant is entitled to one nominat'on, good for N ' 1,000 VOTES In The Courier's Great Automobile Contest I hereby nominate Mr., Mrs. or Miss -- ---- Postoffice iStened ----- Addres3 . Only one nomination will be credited to each contestant Under no circumstances will the name of nominator be divulged. . . . ' "- - I Laying of Corner Stone- Rev. W- R- War, presiding eider for the Green8boro District, w.ill 1 hold the fourth quarterly meeting a, Hopewell church, on the .Ran- I rirtinh olrrntt -R&tnrriflv "Spntp.mhpr 28. Hewill also lay the corner stone of theew church on Saturday, and Sunday there will be two services At the eleven o'clock service, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. These meetings will be the begin ning of our series of meetlngsl at Hopewell. -,--' A. S- RAPER, Pastor- Yellow Jacket Editor for Congre- R- Don Laws, editor of the Yel low Jacket, is the Republican nomi nee for Congress in the Seventh Dls trict against R- N- Page- Watch the list next week and pee if your friend ' or relative has been nominated- If not, sfcnd in their names p.nd addresses today- "With eyery subscription to .The Courier is given a coupon good for a certain number of votes, according to the length of the subscription This is explained elsewhere-. These r.i.iinons must he voter! before data of nvnlratlon whlnh la nrlnted on ganiZet and organization mean uc ce's. Nominations are now open. Clip out ard fill in the nomination blank and send It to the Contest Depart ment today. Votes are allowed on both old and new subscribers whopay In advance and to those navine arrearage Address all subscriptions, inquiries etc-, to- Managert Contest Department Courier, Asheboro, N- C- ' If you are Interested, call and see him and get acquainted, or telephon Voe Schedule and Subscription. Rat Firt Period Term- Price- 1 year $1.00 2 years 2.00 3 years' 3.00 p years - p.00 ' Second Period , Votes 5,000 15,000 45,000 135,000 Votes 2,500 7,600 22,500 67,500 Votes 1,600 5,000 15,000 45,000 Term year years years years Term year years years : years Price ' $100 ' 2-00 8-00 .600 Tlilrd Period Price- $100 200 3.00 5.00 Last Period .Term- ' Price- . ' Votes- 1 year $1.00 1,000 2 yenrs - 2 00' 3,000 S years ; 3 00 9,000 5 years ' 1 ' 5 00 27,000 The Automobile -- n ENROLLMENTS LAKCER EVER People More Interested in Education High Schools Have a Brighter Outlook- Asheboro Graded Schools opened on September 12 with ani enroll ment of 465 in all grades- Of this number 82 are in the high school department. A teacher has been added in the high school making jne teacher for each grade in the en tire school- Supt. Gee W. Brad shaw has the school well in hand and i8 assisted by most able corps) of teachers. The school doe3 three year8 high school work. Ramseur Graded School opened the 22nd with an enrollment of 240, with 2G in the high school depart nient- The school has five teachers with Prof. W- P. White a3 principal- Frankiinville school has an en rollment of 151, wih 25 In the high school department- The enrollment was 20 per cent- better than at aDy previous optnirg- The school is better equipped with teachers, hav ing four a.t pre'ent.' Another room will be atded in a short while to supply proper r.ccomodatlons- Prof. D. M. Weatherly has charge of the school- - Trinity Public School opened with aa enrollment of 160, with 62 -in the high school. " This enrollment is 35 better than last year; the high school Is nearly 20 per cent-better-The faculty expects at leas1 20 or 30 more - by Christmas; which will 'ax the school to its utmost capacity- Trinity has the same faculty it had kst year- Prof- T- J. Coving ton is .principal- The school doe8 four years work with two teacher8. Farmer Public High School opene with an enrollment of 120, with 44 in the high school. Miss Maud Dick ens, of Asheboro, has .been added aa a fourth teacher taking charge of the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade8. Prof- H- W- Smith ha8 charge of the school- The school does three years Lwork with one and one-half teach ers- , I have not heard from' Randleman and Liberty, but the opening of these schools promises to txceed any previous record- . Shlloh under Prof- Wright red Why Not under Prof- Garner hivr opened with larger enrollments thnn heretofore, although I have not learned their numbers. These five schools represent a total eirollment of 1136 pupil8,wlth 229 In the high school( also a total of 27 teachers. t Other schools will be reported s they open. . I will thank any teacher or committeman to report to"'mp any school news that ml&ht b ' Interest tc other ' school'' and t'.'f general public- ' S- T- LASSITER, Co Si:""- I Fr nklinvllle News! The new fall and winter goods for Frankiinville Manufacturing Co. Store are about all in and are mak ing a nice display- Mis8 Nina Parka will again have charge of the mil linery department. Several of our people attended meetlinat Greys Chapelj Sunday- Cha8 Parson and W- D- Maner, two ot .our successful fishermen, recently which weigh ed 13 pounds. , J. FV jS. Jullanjrwho is very feeble and has been confined to his room for some, time does not improve- Rev. O. P. Ader will begin a pro tracted meeting at the M- E- church Sunday, Sept- 29- .Rev- Mr- Barber, of Asheboro, will assist him the fol lowing week- Mrs- Bettle Maness and her daugh tr, Mrs- Sarah Williams spent Sun days; with, Ms Maness' brother, A. J Brower, of near Cedar Falls. Cirl Cox and Mks Irene Cox en tered school here Mondfy. . Mis Bettie Cox, who has been spending some time with her friend, Miss Mattie Black at Engleslde Farri returred to her heme at Greens boro Tuesday accompanied by Miss Black who will spend a few days with her. ' 1 Miss Hnttle Martindale.of Raleigh, spent he week end here with her parents,". Mr- end Mrs- Jas- Martin-dale- ; - 1 - ' " W- C- Vestal, of Hamlet, was the guest of; hi8 family a few days last weekA ' Prof. D- M. Weatherly ard Miss Wiley Bagwell made a shopping trip to Greensboro Saturday . P. M-v Julian, of Cedar Fall8 was 1 victor In town Sunday morning-Mr- find Mr8- jr-hn Thomas, of Wish Point, visited in the city sun- davi Blefccn Sml'ii hrs moved to the Hox rpsldopcp on Gro-nshoro avenue ns" (thjB M- E- church- Thn-f. from bore who attended th na.rrfao of C'arercl Parirs to M1"3 tiea !fv?rroi, rf Tno City, S- C. w-V -rpro Frf-h PrVs, Jr-; J. L- Ph'iHirs, prfl t- P. Povo. vr.,-'jnJ;.T0T,pg rnr-f!e bnai'-eas trip to O'i- hro VcTid'y. !."$' 'iin"p Ci-arrn. rt tho trestlo forncpt fn7d-v fnd Mmda.y in 'owaith his f-mll-. The lee cream supper on Satur- ly night ws very much enjoyed by .1 large crowd and was a Mlnancial 3ueces8- The meeting on last Tuesday nigh -in the interest of the School Fair to be held here In November was well attended - and committees formed to carry out plans. Mrs. W. F. Ellis leave8 today for North Wilkesboro to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Willis. Mr- Harvey Craven andi family vi.4 ited Mr. and Mrs- Bruce Craven herai this week- Mr8- M- P- Perry, of Warren coun ty, is visiticg her siater, Mrs- John Brame- Mr8 Jeff Davis and daughter8 are the guet8 of Mrs- Ed Ganaway last week. Mies Melita Parkin has accepted a position as teacher In Glhsonville graded schools. Mi?s Pearl Harris mad a f'ylcg trip to Elon las week. ' 4 A good minv from here attended '-ha lairs cf the corner stone of the ne'.v church at Hcpewell last Suli dcy- It was an interesting occasion ai.d there wps a Irge crowd present. Mr- and JIrs- John Reddick, of South Carolina, visitf at the hitoie cf J- W- Albertsom last week-Prof- English's many-f fiends will be glad to know he is out again af ter being confined, to bis homo fc two weeks with malaria- Notes The work of the High School hav ing proved too heavy for three teachi ers, the committee decided to add cne to the force, and Miss Maud Dickers, of Asheboro, takes charge rf the foUrtb, fifth and sixth grade8- The attendance is larger than usual and we lern that other pupils from outside the local district expect to erter soon.-. Miss Lena Brown, of Bl9coe, is visiting Miss Cammie Nance- Mr- Ivy Nance and. family, of Troy1 visited the family of H- C- Nance Sunday. Mr8. L- H. norsett, of Thoma8vllle who ha8 been visiting relatives here and at Mechanic, returned home lastweek A. B. Macon returns this week t Richmond, Va-, to reume his turtles in a medical college there. .f'.',h- PI:n. Itftiis- . ti, iri'ich nded rain Is here T--- Mrmaduke Parks l very ill Vfs lir.r Luther, of Randlenian, ' ''i't'i:". Y'r Dora Freeman To -! . 1 tine at this place '-'"d F ' . . i-h about fifty con-- "I'-f. . -. '. Rev, V.- i' Tones has gone to Prov-de: r.i . h -Id a meeting. ifr- ar'! '-. '' f- M- Vuncannon ar !Hrr !' -l.-vchfer, Mrs- J- H- F-Tfini" n. s-i-d tills week- OrnntlTi'.a livin. of High Point, is 'VlT '?! r .i.'.ily of Rev- E. W- Ty, ;;w ti :!. meeting begins at 1.;.; nt fT.ii.'d, y;' ; SENATOR SIMMONS AT ASHEBORO Large and Enthusiastic Crowd of Randolph Demo crats Attend Rally. At the Democratic rally Saturday night, Dr- S- A. Henley called the meeting to order and asked Dr- F. H. Wood, of Trinity, t0.take the chair. Dr- Wood expressed his apprecia tion for the honor of presiding over the meeting. He said he wa a na tive of Randolph county, "to the manner born," and that while he was no politician, his fifty years as a MethodiEt minister had not de prived him of citizenship and the right tQ erpre8s his opinion8 on politics- Dr- Wood said that, having re tired from the active ministry, he had returned to Randolph county 'o spend the remainder of his life said that In the hous.3 where he had lived at old Trinity, there were written on the walls the name8 of F- M- Simmons and Lee S- Overman; and that ever since their graduation he had watched with Interest . the careers! of the8e two young men until they were both United States Senator8-. Dr. Wood expressed his belief that a great wave of Democracy ,8uc' as has never before been seen, is now sweeping over the land. He said that this is a good tjme for those who have not been voting the Democratic' ticket to come out of the dark into the open, . and that by so doing a man will feel better, have more self-respect than ever before, ard will do his country arood.. Dr. Wood then gave place t0 Mr. J-A- Spence, who iptrodHced tDp, spppftpj. pf the'g- M-- -T- A- Snonc (Mridieed fcTi. tor' Simmons !n a fnr well rhospn wo-ds, prMrlrp- h'a loylty and do roHon to the pooplp'?) it-pri-i: r.nd to Dwo"rtfc tv-tnc'r-los V.'i general- Tbo Prnlor Perator bpf-n Ms speech by exorerirp- his entltm for the . corflla.1 irrpctirg flven f'im by t!ie. p-on1e of R"udclrih rnd fbp Ioy.l support accorded -hfjn.h the Ho ij Id that In addition to discuss ins: pIittcl dtiestiors. ho would -lave something to say about hi3 own record- He did not clnim that during the twelve year8 he had been 'in the Sen.ete he had made no m(lstakeo. but said that on the whole he stood on his record. ;The Senator urther declared that he was not run,011 Askics"wlth Mr- H- E. Green,. ning from thlat record, but upon It He said that no opolcgy would be offered for that record, but that he only wished to explain it in order to guad against ml3representa(Tn. : Senator Simmors declared that he placed the Interests of the Demo cratic' party ever and above any personal H.nterest rnd that with this consideration he would enter into no joint debate with another Demo crat and thrs destroy p-.rty h?rmouy The Senator called attention' to the fact that the Democracy of the "pure and knlshtly Crslg" hFd ben impaorrd in time past, and that he is now the vM'lm as wps Crr-lg 'In ".ther drys. He eirl that ho pro r-umed h's character v-ov'd ho re afrpd when this over Mis Simmons "id tin charged wih belnjr the t0cl. of : the trustSemng suit cr down and woro hat nd the-r-'ilrrads ana ae'al i:it.r-jand gloves 'o match t cd'cKirkd a els- It Is truo tiirt- I have 'billed thco lr.torf.atr l y d"j nd lopt with th-.r,?, by n'-sl-t, but my record p,,.fw tpt Thcr. t-o Interest' f ths peonlo have cor Hi at ed wit-h -.hosiri of the railroad?, trcss, or Fpe- i'l"-! intprc.-ftf!. T have been rn tii slde of the people ret wi'b Mp s.'-r- vloe and on the hvftirrs r.lono-' The Senator, ensweri" the char;- chr.t be Is not a progressive Demo crat, challenged ary adversary to polr.t out- one progressive measure named In the Baltimore platform, the chart of progresrive D?mocr.-:cy, for which be does not stard- He told cf his work -in the inter "t of tariff rvion. the income ax, direct election of Sna.tors, ircels prst. ard for tp waterways f eaaterr.i Carllna.fcr the park re 'pfp In western Carolina and the oroteetfon of the wa.trrpower of the Piedmont- He denied the charge of tradlntr n vote8, pven for hi Rt3.te's Interest. "The vote of a Senatcr is 1 sp.cred thing," he said Out cf a total river and harbor bill appropriation of $34,000,000, North Carolina a-pts $1,400,000. The average duty imposed on lum ber, for wM'h he voted, w 7 per cent., wheref 8 n average of 80 per cnt. is lmpord .ty the hill for whic all Pemoors roterj the other day. The Senator rovVved his tariff rec ord to sow h'" fidelity to the inter ests pf tbo fa'rmrr o whose Interests he drn.m-i.t'cally pledged himself as forever devoted. rt'iroliifls-iw ITBvp'Hord Time Cet t'ltg CendUlatrs- R. T)on Laws, rdFcr and owner of -he Yet'o-w Jacket, diM-lnres that he as ro ldn. of .",rltiiP, the Repub llcan ., -n'---lo-ii ,.r Corgres In this C:'-'- J"'. the first ho r l-tjon was thronglx: . ' OFF TO SCHOOL Asheboro Sends Large Number ot Voung' People to College of TbJ And Other States. For the past two weeks our young people have been leaving for school most of the leading college8 of this state receiving representations from Asheboro, and a few going to other states- Following are the young peo pie who have gone and the school to which they go: Misse8 Eugenia McCain and An nie Fox, t0 Elon College; Idol Fer ree and. Isaac Frazier, to Wake For est; Tha Lewallen and Ray Hay worth, to the State University, at Chapel Hill; Miss Lillle Richardson, to Davenport; Mis8 Beulah Laugh Hn, t0 Gu'ilford College; Miss! Enolla Presnell, to Southern Pres byterian College, Red Springs; Colin Spencer, to A. & M- College, Raleigh; Misse8 Harriette Hammer, Cora Redding, Blanche and Bertha Cox, t0 Salem Female College; Clifford Cox, James Swain, and Way land Hayes, to the Universiey of Virginia; Misses Kathleen Hall, Ul na.h Rush, Lillle Parrish, and Lyn ette Swain, t0 the State Normal Col lege, Greensboro; Mlrs Edna Laugh lin, to Greensboro Femalet College; nd Clyde Lavghlin, t0 Trinity Col lege, Durham) Severance-Parks- A beautiful marriage was solemn ized in the First Baptist Church in Lake Ci'y, S- C-, Wednesday after noon at 5:30 o'clock when Mr. Ira Clarence Parke led to the hymen eal altar Miss Lena Rivers Severance- Before the hour for the marriage had arrived, quite a concourse, of l'riciids had gathered to witness the important event. When the organ pealed forth the drains of Mendelssohn's weddine march swtetiy-rendered, by Mrs. P- oHin hHdalTpdrtyentSred" iu. -uo luuowjug oraer: First came the ushers, MeEsrs. H L Blizzard, Talmage AskSn8, J. L. Richardson and Traccy Askins, tak ing positions on either side of the chancel- Next came the brlri-vs- maids and groom's-men. Mis8 VI Miss Ruby Severance with Mr- T. B. uove, miss Mayme Green with Mr. H- L- McKenzie - The maid of honor came nex preceding tfce bride, who entered the church leaning upon the arm of her brother who gave her in marriage- They were met at the altar ty the groom with fcis best man, Mr- Hugh Parks, where they were united as man r.nd wife by the bride's pastor. Rev- E- P. Esterl'ing, the beautiful and Impressive llrg ceremcuy being used- The bride3-mpic's wore crc.m vtfile drersfs with grron s;;sheS rr:d car ried boqie's of p'ink r.strs. The maid of honor wore green Hnserio ard carried a becuet of pink rorcs-. I'iie bride wore a boautirul trav ,ot,iovfe!y s tower boruct of b.'ide's )roos and 1111 es of tvj va'ky. -nv-au-j Mrs. i:'i! s.lcft, iiumpdiately after tho ry fr.r WssMngton. t-ciKiiaore aid ncrihcin points where tj- y v. i'l fi t :d a v. e; k or 1 en any?- Tho bride 1 t'e be-rt'ifvl and ac-' i-onipli'hcd darf h'tf-r' cf ' Mrs. E- E- ; Severance and rvmtcrs ter friends by the score- The groom 's a p-pul:r young business man and holds a poriticn of reapcnsilility with tho Randolph Manufrctvilr g Cctr.prry at Frank iinville, N- C- Their many friends wish for them a smooth sail on the sa cf life and one of grerst usefulness- Many beautiful ad valuable pres ents attpskd of their popularity.. Mr.-and . Mr8- Parks will be a home to their friend8 after October lt in Frankiinville. Mr. Cooper Host. On last Saturday night Mr. J. T Cooper entertaJred about fifty of his frlerd8 Rt the ' beautiful new country home of Mr- and Mr8- A. H. Kearn?. The guests were ush ered Into the parlor and games and social conversation wa8 engaged In, but tho moonlight wo si too Inviting for them to stay indoors, so they were Invited out on the spacious lawn wBere some games were played. About h!f past tpu, delieiou re freh merit were served. The guest dor'tod about twlve o'clock declar 1"" Ma. Cooper to be an ideal host-.-, , , . .) Vi pf to be With Candidates- ron,;rosr.rran R. N- Page haa. Wen invited ard Is expected ,t,o-be. ."ith! ti e county candidate8 pa ' no week- Hb- 5n.t. .a'ppqinl .liftf Farmer tV.'lTu parley .an 1abt a Archdale. o'.Wedresday a notice ila another column..