TO FUSE BUT SCHEME FELJi FLAT. ' "Telegrams Thai Passed Between Butler, Maretwad and Hllles Proposal Too Late.; The straight Republicans In the State now claim they preferred de feat rather than seek comprornJse with the Third party and the toi lowine teleerams bearing on the question In the press: Washington, Oct. 27, 1912 John M. Morehead, Spr y, N. C. Your suggestion just as telephone connection was broken that X see what agreement I cao at headquar ters In New York and communicate with you then will not be practicabl at this stage. What I want is your tejp to reach such an agreement. but if your advice to headquarters would be that such an arrangement would not affect situation in our State at this election of course conference with you or a trip to New York would be ueelss. How ever. I stilli insist that the situa tion is such that the country can probably yet be saved from the ca lamity of another Democratic tional administration!, and that our State ought to do its patrjotio part to that end. If that interests you pleaee call me over 'phone tomor row before 6 o'clock. I will go to New York n the 10:30 train tomor row night and be at Waldorf Hotel. (Signed) MARION BUTlEr. Spray. N. C. Oct. 2g, 1912. Hon. Marion Butler, Southern Bujlding, Washington, D. C Your wire. Our viewpoint is en- tlrelv different. If this administra tion does not succeed Itself, and I believe the sober conservative sense of the country will see to it that it does, personally. I Infinitely prefe transient Democratic success to compromising practically every fun damental of constitutional! govern ment by coalition with Mr.Roosevelt and I deem success at the polta even If possible of accomplishment on this basis In the long run a vast deal more disastrous and perhaps of much longer duration than any deperssion incident to four of Democracy. This, however, is one man's opinion. Should it be ascer tained that those respnosible for the conduct of the Republican National campaign think differently, i am billing to abide the decision. (Signed) JOHN M- MOREhEAd. New York, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1912. Hon. John M. Morehead, Charlotte, . C. Mr. A. E. HHon is here. I am willing to endorse plan for fusion, giving to each side half of the elec tors If you consent and if it is not too late to have baots printed ac cordingly. Question of the desirabil ity and feasibility of plan "Is one about which I invite your comment. Please wire me on receipt of tele gram. (Signed) CHARLES D. HlLLES. Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 30, 1912. Hon. Charlse D. HUle. New York, N. Y. Your wire, personally I oppose any twelfth hour compromise with erstwhile Republicans who finally realize they are between the upper and nether stones. I do not believe any amalgamate would benefit us or effect the reutt In this state on national or tate ticket. Further, who Is Behind this 60 day late proposal and what guaran tee of faithful performance is ten dered T I exhausted myself with Mr. 'Wil liamson, their national,' commlttee- rran on this matter six weeks ago. Who comes now? Can and will thev deliver sufficient strength to compensate our relinquishing straight clear-cut fight, though, per haps, a losing one. We have the Progressives hope lessly beaten on the state ticket, and this looks to me like they ask ns to save their face by surrender of our straight Republican position on the national ticket. However, this is my personal opin lcn. I am Inviting Duncan, William son, Pearson, Butler, Walser.Mea-re" to a conference tomorrow at Green boro and will thrash; It out If t' come. I seriously doubt, however. If anything can. be done at this late hour. The whole thing looks to me as if somebody is trying to throw an anchor to windward.' I regret not seeing yon wbe'n called last week. (Signed) JOHN M. MOrEhEAd. Greensboro, N. CO ct. 30, 1912. Jofca M. Morehead, Charlotte, N. C. After talking With Walser I con cluded not to send any te! grams. waiser says H will be useless to call conference unless Dixon should d the wo.-d down the line. 1 I to locate Dixon over the tel TRIED ephone and nothing has been done. ) Signed ( GILLIAM GRlSSDM." Charlotte, N. C, Oct. SI. 1912. Hon. Charles D. Hllles, New York, N. Y., Replying further, am advised by Walser, Progressive State chairman, T-nnr.aA rn f e reniA useless, unless authorized by Dixon. Being myself ,v. ...n.tmn primarily oppuoeu oi uo sb...1 and not caring to invite rebuff I will seek no conference or compro. u see ise involving surrender! of straight Republlcan fight with Progressives. (Signed) JOHN M- MOrEIIEAd The deal was off. It closed with Morehead's teU'gram to Butler. years ago,recommeudlng Doan's Kid 0,'rs' Proceedings, de .,, board of county commission- of Randolph county met in rep r por weekfi ,,r session the fi st Monday in No- j & vrmber, and not having completed Bm back J f ,t their business on that day adjourn- ,d until 1 Thursday. October 7. creUona were unnatura, an 8ho d All the members, H T. Cavlness. j l fc medicine, chairman; W. T. Foushee and IB. F- , ob nulla, were present. The following. a(ned Rand,eman Drug accounts were auoweu; County Homo. V. J. Miller, mdse $3.06 i . lARitiin recommending this remedy Jttrre"- ,,-lother kidney suff Malcom Ruth, mdse. "'''.'it to be effective." Tom Mtlline Co.. mdse 21.05 . . Tom Milling Co., mdse J. M. Allen, mdse 11. 55 Court House and Jail. V. M. Lowe, jailor for Oct.. 72. 65 McCrary-Reddine. bbl. lime,. 1.25 John Cranford, ptg. jail roof.4.00 lights for October 7.75j6'""lu ",lu " Nathan Burrow, work on court km.- - a no .'" ,., , ' I Roads and Bridges. C W. Redding, building bridge, Caraway .... McCrary-Reddlng Hdw. Co., cement, Randleman bridge. Miscellaneous. 3.60 .75 A. E. Hall, janitor.... B. F. Bulla, one day member of bd. and mileage 2.60 II. T. Cavlness, one day member of bd. and mileage 2.00 V. Murdock, elk. to bd..21.00 Register of DeedB, serving or ders, etc., October 19.75 Pol lster of Deeds, first and sec ond copy taxes 907. f3 CKItTAIXLY K1S STOMACH MISERY . j "pc's IXurtrpsin" Krlirvcs Your IiKliKTstion in Five Minutco. j Sour, gassy, upset Stomach, irull- gestlon, heartburn. dyspeDsi.i: vthon i the food you cat ferment iut0 casfsi , ... , . and stubborn lump.-: vour hJlul movement. I1"" the long, waving aches and you feel sick and mlspra-l bio, that's when you realize the mag ! if In Pnpe's Dliincptin. It makos ! such mlserj' v.inish in five minutes, If your stomach Is in a continuou rpVOlt if vnn Mn't fnl It please, for your sake, trv DInnenain. It's so nePdless to have a bad stom ach make your next meal a favor-1 it food meal then tnke a little Din-pepsin- There will not be any dis- ress eat without fear- It's be cause Pape's Diapepsin "really does" regulate weak, out-of-order stomachs that pives H its millions of sales annually- I Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known- It act almost like magic it is a "citntlfic, harmless and pleasant preparation which truly belongs In every home. A VALUABLE TREE The Pecan as an Ornamental and FruK Tree Good for Lawn and Avenues. ' By W. N. Hutt, in American! Fruit and Nut Journal. Few trees possess more distinc tive beauty than the pecan. There Is something about its stalwart form and graceful, plume like fo liage that distinguishes It readily from all other trees. In a group of trees one can even at a distance pick out the pecan trees at first glance, for there is something about them that marks them aa different from all other trees. It is a com bination of strength and beauty ar tistically blended and molded to gether. These characteristics make the pecan an Ideal tree for ornamen tal planting. Some of the finest parks In the South owe their rare beauty In a large measure to the soft blending of waving pecan ' fo liage. The beauty of Audubon part In New Orleans, so famous for1 Its I've oaks, is also largely enhanced by the soft foliage of its pecan trees As a lawn tree the pecan Is unique. Its clean, strong, stalwart form procls'tmg it. an aristocrat among the trees. It grows to be of targe s'i mid has a beautiful sym- metrical form. The truni is gU&lgh, (-loon rnj tiprlht, carrying Hg lace- i:ke foliage high out of reach and leaving the ground beneath It free aud unobstructed. The pecan tree seldom throws up suckers from the collar or roots It is thus a fine, clean tree for growing on a lawn, at its roots are deep in the soil and a lawn mover can run anywhere be neath its shads without fear of root, nag or enckef. From its natural hahU - Mta Mft. trA r&rrCaa Its NATURE TELLS YOU As Many An Asheboro K Knows Too Well. Wheni the kidneys are weak, Nature tells you about it. The urine is nature's index. Infrequent or too frequent sa; Other dlsoreds suggest kidney ills. Doau's Kidney Fills are for dis- or(ered k,j pe0pjo lu th, this vicinity Wstify to their worth. W. P. Holland, High' Point St., Itandh wan, N. C, says: "The state i numt 1 cave for publication three Co., gave me relief in a short time and after taking them 1 enjoyed , much better health. I am justified sufferers, for I know For sale by all dealers- Price SO cents. Fogter-MUburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's ane I wen out oi reacn, men xi iuks ui ' 1 1 1 which covers a wide extent of space. ' The branches are strong and do not ---..25.W. fiiwuuu, jciuin meir erect pu&iuuu, dtb" when drenched with rain. The bark of the tree is light in color and comparatively smooth, and does not shed nor scale off, even on very old trees. Perhaps the mot beautiful thing about the pecan tree is its handsome f( liage. The leaves are compound In form and made up of numerous sickle-shaped, shining leaflets.whlch are symmetrically arranged, so as 'o give the whole leaf a beautiful, long plume-like appearance. These 'ng plumes are so versauiei mat t'u'y aro stirred by the slightest movements of the air. On a hot suUry afternoon they are like the (.uai.eiiasp a natural indicator of tlm sH-rhtnot nil- rurronln In lirht ito. .k i.. r-a- piumes of tUo ostrit'h- T1'e shade afforded by the pecan tree is not the ilensf. hoavv u nib race tlint ox- c'.udes thB s..n nnrt harl:or. damn- ,:,,s but tne iiuh, ;.I),)i(,, niaCk- :'re " llade that carpets the turf with wandering patches of sunshine. Lawn grasses flourish on the filtered sunshine falling through clean fo-lii-ge, and even blue grass can be made to feel at home in the Sunny South when grown under Us pro moting shadows. The leaves of pecan trees all shed In the fall ad di not litter the grass during the growing season. The wood s tough, strong and heavy, weighing in dry condition forty-five pounds per cu bic foot. The limbs are seldom bro ken off, even In severe storms, and its strong taproot fastens It so firm ly in, the soil that it is not blown down by the fiercest' winds. At a bunderd years of age it is a mere Juvenile while during that period It marked the passing of three gen erations of men. It would be diffi cult, to find another kind of tree possessing so many of the character istics of what might be considered the ideal shade tree. In addition! to its value as a shade tree the pecan is a heavy pro ducer of the finest kind of nuts. Hok much better it would be to have trees of this kind in lawns and nouse-yards. rather than the un sightly sterile treea that one so com monly sees! The pecan grows to perfection on well-watered lawne and seems to be even at home in the society of man than in the solitude of Us primae val river bottoms. The moisture and t rtlUty about walls and under build ings stimulates it into such vigorous growth that it will keep pace with the most rapid growing Bpecles of trees. On nny well-kept lawn a pecan tree six or eight years' old will be giving valuable shade. At the same time it will also be giving increasing crops of delicious nuts. As an avenue tree the pcean la ono of the very bett, because it P"F3"scc3 in a Mr! rce the cual- irlesltal fei.y aa avenue character, h the first place it has the size and i habit of growth that gives dignify to the surroundings. Its vigor cf growth combined with its waving, pendant foliage, adds an air of watchful protection to the entrance of the house. The fundamental idea with the founder, of a home Is that that home should be as enduring s possible. 'What would more tend to the lasting permanence of a home stead than an avenue of pecan trees which would guard It for a century or more. Further than this, the pecan is a clean tree which does not litter the ground with dead branches and heavy decaying foliage A dead limb is scarcely ever seen on a pecan tree, and the sickle-shaped leaflets breaking away from the midrib of the leaf after the first fvost, are carried far in a whirMng spiral flight and do not smother out the grass beneath the trees, un- j Itss a pecan tree is cut down or j badly injured, it seldom throws up j a sucker or water sprout as many shade trees do. In nihUtJon to all these ornamen tal advantages that a pecan avenue gives to a homestead, it can, Under tayorahle conditions, be expected as the years pass to add am increasing amount to the revenue of the plants tlon. It is no wonder, then, that the pecan is each year . becoming more popular as a lawn, door-yard and avenue tree, and bejng extent slvely planted for these purposes. Escapes An Awful Fate. A thousand tongues could not ex press the gratitude of Mrs. J. E. Cox, of Joliet, 111., for her wonder ful deliverance from an awful fate. "Typhoid-pneumonia had left nie with a dreadful cough,"she writes. "Some times I had such awful cough' ing spells I thought I would die. I could get no help from doctors treatment' or other medicines till I used Dr. King's New Discovery. But I owe my life to this wonderful remedy for I scarcely cough at all now," Quick and safe, its the most reliable -of all throat and lung medicines. Every bottle guaranteed 60c. and l-00. Trial bottle free ct Asheboro Drug Co. SPBOIAX OFFBR TO ID BEADBRS OF THIS OTWBPATEB W are pleased to Inform out readsrs that we hare easspsd m an wraageSMnt wit. Us. Konsam Mao, editor of WationSI Vetffc bjr. ear esly DeaosratU aaagulaa, whereby ths readsrs of this) a-apsr who are prompt is paying htr feab crlDtloa for the coming year will be presented by s with a year' subscription, to National Monthly. If our subscribers want o get ths most out of thi very liberal offer, they ought to avail 'themselves of this opportunity at once so that they will be sure to receive the October and November numbers of National Monthly, which are o be the 4w great campaign number and which every Democrat Bhould read- These two numbers of National Monthly will contain a great deal of impor tant matter taken, from the campaigr book, the selection being made for t'-e benefit of National Monthly read ers by Hon- Josephus Daniels, chair man of the publicity committee of the national campaign- Mr- Dan iels had charge of the prpearatlsn the campaign book and .no maa is better acquainted fw!1, its' mest salient featnre- Aside from this eraat mass of caa. taiga matter ,may of the most prominent men ef ths country contribute to ths October and November nsmbers of National Monthly- Governor Wilson said ef the September number ef National Monthly that it was a eredlt to t. Democratic party sad that It might te be la the hands ef every Ter is ths United States- Ths supply ef ths September nsstbsr to exhausted but the Oetober and November num bers will be equally interesting. Throughout 1913 National MoatM will contain many Interesting feat ures and will be a bigger and better magazine than ever before. Now by simply paying a year's subscription to our paper la advance and 1C cents extra, all of our read ers can get a year's subscription National Monthly free. We feel tka cur reader will apreciate this big offer and that they will avail them selves of it promptly la order o secure the great campaign numbers of NaMosal Monthly. Wilson Carries) Illinois, The inofficial count of the total vote for President in Illinois showg that Wilson has carried the St; by approximately 15,000 majority over Roosevelt, 0 )iO' o JtLj Oe S, hd !,st EJoad PiiriHer. Test .f) it Fre-! li,." f! yii ru fi!tf vo or trerratn. Mt . t" ViJ or s-.-.m itches, It It '( I iih.- of impure bico.L Takf I.. l (!i.i!nii.- iiloo.I l:alm). ft l PV -,!! miTifv .. '.!. ' llv..!.r blood H taKuctl. brokrs i. n. I runrantrr from tbe tiiccmlv blonilEa'a Corel ii-r. -' drS. a ar.) all (ore nod dRp-ralc Poa'nlKiin.. tnuc trc H uu iiuss boUlc (til'iT'snrTC t wmtinc Cl.rH)iJ iiALM CU.. ATLANTA, CA , uK.u: im aw raflifl ulTlM Km r,;V;ri-.CM'iJil Mtw ,vT'r ts cw.'i0 v?fl B. ff. B- No smoke or smell with a Perfec'Jon. Just clean, glowing warmth at a minute's notice. A Perfection Heater gives nine hours' com fort on a. single gallon of ofl. Handsome, yet inexpensive. Dealers everywhere, or write for descriptive circular. Cat a Pwrfmciion Smoktl OH ffmatT nom, Lm comfortuhim mil th rmt of thm winter STANDARDjOIjUCOpANY H"H"K"H H"t 1 1 I t M I M ! Real Painless Dentistry Set of Teeth. $5. Bridge Work, $4. Gold Crowns, $4 and 5 X Ail Operators experts. Lady Attendant. Bank Refer- X ences furnished- f UNION PAINLESS DENTISTS, Inc.. i Permanently located at 102 S Elm St., over Gardner's Drug Btore. Opp Postoffice, GREENSBORO, N- C- Phone 1710. t Here are the "Earlier Twilight" "Back from Vacations ' "Later Bedtime" "Dark Mornings" "More Rooms Lighted" that makes your lighting: bills jump as fall and winter approach. but don't forget the cheer and comfort they bring to you. DON'T BLAME THE METER P- S. Watch for the center spread in the Sept. 28th Saturday Eren log Pest. , Asheboro Water & Light Dept. t M f Mil ( 1 1 1 1 ! III 1 1 ! 4 1 1 1 II I II 1 1 1 I M H JT. D. GREGG, D. D. S. ' ' ' : : Will be in his office at Liberty, N. C, Monday, ' . 4- Tuesday nd Wtdnesady and at Ramseur Thurs- t day, Friday and Saturday of each week prepared to do all kinds of Dental work. I try to do 'good, honest, first-class work at reasonable x :: I ; ; prices. I use the painless method of extracting ; ; teeth. Crown and Bridge work and good Fill t x tags are my specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 CKeooeK)(eKX)ooex)ooooooocsoooeooooooooooooooo3 Greensboro Commerdal School Teaches Shorthand. Bookkeeping, Touch Typewritirir, Pen manship, English, Letter-writing, Punctuation, and all busi Hess Branches. Our Fall Term opens Sept 9th- If you want to get the best results, make arrangements to enter during the month of September. Our graduates go out well trained for the best positions in the business world. A busi ness education is inexpensive and will insure yuu success. Through its assistance alone you can become self supporting. The teachers are experienced and will put forth every effort te Make each oae a success- For fall information, address the scheol at Greensboro, N. C. inn THISpgnFEdTIOIM Will Het Your Spare Room It means r lot to your guests to find a cosy, well- ..?.rm ed room awaiting them. A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater is the very thing to drive away chill and damp in a hurry. tt ! I III li M 1 1 t Mt Our improved scientific equip ment and modern methods en able us to .perform practically all dental operations painless ly. little rascals Hill Mill I '

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