THE COURIER .Asheboro, N. C, November 14, 1)12 : LOCAL AND FEiaONAIi Vlss Annie Davis vls'ted her pa ibuU In "faint bunday. Mr. L. D. Birkhead visited in Hlfc-U Point Sunday. ' Mr. Sam Slack, of G?.Tcnsboro,was In tcwi. Sunday, V Mrs. K. E. town Sunday. Kepbart visited in Mr. Walter Newby, of Parmer, ae oj our street Monday. Mr. Geo. Rcs, of near. Jackson Springs, waU n town Tuesday. Mr. Percy Bostlck spent Sunday Vita his parent at Randleman. "Mr.- B. W. Sw&fin, of Randleman, was in town Monday on business. Kiv M'tt Skeen, of Caraway rp D., was. on our s.eets Saturday. Mr. B. B. Bur.:s left Monday for Baltimore, w! eic hewlll take treat ment at Johns Hopkins Hospital. 'Mr. Alson Au.-nan Is at home suf fering with IVcd poison In Ma arm- s Mr. E. L. Russell, of Hamlet.who. lias been vislilng his family In Ashe- toio, ictun..a Saturday. Mr. Charles L. PresneH left, Tues day for Boston, New York, and In termediate points. . Prof, and Mrs. S. T. Lasalter vis ited Prof. Lassiter's parents at Farmer Tuesday and Wednesday. Mtoe HbWllBtlirtlBJriasMsW visited the Mlases Hck at -grove Sunday. Miss Nettle Glass, who has teen visiting Mrs. N. T. Hinshaw, re turned to Concord Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boroughs, of Steeds, visited Mr. and Mrs. John M- NeeHy Sunday. Mr G. C. Welch stopped over m town Monday cn his way from Nor folk, Va., to Darlington, S. C- Mies Mildred File has accepted a position as saleslady with Mr. C. T Loflln. Mr B. L. KearnS. of Ulah, was a caller at The Courier office Mon day. M. Jamee Walker, of Charlotte, is visiting his grand-father, Mr. J. B. WaSfcer. . xr. u 0. Sink, congressman Page's private secretary, was In Ash boro Monday, Mr. J. T. Hedrtck, president of th Lexington Grocery company, In town Tuesday. Miss Mary Bunitng, of Greensboro pent Saturday and Sunday mlftttvea In town. Mr. J. B. Slack, of Seagrove, a business visitor fn town Satur Cay. nr. Monroe P. Cox, of Asheboro, Route 1. was a caller at The Cou rier office Saturday of last week, ,m, V c. Kelly has recently moved into his new home on Acad emy street. LlttleM Iss Mary Elisabeth Ross.J who has been very sick, w improved. . ... m. B. W. Steed, of Farmer, were In town. Friday of 1M week. Mrs. S. A. Cox and daughter, Miss Hazel, were In town shopping Mon day. Miss Lel Hayxorth was elected president of the Young Ladles' Horn Vlasion&rv Rorietv last week. The president had signed. Miss Beulah LAUghlJn, a student r.ullforH rolleee. visited! her rarents, Mr. and M's., Seth W Lauahlln. Saturday and Sunday. , Mr. Everett Luck, who is In town with The Courier prize automobile, a o.4Mn V. l.ta norpnta &t Seagrove ' Mr. Boyd Hicks and family, of Moore county, who have been visit ing relatlvs at Bombay stayed. 'n town Tuesday night. . Little Miss Lillian Trotter, daugh ter' of Lee Trotter, died Monday, November 11, and was burled at Shepherd Tuesday. . Miss Elizabeth Stan back died her home at Mt. Glleadi Wednesday, 6th. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanback and bad a host of friends. Miss Lnclle Rush was In High Point Wednesday between trains. Attorney J. R. Blair, of Troy, was In town Tuesday.' Mr. T. J. Redding, of Randleman, Route 8, was In town Wednesday, TheRandolph Book Club will meet with Mrs. J. V. Hunter at S p m Friday. Mr. R. R. Ross has gone West to bouy horses and mules. Ho will havj have an ad. In our next week's lsswy Mr. C. W. Jennings, of Greens boro, is the gues-. of Mrs. Jno. M. Hammer Miss Harrlette Hammer, who bad the misfortune of spraining her arm at Salem College two weeks ago, Is very much Improved. Mr. Rufus Brower, a business ma of Concord, Is at the old Brower homestead at Brower a Mill, In the, southeastern part of the county. Mr. Mont Harris and Miss Addle Ycunts were married at the resi dence of Mr. Walter Cashatt last Saturday night. Mrs. W. 8. Hail and children, of Greenville. 8. C, are visiting Mrs. Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pugh. Miss Moseele Redding returns last Thursday night from Spencer, where she had been visiting her sis ter. - Mr. John A. Cavlness recently died at his home . in Chatham county. He was a cousin of Dr. R. L. Cavlness and John M. Cavlness, f this county. Mrs. W. D. Spoon and son Colon, loft last Frtday for Ore Hill, Chat- am, county, . where they, went to isit Mis. Blanch Broofcs,' who-basH been quite rink. Mrs- Mollle Dii, of Randleman, who has for some time been a pa tient "in the AshevQkj Sanatorium, has gone to Johns Hopkins Hos pital, Baltimore, for treatment. Some of the items frm the va rious parts of the county, did not reach us until Wednesday morning, This necessitates our either leaving out Borne or rushing a great deal Ju before going to press. Pleaso let us have Items a little earlier. Dr. J- B. Shambnreer and M. F. Vuncanuon, of Star, amd Mr. J. C. Farlowe, of Ether, were In Asheboro yesterday on business. They came up in an automobile and say that the part of the highway that has been completed Is very fine. A deer was seen on John Ken nette's plantation near pleasant Garden in Guilford county last weefcJ It Is believed that the deer seen had strayed from Cumberland coun ty, orl s one of the herd that es caped from Brokaw's game preserve in this county. The tabulation of the corrected returns from virtually all the coun ties In California show that Roose velt has a plurality of the popular vote over Wlson of 751. Owing to alleged errors and Irregularities of Republican electors the final dispo sition of California's IS electoral votes may be decided by the courts. The full and complete election re turns from every state In the union will he published next week. It is not a long tsfle to tell for nearly all the states have gone to Wilson. Taft has carried only three, IdaBO, Utah, and Vermont, giving him 1 electoral votes. Roosevedt) carried 3lx or seven states. Asheboro R. F. D. Items. The Sunday school at Brower' Chapel Is progressing nicely under the management of Mr. Mebaneen ley. i i Mr. A- M. Ragsdale visited at Mr. C. O. Ingold s Sunday. Messrs. K. L. and C. C. Wlnnlng- ham left Monday for a trip down Miss DellaH enry, of Aberdeen, Is visiting her cousin, Effle Brown. The apron party at Mr. John- Henley's Saturday night was en joyed by all present- There wore three prizes glvn. The aprons win ning the prizes were: First prize. Miss Myrtle: Tugh's hemmed by Mr. Claude Winnlngham; second prize, Mis8E ffie Bown's, hemmed by Mm Zell Bown; the booby prlzo, Hi3S Iza Pugh's, hemmed by Mr. Charlie Williams. Is your husband cross?. An Ir ritable, fault-finding disposition Is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion la near ly always good natured. A great manv have been nermanently cured of stomach trouble by taking Cham berlain's Tablets. For sals by an dealers. Honor Itoll' of Graded Cchool, and What li Means. I All pupils who make not less than gade two on any study, does not fall below grade one on deportment, and are neither abesent nor tardy during the month get their names on the honor roll. These grades are baasde . the monbt get their names on the . honor roi!. These grades are based on the average obtained from the ! dally recitation grades and those ' made on written tests at the end of the month. The names for the sec- , ond month are: I Tenth grade Catherine Burns, j Fannie Newby, Everett Kendall and ' Mary Wall. Ninth- grades Beatrice Lewal!en, j .-niicej, rarrisn, Liuciie Scarboro,- Ru la Spoon and Jessie Wood. , Eighth grade Beulah Robins. Seventh grade Mary Moffitt, Ruby Wright, Kate Newby, Gertrude L.ov- eit, Eunice Bulla, Luciie Morris, Martha Evylln Morris, Banks Rich ardson and Dwlght Richardson. Sixth grade Ruth Cox, Tilmont! Cox, Dona Lee Loflln, Mary McCain, Elsie Presnell, Margaret Rush, Britt Armflied, Arthur Burkhead, Jess Robins, John Wright. Fifth grade Stella Auman, Har - net Betts, Ruth Cox, Edward Cran- ford, Mattle Ffle, Blanche King. Rhodes Moffitt, Nettle Ward, Bertie Way. Fourth grade Ethel Allred, Ade- laldo Armfield, Mary Auman, Kate Bulla, John Birkhead, Alex Burns. Ruth Hadley. Neely Hunter, Ben Hnmhlo Bnlf tntttH ntiarla uii. Crary. Bertha Presnell,' Edith pearo Julia Ross, Josephine Smith, Gover- nor Thomas. Third grade Annie Woodell, Al bert Bean, Glady Allred, Jim Clark, Leonard Ward, Mary Bulla, Fannie Ingram. Bertha Hunsucker. Rosa Be! Rich, Elisabeth Skeen, 7red Cranfotf McCala, Anna Richardson. Second grade Olga Smith, Ethel Williams, Ethel Cox, Katie Smith, Bula Clark, Nan Lewis, Mattle Birk head, Bessie Foust, Roy Bollng, Tal ton Lowdermilk, Clyde RUBh, Billy j Fox, Bright Dickens, William Under wood, James Underwood, William Hammond, Wistar Cox, Malcom Clark, Shelton Birkhead, Fred Hale, Carl Smith, Sidney Kivett, Everett File; Solin RobBns, Henry Bunch, F.laeyC alicutt, Wiley Davidson, Col on Auman, Elmer Hammer.Bob Mor rib. First grade Linnle Birkhead, Grace Cooper, VivHan Holder, Vern Johnson, Ethel 'King, Nannie Low dermllk, Virginia Redding, Annie Spoon, Effle Kinley, Thelma Sykes, John Turner, Lottie Tlsingef, .Tamos Auman, James Betts, Samuel Hrltten Charlie Cranford, John Hei- Hg, George Hunsucker, Frank Jarrel John Hadley, James McCalln, Wal lace Moore, Albert Oglesby, Fernie Robins, Deweird Rogers, George Albright, Hubert Burroughs, Troy Gattjs, Plead Hughes, Eugene Lew- alien, Clay Rich, Clarence sykes. Jurors for Superior Court, Decem ber Term, 1012. FIRST WEEK. .Grant J. C. Ingold. Asheboro John M. Hammer, A. R. Hlx, Will L. Cranford, C- M. Hay worth, W. R. prazjer. Randleman T. L. Kldd, C.H.A11- red, Jesse Rogers, Ell caudle, A. M. Floyd, H. M. Jones. Liberty R. A. Smith, B. M- Brow er. . New Market W. C. Cox, Joseph Wall. Franklinville W. L- Hayes, E, A. Routh, R. M. Cagle, C. F. Jones Coleridge James E. B rower, T. S. Graves, Wm. R. Cox, . Pleasant Grove Zlmrl E. Brower. Concord Carl G. Nance, J. W. Parrish. Trjlnity June Johnson. Cedar Grove John T. Lowe, W. L. Varner. Providence wm. R. Julian. Columbia John W. Ward. .Tabernacle Henry Younts, Sam Duke. New Hope W. F. Ridge. Rlchlands 0. M. Tow. , SECOND WEEK. Columbia H. C. Chisholm, J, M- Holiday, A. B. Ferguson, E. Reese, W. N. Edwards. Lee oleridge B. ' F. Davis, B. Cedar Grove G. W. Hoover. Asheboro Wm. M. Hooker. New Hope M. L. Loflln, E. M- Trinity G. C. Floyd, C. L. John son, J. C. Bowers. Union Dorris WjUHamS. FranWUnvlHet J- M. Routh. . Concord John R. Moris. Back Creek H H. Dougan. Children Cry FCX FLETCXEI'S CAOTpRIA Cold Weather is Shoe The Cold days will 1 J ffMT? tk..Sir 1 uhuu. uuei iyyjw hou uuy jour saues bo you win nut "Caught Out in the Cold? The coupons'at the f shoes. They are worth 35 Coupon good for ten cents on shoes purchased at our store costing over fifty cents. ONE coupon to each person. C. G. FRAZIER& SON. ! ! 'Fullers News. j Our farmers are nearly through 80wing wheat. . . .. . . ! . " ZT, T . 1OT r- . Mr. Everette Hunt and sister,. Miss Alma, who have been visiting fiends and relatives near High Pt-, have recently eturned home. . . N.n... Tf J r,nT ' lR0"te 2 j Fullers, spent last Saturday and Sun Sunday; Mat Blrt unt's on Caraway Route 2. ' Some of our yousgg people at tended the con bucking atM r. Sam OD Thomasvllle Route 8, , , , . , Mr. ana rs. kodio oummey Ited at Mr. George Summey s lasi ; Sunday. Miss Callle Vuncannon was the guest of Miss Etta Ridge Sunday. ( Miss Velosa Perdue, of Fullers Route 1, spent several dayBl ast wee with Mrs. Roooscoe Ridge, of Flora. Mr. Noah McDowell and daugh ter, Miss Cloe, and Mr. and Mrs.Er win McDowell, of High Point, have teen visiting relatives in this com munity the past few -days. Rumseur Items. Dr. H. B. Hiatt and W. C. Ham mond, of Asheboro, were In town Monday. Hon. W. H. Watkins and daugh ter, Mrs- I. F. Craven, went to Lenoir Tuesday to see Miss Sarah Cole, a Btudent of Davenport; Col lege. The Ladles Aid Society of the M. E. church will give a bazaar and ice cream supper at the residence of Mrs? Aiken onN ov. 15. Dinner and supper will also be served. A pleasant time Is assured alii who may be fortunate enoughto to be present Mis Madge Moffitt, a student of Eton College, came home Friday evening to spend Saturday and Sun day with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Moffitt- She was accompanied by her schoolmates, Blisses Vera Gay, Virgle Beale Annie Bagwell and JanleL ee Beale. These beauti ful and charming young ladles added much to the life, and gaiety of) nor town during their brief stay with us Rev. 0. P. Ader filled his pulpit In the M. E. church last Sunday morning and evening preaching ser mons of great force and power. This was the last day of the conference year and his entire congregation trusts that he will be returned to this charge. The Ramseur Concert Band gave a very enjoyable entertainment Sat urday night. Members of the graded school' glee club rendered some very choice selctlons. Mrs. John W. Allred is spending some time with her daughter.M rs. J. W. Stout, at Sanford. Misses Willie Jones and Hartley Allred entertained a number of their friends at sumptuous and bounteous birthday dinners week. last The Demons of the Swamp are mosquitoes. As they sting they put deadly malaria germs m iuo blood. Then follow the Icy ' nd the fires of fever. The appe tite files and the strength falls; also malaria often paves the way for deadly typhoid. But Electric Bitter kill and cast out the malaria germs from the blood; give you a flne ap petite and renew your strength. "After long suffering," writes wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, . C., "three bottles drove all the malaria from my system and I've had good health ever since." Best for all stomacn. liver and kidney Pi. 60 ct. at Asheboro D"g . soon be here in full blast. There I 1 ! bottom of this advertisement will help you pay for your x cents to you in purchosing shoes from us. THIS OFFER IS GOOD FOR 1 EN All kinds of Under wear, Dress Goods, Dress Goods. Big Lot Boys' Suits. C. G. FRAZIER & SON ) ! I1 M'f I I I I1 T 'I1 'I1 'I1 Rexall Kidney Pills Are guaranteed 60 pills in box only 25 cents. Ko K o Kas Kets 25 cents. Little Liver Pills 40 in box, and guaranteed for only 10 cents. Headache Tablets, 30 for 10 cents. Watch for our Xmas Goods Display. Liggett's Chocolates the be& off Earth. Standard Drug, Company .......t......t--'I''tlll,''l'lt''llll'l': HEATERS! HEATERS!! MORE HEATERS!!! Have just arrived. Call early and get your choice before it is gone, for they are GOING"! ONCE! JWICE! G-! Cox & Lewis Hdw Co. Valuable Farm at Auction The urdersigned will sell the valuable farm be longing to me late J. 3. Swaim, known as the Mar? Jane Adams farm, on Deep River, two and one-half miles from Randleman containing 11 acres, more or lees ON SATURDAY, DEC 12. AT 2 O'OLUOK P. M. On The Premises. About 30 acres of river bottom in cultivation, about 10 acres of meadow land, 40 acres in woodland.) The land is adapted to the cultivation oi grains of all kinds, truck etc. Tne sale will be made subject to a 10 bid. Terms of sale: 1-3 cash, balance on 6 and 12 months time with 6 interest on deferred payments. Remember the date, Thursday, Deo 212, 1912, at 2 o'clock p m. SAMUEL W. SWAIM, MARLY L. 3WAIM, Agents for J. S. Swaim heirs. Hammer & Kelly, Attorneys. ,. .. ! ! !' ! -g- ! ! fr Fanner Notes; Four of the Farmer gglrls began schools in neighboring districts Mon day; Miss Emma Ridge at Back Creek; Miss Kate Nance at Fal- mount, Miss Maud Nance at Union and Miss Esta Homey at Locust Grove. 'Mies Rosa Barnes began a week earlie at High Pine. D". S. Hoover, ofW ashlngton City, has been spending several days vis iting relatives in this section. Mr. Hoover has teen employed in the Teasury Department for a number of years. Moses Morgan, of Jackson Creek, moved last week Into the house owned by Frank Mummer, In order that his chllden may have the ad vantage of the High School. J. T. Ingram expects to move t iABheboro In the near future. He Weather 5 1 evidence of it on every T : r DAYS ONLY Coupon good for twenty-five cmts on shoes purchased at our store costing over one dollar. ONE coupon to each person. C. G. FRAZIER & SON. T M1 i I1 11 11 11 f rt"M"H : H -H- .r ..I ! . . . i' 'V 'I1 'I1 has sold his farm to Thomas Bing ham, who will move before spring. Farmer had a very quiet wedding last week. Mr. Clifford. Plummer, youngest son of the late John Plum mer, and Miss Mamie Johnson, daughter of Mr. Vinborn Johnson, were ."narried by Rev. J. B- Trogdoa at the home of Mr. P- O. Kearns. The young couple will make their home at the old Plummer home in the Hannersville section. News reached Farmer Monday of the death of Mrs. Mabel Peacock Power, of Columbus, Ga. The body will be brought to Lexington for burial. She was the daughter of J. L. Peacock, who was tod a num ber of years in Lexington, and was well known here, as sheu sually spe the late Thomas H. Fuller and wife, the summers with her grandparents. Pellagra was the cause of her dath. ,